Whitby Weekly News, 12 Apr 1956, p. 6

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e'SOCIAL ACTlIVITIES 0F 'WNHTBY, AND DISTRICT e $-THE WEEKLY TIMES 12 APRIL, 1956 P E R SON ALS liMre. S.: »oualcison -of Oronge-' ville ,visiteel be r daugister, Miss~ Joanne Donalésos for thcee days dvsring tise Master isahdays. ias Betty McRas spent Master, vîts fienais in Toronto. Mlion featrice Vallant vas hoIt- dayisg lu New Yos-k City lant week-end. Miss Miriam Peterson accoro- pasied hy 'hbec sister Lin '4f Tescisers' College, Nocths Bay, vers lu HIamilton andl Toronto foc Use Master hilidaàys. The Me. aud Mrs. A. E.' Kampi have , rctsscned, aftec a fe* .4ass vacation at Làke Casadaga, 1N.'!' Among thosfo tovu vise at- tendeel thes Pickering,,Hobbiy Show' last Ssturday evening vers Mss. F. Godelen vhs bad. exiiits o! baud vcaviog sud aiea deçuonstro- ted 10cma veaving; Mc. Jchn Kirk sud Mrc. Eeg. Dyer gao sttended sud exiilteel Useir hsobis. The mauy friends cf Mca. Bill Murley viii be sorry te knov Usat aie is iliinl tise Oobawa General Mospital. We hope that ohe viii s005 ha veIl egain. lic. Alex. Siseigistisoîr le lu Bu!- falc, N.Y., for Use Easter vacation. Mr. sud Mca. K. Noble and Timmy ef Fort Credit, vers visi- tors of Mc. and Mca. D. MeLean, 918 Scock St. S. and aisé, visiteel Mc. snd Mca. W. Noble, Oshave,. lent yack. Sympathy la extended te the Iiscee nurses eithUe Ontario Moa- pital vie vers raceutly bereavad; te 'Mca. Mfl vh? f4ther pasaed away lu'Wltby, tsç"Ëias Mae'geryi Balhlsy visose méthr passat away' 1Wa. Sunday lu Ux iclga andit Mca, Charlotte visos father, Mrc. M.' Gullivar, 'dled' Usis veek lu Toronto.' Clubs and Groups CLOVERLEAF CLUBt Meetings of tisa <lovrerloaf, Club vers poetpoed during thsé Master sasses sud -tisa next cegialar mécat- ing yul be held su WedsesdaY, April 18.- CO-OP GUILD Thé April meeting of tise Co-op, Guild vas held asat Thursay even- ing at tise bosse of Mca. James Sssytis, Henry St. Business van diacussad, sud refrecimesta vece sacved. The naît meeting yIu be on Thuradsy, May Bcd. Tis vill be a sociel avening and viii he iseld et tise home of Mr&. Cowx, Dondon St. W. CANADIAN LEGION Tise réguler montisly meeting cf the Canad ien Legion sirsuci 112 vas belel tisis veek vilS A. W. P. Denyer pcesiding. Tvouev 'som- becs vers registarsd and initieteel. la vas snncuuced UsaithUs finai LadieNigt of the seson vnllha ou April 2OUs. Contributisns vers made b>' Use Légion to Use Master Seat Canpipsgu aud aIse Use BRed Cross. COMING EVENTS MONST RATION cf P reposted Woilpapar b>' Mci. Tillacs,-T5eei-1 se o thse Whists>' Point esd Woll 4 puper Stoe, Brock St. K. On FridsY, April 20, fcom 3 p.ee. util 9 p.s. 15 Hair Styling BY BEAUTY SP-T 135 Brock St. M. WHITIIT MOhawk, 8-3679 Miss Carol liaun spent tisa veek- end at lser home lu Chippeva. Mr. and Mca. Wm. Curtis vers amssg the Whitisy gueste viso at- tendsd thse Litovchlk-Mesluing ved- ding iu Osbawa rscantly. Heathcc Thomas vae the week- sud gust cf ber ausst and uncle, Mr.' suad Uco. Mugis Ormistos, Brckllu, during Usa vacation, Mjarin 'Dyer oef Brooklil vieited hiec si .ster sud famuly, Mr. and Mms. A. Keeteis foc s fey days last veela. ' - Gueet preacher at Simncoe St. Unitedl Churcis last Sunday msrn- iuig vçae the lîev. H. G. C resier vhs spolce on "Convictions cf a' Sixty Yesr Ministsry". Mr. and Mys. Stûact MobiI, Au- drew and Sallyastesded a iiamily dneaIUebonis cf Mca. Rois- lin'o parents, Lieut. Col. Normas Alexander .and Mca. Alexander, Toronto, lest'week-end. Lieut. Col.ý and Mcao. Alexauder ara leaving for Europe tisis menti. Mlis' Issiel McCôunel, R.N., won tise guest speaker at the W.M.S. Titsuk-cffecing ,service' held tant Susday miorning -lis St. -Anàdrev' Presisyterian'Cisus'ci. Many bappy retucus cf tise day te twina Broca sud Brie Mark, Green St., vlus eeleb-ated thete irthday on Saturday, April 7. Deaccues A. .Fouter cf NatUs- asie! linstituts, Toronto, vas thé. gueattest Suuday of Usa Mev. sud Mca. A. E. Kemp, Dufferini St. Miss Hielen Wisitmlan la BP*ud- ing, tisa veekend lu Tcrmuto sud vilI attend Use M.N-A.0. convention at tise Royal York Motel. Miss Dons Valisut vas thse guest cf >sarparents ta P'assiste] Miss Elipor Cr ov vis recently rettscssd froih abroad snd lé nov living lu Sowsuauville, 'viaited fricoda ln tise nurses' casidence, Ontario Mespitel, lait veeksud. William Weatberbea fcoss Toron- t» spent Maste r vith Mc. sud Mca. Tom Asby, 109 Bucus Bond. Mc. sud Mca. Ralpis Rood sud fassily aud Mc.. sud Mrs. I. Jeu. utne froca Toronto, epent ]Coter vits tiseir parents, Mc. and Mca. M. Hocé, 833 Dundas St. E. We are sorr to béer that Misé Joant Watson cf Use faculty of Use Ontario Ladies' Collage, -la ill lu Wossau's Coleége Hospital, Toiron- te. Rier ssaoy friends hope tbat aise vil soon he feeling better. Mc. Luther Luise' cf Leusadule vai gucat of holnor at a birtlidaY partI? gives foc hlm isy bis son and olaughter-is-law, Mr. aud Mca Joe Luke. Foucteen gssesta vers prao- eut at tise happy fsmily gatiseriug. JIu~. cudy~CIÙs If yosn are havang trouble wi th yasr permuanenei. ]et us hatve a look at your hair. Or msiybe your isair has lest lits celer Our Consultation Service I. Fr.. PHOvdNEý* MO. 8-3061 JEANNE (Mc(ABP.HUGHES 7,aQ. a a PWR (3ie PROFESSIONAL BUILDING,, WJIITBY Alternoon Aux. Hod Thankoffer ing Meet Tise Master Thankofferpg Meet- ing cf tise 'Aftecuson Auxiliinry of tisa Womnasde Missionary Society of tise Wbltby United Clsucch vas held lu Use Churcis Hall on' Tues- day, April Scd. Thé president, Mrs. J.. Brecenridge extended 'a ivsrsn velcome. 'te evecyoneý lneludsg, vla!tor ansd th .a Ex -lores. Following 'thé Isusineca ýpes1I' tisa Exploreca' àffiliated with tbhe W.M.S.. aud presented a che~que for $10.005. It vas a ceai pleasure te have suds a fine gcoup 'of yosng girls present, teking 'part iu thec prograro, The tlseme cf tise, Wcr- sisip vas "Eejoicing In Hope" asnd vas led by Use preaident aud al took part in thse Scriptucrelaisg, meditation, prsyer 'and hymun singlng. Master is a ceasoon ot gladnesa and joy, a Uis ln whi'icis .to give tbanks for tise gif t of life, a limée sudrjocig . a tisse of<sreslemb- rneadgratit~ude focalise sacri- ficial. love of 4,,lvary thtaï;made Master pssible' - ;cs. L. G. Helipel lstroducesl Use guest speaker, Mrs. Howard Brown cf Oshsawa, Derniniss Boar, Sscrstscy of Bsardlng Scisool. Tisea are 'seve?, lloscding Scisool Mémés supported' by Usa W.M.S. lu Canada. Mca. Brswn secvei <foc several yega lu Use Homie nt Tuelcu asd Inter st tacisine. lier talk vas on' tise work carried on in these homes. Tise childres of ma ny nattionalities cosse frous ail patta of. Canada.: Most o! Use chsildcen make gcsd. Buédes vers shcocf tise schosl at Larbins. P4cs. Brown mode a vecy strong apaI for more vockeca, Mca. E. Beonman on behalf of Use Auxilscy inoved a Isearty vote cf tissuka té Mca. Browvn. Mra. Meimpel's group aereed a cup c tes at tise close of Use> Meeting.. YQN Rê î' 'Bus Month The Victorien Ordec of Nurses Report for Match shoiws Usat a total of ose btsndred and rnnty- six vislla vers ina4e 'tbis 'aontis. Over issif, 116, vers for généeral umisg ce., The remnalsdar ere isathl education visiti. ._ Miss Ferguson, régional super- viser of Useh Victoriens Order cf Nurses for Canada., speut oué weck te' Wbitby. Focty-alx boucs wers speut in scisoolualug. Polio consent forma voe given te ail elemasntary acisol pspils. Té date tiserobas 'beeu s .98% retors vits týe parents cnsent. Foucteen motisers sud infants attesded tise Weil Basy Confer- ences held tis montis, Twcnty-two uscorons vers X-rsyed at Cist Clinie. Marcs is becs a buay month but'lt la grati>fyisg té' as se iany Wisitiy citizes avail Useinàélves of Use V.0*N. service. 1+09a. 98clM Wsles We*Iemu WiIlmeum shvim&Is SNECGROV'EfS DRUGS AMd STÀTIONERY 10O89c WI1QC <_ -Wt'~ MO. 8-3484 Ail Saints Scene o! Sisters Doùble Ring Easter Wedding 'AIl Saints' Anglican Church was gays of wisite 'muoma centred ivitis tise acons 'of a beautiftil double Pink ross and bloc bachstior 'but-, vedding. vien Helen . Gladys East- tqns. wood became the bride of (Ilifforçl Mr. Aallan Cartesr was best man William Itedman, son of Mx. and for hie brother-is-lay, Mr. Red. Mca. Redman,' and' Marilyn Ruthsa and Mr. Gerald Hewson et- Eastwood isecarne thse bride of tended his brother. Ushers were'J. Clarence Finley Hlewsbn, son of S. Eastwood and (Ilyn Eastwood, Mpr. 455 Min. Egar Mewson. The brotisera of tse' brides,-Alan Red- brldaé. are 'thé daughters 0f Mr. man, brother of tise groom, and "sd-,Mrs. George 'S. Eaistwood, Don Brovu,,.couain of the groom. -Whsitb3y. , . 1 . A reception wai iseld' i0 th. " The Rev. M. J1. Catiscact.officiat- Legion Hall. MeceMsig the guesta ed at'te double ring ceremouy in tise brides' mother wore s two- à setting èf spcing flowers, wthite, pics dress of. navy crepe: vitis glçediois snd 'munsa. Mca, Glen navy hat and white accessories, Mer Eastvm5 sang "'Through 'thé corsage vas cf mink and vi;site Years" and "Wsdding Prayer'l ac- gardenias. Mira. Thomas Redmas compsuied by Mrs. F. Marsh. st the vore a rose beige -dresa wlth -Pick organ. hat and brown accéasories and cor- The brides, given in marriage.by soge of mnk aud Pink vornatfion. 'thisr father, vere, gowned alike in Mis. Eg'ar Hewson we5re a gcwn full-lengti strapiess dresses cf- cf pawdsr bloc nylon' lace over white tiersd nylon lace ever. net Ipink ailk, with 'matchlng bat and and satin, witis fittsd jackets fea- acicesabries. Shé wore a corsage turing -Peter, Pan' collea and long. cfpizik roses. pointed sisev'ea, Mach vere peari> For travelling Mms. Redwan nerklaces. and, canvinga, gif te of 'chose, a suit cf bloc shanstung, tep. tise bridegrooma, Rat shaped'head- ped by a rose beige coat. Valle dresses lssld théý fingcrtip veli cf bat, navy sisosand hiandia ceni- nsatcbing lace, caught with acquis plcted bier costume. -M. sud, Mrs. sud pearla. Tisey carcied whleite Rdhian loft for the Unilteàd Statea Bibles on which rested cad rose and on tbeir cétioro viii réside in buda., . Port Ferry,_ - 11 ers. D. Clarkse cf Toronto wona. Mrs. Resoën vcce a corsi nylon matron cof honos, for Belen- sud dreas, camet yod', casera ceat, Mma. Harold Brcwxl attended Ruth. brovu shoes. sud gloves snd avc. They. wcrs gowua of cryctelette cado, grecs: 'bat. Mr., sud Mns. over taffcta, With bouffant akicte, Hewoni 10ft for Ottawa sud Norths ccvI. neckliue sud l ,arge standing Bay and os. their rebser viii re- colrand matchieg halo bats and aide at Byron St N., Wbltby. carsdncpegay 1 gcf 'mumis snd - --- - ross. Jsunior bridcamaido s, ere Ruths Ans Mastwcod sud Karen idteau Waterway RtcWin, .cousina cf the brides.,eiw dFrG o Karen. Carter was Use dainty eiw ' Fo Gru flevWer. girl. Tbey wore 1bloc crystalette cver orchid taffeta in The April meeting cf tise. Ysung style . imilar t the matrone ,>f Wossn's Group cf St .ndrew's issuor, Thiey carried simaller nosé- Preosytérien Cisorcis wss held lu th. Susdayý School Rail on Mobnday evesieg APril »t. Tise- meeting Mission Circle Hear mas.pesied over by Mca. Walter 'Work 0f Z.B.M.I. Ne ~ tisé,buÈineaso meeting, Mna. William Hewis pcesided ut W. movat sang Ivo. lovely noým- tise April meetisg of Use Mission bers. Tise gsest speaker was Mrs. Clircle cf Tise tby Baptiat C. R., (baccallan visa, ga vaena Chuci lseld lu Us udy Sciscol li4eresting revlew of Usa bcok, Mail. Childan oft Us4 -Mission ..Rideau Waterwsy" by Robert Band suad .Explomer Grosp vers Legget. Mra. L. (bison expressed spécial gots. tise appreciation cf tise group to SMiss. F. Foster cf the Zénana Mca. Cacacallen for sucb a fine Bible and Médical Scisool cf descriptios of Usa TFrst St. Lawr- Toronito spoke cn Use work cf tise escé Seaway"l wbicb hgd lis be- Society la India sud illustrated bser gimsing lu 1826' and msuy more interesting tslk wiUs curios and early bistorical facts. momentees peculiar te tise habits Tes wis aerved by tise hontesses, snd religious iseliefs of tise people Mca. W, Mswat, Mrs. W. Porter, cf India. Mrs. McLiellEàud sud Mcm. ltodroan. TOWN 0F WHITBY TA&.XZS 1956 TAXES DUE APRIL l6th 1956 Taxes are payable ,ln four instalest. Tise firat instalaseat will be due as Monday, April latis, A discount of 1% vil ha allowed on tise second istaînsent and 2% os the tsiné and fourtis inatalmens if pié as or bafore epril 111h. Taxpayers wiahing ta psy by insalmens may forward four postdated edisques with the toi biSi te the Tar Gollector. The receipted bin yull be returoed wius thse last payaient. P A Y N 0 W -AVOID PENALTY CHARGEC F. N CWN Tax Collecter.

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