Whitby Weekly News, 12 Apr 1956, p. 8

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#--TUE WEEKLY TIMS S2APRIL, '196 Iày WI1EN ýBLAIR By 'WREN A. BLAIR As we write this, the WbltbyDianlopa are only two winn away from moving into the, Ontarilo senior 114" finals, Thse Tiremen retsnrned to their old limne forin, ou Tuesday uight, ce they rackod up an-fim- presoive 9-4 wiu night in Milton., 0f course, the thirdi game of this, series wss played here last nigbt but resulta of tbat game were un- known .as we write ,ibis. Ted Degray wat a standout performor Tuesday as hie csed inaà bat triek, wbile two. goal.effci tc wvere turned ll u by Aif Treen and Sandy Air. Single g .oals went te Tommy O'Connor and Harry Sindes. Tise feurtb gaine of the serie moene back te Hilton su Saturday nigbt and if the "Dunnies" won hast nigist, tbey could end lt ou opposite ire. In lb. ether bracket ef cenicr "BI' phay-dowos the Wcedslock Athielies hold a 3-1 lead in gamea over 1he Stansford h<errloc. Thse Athielien postedl a 7-3 wiu ln Woodcock ýTueay, and, tb. sceue nsw ahifz lteI Stasiford foir th. fiflh gaine Fridae. ý If the Dunlopu are fertuate enougb, te disose et Miltls. the Ai- Ontario final touhd lie a holly conlteatedl affair. Woodsleek are ressorlec t. have s streigý club sud th. locale *UtI have te hoe sharp for' Ibis gerbes if they osa Miltos. Oelclascdiag picyers on the .Athielica inehuds La*i Puroha la goal, formuer 8lralford. Khroeler juches- 11U&.atmne Douiq;OWeaeb &"i-Gedie Ndd, fermier ýN.I.L star Fid Harrison, sud a one-t.fla v1rte ý1Rexie Stlcuer's wbee hie islcyed ln St,-]ltta, JltddchrIh Sofîballi gota rolling (nt least comnoilttee room variety) tornorfow hlgbt wlae tise Wbitboy coftball asocitou bolda iticusnual mneeting., Election of offleura will.le be hld aud' plans fer tise , osning eacon will ho forsnaulaled. The Wlsltby Stokens bave once &gain entered tbe Bescises Major Léague, but juat wbere- thse Wbltby Royale Witt play io not yet kuown. The Royals bave opýerted lu tise South Ontario Leagsae for tIhe pont soveral yeare, sud it ta expected tisat tbey will once again go te tise punt in the gronp, if manager Fil Sarnanaki in satinfied tbal there are enough teama ta forÎu a f ive or -six toca Mague. More aud Thero--The Montroal Canadiensà lefI litile doubt an tif their superiorily lu the N.H.L. when thoy garnered the Stanley Cup in five garnea agaluat tise once powenful Detroit Red Wings.. The Easten Canada Memorl.cl Coca Finals continue tonlght ic Montreat. Toronto Olarlboro'a lead Montreal Junior Canadiens j. gansei te 0 Ibis socles .--. Lbýoyd Gibeon la bcy, Ibhese'days onganizing tis year's edition of tbe Whltby Lacrasa Club. AiU aud sundry are loolting forward ta a gond ceasn . . . Chatham Marone look 10 ho a cincb te bead west afler thse Allan Cap this year . - Bua Gagnes was leaellng acorer lu thse Eatern Ontario Senior League, duning tbefr phay-effs. Thse Whilby plsying-eoach totalled 22 points, made Up of 9 goals sud 13 assista. Kingclon'c lluh Maeey was second with 20 pnints. WHITBY ANIENA FRIDAY, APRIL 13 4:30- 8:30 pua.-Restai Time Avaitahe 8:10-10:30 p.u.-Publie Skating. SATUI1DAY. APRIL 14 9:00 a.rn-Pee Weo Hockey- Sesai-Finaha. 10:30 aas.-2.00 pan.-Rotary Figure Skating. 2:«00- 4:00 p.rn.--Public Skatin-,qe 5:301 p.u.-Hteutil Tirno Avai Dib 9:30 pua.-Hockey MONDAY 4:00-5:00 put.-Public Scbool. APRIL 16 5:30 p.ua.-lestal Time Xvailable. 8:30 p..-Rutal Hoekey Plsyoff e. TUESDAY 4:00-5:00 p.u.-Public Scisool. APRIIL 17 5 :30-7:30 pm.-Rental Tlmn Available. 8:10 p.m.-Public Skating. 4:00-6:00 p.m.-Public Scbool.- WEDNESDAY 5:30-8:30 prn.-Rental Time Avallie. APRIL 19 8:30 p.m.-Senior "B" Flayoffa TRURSDATMilton vs. Dunlopa. PRL AT 4:00-5:00 p.m.-Separate Scbool Skating. API 1 :30-9:00 p.r.-Rental TuneAvailable. 9:00 pan-Induntrial Hockey. FRIDAY. APHIL 20 - 8:30 p.m. - Public Skating. SATURDAY. APllIL 21--4:00 a.m-Pee Wee Hockey Finals. 10:30 arn. te 2:00 parn. - Rotary Figure Skating. 2:00 p.rn.-hetl Tion Availakie. 8:30 pu..Hockey. Fer Ire-Rentai Tisse Apply Te Areca Mansoger-MIO. 8.2988. MINOR HOCKEY Tio week Use Pée Woe League weound ap is cchednle lu erder 'tu atarI pisy-offs next week aud bave minoc hockey completed by April 21. Rantau ýani Midget hockey ban ahready consedl for- 1955. Thsa date cf Use bot dog party for the Pee Wee ýplayers bas been advgnced to Apri Il whien tise ceason will end. Hère are thse reeulte cf the final gamet in Use scbedule. PEE WEE Wlsithy Butors 4, Town, Lino O Goals: Wbltby Molors, Camapbell (uasseted) -,Wbîtby Mel tons , Campbsell (Azhby); Whistby Motors, Ashby (iinasslted); Whitby Mot- ors, Camnpbell (iinaaisted).. Braisa 1, Rangers O , Goals: Bruina, Marcbant frnm Townmon. Pickering 3. Mercantle 1 Goals: Pickernug, Fertile tHar- yard, Carlile); Mercantile, Bross- non; Pickering, Davidécu (Sryant), Mencantile, Tran; Pic k e ni n g, -Fertile. l'e. W.. Standings W L T Pta Bruina 17 1 1 35 Whitsy Motora 12 4 3 27 Mercantile . 7 7 5 19 Pickering ..6 10 3 15 Rangers 4 10 5 13 Town Lise . 2 45 2 6 Play-nffa will hoe belween thse f lest sud Ihird, second and foiarth team ou Apnil 14, witb tise win- noms meeting April 21. SatiardaY at 8.15, Whitby Motore meet Pick- ering sud aI 9.15 Bruina sneet 31er- cerntile. Ail playr cf theno trams djtO àtOf 131 btîp,! t . DOunlops Tale COhnianding Lead Probably $eries Ini 4, Stràight By Docg. Manta Giubent la tIse Milton nota Isue been Tise pnworful Wblthy Dusaîops thse biggest.factor in their defeniso. bave aaaumed a comrndlng lesd But, for lRed aI leasI, il muet bo in tiseir best-of-sovou AIl-Ontais like Irying to stops a flood witb s' seui -finals for the Senior "B" 'Ponge, hockey cbarnpionabip. Befre last 1. Defensemnse Score night'c garne at Whitby Corn- Tise blg menu -for thse winuern in munity Arena they led 2-0 in gnes Saturdayti game, Fned Eteher, who and were heavily favorod lu inake tiod it wîth lwo'miaules and six 1k tbnoe in s row. lu - seconds lef t la regulation tins., sud Satiirdsy isigltin h se Gus Gaguen, who ccored Use win- opouer they appeafed aUkightly ujng tally est 7.45 cf:Use oyertirne wesry and over-coufideut. Tlsey .penlod, faihesi lu repeal lhéfr per- were bohiosi 2-0at thse end. 0f tise formauce la Milton. Ilowever, their second penlod, but noared bsck in place in the ccoring Parade were the fiash frarne 10 lie the score and capabhy fillsd by two defensernen force a 10-minute overtisls perlod. ý-.Alf. Treen and Hlarry Sinden. They couldn't bo beld baCk la te Treeii sccred. twà goslq,'playing extra session froua a well-eanned th ateamnrolher altack typical of 4-2 sein. They were choppy at first, the Duihops. Sinden, ýtie bigbest but wsrmod ap ta thelir tank. ccQning Aofeenenn in thse loc ale 1 End .Satslrdsy haop play, .notched Use Éev'entb In Milin's pi.nt-sisesi s'ena goal. Hippie, Towusloy and Tuesdày tlhe Duinlopé kept rigbt on1 Clemnenta; sccountod fnr the Milton rolling wlqtb a'9-4 victoryý Il aIl goals. but cruabod Billon and beaves Usorn Woodsonc and Wbitby would hsngag u Ib roee fr afou? Bom tu have tise best chances of straight sweep of the atnlea by wining up againaot cacis other lu Wbltby.- Unlea a drautie cha5nge Use-AlI-Ontanin Senior "B" finals. omises ian, the ceries wik end Rat- Both are very sntrýng, net ouly on ,urday la Mliltos, wben Use fonartis gëecse Is playod. Teéd DeGray bas beesre rd-hot luin LW TH the socles ta data. scuaing four LO 1TH goals for Use Donlopa in two ROADý TO gaines. He fired berne -their fint goal Scinrday nigist, givlng Use iug tisaI it was possible le put tise puck /psa Bilton goalle Red Gil- bort. Tssesday nigbt DeGrsy caik three chais, one, unssisted aud two ou paasez by Deug Wfllla. DeGray la a "rnôcsey" player, j plsy-sff chips are on the lina. He'a ecored coasistently 15 Use tara playr off agsern fat fond fi perfectfor: tbo close chocklne,* quick Ibruisia of lSa-ffs Air ia another solliper- former for tise Dunlops, especiaihy, i lahy-effc, He notclaed Use, Win- nhng goal Tuesdsy sslght and ne- gOU lievcd te. Pressusre cf as ustslned rw . Milton nqlly, la qtigi period .iiii -W ee anI $c11l g afpniny O'Con- nor scofO&O ongo n ec cf the 53 PONTIAC C' Milton Stars ete, Mtilton le ne ph-00cr, as thoy shawed at the begiuuing of thse . Salessuan - GI firet. garne, buticap osut conapele wltb tise. Duahops on~'en termes. R A Tbey are aimply too fur outguoiued. B R M E member of, the siltost Chiefs' for-. Genssins Ford Parla - Whit word to hpld bio own againet MstUl 11 Wbitby. He potled ouegoal in tiseiY- J firat garno sud twe lu Use Chb lfa' 2091 DUND.AS W. S T. AT CI Ibird period rslly Tuenday 10 trait (Tus Teg5ess rigist bhiid Ted DeGrsy an top ______________ 01 course thse goalteading of Red T EBEST H BUYý IN TOWN DACII $1395.00 IEG. PJVERS MOTORS. y' Authorlaedl Dealer For C0124 - METEOR NITRE ST. MO. 843757 lervie Station) A wida salection of styles end coloe in a quolity choice te suit your budget. by sxpart craflamen accordinq t. ~ your plans under the guidaence of Randol Sens.ý Everytling va sell (andi a lot oft hinga other people. sefl IW* mislntica ensd service. at&'t &mdatl & Sow PLUMBING AMD HIATING 102A BYRON ST. S. MO. 8-2991 WHITBY EVEMINGS: MO. 8-4248 or MO. 8-4224 se -:. 4. paper, but also on the ire.ý Each mu et finish: thieir cern-final series firat, thougls. SFor tise resisîta of 'lait nigbt'n third gàme betweun Whitby and Milton . n' the local' somi-final seriessçee Page one. No R»AS 812E LIMIT Thse aine limiît on large and mmal ,mnutb baga han beon removesl fer thse 195d fiahiug ceacon, on an experlmenta1 basis., by thse Ontinlo Dopartmeut of Landsand Forestsa. With the.elimination of the 11-loch site tiuait au ýangler eau taire six' oterthny cuero rc bacs àlscb bhave .i uae ni Ccar Wcush,, FAST & THOROUGH, Appe ntrmenta oceosgcd Cori picked cp and dch.verad NOR~TH DROCK TEXACIO 8ROCK STREET N4ORTH PoàNE MO, 8-a091

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