Whitby Weekly News, 1 Apr 1958, p. 2

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3Wfitrft fWEELT NEWS COUNCILLOR W1L LA RD DODD and MANAGER WREN BLAIR pose for the camera as the official activities draw to a close on Saturday night. Coun- cillor Dodd is chairmani of the committee respoible for the 1Tue.day. April 1, 1038 organiiiatioii of Saturday night*s official roception, the acte l iies that mv' 1take Place oriTWc- nesdar attIerroon anîdetrîg and for the oiffîi.. ri orner ihat has beo. l entatîs \ dated !or April 16 CANADA 24 - FUNLAND o Jack McKenzie %%erî on a RfP '- geôring spree wlhen Whilbv Rgdse *;,5' 1 \ a l.e Finland the worst irnrlîngof the tournameot. The Canadian representatives ran up a 24-() .score. The high score on thse part (1 the Dunores %as cîob(' sparked by tire annouîîcenrent (,f officiais of thse Wrld 1I,f,of games won, thse tital t go s t Federation that in case tf a 1- enîd against would be the dcci- ing factor. Thre Dunnies were takina on n chances that the Russians would beat ail comers leading up to the game next Sundav. MeKenzie collected five goal,- andi hart an assist but was closelv followed in the scorîrîg race a% Attersley and brothers Tom aod Ted OConnor each pulled the hat trick with three goals. Sid Smith, Cone Broken each hart tWo goals te mnake the total for tha t Une a snug nine goals. Ibar- ry Sinden kept the defencemnie wel zepresented in the secorlîng wlien he added two to Ted's three SandY Air, Bus Gagnon. Charire turng and George Goselin eacn had sIngletons. There were six minor penaltiesç handed out during the game wîbh four o! them goruîg to Canadaii. Treen 9ot two and Ted and Tori O'Connor eacis went off <Tiee The Dunnies çcoredj eeton goii in Cach o!fIlle fîrst iv poî ri and then added a round doztrîIn the final pernod Canada had 8o iht.nO '; While the Norwvegîarî le ush 12 shots at Rov dsrj Norwegian.s fans Asho hait hoo- Id the Canadiarrs wheîîNria was defeated. hccarnc sop(rr!r,'i s cf the Dunnies durilg bise inite end cheered tiîem ltjstîl v ,i fans switched their buo~ o 0the ArniericarîsM'ho srodfan the Norweg î nnari i i ao Despite tht' uîfavorahloe u licitY that has berr R'.(ren ii fans re-a('tiofl t the Dni.sb% mnetropolitan IOs>pr,î tuai fact there is no asi hadfeelinizs-. The Nrsîga fasJust sUPPort their own team end boin anvone ..wh.,o orr,'se thern. Whitby fans do the &âmne thîrîg. Canada - Goal, Edusarris drt fense, Lamiranrte.Troceen îe Ted O'Couîncr foart A: Tom OConnor, 'Smith.Rrn Bredén, Atttrsle.ilGanon.Gse lin, McKenzie. îfinland -GolLantanen; de- fense, Lampainen, KoloNtrmi Puli; forwvarri,, Salmi. Hakala, Hytonen, LuestarinnSema. Pol. Ian, Arn. Vuorinen, %Jiemnnen. 1 - - - M WELL DONE DUNNIIES A GREAI EFFORTf AGREAT TEAM SUTRADIO a AppMjANC! k' kifL x847 1 ( T, *i1i NI, K - . ( S 11. S 'î r i sTl (TII 7 C'a i . 1 i,: r., Peit al o - ,, eT". Tom O'Conînor 15 401'T Second P e:Il,( 98-Canada. Ted O'Cor 9--Canada MeNIKetizie 10--Caniada MKri Il -Canada, Air 12 C'imadaG a grio t 13:- ('aïradta Atterslex i 14 <'ar ada Ted () Coi ( Bi >dr -.î"s None. Tiro Pr. 15 -canatia H i Smith,- 16-Canadfa Brodien (MiqKe it. 17 -Camrada TIrr Oori 194 C'anada, Aliersiey 20-'ariada> A'ttrblet ( Lam iramdu v 21- Canada., ith'- 22- Canada, Stîiden <L.amirarrdo(, 23' -Canada. Ted O'Co-rrrsor f At te rsie Salmi 12 47. Treen 13:î So'. Stops Edwards -63 La hta Tn en152.21 <hoSfr, Bv Fîrlard 1 Byv (arladla 29 2 Complete Resuits 0f Tournament Games FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28 Firtland 1- Zechosiovakia 5. Norway 0 -Sweden P. Poland 4- United States 12. SATURDAY. NIARCH 1 Canada 14 - Poland 1. Finiand 2 -S%&eden .5. Norway 2- Russia 10. SUNDAY. MARCH 2 Finland 0 - Russia 10. Canada 12 - Norway 0. MONDAY.- MARCH 3 Poland 1 -Crechosiokia -é. Canada 24 -Finland 0. Norwav 1 -'United Sta*tes 6. TULESDAY. NIARCH 4 Sweden 8 - Unîîed States 3. Russia 4 - Czcchosiovakia 4. WEDNESDAY. NIARCH .5 Finlanri 2 --Polano 2_ THt'RSDAY'. NARC:H 6 Russia l1)0-poian.Oi1 Norway 1 -kan2, Canada 10 sw%çcr. -" Unitedi StaleS '2- ('lVCtr5.n\'aK.à FRIDAY, NMAFCH Poland 2 S%%Pedctl 12 Caniada 6 Czcchs'.\ai;,a United Sa*r, 1 - Rj,ýçRî 4 S--ATI'lDAS AR(N' Canadla 12 V! :cî~se Russia 4 - Ssdc Norway 0 - zechý-. aRa 3. SI'NDAN'. MARCH 9 Fîniland 2 -itîed Soi;e5 4. Nov 9a R-Poaid 3 Swdn7-Czrb "aka1 Cat dia 4- Russia 2 - EXCHANGE TRADERS SENO TELEGRAM rt Siti.Ov Ai\r *tht Tororlno i'KeN pa' xho lefie%% Ieo 0>;nTh)u: daN 1<?fr ete nr' 1)ý; (fNl('janas OOT'iTi'he s( - N Ho:the T,,rt 5'e<«)c, î,'~ T r 4O ers are 1lot) ( r hn! *O4() 1..î.. -,i. and C o The teIr n 1o 17 i 0 " ',,R traders S40.20 i(.dT( the ares of 188 ai v-A se Sairi\atid his team Ro40 im. ,k nir 30 NMax Norrisori eCtrineered thr 6 *.3 telogi a'iîthinkir-g he -wouîld Zgu 7 31 s(ne2!5 names Blair Grahii', g' p OT' e the schemne andihte 1ITr 2t te adn a gid number Io the ii 1Ait 18 31 - 1931 Britaîr s referce on the :nber- i.tnîit par-el ffici. ing lz a:. the w Norid hockev championsh.rus in <iOn c.rs a 15 a Canad'an 4 44 5 05 7 8l 31 14 5!5 17 5AO 18 0 Ti 127 29 80.5 Congrati k1ti 0n TO TUE Whthy Duulsps WORLD HOCKEY, CHAMPIONS y CANADA 14 - POLAND 1 The Durinies polished off Po- land to the tune of 14-1 in their tird game of the Worid Hockey Championships held at Oslo, Nor- Tom%- Cnra nd Robbv Aterliey each scored more than rufficient goais ln %in the gamne single-hamded v hen they turned il dupl caieeliai tricks. Bus GagnonI- got hiniself a brace and %V~ge n ent to Ted O'Connor, Chaiie Burîýs. Jack lcKenzie. ('Imic Broden. Sid Smith and George Gose';11r. Piavi.g g,4cl hockey in the fi-1 per .1 the Duninies ran Up ,; sLoie f 8-1 befîre the Polish teol 11 ccil self UntangiecL sî~i\ t. vereawde ni l hsc Oand ar-,urnusuai 4or the Ozle Touî narrent, teC.' l0iOed them. polare. ;,.i;' pCT.r Iities iii he .1 p r 1-i \,î:c' '. 's * s' 'fI 11 g' s io H o s ;1r:<1 the r'. ~ ~ or 13' O ~ Il rof ci c C ) :n pare With Edwards receîv-ing soid protection the Potes had littie to offer in the îvay of an attack, Most of their shots were f rom long range and when thev did manage to get close to the Cana- dran goal. it was mostly in single- ton aitacks Edwards had onl.% ton shots 10 handie while Jozef waclaw was good in his stopping of 37 Canadian shots Canada - Goal. Edwards: de- fense. Lamirande. Treen. Sinden. Ted OConnor; forwards. Tom O'Connor. Smith. Burns, Broden. Samolenko. Attersley, Gagnon.* Gosselin. McKe.nzie. Poland - Goal. W'aclaw: de- fense. Chodakowski, Olezyk. Re- gtula. Zawada: for-wrrds. Kurek, Czech Goszt 'la, Pawvelczk. Wî lc- 7rk, Ogorczyk. Burek. Bryniar- officais- Oie Wiking. \hÀ:: ho Sweden. F:rsl: Perîod Zcarada. Tom OCnnnor 3 Canada. \CKE'r.ver 4 CaadaTomn OConnor SPolard, Bturek 2 45 Penalty-Tèd O'Connor, Can- ada, 12:52. Second Period Penalties - Chodakowski. Po- land. 12.50: Ted O'Connor, Cani- ada, 17.05; Olczyk. Poland, 18.50-, Kurek. Polarrd. 19:30. Third Period Il--Canada, Attersley (Samolenkol 0.32 12--Canada. Ted OConnor (Gagnon) ------ 2:20 13--Canada. Gosselin (Tom OConnor)------- 14:08 14-ýCanada. Gagnon (Attersleu ----17î.45 15--Canada. Tom OConnor (Gossel in 19.35 Penalty - Sînden. Canéira. U¶xeyIcone I wkornle DUNNIES!i F« It was Chartie, Chante Roggia' thot aid puck arouud At the. tournament ln OId Norway Hrr.ly went to town. For It was Chantle. Choifie Makin Russin heads to whinl As h. Ieft them flot cmd h.Id th.m bock He's a grand forword. To 4o .Tune o; à GRAND OLD KYAN Wholtby 103 Dundas St East 1006 Brock SIL South Motors v ~ WHI~T DNLOFS Iobby% mole d *M.aSh sdh or IDaw w p 'I $rmI."w s.' WELCOME HOME DUNNIES A GOOD JOB WELL DONE' MacCARL HARDWARE i (WHITBY) LIMITED ra IL !aitiùnfs WORLD HOCKEY CHAMPIONS To our w-orthv W ()rld Champions Whithy Dunlops DAVID'S DRIVE-IN DUNDAS ST. WEST - WHITBY - MO. 8-4066 Limited Con gtratu la lionls. DUNNIIS WHITBY MARINE JOHNSON4 DEAIt 149 Sr"ckSe. N. Whitby MO. 8-3610 mon 8.4911 LESI Prime« L-Ogratulatons VÇy elcome Jk0 me 'i -9 a 1 Wîirr;.tni'Officer Re-9 J, C.an- WHIT GREE Sa tu rda y came home ment so ea teamn's owt could expr satisfaclion hart brougi commuoîtv, affection, 1 they are a but also be the kind oi carry theli victories sc At a quai tw'o f ire ti shopping1 perched on had- leen roared thei plaved. firÉ honked. be speaker ret of thé lina Anvd Whitb personally Wren B members t each. tin his was glad 1 with the r %vives. skiai happiness. Scoresc allowed tic special, . on event. mac of them1 caps- and around thq to their b It was a the officia the spiri wouid bc more tLlt4 holiday a for Col OTrAV 1957 set i dian ailrp ings" and figures ji partment During there wei figure wi control 1 26.6 perci -figure wM During led, ai1 ot les and 1 treal's Di 086. folio, 229,245 ai Sehedu' take-offs figures w 51,335, Ti er, 32,821 During this yea tower rut and take. iest for -il we+n+_ i

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