A&JAÀX 'Cong ratulations!f WHJTB y DUNLOPS. KEMP'S DÉUG' STORE "'YOUR RIXALL DRUGGIST" COSMETICS - PHTO SUPPLIES PRESCRIPTIONS AjAX SHOPPING CINTUE - PHONI AJAX 29 Congîratulati 0ons1ý TO THE Dunnies HICKEY'S CREDIT JEWELLERS WATCHES - RINGS end SILVERWARE ON EASY CREDIT TERMS AJAX SHOPPNO CINTR - PWMOI AJAX 423 Con gra tala tions! WELCOMES * WRJTEY WEEKLY NEWS THE Tuesday, April 1, 19588 WiI1 Wonders- Neyer Ceose Colemn Supports By 11.M COLEMAN in The Globe & Mlat Item: ADotoly Terasov. coach of Item: A.notoly Tstmaov. eoadi of the RUutI&i hockey tram, cihargeua that mensbeftet .1thse Whb$* Iut- laps are protceuional plaies-s Comment Wbat'u erating >,ou Tovrch' Certan1%'r. te tinsl ,b% Dunnies flunlops are profesmnals in tChe snse ir tthet' receive rnosîev <ci playis hockey. Then' use thil moîîey to purchase br'ead. ntiik. mca. w"rm clothlng. cod houg- ig MWd ether dctn aIah tir luxuries Where tg îhr fi e i fdts- icliOn Ibetween tis a nadian WO0RLD CHAMPIONS Canadien or Nou. Says Broden 0f Hockey Offers Last fail Connie Broden turn- ed down the opportunity to olav ln tha'AZerican League because he dd4 o want to leave Quebec. That decision msade hlmn available là play for the Dunnies in their World Ilockey Tournament eham - pionship drive. Now Conrie has the ovnor- tunity of repeating his performn- ance of last year and joining the Montreul Canadiens for the Stan- ley Cup playdowns. **This. is a great offer for me.' said Connie. -There is nothinir betttr I would like than to Dlav for the Canadiens. I don't intend going to the Amnerican League or aniv other teamn in the Na- tional League but the Canladiens. if 1 can*t play for theni I don't go. T", go awav fromn Montreal us out. 1 want to lite there permatienllv- While memibere of the Dujnniex mwere beinu approached bv ren- resentatives of various National Lague teams. Lvnn Patrick. mari- ager of the Bùoston Bruins. wait in Oslo %ilh hi!: wrather c'e oeeled aud hiç persua-.ive talk ready 10 sign ain. mniher Of the Euro- pran leaili who anoearc'd to hat e NrtîinalLeaitue talent. lie showrd sq)irialiinteurt in the Swediîsh forward Johanisson. ti.lîo attendedi the Bruinç trainine (n4rnpi ast <aI i and Lars Bîowr.n à r$cree'an Neither s h ri %%erd il iii rît îm thtir na- li C ( iit!' PARLIANIENT BUILDINGS Ther crnereione of CanaRda s r': lruet 1bu ildi n e WA% la id nii 1860 h'r the then Prince of WWe %%sthoiler became King F, 'rard -th, type of of fc nnsuandi mur cutin Iuuomati tvt-e of vroi c-Wli-r alisni. lotarketi' %%Jiuthe lbock d&~ voià think v'nu ce kiddinâ!" Corne nc .o roui that Cloudt batik. Butter D>eot break niv hrt by tellit n mc rtAout the gweet. Pure spîrit cii amaleurISM which rt>r- vades > our Own Rusasan teaim., Tt*yor'ault* w reproîtent IIts*taon the me. or" pyOfesionals tot vwtê= thotIbe s, Sate suip- ports tdcmn white thes' are day - îrîg horkeN Thev' receive bread. milk. mietiwarm ctathilia. omd housins ara- other snilfid n'orti 'Vou qsa ilithaiome <if v pii4>r% arc arm' offîcers. Tov- alich. %%Iiat other mliarv dutiet d1o thes pcrfonm durina the h rckr v ,eea.%q. Tovarlch' Who aiprrStheir w îves and rhildren whîie the hockey ployer% are touring Catiade or Norwav' Don't tell u%. Tovarich-îIusi permit us the decadent capitalistic luxurv of doing our own guesiniff. Your Russiien ho>ckev olavers arc professionals, Tovarlch. and. aithough 1 shouldn't be so rude about is. your Russian hockev players are profeasionals of oniv mfdlocre ability. The Canadian sport-wYtent in Oslo are treai- lng your Russian profemionaia and êuwt EiwopeSn pref"soua tearns vvi1h tudidip!omatk msolet. one of niy btilous itacha. Slow thîesuif,. Towarich. anld set on vOîththie gane' Longra tula l (<Cns TO THEi WMIBY DUNLÀOPS ff15 itNY'PAR Congratu-lations! TO0 THE Dunnies CORRIGAN'S PAINT & WALLPAPER FLO-GLAZE COLORIZER fPAINTS WAUPAPES Att DiCO&ATING NeEDS AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE1PHNE833 Go ng ra tuta ions!l TO THE itYlab Zunlops HOCKEY TEAM HARPELL FURNITURE APPLIANCES - & UPHOLSTERING PHONE AJAX 385 SHOPPING CINTRE AJAX CANADJ Dunlnies oft Iý defeated the SW Bweden was the champions. The roughest of the resU.lted in crîti erees by a numt agers including en and Blair of1 Sfan managemet kindly of the e. &-ees, one f ron and the other f Nineteen teni. ed out. 13 of th Canada. :Nme penaltie8 in the were borne bv B3jorn of th( couplied with kçey meii in thé resu]ted in the the thîrd Derîc when tbe Canad the taclics of t McK enzie. Wren Blai-r erees werc n.it th e protection to. and were le tearns pet aw while (laiTiing nadian. Sid Smi:th -an each sccrcd a 1 'n(r, Charlie E ley. Ted O'Cor zie and ConI,: sîngletonî:. Petterseil afil two goaLs fnr -Canada -- ( fense. Lamirar Ted OCamio OConnûr. Smi Samoleniko. ) Gosselîn. iMýcK Sveden - ( fense. Sioltz. Larsson: fnri hanason, Kari Nilsson. Lui- Westerlund. H -Roeces- T mnany; Andrei Fîr I -Canada. S Z--Caniadi. 'T (Lamîirand 3-Canada. IJ (Brôden) 4--Canada. Bi 5--Canada, E 6-Canada. A (Sa mo lenk Penaltieg-' Treen, 8:30; Secc 7--Canada, S (Lamiranc 8-Sweden, F (Nilsson, Penalties Broden 17.2d Thi 9-Canada, G 10-Canada, (Gagnon) Congratulations.. TO TUE Coara -n. 4 Cofl gratulahons! Dunnies PMa WOMEN. t N »0C#&ORUN 0» AUL AGM PLAZA UE -'iim aX - cW-- u MJAX CLEANERS GUARANTIED (0WD STORAS MJAX SHOPPNG CINTRE- Mm OJAX 5u Y.. Dusgnies Congratulations! As OUR TIAM end Coaodo's I.p.wofvnW.Are Pr.ud of YOgi1 RAYOI4IAND ALL NOUSIHWNaIos rnLEAIRcSofAJAX tooff W"14ctw* mut100004.e~ JAX OPIGCNR P140t4 AJAX 73 tonis- I.ITIBY - mmd