20 WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS Thureday, Octiober 4, 1962 1963 GMC TRUCK 'Mi (;M(-'IC6-71 H. avy- Dui i Diesel Ti ttot is one o thiidee rripîl-, nie eitig bu iii iniCana-du i hiGenerai Mî.iîsOti-t e netGMC fira- ti.s are twîînj-w lightir wigitt six-cviiîder gaie>1 ne cagites of 140 andi 165 hontge- powe-i a 90-hors,,epower four- cylinder* engine, coil- spr-ng front suspension on convîn- tittiai igh-duty nmodels. with ORIAIN RIES Whitby heliveti at R.R. 3, Belle- IT D Y 11 ARI S ville and was a eafiLhrb - tride and worked ai the Belle- 1.9-IU NULARD ville Lock Co. He was on tsel CongratulatIons a n d b e s t ILii uMiiiatd of 305 St. John Believîlle Board of Education, a ýwishea to those celebrating their Stî't' wsiWiitb, psaci wayrnmber of tie Canadian Order !birthdays this week. stiii wsatuîdy Whi 9, 1962. awa îf Foreste-rs and played ini theiF.- McalCr thte Oshiawa Gettci ai Hospital evil MucplBn. berîy, Charles McClelland, Art aft î.î a shorit i mess She was 65 Su-> vving him are hîs wîfe, Morion, Roberti Banks. yi-ariii a age Mar-y Elizabeth Chamberin, 2 Thle laie Llit Milaîd was siiiu Melhuin of Whà itby and I Oct. 6, Sat. - Mr. Thomas J. hoir onDec 187. ii GOr-Kenniet-i of Sarnia. andi 3 sisters,1 Croas, Clîff Purdon. Water Mac- gîrnaT on hip9,1897.iauge)- ~Mis HW Seeley (AdLa), Mrs. j.îC«rl, Arehie Campbell. Sulas anîd Maria Eames. She was McGra-w (Doree-n) of Oshawa Oct. 7, Sun -M's. E. Maushuan. a mneinbci- of Ail Saints Church and Mî-s. B. Hamiliion (Kath- Oct. 9, Mon. - Mrs. Gien . n Whilîby and a niember ofthetc iceni of Ti-enio>n Carroll, Hazeti Johnaton. Aftt' hum Gîîîld of thai chur-cit The furterai ser-vice was held Oct. 9. Tues. - Mrs. A. Har- Sai the W. C. Town Futieral Cita- ~Gidn Wîc r.Go 1-litiai .1 Miliaid aituul a sîsteî Mrs ue!ion Tuesdayý Oct. 2. 3.30 p i,. Munns. Heather Fosir. -m t e blio F ,ith thec Rcv J M(rbeod ofic(iat- Oc .Wîd KnthR 1-i (aln ('lr o-ttf Aiii itiîî 'l Oîrintit i10,îîîîUe-iî- K---îmi MOitario L u t w ~ .r v I lori t 2titi t ai set s 2iLeti, O,,tti w-. Uiid.eî o.Jar yers. An uranimous nomination by queen from Ontario Coulty wio 19612 ili 1tttiW Ct liti&I l 'iiiii'ual 'liiptiîiitti-s rsWcits 3 Octi 11,'Piuis -Arthtriî Aud-t-he divetî s of thte Ontario competed i t the C.N.E.in thse u i uvS Atitiutg~ h-s iiii H Itiindati"it Mabel MaeC{ari, Fred Kef- Ciîunty Fedcrati(in of Agricul-1Isemi-fînal cranpet tion, thaîikid t1ýIliien it iBiiiAlleni liaiiiltin. uf Tientoniti , y Donald Harî-is. tut-e re-eleeted Laurenice Doble.Ituie Federation of Agriculture 1h1 tititi'ty SîlînDiv i(ii -a-r ti)f Oshwasansdi- Ibridge, lu represent Ontario for sponsoring thse contest vn tire ,ilCnveySlnAlbecii Sain'(nipotftutBrlu v il. 4,0001 LB C0W Coutity as Mumnber to Oniario1 county andi offered lier assistatice TI-W R uî&Cesei Xras Tip- Federation cid Agiculture foritainte woî k of the fedevtitois iQis John -ttii J a k' PRACTICAL LISE ý208042 nlasis lied very good __al19626.Ti a doe tth an teprito fdiyi- A,îi."iL Ritast l Be 11, Wil.it u i i'ebuttons taon mcii s suit-coat Jerse>-y cow bred and owned by tegular meeting hcid Tuesday,ldusta-y On beisal ol the direc- LCMi id îîîîi htHawtaîixd sevsaeatiii o ho. at nt t i i September 18, at Hall - Way ton,,te president Wallace Mac- nnuwadesaresxcyfrs ho. a atyad oi Bok iHouse. Mii due, in preparatîtan Lean congratulaiteti Donna on EI:SIE ATKINSON oays but once they kept aOnt has jusi been issued a4,000( for tise 26th annual O FA. con-, her auccees. iman s long, fkîwii,. cuffs oui nf Lb. ceatficate. In 10 lactations vention wh-ch itwll be helt iat Toipran Ifltin;wr A f -iini et tefidenit of Port the way "hils ise worked or Tulip produuid70.661 îbs. fnilkth RylTwo imi ovrne pssd to raredltons-Fere Wttii, Elsît, ElleriMatida At- îîuglit-anid 4,202 îbs of fat.ieRylYr oe oeTbrpasdt efiwrtd10OFA kî p>îtasst-d away on Frtday. 12, 13 andi 14. Voting delegates andi the local members cd parl-a- Sept 211 1962. at Fai.rvîew Lotige I tisehconvention were namedti t ment 'Phare were drawri up ini itentitth,, illytess, Octouuer Named *nuustrial Safety M ..tk be Mrs. Les Meyers. Goodwood; ýconcern over the serious h>g 11w lai Miss tkýn9( w" 80 Manageeni andlabourforcesdania*Wandlace MacLicea o-UWaneye.MLloyd, choieralydochoer eaku antik ndhehrecentn taiofae Aktirit angeen atilaou1frcs ,iag atifîania , "sIburn, and Aubrey reduction in preiant pand on yeuiti acbon n ~niun dretis ofi dustriaa and! casoned by iM~ustiial accidents CaraoCIaramotsat. Alternate Grade A isoga. 1881 oiutt WtihyPiertug tWmnuacurig.latathe nak ws.>iwni or cre n< cu-cllegte wllha aronWad, Tis dst fr ts nnalunet iiter iof Tomas, John Atkingon a united effort bt, eduoe acci-. i;h nhmr aeadeu eeae iHb odnWr, Tt aefrth ma et and Fi aimies Beale Sitelived iclents ant save laves in a rv taon, mtghit have beeis ssuoded. Ijxbricige; Anson Gerrow, Scu- ing was serit for Tuesdy, Novaqnt- Toi'outitt foi loi ty years andi hadti nce-wuà de safety oeapaign to be At prasesat, mnember firmis an gog; Don Hatiten. Blackwwter; ber 27 Il was decideti to invite ben I v îîg wittit Mrs Lttua Plt-coducted bIy thse Indssctriaa Ac- ilAPA. cover 17 clases of in- and Ues. Ronald Stuvar Lieask- Mr, Herb Arbuekla, secretary- karti Forthe tis aufoui yeara Site cidlimt Prevention A.YocatoaiU duata7 mploy ng a w k oe dale. mnager of Ontario Federat cm waès a menaber ofiSSt JOhffl during Outa&ser. îîl. as jflbeen of ovetr 800,000. Misas Donna Johauoà ei, the daury tf Agicultuite- to ha gueat speaker. Churchin Port Whîtby. aruounceti by Presideut B D. P-deaeiare tw-o brothera. Creighiton of Lonidon. Greoi gu-andi Frank ant i 00<'sis- -"Statasticâ reveal tirai Octîobei ti te laie Berthta MeLean . an exti-enedy dangerous niontis. Thse fiiociai set vicewas held particularly for industrial wtrk- on Monuday. 2 p-m Otober es.anad uwpi-rue to havý,moite LO O K A H EA D 1962. ai thse W C Town Funeral! accidents titan touh,. on of Cisapel. wiii hc Rev G. N chu]- - ife year." stateti Mr Crer t-o son offiaiating. lnt.ermnat was ati n his announwernent. 1ý Si Johtis Cemeiuery. Port Wiitby1..Ls year induatraa accidents 0e u 1 6 Ib ai errsMee i"1 siedhe vesaLcri.55 buy 1962 Jaunes Plaslutut .A.wctatons. C A A D Nearly 6.000 Larger manufac - HAROLD GR43VES turing and industrual p a n t s Af tsi a pitsloexged ilInmnthrouebout the province will ha SA V I N G S lauiid t>i'ves piasset away ai uiged tio pat'tictpatîe iii the 1962' h a hittite ai 903 An.nes St., Whit- October safety campa-gai Slogan B O N D S by on Saturd.ay. Sept 29, 1962 i for thse drive ta "Safety Prevenita Iflic laie Mir(L,.oves was 70 Sorrow- .t5m ycarsrf tige bot nn mCiorbey. Founidietin 1917, Uic liatiustrial AT 111j -1 T R U-EO iUEwi#Eq -LT " Latir-sh.te. Engiand. thse son of Accadet PrevenioasAntociataoeas NB Ua ANK TWATi.L0KS AN^EAD Sydne.v anti Adah Gi-oves He embodîues 9 dîfforeit rganza-a-_ w-is anarft eaeni tu Che Wlitby tons AUl are nonce«-net i atis lItILNJ. ISCOX. Menagai .WHITY RANOS BallXiet Church He returecitan lkm oi Lie anti Lmab. pvoçerty v two-stage Soil springs ait the rear on ½4! and lia ton moclels and I beam fi-ont axIes wth variable raie leal springs on meclium - andi heavy -dutty series. Bii~ McBrideSem To Hospital As Hespelev Eliminates Whitby By KEITH MacDONALD lirai base, but he just contimaued Tite Wlstby Abners Ju eiuie to run into MeBride, wiso was caugi unawat'e, and knocked Sofibal team, travelledti o Hea- flat. The exact nature of the in- peler on Sunday anti suffereti a jury 10 Bill la not known but 6-3 deleat. Thse win for Hespeler lie was transfeuî'red liatiste GaLI gavc tem tile Ontario Juvenile Hospital by ambulance, where -B3- champmonsitip. lie apeait thse weekend. Nul only tidthie Whitby team It t was tough enougis for' Whit- Iose tite gante, andthie Ontario by -to lofetithe chaxnpionship but chanspionship, but more intpor- to Iea one oi their players i-n a tant, they aufferedth ie bs iof type of accident tisaI la not at tiseir fimst basenian Bill MeBride. ail calleti for ina basebal la even Whitby eajoyecl a 3-2 kedatia worae. An ir-oic part -of it ail tise lime of thse accidfft. Bob was tisaitishe Hespeler player in Patks of Hespeler it toi the in- question was not even ajecteti fieldi anti was an eaay out ai from thse game. Hicks Now Have 1wo Came- Lead lu Lakeside League PIay-off s H-cks B.A. took a straagle hOtld rnound foi- Hicks witis Doug Fox on the hast thre- out of five behindth ie plate. Tise big man sertes for tise Lakeside SofIbal on tise oflenca for the winners League chaspionship on Sundey was Gorti Sctwnldke who doubl'- atfet'noon wisen thiey won tiseir ed with tise bases loaiied. second tt'aight game from Midi- The tisird gainse of Uic set-les way B.P. Tise score was 6-2. wilI ha playeti Sunday afte'noon Bob Campbeffl waa on tiseat Centennial Park. Bathurst Ta"esGhaapisnshi lnéistda Softbal League Thse Witby lndustrtal Softball Cai1 EarI pitched tise win for Letigue 1962 chiamponship was Bathurst, wilih Mike Cirka dottîg deicidet iun two straight gansas, tise oatching. For tise Sînips,;ons as Bathsurst won tise league titie Bill Stacey didth ie ptching wiuh witti wins on Thursday anti Mon- Matit Camrpbel beisin t ie plate. day nighis. Second Ganse I tise lirst ganse Bathurst de- In tise second game Bathurst feateti Sinipsoras 6-4. Monday leIt no dout as titey isandeti nîght Bathiust madeie t tiutol-Simpsonis a 9-2 defeat. Babus stmaîgst tlis t me by 9-2. 1 bu ili up an early Leati as ihey in tise fit-at gante Simnns scored five turnes in tise second carrieti a 4-1 leati goisg inoatise în-n-ing ant i uom titan on they seventis. Then Bathsurst toock wei'e ne-ver in any trouble. Tise over anti scot-edt Iree runs i-o tue big maxi for Bathurst at thse tise gante at 4-4. In thea aigisti, plate was Hugis MacDonald, Hugh MacDonald of Bathurst it however in tise Monday nigist a homne run weitis one nman on game AI King came up wi ths tie base. only hom-e ruai for tise winnera. Laurence Dobie Remeleted