Whitby Weekly News, 4 Oct 1962, p. 14

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14 WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS husaOtbr4192 FEMALE HELP 51-LEGAL NOTICS 'Out with ihenm is thius a sheer Thraa, cobr ,192WANTED - ~Ldelight, a:d sometimea good for ;-ACCOUNTANTS iBl IlS my humility as well. HOUSEKEEPER requii'ed five The satisaction is mutuel. UONTifITH. MONTEITU. RIEUL deys a week. Phone 8-4925. Nf.I fau The twhis, at ten, exjoy putting h antrd ACOnat 39*' * me straight, andI for my part I Cbaterd Acoutans __________ - ~By AMBROSE HALLS love walking in the country even PHONE 728-7527 BEAUTrY COUNSELLRS ur- En Look," 1I aad,' "ripe pincli- when I wallc in ignorance. Thls 13 SMCOE si,. N., OSHAWA gently nbeeded, wonderfui op- ONTARIO baris.Oh boy!" is our favorite tirne of year when 31portunâty for full or part timne S'Rm GHNGTeyeche,"Faysadth prresyisaig ble -ULD GTRDS work. No door-to-door canvasa- S ETLGM G'Myr hks"Fan ei.tepùesyi ihb F-ULîGTAE ng. MO. 8-4595. 42 ONTA.RIO HOSPITAL 'TIhey re juat lot ripe.» coler andth te bushes are londed TRENCHING - Ditching - Back FPO MN ATDI WIIITPBY, ONTARILO Pmcherrs," I insisted. witus sun-ripesied wild fruit. Flllîng Septie tanks, Sewers _____ ___ NED 1"Thon how cone" asked Mar- The wild fruit goes airnoet un- and Watermains installed Phonoe SEALED FIXED SUM TrEND- tha, "that they're growmng on a touched these days. In earier ?Ao -356. Gorge HardngWANTED - Odit jobs, put4csng ESpoeehryJih"dy h nim Tmanab MO 8-3566. GeorgestoHardingows, outsieRSpr Tly endlorsed, on forma tIhokecer uh"dy h nlnsfiaannb M tî'by 31 panigrkn lae e.Cl supphed-'Ey thie Departmen.t, will Every tante I go walklng In Reservation used to gnter andi morn.irsgs MO. 8-8793. 40 be received hy the Tendters Sec- the country with mny twi daugh- seil the crops as tAiey ripened. FOR AALL YOUR DA OR-_ _ retary, Roomn 6630, East Block, ters I get sonne lassons i nature I'm told they are now errivincedi j) DY ORWEEKLY care avail- Parîsament Buildings, Toronto 2, study. Have to hand it to jiheir thet the fruit that grows on gov- PLUMBING AND able. Fenced yard, -playroim,, Ontario, untîl 3.00 pin. (E.D.T.) teachers at school. I'm a coun'try ernrnent welfave vines is much hot lunches. TranLsportation ca'> boy bora and raised, but mn aii to gather, s0 they have HEATING NEEDS be -ais,îtanged. MO. 8-2472. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18ffi, city-bred youngqters know and , deserted the bushlan~d almnet 1962 recognz more plants. birds and, entirely! Oh "Progress", wrhat CALL MO 8-2991 WANM~D ODD J013S fivr the supply and installation animais than I do, and walking sins are committed ini thy namet A LBERT RANDALL MO 8-8793 Lie iOntroLoigtalgSystmy, AND SONS LTD. Plans, Specifications. T ende r ..' : 41" CHESTN1JT STS, Whitby 1l:l-WANTED TO RENT fornis, Tender envelopes and ___ MAI. HOSE wnr~ to ent(Xîntiact Requirements, may be SMAL HOSE ante toren .htained fromn, or viewed at iiiRSON A.SRIE urgenîly. Town or country. lIsîîm T 704 (To>wer-). Depart- EXPERT PIANO TIJNING and W- 2-0787. 28 ,lent of Publie Works, East itepairs, Cal 668-3830 and 14-FOR RENTIBI'>,-", Pa liamient Buildings, To- leave messages. Frec esti.mates. rst .O o TlpoeN 25 APARTMENT, on tetn acre faim. 365-1079), and may also be vîew- 4tî2' roorns. Kituden, bathroom, et at the Builders Exchange, BOOK-KEEPING - Sinal uai- Separate entranci', heat, hydro , Oshawa, Ontario. -)esses Reosonable charges raage Reasnable rerit. Brock A $9.000 00 Bid Bonid and a 100% PO0 Box 26 Oshawa. or PO ead hZsCa-Pon21M PromceBdwilb r- B,,v 218, Whitby. , hieCarnot27 erirac on îlb e hsîltooa Quck.reaonabe sr-5 quired as specified. T EwzLLEPY andI W sh R paira - Tenders w îllnot be c snsidered jspecial cart with antiques anid 47-REAI. ESTATE unlesa made on forma supplied Vieom Chares l Mes er.eeser For Sale hy the Departentniof Public Pht--O,,taio Oep. ofHeuth. vieChresP____r ewle Works, Ontario, in acoordance Aerial view of Ontario Hospital Sehool. owd Watrhnsker. 128 Dundas I.OTS 2. 4 and 10 acres. Pickering wth the terms and conditions as ('ecar Springs, near Chaathîam. nt Weut Phone MO 8-2872ý and Whitby Townships. Tele- set forth therein. FCST AL vou~ aplire phonie Toronto Hudson 8-0937. A Deposit of $2500 CASH, OR pairs cal] vour Moffat-Westing- 39 CRTIIED CHEQUE mna de Dymotnd Diseusses Health in Ontario etfrpayabl isouse-Inglis Service Centre, Ajax; ASTOUNDrNG, niomrs, for tis> the Tresurerof O- B;i-gain Centre, Harwood A ve. thre rninths Bungalow, 4 tarjo, wi11 be required per set of tendier documents, which wil be Nt rth, Ajax Phone WrH 2-6410.i goom-s1al conveiuences, newly refucled if dournents are re- The O n a i 19-INSTRUMTON decosated, furnace, garage, $500 turned in goocd condition witlun H s ia CAREER SCHOOI.S. Watch - ftax. AJax. G. Newell, Broker, otherwise forfeitteELS h o .C.a p i g rnaker - Jî,weller. Barbering, Pickering WH. 2-5770, Whiliby Th owg or aay tender ruaI T1ý rdresin Ak fr posecIsýMO. 8-4703, Toronto WA, 3-9513. esaryacptL H.t -esa s rosp llwnectusn dnceas3riy acoepet in*sw B. flvavînd: M.OCM. i are&a@ with 37--bd Warse a - beiLi,s TRANS - CANADA BI.AUTY PNIUSTRISLTD, M"rsctcnn NB. 26-PETS andI LIVESTOCK R1EGlSTERED Amnerican Cctr Pups Champion Sire Bouse tra iried WH 2-6428. 46-REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST WITH WILLOUGH-BYS Take advatage of Provincial coverage with over 3V' agents, in Oiario, producing buyers for rnany types off homes, fartas, Parliament Buildings, Tor'onto 2, Ontario. Soptember 25th, 1962. J. D. Miliar, Deputy Min sie, Depai'tîment of Public Works, Ontario. and sser prugpersies. ce hne AIsv 28-ARTICLES FOR SALE buyers with cash for the rigfht WNOTICE O ps-opetiet; Contact D. H, An- TWCI LIONE]. ELECTRIC train de'ws- Brooklin 6553195 R DT S ,sets one niisuntn'd, est-ra equip- J. A. Wlloughby & Sons Lbd., rnient Reastînable MO 8-3086i 46 Eglîniton Ave E,A 37 T.inonÙ,s 12 HU. 1-3391 4 ND UIHERS IJRAW TICKETS - Take fliti,- at ail cireditxars and ]Nunibered only Aiways avail I.E(AL NOTICE îthe,-s havirig niaitrss agania the aise Varîety of cotoîtra Car - s of u Samtuel Cartiwrsght boate lyle Press, 151 Broc-k St Norhs) nh on flibyi h Wlîîtby tiEast Laneway past NOTICE TO ts te nwsîofof ar)Whobyien h Dundas St. ur about the 8th day of Neyvera- ]ROUSSEAU FURNITURE- In- LKLUIIUK> lbes 1962 are sequred, on or le- vites you te visit and taire ad- fore die 8th day cd Novessiber vantage of the apectai dtscoun MUFvnE , 1962, to secsd to lthe underaignoed seau'a, 218 Mary Street East._ Fuil pariiculars off thseir clams. Teiephone MO 8-3483 18Take inotice ta l rdtsAfter such lnst-mientioned ite, pOR THE LEST DEALton a ths e Ftetof ltse latte Hertasa bo & SStrbýti.rIX will ocee good used rsfrigcs'tOr or range Rombough of Whatby in &X, E Paae aawin<thie partitaeseild Uee thse Ajax EBasrgain Cntre at Couinty of On>tario, h cis d n csthoretoheving regard iosiiy ta Harwood Ave. North, Ajax.I or abosut laie 30th day of August the daais csfwich se "as Phonse WH. 2-6410.1 1962, aie requtresi, on or before thon have njotic. T. .1the 22snd day cf Ocisoer 1962, B KA UTtUL Pesonalizesi Xmas to sendto thlae undersigaod full DATIX at Whstèy, oiitrso th"i Carda, 1962 new selectijogs t particÂaa, cf tJtr clomiruisAiter 3id day Oc 0tober 1962. sirn yod >rier ssow, pick up *àch Iast-ssseiced date taie Cist4oraase Evie Cartswrsat, wheti yceiwasit tlseandsasiavosi Fxectotr w'iI pt'teed t i hstri - Aidassissuttx, the Xmia rush. Carlyle Presa, bu-te lte aemts cii teetate by liaiSoiitor, 151 Bsock street p,<riJ, phonie asnagthie Peratiti entitiedth iere- D . J Cudd3,, Q.C,, MdO 8-383, TFp.to. has'isg rsegasd otly tote 30se y mStoret Wesg, SO-ARICLESclamnsa of wtsaci e aShan henWtîby, Owniar. M A CLSWANTED have noice.____ __ A U~ ssseat fg~ ~ DATE at Whulby. 0Onu-.ro tie 'o 5> Cm""~snda's1961 us.CallMO. 8-8764 after 9a a a etme 96u. 1$9>,,000 labousr Uiinoe p.rm-, exeptSatusday, cali ny GORDKN O U E S7ore:affitruturafc'eatr, f ish- Masse. ieaautur, i tsbsping aind sslniag$9MI 4- MAEILP by bis "stinelkm;onub ctuiau $5'w3 WAN E D. J. Cssddy, Q.C, hui. usflteg5, ue uS 1,40 mil LAISWANTED.W4 115k. m eai, mmc cam, torage nma LAR WNTD ak p oWsAtbY, Ouaeario. lied $4M977 mill iesfmage us hominewia.w n uYo s pare ime. Itn m allS aaiapeymtotm 10 5teV ai mad'~ng gosrnersmat. Wrie BnnnB«7010. Aifl-the c--e't sY«w wsil culi$536$5.5& niffi maphumsa.mm aide -ba Office. Toronto, osnt. million. l"0&« tawogse $977 iigc6n Ontario Minster of Healh The Ontario Hospital School ha@ reraently admitied its 600th patient. This modern, sec l equip. ped unit directed by the Mental Healîli Brandi ai the Depari- ment af Health, wsaoficially opesied an lune 1961. Saine off the patients have Iseen transferred froa tailer liospital Schools te lie loser ta their parents, ansd athers have hi.en adasîsted dir. ectly (rom the South-W eKtero Reporst af Ontariaý (ýedar Springèi will h ave eventu- alIy, approsiliaiasly 1,200 blatients. andtI he reniaining nuasher off lieds ail] be aiios'sîed over the next year as mare trained staff be.rsîse available. The greatest dentand for adntission s En the six ta sixteeis yeaes age range, but saune raies have ta be ad- mitied under six and aver is- teen. where there are urgent asedical and sooial ressassa mndi- satint; admission. Fariites have nw been stactup for the eouaaellang of parents, the reception. observation, diag- aoai and reatinesst off aU ehiid. rena ssmitted te the Medicial Sutr. gleal Building. This unit allers tap e risai1Nursing. MedieJan ad Psychiatrie case fer cblîdren seho are handicapped bath mestelly au d phyaically. T h * Pavillua served for thee ebjîdren wlio main. ly reqtslre reidential care, social, asîadenaii and vocational training. rallier than specislizesl medical attention. Some off these children wiîli training con return ta their haines andI csessunities, but mosi of thein require continuons pro. lesSive rare. At Cedar Springs, we hava esîahlished à Day Sehossi Sv.tei, tearhmng uppItaÉliei. Gradre V 1,-el and a Vocaionai Training Usni for sur adolescent g iris and bloys is under sesy. Rerreation is an important part of sny programmeso for the nîentaliy hsndicapped, andi Organized (;uines, Scouts asnd Gusides Organization andl Tesi Town Danses are aes'epîed wecrI. ly artivities in t he Hospital Ss"cliooi. Finally. aur programmoe is sup- pleinsed by an isareasing nusa- ber off Volunteer Workers froua Blenkkiasi, Chathamn, Windsor and London, wIsa provide simniat daily servies for aur chlldren a la vaiety of secyt, rangiaig froua Play Activicy with the "Bnaiser children ta imusical aatertaimeat for the adolescents. At Cedar Springs ce weleosoe eaimninunty participaion and recognisa that the Hospital Scbool la only paet off thse total coesmuaiuîy pro. grame for the e ntally retarded i. South-W.teru Onari. U0/7/62 FrAUVeW LO'Drg ANNUAL TEA & SALE 0F IIANDURFS IRMDE DYTIm aRIDo> Wed.L 7th, at 2 PoM. ,Weel y News Classified Ads

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