W HIT X W E K L N E W T h rsd y, ~ ~ i 962M o d o r a t o r C o m m e n d s H e n r y R ig h Presontation. At Orono Festival The Hemiy High School Di-auma 12.00 and 1.10,while tihe senior Clu br),uht loiy t th shoo grdespla frm 340to 4.10. at Orono on Fi day, Septembei There should. be quite somne keen 28, by its pielsentation of "The competîtion, especially among Long Stay Cut Short" The play the nînes and tena. was well received by the aidi- Choose Cheerleaders ence whîch was moved to, tears Eight cheerleiadlers 'vere chose» at the climax of tîhe act. C6n- on Wednesday, Septernber 26. gratulations were heaped upon Joy Foster 'vas elected captai». -the ast, Susazi Stratford, Kathy Boy cheerleaders may be chosest Bell and Ross G i bson. Mr-. for tlhe fiirat time in the history Leolnard Craà rford, the adjudï- of Henry High. Mei 'vouli add catior, reenarked that in picking volumne and action to tIse school This Fleetwood Sîxty Speclal hoodi, front Leaders, grille and famous 325 horiepower Caclil- a Teneasee Wiillam's play, the cheering section. four-door sedan is one of 12 sie fines. Ail Cadilà ses ex- lac engine la 52 pounds lighter tealm led selt for tlsemselves an Thse Badsnine Club, under CadiIlac modela for 1963. T'he cept thse Series 75 have a new ansd four incIses narrower. TIhe imposslible taisk and west; a long thse supervisio f Miss Wîilains windsheld wilth shin straaght Sîxty Specail sedia» and Coupe way towardis aohieving the im- and Mr. Sylveetervich, la Iooking new CadiSacs are one i piflars desgri for easier paa- die Ville off er a iew pade pos-sible. Rosa Gibison was one- foeward to, hass competà tion longer and feature a retyleci senger entry and excit Tie roof covered in visyl. griatUlated for lue~ portrayal olf dîrring thse year. ]k la hioped tisat Aicisie Lee. maitiches oan be arranged with. Mtiough thse temr received no other sohoola. awards, Mr. CraiiSor' compjn-j A slhort Intier-School Cbristian ed thse group ait four differeait PeRlowship meetin 'as beld on tins w he n presentlng tlhe Thursday, september 27. Misq aýwarda:* Roma Gtbom for dictionlr Bloin, thse sponsor of t"i group, and beat actior, Susasi Schilling lseld thse chalir uîstil Ruti Mt- fer d1irecting, and thse play, for dhiell 'vas appointied president. best play. Mr. Crainford .- Thse Folkcsong Club lseld a rnarized thse pla wi ths meeting on thse stage abt 8 ar. mod:'S nci about thse play on Wednesdey, Septiainber 26, was teohnically gooa t w, si wth an attenidtnoe Of approxi- very 9o0d chloice. 7hey gave us maitely 25. An indication tisat thse an mnteilligent, sensitive and e.. club's PoPularity la spreeading. A fective Perfiormance of a diffictt recorder5 wus added te, thse groupaq play- musical instrumlnosa whIii now E-eryoae caeanied 'vit thse consis Mf aevei'ai guilitaira, a 7%se 1 9 63 (Ihevrolet has a Isapala sports coupe sho'wa Sielf - adtusting brakea long- pr-oductions wlould 'die to, extend banjo113, and an accordian. "Care- lnger appearance and fe- here is one of 13 regular-ize -r - hile mufflers ani a Delco- tc MT,. HaQ-ry Chaprnan sie leas Love" sand "There's a Mont- trsstiraiglit windsihield p4L- Chevroiet modela. Front grilles ti-<>'Ukeatsa±ig curn ge»- thanka for hlie onvaluable assis- Lt5g Here Tonagst" vere learnied eator are other new featu-es. tance as staging this play. by the gi-ccp. lais r as ei ntlj and ex t o tse new Qi vre et ~ A Ul 1963 C hevrolet r adîoas are H nry def ated O .C .V .. by R adio A ppearance for front sgent pessengers. The made of anodizeri alumniuan now tîransistzed. scores of 13-11 andi 15-13 at Mau-reen Là rdIe and Bob Bas- Henry Hîgh on Tuesday, Sep setit repreaanted Henry High on tember 25 ini an exhibition gamne Collegiate' '62, a weely radio f girls' vOleybalî. Theise we- program~me wh.ich gives news matched tieamis should, with a fi-ca ail the high sohools ln the few weeks more Prlaceice, de- district. This 'vas the f irit tii-ne v-elop somne fine PlaYers. Foi- tfist eithe- stiudlent hail spokea Henr-y High ' Mary Lou Cuddy Ofl thse radio. and Julie Tweej3, wre to Parents' Niht was helri on Scorers. Wedneadey, October 3, at 7.30 - Football O e e. p.m.- Thàs 'as an opportunity for ~o -el Tie junior football teesmay_ parents to becone acqisamltei ed its fi-at galma on itueaday, 'vithl thse school staff. Headis of September 25, at Ajax 'vitis the dleparUtst gava a brieif outline Heniy juniors emergiag on thse f tiseir coures. Two filins, "A sisce end of a 30-6 score. Steve Vita Delcosion" sand "You Can Heny o th seondpla ofthe By Henry High Reporters:- gine. This was lite locals onîy Susann Schilling and n e 1 96 ontise as been ie- pilla s. The Parisienne four- six-cylnd r tiait as 140 pourcis score. In spite of th a H enry ____ ___ ____ _A rcher___ styled te include vertically- dloor haidtop shown heîe as lighter, has a 7 main bearing teairis efforts, Ai', to-ok and erî-anged frorbt headlights. re- one cf 12 Canadlian Ponfiaec rankshaft and, develorîs 140 k-ej>t tise leed for' tise rernainder vanîped qplît giifle ami li oard models being built in Oshawa horsepoweî. A Delootr-on altier- cf tise gamne. by G-eîxeal Motors if Canada. nating c u r i e airt generaslor is The se n icr football teain slanung wiiidshield ith üt)in Pontiac fieatures a 230 cu. in. stanidard on al1963 Pontiams lauflOhed jIls season in Sceiman- vle on lmhuisday, Septemberi- 27, with a 40-1 victory. Bownsan- vle aoed a shut-out by qý scorin. a oint in the last m n u t es of th e gane. Whithy scoied Six îiîiirldswns, one toucliback, l nit-i iî -a I fiîiiih)all ei og 1) 1 ra l e i(î-aily e i-Iy a te114 n -M h)y fiiî,îlall erlitîî,st s fron ~ 9o I tdropped a hii for a fur 1 i-iliiui ai girls' vi l e baIlli cool ils fo ee what hop- played 1)y wîiles & tras lietveen "ens. 1>1k (AI, LON 3 W~. 2, Highway, asio Whty ST0VE 011, AND FUEIL OIL DItIIVERED BY MIETFRED TRL(K-' DIAL MO. 8-8441 TOWN 0F WIIITBY T A XES FINAL INSTALMENT TUESDAY, OCTOBER l6th, 1962 ~'i 4~~ Flue te pay ail instalmrents by tÂh.s daite einpoweis tâ-îe