Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 2

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a WRITY WEEIKLY NEW#S the d GaiSid bIen__ wit water to cavai 100 square feet of lawn ar-en. 'Me malts lhng to remnember i uising 2,4-D is flot to use it ona a wiindy day wthe-n 4 Fà can blow or drift to broa& * Pi leaqf plants, trees and shrubs. and akio to follow the manufac-turer's f -don totheleOei4inRJin NEW CHEMICALS TO later. Thsis cafi be very exasperat- GET RID 0F WHMT CLOVERl inig for is'csme owners wiso have lenaine "Trifol-ium rpn"learned their lessoa and have c0pN actall, tse otaica nane orclover once an-d for ail. actullythebotnicl nme orýWe have to realize that once Dutch %%hite clover an'd in rny a lawn lias had swhite clover in opinion is realily a lawn weed i o o' b nieyrdo I notice il's one ofthe latest lit foruom wnt'ime andtirdl rof plants to receive the foul blit forl sove t me anal wthe pro- of advertising an i promoctions.I in balyae VoretratVie a tisa publicîîy il's been oalled the, rinmy(hildi-en were srnall perfect answer to law-n prob-' my oahuewKS H si ee idwaPn lerns, with somne adverLsemeints' we Moved it os ics .si oe m ,phn 1 lawn consisied rnainly of clover even cliaimîng that it neyer needs and we found it al] but iropos- mowing. 1subie to use for piay and recrela-- ýTo, e pefectl honst D t to- ] purposes. Sucis lâwns a-re white clouer does have one orsjipeyad egre tiao two good points. It retains it clothîn and shoe e re btad on Hambly Concree green color inter in the yeGrý .lthie anddct sheswnehr. thndo many laivu grasses, buti ae 2,-AN IV5XPrd cs L . to cal] it evergreen throughotut ,- NDSL, th fntrre-ally e tobe i Tise best way Vo get rial of ex- v finiaginatain to the limîtý The,! ising plants is Vo use one of tise K~ingston. Wl, WWfItDj1 tMat is that ut's a perennial tis I bnoad-leaved killers conta-ining (At Thickson Rd) ill brown out once tise temperja- 2,4-D and Silvex. Tis combina- tue&pto 24 dL-grees F. iron giares a qiÉek positve kill of CoceeB ck To say it neyer needs rnowîesg 1 n anyother bod-les ved Septic Tanks is a figmen osf aornaone's irn- weeds. If you have just a, few agination. Thse plants can vary scattereal hef'e ana tisere hrough- Concrete -sials as mucis as two, incises in he-ight out thse lawn You migbî klke to ~ * j ~ * fisa one to tise ortier and ti use on-(- of tise new Aeraso Cvuiiuur Patio Slabs is by no meanas a suacotis golf- bomnls wlih alseo contain tise lawn~ i-aaî a eay re- 2,4-D and Silvex combinatimnU itSe sembles iqs a Pasture that lif These give yau pinpoiat accur- been croppet quite cltoselly by afcy and rcnaote oontrol killirag of Dil6 8 4 5 ,be row. aS this h above-mentioned weeda. i 6 8 4 5 woul be highly xntsemâfdary It's imrportant that the mater- AFTER HOURS CALL to mot bhorne ownews. ial you use contains, tise riiew OSHAWA 725-3814 Tisiare are- quite a nuinher osf chemnica.I Silvex whicis is reapon- dsadvantages. w-hidi hy far out- sibIe for kîlliasg the clover, tise ______________ weigh any ax is merits In tise mouse- car an the co m mon first Place whbite dlover is a chickweed. legum-e which has thse abaty to One application, ca refully ap A% compleo take tefree nitrogeu of the nir, plied in the next three or four and convert it iniba plant food- weeks 9hlatsa do the trick, but 'Pus m ffs that it soion kills oui esten- so ofteua volaec plants, SERV ICE large patches osf g--,s particu especially from, the isard, seeda of H.EATING larly on lawns wl-uîci ai-e not feal the clrv-cr wiJl spning tsp andI regilanly >utcis wisite clover is radl for retreatment. PLIJMBING alIso quite susceptible tu a f-ungus 'Piseres no dioubt 2,4-D and et COMJ'LETE BATHROOMS dusease called anthracnOee for vanuuus derivitives arc a, ra wliais we have nOt satisf actai-y bo-csn tu anyssie wiao lilses ta COMPLTqXE KITCHFENS control in la--- 0n-e the dâs- garden Ia, all the funar raised PHONE 668-2991 ease takes isold. fit wsLl create over pestucideis these days itas 'large 13re patoises m tise bawn at important tu reieaer thl a t a turne osf tise year when re- 2,4-D is nons-toxîi to isunans o1 .4LBEWRT seedting la alnuoet impossiblei petsý The seeds Of Dutch wisrte do(v-, Rementiy I aPpeared on a teile- ' er have a isard outer o vrrg. vision syw 1_n tise Cicago ares and because of tis thcy are able and Vo prove te non-Vboxity ofa Vo lie dorrnaint in tise soul andl 2,4-D wc actualiy dirank tise- genunate ten Vo fuftee yes Pure cheinai n tise amnount CALL 725-3581 FOR s. Immediate Service on Your fander-Stark Heating Serv ices All mur o, (,nI. i receive FREE dOOu,l furnaci, cleanut ani I r- up svîV al] for the Oil Furnace Cleanout' If vout furnace lias noît et hail its annuai cleanout aind tune-up - lot Iander-S4ark do it for You NOW, iefore the new ieuting season startaý. We \&ill give you inmediate service absolutely Free if ou beconse our resideritial Heating Oil oustomer for wh flou season. Cal1 us now for an appointmenrt. p uti ol prc f nlo * PHONE 75-358143 KING STREETWEST, OSHAWA J I~~' 'W i~~' you can heat water electrically SIX.lIMES as fast as average use demands with the new ELECVRIC WATER HEATING APPLIANCE "Cascade 40" Is flameless, clean, silent. And there is a ten year guarantee on the tank. IAPPROVED: mhe new "Cascade 40", Water Heating Appllance is an APPROVED PRODUCT devoloped through the comblned research and resources ofnalyr n lcrclmnfcues joi? hydre y PHONE 725-3581

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