Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 5

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S WEIT WEEKLY NEWS Thurs-dtay, Septenwýber 12, 1963 Ot4'TAuqso PRO VINCE 0F ONTARIO ELECTION NOTICE 0F REVISION 0F LISTS 0F VOTERS (IN UIIBAN POLLING SUBDIVISIS) NOTICE 0F SITTING, 0F THE REVISINO OFFICER in the ELECTORAL DISTRICT of OSHAWA Public Notice is hereby given of the revision of the Iists of voters for the CITY of OSHAWA, the TOWNS of ýAJAX and WITBY and the TOWNSHIP of PICKERING in the Eiec- toral Dïstrict of OSHAWA. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings wiIl be heid by the revtsng off icers at the tintes and places set forth in the ischedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualifed te vote at the pending election to the Legisiative Asmenbly andl wvhose naine has been omitted front or incorrectly entered in, the enumerator's lst of voters is calied -upon to attend at the tiiues and places hereunder ntentionedl for the purpose of having his naine enroiled upon the list of voters to be used at the said election. Compiaints which have heen properly f lied with reference to naines wrongfully entered upon the enumerator's ists wiII be heard at these sittings. Lts of voters for this Electorai District wili be open for public inspection at the office of the Returning Officer, located at 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA, he- tween -the hours cf 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), each day except SUZ4iAY UNTIL THE COURT 0F REVLSION IS CONCLUDED. The Liste ntay also bc inspected at the office of the Cierk of each Municipani!*y between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (D.S.T ) ech day except SATURDAY and Sunday UNTIL THE COURT 0F REVISION IS CONCLUDED. SCHEDULX .Registraton and Revising District No. 1 inc.ludes ail Poil- ing Subdivisions in the City of Oshawa north of King Street. Registratioin and Revising District No. 2 includes ail Poil- ing Subdivisions in the City of Oshawa south of King Street. Registtratioi and Revising District No. 3 incLudes ail Pol-11 ing Subdivisions in tthe Town of Whîithy south of 401 High- way in the Electoral District of Osha"a. R.egistratio4n and Revising District No. A includes ail Poil- ing Subdivisions in tihe Town of Ajiax. Registration and Revising District No. 5 includes ail Poil- ing Subdivisions in the Township of Pickering in the Elec- toral District of Oshawa. Sittings wilI be heId for Registration and Revising District No. 1 at the office of NM. THOMAS RUNDLE, 36V2z KING STREET EAST, O>SHAWA between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 NOON D.S.T.), 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), of FRIDAY, the l3th DAY of SEPTEMBER and SATURDAY, the l4th DAY of SEPTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Revisiag Of ficer: MR. THOM.AS RUNDLE. Cierk to Revising Officer: MRS. BESSIE KEIT. 361'/2 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA. Sittings wiIl be held for r-çistration and Revising District No. 2 ai the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 0511- AWA between the heurs of 10:00 A.M. a.nd 12:00 NOON (D.S.T.). 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), and 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.-M. (D.S.T.), cf FRIDAY, the 13th DAY cf SEP- TEMBER and SATURDAY, the l4th DAY of SEPTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Revising Officer: MR. BRUCE AFFLECK. Cierk to Revising Officer: MR. L. R. BARRAND. CITY HALL, OSHIAWA. Sittings wil be held for Registration snd Revising District No. 3 at the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILD- ING, 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY betwreen the Sittings wiIl be heid for Registration and Revising District No. 4 at the office cf MR. W. H. J. THOMPSON, 152 HAR- WOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX between the heurs of 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 NOON (D.S.T.), 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), and 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.) cf FR1- DAY, the 13th DAYo f SEPTEMBER and SATURI>AY, the l4th DAY of S&PTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Revising Officer: MR. W. H. J. THOMPSON. Clerk to Revising Officer: MRS. MONICA HOUGH. 152 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX. Sittings wiii be heid for Registration and Revising District No. 5 at the offIce cf MR. HENRY POLAK, 158 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTHI, AJAX bet-ween the heurs cf 10:00 A.M. aend 12:00 NO&N (D.S.T.), 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), and 7:00 P.M. -and 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.) of FRIDAY, the l3th DAY of SEPTEMBER aend SATURDAY, the l4th DAY cf SEPTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Revising Officer: MR. HENRY POLAK. Cierk te Revising Officer: MRS. MARY SLOAN. 158 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX. Packers And Bears Open CBC TV Football Season Mrs. Resil ronsindei the e m- bes cf thse presbyteriai mieeting to ho heldiintasNewtcesvle Oc- tober 29. Mna& P. Paacoe lied charge of thse worship pericilanud rend a seripture selection irons Luke 2. Thse remnùdier of thee meeting waa given over to repors o f the sessions of the Unitedl Churois Leadershup Troinisg Sohooi belle recentlyas thbe Ontasrio liadies' College, Whitiby. Very interest- ing higleights irere given by Mrs. E. Hris, Miss M. Divine, Mrs. L. Pogue ad Mmr P. Pascoe. Special mention, was made 0f muissîonary w'ork Lni Korea andl it was notedt that useri nVlcn stockings irere stili wanted by Koreen irornen. Berestiments wore ssrved by Mrs. Pogsue and Miss Divine end e very pleasant sock iatrne wla eajoyed, PARISH GUILD Thse Afternoon Bxunh of Al Saints' Parisb GuËid held us first meetasg of the season uns Tues- day, Septeniber 10, in thse new. paris hall. Tise presidenit, Mrs. R. K. Smith, openeil the meeting wliti Theo Green Bay recxers cegin fans at Yainkee Sainumi,Ne deiddag their National Foot'ball York, leist December 30. piayer. Soipture rewàlng was Leugue chenipiondaip talie en [escribing the action on thie given by Mis. E. Quilter. threo Sunday, Sept. 15, at 2:00 pan. f ied is Joe Tucker, with former 'S members were added to the FIDT agaiinst thse visiting Chicago colege ad, profiessional coechir0l.~ragneiswr al o Beara lise gaine aloo nieoe*sdise John Sauer, providing thse expert Arageet w ad u beginniag of ÇC e lon o pinon. CBC staiffers Kelly andariNbar 1.tse eet ng deeda orage of thse 1963 IfFL. ahulule. Morranton bStlle thecmn oe mbillOl ihpaer 1. Teeeingeredt Descrfbing thse ilay-by-play tary. wl ryr e a evdb froen City Stedisin tGaom Bey, The renieaming 'NFL gaines te Mis. G. Losnex and Mrs. L. Wmaonsma, ila By Scoti. Fonmer be carried on CBCTV sil he Skade. Packer becldder, Tony Cana- releeseid et a liter dMis shwaCoits ICBaporwtaimatuRoli Kelly, ALMONDS UCW ~ ad Curly Merrisson, foomerly of The United asurah VWeno f rianlblh y Jaycees thse Clevoliand Brownàs, provLde Alinontis hei ldi frat meeting <)rtarlo County wf Il repre- color commentary and a haff of thse seson ini the Su=kdY n the Mim Coeeda Pé- timne dLscueSLo Schra Hall, wih the president geastt tu 'o eikil et thse 0s e GreenaBy coachs Vince Lown- Mrs. F. J. Reeri, presldiasg and centre, Torontr>, in Novembçr.. bardi wihL hodlpesdtng essa leading ia thse openg «prayer. In a pejlicity release t"l more this yer on bas rugged full- Plans were rnade for e social week, dise Oshawa Junior Chwrn back, JA Taylor, isecatise of thse evening, for the chu'ch faily, ber dCf ussrS annauaicons't susgpomion odf igh-scurig heM- in thse near future. A commuittee it will conduet a *,MiSS O0-hawe"l back, Nlul Hornung. Trying to of three wus naned to lofok after1 contest during thse lest week of stop Taylor for thse Beeirs will ho tthe arrangement& These are flira. SeptenibeT or the f iret of Octiober. itiebaoker JSe Schmidt, defen- L Pogue, Mrs. O. AtkùLnson aind Unmarried girls betweez thse sise end Leo Sugar, ad defen- Mrs. E. Harris Hearty votes of ages of 18 andi 27 are eigibie for sive tacide Roger Brown, who thenks were given to Mis. Rassis the Oshawa cortoa5t. They mua" weighs 300l pounids. for painting and' vanishig these horesldents cf OntarTo Oounty On Susaday, Sept. 22, et 2.00 interioir ci thse churcisad tO or the Town df Bcwmanrville. p.m. FIDT, CIBC'1"V will carry rs. Pogue for impmoving the The winner cf thse-miss Os- thse gaine f rot Pitt Statituin hurci grcounds. aise conteat will taike port in thse vahere tise Ptt.4burgh Steelemis A number of aimait garrnents Annuel Miss Canada Pageent taIre on tise 1962 Eastern Divi- were turneel i th be sent te e.îong with gis froin municipeli- sion champions, thse Noi York, Hong Kong. OU-ores are tri ho tisa rigtt across Canada. Miss Giants. Thie Giânts loat thse titlee hroug'hit n for -the October meet- O-Slxwa as elgible for many to Grosn, Bay 16-7, before 65,000f: ing. piizes et thse local levai You are cordialîy inyited to attend A% RECEPTION IN HONOUR 0F JOHN ROBARTS Prime Ministuer cf Ontario ANI) MATT DYMOND Progresslive Conservative Candidate for Ontario Riding THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19-7.45 P. Anderson Street High School, Whitby Everybedy Welconte - Cone and bring a f riend Ontario Rlding Progresmve-Conservatlve AsclaUom

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