Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 6

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Tlsursday, Septembor 12, 1963 1-ACCOUNTANTS L. J. SKAIFE, C.A. Chartes-ad Accountant 205 Frances St. Phone 668-8197 EDWARD RYZEK, CG.A. Pubic Accoussiant and Auditor 912 Greenwood Crescent, Whiitby Telephone 668-2996 MONTEITH, M0NTEITH, RE L (-O'Z' Payableb Is; ent) and CO. Accm tieSc-Leave Creti- ILbO JI1I Chaterd ccon40tshour week or dhhft; Age 1I'editation TIse Bs-ock Building 25t 55 yenis. fo Brocir and Dundas Whtby AppIîioants will ha required to Th fWridns Ms ieyU PHONE 668-4131 pess an Intelligence Teet end!1h. Wotsoa GideIyUe 135 Sisscoe St., N. Oshawa Medical Examniation. oaGid PHIONE 728-7527 Application farrina mnay be ob-1 tained f rom tIse undersigneti. 23-PE SONAI ____WM. G. MANINING CONTINENTAL Steam Bath and Cles-k-Treasusaer, Masage opening on Sundlay, Coussty oif Onao, f1 iStIs of Septeanher. Cati for ap- 416 Centre .SWJU&IJ~V1JJ pointiment, 728-2460. Whitby, Otas-o.se 89KC OUlur BO.N5VU. INSE 46-REAL ESTATE Reai Joins 6:25-35 REPAIRS- Thiey tIsai waat upoar tIse Lord JEWELLRY ad Watch Repaira TOWN 0F WHITBY shai r e new their strength. Special cars teithi antiques and FlOUSE F'OR liENT (Isoaish 40:31.) heirlors. Qasaci, reasonable ses-- The Towns of WIitby bas for 'In oui- living rsocam we have a vice. Charles F. Mesiser, Jeteeller rent on a mocihly bast, a Flive philodersdrcs. It stretelses part and Watclsmakes-. 1288 Dundas (5) room bungalowe situateal on way ancross flse r5om. Wè tioticed S.- West. Phone 668-2872. thre 1north s&- cof higtsway 401, lihat the faSrherr it extendeti it- FOR ALL YOUR appliance re- reniai NinetY Dollars ($9000) self frcxn thse contaner laain is pairs call your Moffaî-Westlg-per rort.h- Apply 405 DusiduAsi is planed thse more it din- house-Inglis Ses-vice Centre, Ajax stee West, Whitby. ishec inl thicirneas and sts-engtki JBasgala Cetrle, Harwood Ave. John R. Fr-oi, Here and irse along the vines Nos-ti, Ajax, Phone WH 2-6410. Ciea-r s-er length noduLes appeareti a if ti 37T seat-hoit<ff h'rlies-11eThe plant IATN AUTO FILECTRJC oeinorhmcneldte Speclafilzang in Motor Tusse-Upa LEGAL NOTICES lvrl u-boecnavt h Expert Casburetor and Electrical itih ofut evrg tiseafa ndulse SALES & SERVICE wtiu eeigtesfo h Dial 668-3652 TREASURER'S vne, into a. sertes of aditioriai M0 BROCK ST., S. WEMriy iSALE CF LANOc eath VACUM CUAt RU&PAMS rom tis asuçalemneatary feedlnt. GuareaIeed rfflru te anl maies FOR TAXES It a Long step trSn Sundly ete Fleming Vacuum Clemaer OWf ofwm, e Sasay, aus tea a on-ate Service. Ontario. fo strt atr aeraa Fre Psip ad D&Vry o Wt:Permsoaswho ha ve praifesseal Fs-es Pic-p axd g o Wit Christ as tJIer Savior and uniret CBIICollnt -AJUX942-2fl By virtue of a warrant issued withs tie ohamrol neglect te faed by tIse Mayor of Whitby hearing thre soul between these speciai 28-ARTICLES FOR SALE date of tIse l3th dey of June, days- We al nead t> bear iansssid SfiNGER ZIG ZAG sewing nia. 1963, s sale of lands us arreara tiiet jiltast5 suplensentary feesal- chine, Portable cabinet. Can ha for taxres la tise Town ocf Whhtby, img ai&e the growth and rlevesap- hra for $5200 or $700 o ntlsly. will ha held in lisCued Chai CIses ant of the philodenrsr-on, daly Write Box 35K, c/o.T71e Whs.tby ber ai the h.ur of tain oclock in prayer, SciPture reaaiig, and Nlewra, 151 Broack Si. N. Whithy. the ferencot on Wednesday, the medtation avil assure growth 35K 9th day cof Octoher, 1963, unieas anid develoPnsenr fo r ut o.Ls FORTMH BET - tIse taxes and costs are sooner PRAYEIR: Our Father, we FORTH BSTDEA on a paad. look te Tsese in iaIsh,asking for- good usea refrîgarator or range Notice as hereby given that the giv'oness of eus- sinis. Feeti us tis 5mai tIse Ajax Bas-ga Centre at list cf lands for sale for arrears day on te brSd ik ie andi Pharone HAve41. frh Aa of taxes was publisheal titire grant us Powas- te lve as Christ Phone R 2-610. .Ontario Gazette on the 6th day SWoWXýd bave us live In is nosusme DRAW TICKETS nf July, 1963 andi copies of said TAmen. OR~-L A Numsberad oily. Altesys avai- lisi may ha obtineal at miy office. HUH O H A able. Variety cf coloriss. Car- Treasurer's Office this 8tit day Our use of prayer ta in dir4ct lyle Press, 151 Brocir St., North, of J uly, 1963. pr-oportaon te our lnef-stin a Whîuby lItEast Lanaway past JisR ~ f ullier life an Christ. DundasSt i murA. T. D. Banfbt (Canada) SALES IIELP WANTED NEDEID A Rawalegls Dealer for Trater- dÉpe WliLby and P kes-auýg andl Towns cf Whitby. CHURCH NEWS ST MARK'S Ministerial Association The WIiiby Minrtstesiel Assasi- ation resumned its fai activiies with a f t-at meeting aitIshe Uniteal uawn of vv.lacy tjver 1500 ftenir- Miss Ila Newtons, a Deaconess Ch us-ch Parlom ns T u e a da y lies, wlse Rawbaigfs Prodrucis of thse United Chus-ch of Canada, mOfll55g, SePtefuber 10. fIsle have been socla lofrs yens-s. Rfal was ingtaiad as assistant t, tIse elecions of offices-s for 1963-64 oppostussiy fe>r pesa-airent, proàf- minqster on Sunday morrung rsultet as floliotes: presadant, itbla work. Start proanptly wlan Mr M MilaIr. hasnnan Ras, G. Rezelsean; vic--preaideait, Write Rawleigis's. Dept. 1-457-M32, of the Pase<>nd Raelatjo-ý (>s- >Rat,. J. Staih; eesetary, Rev 4005 Richelieu., Monts-est- mittee presetsted Isar toe icma- W. J S. MaiGIsre, treasurar, Rat, gregaticcs J McaLeud. FEMALE HELP WANTED I5ollowmng tiesersvice a bsie£ The association dleeplty regrets ____- ~ ~ "offae tusse' was Iseidintatise tisaidue te aiM Ieallir, liay aveua PART-TEM!E bandai-y mork, 1iorAss- UyHâüwian rrnhers of bhaIooring f noqnstIsais-fellowshiap, 2 avenins a waek. raeel for tIse congragation Isat opportun- ies, G. Naaisodn. As a mamnbes- stusalents. Appliontrons takeai at îty te aeloonsa Misa Newtoncerpr- anda as treasurr, Ire aas no 151 Br'ock St N, asat lana, or Miss Newtcas's formes- dligent Tise go widaes ol thse phone 8-3830 for apposntaset aresaof ses-vire wasaet Vilsia, AI- associatton go witl tise Rav. and, RELIABLE WOMAN sequired harts, where alie wes reaponrsible-Ms-s. Naatholsasas A welc'or attes for g e n e s- a 1 bausekaeplag for lte E ull pasbor-al wca-k of the autauxlec toMiss la E Nawton, duties. Gooti with citidi-en. Cell charge for- eleven yeum deaconema et St Mark's Unied MO. 8-4925. 39,0 Mornting Worshtp was eondssot- Chus-ch, anal otes Rev. DaLeas --ed t y ReatJ>KM.Sinitis, avlsae Mi Scott, of tisa Failli aputi EMPLOYMENT WANTED message was ebtIted 'Educa- Chur. h wbo was attensaingi thirs thon Fér DeclSioer"Miss Mss-gar- fii-st mee4issg. DAY C&RE avaIsieLn li sna t iWehhas- wes ai thse isgaisand Plans avare rarelfor the re- hurs, fécSdin sym-d, Playe- Ms-. Hàrry RanImer avathtie suxnptrassci reâigirmms edaication srn», %hot laindea. Trase rla- graloLat. iatructions i tihe Ib=ani uà, twncmusih me rgecli1Mf. 8- Annoummsmata hixllkted tt avitah clsses te begla the fin*i 247Z 387 the yw& alh anzmUtonsarmre- aveek i Ocabder. 35-MALE HELP WANTED The appreclation of thea main- t:rning fur tiheur <aLi andib-ener GUADSprogans of study, fehlowdùhp GUandS im Suractay Saiicsooi n Jq'A.RjRO Oç<NY J AIy L begin naxt Suass-ay witih tIse girl and boys fuseyearraocf ea and Appilicailiona will e receiveti y over meeting ait 9.45 a.m. and al tihe undiensignedi uztil Sepytember athIer cihutdrean meeting et il ar. 24th, 1963, for tIse position of Next Sunclay MissE s thse r Gard tth naie ut Highfield, Arsoclate Secretary of Jauti. tIse Boerd cof Hione Missionis will Salai-y Rasnge $3,720.00-$4,20000O; hag'uest speaker at thse Unitedi F'rige Benefits; Pension; PSï].; hurch ome 'sSer-vice. and Ontaaio Hlospital Insus'rc Pxoo--Ontarlo Depe. of Nhh.U Whera the rattlesnalcc bitea, it aa.toanatically anjects a venoni. Dymond Discuo@es Health lia Ontario Watch Out For Rattlesnakes Mafthew B. Dyrnond, MD, CM. Ontario Ministar of Hool$h Your Ontario iDepalrsirna of Illalah hapes ihat rajah a fers saf.-ay prersuionîsaid a littie knowsl.-dge of soatie sommer hazarI,, veryone rail! have a ls.alrsy, happy vacation tii year. Onr of thse hazards tu bc on guard agasmavaia ashe- Massasauga cailivr, thse only poivonotilsnsaka- tri Ontaario. Floraunatelyahis anaka- is lIniaaed an ia distributiontan ahe sîsores of Georgian Bay, abh- Lrire 'esanaula, and certain paras of ihe shores ai Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Tis reptile is mottled grey. hrowî an colour, and raiber ihick and îîuhhy, in contrasa an ahe- tinsai ped body iorm of the garr anake. One oaitiaa eaaures ai thre deeap pia or hollow on either ide ofits iihaad, heirseen ahe ryesanad thse nostrala. limaian charaeaerisaae iî ahe, railile ai ahe a-nd if i ail, which ja will huzz whan diîîurhed. The rantier as actually a tiid enake, and diat§ otaa aak or glaie peuple. Hassever, it wil ý-iik if prvoked. Thai ih an aay il aillînty bie an îal-deiene i a s piaka-d ap, îaepped on, or olirierasîraaned. then you ha-ar the- sharp laazaing soucia] ni a raiesnaka-, stand ronîpleîely aill mail ynu se. , j, hen mova- care-fully away if ia i oaa sithis siriking distance. If the inaka- ja aona ce, .rail smsa-ne for halp,j if possible-. Whe-aathe ratilesnake hites, iîa auteraaically injecta a dangernua venai, whieh le paraiealarly harmIail an chidren, ailica the raio if veniangn body weigba ai greaiaer, making il@iefla-ct mora- acvere. TIh bie ail cause severe pain, awelling and discaloraaion wjahain a fera minîae8. If hitien, apply a torniquet jusa aboya- the bite, igha annugh an canîpresi the soit aurface tisauesi, huatfot igha ennugh ta uap hlnad circulation. Theaimmediata- area of the lbite cmn alan a- e ised wi ah a sacril. iaa-d razor hlade or knafr, and ai leasa lame of the venorai ha- squeeaed out. However, ahe misa important thing istoangeltihe perian ao medical care ais oin as possaie, so ihat anai-veniniira-aiment can hb- given. AIl the haîpiaili in ahe areaa in Ontario rahere roulea- nakes are licaed, have anai- venin kias on hand, supplied hy tha- Provincaal Deparam-nat of IlealtIr. IIl as ra-ommended ihai persona whli have heen hitien by a rale- siake, or wlii suspect alaey have la-en hiaten, should go iînmedi- ataly la the na-ara-saanti-venin depot hoîpital, lance ila sa ha-îrr ta b hetaed with anti-venin, ihan an take a chance. Anti-venan is irai dangerini wheî given hy a physi dio who can observe tise appra. priare p recaaioaii ragarding sa- itivity reactians. Ila is repeaaed wha-î hiten, or if a bite isus- pecia-ddo mit da-Iay in getif au campa-lent ma-diva! cane, which as avoulable in al thse aas wha-re ahe Massasaulg) attIer la kiown ta occur. 19/8/63. Ary questiasaon the iari of thse Depectmeis of HeoLaJa un ala fiel.dor aaageted topis-aforu. ala.a.coltaaaa shoaandd b. seti anthe Pieiro norationa and Publicity. Oti-o Depe.raaaaeaof Uealal, Qummv'a Pm*., Toronto. N I bers wfas eaapressed to the retlr- Black, Emrie White, Satin Sil- ing preskdert, thbe Rev. J. Van ver, Silver Blue, Pakgmar Red, Harmelen a n d arrangemnts Azure Aquja, Saddle Tani, Emnber were made l'or the zsxt meeting Red aind Dlplsnat Btte on October 8. Forest f ires finish flshing - amid here's w'hy - the ainwer 17 Standard Colours any conseirvation offiter will For 1964 GM Cars We forest fires bum tihe MONTR!EAL, - WNS - Tori trees and bushes over large of red and brown - apropos ,f areas around a liake, there is thas Fals' fasIon tirenads - as nothing laEit t hold the rauinfall well as blue predamnate in thse and so ninet of it a'uns Off thle exterior cotar coicea for tihe lansd labo the lake, carrylng with Os5hawa hut Gainerai Motors it not eraly thes tapsoil but also cars for 1964 unveiled here. GM the ashme fran the fire. will offer 17 stanbdard orsiors - Tisaedixnenit, plus th.e lye 11 metaullt and' six sobd clora f rom the eohes, makes thse water - tihis yeair. uinlivable fovr many cd Ontario's Yeborw returnas to thse GM ood- gaine fish. The resti l that or line-up aifter an effbserae of a f ishing ins that partieular lake year. Named GolDwood Yelow may be ruined for years. it is amnong eight new ocor of- That's why <carest pacibetcn feringa. Two new ie<taffic gireens oifficers of thse Onta-io Depart- - Bahamna and Meedow, cbxri ment oaf LandLs and Foreais urges andi mediumn respectvely - are everyone trlavegling threuýhfer- snlcng the most excitirag addi- ested arees to be moet narefuf tions for 1964. Others inculde with fir ln any fer'mla inhe Skylmne Bluse, Sunfire Reid, Az- wuode. Flish canneo Olve in pol- ire Aqua, Lagoon Aqua, Deaet luted' lakes or sWieana Blxdbandse Bleige and Alanent F'awn. Thse animoAs die hora-ibly wlben f ire sovnruig colos-sare Tuxedo ravages thse foests - 1 y e à

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