a twnrs'nw ATTE<NUON Applications for Enrollanent NOW BEbiNG ACrEPTED From the Whitby Area Now you can train obe be a Practical ---- Nurse. Single and marr'ied womnen urgexatly needed as Practelal Nurmss __4 in doctors' offices, choieis, private bornes. Hlgh achool education helpful but flot eceasary. Booksansd equipment eupplied. Spare time homo ogudy course wkth a special period of practical lectures snd demonstrations (afternoon and eventng classes). Gelt uB lu- forination - for Free Boo#let on the Course, mail coupon below. *Canadian Soboolz of Practical Nursiag.WWw-iO 2 Elm Street To rento £Ontario. Piease Send me withotst obligartion your Free Bookiet on bow i may become a PRACTICAL NURSE. Name Adidreffl City Phone *Reglstered Trade Schooi with thse Ont. Dep(. of Edwcatos. du W "IW-Y WEKL NEW western Chigtlas in lthse fece of Mms Newbury cit Oakvslle, visit- Lst Saturdky, Thursday, Odbober 31 1M6 the hunges-, iliteracy, poverity, ed on Tueadai, wîth Mr. and Mmr. EFinan regei --explotiaton and diseese oft other Les Wilson ans Mis. P. Wilsonhirana CHURCH. NEWS- peoples. HIe appealed for ai tray R ______________ isonger presentatica c the t41_____BAAA vere smnntresaitthO(~l5tiB1 Mrs. Gregory Carter, chairmuan RD ST. ANDREW'S1 Gospel in ils evangeliste sud so- Of thte COutarlo Oounty Southi, Re- Top ors lsunday m'ai-k?,3 the l30th an-cial aspects. andi undisrlne thef glana? Catisoic Woenen's League plicate Bridge' niveruary of Pr '-shytertiniare in, need fer the personail coricern, officieJiy opened the ami-b - wek were: thse Tlown of WbtbY andi to ce&l- andi partïcipation oft individuel zaar helsi by thse CWL oft Imu- Easti brate the ccasion tisere wem I Christin l the tank of woi4d culate Conoeption, Port Whitby, Mrs.* Welae specisil servieffl nSt. An&xrW's.mission. Ait the momring service thse g-efft! Next Sundiay SL Marks will prezcher wes thse Rev. J.D. C. celebrate titte l37tih anni'versa-yl Jack, B A. frc-m St. Andrew's, of the estabbljrrient of the con-, Cabotutg. He titled has addre s gregation. Rev. John Leng, DL).,' "Tie Word of thse Gospel" and~ minilter oft St. Anslrew's Unitedi frr --t the texi -of 1 CorknMiians 13, Church, Oshawa, wil be the he showe'd clearly thevt it was es- guesqt einister sud Mr. Allen sentiiul for tie Chist an to pos- Cark of Greenwood will be ses shat th'e reek caied guest soîlaiLt. agape' - Christiani love On Ainm ___________ oould finxi hSe e br marching or- ders for thse future - to go outAt fads mb~e ~i~ There will be a promotion ser- A&P an im 0* m6ts runumywwj men'kind for Christs sake, and vice at Greenwood Unitedi Sun- net for suy gain thatt .ght be da3r Sdhool nexit Sunduy. Begin- reoeivesi. Mrs. Reginald Parker ning Sunday School silI steit at tram Pickverng, sang these lo, 110.15 a.rn. during thse sinter II C R "I-kcw Beautiful, Upon dise Moue- UntN.3oUiedCuc tiSin." She elso took sgouparts Wnit No. 3 of Ua he hme o w*tisMrs. J. Rendal le thse Wmnwl et tts oeo choirs an'iem., "Hark, Haï-k, My1 Mrs. George Griffn on Tueeday, R NKIL Soul"'. Novenaber 5 with PRUSH KILLUDi ,At the ev.enîng set vce the ac$ 1 har~ge of thse progran- andi wor- LEGS, THIGHS cernt was on pi-aise, with thse shiti. Young Peo-les Choir undieT thse1 Unit No. 1 will meet at thse DREASTS direction of Mr. P. N. Sprtatt home of Mira. A. Robertson on leading thse congregation in thee Thurudliy, Novem-ber 7th et 2 _________ cerig ng of many 'old favourite' pm., with Mrs- Mnaker and Ms. BONELESS, SOLID MEAT, LEAN, MEATY hym ris. Their antisem was theG.Moore i-n choarge of programu lively "He Ownis tise Catle , and wonahip. a Thusad Itila" nd doble Thse Fann Forum will atartitfs quartet sang "Lord I Want he be ~sa in. Watch for illte and P0Ke]T a*aw'n. I u, renthîasiasu sti s ae n esetai or lmstoe SUPER-RICINT BRAND, VAC PA'C, MOCI< sand meaningful singing uns an i h e eeayfrti ifispiration 1l0 ail preseit. seasqon.- Ite eiister. theRv. W,. J Mrs. W. Trolley la visit ng this McClure econducse] lise evenrg k inDetroit with ber aunst. H IC K E N L ( -nrvice and gave a semint The infant daughter cit Mi. and dnawing attentdon to thse eed, for Mis J. Wright of Brookiluviuss thSe dhurch ta give a welecmne at seSPL durïug tec Ah r vl les apny ondftrienfd mn..vice lest Suascty, (>tober 2W. B ' JR I A vryhapyandifilenlysocal Mr&.P. Wilson isieonSsm- OA hourv.e enoye bya& Pemt dâywi Mr i M isn. F Byems. mtereet segvice, llprnfoniMiss GlenanMinaker of CO FFEE SA LE! meetig toetherwasecccen- Bramuption sperst ie weekenid Panied soth a cup of tee, air- w1th ie- pa-i'ts. (iooo ieCso rud iageti and5 server] by the wives Mr. and, Mis Pîtchforth vister 1 -lb bag 3-lb bag of ik-meribes o Sesio, n Sunday wtti Mr. and )mia ST. MIARK'S G. Mootre. UNrrzr> CHURCH jMrus. McLe-ain and Beatrice at- D enthH. Pioi, BS.A, teni-dd th G >p Medca.l Con. 6 3 c 1 .83 vention ai Niagara Fells, iseld SAVE 4c SAVE 1 2c SLD, a Field Secretary of thtis wek. Boar ofWorl M'sion ofthe M r.andi Mia 'M.Pegg had Sun- United Ohumsh oit Canada ww da inrwtMxan r. ArPae rmy Rgjr 5-SEO thse guest speaker ai St Mark's J eY dînerDti iane df rs. AnPgC-ay Rg a S-AE United Ohurcis on Sunday m- egg dlal Die o OsattendaEA irrg. Dr Prior f ormnerW y loal rsidn.a t1ed- P AN teduc asa ireiuil11dtesupper oland hewirsg ofpic- BU T R2 9 mLse stlarcin a u gicuan itr -ri., iMrs. R.Ward of Claie- m-ia. ora in A-ngo'ad »earsh mont. AILrePom-tec a nice ie in BattyCrocker Layer (12 Varletia.) gos rianumipo fCie lnttueMt. Zion %rd Re.Prie. pkg 45>o-SAVE Se a rnni ete o os.I i' h e of thse ciseuit have C K & thse i"reotance and Meievarice of eje-an e and ae on te a e M IXE Chrisqtiasi miseens for or zm- ec iwgrg ntesm 1-zk, 5 dem worUd andi ahailenged tishe rses9l. ,CosupLacsncy ,dans jalouns,,, tof Mr. W. CarroL ansd daugiseer, - - - 'Roast lb 3 c )AF ;25c MAPLI LEAF SMOKED WIENERS 149c lona COLOUR & PECTIN ADDED Strawberry Jam 14-fi-oz k49c Reg. Price jar 55c-SAVE 6c Cidfm ia.r,Rfed Emparor. Large, Puiti Cluiners, N. 1Grade GRAPES 1U29C 1 j Braxhl Vaienoio, Por Latins or juge. FaAS e oua2e4«rm39c NGES Aymr Re Prie ey-v 9 ttr Ail PrkmIn a This Ad Guosusged Trotgm Soturdoy, Novm be 2nd, 1963 Soutt Carolie. Tonder GREEN BEANS NO. 1 Grae. 1b-~9 C Igrst Pccsng Jane Parker ORANGE OR ULMO CHIFFON CAKE oméh49 c R". Price «aCh 59C - SAVE lOc I YOctober 26. Ms. ail 66%, 'Mm .Wlscn end Mrs. mral public relations 'Spratt 64%, Mis. Bovey and Misa 0 atended. Bovay 58, Mvr. andi Mrs. Cuniliffe ~sc0Rw (~X~s~ er aQ ~tM Glv st-ýfie Whliby 1Du- i-av >74Vî; pZ ndr fts. Ba-kr73, e Citib metng ýý Mrs. Baxter at#Mfs. Love 71, Mr. -and -Mrsi. Winter tiesi with and West Mr s. Irwin an-d Mis. Bowmn dMr.Maeu'i, with 66.