PEE EE HCKEY Thursday, Octobeif3l, 1963 WHiTY WEEKLY NEWU 'Y All- -lo f ilj1WHITBY MERCANTILE LEAGUE Saturclay mor'nus, thse Wh.tby Arenea is onS e ai a beeiuve of activity. Ite Whitiby Mmin or Hlockey Asciation Pee Wee <-ecule niow ýn fui)) swIng. 1%.e Pee Wees pieay their regular fouà r gain e wh Saiurda' tnml i ng. The Wýhitby Mercanltile Hçck- ey league opened its 196364 sea- son Sunday ai teriocn t the Witby Arena. Arena 8, Durno9 6 lI e f irt gaie Arena Pieked Up the wn when they downed.f asat year's league echa m pio n Lyn4Ovfrw 2, Seaway 2 DuUTos, "~. Lyndeview and Seaway bat A newco<fer to thse Arena this tieti to e 2-2 draw. Lauren Suai- BbCeryldteiv- cisetti aa*l Keitis hbitson socedt nens attack with three geais.i for LyndevlGW. FurSe aJ. Johsn Tran was next as lie picked RLeid ed <11015 W. Cormack; u¶Stwo. Gord Lulce, Lyn Mid&le-i and Wayne Ubto soedfo ton and Herb Tran ammonted fero1 Peu1 kauhi .thse other gools for'tise wlneiu- Tise gamne was tieti 6-6 w1th Atterslery 2, Dlck Pontine 0 a f ew morrents rennaiasng, when In thse fis ht iotot of tihe sea- Lyn Middletofl and Bob Cherr s'egular p, YpAtemley blanked' Dick Pontiac, by the, John White pscked Up thse oly score of 2-0. Attersley goal scor- goal. ers *were: Bib Stephens froin Don D>d& ~ 2 lsl Oben andi John Cinnamon frornKIannt Dodd & Souter iai ~~oupjwIIgaDotn cj e u. Fss erca an Ls Wand er UI& SoBter Drunuing in anothrà ea Don Oben. Rosa Parmgt on gan-playe th Ie second 2-2lte o lthe Don Messer'e "o aesat" nmust radio career in f939 as tIe New, morrïing. For Dodd & So'uter, on the CBC radio network are Bruswick Lumberjacks, ie heard Red i Wngs 2, Merce 1 Bruce Collins scos'ed froin Robin MargOsbrne Do (cntr),,Wednesday and Frldaye. An-, Redti Wngs gained a one-goal' McPhee and Don Bradiford Scor- Marg shure, Dn (c ntefouncer on thse show ls popelar vebory over Mercs. Thse winnersl edh-cm nBob Banks. The two Ki-' andi Chantie Chamberlain. The Don Tremeine. mnarksrnen were Stephen 'Short wanis goals weoie David Baron C)VIINC755( 290), led wth Rcss Bragg 13B .LN NEW S, 279 andEti Bad'gley 262 tbwwng ______ ___ ______ a couple of tuxnely gansoes. NVIUMTY & DISTRICT MEN'S At dise ent of thse firet section Wedn'eoay section thse hgh agegaine goea to Bas- Hsght riple: b ReI 69 setts wîtb 1,433, aiso thse higli (295); B. Mosirson 694 (269); K' a triple cd 3,703. r(L le D % I,.1rg 661L D.Crcggs 658 (25). Doug Buciecen bas the idi aul ts# Single aosd triple witl High à snglis: tD.- Walker 280; 355 andi 865. R. Yallant 2ff0; C. Moore 255; R. Th'le a x hi-gb averages are B. Oh4lts 250; D. Petreon 279; B. J'oà dan 236, Ron Swsrz 235,1 Point wonGeorge . !j ,har 229, D e n n y Peints WonBrows 228, Ron Bragg 227, and', Wlsttby Bariber $W0 '8, Mii-AW vne,, ý -or 0; l{offer Valisty S-paper.. mnakxM 0; A.rtews, teg",Çes QWI iT Y MEN'S LLtAGUE D ba3, DmrOobe ; WWhy- Thursday Sec"io Hotli, 3; Joe's Barber Shioç 0; Redigt. oe t. 24, 1963 Mtton Machfinery 2,, Queens Higis rpIes: B.Jordan =871, Hotel 1; Ramsblers 2, BbtuM1;G. Deetlh 763,.JJ Sutherlandi 719.0 HoneYsock 2, Anlesuon CaSrt&gP 1 R. PaSoe 719, L Bailierson 715, 1. Section wnners, Hoffer Val- R Reeson 704, G. S-hxnidke 701,. ley PtiIze winner, R. Vallarn4 E Brush 700,c WIIITY MEN'S MAJOR H19h singles: M. Joi'd& 301, Winnerais ofthe firstu seton F Kwpuscinski 278, A- Swmanski were thse Royals swho were tie 278. B. Codfins 278, M. Anderson with two otiser tearns, counity 275, M, Sl-ýxr 272, Des Denyer' Bowl andi Burtinskys, wth a -263. . D Adarn26,R co tal Of 13 Points, but wùnusng out 26, Peians 2W2 n with a beter pinfall by 35 pis. ont o Captaîn BB Jordoin once agai Firenen 2, Silversm t1hrs il leud ng is mateal withs4a 765 Legiron No 2, 0 Legion.air 3 (301), lofllowed by Ward Bck Re Wings 3. Leg!on Old Sel wth 704 (271). This was gocid 0; Post Office 2, LXX1;1 Cits- e n a y ùt e sü; over Basseitta, who Isad cmof lure 0; Kn ghts cf Oilurmbus 2,, their bOIt nit51a Geoge Hub- Abner's itmblers ; c ou ri t y pte n î agin aey ls.wy0 bard wa" the beat for thse jewell- Bowl 2, Credit unà m;on t ein Baof M ntreagt FraminliaePla o.wn o lers 'Anth 704 (293). britoe i, Me[tRon2. ako oteiFml iac ln Fliemings S"e~ Servie took a Corerault to bCiaze r i-- With this Iuw-cost. life-nured pIan_.Qfe F tO to one jet off Jordan Brg. nalce, w=rmm o(f 0<the 4itpaymnent covers al vour credit needs - and yo F'ooti Market wj*th Jack Browns sevt on. t he eubp Doc. (316) maing he .2 a I CENTENNAL euLFciwç . lhen you see what you want - see the PE beat for Jerdas. Nee bleaclses for c,,tennktat iu neîghbourhoodBofMa utaF nie Mercinile -âne upi. Park wLfl be purohaseic by thle Finance Plan Ioèný 'One steady bo%4lng to tà ke iwo parka cnnste fte'w gamis rom CQW*y %r B Mri 1 a cof i$31000. flirts 688< 271), antd C.,10i 680 I n eply t- ReeQu«Mleli, .________ leadklle viY. ROUI Swrtz led Mayor M,,eüaexiinedth iat thes Butýn*Ydeetid hotet, but beithe potuoiiof te en-!B N K 0 F MON> bade Boas3.. epm__4V ade _es vi __ A N - O MN - F1II7FVac BRI'NG Att youS PE RSO NAL C FI TNERDE WITI4A 0w COS LFS NSUneD eorduo veAi MeacthDon. e Foe waywitstArl gIJols.le therwoy aito got goalsfo Mike Gmys, Ted Mendyk and Ron~ ~ ~ r- Slck Nwcme u, for the Durnea club. Flemings 9, Ot enbrite 3 F'benu±ngs scored eigbtUiees ini thp second- andi thrd peejede tO give thern a 9-3 -wn oveC Oetu- brtes. Jin Hairse score th Ie Onki goal of the ftrst peelod to ge i lei ga a 1-0 Itioc. qn the second pesiod Uie wn nera scoreti four tinsea to neove înto a oCnumnI4la. Jina Christ'e led the way with twou goqis wlide singles went to George Mitchellamd Paul ROU- seau. Gwynne Bornes scoresi the ondy goal of tie second perc>d for the Ottexsbrites tearn. In thse thià rd BiH Lwsdnnirke led thbe winner's attack with twoe goals. Bob Fawcett and Ken Har- ris vounced out the sooing. Biob Mvoffatt and and Lloyd tSeyrnouT picledt up thse Ottes- brites goabisn thse final perioti. adslately? to buy with the agular rnonthly ju cao take up amily 17REALj D 8 f M LOAN Whitby Branch COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager STQV-E *&FUEL, Phone. 668m3341 Prompt, CowtwS -SQ!vkce DX GEL C. NO. 2 HIGHWAY - JUST EAI' FWIB 1