6 W111TB1ý WKEEBi.v NIEWS,-______ Thumldta, October 31, 1ffl GARDENING SERVICE ILEGAL NOTICSI LEGAL NOTICES FSE 0 N A I-t OLNTNT TEE RMOE, trlnined, they shall then have receved no- par-t of Lots 9, 10 and i1ln ite - ~building lots cleored* ipower fice. FrDouble Renge acodig oLAKE TROUT 1J. SKA[F, C.A. eulmnf ree estimates. Cail e d e ns Plan îymng west of EvellIus namaycush Chartiered Acenuiitant 9421824 or 725-9450. M42 D A T E D et Toronto ýthis 15th Brock Street, ncgw pwtofrthei (Wablbaum) M05 Fronces SL Phsone 668-8197 dhy of OctcAer, 1963. W}sUlhy Municipal Pan. he lake trout tg known by WE Y14-PERSONAL SERVICE j ny person eihlent ln tise lie- mvndc51Tofl n nes inehsding EWR Y K C.G.A. LUDWIG, FISHER & JessIng distria t amy aject ta -the Ymayc saokncimw t r u t~ PuleWAorD RYZanEK, ito BELL TAXI HIOLNWmS, appli1cation, and the gru b f re trout, tiogue and btedioeked 91ubic Acwodeman andAudtor UNDER 320 Bay Street objection in wrating safl he*8âosaIiroii.1t beOns ta thse ein 91 Tzeepnwe 698-2996 105,EW MNdAGEM. et Toronto, Ontario 1Iwith MR. IL J. 1BROWNÈ, thse mP 1is â ifboea h rokto elephne R8-299 105Dunda St.West Soicitars for thie AdhLmîthrces remgistra of thie licensing &strict, Dey. Vastien trolst-Uhe M>JTrp.MONTEm, BELWhitby w}srm. dressis 55 L10-am-Indasin and CO. DIAL (24 HRS.) 668-3111 head s i55LAR riatered Accountants fNOTICE O MRE V.EAST, IX>- ram Mung dwefie Oflise The roc BuidnR0NTO 2, ONTARIO, at-t eide'P- TheBrckBuidig ELP WANTED - MALE A P I A I N e Cyoefr lemetn t~ os1±in ci lte lake tsraa' R an d Dundas Whitby - ________n esbfoe fz metnga PHONE 668-4131 TEMENAGE BOYS for part-timelm Lo lne A ~~ta hO varies greatly fromn lake ta liake; 15Simcoe St.. N. Oshawa work. One or two evenhdns per LCeActl DOIIc Nsuer7 D tha picaHI7thi'a lt rwu~ idaaele ~a PROE 78-727 week. Apply Whitby News, 151 TAKE NOTICE Ihot Idya Otbr 16.h. A 102-lb. lke 1roist tRi 2-BARRISTERS Brock St. N.dyc te,16. largeot over emght, waa takesi ____________JOHN JACOB MAJCHER AIMANCE H(YIEL CO. froen Lake Athabska i Soks- H-UGH T. MCHOL, B.A. FML EPWNE of tse Town af Whitby in thel lmitied tchewan by a coenrnenilal fluker- BasrEster, SaJicitor, Nota-y L-DES earn up to $10000 be- County ci Ontario wMl mate ap-1 JAMES E. MAHER, man ons Aug. 8, 1961. Mt was 50 Public f o r e Chitmsasebln plication at a Special Meeting of: Presldoent inchea long, wili a girti of 44 Mortgage Fundkm Available mrail rug-a for us, et home in Use Liquor Licenice Board of On- 2M7 Dundas Street West Incies. Whstby Shopping Plaza, 668-5061 apare Lime. Apply Box 92 Station tarijo La be held at the RYA:WhebY Ontarioo he fish agrees wfth ailier - "D", Hamilton, Ontario. B4() CANADIAN L!IGION, 217 MUR-1__________ dxam ilnsbelng tYpicaly nSdrten il-REPAIRS Ç RAY STREET in theo CITY in dkrtribution. It la native to thse EMLOM NTW N D o f PErlIBO(OUGH i n t h e DEPARTMEINT 0F PUBLIC srtlem port ci Nor& Anserica JEWeci.al ae wYanWtiquespanrd DAY CARE a-vilable in icensed COUNTY cd PEY1!EIIOROIJGOH 1 WO hum A.AA rnNew Eng]and stites a n d eialisQacrethantiqueser-n, home, fenced in y a rd, play. cma Friday the lSth day cf NOV- TENDERS thse Maritims 'hough thse Grent vieheirls QFc. esenabewle er- oomn, bot lunches. Transporta- EMBER. 19 6 3, e t the haur of SZ>.ED TEDRSardro[ Laites ta Minniesota ani Wlasas endlio Wcmcmske 128 Dunas d. MO 8-2472. 10.00 o'clock E.S.T. in the fo,\1 L'o Use Office Manager, 225 Jasvi na n,& n forthword fraiSnQuebec an athakr188Dndsnon fur the i9miance of a St Twsonto 2, Ont., and endareed ta ieNriwstTaloaa S West. Phone 668-2872 WIDOW wishes ta baby sit 5ev- LOUNGE LFOCEheCE for Use sale'es _______LCENCE fo the saR WHARF RE.- British Columbia and Alaskta. MR AL YOU APPIANCE ermIevenings a week. Fond of and conmpWtion afi Uquor, sand PMRISs OSRKAWAà , ONTARUO', j FO ûL O PLA c h 1d re n and reliabe.Pon . Nun1Insprng, lake <rouitare widely repaira, oeil your Moffat-West- ciIiabePoeDNNG LOUNGE LICENCE for wSil hO receivel util 3.00 P.M. dsest s ialwwtr inghausex-Inghis Service Centre 668-5494. M44 the sale aind consum p ion of (EsT.), Thsirtla5, Nçvernber 1 &ai Uerhaita th its Plaza Furniture & Appliances 44 FOR RENT mesis. 14th, 1963, icater abit<at but 59 egrte Ca., Ltd. For tise following promnises: a' ioeon and form iestsy seek deepes- and cole!er Ajax Shopping Centre. 942-6410 ROOM FOR RENT would suit THlE CA1NADI[ANA MOTEL, at cd tender can lie seen, or ca eo ver VACUUM CLEAIfl REPAiRS gt-nleman or lady. Furnished 732 Dundea Street Eosqt, Whitby, obta-ý inie ffaitie office ai Use Juat aiter thse le goes.out in Guas-alised repaire toalal makes. or unfu.rished. 944 Greenwoad Ontario, bedng part ad Lot 24 in D isa t r ict Fhgineer, D)epbartment' rpring, laite tncwt are fouusd eur Fs-s. estiniates Home, parts, baga, Cres. Afte-r 4 phonse 668-5193. Concession 2 ithse said rwof ici P u b I i c WSoi-ka 225 jamiîs thie surface ad cas-s ha tken on osm. Fleming Vacuum Cleseser 40H Whib~y inth Ue County andPro. Street, Torcnto 2, Or"i-t: a fly rod wsth belt-oesting equ.slp ,Serice.vnce of Ontario. 'lo ho conatdered, eo.ch tendes- ment. Il li a fine tacke-ih I Free Pick-Up and Deiives-y 4-E L SAEAy person reskent Ln tdivlic- muat ha ma-de on Use printed oeugiit on light tackle in ed Cal] Cofleet - Ajax 942-0213 THINKING 0F SELLING ? ensing district na-y object ta Useefor>a- aUPPhied by the Depart- sprinig or lotofaiA Whens Ihy - Ci)ntart 'application, and Use grounds co! ment and ia accRrdance with Use move ta deePer wate.r tisey cari AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS DOUG. ANDREWS objection in writing sail be filed conditiona set fOrth thore'IL be sougist wlti dep water teoki Brooklil - 655-3195 6 with MR. H.J. BROWNE, the 'Melokweat or any tendes- not Inaludlng 200 ta 300 feit cf cep. BF.LLS GARAL G1Encsirl cp Wi-LLMAN SA1ES ý,1ý SF11VICE rep-senting rgL tai! the ice-salng district, o -yeeete.Iperas - laseLage paiej GENFRAL REPAIRS JA. WILOUC-IIBY & SONS whmcSe a dd r esslis 55 LAE G. C. MOOLURE, 'apo.ns or m etnaw hasat as-e effec- 209 Dundas E., Wbitby. 668-3693 LMTD REALTORS SHIORE BLVD. E AST, TO-ý Office Manager tive tae for lakse ti'out. Oves- 60 yea-rs of service with RONTO 2, ONTAR1!, fit leas't MARTIN AUTO ELECTRIC over 35 agents in Southera On- ten daYs before Use meeting e Specialding in Motor Tune-Ups tario offeing gieter coverage. which tise application tas to h Expert Carburetor and Electrical beard, SALES & SE-sVîCi-: NEAR UXERIDE- New 3-b D atda I-1B hslt Drir :0 M5 ~ rceSen plit le-vel bungalow, fiee- .f ted ber, 1963tqs 409 BROUIKS ' s WITY ai Phalf acre land, landscoped '13V090in terens. We have oitlis JOHN JACOB MA.JCH-RI7R $995 BEATýS te rust. Undercoat vailable al-go Irene Armstrong, 732 )undas Street East now at AI Dearbors Sheli tixbridge, ULoter 2-6849, M. Bl-Whitby, Ontarioi Service, Hwy No. 2 andc Thjck l'rd. Reaitor A40 son's Rd, Whitby. 728-1849. D44 HON: '.I"1)VFMETS MORTGAGE MONEYÂD UI Â Ifh IJAVID-S WINDOW QLINIC Glazirî S r-mos Scie.t Pcb Enclosures F"REE ESfATES AJAX Phoine 942-3035 28--ARTIClES F'OR SAL.E ELEBC'PRC lutrhen slave, Four hunier, Gesses-a Elects-lc, ins good oocaiitioni, white. Phonte 668-838. 44 1931l KELVINATOR Refi-îg(i- t-r Over o.p f reeze r, magnetir door catch, wh-ie. E-xce-as to iv. quiremnsi Phore for viewing after 6 p in. 668-4043. FOR THlE BFST DEAL on a good used refrigerratior or range mee Use Aja-x Bargases Centre at Har-wood Ave. North, Ajax Phsone WH 2-6410.. DRAW TICKETS Numibered oily Always avail- able. Variety of colouma Car-- lyle Presas, 151 Brocjk St.. North, Wlsitby. lit East Laneway puit Dundas St. 0ONE GOOD UHED fuI] vissas opens c o u n t e r refriger»Tar $2.000, ba-gain et $700. Ca-I 942-1 1824 ?42, FOR THE B15ST DLAL on a 1 good uis-d refrlgs'to>r or range, s e the Plaza- Funnture & Amp- plitnce Co., Ltd. Ajax Shopping pIaa. Phase 942-6410 S E CON D MORTGAGES pur- dhased and arranged. Durvwi Itelty Luuited, Box 188, Prt Hope, 43 ARTICLES WANTED BANJO -For-string in repois-- able condanon. Ludwig, Vega, Paramount. Gîbson. Probably gathertng d&me in yo>ur attic. Oel Toronto 488-9175, cotlect D431 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDIIORS AND OTHERS rN 1THE ESTATE 0F BESSIE MAIDE MALCOLM The Liquor Licence Act Licensmng Distict Number 7 TAKE NOTICE Usa-t ALLIANCE HOTEL MO. LIMITED oif the Town of Whitby itise Coursty o! Ontarijo will -male ap-. plication a-t a Special Meeting of Use Liquor Licence Boari-cf On- taai o ehel at the ROYAL' CANA.DLIN LEGIOIN,2Z]7 MUR-, RAY STREET insthe CITY' of PETERBOROUGH in the'i COUNTY ai PE7PJBOROIJGH pn Fniday Use- lSnh day cd! NOV- EMBER, 1963, ai t Ue hour of, 1000 o'clock LS.T mn the fore-' n oon for the sauanoecdaI LOLNGE LICENSE for thse sale amiý c-oau.mpti.on cf liquor, and a DINING LOUNGE tJf7EN~SE for ALL PER-SONS ha-viugdci-ms the saile as-i consuxpton ofý agaiot the Esta<te of BESSIE liquor wit&i meots MAIJDE MALCOM, ta e oi the For the followuig preanisesý Town of!fWhtby, in the County the hoid prems cie o Hotel Wb t- of Ontario. smho died on or abouit by. Whîtby Ontario, heving fa-cil- lit 7nh da> of May, 1963, are ilies for 'a lounge dîn-ing 'lous-ge' nereby n tifie1 to sent partîcu-I a, well as Use required bedroomai lar, oif saine wth Ue unde rsig-ed. îscccenmodat un for o v e r nsi ght St-ho tors for tieAnnstasi tews beinag mniampally known ces, hMaiolie Joyce Maln-,cI Iai No 207 Dundais Street West, Mai Gertiîe Malc*nm, on or be- un the eid Town of Wistby; aud fo>re the 13tAi day of November, (rshaei- being oomrposed cf part 1963. AILe-r iat date thse Adrnun- of Lot 12 on the Soutie side of sîtregraitices wIll proceed ta cia- Dundas Street, halng -n thseFist ribute tise Eatate amnog Use per- Double Range of Werdogu Rog- sons eatitled d tiitos ilng s-e-' tred, Plan wfflt ai BrSacistreet: gard anly lto se ci-nseof ich a-n]fus-jUirbe-ta4 oSnvSoed of In homeM where tiiere ay, . cîniren constant care muet be takea witl cleatîsers, ci,.ii-lics ansd m,-licines. .A.cidentalPcs x; Matffhew B. Dymond, MD, CM. rlîildr.n constant cse i, <ma- Oiatarla Minste, of Hoati îak,-il si lleane.rs, . nu-edicineh end uolr-t-oid ht meny tome as a surprise to in the garai,-.and hume amy Iave MnY ta disrover tics vo aU keeP to be Io,-k,-d way. a Vaal number ef poisons in Our Parnt teme,, - my n homes. Some we use eve ry day, and oticra only ocrasionally, but in the average home the medi- cine cesit, kitehen cupboard, hasemnent and garage oSfer hun. dredc a( possible deatis trapa te, the. unwary risild. The Ontario Salety League sterna that tise flosuinnocent bouseissld consoodities - hesci- witîingly encourage a rhild to swallsw poisoun, if tiey are in tise habit of pla,-îng lefiever tur- pentine or other poisons in a soft drink boule fer torage. A child vho is used to inding a pleasant drink n tihe Container wiAU be even more likely to drink tise toxic lud. ache tableta, iquld detergent, 1 ayrldrs-eâno, wlso viieven pain <a ailtom miakllara drink t,orrosivaa auch as lye and ai curious yosnglter swall.vs drain-cleaner, or sampie an in- tiens. secticlde containing arsenir. Tit- main probiem ai ccl- usea poisaunsg uts sargely in i01-Utn .Jsatn-e. tic sander-five îe g pep. visees ealti maksa available a booklet riudrea are aid enough ta ex- ald"eYuBaiF«grn pcrîtnent and sta. Youngsta soder- PoAaonings?" aod putents wlhlusg stand tise bain a"tase rage ta leara more about preventing duids and pilla. Parents sisauld tise accidents snay requeat s neyer sahsa h fer granted tâascopy Irons tieir tsarest Pulà lir potentiel p.osossare aui of reaels Beaitis Unist11r by vrltlag La thie af a ehlld W placeel on a hlgh Pubihletioug l.-renis ai tissDe. self. partmnent. Qse-ns Park, Turonie. la haotes vises- mtht, iI14,1/63 -1 m ý Your Ontario Department of