Whitby Reporter, 20 Apr 1850, p. 3

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Ummgo Coft- 7ç or liu. "te e. utre ,yen, Ince tun rery that eus il!. 6êt les tk le. ,ho id le 'yeur Petitionere wil ever prny, UR 14TÉLEGRArI1I REPORT. ,nx 0onsequcnce7i of [ire Telegraph - ce ia this Village huvitîg been but eutly opened, it is ýnot yet in couît- te operation, ad consequeniy ive ne unable toobtain a report lunt evoît- g This s9hahl net ho tihe case hence- whewe shal publisir [lie lateit ,wa togetirer Wi[h the -Markets. ,,.i lc NIEpgNDEN." - t is stated t Mr. Wilson's connectiosi wi[Iî [bis per bus cese'd--and Stt upoiithtie 'piration'of tho haif ycar, its publi- [i!on, wilýbediscontioned-aiîd [bat e Pross aud Types iili ho employed -tier disseminutioîi of Il Clear Gt" îinciples, la #tihe Metropahi-g'o nucl or &%nnextion. We havq hoon infbrmod upon Ilgood ithority," that B. B. W. intends àking nýtrip,.aad annexiug himnse1lf ta li iesnCaforni.-ilnm. Gaz.' iiice tire receipt- of the ubave, we îavr. èeivecl. tire- lastt atimber ot the ~gi I exu1igrmilnu are'on the move, aud every ç ' te osns tramin from the emat con i this-hu -ithy; Âpril i9, 1850. ..dre&-Buff.- Jôm *ÂnxRmyOPEsçIça; rrS. l'le St. Louis LIU DGG Democat lesiijs that persons are in. that city front St 'Joelph, Mo., ýwho te-.T~nrbrha osatyo j50r lhUhêr'~rftor 50te 0 ' band, tand continues to Manufacture persens at that place and np and dowu Wageoffl, BuggyJs, Rockwq*, OChariot. the-Missoeuri river, awaling VIe ýpioper tm, and Fataily CarHae, : time-to start for the plains, In. conse- '0FDIËfERENT'Di.SCRIPTIONS, quence uf thiavat army ýofadventîîrors Wbicb>,he eau BeillChéaper for Ca] proisons of 111kinds,especinally fodder taraohiEubihnni.l~ for une, ae eormoslyhig.-a kyor surroundin-g country.- For stape- ,or. uýIe,: ar enrmos1 4ih,-s iôr -Style ýand Diirùbility, lie-feels Ihigh as,:in Cuitfornia. For instance, confdenÏt-of 'givrM- É fli satisfaction F_ oet are.$2 50 pebiusher. purehasers I.j& '______________13 B. PAI ,TIMM IIIiNfdonstaeofOdsî 'Ns Yrs. Ari 1.-Tho stean-: eann in nli ts varions brances 'sli Chrok. asles today or hrxreîneutly executed.on' sort Ïuoticeo . t with - 30-passeigers, thse most of tron-'NT NELR . ,were 'bonrind for the gold regions. The ,WibArl[,f80 stearnshië Georgia gisotsailed for the- samedestination with 472 passengers. Wh, inr Uû l oT U@ItH The Empire City bas a large pnssen- Ti ot afo o o 4 t ger list engaged and will sali on Mon- T Concession Whitby, is open.fo day, nt 3 P. M. biddersï for s. tersa, of-net leàe than finý The steunuship Republic sailed >fr « ye"rs-"TlIère are, Fîfty Âcres cleared, Sun rjreisc vi RîoJaniro au&ni the 'otole Farm, s pleutîfùlt1 Cap Le ie viHRoJaeroandWatered. Go iand seeiit. CapeHor. 1Possession iven ii od tl ime for t jur PetitiOners honestly bel. ni~hey o dt ea rnestîv -dpsIre' -period iW near ut handi'auj ,Wjesty wîillgruoiously wel. hé Poicy of Eugland to vards witdrwig thut protectirir Çultù~re' wich ,.he, fortueni> aud in divers theraot, pro olier' wulfare, operates nmiosi upou lier best interesta, par.m by deprîving lier o;f àa gool mrarketfor ber wheat, whicli efea-t staple ; . and' yonr peti.m neeîivinig-that she,is a. mere Gýreat Britain-,artd thtit the f bath areserronlyuS1lhfcted tionship -now :sabsiting be- ými, and knowiîg, (ai they un- y fo pm exï?pecie,), thnt -fot'sig pÈlt of Upper Cn- eonly nct progper s,-but if not ruiined through [he aik ets for lier: produce, and gir other causes which, the licy of England bas brought believing bler to. be a hon- anecessary burthon ou tihe ly pray yonr Honorable H-ouse e stibjeet rnatter of titis peti- .yeur early consideration and n address. to >Her Mvajesty, 'le liumbly beseechingilIer Majes- e.graçionsly pleased to recom. thre Imperial Parliamnent to adopt Inelsures ns wiIl, -forthwith, ne.. agiidà fromi lier dependent state, lowlber to, becomie un indepen- sovereignty wilhiu herself-a reignty', neverthreless,- allied to -t Britain by tire MoSt-l-uting and- tionàie ties of friendsliip, and on tétai. 'as your hononoble House Jla Ior wisdonî tbiuik prouOper, to est for Her Maýjesty's gracious and tconsidewttio-zind 10 ndopt such measures for your Petitione rs' re- nas to you shall seetu meet iii the eigbt arrivâa and aine clearances yes- torday. Amoog other articles of freighl w ere 4400 ,.btuslels of Canada wbeat, and 35q000Ofeeî of lumben. The quan- tity of Iuber tis year will1 probably be largely iacteased at Ihils pot . Lust .yeur [lierewias an inenease of séeosteen millions over [ho previons year. Tis yenr will udvtinco largely tipea tho, last.--- Tises. 5111.JOHN FRANKLIN. A letter ba s boots eceived by the British Consul iu New York, froiii Fort Snelliiîg, Misiesotit, Mardi, ldth, saying [bat [ho nortirern coast of A merica bas tis senson been exjîlored by ' Commo- dore- doe-Of [Ihe brig Planer, frora Bebringas rtraits [o Wcnright inlet, by Lieu t. Vulcun, fnom thencelt ho moîîth of [he Muckeazie riyer by Dr. Ray, com~iderablyeast of [lhe Coppermioe, witiut citîter ef these seoing or heur- ing of Sir John Franukin. ANoT1ratt RzIPOiT.-John ]randell, Fut -menchuot, Now York, 'lias receired n letter froru St. Pauls, Mitiesota, sa- ting [but news uf Sir John Franklia's suflity had xcached [bore by tire dtg train fratu Selkirk settlement. Tlîey1 say an Americuit vossel Iradi been seen by some of the Inimns, uand hîd sent letters stuting tbat Sir Jolhn Franliin1 wus safe. speaking of tho infiluence exetcised lîy tbe -uewsi-aper editon, made ¶ýhis forci- bic reniarir:-<A jour 'nalist 15 a giver of udvice, a regent of sovereigu, a tu- tan ,of nations. Four bhostile newspn- ý4epadent, stating [bat-it bras ccased pers are more taO b fen'red than àa hua- .w M 1 ( Wi 0a staded thousaad bayonets." -igehuigp iMeng lac to S ______ The oties tnt raw ou a ~ Thre farmer's doughters of -Mussuci- etts sold straw buts and md onets iast 'at toy vrios. lenath[hosîrdo ear of tho, value of $1,646,5P6. of St. ýPeterus there is mucir ta ho se and mach to e &laed. Tire iagin Pifteen tliourind children attend tire tien -is totsehsd by.tira historie ad el gged Seilools of Londosn. sic assoitions of' the spot; the into e Adruntkea felloii recovering firotuaa feot is instructed andtho seinses ttar gr ~laess was 7se- -1e[he zs.vished by the inurvels of art witl u ot ué fraid to spot iris vriîcistire museuimg and dabinets of tba? - '- ~tBral City' are stored. Btt as [heo con 4<N,'nd i~pourpagan--ciristian -tre of au superstition whicb bas born 1j as only ufraid o' tler chap." avayovo thre vest foftweWo ecent riel Les rL N rtAxàrcA.- A cterinauofe md ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e el n uisth ai eidb~Oltn, uasruoton'dàe'ratant catattro. igndwhic, dirin thesarn per b on beard the Loaisaa, sttai, as alu hauce r- gttided tle poicy of Goveramentsj, ian mal, tiat 1,400'parsema perish yearly on 1 1- e western valai t fônsteamht casualtims detonxnined tire destinies, temporal au', ________ fiL O Çour rae om(.5rnzsrat xa ususr.-IMtli [WSlunra VOfQor n u.' uâ ofai 0-students e ta Cmbridge la 1847, vu iving their opnion to, that effect. 515; sud la1848, 499. Tic numhar-ofuqccsa- -- - fui candidates lbrtha degra. et ahcelorelarta, in 1847,vaa 375; andn 1848, 37&. - £SAvit4Tioiç.- "1s usmersiansu thur the Goverumeat bave .despatchred, te -tii Coleoer t-nebecblank licenses'- for feteig verssels to'preeed to Mon- treal withl cargo.o rin ballst--'In tuis hlialiee thre Mnistry certaiuîy deïerve credit for the promptitude irith -which tloy lhave acted, sand itepéeote ou-o Itemi 911 the adraa±a.s giron te allier seaPerta under tho navmpat on lava. Threreetordprs inaÇouucij repecting the ýifutbm , ô tig tadhave been Seeiadd.,alidotberm 'arepubliulred are m,6rriowIwaant iiA publie TORONTO WHOLESALEMARKET. Fleur, (iarniers) per b]. ls,à. a eS. 6di.r Pleur, <Miller.'> per bi. 19&.a ZI.3d1.: Wheat, per bsh. 4s. 4d. a 4s. 5bd.: Bafley, par bush.la. 9<1. e2s. 2d: Rye, per bnah. 2L 5. M 81: 0.1., par bwL h. 2d. a la. 4dL. OsIluesi, per M. ilb. 91:Pms., per bush. 2& £8U.Peut, (intw bot) par 100 Ibn. 200.6 25ei: Bacon, per ewt 11h. a f».: am1percwt.3 aS4s. -8e.: per1lb.5d., Aras,. lO 18%i wh«4 boo. 4 - " &3L _ON 4 April ý9h, 1850. -DR. GUNN, WHITBY VIZZ.eGE. §prisg md ummer Jashiogs fer. 18&. LWhitby, Aýpril 19,1850. ALEXç PRINýGLE. WHfITRY IL4J.GE. Alordèers in ist[nie premptly execiited. The letest P«eiet erat onk4avld. Whitby, April 19, 1850. zi!muwu£a Basistr mi Atoeeyai Law, I3ROCK-ETREET, WHITBY. ÇAMEIION 4 AÇGNLL At. ais miOmselqr..*",W. SOLICITORS-IN-CHANCERY,. M. CJ. CAMERON, -M. J. MACI)ONP.LL, Lily of Toronsto. Witby Viagwe. CANÂA WECST. trOllice in Witby opposite the residence of Peter Perry, Eq. MR,. B. 'FREY BÀ-j4 L, WHITBY; t, W. OIi4oe, near «"Scripture's flotel.e" C ilH0OL B 0O0k.,de W11ITR Y VILI$QR. April i94L, 41850. PRtOCLAMATION! e t ~k~~THfiEÂS>it as beon re Frsent.? t e of lier j«sty's leige subjecta et the ,PfoyinmctCa"ad, hta lunesr rvails asioeg Oie lhabitantae o thi. Our Tewaship e4Whithy.'î thatthareugb and extensive RtLncmnbrasl i.Pb expenditure ef thq Province, -AadwhereaýrtaIntind inas tbey ili Maanfctliee oots s' "*itat Be it tirerefore known', te aitwou it may.câi e Iosudte InWwlt.ls, W -tby ini -pucea, tuat trabtu d4ibtb 'l W tUe 48 I.eHM "i pstcierchi by Manufsct aegBOTS 89S03 ofethle'very hast inateris, at the fellwumg mv ý prù« I..r- >KN-' Fine Sewvei Boots, 239 te 2632 di Peggrd B"e, 18'9teo21 à Streg Bsots -- 2 - to1310 other articles ià the. oot aam hm in apropor As tie i.Sliociber,. is datermined te kind ew"o LADIESA»I!>GENTL&EZWB aid e ti~aaIt lb in th W eu, mai I DR MOT ON&Y Ar Postiie iut a WInreuied'. ure fix, .55 Disske.. *~î . fleLas lastinga' di&èovcry <Of' ie amédical - pipertis et - Npih,- a..setiaidown-.inte athaaonglrconfi- sý deÃŽ*ace «s Coiv) uslSyr1q*4tapt 're>eilia 'hftboFit ingeotnature. x It i. ievise îdfliedto.lie isnmaas'iraltl upiôir to anitçher SUt RE1RY HAT#ORJU obhmedicmne, a#t k a)nostt, nsaell l k*eo t Itýbýozn, reiévs tie hukfBas ortlis'litot, aheuthe icure of Rheumatism,RlMe ce înd et tmo e a eihie matue plItegni FO Tie activity et: ite*nàturmu sncbittlsamqiemnoment, usd11 iis.taken it PeIvtdei Oi rare-,,andm-- ttucgfipo<ui-i e--i 5 eVsyfbr e1he iuaagtt @;Mpli5ittio. of the, *beTI rPlg.A,¶* tlioelintseurs fr irculiitio -ni ftUicblond Astty C &.b trU -adgves w'iversal egreste the impui thtseu 5h01h10 tvbchengudr nth sstns. 'thOe cure o 0 f WltJPo)e*l, nta t F,,çelj gof ù:odlesty. telsay nqtling of the muçli- tss l nclet t P spesInI 4f bis disceèvery ,acëçordlngte tinuas i iP5> ver u ne tut heauject lu eneof i.r tee much 1u Pr" 0,netld *importance. te thepublic tuei intferei tîtby Sfic -ireprieter. -a&-botaciest.tin rpérsoins, eoasiderntions. -lRe. ;ierefore net ýouîy cuit for: the cure of atsy diseuse; yet - rconuiiss isNals >rP, but wrmnits iil toeptsmc 1'ic-st ip caùre.-t e ;arrants -it te act upon Oié chylê <mnd C55i5 os ue <OiiisLt"IuQ, rprifyjte war'rante lt-sa-nemerfsiling remnedy aucceoa in lte cftses Wberit bas hau _ ec itlee'-ver, niglil aweats, dispepsis, liver cein- 1uthCty', has icu ,perf tety ligi plInt. pain i tise chest saddantina; sud lie ft -wn as<e ýj>~e bpg IMPrrants it te erren thOe loritien ot tut bercles paiel Oie Sangs, sud te héat Oies atready termed, se that Toronto, 14th*Decen prsnl conuaption muy ake it iioth Oe muet Sir: Ilaving fer, a considerable tint pstive cnfidence ef s cura; for jts gresi sent ef veraly fi-om an attack of 'the illicami action is lie lungs, wibic it pnetrates in ail right arm saud side, 1 applied te eue er irections, Puriyang them of every Oing ebtoiaxous bic physicienu; but tins.treatnsent wa la its Progrer, ild bichi-if spptied nccordinugIotaient benefit te me. 1 vas thae] diretionsi, it cnnot filtet leste in a parfectly te procure a bottle et your lioperisi beathy condtition. ewbich bas completety curedirMe, havI Thi ' t mp b téPet icly',freea fine aaykind àprenesf patidsî 'et1 f' i' Satimony etfte 1-,t - uinieMo dstinuae '~ VaJsss bsCunVj mtedicat praclîi n t i gjustifier ise pro- th 4tipro e<Iujiq prieter in spesking Oies enfidenty et huui--s'Y Ã"f .dvaY; ý;n10dihbustOe taesulsiotion un bsigae , -ei. p.ittnire caus-a oet oefs il tils - 'r , <t ,"Càbi ir1aker, NVo. 4 &ead W'his such thiat pienélts ie osait imuredistée eetMaiei Iy fee udemowlegaitte be tihediiidaeIm 4 CWM fqrok As~eia< thàey rera.iniquel t;f, ud-gîlaUy aucor,b;jm aitstanîding ècured y Hoftïrd'Crf the p Fiswthis liée dais in its fsvour. *lnded, " iLI# itacin ss ergotie. th*t tIlscfflrtive e&jcts 1 hereby eartify, thati1 have been sa Ptainly maniltsu sgdoe t e tbm'in momeni t lte'inqatsm fer fijIetijea; fraà - pr wducad rassults xwbicli lotls pf:o5ieioicnsIuime Ictlq ê ',noe Ple hast taill te effect. jeIotq'e telydiàltaW.iy- Thec propnietor ount QA4 4h-e ~sigle stif sud mYjntwereve isthaw hiottie, or avens asing e doïa, tcou s theis liIst tOyi yeyâ that it is' beyond Itcoiaro beiÎÈ s Mt iSib sud lflcnaci6us a rasndy they evhr faé jw'<j¶.ptintg pain§.,.- dcori i Eur for il pies powneual ,auifeattous tisa euàistlur ilhytàsa e iof igbU.M .qislities almuat ineirlatr 4is ur tvo-5eawçlu s ltr ti î 'IrjsiqlIt ; iI -the rS [0f -ing ait tise mesn~ sI 4 laa Usau Oiig artoi iitups 5~liIWleÇd .1»w old f1t2 r e thyIFamt 1 1*41cul Ps ioe 58. a bottle,Or 6 bitles for 26. 'lnsy isU au'wedr - aeyé iv 't "* i snt éit Mn C n4 allier mediaju, but inutha ,pirce by tbew, reiSsJk 1 aled n y i, 1 haLt ý vieIro s0 aMn.' aetrasv», p go1i4. ale. titt ae te i ir ftiad' ' najp wkqoup s Yoni sqe"c tharafore,vparou rsià wkirej -i na'~ cinu.-, lat i ttëen poudin lt reached uy str.eruey, e t 4s 9#P teevQ we,'elta'j7, < in.aty sô aboutislta 'eTact te S, . Y. ! Q I! R gone an y g'peel-ïett lhrato, the eaSy Géneral Agent i1i anada Ws'eoy us gnod iealth as sny man iu Cano for the sale oethiis Medicine, iuc-loa'i n dty reeveo i bve wsked fetty-six ix for tue namber e1 bottlel rqYiciInicisvu I id> WS afecll"doi,.ani fi5555t iumediatelyiforwause, ila asanre uueM lh1~tiY~iati.yeu la~Ju sud speedy dalivery. i rspcca~y Ifs isis A. V. @W & ce., namneyouknowasud'can refert te e WHOLES.qLE 'GitOC, . Prt teWilim o TORONTO. 4jem"to¶. and @.par bottie.1 TRETH f TEETH ! TeETfil laEN V W FB IEL, Vjhfflte i lprepared te exéetxte Ordéfg 'iùs:bls linaoun 'tire -altrteast oie., - su5,Ap!tt19, 1850. -,ICtÀ1tD .WbOI>' Sqceaeacnnpuaiin.ieddtaTraveileaa premm SIGM -OF THE u«IIE-IIVE," TBOMAS BESCQBY, AWM, autF WWlhest PlineTRADI- fo i ail". Owe, April l3t]Ï.-Tlrere were TUtE &moi~ h.n a plant la v t" o lu.I.,..ti.......,..h,..rliAPthe n.u Aô~s aseetjoen Flevarla, sud I'risC Pheoinus, ayleadi paeked, tsne tomfWe conarymme. t PDeeplva Ç-t1Ul4 et t spplicants, &s asle hsmd otzWl Tonuete, Apra-i15. - LÂTEST 15511E 1 n e Q.v- u* mie* s Sya. ClU IWwhy,j . 1 lui [ai 1 FALL PLOUGHING.lui Apply (paid if by post) te B. FREY BALL, April 19[h, 1850.. For SIe lFrv and a Ilaif Acres of Land, witb a Dwellir4g Hotise, in tire* Village of NOUWQOD, 6t1r Conceâ'n of Pick-ý ering- Apply te

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