am saamaMn& aitblnk sotbi WIIITI3Y, C A NÂADA-W E 80tbell'. evening chii; ur orthe sea, 'sounda of this happy world, ytery, ail, 10 ie, ,y words of household love, 'no part have 1; 1 in ish- or the kincI 5uullnigt- rwhisper of a igh- heardih mry t ul oeth'a rejoicilig apring; lisp of intsncy-. mean unknown thing. nia of Lüvesagentle voice, ka they arelow antI 4eep: limslatheir trenbling not es, >Diake the happy weep! yfancy gives a aolemn sounici êa pirit'a voice to prayer~- - aatie,n.the shode of fear, k.nowt1tat'Godis there!i Wiathefrýpeal the thunders as theyrol- the ster,% rpcks their echoes keep, i1hritl the poet's sou, i sounda that rouse the waxrior's heart, e trumpet's martial breath, 1t Most they, be that aend hlmn forth, jocnlt'de th 1 ellaI me that the lorest hatti ta %wild-wood mins trelsy; it the low night-winds, amongst the fibirera Whisýet in hartnony f $;nds it inysterious breath; thé bidi-atthe festival-- ~And 'millet the gioom of deatti! There sure is a -voide linamiles, And sorow's dirge in tegrs; And memory is the spirit's cord, Thit thrilletovanished years: The ýkinà âlypreashre of thé hand s langbage unto me;4- mk~irae poured intcfmy sout1, Its silent melody. Ket wMw d 1 ive Joig yeeRs of lits To hear a soupd lothy; One. moment 10 catýh the tone 0f human aympathy 1 ýThough'ne'er to me, in Ibis our world, Shaîl sùch rich booms ha given; Oh,_ga.l1 wake tram death to heur The ïngel-song of Heaven! RE V IE W. The -motives that draw men -to Rome ât *t~lrjYvarions. Bedeath the'shadow otf t.ýPeler's theré je mucli to ho seen and mith ta be iléamned. The imagina- tion is toitcis.- y the historieanad clas - aie asèations or thre Spot; theiîe- eeat je instruatedand the senses are ftvished by -the nmarvels , f art witb *hirÃ"IiUi M usourn anad cabinets of th e eternal city are stÃ"ced. Bt as tire en- É4r ofa i supertition 'wvich lbas borne sway overthe west for twelve centuries, qnd_ wbÃœch, during the came peniod, bas gtided the plicy ofrGovernrnets and detc 4t lie n7ý èdesti'»ies, temporal and etrnaI, <f' nilm 9s fur re, Rome, ËItas a h&her intýererest for thée.pjrilso- phr and thre Christian frorn this than a~a~ ther source. Not oniy may, tise iprings of tIrat powerftil syslem hoé ,moe à advantageously.expl(,red atRoei thaanywherê else, but this City is ià UeMal!tsttbl'y the best spot for study ing lf'ing poetry, 1-ow'often do we find il boldly maiùtaiuied, riligtthé Systeni eveloped in the pags eof thbu ancient theoloianis isi no fair 'repréentation of tlICe26pery of Our day; and that ve do thée memberýs of, that1 Churcli great ini- justice by holding themboni. y tr clagmas and oinions of their forcfathëes inanyOf whilr they repudiate as strongjz Iy as Proteýstanitscan do; antd, iR tire advance of civilization tihe piogress or letterg;,and, above a]1, thefootingwbich the -Reformation lins gaincd iiiE nrçpeý, have *ae iahi nc>ifië 41e living- creed,.of thre Obtrcli of Ronie! TBint shontld these zeaiouï- -apologiîss -visit Ramie iself, haïf an honn'rs conversation with thedoctors of tiheXboli-e in oa- no wouid convince theta thbat lbey had îs-not tnacoiiumoni in this couîntry,- and ini other Protestant conîtries, toerneet men wvbo, by equivociïl statennents, by shuffling evasions, on,,w,,hen tîrese are unable ta serve their purpose, hy. direct and boid averments:of wbat 15 iiot-fact, labor ta have il bel icved that Rome lins, changed greatly for the betten, both in point of belicfand ini point of ipractice. A&s regards tho latter point, we admit the chanîge; and for this the Chureli of Rome has the sainen]erit wbvh the tiger, lias fox lre change. rvhich lie un- dergoes inilus irou cage. flttas regards tire former, rire must unhesitatingly deny that Rome Iias char)ged lier belief in a single iota. The whlole systesa of absurdities, p)ucrjiîties, fables, supersti- tions mtïrdenies, irrational aad mon - strous dogiîns, -%iiihie held in past ages, sire holds stili. The nineteenth. centuryjunas foutnd lier prccisely where the fourteenîti century leftiber. Site iras precluded berself, lîy the lheory of 1 nfaliibrliIy, from changing in a single point ; andl with thGet4ibeeny 'vagrees the fac,--sha lias made n chanuge. Nor, indeed, ea.sie alter a sin glu point w'îtlout invol ving -the wlrola structu ru in ruin. Tu this northepmulart of Eu- rope il ýmîy suit the piiËoses of tîrat Chuirci ta foster tire idea that sire both caui and lias ehanged; but ivith. the Al1s bet%îveeti lier and'P rotestantisem,. sire repeIsthie imputationcof chanuge ns an insult. Tire learned and accoar- plisled metn wio guide the destînies of Roman Catholicisnx at tIis hour, are ns profotund blievers in thePope's infà lli- bility, ini tîe worsiîip of tire Virgiri, in praà yert tirte saints, in relies, in mira- cles, iu transubstantiatiou, ia purgatory, in the whole Papal-farago, in short, and ,ca1onsign, -witir as luttle compunction ahl beyç>n4 the pale of their Clînrei to cIcr- nal fire, as did the men who bunncd I-aus,'>who -excormmi 1nIi .c ted", uther, and' laaed tire.'terrible .I ragedies rvhich signalizedthe ýge_ tiraI suceued the Rteformationi. This is _ thre first truth whidlhr'44 .$Soyvaour's -book as- tablisires. Tiresecond is, tiraI a sincere belief in.ttireuntire dogmata of lte Cruîrcho f Rome is-'by no mearis ncpatible with thre iriglest degree cf mental Cul- ture gtndgttaiument.,This ls'a point 9£offlidérable, importance, inasmuch. as au,_oppositq idea, pruvails, ta soine euxteat,li thirs côuuntry. That &a piecç - Of bnead shoulid Ibis instant be sirply1 a pe- eofbread, and tire net,wriîbout, any change perceptible by, the senses,1 the liteiraibodyof the Saviolnrl, sircak aIl aur ideas of Lire nature of th4ngsilmd oftire laws under wiie they exist- and becaise we fLi.d il impossible tô bu- liave mnamuh -a prodigy, -we caneltude and infldelity &mong:thie. dignitaries of tire fomish Church tliQn. Protestants commanly suppose.' Mr. Seymouir de- ciares, tiraIire met alt Bore, mon ac- complished in classical erudition, con- versant witli tir eantie. rane-f Eurq.~ trtith, epenking En -glish, Feeland Germatwith. almost tiresainie faeiity as thei r -owmRn ati vé Itaianivr0y, exhibitçd indubitaldie. proofsraýf being sincene irelievers in the wiîoie creelof, RoÃ"me, from the iafallibility dowawards. "r baà ve learned," - ,our at- r "odmuett béÂar -about mne for ever the in1 mory of tite- leeson, neyer ligain ta cn.rd the extreme cf credirhily as in- cons~ r raMaosenitifle attfaintacnte; or ta suppose tiaIwhat seenis tihe sost abeird 'and niarvei11lois superstition is incompatible rvith- the highest education; or t'O thinli tint tire ulmeat prostration otflie mmid i s ineon- sistent with'the loftiesl range cf intel- lactual power. Theré wns in Soule ai rny frie-uds an extraorliinry amounîl aio ditian, af pole élitenaitan'è, and of gréai inteilectual acumen; but al i eemea suirdued, 'and held,, ns by an adamans- iiue gnasiî, la everiasting subjectiair to wlîat seemed ta tiren toha tire rel i- giaus pinciplé. Tis'principle, wihicir regaïrded tiré voîce of thre Chuînch cf Rame ns tire voiceaof God Humself, ruas aen uppennîcet in tire mmd,' 'andireid sncb an iiihû etce and-a- rasteny'avenr tire Nvhole iaîelleetuai powers,-aver tihe rvhole nrationaà l beîng-tiral itbowed in tire humlrty of a cild, before every thîng tua c ame *witir aven thre appa- rent atiihonity cf-tire Chncir. 1 neyer coîuld bave believed- tire mtent cf Ibis, if I liad trot witneqsed it in tirase ne- mnankabia instances." Il is imiportant to kuow thIis fact, ne ilt anches ns ini wliat consiste tire safuguard of religion and liberty, agaiust a system which ba sirown ilseif irreconciieabiy ihostie 10,-îuiot in the progress cf civiliza- lion, noria thére iunnizing influence of literatturoe and pirilosophily but id tire difl*lhion of tiré Word of God. These, tdien, are tire two great trutirs whici Mn. Seyrnourls book establishes,-flrst,i blînt' Popcry is tiaciranged, Ëùnd must nemain uncbanged, so long as iL aex- lels ; and, second, tint il can ho resisteel and overtlinown oaly by tire Bible. 0f course, cua utior speake auiy on moral infl 1uences, and docstrot excînde tihe agency cf liras. mord violent nietiroda by.wiihA m anybo tire ill cf leavýeh t eaxlirpnte Popery considered as an acclesiastical and scial systeas. Mn. Seymcur visitEe -Roume in tireï latter cinys of tire laIe jPope Gregory. Ail iraspence atlirat lime in thre,,me- trapolie cf tirePapal Wanld., Neyer- Ibelesse-, ie b .mwhincir ias siurce haret aven tint city iraséoleotin.lxaven tiréeý , tircugis trae mtro md acet ta drend tram Ibis fary- mare blind, ta ils appiroacir Our ntirassuresus traIre faîutd.nd ong ail classes cflitalians an i ntense desne fo'r tie sepanation-of thre -tempScrâbvereigay framntirhe spiritual supremnay,-ýtrat lrefelnprvadeel espernialiy the lmdesman,-i.dtn tireaeded anly ea ibld Wgn ta unfuni thre banorr, in anden that aeffect might ho given to iriratwg tire, usîlvertal iîsi cf tire nation. 1 -t ias to obviate tire necessity cf swai a disjunction tiret pies IX. ccnwzenca& iris refoaias. He reiga of the P1opeis vrtully aaà n erc,I juat as tiere migr cf thre -Stuants was h il an ernd in Erugand wren tire hread of' Ciarles.I. fei upon tire scaffold, and jusr-l ne ieiga of lire Bourbons mas ierinated ini France whien Lou is XVI. peris1ud~ by tlrç- guilloliiue, thougli in, To be cenliued. -OIL QESTO Tios~ihoha eeiue lu tira habit cf neading-ila-specirlations -cf P cuiunilsm wil nread$ly pîltreciate the polst cf 1flic followir,1 iri.ihits direotly atthiri apsund reutoning. .Tt isplain,.ou,itiS f4ee liraI lýt ms, inlendcd -tgridicule c tii abeurdities; put il i? not a, wmm dnslry le av y 'pleasant phirase and i ias 'dUlÇldl4ltlu6us.îde.TIîs exrt ut s frani oneof trea n> 'al îisoîh srels oà tie season. Tirewriten rj5 spealcmng cf the limne miren Fou rier's inations arerer zeci. "l irnte ilew so cial a'rder, every body is ta wvork,brît nsti r-'n ea ireuceans ta campari tieîni hodoso0,uadnistrywilii bcitorne' 'alttcive. Yo un gdanies -willrait ut tirelldà and Seize irald 1 f bneaiingrip tugirs mathir mnesuta- il îidI ji6ty rtssa'à , v1a.-M spand their lime in dressing, siioj*plrug, diii kettlus wih irrepressible -anImasi- Asmn.'The nrillionaries, uîowdnîiugr about in Ilim carriages, and tîreir feet torhîînud miitirte gotît, wiii b., sean shovel la baud aI the buttera cof diteas. Te miolu ibody ofcour lawyue ari vcd cf the luxuny cf defuading'and nid-1 îng rascniity, wvil seize uipon, scythres' ýnd siekles. Culrupr iIda khein yard sticks, and grapple witlirices. 'lirciers wili assont craps, and dactars- Iroisan'rate. E ve'yry Érad ywil rauefu1 anrd a man will bce ashimad ta cal a mncai, antil, ire is conscions of iraviîug uanned it. -The consequenca will -be tiraI lazy foks wmitIi ubtitte a valua- taryetaynton.Evany body will press tram la ant, but tirey will baveý- tac muchr conscience'ta do so. aIn huis way lire world wil bu nid afIl idlrsg, 'and bhémesa fui!l of weallir, tire t -ber *ilI 'be Do plnce- tapat if, Tire surplug cf inîlustry mil tireur h'esigéd ia ptrnping-tie oceans mbinthe valcanas. Tint tr, Baing aaaverled into stan, miii praduce trunriendous explosions, sud concussions. I111 ana ofttrer tire ennî l mii hajerkad imb ils naturel po-. silion; the pales will bucounra parpen- dîiuler'to tire 1aIipticy thbere miii re ira macro alleratians af cold anod ient, brut ane etereal suror miii reigiitrrund tire enmtir9'wiich will bu capable af mainaiuing aqiuadrupled population. 1 ATf'flis willrlapii<3in te t iali ta hénu- saandl years from hast Fouricf Jaly." - -The BI..4 of an huslrhate.- Dr. George'Stephens Janes, tof Bos- ton, conmurniicaîes lotira.h'dedical i)our- uai tire foilowing sîngu len, îioughiurcî tirp vaisale biri1o u éQr laaded tti qnation, yet t*îa[fli4'woùil reroainjuug just lhpý sapo, ûig ojrserved. Wbat lsIillmg inug, nnd to wici my uttent tu-clid,- mena lira fumes? %t fficir wer. 50 stroit g tiraI luave supposed tirat article tc tIloaunaog lthe bloed. çapply ýajiugirued taper toitb thie luast doubt thairp f, I ire i uî.eoeeu i unite, buriat lamirunt flaneleil nIai 1 mep flîrd rn autopsies of th w ho arec irahehabituaI ,use !irquons suir de]pasutrons - -îiôai destroý?ad ., liý eiui r birr'?céntlin.. tlo diê's. My patiit,-;l à ýnn, .,', 1"ew Eng"io -1ften GRÀT EÇTAý TION . hoIA iSSLL> MANrCHESRz. Tirera la in LancasIirer,.,E2glandla som-eay called. thie Laneacluire -Public rut School Assocîaîiou', mnich hias, for 1ils had abjec t, as its naine impias, testabish- i ment of 'Commoil Sahools for the hone- 'wr, fit clf tire peope, l lange. .1,Il ls esedtr oa tire -sai e principlas nas Lqrd Stan. ie tie-i.nstruectiQn pro'vided, qhaih h- sialr h as sha enalil pensons ot ail raul-so gaapersuations t¶o participaI. . limita ndvantngec ; and il je noreover cacon- -sliturtad, tliaI its-ivorking cIa alws.ys hb ou atrolledby-thie rate payons,' itWho ' en pply tîhe funda by wuih il ihmsupport-.~ ed. 'A nmeeting of itsýfniends iWas-e'lP.. ly raid at Manckeslei,,atid;was attela-' dad by tterlr 1000 la fl00ucÇén'Ihor e plalform - hing -taken b3* lnfluelW l gentlemen, and speeelki de1lt<aià 'd'hy seveiWalnaed orators.:' W. lielve 5'irtohr pleaeare in giviinthé -adgi &bà 'e-r L