Whitby Reporter, 27 Apr 1850, p. 3

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a~ T~ in t1wUnited i ii.à &A MIti-c lergiyucexrve AosSiation is to e *Oýmid liq Toroto. W Oii aavio. the" m .i.ofa Brnch Agio-~ oigtimi hurh ~eaA /tcd 4uani Geaeal-WO r~p.ttp hve 4 a*ouùS the clathi, #a W4neaay mrn9 of-Lieutenant î crtsir J. Mcom5 the, Adju-. ~ant'.ner1, ~fer a f 7s illness. *0 regret oj ie ~,that -the whieat crop iii 4èi- Niagttra District bas .uuned n h beathy appearance, fron' the .uùùodly seve,Ïc frits. Werby a telegraphic-despatch, * ',m 1~ "Fire Flyelý-arrived at nhrcec Rivrs mm~ontrel y xtday, ai âne b+'ICk,iloake S.Ptri hrfr op e m Iu ot*s- fficieni tê ow --3î steRiO~ ~o a~ hroghqm l 1 i jth a biabilty the lei pen#-f-tÉ L uu i utthe loIR "',, bicdh takes $sM*on the iZth inirît j' /Irs fa SUPpoedd crr. girsen or Patrie DylWfl 4w tt thre-murCtIllSwho eornatds i boIým1 murde-r in MarîpOti n February 1a - vsarrcstted at 4; i Tliouiiu ycs -teTlay and conveycd w to *e Donwle. The st. Louis DtyT:ss.'s Icari? front a.:ge*tle"iiý wbo hauibet nt ravel- ling through.t he T'ppter M lè'tssippi ýçountie that the wheat cropeini thal sectio have, never been -known to loob Ilr -prniasig ai th is season of -i yCS!. With no ittbfrtunate calamnity thé faner wWea nabiudnda tbaiý Tlhe steamer M <ht real, Iêft,Io~ntrea toi"guebec yester ay: :ai noon, and tht semrLady Elgin., Icfvt the sani ort at > 1P. m., mi tlicir irs t trips tli seasn. The Mobntreal la! a Thft Uivers ail nighit tw Cal if oria.-WVe Icaiiufrom westeri pipers .that thosands -of mc.il i, worn and hildr'n, are prej>oing t4 itmve i that in Detroit alone 6000mneu hï-üav ing bodeilt merchaIdie b~ q conxpliihed doing ti. he l 'te At the. lait meeting of lune M'intw CityCo~wiJ.a letter wSï cid-f Geprge Br6wn, -Eoq- riieetI to!-ýbuiIld St. Anu'. Market Hbouse £00.After*somtt'cowiyé;mGniti, At tw * coécusiônà- of the cm"ni ecursoi Lte' Insttutes of Mediecle T&wa. W<M.r-MucI zain bas !h1011 rn its inty dunng thaý,pttwqdays, Il This mimwas muh 1antîd ;foovbg win leave bMofltrlc asioniiOtb4 - tue lat. contiued CO4IUILIdry wea-ebanuet above gcetairomulice, with~ ther the frost winotitof the.gro -dthe shipe .Monircal, RBn$anage, an4 TUE aud'except in favÃ"ured spôfs, pIoughlag o' Bulli n ow. The . Lumsber XeMP an was at a stand stit-.-Briak hWhig. chant wiuitCwtup the,-ship Grreat BniPIW'aggm T'he Remi n'~ct, Of --C> - titmQuteChron. .lnl24th. position on the Èeiver aind Lakê lhai Iav!Jrs Lu!-en L been bluflied off-for the prset yVàî ýba#a Tihe reml flcta Of' the con promisne w w ofe'dlihfthOlnPO 4 or si cannot niake public, for thte reasous, u be sueîrg sat teipeiConcerts at-tit for sI a compromse bai be<tu affeted.-Ib. ÇCourt of Iuüsia. 'Jefiuy'osuigiiifmuat nfide Thte Weather. sFr the pastweek the hgtv 0taofr a ùlnay'uea [Great 4tiÀetriùnp4iofgeniu41ho te;w weathcr bas beeti sowewhat raw and ugTaoi o ahfrte al.~ colt), with -ocCasonal1 gleanis of $un- Pt- neatly shine; and- on 14onday uiaorning lest a hécawy thander àtrM, ciisuied. It is now Wh Mère genial. and spning like.-Londonl BYT EI Tradf Jams ýRrz»ell for Airson.- Tiais-tiial, lias occnpièîâ thle Assize CourtNrtox !I1XS. U at lUniiltot for-the lait thrce or fu h tae ~mn< I~t4a'a aay~ it as c~aud yesterday, but lIfa2c on ,MoîrîV iihp~tsel hojury were uni blc o agre "poun. aG6P.M,-on the eamêîýay, au4ý&j1l4pro- t0I veidict, 'n",nd werc dishargd.- Globe. 1ably arv t~wokt ih. - Wc Venotice ~tfll nsrc tliat the 14vz1t1oOL MÀ CÇOUdVi slip J.amei Titéomb, Capt. .ilîl,- was ced 1 il8 onlwr Furscd clcarcd on the 18th t Liefroni Boston, Co eioý-wcr - '-ioey wi by BenjaTthin Bruce for St Gorge, .- PAN . - -»- B Ilto bnci witit deals for Liverpool Tilfé jitical news front the ,ëcenti? , Thssthea firet ý,cssel froin théic Unitcd inPoe -fates that blas availed itsel f lu 4hz 'tlùh out rne-T.io1n0 Mu( Maîluer of tlic British Navigatioiý Act. ftn:adheeraprchf 1ebeLD ¶-.ÃŽb. - ~ cctIl x~iýfè ise to fears for eotiu :Mri I. auce-oaf% tlte preseiut ealm I~~' OAAIE F PUBLIC OFFICERS. We understaud that twvo Petitions tcâ, QECEaiîw _î4lture ThoGreý* quesion lias r.ot ht)eu adt- tiei.: tlL sisaur rcin i crcuiatioinejtd.-l'i<evzt' <> A 1 I j ry fe ui te fienl ofikVCs uf Facthe tlre ofis . 1of wî,Pasthat -allci paid t oinda ?' 1cersof tlïè Governmnent, or ofthle courts eerkeaint ppedna -srcu ofLtasvand uitherpublic departmcnts, ifclybtynEgadn usa May lu futûr; ho fined adth, oefi as h ori ilime evint-stmed, 1b ~dt 1cials bc: fiil hy tatccI salariîes lu lieu -Pakrrdstenfc ôsi gve» Adfflral - -ordr t 1oc of fecs; andi tie otlier that a law mnay a onplctcjocad e uft te pooSt. fi ~i be't"'edby wliceli the sala*ries, or a ýeipr-cf Russialius givenassîtnuçe j, 1- Ceti portý.ion -tiiereof, of pb oc flicers o'- oayac otesp rMay be ai tachdh'y tlicir creditors a fler portÀ> Kiùng Otho.0 eObtaininî jud gnenit-în actioüs for debt. ATES 1j Of fltic first f. thesç eitions, wc vcry I alttentire advices of a -dater date - C hcartily aîuilroVÇ;. tue practice of pcr' t au Matrdi --4th havç ~en cive P1 iuîî:Ilg pulil ie- officers to pay tliem- rorm.Atliens, at.Whieh .titje theérelit 11 'Sc-Ives Ly ftol&dste cMWû aluoni i- of the meeting heua two ds pepu a nable abuses, as 'ýcvçry one kunows who Iy betwen Baron ,Gros and Mi. Wyse,- Il js la quaintcd-'w4t'h Ie infarnous r*cti- lîad not trauspircd-;ltýeinhgîs said ,yces that have glcOff-on for ycars in coer- toe have'.been of)îviya*icable che- g'- diý tain depaithicnts of the Courts of.Law niiter; uIf i leginpiidespatei ,ejand Police ïï ibis City. The.-ranting aeilAthens, Apillnd, publishedi (lj- the praye LtC second Pctitînn re- the Drcsden Zezugcnbe credited, I quires moçk more consideration', for il the 90od offices Of Franée have failed - apsible that were the objet o the tocullect a satisfactory'»seUlement of tt petitîongM icarntdif, it miglit'pro-dicly-Ton/Gbe eevce .arc rateroliei u and Billt iai se' 1 -M< 4 l ciege, iiy Dr. rrazelr,w. - nndestaud thm ti prize or genenia pù6i6jonyl at th1e weekly exsmuiina2 tions? was awarded teMr. Enueli G. t Dorlsnd, ut the Midland Doatriet, U. C. -Nontreal Gaz. Jpdge Jay, of New 'YoekPresident cf the, American Jen. Society, and the Rev. Cha-les Brooks, o'f Boston, chair- nean oMileE=eutive Comgittee, hiave le'en ebosen to èpresent the. Society in the PonceCosngýto e b. eld iAu- ~gstat Frnkb>rt-oa.tlw'-Maine, iGer- Con time of a.Vagùtrate for De- -frtWd<g tA. R00mnuThe Toronto Patriot itMate*s. tiat at a petý ty eon heM sscently in Guelph, Ricbard Hart- f u i i n s a C o p y f f t i e 1 * 1 hrd-ý y the Provincial Soerçï, *of vanne patonage..,- and Reaion for * F ll alHer Ma- THE STE ÂMEU AMERII roly noW eiIoy- :y other Estatlislmnlt in WlMW,- eurrounding county. For stpe,. tyle- and Durability, h.'feils ut of gisring full satisfaction 40 ;~TING bTRIlIIfI dontc f *rt aiing, inua 11 iýs varions branches execÛted on ghort notice, -NÂT1UNIEL UAYOI LtyAprillt9; 1850.ý '0Ç,«YÀMuATIOM!! 1 RETREWCHM2.NT!f UI3IEAît iùUbeen represeut- 'ed tomeWè,' ue vf Mer, Majesty's het3 of the ýPioince or Canada, that a depuçe~ ~ th prvî.amn b nhabitantî of rTow-wbio of Wbithy, that tborouV am ve letft%4ibent, b. mae i e sr.ubI&c itu4l thse Pyovinece. -: ad ý1whereas. cerlapin idiiidtiale. it tliereCfoire ýknown, te alli bm eo n e n, s d in ih e In -ab tm t s .1 OfW l> b y - f le tr, ï&h t fruni I is da y orth, 1 W itt' a -0 Vhole ili- et ,p a l t rench nent, c - "rînn -B an sd SROESof the vry iterual e t tihe foltoi ns i ow ples, vIz. 1%,,%Fîtit23 9 t 26 3- î4 ii egçedMBoots# 189 1 21 3 'l strong B ei# - 12 6 Io 13 0 - ertkle in thse Biot and Shoe line lInper- 1th e S s b r, i n d t rm iu ed tL sp lw ay. » a da" >d sor-en u'ai1 LADM SAND' GENTLEMEN'S- - empluynmje but the beet of worMen, nnd efeprthan iiýy otser pe.rson in thse tide, 1<4e weroilhasi ./Iexafiém, lie therefiî# wa asue of, Ibiîc Patronage. 1 vxr underîy fend sud .Sepl, thm Eihth T i 4e a.f Apri ,1 miithe yea rof out Lord one thouseltl eight budred sud fifty , (Sigùd) WM. K, IORSYTIL Wbh .uil WHOLESý City of Tororito, WWby Fi LI-Offieein Whitby -oppoite thse reg 'etPsrry, E'sq.- MUR. B, F Ut-F XBA: ýG LE. I A*I. TEL ,G.N 0F THE diBEE- r'UOMAiý BFeÇOBYP no prepareil to ath antity ut T4LLOV U1IEASE, ud ASII [Ouse-Keepers, will do w i AsIi.. Teanis wil r.ee gve Trade fr titentw I -las, pet

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