Whitby Reporter, 25 May 1850, p. 1

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WIIITB, GÂWDÀ SEtoi 4 bittér mal muiahisla Csteing yet, i atn anegel oai id ca daclea 'spir it b ha hmsd freminhthe arl, are is, peuiteaice teapaci, ssoempntedi,the wrth wl doepa scornandu4injustice werehempcc! çompenatmion in, peid for an ili, $asceek w th coutrition le wtt, oqý feeli it s posable, etili, tg targive! md target.1 vs? h is hairl10va ma-ith a mini!. ver bis hbeut mmy forgive, out il partIs anc! deangirà hbind,-ý-- but for the minue la lira.; ev uhaîl il ha? 'for et evcéry ura, ludtion thai rtwyul fret, s aubes ci, ljcry aniaulder mut! bor, h OM t lire ta farire ac! Irget. kqA I1mytangue ahaîl Uic rlddle unseli, Imin! caI! hoiépatiner with beert, tlam, ta thyseW, I bid conscience reveal, .,haw tbee boy cvii tboq art; ber.thy follres thy @in-%anc! thy calmes, veas thal-anfinta dabt, ry bas serca by ueveaty timea. sift ta fargave ad fargit. Doto 'n titult or in-juries oit! *laoaaart injurioeston; Doat their smon tilt tbe total la talc!, bau art unkiuiîaud ont rue: il-lbhy masarc torpttea, forgiren, memcy ,rith justice imet,, sau ogv ac!dforget 1 là ae eman, whea hia enaiuy vees, uilltho rsislra him-a friand ! on hie Item! likindaeu. sabe hopa Io, ho reiéan ao!masci; fiîthat are Chriia h oraesagrly yeman nuiase ocuber innocent pt, 'thati Mce bitte , tapeiteace hum,, laltlstaca'diaorgve aoc! foroeteý' ÉE V 1E-W. r'Iupamoug the Jua i t 4M. * (Coculde rinNo. 2.) 1conv..rsaioof Our nuthor with thejesuits aDora ai'th Papal city rangs orar a large in.« theao Aclc ofconlrovarmey ,het*eenu'thc <Bt Churches ac! the Cburch-oai Rom.- ++sanf, ou bath aides arie very itanch ,q wotd, 4mgra, vhen thé norelty ai hènuàwne#s ad thc partiel111coniIaiàu !y aaPos, are tabsu lt accotant, Mmf., qi ueoto toi ic S eit ol prepaged, bar-' Oi!iattjjebutadefences oai Ibm Popba ys Pd Id bimcu altiomteo ihembut replia. ig'ir ar r, ai"m aid, &Wada torn gnamony, hoauu raiydmpmsltha org- ot ai5ty a.md iety. *On ltas othu âd smlontmling 1W, causel oSame, vs bava 4et cha. plan tbat Cburcb cao et,"IasMan- sodoqé-lbc ma ho fill be! ih~ca rh&*Maiibt only-sraptia gaeraml eruc!tle, crmaeslmof th piceli l4pethairChu meb, ýýto sbth. Laidopras n hebliseof aba Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~i alnbsnoovs! aac bosd ina Maeh cuti rTlaevolved;,pamem ani tatsofci k! oainq, areéail- in he part ot me bnaa'the b,"olmprat-> a« viaieli, vsbalis, fsv I>itatmvabwra ai;,aoc! nojoanthsn webtaiuclulIîmp-ý a thé phkopbýy ôfPbary, wm eaaam Isipoat stubje o the Uc moS ip ai the , wbe", on the Iesticy .ofitrmutbar hmu tarlysucpplaoted, -inthea- Chrchaif lam, ahsbp of th i!beiil or,!ttc an bie owa 14lthe religionof tChrIt labu come thlea = .amu-1- 'for, beides Schurcbýof1 j iupmeoéy ai gtmua" xau tambdmd baliee i thel m thtthmt weai - 1 gqj~. value outtiasSacred Volume,aaid Yqoerted lit tcai Shlghly to le.ftftbeusoed comiuonlyorndicriroi-, n ate.yr--itha o far from, forlaldding its circulamtion ac! peoai,, hie Church pcrmnittsd it te ail whoa ah. ihouCbt likely ta proAt by it; and! *'tbad it gol, only te thone wiao,'heiag ignintï wold be ikely te pevrt am mùmpply it --ut , imitwmm. grai U.uu4f hluudeeCxtom4yazutthe OUtl* lie Chura, temy that as ewam opposo4 tg the pi ad cairestrictéd ue cud-eiîîenlatjo f il 0 cuip. Th'le auewer 1 made t'O ibis wàe, that hàv4u rcaidcd mny yea moug a Romnd Catboic po pulation n;lu JrelandI --hud eIwaymfonaad that the Sacred Volwe-vaa Èrblddmu to.'hham; aBOc!that art ince I.came té Italy, ad especialyIo, Rome, I abserved the moat completé ignorance af the oly Seriptorce, amd that it was auctabe by themeelvea HBe et once stail thet te muet beaomm mis. take, me the Book waom pcrMittcd teaml 3wbo could > imdertand it, and was, ia tact, ln very geerare irculaion in Rorne. 1 ic!d thet i batd heerdthe cotrary anc! tbat it wa"a impaslbie to ýproture à copy cf the- holy Sciipturcs in the Italien: tqugicein the, City of Romè,-hhet bIdhec! .ao vrd 4oam a, Eng!leh gentleman'cvh ad ereidcd there for ten yars,- that i lookod upon thé atetement as carcely credi-' ble,-that I ,Wlabed much tla aserauirathe mattar for my own Iformhaio-thet 1ihma nc day rem eotved ta test t4M by vliting eveiy hOolcý ln cm tabliebracat la Uiccity ai Rome,-tiat I bcd gon. te the baokehop bçlanging ta ýthe Propagande Fîde, -ta tînt petronized lby hie HoUlin asthée Pope,--.ho iwt-hat v 'm'cli la couacted with Coilegia Roaena,1 and wau patroniaed bylhe arer of Jesuita,...to tliet, wýbieb waesablased for thc aupply of Euglemb1 and allier foreigere-îo thèase w h ghold nd c aecond-handccl bçokera,-nd thet lu every auhebîli-1 ment, wiibont exception, I (oued the boly Scrlp- hures were not for mue. I couic! net procure aE ulaglseopy lu the Roman langasage mdo(miporla, $ .b ie s, l in th ole City cf Rame; mond that i wbeo I1ma4e04 ecb booller th eeuçqf hienet every iin'tance PmÃ"ALfOor taie pene 1 micrthiMt the volume wus rrahihited,ý or that it waslact-par- mitted telie aolc!. 1 cdded, Ibat' Martial'. edition e wai offer4tetame ia two placeu, butwes lu lwen- ty.four volumea, and et ca t o f, 105 francs (thatC ie, tour poandu tçrliuaig,) and thut tanderguuch rir-h cumntan.ce I*cald'nat.but regrdtheHBoly Sripý i tires as a prohlbited book, et l t it l aCity of name. T lie replied.by ecknowledgia; thAt t was very probable that 1 coulIc! Dot âud the volume lu RaQme, eupeially ce the population of Rame was very poor, and-knot alte ta purchase the Omerci! Volume; aoc! tkatthe créel emon the Sctiptures val5! fot et, tic booksellerst,ac! au ere not in elmAlation, l wma,'aoctat ,bywr obdlaor probiteilte by Uice Cbrbh, -but that the, peoaple afRame vere 'e e ton poor ta buy the.t "I replled,'that'they probebly vere too, poor, ti whethem in Rame-oria :Eoglanidtogive 115 francs as fur àthe bok; but ibat the «-clergy of Rome, -msc i f uumercý and vealty, îalun,!do as ilEtZaglmaad- nameî-form enau soiation, for. choapeaing theoPl copias cf the scripturem.L W ii1>s6mdin reply,Utit the priente voue too poor di tochstpeo thc volume, end that lbtheoople vers s« too>poor te pmrches.it. ti1 .i thon 8m4ta!lntif thia vas rely the casa0- c! thet if there vas Dg Prohiit" ioW tUcSc !of Voue-btif they ivon!!ha williog te irculate va objection thon tbeilcollsm maiog fr4101the pi. ottb bao, hmdl~cltyýlaeod&t Oneutlaobvie. tac: I veut d yself edctahe toobti1from aPnX imndl, Uiroua, he cBibla Péciety, ay aimber -of Bibles thtcaiibecirculahe!, andaitheyabould My b. muid ettli wet po"lmipisogreol ad tslito"? l Xii. t he bltaubaoftR«oinm 1 tI mtmtaalbath people of &qgýmad loqiuthe. crip- ÏM -trsbeyendm*1ltse in this wrd, and thast iwould Dî hoa ta icem eamuce- af dela#al oend1 hbakaguvaog ta Cive for greloitous circulation ony auuaber of Copias of the mêmuii! Volumnel thihaasubltats af Rm Sc Id mmS . th, * 4m,~imsly "mwered, Ibat j>ê lhmaksd me fori e4am ofar, bot tIierm osid ha noba usne lac acdm#la, it, ms thc peope i of ooa vers h very .lgnormit-vars inu sabt he utOIi ii ancer-were ooable te nai mnthingi-vW ath -, fame couic! Pot profitlsy irending têe Scrptunv,h stien ilf vsppluie tem uatuilouly." Tb*e cbuuty DUL *ha churcb, et lias proet be hourr-mmy ha jualgm4 of trom the *lloviuu n «*em tract,--- -R PuftMDgmai ?slg> mi5 neMWthhat 1 19 , wmbultuoi Wtbe tearçioi mbgd bsa, vu anra ay Il ci! beben, .. lm for tva imi »awrym , of cow um rhm uhýdimony Pd! Çhh*a liv that clam wirae repo'blie% Lie b IeIé P o p s. freedom'and pirî. W. priant the aab. loine4 as ý a fo nof ts dclec os lmliéiipollmuca rèm thepamian 1 _Mi s-a bhle exp tî of oU oni @ >* cfibhe peruson vho UtÙeWr4t. Ha Mevu Uic chief liOflstrQlis evilS. W.My Bamy, heur- w ttaocher -Oai Tbclooy la lIaé onde, i bf..eJamuls, ever, that we di> ot ocpetagwith Dick- aoc Uc baan-roemer i heaag l tbCl-ens in bis low estilorteocf tireanation ~, re ïeglo Re W-l aUivrmtoa Rua.i ml The Free State a"a r e# pd ovever; ànd ratua! bimâat hlm 'wJs w Thes vere collsiging il Ihe pocf^ England 1 b tihe pcoPO woruhy of honeur. Thé Sottrh t~ damnatlca cf bei!. *in urrse than Turkey.'.-R~-af.~ "lie retessAlàbs ol.ump animlyud vitb * - e bome, 1mianptica aof menuet sif ho thetaglat bu.<7The tuplolders <of Slaey a4 e* aui c<a!t or-ve orfrdghtea me bY thetaten»naL- --cf thira tlocitits <of wbhich [systesi ' ridL: Of Ille mmii liaithabsPpopPle oEilý ti ela udamne!' oEolnc ouli! 4 m- $hall mot write cane word toi 'wîtial1ui- lltti embroci! ternally ho bell nsUe have net atmple preobtandl vlarrut...t ii ebue e:docllane aIýthe lnbalibllity etaïi Pope. . ie» t!teibuarîdm her ay ibc divided iutoeiVêe g tISm'K[ "'A4 ls, ml t! 41' bisata e- of 'naea? Thre firat are th' n mh eceioanl15 I dosnot blnrribl b at!atraesed o -îe ene.mcfmiiaaneaewlan !a yau coan ume, anc! oumbuma i lt te alis e, havécorne cito th1e assaan.eftlaernm ag "liitrlnoheittomomntlu asmerng o> !IDiy coins in theur t -ngcp- rae thot 1 couIc! net haomv,-im t vias oco -1 hac! tsi,-btt who adrijit thre * itiibilataîue yenbel thaopprlaniy oc!ab poerîbarigt1ruccf tir Ç, instituion in tihe absÙaot, aina Practise amýçna bg nomet!aiIt-icould not esae!U i1p--l ci---vo sedanerto dit! not recîei I But that it I ai!nothsboppor. wîhit s fa-gh dnes- hc, ,WcIm tuatyma! pve, ic ouc!ua upakset!efira hwever distant tliey in ay be, or' hew- -hJ. lu neimôrtis dlitrtegt heCh-eW 1f ar tardy inther coiing bas, areun tegain>a lu nc mpotan doartsotiboChucla ! h foi fs! ulon bis gUilty-hEdas , _ Rom. titst alliter Churcea hs ollo.The olasetheda ofuucgaren. !oving inatance cf conversion là penhape he, Ui !'teoPýtj4t.- ao o dspei extaordinary, takung its ad&m "dac!itacesi The second caonsisa of alt«io-dseai pleeen labo ievw hicb it ever wvmsthe lot cf creau, breeders, usera, bUyerà,asud aèflerofai se ,rete a met with. S laves, Wb' will until thre loody eha-lw, _!Xk m9Gai!af Chidevtnslm.-làlb- aoltmvccyra m vac YI g y, sund sel themsat asi iaïma n;W uaie Moat oupleaiasé Mtoho icmlmonmry Imabors a ieur f ir his ovn Cbwl umcj a! hlho qoustinut , vasos ogely deuty thehorom-* $the eas cyideuce aocd pmWof isie$vaur.ana! love tte stea», utetet of usCï a, iuma @ çV'i- pf hiume Chumrch oainme vlic levatai! ber ebove tlb n. ce0 ias ever Wa5 breaght ta bear on Churcb ofEnglesi, and alvese abPnuant that cru, at subjuet, mand le whiçh ths iyi.(f j long Uic vbole bkeu 'ma wrd muet'b6 ohebsence of ever y day contrisutea ta Ithé da trahac! mbrcele Corca.iome rn enseamonnt; wlio wpuld at-this jsedc "i rapieaiîbtl bac faRncituinbssmlato. aasy eher Moment gladly inrelveAaer.- menteý soMûmes Pot Iblo Uic uilt'hm«««ect oel. -- 1<juîTO aiçna.I eutocetboammtieo.m:len!ama 43 lai a warcivil or Ibreiga, pýèvided- sivru, wba vais wvuothe0 b.cauVration, a it hbal for ils sole end aand abject thRe a - ast whaîc trile ofArâerlcan 1 'm R tai esertioai of their rigbt le perpeut!Sa.~hs mbcla trille nammeet owu toa amiver , amut Iat thc very"'-and I le an RomCatbâeprist wibot wor o - totoeiue.Slaves, unqgufiened by aasy hbu-. But q ion, prlnklad vater eoery Oa0 alb" ect inuirmiy ssl naaie ayso iri 1a roir and ui tIamI bu thichuug a litîsem bys hrts id nasie beythtli trng arouact the oack o aec,'mc&hiug baisai iatn power; urio, when tiey spgak uaile,- ati bey "er nov Cbrlacam, ho lait thean. My3 of feedom,rnean thea freedous t6 QPPM9as epublici kie.! tel! me abat thc Inias epaprted: .pilly thirkinid, Ud te be savage. userceiless, Iid e tbay came-heosi n rem bxiarcsti aud cruiel; sud cf whoeeery mata oste preve na!e no-prgfumalo iany.,faitlb à,-c4.prmfbis OWli groual casrepublican ÂAmsrcn~ns ra»ciseîy as lbay cama, m mca s s aragu1cei More eciig n lr.rand a li@ opczti wil!, ad!île agoocmntm bah"u ilathâ Sly lesu esponêible despodti, tiama the Calijie Try, is i fsuactetec'bai iti rosm.% ,Hou n-A&IÏ=Itid ti bis. ang!>' robe of8laei roai hie mnee ki dic! bt 1 tclly bee caro. he alateumat aifm lwomot, Who vouý otine * ccvc toc,sdIrhaI 1 idt!net ses boy tbdcburck Thea third,and mot tire leat asasaroum terl-Pu if Rana Couclà rlutubuah unh1lgica 'udinlluenui, is couqaced <f f 'l hÏý48and ertiaa&delicate gentility urieoanne i>QtD ectosà Mae ansvet te'llevmvery trlklag, et hovel Ia 09ademio a iata whaaar-uld iever".w s uperupr, ad catiast b"wa ,ý gil aik. tI w vatagather itmkenclioud". priscipie mai! gelai! siaaMd1*0 pauo I ca e i!.lIia been soccý« utimor .u gela:

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