Whitby Reporter, 25 May 1850, p. 3

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si, or ei't- Will blavé Kingston fo1lr Toronto, adterm roe- t fxr-leiiy~s~i gOap Stock a h restabjàhmen M lahsr ietao "OND>ÂY--ad THUiMAy~- treft] dj iiii1ý R-woi tkelg fur CASH eniy, iey can - flr-jx yearu Afiernoon,eî Thr.. e oMbek. -. seli ashade CHEAPERtbotebgesn1ç&4an tilaeaWill leave Tarnite for Itamiltô,ever TUES- EWAD VN;JcsISegif ~vuei wdi vj.. DAYmand FRWÂAYmorning, a t Eeght7Ocloclr. W.0-33. K 1When last- WÎI vilJamiton fr>or g eveiyW.T-B. U&MILT' ciiy of' a aer-. DAY andtIPRDAY Atroen ta4'k Tto, May-24, 1850. Tr rtepeetThé. Steamer Pregucm sRfflaihaviafbeau fr -l. neeti*!th new Bouera, ls 00w, on. otii. fstee lo- ýhu4 -.Uat ab ots- on Lake Ontarini andi bavingberotrU *Cabin exteudd ti n% the wbole Iength 0oI IOthilg a q , Dry~ Oqu 0 lfthe ni idecky lhe accomauti ofor pauise- ar t greatly incresai. rew . O l an S. h . 1a s S tate -4 i. f R R E S & r stn Yboots upon4the labo- andtiq je n eoi tef l. test ans tbet iont, , ant soconmetiioue. Cuba. Thy RoalMailSt rox ou ta ejtiDam Packet Office,> ________________ *with abi- Teoto My 0 by Gneras - L beake THE'STEAMER avrew C4PTAIN WILKINSON, MATS, IbAPS-FU"S CLOAKS, #±NlýD BONNETS. teilgme- UTILL leave Toronto for Niagor, Léfwiton, G.LRKENTS ,JDE TO ORDR, 0FEBVMRTY DES CR1PTION. * VV and Queengton tVERY AITERNOON, Sundaya exceptet,atnocec. -NO SIE COIlD.: PRC . Will learve Lewiaton anti Queenston for Toranteo ___________________________________ WIA. 1abouthbalf-pat eigh in the morning, andti ill ar- t,.loi. 1 e riein time toeet the Mail Seamers for ing@- e oc O < - Cabin Paiseage [Meala extra], on. dollar. iip Bieras arriveti at Halifax et Dockr Passage, thlree quartera of a diollar. eleven o'ctock on Wednesday mornisg. Royal Mafi lStam Packet Oflice, ivérpool ou Saturtiay th-ý 4th-inst. Toronto, Ma 2d 806 et ocstbe European Continent. o y2ni 80 a.thlo Ma y on 2the fact tbat T Il E STEAM EIt AMER A hg_,ava apin been left ID C minanty on CPJUJRBR aR ortiette moment, thse proceeding of Par- AT N'RB TKE , Il J~isno tjo1eorl interest W. XIIL, fot the remainder of-the Seson, leove =lEzwcnIt EssLrc.-Eugene Sue i.V Torogo_ o1r Rerheater, every Tuesday, 1lb. voles ot li one-haîf of the armay ai Thuretiay sud Salurtiay Mornsong, at 10 oet-lock, *àsa beat bis opponýent by8,000 votes. The prerisely, anti will' touch at Port Hope and Cobourg elisuseet off qusetly, tlhe socialiste greaîly anti intereeiate -Porta [weatber permitting.] Retutning, will leste Rockheos-er for Toronto, ies.-The Greek diinlcully le neisher set. callinatorg ani interniediate Ports> .every r apparestly likely te b.e et proeut. Monduoy, Wednealjay anti Friy Morni og, et hallý COMMECIAL.pat 8 o'clock. COMMECIAL.Royal Mail-Offie,_ -tivices by the Hibes-rne show a continued Toronlo, Aprit 18, 1850. &ces,.for coation, wheat andi doter, The ln this virinity will not reap much ad ivan. ors thie favorable tate of hhinga, tbei Dr.. T.G 1B N-N9 Mgrain blang presty rnch exhoustti. (Afembr of the Royal Clle ga, Surgeons q/' Erspitly rieing haro, but thora is scareely .Eisburgle, eod UoeoU£We of -t: ic iialRoard,> ply for tea temai*eti. Thea upper country, Teçe le lofos hie friands andthle public liaI ho Stimulus of hi là pricos, hau ehipree l-le D nlendetremoving from .Whit by Village 10 Ili ois, laes ih1t b COLUMBUS, about tihe lOth et June. Those -,gentleman21Inois -,Stte II irequiring- bis asiian-,mlfind imnsready et li tios emetor st. Louis> flourjieWorth $8, yosicts Scxi e qually great. Thi~ns t~ae hi at MUIiesl rag4ces he gop, ael-wnî ibYljasMa 2qtl. 1850. ".IbeWestern papersa atvisa ~te keep cool, anti holti on te heir produc hammothStc of Baots sud SkEs. as puces have net'yet reacheti their Soc -Cana isu -fermera wil i look around tia- diinotip n!iig for themeselves lIROI &. CXIILDS h.sutbsalhJ. Ji4 Express. ~ V receivedtiheir Spring Stock of Boots 9IFORM IN THE WES T. ÇounciI of the Couuty of Mid- he&?y eelopted tunaniniouisiy the ïk report of- a Comittec ap- frein their number. We give Vit9Cuety ils sisould ap- * outefficers (oxceptrnngis. U-suad the Judgcs of the Coeenty shotild puytheia l'y sîîecified reqniring auiiacces-ust of al ferai ive, and tisat tlîey siîo-aid puy Senut of luce quarteriy te the Trastrer. t Towvn and Township Cetucils select gtand tend petit jurent for rts except lte Division Courts, - -nsii furnishiing a nursIber un onte île population.- Town and,,Township Cotîncils have compéte conltrol of Inn, and su frewary licenses. W-pevide _for thse- binding ont te hanico, Manufactoîrers, Agricul- on~ ancd ethere, als-nprteced or- BWor paurtchildren, ad Well as lice nes of parents. who are note:rioisaly în iies of vkkesud ýproatitutiosii.- ided a requisitic>a je laid before ÇCouncîls, contasençgetic. signa- -of--tif- statseher lone e-a we, btt h le nýe ity for t-z -kzg fsueh childieu. ~tthe sp<tdy,-comllpeté, tend final lion ef th. Court cf-Chtencery, tend1 6 ension cf, the neeutry equitM liston -of the, Jadges ef Qeteen s ai, in ail matters or dispute -wlat-ý raies-il be made. mt Di vis oCurts, ehouid have poers. extended, 11011? Or PLI.AJ>M. Coauciîtee beg furtiser to j rpiety of a change i L twso l0QcUnUtry reiteti ver, du<iu,-gid'qua1iitiù II adAttorneys-at-iaw. msn whoensjovs thse ces-cG lellowa uay bealslowed te ia or bisaaigbbour'u cause i gi"this iis 'Province, au by ùny restrictions whatu tisau thos.euforcet- by for th. presprvmtiom oftegdc m) and aise tint law cas alyredocd, and thse whcit nu theoronft rereacament abut depurtmngi t à .hepro à the* dence iemmd trol, lanti ewil oié"ltet hieirusual tow trate. B. & C. employ six buntireti earaties, anti produce freux 60 te oO000 in deailv. Their present stock ba been matie with: speciaf refere te the want of Canadia West, anti will1 compensate individuals or faenilie for aendia great£hetasce. By sonding the reqiretilenglh, q fit wilt ba.guer. anteati. Marchants wie bave neit patroniseti the aboe. etablihelsnt shoultiJseles. o ins, as tisay cou b. furnisheti-feras.e bob' thse cost ocfcountry protiec. tien. Ahsy seereesosable feUs-are repau-ed s-e'itt N. B. BIapwri & Cies-Les. 88, Rn Street, noo rly opp ipt teEgls rh 9-- CASH PAiID FOR L-d TLoEJt Toronto, May 1, 1850. 5- y w oufce IS hereby given- tliiat't.ie partnership WELL & IIURD is 111is day dissotved by mutual consent. Tho notes and and accounts >will be collected by Mr. Farewell, aend the liabilities discharged by him. Ali persons indebted 10 lihe said firm wii pieuse cltàt thoir late place of business and settle terrs pective acconts. 'The tirue pronxised îitrtie9 for making paymeëut wil be given. A11il caieuagAinst *aid Fjri are re- quested te ,b. prcsted< forhwith. A.rE BWELL, P. A. BURD>.,, The Store and Ashery btsinessw ill Prince .êlberte 1th May, ISSO..3-5 WHOL8.~44~. ROCER's, TORONT". LRAW OWWEOE. A*WM u --MA9NUer»LL M. C. CÂAMEROU( IL J. MACDOZ4LL, 1 U~OIie la.WhTby~o1~este iredideae aif inany MR. B. FB.EY BALL, îtram- lever, WIIITBY, C. W. v and4 Office r "ScziptMsre'ottel.»' a the «City. o ee" Wa' 5è of farkd f" e. TORON1TO. tri- Cr0 eD 93 CD oic 0 t tha ,FI a s * B 'I a I e a B I B a e~ a i e-' o> ~ e- c c ceas-s f Oî OO Q O SJGJt' OP 7THE 'BER-HI VEY" THOMAS BESCOBY, Arcv,- ES>novpropsred tepsy the i ihest <. Price. laCA8ULand TRAM, for any qmantity of TALLOW, LARD, SOAP GREASE, an4 ASHES 111 :- House-Keepers, wiU dovelli t. sm» theirAshez. Taams will regularlymill aned give Tkade for them whea tako Whitby, Msch 26, 1&50.- JUSI'ECEVED by the sauew a spl.ndld uasrtmnt cf Plor b**, - LegSa ~-fHa1n >Whitby, Api 19, 1850. 'SCHO OL B04k&,44. April'1 9th, 1850. - 1h-iii 'P LOuIl-for Gold f TH1ý Squtb hait er t e ±4. S4,8th Concession Whitby, hs open flir bidders, for a terni of notless'tlan iIve ytars, There re Ti4y cis'eerç< tend the whole Panti l pleuntifuUY. Wabared Gdosand seti 1. i ~ eoion given in geod tinte foï A ppiy (peidiflbypost) to B. FeEY BALL, 11110C*»ITBY. HUGH FR WHl2TB Y FI, A 8E R Cm b Wb ,smof paueengerg aPOWdUiiçonsigseof It eeilarsueti1aisti -meas, coxumaudati1 zies. Gmet car. ha, . r cret, but iL " b unicatee ait their plu 4 Jthiu be the cae su sau autheniciu -i man 4t85 iiiîw- mm 0,

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