Whitby Reporter, 8 Jun 1850, p. 2

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- nsen~lsi-~oyta Canadia Wet. He ptotested A fterseverilmotions. for adjouýn men!Lt JS EPOIRTE R. ýeý,cd 1*Y7e' 'ý h that-te habit$ ofMChabot were mach lad beea voted dawn, theiMh- s, 1h-in_ *d1-e' -t ihlilitd Cbiw" that,-ho should 'ist be ad:raittett, antI answer to tise'speech fira tethro4e; ir'rîqivamnan udtiak aothîinghurnan jandi- &.J1Iý i8âaîtib" -ahonîd b4vaspld byiNIr LaIuùtine (hi Col wati-en put andI cari-ed,' 44te- 14. frent toe me."-Ikrence. 4IueýIutrY pof te ax Tache jsad agreed tLu taoe eiarge ocf ________ I.bflt bi n 1WIIITBYt SATURDAY, JUNE 8Y 185e. es rkof 1Pudli hl Wara m1' lýEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Acû'àý0tèoflie bu M Lafutele-No, 1 did net. ------.T- A TI~O H~PGME oeptaiiti f --- l ùý>-r: n*--Thee ar&ftcirciu- E-,'BTTL - IF - -ý lo* cf- TOsitiOsitstaucli of tlîeresignaficjsý. and ifjthep Àf~t th --ANDp~t- JIAN ên~#I~kcf t, bt i~O'-hou àgentittnitùand ipr1sh Xiti~1e,- Mr tientîjS, ii. erot hç ay"-for the Addison syrateapenwiciBat~ C~" t i' ç autelî any 4sl)ge-if lie iatd 'aecond rouai -ým e3Billt6e usîhrize tse ou hc eti ~~u'hi ft, itgene]0 t iem- to desire chana g-if lhe formation tif .ait aLCôilue8 rasad, n( tst subjeet vhiicli ~rl5i ~ o e o'- ~ lied oven, sh0'ý_Vsî â'tvillinguess le Ici for ilanfaetiiàg tu jâ n ce&ýsansa hitieaoe esee it guldtàti.,efrho c-iMr Prie.'go- 'hevmiàhf bave1 made Cal pirîteaes 'as al fort. .aiaa ied bv. hestie euthae alid'- -lay ini Iadin, eaîd oue sido of tIse ci- Attore- Geira us tley1ürrrm taedtetieIjtu bttnt eref _aburd4t i uvent-' ~tërnuýh as auy ce tsisudAtrnyGetoibscrebmtd (attise BIi liefore ditai %v.as (ho satîse ~vù0.ise'Gvenureoa Mras M Cýtuènus,, atatèmnis, but dma-wn- thll hybdpse-at eao,îtis ohtvtloihtiem-vathge i o r C, ex pSi c sa'jf èceedep 'n iuecawhieh bas beonn srfrtunately dâes(roy- Iietveen batthhosîs c1I tisa strife, n ho ~4 Ccspeledas ag it'thm, -but iL ias fuir Ite à 1)ttse e tI n( iebniu ,g cf tise eiament ii%,hiat a laypn it-catS- mrae~ tht M Pnie wold e jtdgecf (o fuls;Mm Cmer u R ses -et Mentrent, else ho lied uc0 fUJd ho, Mr C, Conmmis- I lesech ef--tite :.Coisaissi eçjtt î' Lwml saçrcieluecn uay jmdga vs011 atarin, i r-,Caps1- >wn Lands as angreed apleu. c rwiLassrnlymqiesca-et-rance f %v uaitîelIs.tI.lacl iatfotmiienko'i possible slift %wa5pessd-svc-rIsïws 'gd altsfr it. Bih! tca ftI' n rRlse a.T cens1la Consueair iuv Lai a detertiiaiouswa Bill >,adnrendht,-r C'pasetSeconssi tutus, etnil teflered intie e fenid hîud t-heu bou'eeî tIse laits- MIr ]3a1dwîa iliàt tthis e--hismiL e eig-hlieta ri ttetitatitto.a. Commitecof (lcth e hc to-tison- alittsani u d bi1eds, sailiedt beau *isitd etbe«ine,- ui eiIrC snggested (lie dismissel of sever- mon'.i-uuttileih ftclicsic te osnas a ifa- ined. nhe, 1fr C, wis cet-! pclenhs"-hie ndtilitted, goig tLebâlm, le.M.Rosa îîsoved tise second t-cnt uvhieîIse agujiîn'as toiatitldujw'î fbxever dsom- hirt-aggi'îaved, k' C, cutteIinc airami tho, r !,rendiniîcrftlie BillI <tounieud -in(siiii- ta lispoerity. Afltlonignand paissh'îîl gete-en 0 owas te lie11 SlUsecet-, antI désire(., Luî11ihfvdle hauvarelatiag, ta tIsa itteres(tuf cououn fi Lte imo e' (ls.MrC%, ehectioi- f Iasl t'lat (lie nseas.tn'e sirtiiglis, the-mtot-y talla us tlic onanes '1ntenie îmoyý., ls Vi' in- pummer enrly; lus andI admuitted l tiat Mr C said lhua' uinth len Liefore (lie -I-Intie lintIbeet u flly .score tnitsnhait, anid idgeets'wleis mendered 'resit idî iMn P, if ho lied te resige iliscuvssed 1l<st sessiontITi ill -ne.- 1h isryam, neeell i- 9.. â hei u .,r n~tiiNoou tlie Clergy Reserve qýiesmtidus. Nwealed 1wils) rL-hîta te fit'UIl Sec For siiois of eiquu'mcd ciaires rctiouied.-alar, o.1 t uea iacus tif lie wotiuhd esk'iNr P if h lue t s tated ien cf ' Ue Onîlîsence chof eeç. 7tiu PeirsltîI." tue - 1 nî.n, m t h e h rubtibility cf Ms karsismg teresigii Gea. 3rd, ansd tihe sixtlitsectionti sf t( baptiti'0 i%,' hogit '-ýessm m' ,èhn'in od ndud th s questientu W rny people in Tù- Act of ihie Paîsliaint of Ulipet' Canai- T sehi3,w uetitgi li le VI sniu acfn184, huittente; wuvit lis if lie, antI liii cohlca0-eties dle. 5f Giu-.3i'î, c. 9. 'Theia mcclii nisa 1"cC.îii~~ iAdr tVuels jç4 jtiiseveel ntsccdareed 1I - Mt- Prica mecticd to stistaits clauisea bosilsst pnlisfor ustins,. ceauce cf inisîîscn(uîi(y hed, oLnt 1by inaLtie poley of(lia e leAtltrney Geiternlielîea- that NrThit hird rîcclaretI eurtraets-isnd sOcLi e'titi ii- ate ti lieno , s goio st~' tie trifi an rods.Pt-edid inIscî- desire te go ent ; %w'el rities voiýI se flirt as illey relaete ex O- îafn î atcifu erycis~sit prey -Ges nexciateîpta t pevhsbîu ,ditInet. Tisehliugette- eess of intet-est aboi-e si,-.per ccitt. I preudèc açl xctefel-mune siiui (at lie usouhd go out, attdlThe foc tth proyided tUsnt every. pa- ias neustty cd, ini tIse caîstmotiotis Iglangtagâ la (his usatter, (beL ne powver-es uitieuldkeîllsmn-oflieeteeci tise raeo f bititlel(lii Pt-ed 1for tIhe s(nil aut the iàdoftie m;v:in- tisai eornîg t- %rrut oulidsix pet-cenmt shîonldhic teken t e li liiexpetise af our geiieroaiis-caisittt-. Fun - Ay Y 1dea and;araeioîdrWèenceo-sfiletbho declâr- disehiargse, fth Ie pinicipal rnuey ansd ti i-ueeius or alt-e titi forces htave IdWh7 ' Sea, b das solerniilu.Pt er shnled- legal iîsîerest. isotuîiiStauI£iiuig nsy ~hîhisIyelIct ied n -aied lis usister,. tîite uawouild resîgil, 'agreeent te (lia contrat-y, andustl u [)cea huccîs suo te te, cudllotd li-ts boots nssncste idls o -' utvS e'idetitly netoîef su siîîcl'-. socus'as lui ich fayitistior pa-visentil tti-itnosît, uutisa ptagi rfstris in (lic ust aesly ' if-ets(Ilfî-C ieidsa eè o(i qalt h nlltieps Ii e, tsî ng iaconolis eîîeîîîitens thial have tkus-l' 'nôtfmîly phîeve ta tï-tatomnet matie hy Mr P; (latit jnst inîeres, tise delit satîhît ho etiicd tii oiôy wltess ho ivas antun- after lie (atI smîamestt'd e reduiction, hlie Isopaid cutI satiaflal. 'Ple tipihi clause placte. Omit- pace tunçî fis-chictalent( genibesu and, mder other intlieed rP ta ,tliat ilice oee uf t'neredel iho (miiymut volittitlau'ofs-uuiy eîuîsîhy l hvit-lIt cuit' ccooiiiig te mt, Ir 'Speaker, ho - e WrCs rins owbilssiio cout"-u 1yûxû-fitr te MurC',aisn,;ioî,n'i ths55 c ntiehoms 4'iiYCXr'uo' iiet nlî'uicions siflite dtiiy li-jsca cf bati-t '4vismneluiutrdata"oct saud te leave auit Impression ' tiset e est taff'r uihtPrincipsal iiîi~lîstet-estut t'n e-'se-o'asSaladetie fnsornt'i ieni or t-el- tihet-ate cf si% pet-cent lied heet saluis-' l'r, bilt. u e ctia tt -taiuo ,I-ly elmen-obtafiing etiva of bils, MnIrCautern', uhat %vas lied, leuvfmil catI irrévocabfle. clîliliie îof titis peîlitg ci thte strife atî.] m "Iappmort of tnieuds un- tise fact. MIc Cansemomi flmîtid thur a - 1lIon Mr Tache- seul liat lie bail op- ils îtogtcss iletck. IV 500155tilîc umnatacesof iffcutty ~~Mn Det'bistiire miassncf tIha Qtiet's îiesemi (is meastira lest session, ande1 (l, ite ctaies litli ivenuillotllrial' lfeu a s ndl-in enr-tItantuîun lutintrwiseh utls5l- rc'votld oppose iL îîeu. T'iîsmry Iant- tu tîtizir auilolasy(uruusssiu m~hodn~tsets p( --office. I1-le protested agtinst it, autI vere acoat cueual wi'nhî ilw it i_7iitl ytui oseso mou" lib~ejslity' If'i"t'Oie d tiese iti ti utréresnd t- the sou cf fautditiolitcf Society, eaîd liaîi buseni lcenrtti le-ciig ansd rcsitg iplacest aeie itat aid, ectisèa gentîain-in, tu friantti(if It' hloitusm! i-td iecessary freuthut at ied la (ha ta uvhium»it (hin ci-lit l uis i -e-t te hsilouirs ant fI mcadttmis- pîg-h fit eitea msaC-sm résti o ava riest is heetusîsutetui-LsIsIICStiCos is etc-rausll jîmîtt. li io. Mr C ht eiuidt--Uslcie îî'lso c u eauîsreested; %'asIlieut-t. 11s titis respect, et al, i'tîtsi , i.i t sadr ufr-toale etennwsaCa e nili) vrc f h iiinIcaa otiel secrUd'lt ol ýý4'%wotsId retraet, antI d- takoît nap te fit ae ViscmeY-nofrieudn'e fat smueiiamn idmo -md i-s liu'e bhirept-jatiig fdLtiecals-t vîogBuy c (ls aso tasi.[ilte0tfian bei4tg a frietillocitIse po .Thtis was a -BIsi laiil' lit lturt long tilîto hat, ands-hiseuce tirWetîlled t46 the Pres- Ilcty. - lHe s'uhd uow close by reîsly- isebut hau'omdsîaftlesreu-snietict-ititcs-y 2~~~e c~e f i~ teaiseon tc t-uinthf(le In- lange enpitmlirt ut tise exlueîss cf (hue iffed-fÉroanhirn jn-if tieseletar G'enct-al, uu'hîse conuiet vaslpour tesa, anstl iso[Mr T.] tIîd utsltsVsy it.Atsei-tsgitc 'l~a mut -t~ôTetI e m~,Ilotse faîr anti trutltfmil tItan either cf uististeaplc 'ha îîoor ini tise uouwer cf ecdi otîter (h laiîiît hscai. Tise i impovesmumts If ttailis cllStieà-; but lie, toc, hsatI reset-- thse rcne mumre tisais tse-y woee î. gascruls af thue îigiies, S.Mai'ic, ilm"oentI liiecd taosoi istry ai(lue close of bis speech; Trhe H-on (hie Speaker fet-t botnd u do t etEsx lssiitltrua répoïl tlisýell-alltey ise, ie d "se-litt techsarge itinu, Mr C, a,% hoehed donc laut sessitom, oppoise t(leie ,Esx ltiln l!oi n jnireî1 ' efaht sure tley 1i nt-lU'caubslliag cor is"gm--i.New, 1311 a lsey Ile d aluu'ns helîlNorfiik, with t(hein cigiteets itîchis îili- tu ë-yt i osgts iuaer impi s ngt h lcgdtîat mouîcy sîseuid ha like nîîy uher tia, uegRai snsatît, titoir ft-atiict-d t1 evd. m hamf jlI %vt- haste, imuluse ut' passion, lie uves consrnodity in llue sunnket-its vala e i ;picy, 'ant say.it wes be- , mtehiat-gemuhse uuiîs iîîrigmiîsg ot n-- Csrgltu (oSiîl nidînat;cînniistwiitg tieir 'iîtipvadf be-t d*e..i1 asiesee oi mCy,. eln'- s eyrcneae u S cit-s; 0bt1%-iig tte sepeesiliet cotndition of'liitlî Ut tlzand cu csusof their les-sel- ~oaiasnt~~ lue lenver usado tsuggestionitute lie ctnrh a fadtercgi r n t a a uitin'tost- rond, ansd Cxuiý octIc lutIeuitvlu 'aat-ttsencus-e-s;uIti tp'eah ditric, wen ~- reuu, Lutds 055 tien ts(ho îrinciple Votvîli lie ref r- Tremblies the thîîaderng fielidticti î-o%'red ~einuu~editd tse ee Clergy. Rosare question ;hs u'îs redI wosld îldo mrcIsarna'âathasgcd. oc sse zaasud warn-, ed t em usîsïïisietiet- repeitedly mid 1t e H.,poke for lis cu'ussectionscf tise With fiiluhnas, mînzsleu t int-s, anuS sureeillisg i in, Mn C, (bat lie, Mn P ns iglut have provitnce, whtero ite saidti tey were opî- Anud pimi' artiadml uea-s uof îamplte suire, hat lie woudalways llI( eig î,(usqme(ohMnr C, 1osed seu(lis bill becomiuig lew, and ihe Adtceaca' îdteiaiigsrl~. anti'they ameuso dauy eplsed Il eatal t LI (aL (mieaies, svusmd call ulîseslita lien. frietid (Mit. s-nu-u(hsruglLoiiefe 0,ves gladllsat the At- sud I uilî nesigui with yoit. It 'tst Ross) (o mstîiet tîte a4sjsNicution oïais In Ml 'lad ad#Inutg act lie,, ha ebvicuis te the lldtusetin'w, iset il*îbill te commertcil tuasucciouis, or ciesad'n-'tie pigîsies soudisg iteir va-i- d oly sseCoamnssitie-,lie, Mr C, wacted (c (o have macleeta conflue its epet'atiatss toUjspeu' Can-cisiesasiVee-uo sci -tanenausinafJcepîpîmarty y lTa esiîsilot, ien'eiut d, if iL uuere wauted thene. satitly mrcamiiiusg ilîcirs ii -retis-rit. il iy hadcfl'ened hias Ule cf-ihave brougist!lis cohieagues te agrea i o.1f.Pmu 0ep11dIînaî ssad It tn ke rus sc-ctuii r eisioSeflrt, an& eu nthiispint, ansîlgene omt osn a %xritenu o.M.Pne xrse iiul , te sge vratII( IPdsmaîbter Général; (his inernumratduimm; but iL ceas jutt ccausse i]faveu ftt-c(heu bill. Ille ecnttii neeked ausnidittic terrible iitof thî-wisole matter. h ha liedit (loie titis, aha l eft se Heu. 14r. DeBlaqisiero smpîorted tise cniuto.Lîî uIiouuf sss liai sid a hc ft-s letonas (tidothins nou ijummy, tiat, (is-~y have bull et considérabla eîsgnthu.tiesngg,-a-Igctyciiugt îreno tiseonly lumdihoa acentaîi ti uotnt of iitnicis es o- H 5 lon. IMn. Lessle w n'es la fa ot'fi'a thsieit andt. Muti-c e h citaitsý ave tit dffnaûon, rhoas 1y iIisticaI nngmsmxetttctto te aise agaiusat modification cf tise tssmty laus, utisi ents I ed euati~ c, -elnsorciu- » ethe I nI Yhn. l npctrGueîsi e (M C x-Liteglit (uaLthey shol ont emsy(usrelax - dn'af, wtus sius&i ntL »s hem îl, M Ccx-arransgemuent u','as nmade withson(t-rC e ol a eget-ded muercantile pîuer. ci,eaîd n-es left (itos-ttO hy aeiuccuy umin 'as Iho wns. -Inex. hing consited. Mr C iù3t-6-tlia: ds at st 'whlat île .t(orney Gene- lie liedt nover heardcf (lie propotsal tW Heu.. Mn. Irving »suplortedt 1the bill.,-uapi, usliît lisuslaid hu ii ist sspeech- énj dfleil, nmeyhesv malte Mr Tache Recaivet- Getscmal, nurt- lus .,r.Rosa nase jus rcply catI losa avcu tilt isn'. Esex, tierce lsy eaos me 11,iieuar, hes-a. aie', air U. uanl- usteOl.raonmîqw- nult isgao saustfhl arger yield, and> il might klbu aIly lhave g:ca curer tlu LIse si- c piuut .a -5 imd bateasy seop.ui w t nterest eonulau sat 7 jet cent inNewla b- bi__ebath em .>r Opu ~o ifmuc foiin iEYok, at 10 in 014oonieseme t(nmsec- agaInstt (lue-only lhecausetlîey wcaid o.hnit ws omit, s u Lfasan sifiiCaieotens, at tiésesie liineisïi 'Michigan, usaI psut-csss huis services, 'ntcci wiuua Roïigot, pte h, afMr Lotku emai c M~i m » umitandWiscoeebn, t asvalse- for us te dismel fate. Tise unibsnnatnai r-, u p soea BrteèçleatjuioÙOfuM t4ir au o <n, ae ta keep ce witb oct' neiglihours kle-l-onqnhecftie mjsigu'u humeuftim"u ý Bnch aplie fu auineen oi (the jaspuveanent cf U>e eCiessi (l lÀGmnme i atla4s n aena, et, Caital andi laburi wnouiltIflow Useme lin-t-ceps, antI 'ite a handfut hahied hîmn proC - MrIlicksMr amerw, entAlr stesul orbeing bneuigt hee, ud lie rtiudoc.a dig i op i e h oit oeo h isil, IutlirBoutout, Nu.rflk, und MnNotaaais pn eiçrpwetitbe hoM tilat tIisa J3iJ eumedochnt g e cre ri.c*i snbesng putlsere vexe, ugce hlýit - ' <c gddjt striklng -tig _i n as h forhe, asskeu<i '-n,-; 'sbaiUit, 50. tie elI5tVy. 's-ie uen l~oes'De"-crea, mri, lie sank on th6ô'field bereft of r .e sone daY, Wus the fLrst opportuinity of this, It is.supposed lie wvil1. require te hav9 ý -iei! aiietbiteiluilv tg enfor'ed, 4,l~ppses cf Parlia- ilng tlie hca& andI sueli like to recover, mogtdidlpt hlmi a'nd even tlen, it is fenred, 1i iè 1>blic, .. ~ q9JOfie wrestinhoçLc for over, in[ca pacitatet fxr serviie en el-the occasion._0of the .actuàl, lmsandI tlec,,,ido, :frata',-tbe dftugel Of.&1eturn jncon.veni ence of th lu 0, a'* plsior (;É tlio ,nialady. -,The fate of lIint was %we' do ~komhoi~#O W moust:?pitiftil g ail. le atood bravely in thc case o Q üliîLr-nentit pest umut amisi lie oarinà-e(, fîciely..i55Ortieg ieust ;£25, ant dth fthe Baniks, lhatý'.wotldde-stoytliecýaés or-ie.r.,madIe it niccessary' 'hat bisitd ~ isi, wvhen suddenly au enerruotis fùwl, Thursdày should be paid un~ Wednes- - .6kr 6'-te Wh'ô1e" -'btîsiisg f»rm day or protetited. -- Ut is' ainst the Pboya, chitchedQ (ho gPlIlt, clieftaiu Prin1ciple 'Wo especially proteert. 'Aie anti bearing -hlm alôft carried him the 'time-eand nature of our religiqus strýsg.g1i.agin itu lasuntil Lit lest it solenuities, to be fiked hyGÇovertimentt eit bis drop itito Letlîe,beneath. whose y5iY9~til-t~lXse a wvaters lic nt once sank. WC Mtist and Shah eat its comminand sus-m Their leaders thus nmaimed or teken Pend Our public business and attend-#O from themi, thcepgrnies have songht a tsings- spiriUI '97o tutterly deny its truce, and it'is thauàIît will iot ut- rîiglît'Io- insti tale religi.ous erdinances. tenmpt a geisexal eneouneter egain for aven (hole esqt iru'Potilitt the IMble saille ýiîîîe to orne. The cranes men- land Ilho Bible onl.y prescribes thekinêt whiile eau smooth their ruffleil feathers I f w'orslliP %Ve sbail pay ta God, 1'an&, -n rcver thieielves as hest. tlhey (lie private agreement o1 the adhererM$ may. \Vur left sure traces' on, the -Of ecadi (lenomination alone-sbonl'd fix as wll as. their.fbes,. tiougit we have the Mrne et which it shah be reh.idereil. not tînse te spcek'.-offt-boni. Çaîadn A goverrnint usurps poior al~ifi il- a-so lias' a breathi4îg time in wx l icli te tailes ottr'prtFbl ie liberlîic- lhèll it arb- canlsâdr leîr site ii. permit a re- trarily declares ene day lioly",a nd oanuj"' paCtiili 1th e i tugl.Sileolias fur- . lier dey conhaion- With'etise thieg. ni.islicd' the sîniewýs of war fur botit sides that are Caussr's, Ctësar-imaay intermned-. hitlierto, but, iin tîese days of thse dle, but filc things tbait-are-G-odfi,, Peaee Mocrnent, rnay perhap's hc lu- intust ho left te GetI. .À arhtatitoliàry dnced te w'itillolci themn for tié futur e. llnjtirity have nu riglit tu fowce-a sn'tý Ilt ic geucrouis of lier to, provide a. pub- iîeî'ity te PImy outward respéct Ito ' uY. lie spctarle so exeiting, but il tray bc religious observance, auJd(lins thiist' s-e Nvill conie te sec (lît soaietlîing religion sî pon tlern byclsing th sto-(re lîuissaniziflg,and nt sa deadly litiuàe hen enà IJr wa 'iet 'ir ts l~qîîîja o ild pieuse ho peu- consciences inuy make neee em'y 'for plo as wcii. Anîd, looking uway froni licrusolves. The nsajOrJty if- they ýfe&I hal mural aspect W the cceomuricnl, huund tedo set Ma'y aiseULt ~~e boere iigii horui l'vilenie lit tOU a lUrgve te pey Itheir davotseîîs, bit sutrçlythih ceile by sente reibînîis iii titis mater.. niîorily Sheulil ho leff aU .Ilbert-y (Qjo tl is vcry Weil for Lis to bave etîterttlin- nîcet anài'sec %vliettcr uisor bc oasnffi- nuent, biut îvhc(n wa esoc bath pigrnîies cent number for iliç transaction' of and «anles batt.ln et aur expéince for 'business, and, if thero ho, te proeed tbeir own privato oesds, te craties cee- ivilli it.-ý A wleîsiTih--staLe of thiîigs. .bcring tlii tîcts and silte piçgmies w%%lesionld' have, if e Ronsierl Çiholie- scckiag tVa hart(hem, s"ilo etlue issts itartY' et eue thiîe auiEpiscplina seinîscives and tItisduwn tatl hes unotîser, a Preshyterian at a third, andI bousi, tire the spoils of Our, awn pireper- perîsals a AJatîonicten. at a*fà~1, ty-it rnay male ns eeaugalat,,îsslîuuld forCc Lîseir cohleagues at h obr somethit nîcmre serions. For cur conntry te subruit to their fusits or l'eabU- 1part wc (Io iot scetise good cf kecpiug vals wlicn (bey saRv fn. Most toierant zip sucli amusenments. 'Wo wonbld if snreiy it la for a twefoelor a-ny wa coîid. scatter bath sides, and rc. numhcry cf thcrn te, makç1!),çi brotber strict aur insitsic tîsartial di,îli.ys iteisce- rejîreseutatives, cend (ho country tow fart te puippat shows anîd privata cîr- tae knea te(o. uzna i cuses. ThteCountry is tee oltI. to, like nrul11coaniand ....... s«l tottufb(Ieï~ity--Voo mral, wa hopble, Thte plpit fulet is, titiis diagr aceful La isea: it, WTre iL 'lot thaL semae di- law is t4 bribe te tlie Freneli pert*y tp n1itittivc haero ttigit fleemh bis sucer in secttre (licit' influensce. It is o-1. lis befarc wa catîld ward il 4ofr sonie tise lricîts, ncd a&s sueh l imrust b e - cri-e Icae a la.stiisg inmpression cf its sisted ut ene. If iL hoailowý,eà 10 ODt ciews 0otslns, weo uî-'ilves svid ai- tiille treîîealcd, it vili ho but (lie niost venture tae rder (lia whiîe arrayty int of tmany demands ànd cnean ('0 lic gotie ('tuisi imtgit tt (t'LI n)fev-r. And titisnmust tiet ho. Ve ile uhaver- MoVT' (UARD OvELI VYoiMI ticdomiai ati of Guy Party. - IfUr RELIMOUSLI-LRTI,,S Vr liuiauss alx"o o uebsr;va Corpuis ~ BELIGIOUS LIBERTU:S. Clinîsti day or asîy uthier, -le(Imd Wc luavc lieur;n ci f s e"l"kit ai lutt oc'i liearaîc urgaf 1upcr Czinediaut politiciens cf p duMr Laforc is auose pneusý9 cvery shide tr (lic priest Party cf (lic us. M£ w'Lsetasonenties U itk Luwc Prvinc, uid avabea utbut lot usishave equal libcrty un -Our 1ie amstfro (n bt 'e'l ict t(hc side. We (t (t re will bea aSU'ong clîatrgcnM'as (rue.V et, - iliSg 'strouig agitation bevii e 1 i0 %ve uvore tt (ink tt any of aur puis-suietTse(i tIcUcwdg lic ciicand h sePule t cscry~p'is iin, shmah we lotit lie driv.en fhrtbeit rigbt it ud l îuauy principlic Ls Vo sel! (hoefse vltat xvili ho lernitl om ceno hV ave been kîiown te the publie, Wlat W Uot . ounry ecmIf- lias beeti fatudîlwithitî tîseo ast fe.I tee ee s-y o e-lt l Jft' days, oiu its fimat bcbng cUrrieý latoe f- pul i tU owt feet, te hava breredI away tlie relgt- thrd or turts day. let tisrCiç3U eus cqaiity cf Canda aîsd rased (lie observe theii: Corpus Christi a7*B Roman CthehieClint-ch abeve evemy tiseir St. Azats, ad StFuropuas, 1%4 utiier. t lis beu utade ebig.tory On St Muucîsua'a, and St Bersicb,>am ail (ho peopte uf bat se t o f tise F cii us days,, if they like, 9,ad -,"Y Previu'ce t u s i-îtisit te tise hi lydays cf outer days ">site , b t et s i dq<W the Popisit Couïirm icîs, I l g li n l U-p , ecd t koep oaly tuer o u. y q per Canada it comprises only a mctor' islîintt uCreos ty f isepoulaio. hîrsday tise îemssity. We aak noanvIig ý ~t iiI, wic WI CO-psS hrit5of Ianlrien, obeisane atet)s i- j

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