Whitby Reporter, 22 Jun 1850, p. 4

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the age have gfrei apppNi4~$ir'As I0MWs v ire*all a lrn w tral ad iloftbem-exteI1 bemedicine"1n lthedjgoet ~ eh1reg sud 1'ovjnczal, 'and iebal OÃ" EMER&' bighettezw& lis ecaleffeeti0qtheigoneral eiuleavotrtosecureâomecorrespon<Ieflt8 invarlt)o APIT L "OOQO. bear the corr bealth are. uZaUly twirnaneout. py 0f C JDYnom 111e ?ropwtori*tIy fwids the ' bfletion'qf poie o'4 ýlý'b tï dish o is~oo-èry nos tmso aI! $,tO the vtrnes of any judividuals who may b. tured Wloati4lved tp r ceiptIo10thec o beiteritted hy ils Medicine, tutsa the pusrty rte cbe veweèose. &WouId IIQw ofS.Lwe~ MiulPr 1r tniaePl lis Mt1LCORDIAL, requests if.our opegiiei warn ail cortespoudeflts that mflitng *urance C-omparny, with an old ÉLetters resj fteuaic . î B;.Agçuts wanlcd iii every Ccati, 'rown, dentrane intou ou t>puîar orgaization, andi Paiti and gire ~ ema A eer-N.y, oweautalbeie an îower rg umo sd ' aWet a uens pJlctln ~Cl1iW1the r y thucuti ig i ndutiup ie 17M 4y eeH'1I BrItihi IW igiuî tut cuuîng out au ' thw*Il etédunlisheal andi equtable puinciples çoý~lCtOl5fti uii ehrr fir bin nure farin andi issotated lweIIingsbarris th- lofiâ&acco -a avouirite 1)4 t beaddrci) ih <1 10 ilie 'bud uprt î *tèvo rnuiet hyscia. ~" - . FURQHAT, ig prucilo ui ms soul sppot.W. nid 1idnzff not, bazardous, at as Joiw rates es Sc> oulid say the saine to our friends the ativertisers, any other "civt, 1Inestureid i one year, endiog atl.ya V Cooper aiso, freq1uentl (reterreu lu . ~0YOfl*cSt., (urncr2d.'gent fur MM Ji& omesa esato ousRoysb lt t aete ae-5,4,2 0 dslagzolee bs a lVal Wét#<ahàgumatig, and e- r iseasffuiof thai 1"rit o S P E C T U$ rr; u e.rteesi teelcanY 1hifig 'Corri nyare ifs chea aeat the fact tlaI no David Cij nduu uui lycaculaed *like pàtody of what lutocret in lu lem, or any other security, âlaili9', o lieu, bcyozuc the notes, Jas cli il laredeus ae tnîtyfrm h..Ye ~ - 0 71E hilig wbich cunormi.ncêtelis ýMënlî g Wfàtig, weanticash in advancc ius rk4iuIréd, taken, or triade W. c Is, i t1 é i 1 , m m d e ts a r w ut'i o ul t e IV ef H Y I E POýi T £ f l o u d r th r d cl n t1r p a rn1e tayi, J a m esi c n p n y a a n s Gm.be s a a . ~ o c a g tiatlybIAmoagni~ed aSoifie, Ibis renviy ut .nws oha lu0 sugt wutVli lïe eetthe ily application eieiiosn*hlot tinna~litible tTO' TIIE 11B C.il May. teb the Agent, if requesteli, or ary future day di- l>efr~ u 1t- Popwbr ç ueTbus much for ourbow irtroduclory. Tîutt:ntrg uecîeid 1y app1ieatt if- on propcrty -instirable by A. Farem Y~ Ti te1 i myseur ussop rcrti uîi h u Piuprr uîucCorupauuyt acCOrding to ila estalblishedti rates, B.je. lie, j» (ofteîreo n d»e etbscfihurie -r boro ti Rone fîî_ÃŽ Myseue ssoefoedsad ht h tcalsottecniino ýocr npyl f-iliily atiSi!ed ithaât. $Lj ar, -ir w(. eol - utei urMa secie un vs re,we wo a ow~il~, yIedrcos-~ ~~ j cklrd, teving, _îishes tb ail, loin off (lie Iights andl ( vvae2 .>oJ el o. -P. iu iïu IMsln ahecam twtuere if has.had a fair tial kd:ïcte,ïAwolilclnir et w itli gotieri&-ll tilp- troG11e <ulan. u î'f r o.lù e710, Db11eJIzurryD r .c- joîuaîh lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ do'h thrOuthita inftlatslcov.h pr i hub nibb doniîg~Dg enctif any iu liquidation of damages, Sa"uelC puyerriauiol Ctr, udafoea 1 îof uliue rowinïg î PROY~PECTUS lors, duo are always.aplpoiiited by 111e- cornpiluy Heriîy 1H Toronto, 141h JDerernber, 18P. 1iniportalit u ltrnWhsî>,aiili.0 il o ucuSaeo etonWui311 uiese- JhuII Hi:laving forsa uosixlerable limueutked is- faiffl ucrearlsnng tgpolit, utes, and iniicase offinual diua4reent.isefr luuS ~4~IIi uouulaLU AVAIIN GLcJLI:Ji Vrt ei Oî f the iussitaruqfl mtutually ehoseli- -1ol veî'sly em aattack of Ibh tberrinauui, inuMy Witîh ifs vnst rýscprC0St and excelle~ /eBs ICiaent rprlP;c ~otiure.-ri Compuany tla authori.-id Je rie lm aM ideu,1 ýpliû fiouf ouirepmeta ijuactk-eu)intry, lua's been intltccd Io plir- rlie BeadnCada,è-inne/,'sonly r Ionfcaltiit sor lu i< 4îueil aptiut fure. <~p hie, 4ysciauas; but u itla et wils ci' uuo Pei e - rrrr 1hor - r-o naorrnuu;no.. ' îom mnanent bset ta m& I1w ihurefemilced . now'pubisicd in. Ulipcr Cinadt. liability. The profle itadte on Ibis systerin, go Ae' perrhy rsufot ia t1 oril â . u 1 foritheklitirc or'stabhshnicîut of tue 51( to jpwcure a bottle of' your 1up il oda, c.WIb Frentan fronu is laie proprio-fo11ehnitfmulalmmr. w h i c h b u s o s p l te l y c u r e 4 n ie , l a v in g f l o t& , b e e a u o r , a u d t h r fir luIi c n t i u l e c e r uleie -olli e '1 w I Vct - o î w ' t h r l c a m .ii t s e 1 6 1 c Mn t eN o h N Miety ie- ms y sei i muuPain forth 10îuubll$i fle REP&dtof, iii - j4 i ,-u>l Company pays the fuf losa bn1the tumount of il 1R to nas r tfrhit t IfIlthei i îpu~uc ;~~ thiait r~let vour enqîuirers nwsylIo ,fildft2dtJanr,18.0. Ih is isý-iediimont1jv yiind Loscu liuidatei11.iaii rnulî i Frua YO[CVr la e u.fil n'd a Êt eFre . - contains 24 p ge ,doubl tl'l c i, n ,j -curent nt the Plare-of losea. - WS l" GF.OttGr. 1 ic1 e a etuv - r .l uesibtck ndexr lFil:dlspoprhIu ~ Strui, ~.,.Tîî«litue r W oC ~iiliii'd 10 raoiâo lr. gtlprcsent veur laruers are noi, here obligeti b conîribule in w liar (,ýbinthMCer, N.4, APïill trt i.tittw -wbo u tibser'ied tb theFeurj.deavii~seetle'vi, .oMdi1uc'n f'inu buoîacs andoeta iùzovedosrôWryIn Toronto, M'arch 9, 194t.) loelwumbcflpre 'il -.I. IVili contain nuimeroof';i11uiovown. chracter, tike their .oh .4Çu fChropfr J&ueu.viIL offiffru ujeu ~f.- f fu mpri~io rîruv u titiomîcus f'r iessanud CuFagOerrveýilnsofi h ", r iu r~,,,Iba tuuae n1ueu~ If lCe aer ecflt cirli 1 to n h î. car, flot 1a1dollai %vasfr inred on u l~Iiugs i n XF afe d..rr.. 'l'0 .5u oks, anti ,vvi four iiil'>)ius ou.r r i t lltlla herbyeus o cusdmbeOrPla is fiur Sehool 1 oui.sDiag aîs11icitddwelliuuuts, bIainýA enuti oteut;au11. Xuîir Rb.'uimatusm 1for fill< eau;fo cniucabe - xlaaioicfqesinsi mcaiclreuinir ncoutr aeruîu roetynt tiuw 1 was con fine to tbed, and thý grealer part or CpOniatonof letiiiauingtha.calpajaiderrnsôtgilI pleasandpreietyu-o titus lime 1cotildt i-ne .myseIf; -gome of ruuy ice flue chuange. IiI*CCII' allsi nIafulral Iplilosulîy. deemedt more haîjaious, ÃŽolt~ uu Loett. RJeiutinuq -i'eroýes llua'te 1ic PîlYic. ofler,u ilig h ý)imt* weelleoi.i$telT ditilABatedOtniEk--éesreate JohnWCie Lue fukeniiY;t0e ( lrc- anti cîaruging teflante, Wiutîuout nul-î:, oi auis,' ohn.S,;i thielst tbree .years 1I waS Scarecly able todlothîe! A Vroupeelin 4Iltt ous is an Ejito î' I w tth11e Psulic; 101(fun tr lele eaig1 - c Ctl»If) >thio ali auu7l ta e, of 1-4Ip'e turuit Go mts' work wltbolut uffIrîîu<hhe nuosl u'xCcic- Ilui- lf introd cinb11c : 11 oltat11 , uitre, lrtieuutiture, M chDio, 4- liaisavïoiflhntt illis freq:us-urlcatu 01">litigatiouuand -r ire ating poinsf. Iwi~coe b uoebsv r r ace with which liedoew il May win ti-,,ir fauvor, nmestie Ecouiuuîn1y. <,ýr o$tcuu-rihilareiî'the î,,.et,îoçkr,1or iycix itho higlest standing ifsthlb. ;rtfi,- Two totivué5 ica te hie lîeirsiz tiadc; r; u-afrtloS ~ rî neli<» tcicul- hc.:d ulcreo 11 h*:t Jon Tu plyscauoî'vn<,i i~ laive tis omront&tage, >Whilch an flurmers & a illtiligeniiieîu-'it, uî;urs al il 1 tf.î tazuur uuo»Uus lu theToronto Ilospital, and notwithsfand- uhrydiet tepy *tal, a euoîstyIni-gar nus a bave'e Icresui- trde nt cuuuuicse- a bu u lri xîî tB hr .1»»~~y arewe aiiiu ,e ylCdioro -otrsu5 in; 'ail thue ieam 1l'ueti, 1 couhitflot -get"ri'l"MY1 er lb. hait vain anduti hi f ho-l Iîug h tat 1>r- Iluenn le eslil(u'r.s Mi1 4 apj)v lté fluerebya edte rn uu~iua>by îii iuii li roffp)an tik5<52 1 was bld b avery respecta-' hapa :the style May show hi,; îpuality ïui 1» ld in 1ouurntiuuinn îrrn t ,liui li e lie Ire'May %cr iinameloe Ilj nrf.-saudly sleies ul îs r fuevtsheet is is7esul a: gdnbnrh . ,wucl w face; it la tryingtIo onie-'s iodelty Io îreselut onuis W TOlyor)1Il)liçýIIlle 0< ~.6uuati.* nt Ileulatc Guu, ad~ r. 'aulat î.ryiing to priîle to watch 111e WIIy li geutienien utf liglui îl e aflain- wiii e sent b uuîîy nieruuber a y -ar. w iwll lloýy wu ïe; vbuicleio oIwshulyai~ o c~ u i rwiaoul lueseatti,"anti u -f, b aiAMent Ientay, fiir Iets. oubIre-h .liieby 11 haî £im;hen te a ountis lwigh;ullyn aeinlbsno Ie dalg flueingou otie, of»NESS. - c0I14aruy tIi"t k , n d uh t w a î l t» i wc o a n tiIn a b u t t h t'o ra n a ni aeî n j u uoç d 44 1 c lie d u o u ud er r u y 1 ' r r c r , s u s ç i u y t r ' sCn i u u - luer t h sue i r f E rr i har le sI .hoelt a -s fo nn én.i-,l aevu n- nttetc and îo 11ei ly e or ruuy.I anutwoe1.tiit' o -I tuld grl on lup an : cuuSuiftiuu-asbsufu ' beolosw» myà aJnlcpIeandeutin adu. re.L( hand ien uedof;y himselad h1,eur aiay of lo wiefr f I tfîitùer.ilx~tc uoibes t huc ~ ee s oi - MY I*T*$PItionti cf d plýIý>l one u e passblreoek o s whtuîo wi h i h h atJ and p u r Th~d.nu is qPiiy a esI i-dî,aut. in, tatOloCuhît) nuyrcov t hve wlkei frhy-ix ule nu e fethe uil.W se I hs fu /giutuu dvtdte 111 ic hij eurNCe esia.3 tB Wlîtuy,tift Il , ou day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) isnf1rcfe.dbadalI tture n sSîuAu-otld th t l 'u " v>tae p iyh, -lan b v al - r nd t eiiri il pa -ties ise,- omîauuv. J3rookfi es ilct le iyf lýelin(i 1 oadd i "thf - c P le teily in ihis .ciy, thear 5eSn '1ra sre1 esvc iewol ba .sIe -anilts e wleuich peand ianio .-rcniquda-y e S. Lareoc. (ony ts day." Wfetf-&Im - l[ urnth beis ~usetre rds f Iis ai tainsuwhTh i iscul iuiaîioîî. ci3îîlt heha nîtac opn, r ucaEd bbea o,'osni liuusbraadSoeclbW,$tqr?.e%ýj4. fhu rpa-aeFile b hir r as hlde tasnl're ret.ILtotutCAPAW .1of PI i$ht teR-fu, kew1 Vs yig wtbut tongai -Ousdrathe eand ow e - abvc. ue Agntandiidud sI ruils f nuofu$ AR uý of Gkro le' M as ut 9 g ieci-. a.move liaisof gsen fo1hurew iefuin byhit, beaierctsetii,O laaorand_, axuef csseucatiou i.Pweîsreuiuu i sgu -o - tuto fitp-tblt n hsçtýih i uT ha u « vîa Ï,(omadItnc Kyafai pe tinis u lcai n.I tî rîracu- fbi oWs.,Liual fanea tigwtest 8. Ju hur v alirfur-tg!. cèts, "tberoure, sm hu hî has the lu munct azud apr àQthtis isait ut a4e sai ml pcdg ]11e ur îehicw hayweo>opseta otht oanoudspprt u ruruult ri apro beJk r. Tseiiiu evtinc httibyheC-n1-p-1ei re lexmyirvuea che eweariuu ct pro- k: intecontwei epre hede . t and jf.unyot lEsr. PowIte sLiafaconlutisa 1e2( ix mswith oigiî uerieof, It. h iwo oe herocubrau e-idwIlud rfioru lsuuisa, mlanuuwin kruw i, l sah tiauue 11.pubiegooi. We .,llariiln Bli aO'Coner Esq,-ofGoterics - fi list - ~.~ueA ~ "ear meuaîudrisin;hms uidffiut id eelioexta xb ongjsrt lythu> Coèernany te14 baga ndprmp Vfl8JN-fl85 .ay"-"' e s." W.eek nute scveoijurl ouu 1ouilayp chretrs te l iv PrI-ind Sas I. Carke i , Mitwadd ewYois rfret - R be*tabIit>' Wtatevt sah eem ike>' lShaaewas loer. 20bbl rIhI$%.diclnelust<r busssuy e a be irtueu ieeforee orIwher, or bte ratotsbe- ONe Ialers11VudRW oLLAISjnKlle>reC.W. 3 hag duie, . u iu i turnu bpps'a1ndeYerS 'tlre isrool u t i fotte Polic foraIt Ibeotui ff osýte*,IFTY OLLAétrs o pA r- E stururd l iveraCo4uuu, u.waset aif ster ay, W 20j Ma.i tuie la for salt peketeml'yn iut ca do ul. % wr re l wasd se a e lr s>tribuh cluitlav ,ofr e uif, .00101 Iu a nd, I . ., a-il iaueduinManichLsgu ly5 ai - , ho htteappuvisgîy doped I. e %-..W. oudfoth oad luil aer s ueral voypeso rie il oO îuctiure' u',siu-îuiu oai'- /udsr 0bx 1 C - 1 ablivTe.p The Agent fisl, urosnétht t-hl1wekl b fllu WbhSuseibrsfo li .biic1trmiles deap adiae ntudîce - -irux Gmrwat~ nroduuztls e 9dueete pbirc walot harlse ofh eeso;if eîbizreugWo rut bekltS thubc*tri' aou ndii nuedostotdimu~erruuiupoq srv rt si aept ,,an i noialin ipun authyfltin lace aJitu a nnd ei0îi ul icion f Ot Je rahofLn, Juh ýsitws. Dmeayîri t] %vas L a l- 1 %Wich a v'e âihsibe t t t cniwe oeand lie a e a ru-ie a t heng theriC n ada, wI hue urne cf di tel isCoiîng illrl o, .a s rç- 1 - cently .loetrus, hropeeioTec' hursy byroPolie>the 11ê afhlbl seikca b Ivou ii Qi bi funahonth Pîsr it ,e ail MO; 1,000 by p1ie assuy - wa te aie eleogt ll - ovs-u l <uc iLbsealmnt t iscb(ai 1~in raertrutu.' eI liou at wllIphedfr 6ans-îIl"rier $75; for 10of .î, fMard N thIk -$,00 humuiv 1 hbl; bt edeskowtisI ndmi-ii l isp ats. Th fioll 0 owIgaretb ivons fr 5fo o - routt b'tbsorray.-- Sites -~~~~~~~~~~ -absysuiThebudatsysdpeseennc, e- udi huh-hs alerof111 Jcpslr wU eu $0; dîto,*3; bIt, "ewhehuScths,51 j~ ~~g~~4 il~s, fe 1h cur or4u.aetu namhae ,ua hac o ctise yearproou giîdturûtiiil ociclie llomitoepr-pîygv ra aifcinat o~ee ir~-SCfat anupatoedtaa eus o dlerue,1» tuib 1 îl go41 e lrt*, sif cei'uuMr.# ave115 V on whobti ue ape ibotîir her -- BilsT,'r-.NeworoCh.e wasofsac byoêdhr! pwerofueti iue measuue u-(stt4i per otot e 1.-rîe-aeth m w oar e tx cide r oin te Hftan dc. I Winf ctti on lriie, ol'yloseflei N.(YV9lit- ?d04ldr~eies.Ta~vdtieasut iie unolacee--- it s e îave 0iY2VCLIfl 40tICflS t1e - 0*tseh aticss asu es s tibame thu pfluiI, a a s PIt as- il liot $Ï20O tber uBpý on i cveid bv Y.", kriw i, t salladatie he1pubicgoýxLI onoef44ot eisCyemndatuy.epr - a~~snifttl casive~~, setomme assouuglte th ol butiolue lsentiemuba et iu-cf Ib-e1111Yfer ied Upcn ai-aessbet h, . ' ,v .' uuswoeup-èeaetuisie;uu4Gvrueu aefrts ihteeretinjs ctve. omeseofh ay.v~ussnels atnýe&owm b#t.Naufta »fow- Pmeolple, uor the People fur4bthe en t " -We T ni," su*~a~ IitbStOB0b. - ~Ilpou hve e faeurfor srtzaruhui, ani sa st luS apap,,rs.will ue sent unlesthe atbserîýyp- un>'bulidinge, anud ieg ta ado sivestiwrnioetieJ at)ss , D1 de 1) a - 1 uwW ¶1aIndIfoobsuaituto waik besridanu>' unlubtu>'. Notsmen tien accompanies the eider, tîntil the prýOmPtnuakuer ini whihch n' os mu1eyu I4dia Os. flow ofiboaJte tise but reau.aai alveeur support. %Weà;fïatl snialiest nuimber [60] is reaized ; af»tfor <'~--î~z OJSC~ '~nrvîe'.. Tûonout, bd, j the W4 hb&41ies- orusi4e, b. ln tise largtst *enteeiberai, lbst râtioiiý,, the that one/ fhcpLe£as~rtand U vils JoH eêd~ rb> fmuenimty tauad y d iâletred exclusion of ail thaI isj thesrelie, wild, adviui'fl- M l- avhls poet owe y oliyo e tfte*u Crmce acs, as-y; aîways recogriulauthe tbclhatis aIlto tie b'lt cnpttotlitecm leto f siýoofe tbe St, Law-rnce Counuty M.Ùui Inu; ~ B- ws. aPil«Pr <ýXeserlly N5aional regen~ertion,depeuids on tbe regetueratien tela bc i iidt thevud înc offiupau>', orgir. wy aporal ef ti fros imariy ýthëIldodor, diroui aate of l uth eivinal, 3od eauscbuwiuic everysotrùm lVhs> wilJ ry? Wbereis thtiamhip refal, strict. anti 'uas anuer Inu w îchr the cIU IOk of W igoùe nçni Harbm Aidercato -brhwoldpuli-eil- i -u 1was lisldaleti and lid tiandi am aftfatbêr ijus-r whnch ouzd tns-ai-mu- )bul?-vi8'wilueut -antidtiWest, lui- whielh no yt in juthse £Colany, di-~ uasa LndÀ ,ArÉÉv.cd'heSùaý,Neros JWlty orde 1uîrgenga~wav vice, immoralitvy. anti irs-roien . ,......- -ia -Iothe 'fôùi' in mieui. y L7preiBuau 0 W ou - -a mimiop 4tthe CompgzIy. iei uiarÉry; and if 1I3#sa3e 1 office lard j: will 4 b ~ode-bY liq oràbecash. s pertiitPolicie u sties, shouId bePo e the nimber of the Pûlicy; LOCAL DRnECUMS*- i Wlao . ,e Prid 1lvelr * John Y ent, !Ilchton, William Blacon, I4opkin$, W. Willson, Gueit, Sanueilartrbige. lerwburgbN. -Y.,Od 51$9 Refernccs. ýwelI, ljaq. Iarmonji. erryl Vity .44 Bells, i Ltrrigiteni, atreriPort(1 Yhitb'j. arnphtll, Jrookiu. îl1eox, I ' ri N4.,oel iler, Cark,~ urner, ( -rudot, E* - 5; VLnt1, *e 'x _-L 1-luwd. 1 Aîrkka,,G>. i'mlut-'.riht lue ru!erîi to-il I 1'ueundersguettittii theini y ut here he resides. Aenlut ai Irpd,;IkUC'. I. 25ihJati 'y, 1850. Twof N. B;- tuce tota se4-veral or Balsam is tion, Crr Saddle-gal j tnder the Patronagi (Lote &istfir 1J11 yeiiu eté)th,- peusur'j of L Compound 2yrup Porirr buît a llrrateil t r1 al Facuilty, 113' luearm ILautt1ingsu' tL-iover> cf 1ther rNaptisa, isas utîIet ow ilnetisaIlis l "Compouuuti ptiieandti pï,-iy clureIr) l ,uvoive tise wul;away l' Fb xe~w weatings, exp cuirsu4 rredicine, as it aIc SiclievesIlle haki1es ff rth - roug,,is an'id tiuvshuelia-cl I'n,11eaclivity ' 0fiLsls nure it il Jistakeuu If purvadn the fi ev>t' fibre of 'hue jruoy-ditJ thro"hou-uesrèsa fCree ci -t whicelendeiler i i tfie symter -£ehu"of moýdstyV. fo sa 1-uîkeneruuît,,MIZIît Ts-e s Id;of his lirctvery a( wxere iluot Iliat Ible si-if) tua iipoltafluèe té)lise û Lac 1 pîri fv it-lse ,by, Ladies' SemÉt ary1. K THE -GRAMNMAR SHO.1 Ge IIMIORTATIONS, 1850. HAYES 1DROTIIERS - V re c e iv inc th e ir u al srin g s lp p ie s 4 IWCiRIiSanud 1 WW..4RIEj hé fbtsjît very complete luitis rth e- lanti wich tey are eruabledto ofl7er le tinte ah low prices for cash or ap- dit. l'h. stoc-Ccosnprlseâ iraJ of Puesh l'ews, various cargoes1 ibhis- iuar'ii imrportatioli Ver>' br lt~ Porto Rico Suaur, refuîued ËO41 sugar, s #reen l aguira Coffee, .1,olt Java Co4luue, - - uasteti Coffc fr-euh ever>' day,)- freuh Currants,- doubl&gulftetlepe, uCtoves, - s li a i ,Sin s , - (lm Tobaru'o, vrious lurantls and :sizet, ieral aasort'ment of articles initise lisse. 4 ,u'ssoried sizes, Bar, I*oop, andr4iudie- n-, - Siiesur, sud Blister Steel, Spades, '_ ai Ciuuâ, Sp»ku, Crtuand Corn v- le- 1

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