Whitby Reporter, 6 Jul 1850, p. 4

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Qiuksf~.a w bp e ~.directs thse ýAM ".tIIè -chains: on 1he. linulusof sb'b'alubit, victim<s-and tlue &tom o b4. Iipkmaser, what bc con- ~4P~as lh~ benefieeý$ wip"-is ftqop the Ws.hingtosa ima al Era. ~ bzm@y st4 atos - tèverses, ~rp ~rthi*, orthy of lhe lruth and bemhyo<tlhsoetbirevts tbey embody -774i$wr mertt#é esuanot conceive. ICHABOD. So fallert, so W« 1ti be lsght withdrawo Whicioc.he woel TbIN ory ironsbis grry haire gene For evormore l tv4bin« u-tbeTempter luali -À'aêj*Ipgtest, net scorn aud wrath. BOt his.l - 01 . sbpube psins' tormy r age, Wh0lewWho mlgb H"Rbtd upand edhssagoe 1jbýbSk i igbt. - ý BSin ! wopld the, augois laagh to nmask, À Abrght- 4oul driven, 'FU-.d gosd, dow» tii.endiest dark, Ffm s op am bftesn? Let sot tbÏ Ind once proud of hum" NobrAnd witb doopor hanebus dim ait, r$ m shO= bI sos, nsoat, e We Im e M oS - m sève p.W.f nains.- À fillais a.-M's pide of thoisght SWI srois hin " AII. 1. g om.; fImm tii.gmet eyes nbp4t sjoui, whenhonor dimsý -T ,{i py*brevenueofc id day. Wauk b&kward wfth averted gaze. ~ hsmm, W. SALARIES AÈD SINECURES. liàid severalinsac there,seems te be anotl LamBle individuais, 'w llfooming inte the wt sible article between ti Iwitlra rredigious meu 'bêfre thse expfat 'Ion »d. Thse offieo~fRe4 Ptr O'opa'tve Court of a ýiCle slice of iho les >5, bu foowpàî Ibea -at&.-baket; ui ra ôtt enviable fisai l e. es not provided at fi àie spoon #,f'ox wbiçh t] remàarbl'e amlai±y. 'of heir- lier ,ho , r hld ih ably sri4iç arqo$ycn tained an innuomeiandwitty philWpp-le, ~ga inst those long harangues by which the patiince of' heaiiers is se often oic- bstiàtèd». lie used ta ttél i.he folluwing droîl stbry of iwhât be,'eaid'oin une oc- cas] on. Tise. Duke of- ivas ini the c~hair, and knl dsrdm i cîhm A nian absolutely liad the- bad taste -te spin out bis dul, t'irescomneoaritory, for more tbatn an heunr. Somne of thlie eot pIc, tîred (o deathi, as wellteymihtl, wvenîaway.lis royal highness whie,* pereci le re-' -1Réally_ Mr 11ili, 1 dou nUot think Î cati oit to lbear sucli another speech ffl Ibis'; I wish yOu ivould give 'One of ypar gcod-natuved hinla abouit it.' It wasnMy tu-unnext,; so 1-snid- 'May i ple your royal highness, la dies, aàid geislernen, 1 arn bot going lu, iiiake,,eitht*r a long or a in-eving'speechl. The first is a -rad neu - and thse ceond. i.net required te dky, after thkývery, moving one. yoli havejut 1erd.s moving, (bat seý1eîal t hecoàxpa*ny have beeît cùmovedl-by il out of (lie r4'om -uay, 1, even fear, sucli anoi.her wuuld se io% e lus royal 1ighnees- 1 im- self, that .he'wuuld lbc tuable lucol)- tioue in. the chair'; - nd W-0414, ti thse great regret of th imeeting, heo bligcd- te, 1muve o <1.'This tickled' blis royat hîghnes a-ndlte assembly, auid we liad nue more long speecrhes tliat day.' -Life of 1H11l. ÊýGLISft HABIT 0F DRINKI.NG. The drinking.ef intoxieahing liquors entert imb and pervades Dur entire.s- tiages, and dealisa. We'drinik i celi ebraflon pf - our succeses, 'and we drink. to console, oursclves for-,Our de- reats. We 'drink te enhance joy, andi WÀe- drink to drown serrjow. When frieinds meet they drink, and, wbeu theY Part they drin k. Men drink be- cause (bey are tygether, -anda,(bey drink because tbey are alue..- Pulitti-ý cal rejoicing, social mneetings, plarty gatherings-, are ailerowvned wilh drink,- Commnercial -ments reat their ctistomers fto drink, -working mati .gain their, "éfootings" by drink, Meznbers of Par- liament iccure ,'magy i"rou% sweet voimn" by drink. la %vint er we drink to keep eut the cold, in'wet weather to:keep out lte wet, -in 5uru me r (okeep fout the. heat. We drink to make our fud .digest; wïdnk te "q-ufflifvr' i V Iis, (bhat, and tthehr dish; ;lle gis-5, drink te keep awa y- the, 1cholera-i ai-shurti une would ainsost 'iiîagne, front esthe various vises ofthtie kind t' whicls 'il drin ii Wt tisat il was thse imwjurtl be ratholiuon,-the grand unverail remedy s fBut excuses te drink, is every wnay heir and on every uccasion, are always at ho. bnd-; and, whenit i s employcd in', sticb a variety ot ways, aii-4 on sucb a U'v, mltiudeof octsions, il need scarcely Me .h malter fer wonder Ihât 'tie qusntiîy conuumed in Ibis country should beso very podi9Wss. rom-el t 10 Uujt ýte uIW-the<"PeepIe 6f (he Uniteý Kigdomspentnal y fiften r <>lundred milli ons pounds sterling li'in- toxicating drinks; £800,10000 on p pirt*ý 176,555,«,O won WI. and rand. It -is thoýught the amount for $4O6tS78, .ind that the number of ehildire hwil! be tiiis y ear abou t 100»00; whiehi wili-*make an average of $1 a, Teacera'Institutes have ,be s tablished 1iii evvry ,ccmnty ini the State, wtithý oeeexception. Ti.e're were 25 organïed ceunities and '216, towns, in w'hich -there are 1430 school districts, and in 50 towns Uot r -eported, #350 dis- tricets. The tmachiing averages 9.93 months. The. average wagzes-oéf'teach- er s$1.5,23a for maies1, and $6;142 far femalles. The %ialiaýtion-'of School houées is* 75,810 75-number 'of brick 26, Stone 26., hamne 29, og 359. The higli est valuation of an house is $5,O00 and the Iow(J't 5 cents. Num ber of select -and priva e schouls- 94., and of incorporated aéea eniies 2. FLÀTTER.-Flattery is ike the snioke of lu-cense, it deffles the object it pretends tu adore. Tit DN.îrttz oR.Malywhat time doyotir folk;s dîneV" "Soon as yuui go away'; that' Is snîi' ordl-r 4.1 IVe should give cheerfully and qîîick- ly thre, is no grace in a. benefit that sticks tu the fingers, - Fi., vtt iiTi.NrÏ-1l is sy to write a gnt:dy style witcut. idean, as il ig >to tl)read. a pal let of .slotvy celôtir.,, ci to sînear in afiaunting trant4pareney. BîsÂ:,s.-The human b lrain is the tw'enty-eighth of the body, but in the hurse but ýafourdutindredtli. CCcUÇ.TIN OF TUE -Time.-The largest mînmber of Impressions of the Lo)ndùn Timme Newspiaper1 sold in une day was 5,5,000, when the Rtoyal Ex-e change was opened by the Qucen. 44, 500 cepies werc prin ted u>n the clmo f Rlush's trial. The or dinar im* essio is about Se,000. ,The Albany,.1 Knickerbocker mani don't like lt'ôs'ee a yotung lady pounding- tipen and Old piano in the parleur, whl'je lier mother'is waSlîing dow *n xtairs, and lier 11111e broôthe.rs an ,d sisters are run- ning about, with dirty iÉaces and tom elothes. TicMPR.-I dont know where that boy got bisbad'temper ' he dîd ot take it frotume." "IWby->'nu, my -dear, I dont pcreeive, that you have- lost any, was the affect-onate reply of the spSa. LI* CAS8H PAID FOR LF4 THERL oroto, May Il 1850. 5-iy Importations of' Iprlng Goodi for18O I fL.J:. o. 4tL. A MAflS BROTRERS nR ow recezvinc thonr usual spring suipplie Ae'o GROCERIES and JL4RDW4RE, wbieh wili b. found very complote in b.nb de- phrentx, and whichi they are enabled te offer tà the country trede ati ow prices ,for cash or ap- ptovod credit. The Stock comprises 1 290 boxes of Fresh "1ea», various cargoes, this, yeai'5 eiMpoitatien 40 bhilsvery brigb: Porto Rico sugar, 6 hbds Molasses, 7Z bagis green, Lagiuita Coffec, 14 bars old Java Go «ce,. 20 bbls (roeh Curranits" 30 bags double-âiftedPepper, 10.baga Allspice 20>0-jad <fins Mustard, .5 Maes Clove*, 60 *boxes Raisins, 200 boxes Telmc'o, varins brandit and sizee, WiLh a gnueral-aoscortment of articles :ii the fine, eut, Nails, asgorted sime, Bat, IHoop, amnDBurdle lion, Spritig. 'Shma, and> Bli»terý Steel,,, pades-, Shove!s, C<îil Chains, SiAke, Grass and Corn- Scx'ythcs, Sickles, Crad'irs, Hay Radies, Shot, <(un- powder, &c. , &c., wicb a corrplete -issoimont of ..Sblf ald lcavy Ihardivarp. HAYES JBOTHERS, Xo 6 4 7, Si James's Buïldings, King St., Teotôtto, ISîb'May, 1850.' 5-10 MXA 4. OT H fOUS:A OppossP t/e lîMarxle, KîrtgStred, T7'ontu. TJIOM..4S THOMJ'YION ESECTFUJLV atnotitces (flit he bas RE- Roptx£D the ahw-)e establisbmernt with 1an extensive andi wellselected asoýrtîneust of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, lwc,, Whic h for varicty,-prites, &C., is, he bt.iirvcs, in- ferlero ete nr ii hm rity, arnd tu-îs'bich ho 110w - lais, Caps, Bonnets, Bots, $os Cf4.O Is now more cornplt4e than heretofore, embracinq ait the-new styles in the several I,)epartuueridc. It wou!d 4 e dionùs le s'uamcrpte ail tihe diffeèrent articles on baud; and a3 htje iubscriber is tnuch olipo&M tdte esyWat' ' f" putfing," ýnow se corn- mon, he would merely requeet the, pubic te cati and examine, for them6clv, P. 5. The- BOOT & .81E Store ins.uow in the rear, fruhlting on Francis Street, L3 Sigu 01 TH-E Solith haW f .Lot No. 34, 8tb Cole'ssion Whitby, Je ope n. for, bidders, for a terni -of nutlIess than iý,1ve years. There are Fifty Acres cleaed anid the whule Farm is plentiftIlly Wate red. Go and sec it. Posseson;given ti goed lime. for FÂLL PLOUGH'IINGO .Apply(pad if by pa)1 B. FREY BALL, Apilk l9b, 150. v'r uzcuy. Fsrme.ir"]Protection!, !figurate Oto., O9GDJiNSBUrRGIL N. Y. MN~ ILLI¶t4INSVKANCE, CAPITAL *100,00. The Hon. H, V'auranueiler, Ogdcnsburgl fY écýP. Vankounlinet, Cornioall, C., TV Sidney Smiith, Esq., Uobcrg, *or-mon Jones, Esq., BQkik . FarewveJIq, Jlarm&ny. P, perr . Ce. r idbM. Dr. Alliin, 11, R. CampblaJl Brooktil~ IL. Daniels,. tisat turne 1 etijld net meve mpell; oowu 91 i.. inîtts wéee on"'pfetély disfodated, iuy ktieee'were sif, andi my joints were very înucb swelled., Fer the. lasi three years 1 wu iscarceil able te do tb re. ibouiths' work witheut ssuffering Ite moot exc!fleCi ating;pains. 1 was doctored in su rope byseverài-- physicians el1the higliststanding in the prrdes- alou.,, as weit ain the. Province, 1 was CISO [ive mnenthi in theTeronto HospitalandJotWithsttfld- lu;g ail the tmearus ;ned, 1 conld not,get riti of uny comnpiaint, indeod 1wa3 toi& b'a very respora- fie physieian ual1 i rever couldbe tr'nrr¶im tbit rat that tlime, mny attention was direrted tà yos*r- Str'Ileury Hiferd's IMpenai Cordial for the cure rf '<Rheunmatiim and' ienpntie Gonit, and Dr. HIOp's Pille, 1 wa% despiiriug of ever gettmn; nu- reti; ,when 1 called on -yiu", I w"s hardly ahi. to walk, anti what was air.ost mir-acultiLun, iu ibre.: weeks (resu my evne )ig etaie yonr medi- due, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i au±fu enpud uweight; niy healîh was much improvedt i, n about tbree- weeks more my Rheumatimmrî%vas completely gone and rrny heatth cornpletely restorûd 1ti. io eujuy au god liealih as aîîy mnan in Canada,'Sitice nuy recovery I have waiked Iorty-six miles in one Iday with perfect freedoxu, ani t assure Yeu, Sir, tisa i ed rnlythakfl. os canmake auy fise oif tbid yen pleme; cny cage le knewo t) seveaa ofdvdui t respectability in -ibis city-ttje' naines yen knew and ean refer le (hem iîf eces. Yu3tru ly and grateftilly, THomA.5V' W sT Parties referredti t William Goderhiam, V- iiarn (>sbOrue andi Samtu,tShaw, Egqm'sg.. 1Prlce, 24, 6M1. andi5s', peu botte. The abeve' medicine is fou sale l'y'- 4 ~ 5. Y' V-UHIAiT, ___Gpienl.,lget 9 Yonge Street, 7us Janu Ulbier the Pl' .- D Pl (L4 SnurP r".. un Qu <4'lvebu postiv a Iiusvolve the by excesaiV effects et2 admitte4 to cough nmec 'The activsîy or -j ORIEET AYIWBALSAN. i32 kû r olvery fibre ofti etiselan re in mgnycritkai cases of wIchegiS e5 W diseuse,andiwatt tisemuîsesthappy ro'ls isvrl Feelings of ux paui ofEurope, iIllte private psuctice e o if n beendÎs'sg pycanWho have approviuigly adopisci Dr;-ienno<f bisj finpe'ssia-ihgiilar formula. T'h. part>f wlu.> *5 lOW were it not thati inistrumental in iuîrodluchug the meiscin. e 0poblic motnc et notice do"s not eiaiiun superhnnxnpoveu or virtue persentit eenuidu fou t; for hio know6 fiat tis aleiralfy impossýible recomemnds is that any italil p ceau ho i'nvetd -or itus- cure !- -1 t!watt coverc-d te ciire all the, atlmeuttâte wbich frait pnrify it-be wa hssmanitv le liabi.4 but ho doua knew hbat indomni. ubeîe 1or tabl inesîga:ônin;uatu~au peaevraseenu-plaint, j pain ln ahled Dr, Hopï hto rtina cdmponn'd, aFots#ppiiy warrants ilto ari blendet insulb. Pillz; ani3?xatn, fer ttic'cure or 'the lng, anti te Mnitigation eof mny casea-.èdi dsease, in wich il esn Is os was effen cnn4!eid oti euîd h. powere<mnedicine positiyý cen&tdér t» iei ani ad o udev; Tse adiinebus eu- action is'tie lui red nuruberlfes caNes of disen-se- andi chrorsi sta- directions. purifý ges --e»periaiiy c0stivenemi, Q-0 coMmeramong in'luiteprogress, a, those whvis« occupation, afud uthers whose dispo- dilrectIoas, i>1a sition, leada s t ederiiauyhàbit Nausea, I)sow- healshy condit'or t5ines, Pain ini the Stona-cis, Oppression 'and flieus- The. muet awjp leucy after meals, T.)îincli nation Iotenetal anti testimouy of th buiîly exerliorn-Gir!diness or ldWw of bloo t te .meilicaJ practitio bead, Piin in5 the hreaat, bock, obisuder or ilid ',i ,rlru speakil freqssently eaLuSed hy indigestion ors disordered very; an* ho ha liver, £rupnions of the skin, Carisuneled face,- pos§itiv-e because Blotches, l3oils andi limpes, pioceeding generalliy which is bjch 1hi from irn purity of the blooil, or a disordereci utate féel anti aeknov of thedi -estiveonrg"ans, t-Iertbulrn, Avid erucatsun, they ein lue 4Acidity, Of the Swurnach, NeyvfflsJebiify-, Or de- the ptaise wyhich rangeent of the ayzstem 7Nervue.,Perlodical, i~ cinl eo Bilions, anti Sick-IrIeadatIte, Deuresaion of $$iîtsi plainly usanifts Noise in the. beat or etiroe1, Cake or enlarize- after it u a gn, ment of tise spl een, >al pitduliui uf, the héart, aront. 'pÏudned réis liom indigestion or dyspepsia, Liveu Coinpbaint, b.ad faitnd tae&h Maiketior Ju Agite, lruegulaiity fI the bowels T'h. propriotc. anti uther seecîi, 4organs, Fit& in eld or yenng'ý, boti, o vs eaioed -liv wormns or t5toppage of tishaeis j, ~i i e.vn , as or Clronit sfanding ctsredl.'if I J t

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