Whitby Reporter, 13 Jul 1850, p. 2

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lme> of'the ,whioeun the1 School BÙil. ?hc blanka in I elaow we ilied al) by ctiSCl î th - àlâ,ylof.he uperinteè ý dctiio#», U pper Cu nada. a ,thesam asthat 110we Uor ifBy 1 lie enjoyed by the Stipetinteul Lowèr Canada; andi that tlieà the itut and second Cierk4 or ,perint*ndent, shahliecthe I1um reeeivud l'y liehbuns hoki iar sittuat'ion inLower Canadat Tihe l3th cas <fte3501 Wus struck ont; and <fso th uUiverui ofut'Turuutu, andi Collees1,nil Grammur Seltoulý ig dîitties of Ille $utpepr!I M ima .,.n i',AMoel %-'110.ni nleD ext, when Mr Hincks 1romisd :o en- ada, W".Ster jute itis details. The re mainin g.sectionls of-the School O mi-Bill, with an aineudment où fthe Bililtu> CommunQI extend the act Ineoriurating EtSd the 3411 Cerupanies, were passed -in CUninittee. Ldintha On motion ofMIr iinceks. t1le 719t 11l ndent of. Section of the t iýchool Billt wa-j amcî;d- ;lîreft, ed tu lte eficet, that it shah bu ,,the itcçit fur doty of any Mun icipal Ae1-l grant mly çselrarate Schcculs 01) the 1tetitiouI of 12 saay of : or muré colured persoil:, or- Ruiait sanie ases';that nouie ht colotitl I- ~IfIC 'il siailvote iitt e ictj#it cf Trtis- tmg ~ ~ fu i~cfi ieir Sh4ctuî; anii ît t înuîî Isection %Xt ~ire. u1psss u rii iîi se vera 1 -Tite Ilouse adjourneti at 10 1-2 z. i; juli- 1 tcîtuîlt E<) 1 EIN l'Il* VIE1 Thlau r dry, 4tlu Jîi > j, 'The diyt'citlsciciu ()nlthe Dobabîcit 1hBil Fouirteen spectitions rè ivr hru;uzhî tiln eîsuîe .tsdrileaîcc i aiud laidi on. th~e ttable, . agitie. tn iîhcl1 r Mr àMeFortant-I ittrodueed a 1B'il ti 1 lite 1 rty f: intvii (r .a.,eu4 he .~t aîtiîrîzmîg tt~ <sîsi ciy cfruopinion lui cevery ae"î i"blt lisilment. of NTtlîî,,tnstir.ince 1 t stssti .'1iiurgor.,S.tnttiday, 1 ai lui fliez, and to epltlîîit Furs'ign Nihtuaj&t i tLir r.Situdua sd have' ISUIm neCo upqnîh sinthis hrvîc 4#ÇIiiled'Mî nthe ri-u' ~'-oodreadig Muuday .iwî. I60 ,fsa! 1 fue brikeMn Mr toman i ntroduecti da Bill to con- Luer 'f 1.sîi.uiico',the i rder 14> meuit1 lte ,'-firm certain B10Ys jastdhe h Atn'sc t~Prsdiîdîiu i AMuniciitmi Cosîncit fthe 1Londtuit i-'t ai mt! ><'veans ; iàl s Couil- tretno he Cotitiy t o'Iili cut altl'u irse uitis nfliv teris, ua ipoeulg rates tu ie1 leî'ird on loands cp ii b-.dal11 yM - uin. S îui'ohj:o' tiie Mâiîters urge Ithe and other prîtcrby teeî ;scuwdP iiet~ocolte té lte terris lx-re re*ding iMonday iext. 4îCtLCtuhis uaeeu i rIiî 'And alt,-~Bill toe unc'nd lii- Act ;- - - a lhethiaîecîy lu ue îlsa ti for tàking tule celiqIs ofu titis provinic, 01la:idIil ofle Vil i £uadpbtaoiîu staistiai -iîut'rmain rigit toWv,and hîwptefor-ict-iter treat- t.huur-ecoid radîttrMuuitaynex. rent att timeç lu cote. Lottit;aut Mr'.toruisul ltrtidîed a uIJIt bves, I eus' îurvliuîelté)î, ai tur a idnis ini Dmumn MeFaranti, ql cert-aiunbaisprd <iîdseiitiliit îvis' jtead altowalnec ]w t Iuwnshîip -Iider-thiiî ai'st tih v Thotuld ; seend rctudut iiiémi14t i- uitîitx'- ttu1vnctit u uuj utunt. ' - lulîti, tie uaili aueept 11titUlfr ililt'hwil'i -ui On motion of tle 1t1il nNir Bunue iilte(Ouuiti'ce.I- sS.tî' Àdrmwai votmilt u 1ii 'Vliiuy,-wsti us ',aul uitt a Co ,y' rttxe Cumuiiuuu îporti-bu tirs, thati, wlte the P1re'sidltins tee ung C wVet1ierait uunid W K NýleCoird, iessn ifteu: ieîlui'krt- an Rd B Johnson and W Ermrtnger, ît u iiesdls mii-ii .iwl Wo be speclal Magistrates, unduer rîgiUeeîeau. c'iss t-il thL> thpey ucted witbiu lte Cily cf Nlntrei-alsuqtL at cguu dsîis e -dufiaug the year 1849 ; ai us fbs undugIimc-fic<1 racrîi app'intwuents -of the (aîîbaini und On.,- - riîîue, yeî, xven pcliei req-41ls'ed to' cerà of the AMcuîîîed Polire Force, uc-i fýiriiia tl t 'itfîîî. lîcvdustr. cordingho an order iii ÇCoiineii iii May, Priiua(cvrtj&tthae-- 189; and aàs, a copyv f tlose s'~d Or- ï ecnotimu î ie (udilinib llett uîv'urnit der, n Cotioeil ; a¶so, the' fille cf ut îîe ble ILîCiîof îta'ir lu's -Ilflie- Act, Ordinawce, or ufluer Law, umdtur 1 ) îseî wsîita:u'a L hveh4u -whiehî 1suticiOrdé'r, 1:a% -been stwid, ucr 4)III, t'i.partty .(-'tici nie- hîre'tt-of Potioe Force esbablisbecl. 4>rc-u t-u u- s 1 iT j'bs GRAT WESTEIII< RAILUOAD. :king. NIMavo' in ILon-le ;ut.îV 011 tittii Sir Allan *,ai fe eatugtu ilrIeud isuoî-n:j't-'îr~* amendmnents magie by the Légisi'4tve vsaliS aèit sllçCuu.crýmcàï 01.~,lu cuncil, bu.>theill3 t .utuîct Mîj'jiej the Fr i1 r -tiva viery e ÉUa11- palt Coulicits tu siulîserlb Sioek it e iie 1,1v- -ir Itî' rd'r lit, 01,v <LIV. Grant Western Uailvild, utc-dflaIt 1.Itsiur or îie fthue attack (en tCifr. ticy be read. in-css. mul xiee: l juu ut TheêamendtÉerîtis wec te îrend anti gh'ate-'wr"uins are hein g ruade tu sIs- concurred lu, cicep)t Lit ite inrkcd t'i1 Ille tGcikt ults~efie B. Mgis iebîcnes Wr A. Nlaenttbthen 1novectiin amu-ui. nt l thata m endm e n ,th ttseM0 Corporation who 'iail sleinilw t# k exceeditig £25 00U, shall beex 'w. a 1)reclor on thoý Great Wextern Iroed, iu addition ho thmitoUow pro- ed by law. t was theuu carrieti îunatiuiosly. Jr Richards iliovedthue second read- of n Bill for lte protection cf itilh uera i lu p'er Canada, provid"îusg I paerties ercecing ills shah uot lx Mec fur actionî of* damages uon accoitu t Sooding the adjacent lan4#, when lautrohasers tîrereof bla i-e beet) ai-- ied a- reduction in Iftte price. becau*o, the. land being ciierfluwed. lion urs- Robinson, ilàldtin'-Siith rontenac-), Lyons, :Smîith; (Dîurlianu),- u~rred 'In lte provisions, as ltef- did inhortcre witls aîy vesîed rigiltî. The BiH te alter and.âmnend tlice Leceof theLb.sevemIalCourtâ of. Law Upper Canada., and te reduce thue ;ta of teturne, was retul itesecond' ,ic, and retiurred to tise Cuincnittee, the BilIltu tsmend the. 14w1 i lpl- 0 th LuQmuitiee. wr ho extesud thé lime ho inecased capital ak of lier Caniada, 'ud timte, - maid ordsrerd ,and reud the third tee oùt ut thes Caria- Spécial eters cil' 1,1E,: I)lSTRTUCTI0NOj '(F FOVIt- -'E VESS$ELS BY ICEI3Ef GS- iN TIE ATLANTIC.- Fi-ffl me iionn lit-ertUser, -Juire 17.- Tise arrivais citring flue tact. foivdays front the> Atlantic have' tirouti st ad i»- teilîgoiue reslîetiiîg lusesof a large -itiiber of v 'sssianidsctthé fllîrttt fieldis of*ice1w.rgs' in weitern tutiqdcc- aLi amnîug (lite sîutilhîer, %wc regret-lo adA, waS cite fronit tIriins srskil hetweeil eigîht te uone lituttir t ircu cut board, evi>ry *011tufl cf -int l ïp pused « tu bave gone downIiin the iîifor- tîtnate vessei tutt perisheci. Great quan- blUes or imI> are genuraty iuo)ked Iiriîy the 1nader.4 in -thos, aro f. lte Aitiu- tic abolutlte moiîbs of Aprit uiud NM'ai', thie reýîulî c lIme breakinîg uîji of the down tlu the coîtiîwlard hv flhe force qf tise culrrouts. *'nie tas that htave appeareti this senson exceet aîîythiftg wriit k d - tlias for ycearc s e met v 'f. 'i. uTey have Irceil irnuîense. Fieldis 0f ice, nuaiiy mulus jie.xteiàt, lcwverinig- up in ail mani cf tht-ms lu è-t y "ireit el evalîion, havre mVLpt thét waters of idue Atlatutie, su tit teçe iç pended forai n very few cf Lite mishaits thiat.occurred. Tie ili-làted ve.,4cel, in 'uvhicit su muan y arc 1xolieved ho have peished, wsfu rn Lolîdindle r ry.Ilojnd te Çîîecbee. 'feu days prior ti, ber ie-. ing disecbvered .-entanji,(ddn luise iee- the twemty-seventh cf Ajril-stte was sjxikeuivi itt Iîy dihe nerof ti-ç Ori- ental, froua Livermuol, - Site vas ascarçe of wuter, Itavùig hid boisterolis wea- ter, mand-on accotut cf isé ie mber cf pasetgers seen un deck, il wîs sup- plied lier. On.te 271ixlite Orienétz twenty miles to the sveestward of St Paiil's by Ihe ship, Signette X Moùatt, froni Altoa for Quebeé. -,The vc$wOl waa apîtarently an- English brig, hcnv. ity laden, rJ-witif painted porthOtes. She had got'ficed iii th ici- nd Iuid been ont dowil by it lu the wvater's eédge, >ad- mitting ea rush et water into herbold. lier erecw were olimerved working at the litimin, evidently in- the - l op f keep)ing lier afluat in flthe P:)ec!âtion of assistnnie ; alaiq, bow-everf .slo 1XH santk, sud ni! on boardsmet with a wa- tcrygrto The exoct ntmber 'vio peristiiîedâs Doct learned. ~tters htave been rreceived cumnuniecatsi he total ~c the Ostpnsible, alg-0 in 11w icci. site v.;aï froin Lvroi <ii< tu Qtlc'r, hic.wtih seve nu pamsc'îge r±.1 UIp to the 5ul1xf, f av. sue(1 e reee<C1 lsud wca~thc'r, ileiîîthey 1W! il i wùh an iiornl(iM lielL i f ice. 1uîul get tlxeil i if, h i<ve davs ali tiî,iciilthf (À*IIlrs9 of whiitî er 11111; %'as i-rv huge li tiefragrnetits. nnd siice iîream a lost vse.1'iîwerc. kept gsi titi Lte. nrrivti of the hrig Duke. C(t -.11m) tod ~vr ktgi ,# sîîcd iri iiinr I iîrcnîgh tue îc 1o iew suîkilî" veilaid s id hie licle t i <rôtIn ali i,.iirw e î~vittbiC deuil,. 'Th<'e »sl(nýilie 'vert oi vhn1veî t *înîttsiarer. io1uer v~eu %lua V(ere !both ig~inear the ýelweî Muni rer. 1 w got îilciîed 1w ythe ice witliit ii r'c days n fier îiï~sight i<t lImid. and 1111 intr im îriediately weîit ýsî:ve tc f,' tp' l9t1iili wiich i fivy isere F1ieked upll. 11w .lrorn umet tv~i1 h liur dvstriîc< mn weil lit tiirty ini es' of -ýt 3.i1lus, Nwmîîdlîd;thwe rewl %-erc i4tvced liv b lie l8ItesinIg, slruir ~~~~~4moi- 11wdratd Arnî (Ate lier l(iNs- t1i hicke r1. acd re eitînierii.'<,, (110, IlibemnAia. Jroll)(1u'rr'iw, fi.r <(jîîe. iî; i b ritè1A srijèi' (1a (lui) à it rîg~tre 't, W~eymoiffth 14e< Wilhelmine, #uf Aberdeen ; (li (Fojvri, Ja:euwcaîMle ; ltc Sylp/î, <4 Leilli ; and flii 'e c fir. aiues û1c whelu are iinno~iw'n. \7iîiiithe ecxce,.- tiu:t ut' 1 il(,atter the ere'vs ere sae MIost O uîîfi'rIlle vesefçw'eTc liuavîvi'tuuen, and It heir l Ili touun ua catet be lur short cf £ 100,000. DREAI)FUL SEMO~ CIÎET Lis# of the Qritun -flfty J'ersons Drcýwru.'d. TIÉE REPORTER# 1Iamu1 a man, and îtink tiothitig hummn imdif- forent 10 me."- 2týrmace WHLTI3oY, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1850. PARLIA3IENTARY CIIRONICLE0 Now ltaitte grea questions of lteSessirti have been foriîtheMost, part dimposed of, te pro-' emn';. of lite flouse haire become more urumnei estinig, anîd il is more diffleul, fior lte simber cf Meaits cf ibusiunesbroughti forward,'Io give anuy correct summrsary oftem.. We si4l, itow Civer, glance %ligltlly ai smorn f thte mosi mt i sut itemsi.- Mr -Baldsin-itan bîcuigitt in a hil iihi refereiîe te trials uon Qontés'te'lEecine l ia cîpy iru ,recat part of a tinnjil.ar Bil t itaioducecd li Sir Il Peet ifs lte Flouse cf. Comniua. Iif itspokieî cf favouiaaiy, 1.il we apprelherd flue grand reîsîedy l'for thsee o'iu of cuiesteil Ceeuicrusis flitheallot. Mil Ilirkes broigitt ini a Bill Io permit ît.e inn- Ipo)rtai ion i Usilcd States priuute'd editirs aof I3ril- 14-i Copyriglits, oiu paytit et i a fiçed duty, the iprrnecds hlàIe paid.Io tet sutitcrs of lte »'îks ilu I lrit.uiî. WC e rice ini iis ssci of tardy jUsfinýe. IWà- s(id tiinkl curmelvos mprs n id umraotl f I WC triok the labour of a înuilus iaruda for tohins, andl ià il arsy beler- in do ltetiarne witi thet labour OfC 414 uxind 1 If (lui, dul y were bnîncuau aliy paid -ee, and a sirillariripost exacted frorri ubruili- ers in, the, States, cir autitlrài %% uild legs. se'htcrn be ie artyis for te saue cf lte- people titan iluey l aie.- liad il berî se a-n yeau's paài, Dr Dicis, hï IIforo MLssMarliuieai, Wm jocsc-sarhecn, Lamnait Biaricharîl and maiy thera Wetuuldbave licen kt'pt in quiet, oidrt oririîf-edc living in be4grary, or dyirse almosi wilhouf roner bo pay for a iactory c-cUcul slsrotsd and a por-Itouset Tfiue Àvigion st cuill1311wis aread a seecrud flime andl reierreilc cmt tee 'ie si*çcutioocf 1lite houl 1Bi1lutilCoamiittle vwtv> coseludc-d coi Friday niglil last. Il hfaasî'ceri s oreiy ruan,-l.'d h y arrenudrreei. Mr M "uuIî' ew Datikirîg 11 h taff lice» lpri Jed.c WC have lwen fas')un-dsvil, nan'opy 01i s, arnd olter vatuuble papers iy JMorrîmon E*q,M P. ilt wculd asiueiy caîF iniQc empiloyaintIllte - sunis aund isless capital cfIlile country, ains wosîid bce'fst bot tise harefiolilers aid lte Gov- Jerntnt. lnf.teàtul -f te six or i- s'en per cerit of tite Banka sîow. lte uew stock, would yieloi 12 pe-r ceit-rsix on 'iltmiuol(e-,and six cn lte debenu- - bireâ purdsatsed from governmrent as leir sau'uriry -de"oit. its tqcoîid reading wau ftxed fur yester- Mr Ilirickài' Posall IIwtt, rescri nîiè tuitinet ja second tirsie.- fThe Oin left Liverpuool ou Moîuday 'REPII-LSN'rA'OX BILL." 1711jiî_tý it d ulas uic-an s: t s dîtu1t liaid sîoji110 t1 sii bo îard, 'rTe losa cf Mr Lal'onieine's Rtpeebbo i îs~iithbie catbaisi taut erev, a co)n- it causiig su great clamrti: amc.sg ahi pariez -iu1d ie intntir the li'-tnrougitout le counstry. 01n the cone si-de ih is ilig lthleîîi Thete watluvr %Vas crenei y lociied on as a beirayal cf al Our hutinltlere*lo catin, aintieverythiiil, g sezriuxuc-dbeho- fieslfiait cola; on te other Il is rejoited it as ken a raii passage; îîheu, ut quarter j lte rejection of iviat wo.uhd ait Wts prove ani sp- te t ,A.- M., a shurt distance Io 1licple of Som. lnjti yine- the f3ii, Our cMisl north -kf Port lntrick-. thte vebsel -5rutc'ki opinion tas been in sourie rnassvre chang,,es! aso on a stinken r4,Xk, and atiimccl i otutudi- lttway in wiichitt lioulflie ovhewed. h I esfl aiely Iilled. -Tue conslernabien wItieli t seem t blis sn-gieat a cilainity afier aIl. The eîusted 'amng thejrueu'ýgers fmay iihdid -not doeïWsay wijit Ile loten Brofugits lic, tnit more easiy eonceived bluan Il was s'ery imperrecily itasd on population, any dmsribeti. rT lok u.ueda ateratiens il matie ising purely arbitrary, and . on a$ hy b tlite*ritshong of the w.ueri aînug tu nualuin.'ryauJ utu lic'fît - ino fixed principir,. insou»tîc tb al lise i-sils ai pic'- mceg, rmade lte greater- pî'rtionIe'dp at 1sentemlir1 twoh .agù -Te onice <roïn teir liedx. T1he'y were W» J years. Il rctainedtihie bigit qualificalion cf sîatbFyttj tother -uce inw-aer on nmenr, wttic'bwe tbink, a great cviil.hIlef tic cubis lur,;an4jte s icirwas eV- lte suffiage on the same fooatiîîg as ai prwuet- iclcntly fast sinki iaicnrirus.4h tu cneebut fitcl'ik>ers votsng nun the eosnry, u-itle thic deck'- tcuk li~' Thte butjas werL» l le more tenant -for a year can vote in. towits. il iustantly iuwercd, .but te îwo fi rst I w»' unsccompanietiby any redîudlc f liýthe were su$0crtiwcecl biaI îîueyaimelnosî iuu- .amoWb of! Gevernmeni pat ronage, anti -consoé- niediatc-iy swvarnpcîý h 'le ;-rem111iuing 5'qu.enY'WOOIti ld4e he H fOMseait e Umery 0cf twhoweve-r, r et hc shére in suife- Ithe Goverumnient cf lte day as mrucit as #t present. ty. Fur thflewhu were fnot fortunate' 1Ilraisedth ie Basteru Sectionut ! iseProvince gr- enëjougLh ho obtafi' a place in either cf liltrarify at thue exjuense of îh«YJesîern. 1On al theru, there -%vas110 fresomle kft 1>ut hese croundaitis loi s not so ach <o lie reg rel- èiig &ttrigitîg, andi any or lte ld.Ts aeices flte olr f repre- loose articles ýflusiiting about whieiiti,ý senlatives, if inuatlentied wjt iterfrisl Coulti - gel holiof, a,; (lie s61iif> cu-îk lu ardl)rwQrth the laking.- atietut six fauihomis cf ïatey iliiafew -- rnintirç al e st chuîk. The 'rckt i b icy ad rpavusd rrhucij'al1>ý tiirucih lte forwardl andi midship com4 ji'nsSin tuI l te eigifles mîvere in- gitutlhy -enered nselcçss, utherwise-te vt'se,l igilit bave pvrfiaps becn Y-in asitre, ra) o large» n sacsrifice of Mie Preyenteti. 'f'lie two boats whièh te- mommcd Servieable mate enehs two trips bétwee'n. the shore anti lte vveqe3. aud latteriy one of flue two huaIs liait haduu&en wamnped wvus rigltted, and~ PETER FPERRY, Esq. We bave mach leasurè ln pulhli1huu;de fol- lcwitgdeumnhsrellin leour respecîed rep- TO the F41! o f the W4W»j Reporter. Dy,> aSi i,.-l berewutb send yyen a copy" of aui addiess presestted to Peter Ferry, Etq.. M; 1'.P. on MondaY the $itinsi., aI lite very moment titat be was Ieavinirlbig, home for lte pur"os, o s Fiutdzng my nualheaitti ad strength paMtiaIly I irestor-ed, (altiough yet but feebie,) 1 baste» (o a»umue.my pubîîtc duties n i te. klaùs of the Le- wu m i ouriiiuder, kW lui u» j»n My pOWere Io cofl guistec tîiutenî une oa ids lteautneiînalion of lte ome ,ouidiuîon c i he eunt-y, fitiy îopilitgthat t may neyer beétray the pu bii trust and roiideliîce ety of repoaed in- me. rrustitig, iowever,ltat -under biious exi:stiuuc cireu nahuurcea, too mucli iMay not, ho ex- a ait.~ Ichoiera Oton Mity wornnç -vau4t te» Gon Tuesday nzght. peced utiy fiands, ------A-- - i ae(h our ho cli', rVRE IN PHILADELPHI, YoursP~eTRERY. - An exhînsive fîre took place in Nul ToE. Airxirs, Esq., and others. Wediie3day tatI, in which Do les lb de ûlngs were couisunied, and I>JIEADFUJj WIIIRLWffI), febulr the value of four millions dollars dei 'One ot those di'eadful atorrns whieh are lte people were -killed instantly, and M( ,Coiuuîerparî in Canada of lte tomnadocis of the uhirty of them so severely that their li, Wcàt Jîîdies, and lte hurricanes of Oceania, visil- paired of.- Thle catise wvaf eupposed it Ç,4 »Onte of out îieightliouting townsihps on i'reday lcsoion utf1IWO bogg ofsaltpetre, the jthi ini;tunt. Thie descrîption'ut1h if withich ___________ we -bave licou tavioured bîirîgs cone l in rnd or lie /uM treu4 D9111July, 8, openurig eenie oflt en.s-e roar of ite No local new.s. Trhe stean iutd, lte creakiugtif lte vexiiel, ehe shout4 of, briL frurn L Iiverliool, arrived ai flic- seatuîeii, the rattîituî' of îte :rdage, lte blaze un Saitirà'.y nurniuug. Site oftihe lit-htnriug, scetit te have been hit avivid lte luarbtir tiu prcvlOtliseveil description o cf îzi a rcene aite as btas itappen- struek on a -rock t1irty MÎIl cd oni dry laundtwith tw, Th i rst 1notit e cf fthe eaàtWard, but stlstaiiied ne stortsi cf witicit W<: -have heald, îvas inûsxWe-A trerneudoti.ss Àtii occur'edî icgitrcs LkeSinec ad mrain oîtie fcn-auid aionfg the Erie Canal, a, ~ap<; (eugira.~V invenu lariedlie i-eveiitg; three breaks on th p'îîrîii ~uiitileitered ilitilo l>p ut i sand1 -tee n nica rad brid- cohe aierars, l' ur î'~w»~hi, away. Thre îiighL train -rau rr'des icka! nap f reek, litec locoilotive and bu- the country, viltl b i seert fhave heen sIpparerstly wre- i'iîca-ia u Mti iii flue'segmet o f a circie, itla silluuttattn.g te cge'il urd.le nincet titeory iliat thexe feJppetitsalways rove 1inasCir- nen Were u1tisifg and ilippc ciler trac-k. Irr ~riu lit iried on hem- lo -.The s tormiuinthe cit y pestutlo 11tilrolîgli.;rrfîs ofte rowr)shipl ft o ilently ftat lte jravenieiC1 L'rcck, 'ectl, learch, Darltstcss, auîd Clarke, f feete were torii iii, and th ai hier,, le.avirlg thetî, 1)(1n ih ud u trecs aIt teceinoîry carri crrîinaer-.-u Laike-Cîtario h lte th ter sie,!Acivice.s' roin aligt, sih0it l trua';k -pp~areu-it ielaw O w o. n atfutc f tilt-, _Nicaragiu ecsui-iud l dsca~augp'allt tieace sQuihtEa"r- juive l>ceil chalned.--P(itr Iy, lrarnpliru on like flue rut of an army cf A se-vere - lt cuider Storm, & -irÈ alonz thle course of ths e Canal te Allia- iid vit h a gtist cf wind, c ny. Whah udirectio h îtok. fretinttat City, or iiglit, diti serionis damiage at1 Wh etiter i* lury was ispent by t 1elime il rëdeded '> Qîece îj> o* f twe: if, we bave netîci crnûd,. Every wbeie', however, %were l i:dw, îtto1' ini Iis great dlitance, ils PresenlCe has rerorded if- CA WR I-he sen ioit of a stor-i ,t uih lav'e be'wtt witit ef- day iîtit. %iîh dates from i ererîce hfii, wi1tit(làii»uifterwit c crsty that fitis un C i%<( iJitîje II Sie ,r wan trore feniîfaliy seveie titan tsfe u ;c 0 0 igl isbstc Of it rnigftittbaves> i"«said dot ing its fuiry.... tiIthc hi ds of passeners. - Uu>re ajuproar lord,i- vde ih dnacm rWO totck (cvtto Panamaa Wiih star4 Swift -.dintnrswePf 2ac lte clu'. fThe jaé':!tVI itm asbeen All itiîure rmf*>te:"tili- ?Natifre's J<iniî. '4e ft Th(lu» eux on l'oreign golJd &gge. i Amid urjeipi arsts wt atonie, ~ çccdrkcectm Ansd on th fsîtzu4 cfft c'e wi±tsirel Walks d ealul ererue, romuiands nlaitiuum; 1vr eoteil- u u 'i't's slaigî, h, ea, uuîd caTt art- ijtîihedai stÀred.-- Globe. offre, lc u s FFiirs.- A n oun ce cf -Of coutrs.- ahI bihepartacuutar; of .&) grpat a cal- ilto àsace 'xIlh a luttle W %ndy Ill np-s-r l'e- nown, but surit au have-i' ili e-very flilu fliehoie reackied ifi, ire suiîjcirî Several accidents bave 'the drtugist,.1110 try. - Iiappcuucd ý.in f&ýott saud otiter 'fcwnsbips, and o-éDaNr I ers' wiere terr4ble lnsa lias been sudt'ered by flile....rm tn Eit kiilinq cf calie, and lte destruc-îion c-f touses, lirî,exopsi fc'nces, ruilîs, tiilida nia, Irees, &C, 14r Ituai, of Ibis place, from wuhou» we çatler ii smie eoftheue parlirulars, lifornis le, nespfttingho $rctt, ltat having go ne out tO :beltftit oncession Irel cf li.t ITcwtvéip to look ah Ian-I, te fonndth ie 437 timl.wr on it cosnpttely uetroyed, ttc enuire for- suit est in boIt directions', as th s- uslte eye eau reacit nal (viewed frorfi a oiigi eminence in tite siciniby oftu1,1 âfr lt*viné-'a,) beiîsg laid pio«.site, lt a breadîli -SCI varyineg fs-cm a q tiaub te- na fubi mile. 17. Of te destruiction in Ijoacfi, we bave it» eard same rsiéanchioly ilttailus. Mr, Ironson of ttc ,lotitY Dis itouse sbood direptly in the(lie so> f the coru»,eu wbichu ili a morm>nt tîlew.il tut fragmuenl45, arry- wiî in!- soreeei therri even Io Seugo; Isianti, a dis- re t-anc-e cf mute tisai, tc'n milles, fl ils f4llil urifor- it iufiahely d4CL4sthoe liiVes <-f two pers.O: 4l i 1!a wife's ister- in-lisw Whon, aune from n ue ol Coîjiî- rail tîy only a f.asw weekS ago, and "lus0wn elde8i son, 2 Ilii4 aw Milli was Cornîîletely :esroyed; souite nil1 hie caiile were blowu multoihe water of bis dam Sai ani drowvncd; andthie body cf water itsell w»' (01U' raisei fror»ils bJt, and lia waâbed out for ilseif chv tinotier for setterai feef lieyonti. Beu(tles hi. boutse 161 atnd saivuxili, bis barns, shedsa, &c, were hlowsi 1 away ; and i# fenccs, crops, and orcitarduae scat- lereil asti destroyed. Su violent was lte $ornaiaci se at Mr Inuînsnisî titat saw logd betwew'n four andti rui fivo feet in diameter, anti consequeiully toc large lihil tu lie sawn, and whicht coulId not lbave lteas tirred by two span ofitorses, were moved about t)vo- rodtis endways; anti 400 acres of vatutable pisete woods tîeliulge tim were laid eompleei -D inrostVprast ndretutured sui. .A MMh.ui nL th< un li ,o at Ijust îisîued, Itle following thec onsurunlptili f Spirits ll«tigdcum for flue hli hyv, is bakc'n - Erîia cl-;d 3,091,000, T,00 gtlots~givi muîtionltocacli md.d ktion. , 1rig o ilu Etigl;itndAu îinti ,)rk thfere are 30 bati $9 00.000, nd, M riynics : 26,life-at Lita capital of -$41 'eiry. *-1 yea -l A

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