Whitby Reporter, 20 Jul 1850, p. 1

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'0 A BakldsÏr., on& tePlapJ Road. T Ë S hl Shiling per onnum i -L7piidin îtoÉthtAs; Twelve'sÀillurïg« 4AW~oep1,e>Ithe1 close of the year. -mzust bc, Post-pd.t tAtifj &O & -A libecal IJiscomi allowed to pr 'iosomi ig.Agents for iie-,Repore. kts VOL. L,, WI1T B YCANADA WEST, S AT UD AY, J-U L Y â0, ii LA O T E. WHIY-EPIDEMIOS RACE.A.T,_ RA CE.ii îtisfatry atsuchti 1ie to learn lut -hefand if thisîs nt donW th in ton days; srtictiokx,,wastwelYo CAMEUON &MAODONELL, NIGHT.. >'romtk.I.onio~ýyN e=. ren-diI~4~ce bep thiente two cabinets, respetighowlcoeti9b4ndrec}tth iȏw '~o~~iosai~a Oous.U~u1.t..Zaw, t ws inanc iigh tlat-4,000pet- ýLocis Napoleois 'bas just igned his act-Of sueîej e o M i firwy or beingset- wn p l w.~a erjssirt SO?4CTOR4JlAi~Ey, ished in, thé lgsea GdU f16.dication. It as net indecal becai dicated u te toy atis ealo h rek'Do.snt o iebi e uir ~4îr~ t 4ekI ,p4' - *-='-----~-- - ttearny o ~e point of the bayonet by hostile îT.mifeso - e"ôbetié"W ed> ueba18,it i~ ~ It~ivns at night t-li -wtnngfresn talai badbeýIiosof bsherls tosotheirown eeleded in Athesis. I ilcn nrli ~ ~M&CONELnaeheiPib aras 4estroyed. lôth in Eh-.or th astsyofl-s eo' e I ians lie hecot herekatw touan punssot, utf eftpnc t t'me C~t~rof Trante W7.ifr1 illae. g1ùdaOtk-Oie coiaïn« a lfge pro- grandeurof sacrifice, and the aeblioetyofdesarri rtfe bi aiyaa el teiissae wt ~ Tii r Ca4o k2OIleein Wu)itby oposiTe.there i ce . aI thse -choiera cases, in ils 5ev- ýWhsttis gi-est oncle aid hefore the menace of French sensîbility, th eprice -is flotexorbitant. ftably tdd sonme few-,of, h.r Petr Prr, Eq.ora frni, it-o Iee o1se~r-d o hve1,500,000 tees Inarmss, Louis Nali' asdn ________ os. -A .ist of shaxreispderg* isA& ol li>oident 'Ssig lkJ u4rteintimidation of burnbsliffs filis pov- -FbEhn pu osiîo~le àe~ç~oft~'dl - -tlis HUIGH FRASER, occurred be.tweenocie andwo Ceocc erty, fot bis will consenIs. Louia Naplteom was BrmMTuANiNG4erbak.r"alc - li oebp kwa in tise mocaing. The ccdangraf eX elected President of the French Repusblic br uni- Faosh Tunl4 rra.t,&o l-e q eint>tI ao I posere to night air" has been a theme vernal suffrage. He bss betrayed that gi-est prin- We ]save nt lengîli received a copy ciatnamdpstaswl-s oIs- ind tise-'depouitors wereawiligîqttI 5 WHItBYyVLZaGE of physicians fram lirne inim oralcipe, and etithe saine liane Uiccanse of the te- a h o .H ert' i o ~ tfi n eenn oe.SIiRýeS jaid' the aons oMî &hs~I~ Sprlng and Sunmr un iai sfor 1-. butit is ïremarkable tisaI they have nov- pbit l ao.¶!adlauc me.For tablisli g "freedani-of hen king in the aeb.i prosa-prjery1hettà . jneî~oim~~i »- Whitby, April 19, 1850. e e aîdi ieado htnsr owbal 1 To have bis salai-y quintupled. The lIiities are nover te ;exéeed' thrp -e > age~>~n~ tj er yt clle intheaidof heestr tolaw destructive.! sepublicuan susgrie *c Provinoe,-and other parpaqes relaive e oég qi4 L1X. P .I N G LE. aoceunt for thse fact. the latter days ef lest weck. The law for se, Io Baniks and Banking" Tbieis a ttSOuôC- W04 Walio S'1eh lb is at niglit that -ise stratu In of air enornsousty augaaenting the Prestdent's saai-ry ieasetre, tise Ymnt or whiich litas long sdedsaretit to-bdofnehatcarair-, < r - w sri pr~~~~~ es en e - n th ir t d a y o f i is ihe e l b e e n fe t i ii t ea t n a te r a s to im p a i r t isê e a p ta .. 'P rio d ic a l f< ' th o s é ardersd.LL./GIiX n argie gîd nnst! ailsfasbetnet ,one man inFiance 'tho vilI flot couple the of ils features resemble tht texcellentnsateme iso h als oar'the bk anlk 9on ' i{{u enwed.ta;msp Ai nhsUn rmty xcsel.iîed iaod iv tli n ot eîs omhthant teoelws btthe rlill adthfeeconvleice'syster whîichlias been prodnc-tivo of are taelie sont to thisec Geetial, wy,'s'te Tt'e atest Fasions s yr eon a nd. «~ nte VtUai lUI fOta h n abtiepieaa h empent himn sctor - Whitl.y, April 1.9,- 1850. skiti, and deleterjotts, gnses, such s ',ofai th, other. Thesa acta, thus connecti a uelsgood. iniNewv Yark Sae l alepil*adb iuisSCÃŽIttfa motistt, iow:do. ______________ ______ carboasie ocid gus, tihe prodrîct of rospi-.-anal avoweal, constitute ,tvbat ve catiLouis N-repeals al! exist ng win uoppstas uas ho ial, de40.0rnrQasto i f ration, andi sîsphutseeUed lsyckogo t-lihe polcona'esadication. à more complete politial ta ils-provisiona, excepting in as far ilas Commitlhe Ë6pitofth ob"e aa1rrer d&torn4W at ZLt-w procluct of the aewors. l asiiewsnvrcosaita ' h etfreanamypenalty tir arny af t-heis'o >Pl ____________________ gse t-d apros testnes f alof bankrups. :e nawse se bow the Frenchdyci re.Aiprisar aledtre aok*,d f.1-tie hkT 1~d i ~ - , us YG1 nules wh formd themajority intheSat refil-'o aCedsto -... a 'rns isec un-thseir by tho rarefacttan Aasembly, have suceeda iigiin t î t-û.I~m iaaking, exceptingqinly tho epre isaîvent, Tac?--s-àltt-,. 1-iiS~a î KETM of boaI ; ut - night, iviea tiais rarefa- sires. Froeiret t heyke hePresident. sent Chartoreci Ban ks,-and thase agree- lieaut-n eyi~t. Ml expenamaof-t- 1hdjat 4er*M'~ R IC-IAR W O ON, tion leive it-lera, liey fat byat-l ia- .poor i r borne isa pliant. And la sould in-withheprovisions o this Ac. yitg -th-ýt eetb -re"Qof gravity, if insperfecly aixeal now appear that. Louis Napoleon, like Louis Bank notes are ta ho made for ausy sum- bortne by t-leBtihne rsd tA t tu~t4pk OSHIWlC. t-'Philippe, changeaI bis ninisters under the pretext lesit;tan £5, and 5s, or avec. 'Au OXisting batnks pluy avail, hesçls -gr h Éupenior accommodation afforded te Travetters. wîeîh ths atuosphore, 'wÈile:t-ho gsesof political difference, sebilst the iest cause was h'AY u u ona Capaclous Ststblieg andl Shedls attachealinthle ev-olvod drring tise night-, Lasçad of tieir reluctance or inatiity te procure fron the foreign bank note, for less than 25si , î é c,"bt fthey o potW5:ldGodo prease. Al a aeening rmai aInetnyt-h cae ntin a amunof monet- sulticient te tise insu- t-o linprohibiled. Pesa sassîgorsêiul1their 'chat' ' wlIli e resipoted. W" : - e. Je-vol. It is known thnt carbonic aoidtîiability of the royal porse. ENcause se poxvesa.attempting ta pnss sunhbnaoney,wIhl ~' bçtnk disties.ae'e tbc o pyabi ing wibh tisqgirnîJ~~ W HI .B Y, C.W. gos, at a iow tempé.ratusre, partakeat se fully contributeal to dîscrosen the. Orleans dYnatY ho lisible te penalty, (amaôunt Dot nain-flol(Cssecured by depoSaýý a.. pravided in r<fl~ît1eibraeto L. IH. SCROFIELD & Ca., siearly af the nature cf a flîid, that il sii.Aa neraî-vua iaie htfcd,)the informer receivissg ht-f. No *M18,j À ýQenex â1 tatmneutby t-hoe~ ?P-~ ail the faulîs into svhich the suoccssor te the Or- . 1 -k'ý. si d~i, q r iMPORTERS 0OPma htpufd of ao ne vessel mi ensnnhttliiswol bv rn h . F»reign Bank will ho stlowe ta ô t-thisPe#5 -!t ;-' -3IITIR U 1~UFA TURSan-t-br; l ge~Luiotemspérature aI- We sincerpty retret soeomrplete a desecrtissi'ny lC r.aggacy un giti; thio.~ utieladb't al(nt ie IsersÃ"edl ia&t eof Ilet .&Nb ISEALEISS IN whîisi it is exhaled frani the lungs, ofie naine, wbicb forascd aneaif Uic fet- standards Al tinflaw'i Banik Notes wili hoiâTlao tIl ofafile i ? l a is1~N~W~-kU MZ& but ils teasdency is tuwards lise floor, around es-btrh the French nation were distiosed te and bargains made and pt-id in hei m'Y eîa auatra on~mi a4$ WIIOIiISULIIAND MIIL or bbc ted of tse sloeper, -ini cad anti rlit-. In the terrible scs-bi wbicb 110w dîvides willI&.13onbho f non-effect Tise bîisi~-- vOiyY pajiltr 0150 aithe3UgIst -, b WYhitby Vitiage, June, 1850. 8 îî~tetacass!?-nbScey cifsvsbna fBnigiiih a aadopposedIlny persans urtt'epted in &nký di'tledfiréa oeab.u P U dcn seffort is rmade te close, a personage like Louis Na. lie waora -Bt-ak" in thlic Ad, means ing 1nùstiiIso8#4î e uio, c ~ C Il O L B O OK .~, ~.LAWS 0F HIEALTHJ. poleon sens better plaed anal fitteal te playt-hei the Comspany or part-y Carcying an thse Thecunb. arfç4aW iwuîieqpti 8 LB00KS &.gi-et part cf medister -ban >ny. For t-aie tiane, business,.- tadividua4ls, Iinaited prae-moflopo it,nd e l ivw no dooa - th-- !5?< Pae iuig adWF0ýBîdPiorsMehtLuadea Larde. indesal, the- Presidejit seesned avare that sncb - na"..or nies mPerrysmadei, 'bill isi4sf pawr FOR~ALRCHEA AT- - tueur îefl hînd as niuîclsanti as Weil as ButiLe-bas evidentiy and giaringly isaaken it, Bankitîg, pt'ovidod hhat tise capatel ansi wt-sm 9rtlus io,----rr-,afi.4.a. 4T0 ~~~ hiseic rîgît. la~~nal teigned hitiselftl thesandesof the ianatic stock of ut- isdividual shalnul lie leims titable t tse couatry.. r~difdEgn~d#sot~-~ ndwatoayfiy paetyforer iassne- t-han £10,ooo;jofa a imited partntership bld' t'ausndbuU3tt IRUG & BOORX STOR, Cer-se hi-cati is machi botter fur chli- diste.,suppît-of tbia pecuuiary vanta, Like an- <w- iôi6 ,. -- WHITBY VJLLGE. dnthla fine. otber Esau, Louzis Napolcnhas sol i bs birtisrigbî lSOOJ -a a acoS.an £5.00 - .-- - - ou -t a- .~a April l9th, 1850. Oiirnsottiscpi etrat ors ame etpotage. Acman st osita a osthn la answpr t-a-iu'~ tï~jy.- ~1'ETH!TEE H!!TEET ! beisidensoîlult ec iltep.ils A inowbepnstinirigi i enr eeabt ivre pensonsl, with shares tt£25 et-ch.- tasn,* Priceatàtr rd toteh beds, nd shold notwear nglit-'riand 9Y.7 piso d ,ç IEET TETH TET !Cispeople bave qusintry att-led the Burgrav-es. Esici e.atny vil bca bodty elorporate, eamn- u -t rdtubl ouatiao btUl -w<'ld-, -t ý L-' hai Chihiren entier seven years ai age Monarcbistq avovealy, tisei' efûsui l b aisig aniaatchidr 1u uy iibl c fh ' ,gyr> ev al- the5-tald's ipd I-W , .4 -6 l r aiaui aotla -enunedavc sx r sv-beck the statu of tbinga wbicb prevaileri previeus ao -o hecoprain a'is'- i- r- Ti - ~ ~ t-onkl ht-Irtet 88 otisbwvr ht-cstk t teicde-bts aiff the' Wcorporation ltxaug15 o'tPVUe en hotî% n thehous--andthattime oiM.Tothihowver, bey au taeIosiceamutiof tx respectivespecivesaress siul$ iebrika ayftqten c-csss.save hL-coercioâand icompulsiont. Wbier i i tr.e amecsbnigitta is ecoty a1C1V3terIo. - ding - to tho -wi*lizof 4 d were desirubie or net that the great massa -a the 1ýcati- MrFhiat seoanded, liy- Mr PtriiEV uo4 and thi 1pâic<iples of~ - ~~~~ O~hîldien and ionng people slsoid French.4ioplc aboulal bave scqired thee ugbt of ao osu"ni -hyssal iie-es e lrl&e ýbr[ngin&>îi Pi ý -pttul3qit-J~ suam<>w » NTIT, ciemade t-o isold thèi-r hours tsp anti universt uffiagtepaieeetlvn oe ecieydsustdin t-lht-bada et ond of eheleetjvof àa ou- t[iad çém DE M-Tireusalat- vvernings umeles he gefLot.îv r ..l, <rt'teipcssa sl -¶)ose ut-btt ti t>SI lO i~ shouiders teck, while standing, aittîng " ""<thydi wn tbidejoylves --<i ----'-e--posés- -of a salmstto wht w" dett %Y., sf k o~-#.q Wlq, <.W. 'tc sitet i enaaladcit isergî iisÀAd, Delsentucesorôallirsectrities r uUppu " c ý,;"- l-r intrea, -t-tis rte if au; Y-tieasiice itaé iicid bsech.til L.t.a .ulrop takimg .ac si~~~ <i~ teLosnh arole oratis eonin 1t- ssibl For m e y r t e anus»," t f- l dît h e4 rdia.tj~tô-~ii mu - O pp ui a ! . r, a w nt r, fis ir n d o a o a m st s ~ ~ a ± of et ib It ~ : ~ c nt nt ci t-1 n d nt re U h o e .o b b ~ n or o e ~ k d t t- O Y m m ~ o Uà S.u, Y.evrWocet l. e-ERw hae7tl.e-d meeiatd.Th assed tîînbtbîldr-ai n arey hsofo rn $îr y St-cao taÉ lgia, tetory ea we«Iwat wbethet- bave reajt- osin specie no ndeinaaadt he wiilibc Mr Marni lwogkt abjil tei 5e wbachBT£, m t)ie*' ka , uy thel isow t ru a', th es o. utara Cao ut: in- emu ta tasew-"*Wl heA am, " ~->~t-t-. .place, or sanie node oai vent-dation bc-syuipthtimei -iCtOwadsabseiuti, tad thet ab-. -tu __ _ __ _ __ _ __.aie tn vnara -br thuq tfiberal tesuienessufa i Wh, ut e peut, o us e lkig orot-urtus ain 1867. Thé iàjit Yaaîsssg-peaIo t-ad 6 notecs ot lthe ésl lt- avib.4 it ' 'ad t- aYâ m at es fre i n . Ie3annneM m et-pa"re Os o bghta elein the w ay ofF r a e S a i lhu to pu k&a I a ~ p ci ~ ~ 1 o i.' jt " - - ~ ~ - j, 5 . NORDREIMEII, r -" da~ ~ W~t~bs'V 0 i"**k qU bgt uý hbýtrm yfor cyes iweakeried -tjJ uiesa l65*e5iuenso gager aI M.«U£i.- iyniglit use as àfine stresun of sald ued to the wu< - r- -~- - , - 1 men maw ar seaet1 ta i n au u 10-

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