Whitby Reporter, 20 Jul 1850, p. 2

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-' t--s - -s- '- - - - do Qýï4 auLd;hei Wary>;sI high,,-B thpSipprintqndenit in Lawç uai's £00, the _-SiPerin- tone r tTUiper 'Oanadls mrnst h'ave îh.:,aameî Oe precede taleswa.y for anathér. Blit thpu ple are now deexnn tù havé &'rédcio'nin'saUý aaFs, n jf ~te lriai'goveirnnment ueai44i/~'so~6 r itr personr ta, bc governpr,, thy will send' hitn baak, bagq and. hag4e' The people of tii ..tredohhdent is the order of' the day, andi vhen theý_'oaereti'the expenses of 'lluSlC,&iàir witlh those of other Co s;iëT ù 'thcirustnes oif the ountry wîîh ils resource,ýit ai i ,,-taiproveaieflts, they wvcre sati- fit tt 'thorea somethingý wrong. Ge untI.em e o n t eopp wte sid e take groatY'crèclt for. tha edulo they Made., Ttie- previonis ýadrtninisti-atitun tell ils ïýhat -ihey did when iii power;' But-' lie coî1tU ' taiýey-had donuea great da~Ls 'cutyla~nt 't fuund itlout. If they have dunemtlî oivu prator. the country- wi11 nut lert ,margin te -filnp, andi plenty ai rrw ~rtenchtnefen. Thée qàestimx, alth<aigh it latkea i ag in tlçsaluiary. of. lb.p Superintendent of E4coetion, andi mapy gentlemen hav- inkgttrgted that it shotild ho fixed at ÂC25, () therï'àai. £50>, iand leave the fihnane, coiumitee te ragulaca il ne- cqsd1ng te Itheir-.views. .Tiiesa are .*>in gentlemen who would . es- ta1il Mat ;doctine. Bt- h'.Ie '%vou1d iiklï;t i now if- a better'precedent cold., be, -got. than tha- vote <if' this Hos,,Would -aùyr man ia his sonse.< beçv hatC'a commàittea, 1after . bis I11ùio end,1 fixed a s'alary at £500, woe>ld miakeý à ietrenchuiont. The ntftter.isnow býfbre thern; they wosre now th legialate nipon 1" hat malter, and as ,heu beau said4l. wlian you fi'x tise sà1ar'fôfa publie o-ffitte-r,' You have on- 1iýt:,on~ider. thte importance~ of theý naliy in hot water in the matter..I is W91999 -4 principle ta, take int couisid- eralon À he c4smater or tise abilitiés of the individuai wîoý is "o fll thse office. flntýûiu the alary according' te thée wg ta a q& wishes- of- thé, cou ttry, an d tbeimortance. anti the nture of the ee. iTé hun maember forè Leedis lias im~e'a rendmaent« b lenve il ta ha 1a~lhb lhe~ onsmi te;a thse sante tsps~ h eay 'ah is not agninst redule- tsn-ha h wIlvote for _retinotion at adrme other 4ie-. Why not vote now 1 'lh*y 'weiO novi legislating: lipau it. Nowwas the tinte to consider thse atum; 4t~ the idea %va% wrong botb ini princi- pi> e,' , nd pritetice. Thse hion Inspeetor- * GéÎi'e*alanti other-li!.n gentlemen have said tlsàt .GovernmenL are desirous lu iwgza;igatç int tise whoie maîîuu- of 1ray pân they wilt bring forwnrdi tir-peopositiï>n of reduction. Buit ii opinion was, that Govertiment shuuild h.v*brbglstfurardthair.final decis- igff ,çrhat they weradetermiued lu l,, ana &ub!aitted',;bat decision 10 the ~t1e~'of bisHanetu say wheth- ar 1ké botwrel eatisfied,, andi whethèr tlWy"U, Qughtî i would satisfy the coup- t~Q apine; and. if nul, let the Houtse .a'à action upon'it, anti câbher confirtu &<tjéc il Tiat asin his opinion.ý tb.eomrse which shonud have been pur- ate by < Governmtnt, *and the *>nly ope~cufso yet te. ha taken, anti he hvdthey wauid neyer gel along without takingr IL. 'He. senit, tisere- Wef i Uggett tisai thiie m bers of the 4.4rnlniatitn ha requestedl la britug iirwr thir views lu tîhe House-it id tkeir dnty tAo se. The Inspecter- Gsateral gunt tihe Soiicitor-OeneraI have e a grÇat dont about the salaries of tjýe oiReërs. and. the talent requuiret u _1111 ises. alfies. Wait tharo no sucit- tit *as patriotiam in tise gentlemen? -?-was il. j.iserely- for the qsaba of lise Way they apeept aMceef istýndion? Itave things Coôme tfi that Ceuii ~n ea?' 'la that the doctrine- ta Aphe i -4t Yeu Rte to conspare lisese oifilcers 44*as.yg lath City af Toronto, or elsonoW,<-th juniowr menibers Ïýy»S doot rake so mit, thea se- 'iW Mýdâb 4aytIty mate muuai aube bacanst"w they M~ade Muckr &W law' 1 ris o inio s tia xetranchineut moas neéedtifrontiseati tao foot, (hear, isearj anti ha wonld say.- ndîwitisîasding ail that isad beau saiti akt referring the atatar ta tisa Impe- rial Governument, yau cannot flîti thât. tl4ey hava proposeti - any tiing. Tiha Mrother Qorernsnient, ay as Weili pro- p o tainorssa tà to'dimninisb, fur ail hat is üid ta thd coitrary. Tisey say there is some opinion afioat t hit tlhe salary isu xtravaognt. In givnga vote on this- sabjéat, heo..weuld ha gayeraéd by whniithe bhoutiriougis h t 'tle s ai. ary,,anti lif after theo investigation ot thse Conmiitte, ino redtebtion cýan 'bcs ide sslson other salaries, ha vould find, it isis dnly to raise tduat salary Again. Ha o uold vote for £300. Genîlemen nîny tlsink il stnali, but ho thougisl il commensurale with tise e- sources of lise c6untry. Ha titi not lie- liava that by giviuîg a man naiigi sasl- ary, ha %vas ilaceti hayanti tisa raQi <if:hriberv or corruptlion. No, tisqts- ssnds annd htiosands of dollars woald ho heupet upon hins; but if a ninu is tonest, yon înay aller <né pouind r yon .11jiy oIrer a huudred, but you %viil nui. briba hisn,-you caunot cormîlpt Iiiini. H~oliagain nik the suggestion that tisa gavernunent should bring for- wamd tieir lropositio'ns of relrencis- ment and lay then habfure tiea Hutisa,. anti taka tise esponsibiity of ditauci- fore tise country. Tise pspector-Gen- eai snys ho al fuit investigationt. Whso rbtter preparet Iobgiva lisat iin- fttrrnation.tisu tise Govemument? How are tisa Committee la gai information. btit-by anquiry at tise gentleman ii- self. Ha bcgged it tulu aie tiderstoot that ha pafssed hiiseif n Reforussar ar Jî_!ig ta tisao ltisclisl. Ha ho1sad la bc onablet làsupport lise Adminis- tration, anti-if he fotînt anythingn> p- proxîîrsatîsg ltiste guet <Id priticiples, îisey tvatid. fut his esusîsport ta tise Iesi oif fiis abiiity, but ho %vas sot bu lie led by ti snose ýbyany body, nor was ho -ta be 'dictat edti . 1Ttc helieveti il not in accordaisca îith bis idens of respon- sibie govemrnents to bring forward menstires witbout refereuce Iotise- wises ofLise country'. Re would, therefome, tisaI lhey'funt it their ditly ta isaerlain by diligent enquiry, whuuî tise wishes of tisa country are, anti tramne their mensures»uCerdizsgiy. I-Te xvas e!ectad lu serve tise cotiutrv. 1He cousenledti lanire h %icrifice of bis business for tise purîsose of- servisi g tise cauntry, and nul lu serve tise hors Mr Baldiwin or tIhe hoit Nlr 1inclks, but tIse notintry, the wisoie country, andi notîs- ing batl the counry. [Flear, hear.] IVednesduye JnIy 10. An en.i'rosséd bill ta alter anti amenst the Act meuiing fùtertgages aif iersoru- ai property ia Uppar ÇCanadla, tlobe filet, wuail edthe third lime, anti passeti. Ais angrosseti bil lte encourage emi- gmaiss 'om Europe -to tisa' United States, lu tise lise St Lawrence ratite was rend tise tiird tinse, andi passeti. Tise bill for nmaking ouaeumuifrun provision m11 elieeing certain officiaI anti otier ealisa lu ha taknait Iis province, andi for aliser ptnrjiaegtlsarein msention- ewas reac tisa second tinte, anti coin- mitteti for Friday next. Bill for lta pro.ection of Mill Owvn- cru iii Upper Canada. Bihll u ansenti. anti continue as amendat, tisa laws regtulating tise'-in- spection -of flour anti meail, wiîis an ainsndusanlin tise Engi isis version oîîly. Tte' amnedmnents matie in commit- tee, un Friday last, tu lise billIob extenît thea Actfor tise formationi of Cumponies foro isntructing ±Loatl.% anti utier works lu comupanias furmeet for tisa purpose oif acquiring Publie" Works. of a: ike na- ture, wera reported anti agreedt l anti lise bill'ordered Iotabu engrosseti anti rend tae third lima on Friday next. POST OIFICEB ILL. Mr. Hincka scavedatitihie first blausik ha filied tip wilh £500- Tisis n'as for tlie-saiary of lita irst corifidential offi- cer, antil;t was a great reductioano thc rates ssow pait. After saisie apposition lise motion %vas withdrawn, aid -an amendaient ta fix. ieta £M0, was carriait. Mm. . H.Botltun moyeu it e h IMonti ofiiiRisrrnnistdu £2,00Oa year. This n'as agiout emsn. for drvidiog the Cautly ofYrk ; anoth- ,-reaiu as tat tie' Muowiimîty wsu ùee,1oiu deb; and I hscxpenda-d £1,00 peuu on tisa, ronds. Iffe ap- -eled l to eashers ofthàisliRons. if lie Iis.mid snything privatety on the ssii- ject. Tise majority "-4e inatanîsts oi tise district tiat potilionat for-te di- vision: andti isrenoueaainst i$t la year tisare wvas a respectableoppiou gÉainisi any division. - Tisai apposition, ustose froia tlisé tactt isàt the luaci' lewn-, sisipa oexpeete tû t a lnlarge sisare ut tise di§trict Fonds; but by tisa new unnuicipaLeeat, evvery ownsip was teft to stand Ã",tss 'bottuti.' Tisecon- s equane a sisat -te'oppoilioni'cea.- set . Thseurôposed uîe'wv-Towvnships outt about25,000 inisabilanLs.%sgîd- ivould havae annmal revenuteeof 5ibuut £'2)000, ; siis n'est double, tiaI or lise majorily of tise Districts tisaI bave been createt i tring- tise*iasl' 10 years. Tisorats anti Mura xvere avais. more iii flvosir of n ýdivistot lîsan tise fronst townsshipis. hiat i lîcaîs uJljtcted tisai tise shape of tise Cotuîty ws net50 wlsnb il ouglît tlu buhit if it satisfied tîsuse sviso residee~ in il, lie tîsouglît tIsai a1suifficieut anSswcr lu Iluat objectionu Nuuugaruu, i.(Neastie, Duirhasin andt Col- bomn.iç coîssties, bath taken stseps.lo brin., abiîit a division, andti seloughî lise sanie privilege ougisitauhbugiveislte eCounî- ty of York; as il wastssi lrigist lu rake iii <if ona, anti flesti of disutlier. Mm1. Ilinek i dntinlitlend la .9JP9Se] tise motion, but lie wvul u eut ýisî l ise fucb, tisaIlise Governnîeni isad bt-for tisa Bouse a lerritorial division bill, sait flinat it s toulon tise oruler cf tise day fer tu--niorrow.-Afler ilvissrencattsec- ond lime, il was lus intentions te refer il lu a selee-t coniittea, of wtsîcls bise liou. gentlemans would most certssins h lie a tiemaber. If tie cosîseittüe coulti ueciîte 'on adopting the iseastire ucu lîruposet, aut inakie il part and! iarce ot tise geý!eral bill, lie tisusîghut il woulti * e far better, otîservise thi eu,1.gais- iemnai coull go on wtitisli is bill us a seauate ruezstssre. Mi. fBaldwuini lliesglit tiseTownshsip of Pickserinsg senilna usensorial asinnt tise prouoseut division lit Se'ssion, ssii1 lehad ai asu 1juin rsenteti several Petitions cf a sisila-su'-islre.flIe tsulthtie , div itiîs of tisa cousuty mbt a long slrip w-ns ans objectiaii, andt haliavati iltvwotld hocletter te înttî Ési.el a provision as w-oulti ha permanent, tisan onea wlsk-lsuvuul u betit tenui,. ary intercala oily. .-Tise govertmnut lia8 fout a grat <tes of diffieulty iii comiusg tua clecisioui oui tîfis malter. , 'M. i'erry hbnousdtesire lu preàs tise second readiug ut preseune. MmNI Prince wvas gladt taItise sedge hati beau put ils for dividing tisai Ire- uîîeîtouus couuuty ut Yorkc. lie. slouti vole for the ureaàtire alil tsruugi ; bust lie ssouululiusisl eoi tisetdivision bciuig mate wtila nview tu ils iheins« perussa- uent. lie ndvned tise wisdous of tise observation of lise Atorney Geusesat on luis poinît. lu Englaud, flisc divisions cf thie couilles hati mut been u!.tered sînca tise tintue 'ut Etiwarti Il, anti ha' wns tesirosus ut' e.eiuig lise saune tlsîug toue-liera. Mr Boîultouî (Torounto) thouglultisec cousitie§shiiîld hc divideti on soune priicipha, anti b> a geuieral mieasure, to ho inlruducad hy the guî'emuuuscut, wvio ousglit net to permit private meni- bers lu introduico mensures of tis kint. Ile tvas upposadt b Ssipicc-uuueuuiLe- gisîlion. Tisa lrinciple out huabillcf' ast sessioni tas a god oue, anti lie hîop- cd to sec it adiseredt t. Mm Usldwia explainedti tisaIe1, bill of ast session did net useel lihe case of lise Conîsty of York. lie diii isot ivisis tu go la lise exaust of allow'ving auy giv- eus amersut» terr;turv toset us tom a couis- tv,,irrespective <of Legiekiiva luruvis. ion fuir tIsaI lîsrpose. 1 \ , Tuee'v, July, 17. Mr Hiuscks movedth Ie second readiu g of tisa bill ho provide for.te Teirtero.ial Divisious cf Upper Cansada. lie ii tise objeçi of tIsablit was te tîvide senma of bise large counlies in Ululer Canadas in a way î%ti svî wuilt ha permaunent, cuti woultl affurti satisfactuuon lutise pubicm. Il t-ai s nI lus intention tel unakeanay chsatnge iiitise cetunlues easI cf Northiumberland. Thle iraI contty tisat votulti h a alecteti hy it woultl ha Paterboru',. whJitusilwas prousedti t tivide iitso tv cotuutis, antili wouîid ha imnsedissbeiy in tisa me of' Northiumberlad andutiDuirhamn. île .urauo.e . ..r 1 - t .e..ii.t a Slec Bston an tise 3th. Tise passen gars ut tlisa ltlantic have publisiset a carti, in wbichî tisay buubowlise hisigiesi uraise la the sen, anti otiser qualieà 6fet ta noble steamser,, aisd ta Cajut. Westan ud- is assistants. fer -tieir utibrui vigi- lance »anti iîneu.a ITise Misistry hava beau susain ed by ise Commons. ii.tishe Gieeik al&âir, by a saajority<il 46. 1,. sýo question aoftbe increascof Louis Napoiean's satary, - bas raceivedtheis Tise DeSalt- states tisaI lattera treai St Lenrt's of 22nd list, annojuisce tisaI tise ameî iouation whîis bas receet. hly manifestet ulsal itlihe altisof Uesis Plislippa, stitl continuas. M De Lamartine emharked naiNzca- àiiI-s turtheiseansI, an tise mornipg of tisa 2ht îinst,sceutidlsslay Hc pnejpossl hin- hack-in ustisamutià ciSeçtembet. sanioin of lIse F rancîs -Assemiy.nb 1Te waatlsar contintues extremnel>' tevoLnmabltu thrusuivont Eîsghantianti et- vices rotsjtljienisufuuebtiisg districts, cotiuasaiautbo>' -AI Nottinghsam liselace Imade unimpirlroved . At Lai- cé-ster, grant confidence. is exprassuti as-tla fuiisre pros'pects,'anii frÃ"ua Leade, Bradftord, Hlitax antiRochsdale, 'al tisa hlerasseaWt etft asi ilcymseust net stant'marknets. At Maicsciir, tan'- us'et, thsere bias yeî baculnho iniptove. StAs-fslnes afi-cutCuiba stili absotis I lalic attenlian TIse esinistur nf toreigus afrtità lins seul a uotala tise AnsericsusPlauipoteiitiaty,lus avhtich aînong tîsar issarvtiiots, lie say:- Tfise conuitsut ofthtie United States huils one, inii snd ofthlIe iushabitausLs ut Barbssmy." L iiisaidthtiIGenumal Fur-i cccx liaislfsuti a ssaruscdiscuissionuiiithi ltae iiiilusister ofthlie VUnitesiStates, iii uvhsîcht luee xp1resed tis a stonisls niisti anti regret ut tiesansisiugocarus niant tIsaI the goveruieut of tIse Unitedul States hui t u reventaci liseexpedi- tiosi ut Lupez trousbisg îeiaeinlu thse Stateés, Jbiit bat allusee t ille e Upart telslite olject ef atlactning Csuba. ltii also taperlei tIsaItIsaeSpausisis minuster uis utidresset w ut-amis reifflrance te %\,ashsi suglau, eus boul iiut isaievsotut lie Spsuiisut G-accru tsscnb, nuit tat tiss sot(, lais ot svrtltenilain à5'ety usas- scaule spirit.1 Eseeusus-Tiî c lief tessIturestsf tise1 -ui et fthue sceais hebiseate lutisai HilusaetfCeuom uns, relative ta tisa Pol-1 's'y ofuthtisaniitry suistilsaGreais quai.-l liton, ansi tisa counsitliig cf tisaI ec-i orn aani th ie Queuus, b>' a uîsutus 'nnueu l1iato, fumascuiy ais ufficer iii lie di-auneatus.1 . Tise effeisce wscscornuilteti ag-ainstq fier lM-iSsty luin tolutiosviug Isal-1 tuer :-Ssutly aller six o'clocis, un 'T'lsstay ecçuing, ltr Siajei>' -,ua It-avius gCusiissiti ge hleusse, lus cousupa uv uvis [ Prise AisacrI, %wlsess trouis aunustu thucrortuisseinieSIedtote sviuessliser tie- partssrc, a uman us ss'î nt st iths a ssaîh- in-g causa ini iis lisunî, ansI matIe an tii- suait o eusliapersous tf' ei-tluajesty. île strumekis er ait thue isad in ant ce mc- peatesîl>, huit tartuusutely lis blutes isut no affect beyeusd a uiiiuutionoutliear haisnnet. Tise Qucan nppeared aItisaeItalians Opieras,thue saune cuausing, sleure seg sens groeuuitîis tlise il sloyalanudtets-i Ilsinstie rececltion.1 'T'e c scteast lisas iscen InSee inta cListat>', andu lias suadergonunie xauii- nationu,atnt wiclhobuusjpared periectîy salie. IL us saidthtilebhais livà- iusg inii00(o cuisstuiiets. Ous Moin>' niglit Mm. r1oabsîck istouiglit tarIs bis conuteusuabury usotion erelalica le tisepolicy uit liserrgucanient us lise Greais quiesiion ; nana excuting anti ver>' tibia debate s%'as isept alp ave- r>' successive iisît, suitis caicî stucesa to both paties, tli Fritia>', st-leua tdi- cisitînu sas erdered, ansi resuuteslli na majarity tsf 46 fçr the Minustera lu a luosîse et 584. Thiis vote is sais i ist ta lue a taitr iex ut tIse putblic feeling in Englanti, as lise tachait intriguses 1arc on tcuat te cuisel tise resast mniss try tii reaigus. Laort Pziltesttus speechi, lus siudi- enaisn of li condacl, is saidtot have hecus esileeiaîly brilian-aecurdiug lu Mr Gladîstone, ftuti tsth aris cf alle day lu lie -ilassusof anioîlsen tay-lsc msadea a ugnuis, intelîectuunl, ant phiy- siculal fro-b. I-uiA cn.-'flue bill farthelitetcrease et lte Presisîcntls salar>' sifiuîally vot-(l ou1), 0eusNl()tuy. It, is afleet, gouifirins tise demniimsacle b>'tisa Pres- idetei, aussi esstei th ie canmiltep' oftcommuission. »Tisa mensuru w-as car- t-lau bythue smmc nsmber-a nsnjoruby ut 46-as lins retaiîued lise Englisis nmius- istirnlupower fin a short lime lounger. 'fis PrLsitiens afrietît, Gais Changar- nier, ite a sp,-ech u is thebate, su'iiehi, lb la said, wasu brilliaut as tel lîrdutca greal eff tsîuuus tise favurte menîluers (if tise Assembh'. Oas1, Ajoa- ila> tise Contuatideanel siiodesth>' ue- capleti tbi llh in thlenaunîe of thue Frenschirepubîle anthe tsaPresiten thlmt- seFlf, as tîsu iiteul îu 'Aitus fui-u save for thua sattanatfuotatepa tshq s eti voicea et relaives anti watchtrs. To-day tise hero uf a long processiau the exprmessio<f national rejoicinig lifteti up aboya bise crowti ths*,l nsigist-asee hins ; toaorrou tise-hero f- anuter Procession,, ithé expreéion *Ç national sarrow ; but hitideas tvaw Leus te eye. no onea..alowed a'glicips Ofe him, -90ou<nedesiinit 4d tué; tomorowva hier - to-eay--w tarera anti penip; t0[sosTo worma 3EDd tise.vrave. Veiiy, 8Soosssiwu 5151514 Vanuty of Vanituy; .11is ,4visty.' la hiavelisaitiextensivýe rmificationss. 11s France, gre1 t umbti af persanes helonging la secret so cielies in Paris ansi tise']rviisces, -hasven beau, arrestati. Generai Cisangr ier is. Dautisa asiI fiindiy lèrma siîslsPeien' ise Globe correspndefii rueporlts aI il is iitededby tho iuistty, -f thiisgs go an smouliv, ta tryaflor the proro- gation, utà revision oftise cusîtms'tarifi, in ôsise sisci 'ouli réciprocate ati- vantaegaauuahsy t e secommerce of halls cosuutries. Thée Presiteili of tisa 11e ptibiic htus giveis a grand dinertot-day ta tise Marquis andtiMareIiouai cof Noriinby, andstihie diplomatie camps. Tt is ceissiîlered tIsatilis reai abj ect nas. la iliow tise worîit tisa ut ennpoaty. cooluaie hbsceeui tlise I vogiveru mants lisiovpaqssatiaway. Esînta aI a frotis 1lercrecntlhiglieat.Fives closing al nie4ty-totir tvenly. Geuuwa~v.-hseParliamausb at Er- flirt uili useeit ln Angusat. Tise idea af ua tiirtiGemmais uinion tas heen fores- alIy avuad anti proposet io bch carrieti inta êlIè-ct by tise govaeriaent et ilania- ver. Tiiere, liai hean a cîscugeiii lise Ans- triaitu represeubalion at Berlin, anti mu- usmosuni have arisais of anev disputas be-- iseece Prutssia and Anistmig. Tise choiera huis re-appiaared aItfDar- l]i. Ausaîs gliauiy allier seixtîres of presses, tisa wf [tise Puassiaui Zeituag. is sunnuincati. Baiusg n royalisl anti aisti-tevuliutionry jaurnsal, ils cousa- tien excites esîseciai tamnaris. Tise tar lpodn lise pres lacarnet uon witiilise utî-nst slviger. AuS-unIA AND 1HUGAÀa.-hItis cx- pectedatiisItisaEunperuar w-su ha ecrown- cd ei Jtily, wiseu, il la sait, a geuseral Oemnesly wviit hacgivan lu ailatate îpris- one r put1 oiticat l ffîen. Oits atsisurity urthlIe Pastis Zçiitiig, itl1 states tisaI ail tia-th filcta so1, he fore uthe rcs'oltutuaus, lisdatiitteul tise hsuiputi.1l service, nitiaisistec insder lise banisuer et lleuguir', 'sudsvhîo watts afiernnruls coniscusied fat su îoiug, are ta ho set aI liberty forttiwlis. Tise fuitil partais et soerihsalareat>' beau? annasuusced. Vietiusa dataiufthlie 19th1s sîtethuaI Ptuussias las reftuseti - ta tecegnize the FranksoturCangresisaI bise îuersary as- selssbly or lise G-urinais Confeierateuu, eausdariiusg ilb ainpIy as a voiaustary nisetiag cf tissurepreseuttatives uf lite- Gerussuin States. A Vienauss journuul cuîuchuutes tisa ramaris,' IlTisus liai P'russia scîsarati ihseacîtfrons Gem- ReSsuA ANDe TuRKEs.--Letbcrs frens Belgrade tinte lisat a revaitition agalusat thec "Itirua lsad bruitaisntuin tusilsguria. Fise tli ee t stricts uîiti usGurgysoauh ausd Bu-igadicï-ata tatctito hasts upeus insurrecliuis. Tise icurgcnts we re usarching againat tiseFort uf Beigmase. laza, scit couilains but a saîl garr- Soi, uti itnsinunsanse qnantiîy of nsuu- iiitions cf wam. A nolier alatement la thust tise fort laisinthiai haut's. 'Tis Rsssian arussy s Iîeing graatly augmnt.sî cul hitt for suhsat iurluase, liai liat beau ITALY.--Tluc Position af Rome la stihi Moest iuussssliafacetery. A commnsis- sieus ef Cuiruinals liaisais aa'UmCtitu discuuss bise affilirs of tise coiuntsry, nit ve tire tli thasuthIle Police lias beau iii sced iniutier tlha Asustriaus usuiitary auî- t Is-ait v. At Nasuie, a fruglilful acci, ( lest 'cuu'rred 'susntisa181tIl Of Juusse. A Part cf tisa dreuiaglis, anu immiensse et- ifuce ulsat as a isarreeks Rut trueiui. giuve t5a001x Ilu dusci iiuuviiusg, 400 or 50 srseuss i lus tIs uirss. sNDIA.--Tlirutigi the iilss or rapt lLang, cf thse Iibenae1wiav a lelezgmepiieespaîci fruttis Landais, cf Sn-aturull'y mnstig,Inannouuucing theetar- rivai ofthIle ucarland mail, iviti Boi- ha> dtetaiof 251h ai May'. At Benares, tîp'varts ni a tosîssi dpersous]lest tîseir lices hy lihe axpiosiqeofa a aga- xîuse boat leadati st li se tisousatfl buirru-Is cf guisatvtier. A whisle fleat Of tisirt>' bonts tu-are tiestroyeti ; biste duiusgiîimense launage bu tise town, usa vsutise exptlosouis [ý.place. cance or cnturcemneuî 15 iaft dapeussi eut tua tisaacîljjofsettise publie at icu-ge, anti by lisbemug niada tise bisssui t ver>' aie beeornsatist of usa ana. -Ver>' saldorn sih a persan ha fand sti cilî ilanîlsnopy alrcug eneugis l ead timn usi oy wîis noI seif-iptemes as anucuti, but aI a riis, tu -niaia a cOmP!inin(--ainst an evil wciicis nficts.bis neighibun. Téo se is le court dialise tram aa ar'e n .... . .. ..... l .sr osufai ingratitude anti misapPi'O- cialion iof niotive frotsm mré'y anid I - Sètandte bruii ianti buar tise expeflut <if' tiese truggla aloiiê ' Theo-posé- qtlno is tisai tavamn-keepars batvse.. aI prasent no checks, anti may if th.ey- cisoose> go any -Iangth in thh, jacreasa ut teir, business,. wittbout being Sal- léd te 10 couat;i asbtae<of thsiùgs wiicl ssomae, llsogh tiaubtlasunet al',- tumuItoliseir profit anti the public hbrrc. Wb need--system---if tise avil is tae.o correeted. No improvement if 'tisai in foirce ai praseît ivili du,. Twa -piana have hauts pruposeti in ils -stand-:tba one. ta maka bisé salae<of sliriluoîsp hi- qiiars, exCept in large qitantibias, .iii.. gai, andstheis otisar la require from aais tavarsu keaper hufora lie cari oblain a liceuse, a bond Ior a- certain -surns,_an wisicisha iiiay ha suietiforrecovery of diamages hy nny parties wlso nsy have been injârati dire3tly- oriJitireoltly -by bis dirinkts. Tise formier phan wa titini ussotîntiin prineiple isîsse A sseeka ap- reutiy lu maise inca virttnous h y1 ,c oif Ian', anti arrays agalulai itsl sf is to maka il certain tIsatitilwilt ho eva- -tiet, a puiblie opinîion wiich is riot'yet suf'tieausly adivancedtiel appreciale or sustainis il tcreates tisotsanda <of op. juuientls aI once, ant iust iaI 4h1 hfare tiseir debaset inigeuuily. No legal useshes will keels ont vice wviera il is delermrinedte c force i15 way. Tise lutter plais seems taeus muci tisa wi- fer ufthtis wo, anti, .wa are happsy ta hsear, is tiseune eus wsich. Mm Cansaron 's prunsiseti bill is la ha drawii up. it lias beaus lÃ"ng ien olîcralian un Swedea au(ti fur suise tinte iii Wisousin,'in bolisoe' wlsicls Countries il ha scseti druilskanes eîi aer tuais nny'iaw tisaI lias 1ueviotisi>' hean triat. Ils excel- lensces are unausy.' Ilniaises bisa tav. cuis keepes-carefuil froni self-intere«,t, tu avoicîlse mnuuiuîs niy anea a ronhard, or taisin ag tage of tise insane pas- sieni uf tlisus isu have alreatiy heconso intulierate, hy luuying Ilîcir pmperly* for slriuk. lis d tiug au exposes -iiss lu tiseriaset ais action.. h lpaves lise woris et 1roscusiin, aiso', in tise haîts of tîsose, %lio niona have astifficiantly puswessful motive lu isder'aise il. Witi- <n'a or tiustreauued seives or orpsas ara us il svere cuustitutcd svalcturs oif the ceusluet cf tuveru keapers, ant in dlircclly by exîiusiusg h n'hen injuriotus. We trust tise bill wili pass. Il will du nîsucis ta checkisthe abuses wisicis non' unaiusly liervaih - DEATII 0F GENERAL 'rAYLOR.' Amidsltishe sîmife af palilica andtihie restiesi sustle of tise 'omît for profit or tiaiybreati, wich arc like tha chafiag andi fretling afth tiseuaniof lite ii tise shlalowcst part cf its cisnnah,.il la sell turtlis at limes bu stand uit tIsa tiepa) r audstisiatier haendinga <if ils cou se; tisose mare profuinti anti qoi- emus aspects af ôîîr aver=passing mal. tality, wiscis are su ftted ti c eeius tise gravait bunIbail of lessotis. Provi- tance by ilsmgiss ri.kiigisesaon ofleus irvites os lu thée s silwaters, eud lias dune se aitlîsis tinse, hy tIse event,,wiie. is tecerde t Itise'beËits. siiiig c f ibis article. Tise teath of Geiuerai Taylor is a ]av sermon, witls tise Deslruying Angal for tise preaciser, aiul ail ItisaIis eiyataiusandstiwortby usur cussimation for ilsi subjeel. - Zaciuary-Tssyor is dead 1is a Iis tise enud ut'ail bis liii-toii aller glory 1'ieH isa tia at reacisedth ie linnacleandst surroutsîsddluiisait ssit4ls si tut ta bis mnuulisusibeau worbisy objecta ut aun- hilion ; lunt scacely weil throusuti--lha vision Ieginis luerusIt betore bis ayas, us if susitleihy tise matiootan ancliunt, ar-tise caloUin fading-ts iapai dis. solvin g-t ha mlatscisohy nigistpauni. its slarh5iass ovçr iî-tlwhile 'tise dreusueràîi)l iontemeti, ha foniiti -

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