Whitby Reporter, 20 Jul 1850, p. 3

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MzChrles111111àlecturei turo's Ilotel, oni Tuewdsy even- great satisfiictioti, atmost un from one individoal. Uis v~ sudden ai4umption of dresu or, -'ter, his nýe aSne autes av cita songs, were excellenito NvelI appreciated part icltri, ladies, to see %o niany of wha m ist bave been nspl easi ff TORT WIIITBY. we lhave recceivcd the fotko 14r, Wrren , COllector rnt thiý, .fe'morancdum v f Exportsj _Whitby,frý* the OtIr of . Sth/ <ly, 1850. Fleur,- - - - làWstIdia. S<aves - 1'olatoes - - - l'cas - - - Butter 17,1 304 41 Y-uniber eof Vesgels entered the Quarter. linder-50 tons -- Over 50 tons- -- Totui, - - Totl aollt ci'toits col- imcted for tiw q(uarter.- o.Ligit les duc.,- lif M Ille iW 12M. . N ROWEshr.W tarfon a pia~ etrl rClark, c i tis * Placert aracdn.î hhm ui and lu- onh.d very atear lost tht-jr live, ocurre jus airve î7.ails of N& Ng agara onc trayiItlItai soe oud sitriekslý, CC' writcr Oft le! letr*vntoteomt ' ajsaw it parties ii a huat, .l'liî Ill e 1i ut u lerrilutlerat(,bvwex the Caoadiami shere.-tuti (o t N landi. Tilt-,;oy se'îzed thé, curs frotu isfatheCr. alnd roVcd tilt Strçai w ~'ii fi is l'ah, bat Iitsfutliîer WwS hg mmd seeretl x a froin landi. ih boy, siotwitlbç,%tiditii ' got. vC(y lear 1< -Go-at iStuu cd',whiien da ot truelk a i .Tok. mud iîuravîd over. Tihe fitiwrs lictid beiîliehficid lsove water bv hi * px.ies1;ppîy scaped. %vere t4 bave becil imoV cdbhy Mr perry iii the Ueîie 0ut' Ass*iAy, on, Meîtiay last, weepICe<tpoiit'd lu Thursday. 110%v' they were recei ve-d ly the flou1se ry- and cxp)cditnt -t. <uthorize thre ('otnty Couticils, respectively, (in- adtii- tien taelite Ceîîmrîy Officers.Wiilàtell Ihey are nrnv by' awtpoee tappoitît,) te nominate ,and* appointfro' lime te tini crtaii-Aler local (Juîmnly Ofièer, ,)i:teCoUIty Regiîstrar. Cierk cfth<- inspecter tcf l icees.'w r 'gritate and fix the heurs during wbich their rospec ' - tive Offices are- te be kcpt ujîlueltire Publie, fur the transaction of bus4iness *as iveil, as te salarie-s. fecs, , emlo!l- iments,- te lie trken and cnjoyed by such ali weii 1spcuvenientce otîd euipediency, tll0 respective Cuuaty Cunuezisog1 by righ lt lu havre the s(ie and entire ds posai of ail revenues raiscd, levied and colcctedf, in tlreir respective Counliies fbr Cointy pturîmses, i rreqpeetive of . the control or interférence &f' tht, Magis- tristes, inasmnueli as sticb Counicils have to)beartlie whole responisiuiitv-ofrai5sin3 such-reven 'ies by Asseasmeni UPosi the people, or otherwise. Regolvd,-Tiiat tlic respectivC- Cotin- *.i C atncnils mbold bo fully authorisec atScyîp- making or repeiringsiabridge, raido ling&o gaý.re fur other purposes; and ttso inI their diacretion t4> tas dogs in sticl way and, epe ted g ner as to themn may se4.m proper ersatility, -and- expedîenlt, without being tied up id charac- by sny reservation or liitiLwhatever,. ndhumor- Reolved,-Thllt the power anmd priv-- a.nd wcre ilefge of trying.anrd deterrniinitig the y 1wtherigh, aeoring to laur, of a Memiber or Memerscfany Mttneipali. oeporation >m pr"ent tg) be cee0ed and hold a seat in the~ to 'Mi B. samee if uot inherent, illost inaturally &r Hili -ail belongis to the Corlxratiànilselif,who is rnost to le affected, ianý Wvhoe local knowledze best qualifies.<hem to judge or the teritq-of' lite case tep be decided,1 *therefore -eac1 Municipal Corporation )%wingfrom should be fuit y enîpowe-recl to decide att m snicl CALses without any rcftrence ýte or is Port interference by the Court of Qucen's from Port Blencli. Ipril to the Resfolivcd,--Thitt after an'boirising a certain descripion eof persons te vritelit 428 ~ th ri. Ucrespective T, 1Ownslulp or Vttrg 700 bush eetings for CeLýnilors or other Offli- ,000 feet cr 1 wîl )ndn M.1 anmd SIp~ the 144 ability ej[tlthose pérsons te exercisu litai 2 Nj.. privilege diserçctly and proîwrly, it is t836 biush muqnsistcnt, andiltd reasouable, after. 6'uh waèds, t» curtail their chioicej or eemlpé1 26.5 blish îhe1AutO cdccisuch perqon" ely te serVe 56bs Il t1î îem, Uwlîatever may be tieir.t,,lilitv or 2173 bris talent tu do su tu advant age, wlio avû * I1S000 silei oaiI r. other,. a crtaii îom *3 tous amud tlwrefore,iilý ro(j'i1ý qw~ ;îîati'>n iatever 1)r utv jîtîvards 1l'r ?k 1 ý iiî ir\nlge (. ,wià' ý,iiI'd lc hîzdac tûlsîd 1 28 Reolrc,-r1>at thre riplit to votea - 1.37,ffil To-wnship, Ward, u'Vlae ~î i ions for CoiuufciUeors, or other local 0Wi - 16 ccri7..hotld bu extcixled: .to ail prstou (,)foe moFal clîur4cier, <wvlîo llave nt Ialfed IlUe ~Of! t wunt,>-oie years am 301 oo Va.rîl,ir Vi1lag îiiwliîcwhilley c1a4- 9 .t l, îl'r tirev cÇ:leî;dar îîitilis, alu :t7 ire irpîl 0îerfornî staitite 1.lbot. - - toîrie e<eb i,îw~sYî mrd Villag t. ris l- 'v 13Jv-iaw ii wlat ruanner and f'(rriî the Vo~(te shall or inay le taken in tlire .samc,- wlicthùr uiva voe by brallot, or otiier-, GREAT S %V-itlso'. iCich i vtîsiled lu is c.Iy on Fridiiv afternoon liNat< per to have exîetIl dlirroli)- otîmthIis provinîce amd. âNeur Vork State. 111 Queiec great dmiage .,vas (ie- u0J ise:s bîinglîoý mï10iîo Levvandt i lre t.reak.s %were niede in ire i-rire Caîîal, i1c*11 Itlce <ot'1Is Onc o f !t Ire a i" Port Jaciksont 'Ioa 5 fret iiîi. ttî,and ecîî;1iltot doius ee, r where it carrrîed away Sbdes. -<'vra"!i mcmi were kiiled ini vaïut.slte ' èut Ute, buues un, rcufil,atîrl -scii4>erSs truck orIliud,.Àor llit4 r.At Aibany lte pavelletin te sîreets toî m p and teCer- J dry iiii udt daniaged- be ave beard (f caIlle ki!Ied uwcar G 't and rant fird s by the san.,e s'ormi, anîd of milch <tan uj go bée itionc by)il thrtiugirutit th(- Tr ) rBYie trokLica- o!' a b iHe- ùI,iinb 1;htiresystuni ut' votitig Ùy ballot. and tphen Poct;ck,, werLI o iiund gtriity for misdenie'ancr, aI lite QU'arter Ses- siovrs, at London (C XW. ) hast WC5 Thecy saturated te liitof' a dug fwith trîrpentine, andt IiumSet lire tu il. an-- 1er ar- f~ il k n a u laxat tnr temui air tc tiîe!tt8It 's laativel kno~rliutlbata ta-punfllcs a wli in n tl!L a xiîe teald w ner, 'ofanklie- fore ~ f-ol brafst s a t~er f a1n dust a 4oueiir 1 ountCe. Sert Ia, tooif steleîucd ln coici îvater, iequally effirlfc.ieu5 and fre' frmthe nmisemes itter tristü. WhNAchît ilias wle ijnfitiso4 lnbiing * Mny nglshvessý-els. are noW cmr rying tca froîn China ho Amleic- titankk i O herepeal o c. he aviatioti.'] - TsmI STE »Intts.-The Ai litas-. abouithibir Attatit' lin-e, buti $5waiier Ilrejcanewt iuat the Bni Rurupa trma leit-e lastititward tri -Verla te Liverpool iml0 timys and Q shorteat passagA yet. The.,2sii trip from Bosion to Liverpol in1»9 heurs, also the obortest rui betwe On Tuestlmy lte 9h lit ihe flk tinenwere eleceet Direetors of fi' Banir for ISlIC.-Hofl. John iau th ait their WrS. The from NcW bourg-tbe de ber laît tys andi 181 Ose places; AWsUL OccsYESElrCz-A teruible calamity iateoe e - alo( W y4of theflDameOt %ent near $Smithlà Fai, The fatbsr met wilh anaci dlent on board a Stèamboat on the Rideau canal,. andi as hewars being conveyed home bis wile tecki the youngest chîlti in ber arms and went teaieet bim. , lesving, six chiltiren atone in the bue. White she was absent the boeuse teck lire, antial ",ithin it petisheti. The molber teturned WiÎI hêtr almost lifedces hiimbai. and in~und bèîself teuseles, anti bir six chiltiren bornetot ifath Mnr. Fatoiry Kenble saiied-la the Caoàbriafor England, on Wedflerday luai. Arnong ber fellow- pausengers were Macbethb-andi Lear,,or mien by the"e aarnes.-Osweeo Tf4nes, Ler<o:VIrv.-URnthei' an ectraOrdilrY case of lotigevity is noticedI by thme Jamaiea Standard z An nid back man i da'on a pMperty hel'înging te %Ir. Justice Macdoigai, itbhç dvanced age or 130..1 Last week the, steamers' 3eaver' andi' Catara- qui' caime 1h10 ,zllision onn the Lower Rideau Lake.- when <lie fermer 'received s uch ijur,, as rpnerîred jr neeessavy W behr ti-rerriain in K ing- sien f6-r two or three days to l4e repaired. CORNER Theiouri IREADY CLOTU,C PARIS, LONTDONv, J EN TUE READI Men's Linemi Suomer Coats "Cberked Line» de, Tm P.MNNYo SL%.M . " Back Alaca do Il Emerson, of Boston, iina leCrer# on 1-nglantl, de- < tlusç l C ri1 do 1: livered befote lie Mercarntie Librry Association, MýiTbro<)n <10 giveg the fn1tlewisîg grand â1offliude of Engand's * P rnes Cord tdo j rreatres . '-"Affer a boid andfarless comment on T 'weedl ttc the croakng Ithat predieis the speedy downfail I dl CIIl d IEnlantI, lie compared lier b the baiiyan Irce. Cassimere do Y Iwhich, il wili lie îemembered, sentIs rp shnets 44 ull Percha do3 f rom ils root i tai become tlwmrscives, huzge trurîks ofpaet ..--tain.1She bam jlante I eiif on 'Vie~îrs that lutile jslund.' hc saId. ike 11wllebanaon Ire, îricî ol Shirtsn Fot and ber roots have spread trder the sea. andi corne Mr' inhSl i ip on/aýrüowîqjcontineWs t' n i tVt!cry qiarttro<l NetorecSlHi tihe owrld'lowinx wiih lier trijatzo amid laws. iiiid fiever 11i2rtllatîflg b"r rtreieih, thom-îch the tirb; unkulî,.rember and pei..'Inmi bs owrî 00M îîtisiin »reses from wnriîtu. this thoit-orht wiibhave as barivan an etct- 1000 Para"os ityas 1- gadl -.- traw -Bonnets rîily ErîgarriL" ~ pletidid Scaîfs aund lai ~ Collar and- Ncck Ties-. L o s tàaciasfr Ladies! Drij ttravt'd on thie infiidri. Any eisn hvilgfUnld the Szim e, W iii, by leavin e it atiI.c - siT.ri.ti... rI..#. lie for thei r toible, JLiAiVDSiOiM ,L Y 13-,RE )~ D 1 NATIONAL LOAN -F&ýD LIFE qSUR4'NCE O JkY CAPITAL£5 0 0OOSterling. MedcalExrnierR.W. CLARK, M. 1). Porîplilet%. Blanks, antial requilsiteiutrn lion may lehact on aj.plicalion te JOhN HA>M PEhi Y, 1 Btrayodl l'RO he prercis.es cof Mr Jesue Stalrr.in tht' V tcvrih Cncitiof titWhitby, a AL iioii'rGREY -MARE AnY Prirson triin r- fetiatifl,<o te $becib rfthre wh.r'bîl f the said Mlaie, shail 1w r-ui;ahlY rwm ld (;. WMACDNA LD, Br'oklin, WVhitby, JuIy 1-51b, fr50. 14-2 * ~Jlre .lVews. I inirmatste lie îillîcandhine ustomers, ibat, haïingi#posed.of Ilus stor:k of gonds, lhicridS tc relire front i inles, andI takes ttimieappoltufhty of relrniriZ îbarîks te ibse vho kidly cve hin their liberai patmoriazrC duridz tiiese Pert Years. lie aiso bLuIasto tte I at ail 'notes and.acoot are etpect ed to lic ictiet! earlY inSepemiier ffixt initîsO'ether arrangcerlefllâ ae-w modae. ANDREW 9M ITH, Colsmrbi, Joiy 2,18.50. 13-3m NOTICE TO TEACHEUS, q'fIETrnstees andI Teachcrs of. Cnmnu L Scbools 11i the tewnschip ef Wbhy àre lierj îy, infnrmed that th iremnder-4ftnett tenu :; prepared Io pay, fperi %<ho rd*,r of thme Trus- tees, the arronn nt de lhtirevrioms choiol ic- tins (or thre six morths,eidiiig 3Otli Jonc test, on Tu-csay,.23rd .uIy. on wýhich da4y thre Teachers aie desired to nreet hlm'at hi# bouse, ai Ton ouCtleek a. M»., as piîiietially asýoS ue s $ore cotiference, wlirn alincether, is detâred, in regard là m'atters affecting theirconmm interes't ard pro- ft-ssion. R.- H.TIORN TON. aDyGondts Store or other establishmenft, I yarespectable youne rita», of ziooti educa- tien , whe womuld be m illiig o ma ke hinsef geri-, erally liseful. .hpply at ibis ofice, if ty letter, pos-pasd. Whitby, June 27, 1850. I NOiRTH1AMERIÇAN HOTEL PORT DOPEe, c. W. 4CENE PLAL STÀGE OFFICE. r3 Trusty Porters aîwaysin attendamîce ait the boatis. Iauengers and tbefrlilgarge colweyed te anti ftem the beats free of'ebalge. Port Hope, Jrîly, l85m. - 124ly [tES, VrSTliNGS, AND GENflItAL DRLY GOOD$,t 'LftCIX ItBMI3RIAIiN,, 1W ,OURSELVES. M~ MAItAlI T OitDf 0F EERY DEStrRIPT1ON AND ?M*W'VonK FASIIIONs IRECEIV À-DMOIVTHLY. E MO$r.A1PRovED STYLE .ADOPTgD. V-MADEIC tOTIWiNG DEPARTMI'T WJLL IRE YOUND 4s 41à Nfenli black Cloth Vests, 7. 6d Men's Moieskin Trouses, ?s Gd 6 3 à$lulackt Satin d -8 9'" Lineil DrilI do 6. 3 100 ruey do 8-9 " Faney Drill do 4 9 il3 Linew 'do 3 4 Tweed dû 139~ Pancy do: 44 C assimere de Il 3 VfAvet do " J)oukin do- 15 0 Pi ,>tish' du " Juckakin do 32 6 " farathea <do " Cieth do 117 6 " 'oitenttt do Cassineit do 300O Cassimere and Tweed .do Caïhbmeiette-do Ncckerchiefs, Glotes, llosiery, Fancy Caps.. 3!î t Idi Faetory Cettanfi fronm 21d Cetten Vain, front 2 Il White CWoe,- 4 'Stays i6 Striped Sliirtinc 5 ,Prints, fuit colons, Riblions andI Laces iArtificial Fiowers Lace Veits and F;1114 -Hesiery and GioveE. 49 6d bcdi .1 6 pair 06 1 q 0 SE cO ND Pl1 C E, I3TJtGESS. & LE ISH i Nt BU CH ply hii). To'rn% }{ E M 0 V ALa' EVANS 1& - H1MI 1L T OIN JJA E WMOEDto the Store lateIylo 1ie y lmessrs. Lyman Kn « Gw o., -nud nex.t door te J .Monjy8 Dry Gou4 Store (Sii 'he Golden Flcerte,) NO. 5e, CITY BUILDINGS, IY STRrEET EAST, wliere their, Ctistomcrs and Fric'nds viIl always find a large assortment, seasoiiable, and Collisiîting of fille clotit fress uind rcxk Coats, S110oting and Saclc Coets great varety, Vests and pantalo ons,,cf every Nlaterial and Stye From the ext r faility for rnaking up Soka hi ~thihn îrc.i atd nrhai' i'tire whvlOlesale iMarkets for CASH Qniy- thé do seli CIIJEAPERi than other bousees in the sanie une. EDWAIi-1 EVAN-S, C~ W. B. HAMILTO Toeronto, May 24,-1950.________ CAULETO~N LYNDE, Wtitbv ladivoeSoi OPPOSITEJT 1'IUZ RAmM WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL - MUR lli IN "A.TTRA AEàffoiRIVE, PAIBR-I rHE Paroerbp eretetoreex UDJ1r/U ilA [101%, &c.,Olic * ALBO * seed by MANMFACTUER OF SOLE. UPPEa, AND) firnm mdli1 HARNESS I THR,&c Iites the Cash Paiidfor-Uùile8 and Skins, Wkeat-,- Oatf, Pots qnd1 Pearl .4*/tes. tah 'Whurîby Villarre, 7th June, 185.8 AshitAsk!~Ashos NN0 Aont Noa SIGY THO. I o% E xe T,),runt'n.. ime w10,185) "01Z. ' 4s MI 2& &1 1 -." xb"- J64, ^ .- .. - - - 1 sup"!Iiitndcnt C. S. Whilby, July 11, M50.

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