Whitby Reporter, 27 Jul 1850, p. 3

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of S t wu*s*iigtou. i ~asas iae h Mr ayWsow an ua wcrt or, 10 bear any explunation of facto reWaing to som* of t.th "mi auising '<roqm the destruction of the- AzeriCtW èuiaer, Il Geneeat Armstronig," in, the~ part of Fayal, by a] British force lru Th ii lboucrlsone of te 1.00011 ise ma s6-"I hmarthathLie ,rNUIio ba inobed Coniat Tonnailitai liet witht11 usais»and Frencit MÎn- istorg 1%tt i ifnt,* wzil bersady-to use their good officcO. of mediatioD shouId -Mr Clav, the, American Minister., Pr- ceed to coercive mensures." Accounts of tihe2rt mvnyt Mr Clay 1usd sen.t iuhS.u ultimatum te, the Goyerumient, and tisat if bis demands W("e t 'C oomphed with in 20 -day. lie olddeinand uts jpt~i. mil. GERMA> EMPIRE- 4Great modifications -lu the torifi' of tfit»'Zilvti are projo"e. Tt is said iire: wIll he a reduceiitm of duty on e r4in4 butter. fircwood and tallow, and tisi he tarifi on Ulo eoaff'ee will -16e ai,- ~1telone-haif, white' heavier iimporl .1ity will 'bc nmade -ot cotton twist andl varn, aui tisat the âuty on tabacco will 1w ineresseJconsiderabiy. -Rprsarce eent that tihe Empeer -cf tssia irawndstu al)dîcat,- ontheIs t cf erentwrt ins îivour ofi laisSoia A rcsty cof pec has btsav'n .ed be en enark ansd Prussua. A : sînai y a>l é r s.et s "m i& 1 Afatri 'l n' it, me O t»WsPs mm1 yulave Ohum ouIY lbe ébarred suaif wioury wick. W. orJLi t oobu dm for Bt,& w«* dop't kwiw. Pnlmaps .tii HOMe MaapiI mo m tus sern ot wlth lb. prm, bekw. joue, bkanwbileo morne goadnms ttomrn fri»<h Io «t; 12 act<athuit theïr speechui wifl Dom b. prinW e bdinq usembers tonsy les. and do S")Oflï woU eij . are tlid, lu being got thuogh Much nior. qiickly liman, b.fre. W. bet to cil e attention o! cor readens <o au article on aur Ii ipage hesdIl"Mambal 0. fidweilI,xo a»tieNortlsmerioen. ,W. ned hardly say that we entirely epncur with Our Con- tmperpoîy in b. jug etkate of the <baracter andi abilities of -that d isngud patriot, and inbhi bearly and4ilclear grl" cOOdmtnatiOu c< <the ty- yanny andi despotia of ha trebellions, Gaverpo wbo drave huI rens the. eountry ot bi aoptiow>_. a country for wbîch b. haW done se, mach, andi Which big talent, induity intrity,ai patz o!- isin oý wel fitted bhem tO l.ý On ta haPPineu.andi Tise present Nfinistryl if tisey is iy desire ta do jusitice ta anU psiglit but deWpy injareti mais.- ifhley lad any desire t aicceded> tt. Ile csOf thse peuple-f tise>'la an>' "tie ta regain a portion oa! ht iwcnutene and iuzaity uriicis, b>' tiseïr arto tisey bave so justi>' <rfeiteti, tise> wouilti a once aalap!tise causse pointetil outiun tise' tast paragraph ithtie article refkyera, ant cali bartu lb bis coup"r>'a niaiWho, for bispaitisin anti fielity l liet in ler bout ut need, bas asaffereti ANNUi;AL VNJMINATI<)N The ,înitqal I.xamination of ihjisj 1Iaiogary wili scion, it is saisi, eceuse :ojîiari'iatg seinilsarY iook plgce o01i'rid.ay exiii. j hst in prucnc,ýC vofaighly i'eCt*,a jbic audience auîtolig wlîo-m wc nteifl' 7HEREPRTR. the 11ev, Meurs Thorn ton,-Gci kit-,and - - -jplis"lps 'Drs.. anFote,_ami R. W. f4a at t n, nti îînr atos;baa iiti-Clark, asi W Iels, J Longworth, A, S-- - I. le Plier .soli und J Uaiesir Esq. c WHITRY, SATIURDAY, IELY 27, 18W. rire fjrtst braitelt itnwliclt tise pro- The meizpolitm ape!» aare filleiIwit tise 'par- ticulari of a new-wa an t whirb dsey themuelves ;,re iagued as 6eereaïc theïr pivilqet açainst] u-iîi î a dulî>fnl uimunnîtV il, %witiiig9 auid mal) .sketch irig, with spclaISof lie, latter of wliicls the 'aiiswere trdorred on ousis -E' îte rastum Tse care, awatues# andi tise> slsaerflbave bàen fsoude by tise lotuse af 'As- of Wh ~thse writinir aundinais >casbi>'. We art ieace mecn tlormsghty, but. î ise tloôdlcss aitîes of thi >Mltre iu 60 tttio 'er. mure itan coît>nun'iband ai once isaru, If tie paaum a e kepi initer, tisit meay>, gave a cisarteter to thse ishool fur higli witsoatcuircilbe 0 jinipl-,o.usy4115 tt( cspectabilily- 'The frece "se ofi tue pe' lfow tihe haille Witutuis with 1 tiss- "Ibosorll k 1us tele ust ess'nfial parts of c<Ii. Tru LAIT D013~JL Boitas pBPeT 8.81 4Tu£ W IiUW%114i r-'---- wich, sase et ot la Caulgor#jae adt le e du$ ï6p tu l e.b an skl ,dreue mue, re oti fr ie rit! i1 tThs lsramw omides nuleç, bsaswsdhans, anui tise ithr olse a i» Sis h.és*a# La8t W.doesdy s git we were Md itestin; as an Rzpuimn, lb. pOMsbtity a( t"09 iin tisa npen air et 5Dio511t4 SuMtlas dabetwn clock ai Wick jstrek waelve s aw Io reat a nowmpl- prdîstunetiy with lie souisi "iib of day," OugOpuIÎ5i;l positon" isithia tise SSth andi 59th, tiegres ai hWi0e. ' &MO Gat isVgasgçs.-A lady ha. <aunai the followincI remiedy for tise prevenianof b4-buPs:.-After clie*ing tie bedgts lea oroglly,,rtabs h oser witli sag's lard. Thse lard shauld be rutulbet OU with a waolleut clotb, Bunu iilinot infeat suri a bidseid for a whis. ensoa. Thse addition 0( la litie tsi rendoers itlterne drying. The rmason for tii istise antipatiy of ilusectis lot Cree ofaI'aY On Salurtiay, a depastation ronsisting ai nearly nisinety inembers of-ilie fHousseetaICammons, wited upon Lady Pal mson a t'(aistf mn alois in Ciaslhons Garden7ts, by appinton#t, for the warpasee oS prefflttingt ;tacrj Wysbip a (ull-lengtli par-trait of VmSeont Paaewrsto,-wltli an atidreis expressive of <ho higis ,ee tIsevQftuilldof bis tordihip's public and 1 pri va tl,e racter. Esuaunws.-Tbe eemigmitss ibis; year, byI Queber, lhave (asa abuindani esnploymnett lis Lower Canada o« tise-ait roe.ds.-tise Potlandi anti Attantit andti si C plan pantaI gootwa;ei. rTie erraneuu plan o 1saYng the passges i enùai i th ie West beoge abaxnd, emplay- e ment a ust DOW Ise taken whcre it Canli e tosaad, 1wilbout sîzkiru; a tour of ibe Lekesai ttise publie 1etpens.. Few utile anigrastare Dows.'sosas f L...,. rn ar. Jourud dus Deat anrstxanres tise aiallu, in Eng- landoi thse fansous Siarese-Twins, TiselDebatç fitat-s tha ecotting ta ise Loosion Mediad Tnacç, thse tw o brothers dieti of marasmea, A pat mot-, teau exinati5t5n provetitmIrWt la* ben rottîtantly saîpptued by tise facuty i>,nz- tisaittse two -Casi- lie*l of tise abdomen romrumcsted by omeus oa, lise hollow liamntwhich uUd tiler, aisl isdat the liveri or tise twinxwrrom*et¶' try a mem- brane bIndue about.fiait ai mciiaik. ExGitsin 1fosssu-it samidtitiaccording to a late, renstis of Englan4, the nismbecurüd litr*eo in that couintry bas beeus fouM t0 aerai.di"sniihe ii(fm 1.0" , .to 200,M,0. .itbiai ise last tir' years-55i attu:otrWod*, hue nutroatlihasdispenses si h thie ai 00,000baises, and ithese animais, as ireitasmen, are now sca lyssti for <sansý porration ;andti tsasthis LIC) ns isi'wici the I400,000 <otisrm nefrly onsiined, bave'been Idiapenset witlz, andth ie laixi aeti for tise growth et any andi gras is devoxed tiste grawki 6i grair alose; bwrtie 'sssppty <t brt. :o0s LAw t-On Wetinesday bVemg iams tions mois braire into a boajie in Sanguins, Siret' , inhidsai'd go lie 4crupied b>' a Lotit of tise Frases Frerei (Free IBrothers)>. aSOCW15t recenly instituied ti nsoast ti French Catiadis i' the aorememt Party, anti#raaàriedthIe donri witudow«, Isrc, at pieae'ste, nsao ore being, lb< bouse aithe imxe, anti no etrort boing moude b>' th police ta prenelsi the onrief. We hope tise lat ter allegaim slwiml nst move<o le correct; tan 1we hop tisa! iisatener arssy hoîhe'ap nions bel .b>' the, Fra" slrrest.they unill ic aïpoïLed i reasoninur. not by force.-PU ,I ie in a et Pd t- bd RIÀ CORNER OP O'Nz EADYouiV1DE JLOTHI1 )TICASS[MEREÏS, VEST1?NG$,J IMPRT».DIRECT FROM IR %OZ~AL IJ lY m0 BXOtSEVy PARI. &LOfDON. AD 1NEW OK AUINRE IYDOtILV Mers's Linen SumrucrCaal4â 4d iMengs,btlack cfatitVeis, 786d NMeu9s Molesisin Transat, 786d ý& chrkm tLiam i do 6 3 'i black du i Jo 9 'eLinen D iti do 6 3 si io0MoWskiusodlo ) fi"(auesii 8 iY<y Drilltito 4_9, Bi" 1k ASc4 do il 3 fi Liten do - 3 4 Tweed da0 J4 Russell C tutt do 1.3 9 siFancy do 441A id" imtaeril do .t Ji uMissros. -do il 3 i" Ya4net ado t' 5>orskn ide Ptrince»s Cotai do 15 0O il Flsh do- "d ueaksl sa ido Tweed do il 6 si" Marcellea do i" Sattineti do if lrosti Clato t i&3dý-2 6 e" Jaiaahea 'Jo " Clatis do< Cassimere do 17 61 si titeneit do "Cussînetit de "Gatta Percha do 30 0'"(asiusere anti Tweed do, " Cisisueretie do Wbite.Sh", ULnetsFrasils 4s 5d C Va. 26d1 IRed VUunel EiItts 4 4d1 Strpet Cttton S àt 6 C* taiand£ acs CotonuVoier bitts 2 6d Meas's Frenchs Siltu Hais lavrcicaoei. er. ancy ÇCqs DRY 000,15QEP.IRTMNNT. 1 09)( Mulin Dresss roui So 1IdFactory Cottans, front idCotonVut, (rosit 46d bisa! 1000 Parasols,' 2 Il. iWlitmsotlon, 4Sty6iGpaais 604> Straw 0 pip 1 » St iped ti iisti.;3 pini fat colon, 0 6 Spiaidti earie ami Shawla Ri'li!ns andi Les AtlilFlers Catar anti !eck Tiea.LceVit nt aisH#siery anti Utoas MaftÉiis for Ladlcu rcuts, .vcry ç In 10 5IéýggAlpacas, LustrmsCobourgk, c. BURGESS, &-LEISTIMAN,î Turonto, Aine 10, 1i hM 0V AL.0 EVAN & IAIIILTON0 ClottfllSo re. wbitbyq WIL BUY) 2Tous et I Wife 705 es ibatthe i o ýr is MY st 1h JJ aE & Co. ad ?zt ou toJiR. 4m *tnjOY's Dry God Store, (Sigu 0<of flit Golden Flee,,)-- NO. 5 cvr BUIDING, KIG STWET An'Y whcre theier Cutomerw and Pruenda 'Wittawy fîdalag so teritlermen"on the une ide, andti th worthyi Lknigts tai the quili on the other, il 1. îeally bard iîîention, and -%we -arc daiyto> say, IMay p4uvciuu IN E AYP.-T3c onto couitpoulottes a table wbich ihows thse Àe ta otillIn a combamt in wbicls words aie thse only h lc Iartictd ÙX perfcctiOii Unêler MINr. aerreeable fact, ihat thse nomber Of PauPerA ini En- weiipous Ueed, il wuaid he diticuit to tay Wu eIksdg4on wheic twaind skill scOuitto gland bu ias nmnissed dtring thse preoeut year by WAtt ait eghry-bt ake 103,M4 aU eompared with If184 . and by 18,178 as iiioit ti cg lf o n nt ns O f r e t rt a e l ew r th n th ec m p r i ~ s h 8 fouitaiin;omaneni c Ui linseos iallethe e=c.lfination 3in Ln/iin %as vcry compareti with Febrnsry, 1847, wlwn ruway ediîtal - %(U1ko1wra.itaOlSere wii te t rity. Or 1 erWf Thfe circusrse also, ausc~aed lx, th is1 If ae îljur.gU anJ d &utded the e=rninilto<s, Metropolis continuesheatthy, ath*i t- e wek- tg as (IloI ~~- he L~v Mc'~r. Tocnon nd Geikie, IY de3thu are incf asncthuoe<rt fo u lait d weelks havinir ben 83,&2,5 6 st4 Mras- On Tluirtusay ee u1ite sc Mr Bakhverî was t iteh .sdtisfactioîi. Nohinîg las been pertively. The aver O f thse laut week fort1W adduuing the Ilono, %rMrsitie, userzsts for tell Preceding veaus. wa s, wiUz Atlowance fer ini- ;1aâpe, wat rornvrrwrsc anti augIing with smre taught ilUaa iueely uupecirMêal 'a 8, isit creased paOpu1aiot, 947, laties au lthe adwiuuIl' gbOLtis'te noW se i re- un the contrary, cvery thlitig, evCn Ito PFCvzftExZG&*To.-The Dublin conS-rp catc îtd rxded oai nsèbe for LbP Jplcei tefilinpendent odise Losd4sr, Mrni;zXg dqdri,r, under ratis sast ufwlat 1:. toù , 4ae isthe e îte tirt rlaitis, was Very touu'.date of thse 22oâ May, intimales that the propri.- c<s4slMir Cieoseo h.R-rr..clases in. Gt»nînra are cvidently yMpea.aeWy relievinq thse rates by emnigra- Water beurie à' b a l r a&s w JIMtFOutien, appears !o lie anausgconsiderable progres T sweeasta har hat Ir 21a in genua sYiw,) grounilrd so as to have a sofid and ta- amen; thIo."sl union uardians.i hvs i tqtase*tte-d MsChriàts. lu ceahe îakiag, »addîs'g litle I ae a teason tOr t«ise uuet. TI*Ie b«norabwsusembet s ISiCJLfondaiIou-fu future progreu, ho, requ.ntty af tate hati Occasion ta :efer o& a tLutiwent anti adtire.ed z fow wordâ t. thse Ser. numuer ofn Visemisentdte ioraec are ahe. xprnse t f jfant-al-Ârou enasI tV)souie of thse .Mernlerï, an&st l eturnet ito ll ierutonieieuewwed isU11usîe eleaut and. tliorouJ uo ù Ltîseiitmon; the unions wbich have Itd.- dandi are tise ptisiUt>ss sus4acticir on thse eiiration system. Tie_~eRs i ~cotV~U1O. h istrtlam ate, r Ve it icknowledgfC. 'rie Wsvur-of th.e day WLLU, B"rd have advertiwel for tenders from sbipown. are ,box, whcn %Ir Ci tiefotlowed lbit"and demanti-ofe$t nVylfl1,0pase o uer«Dl ed an iaplogy, whicta the <rnser idactid eti1give, ,ssÇrmnltSty, bu mutci t toallow oftcst ov7aot10) ase5t utco 0 ispou titehiclle lager iàrt&tefi tu t brin us th ome of tuie éther Britishs Colonies. imuer belute tie.4Inoms. .Accoirngty. onIra- 1iesblr eî XIJI? uGek FLOfit U 550% il£T. Ve recdiUed 41ty, %Ir it. wa* -orderedte appear *t tho- bu'. bt, rom what. we heard in utiier on Saturday aternoon a present, whick, niait ci- 17pon doing se, thé-,$peakei îcael ta bitas thesex<-,aur readeas wilt regard as aitégether bantisome, awrt tateaof MMr Christie, and etuirertif baee na ojut4U4te xe-b t hOt e xelat seo1early ateriod in the shad any expâtma*YtSk MrIr *taLd eîeof tbcir tradniiig in tiis. Msnn-Mr LtFPIleers senit us batTsreo ihatbe w.1iàà da wrtie »nxupe aole toExtra Genou. eFlour-, mnate « Ut ay avrou) ,4.Crte n Wdta e f a Ji os y With ite"a'pqUieineitr of tihe difler- Iwheat wiieh thc day previauswu., sway'iocLt la reChvisn i a iotin t hei jout s I racetuly upon tise stattus as it sctoo in te t. for 4d.tperLas o»epoiiatill torrtlt c reosdsgs e at clames nlu irlvsh ratmai, Geog- ¶,e cradite iati pused osier il, the stsca<is W of maie l'y r. Ciiriatic in Ure Ladies' aIIry, r<ipiy, &c) the. eiamiuators 'were no beeni put ibrougis tie tireuher, tise grain inta the h. wai tturty isatle tw bout the reu;ar stcs b set oppor, anticoswert#d loto Saur, àanti theo lf ut,. siw-wm. àsnking ait tsai somenlt, aWileu jieMsJ. Every thiui. uiiCX icely pichet ioo abarrels in thé space ot tlsu ti.ri4e e 6ereque*ed 1>1 rChriDIio am rntais-act th lanlthi4ity4 ons. Who sysibat thitisiD ot mgç-Umad liai lie wa s orry i ie wb_ did nrin- 1f D Dg t Alogehe'o fu a style wortiy M ibhe.lantee I Ce the lie pvileqes ç( the nome, and iw" hroqet gMalate Whitby u aving such a natio6n l- ho vbrel boia thse Îaltowiwg brmide;- iBtepa sasro, Purce ten-o'n W Wset P- Alla " a~lcoe pelogy J ii~hen swk, M Sr st ' Fem, -pur. Gep+.m eWhe trti--L1 Baldwu' rose frontais seat, wisdcolis" ý i Two hints occur to t» ire-fercisce to dioelerDesocrtl fy 10140 reti ini R capw ( rom u ---cf---oasst ruesa!tie iaseo!Coumia, nt u wsiis~1O uture. Conuld ute patets of D ý tise presence of tise Pron was <eclareti ta be a the Seholars -sî,bscriue _a prize rand te f OTihasl.lti ntnt <.95*y brea.eh of the 1mvMiego of<thse Umpu, e. W«.Y Tfeo nte1 ntn "eolun'Sts«& hocacse & sai thoe cprier be çx1ended on a book fur the best. Mr John Murphby, WetUm 8iote 1, Wgoo huard tise above assertion, respect.for tbcrnseiveu, Soho in e h of h Ç* »S I sit, a.sd41 years lot thse country, andrtheii <iiptiitîou I 'lit it se7 _________________ are engp te.Pelled d*mse t. i.(rom» thear wouhd do ,great Leocd ii, eil'ngL seiàjdLs ave ~#tke HouW. hae, how«ev, a t-iona f r-- L 0 t lleard <teneral parties Who iere preseni, la t Iid"y, ad akaKR(I-nalo P ihis re*lutiots was carrinti, antidttise Speaker, fe n ol Lnl(iW.iddWy ms»ig; Jnhy 11, a 00100 in ref irelunintafter yrerre.o And uoa m re eut- t S SIG!ET R IN Gwilh thse inilials C .en- phatsc matiser tihe iyriciicl bt idicsukiousenti- ho eial ùi apeni»p h1i< SelIoOlagain graqe don the iie. sy persan iaving ('sui inenu of thieresolution in reiart'intthe atten4anc att he .uii. 1 l7SV Lo Oi*-0 isaine, 'aii, by leavsêÇ it at PViiytl r4"Cept0fdS hV ¶r criptureEs, Fhitby Hotel, 4 WknofMrthe dr.wu a so 4% ,ektmte. It wuld g*k ecat et g V w $nhllay ______________ lotrlo thisk so micb of bsWu ting a<sig 01111aud lead k> desirablo ,elI'ccts botii on~ M TN lU N fl , eyes, and a very cansetjentaî m te talwýUes - the achOlm sund the eofaiunity, LF O L inteisdetl tresdiug on il'. oa-o1 lis dignity sdoZTU.1Wi500It ferceey. Ti-Sk acertoeain iiil' ~'~ thott euis narineoIeectrtC phb W bs» dovwn as toodsy ; face, àsPd d tnib~b w 0Lni.sdps aii .i0 oea O PTA #00@0@, 8tndi* seinspugnaeiomun illectl, 0 e ul¶id, ti. syib tt 1 vt rnsih. and obemee nogista maire althat i. bas d1ase in-atip' »e msaugof fine clatiDre aa rock Coat S f1otîinan d Sack COsýtn a Fwtnhs ie xtra faciiity furn making,,up Stock at thCýir establishmenit, uin i, at ueasiDsg b the wholesaiebMaîkets for ÇASH oaily, tiiey ea slad CH)EERhan other ieusei in the sanie lite. ED A3D V N, çwi B. HAMILTON, Mc Gi lSirat, .Mentreal. d K ing Street, Tor"nt rono, ]Ma>'24, 180.. 'S Witby La«I S..' ufUi AT o e .T eS OPPOSITE THE G1MMR C 1 nliiate to thse public anti s estaaieni, huit, DimsitLitisi oOf Faztonbl ring desposetofa!bis stock o, o!$d, h. mntenals etire frois business, ant i es, ibis pportiuity 'T lE Pisiili enotofore ezing be reurning thanka ta ose mwisakinily gave hitin JF. B. araren anti George Csarrie, unds eir liberai patronage tiusing thisepaut yeuru.etyle, of Uzo. Ctyatiîjë&Co,, l ti.do ealso begs tastate that ait ts anti SLOUISIIsinylet intiuai consseni."Ail titstedu. tirect bc xle etieti carl y in s S e r miei b ruuntb. Colieetsby GaorgeurrC, W rto ueuale arrngcents baie e s a&e.tinusathe busi*cm ltia esmme plae. Resaeh, May lit, 1001 niaGEORGE CURBRIE OBt GBF. ~ YI~"A y ershaut ang b-ismstore in WtyJuly l IOBT[ »ERI( -e#FNFeAL S'rA gr rsty ?otters aima, adfoutise boata-frte Oft port Hope, july, 155. DAN UIOTE L I I.- 1 1 .111 1 ING SMEET, EASTO NO. -5, CITY -BIJIIoDl-X2G$, wasoliable -and

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