Whitby Reporter, 3 Aug 1850, p. 2

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ingharni a6e nd entere l lisuPt mO11t Î8'ýEliis','Olnut L~adyXc~ datugb ëlon lorselikek, attendead -a greom. .Si r obent lind ncap swerve'd towands thre rails$ ut' tire Çi' Park, and tbrew Sir Roert 'side%% unr his left sireilder. Tvu gentîca' îvho were clome toe cspun)t rnîtorm and id ?&d him, boi'g hit u ia sit, poisture. Dr Fottegrt was the tl gent!enuan to enderassistance. Saw the. accident frçni a distarweof yard4s, afoqse>ig~rward neac th~e&pot ju8t -es8ir Rtibe<Z bath 1 Sir EkQ 4Fnm being ag ise,4rua'# ,~vtpry liaÎ ,,wad inreply to, Dr - Dpping the e(w ,mmeuts whichelAI * d« l~ê~, a carriage wgs prSelre Robert becubme unceusciors, iuii state ho, remiained rtifl nfter bhe bosna aisted mb tirte carrnage. * thon us.gbtiy revived, anid again ini q ey, o Dr Foucazt, said, " 1feel beti he-,cariag . wa t ndered tf0 îlowly thnoug-h tire Park te White Garen§ ir 3olert bling supjxirte Dr FouSrand the twcn geauîlouirer 1s4êr4mtraiseýd hlmi from the groi WhpyMW o mepnrmeed-cd mre thar wu~~hen Sir Janmes Clunke muet *cgrriage, ap4, haviung hèrirduf -the &ts, amé up tà o»e ifie uuld Tel 8w Jugiem te accuifiixa ny m m carrisge t. Wiritobiall, whîeb Sir Ju cG»84se te odo. Iin a fewmý il' al«. ho haà -emtecd '-te' carriage ilbrq1 we.çïae mucli excitc-d, andi ideàvoured t. raise lfiinnehf tnp, whîi neeasan>'t.prcrvelit. the a mitito a staiteoruthaîf-uru *ciouutol i whnch lire remained 1 hu srriva1 in WiitehailhGardons. Win Iiiedont of tire, carniagze he _ i adwlkd vilh amustance, %* 1br*t was,-tietby L4dy Peel b.e .a*aitng Is arrivaliiiili anxaety, azftr l1'tuinigreceived îi gence.of Itheident. lady Peel overwholmed witir eniui,- and w have flupg heracif itîte ber h be arwi, had net Sir Jameti Clairke the other geuflemen in,-xattentdçtne, m<w.4 herý Tino efeeet'f tire uic upon Six -Uob6rt vasiextremel>'y fol. He swoqoedA, ltbe arùm o Fp~au, ý1ac*d mîpumi a ln&u h, ieaaut oparaîitient (fue*dii jé 7reëFfoûý tidiruera Sir-Ri wâ#ever removed, and -no'extrel sptp tepif a(. -thevery eulta be o1fV ues uitrrrûurcng lu bs coîreh, towardi Pl". omir rtl -n-th extended hi$ fauter ~th ie !n'g hrnd, and, in i atitude bespeakc ut Sie Ing the ilitensity uoflis feelings, whis seute léered i ajcarcely audible voie' e, "Go mad At tire te.mînuti<n'th Iis distresiinl Zts ee eLord Harding-,e a.d' ir'ne ajnwl Graham ,whô iad beeun normedc an the fatali result anticiînatedi, wereadmit j,< ý ted to tire pimsence oif -tie Intient, rici was t apidiy sinking. Buithgeîttimfen weri acture pain'mmly affected; anid Weil' miglit Lori euàt tO llardinge remnrk4 on heaving thre roic jo )thnat the eobttemlatron ii o.1l ieluve lerb friend epon liis dying ieiir at muer oununerved!himi thul-i u1t t4é daneets h woeéaceordinigly'. appiied tu tic'lefi N4 hou1der by Dr Foucart, and a large 'quantity et bIood was obtaîned. Tere was Do positive impnrovenment in the ýc&ndition of tlïe patient t'rom his oper- Uck. ation, and lie coiitinued i a very pro- flll carimns stite thrurrghuuotit fie whuleet' Su ilaY-'U4 N y onday Sir Rb cp~~irom and at- 1, Iletenuple<td m rise himself tii i bd. 1c' n;Ii stuate lire .ont4 uu4'clU r i1g tire 1by igre-a1or'p>dtý'bf tbl0'liiýittX»nd'at inter-. cc> als lie hecauno su much exluausted tirai lIs is 'nnuidîeu1 a«teiidants ivere Sivral tîmes ofu;îinion tiratie ho îuiti rot sur- -envive thrOuIî lite uighylt. 'lu1tireparo.x-. vays Ysn1s u-oflui s sfritig, '.Sir Iobert's pe houtirts Wèe 'ilî iris oldcst anti derr- Vard. c«t 1riend', andti LImainies of liard- ,ting inge annd Graliain were frt!qientiy rîpon ,hirl lins lîi's. At4 four ou'clook on Tiestlari :Ile Ilurninng, i'Rnfliiîoaunl 7,15 6lcepe iii whiclirieholtA'itied mtiliiullr- recd rmtdl]Y uiut*l 'glOMeock. 01 a*,vi.tk Wçn inçz, lis tniti wais q~eerpsd r aud to e he tch refrr'shcd bk' lno test luw F'ôu- lhati njoyèdI. Therc was v ti; ,luwev- , or, cause- for' intenise n'nXietv. 'ur lli."e the e jueiod of ftile areident tmp bIotitis psedîhue, (neuînly seveuty lirs,) Sir Roi>- hijjij a olrsut'(ianijugne ud4ti ireyolk of hati an cge: Iietelitu il, whieh lue wâs' lad ie- jic ed iwïth sunne tdiffienlty te swmllow'. it n- NMedicinohi4d" lico rrîwîîit rims .v er."1 malter ot' eotnrse, but t1iroinghnouit tilt, Irive sane lengthtne-d peri t ire systeîîî hadt eial remainéleti îéfrfotly îuîtîetivc Tnt if uie iuad gfreat'lv invrenuset ilnTuesclay. %VhQ nn1arking frim- 110A to lis, anid ilocorrn- ni. i %itg 1 "ywrik. At non011 tnes(dav, n 30JSrRhr xrsc $ifMm.lfto bho a -acci- 1111Y. utX siort duratio'n. At 1t ! iier (u'c1.oèk, fliar more dtllr(,tnîrs sz'rl'utonîri ,s rt Ille s>n' -iense <. -i1ln~tn hUes s'ir RI)certt- 1pr;in hol>r mhes.'or l anIv. ud fis s'n,' (e,,îfr 1tiii. ' .sir u i oneit ns>r;n y fut'a-!'qnes ich it tubu h! -sinkiîg into ra eunuatos s trte. Sir' leujarniinBrodre ' %vas .ngIiin sent COU-, for, ntud un011Iris arri val 'rcncd *ri wituDr iitlFuucart atie ieotîner rineial'en1 erne-I a 5geuîsaspect. Tiir> îrise hand ire- 1 ute conne very %weak, and i îwrkedt 118. nsn Frunu two o'celoek -lo six ocok'tlue aird >chut mire foir the ttwïrsc was iîruîrr'~e, ,huid Jtilt-, Pul"ernrnninto 130,and 1bècouïn- ýint'îl 11ng ,rrndiiîll1v wn1ker. 'Stimunlants teiwt2re adriti,ered, 'Irt lu aiduno rppnr- ~undbecanue mcioe anti more !,uitfi il. Thec amd'. Irelaitives 5were niow îifornwdIbitiiah > n the Irelief unedicai «.eieiire coniti îitVrd e rel wa exhatiqted, andt latnoiolu t, ut , reg><'ve e%iîsted -of Sir Ecrbert Pecl'sliic 1 hiin,:lteig prolungeid for twcnty-fonir Iours. >t'_D Th Blire I3îhof ut' Giralta-r,-(tlie Rev JDr , sfaTiuitu iv,'v ~erv odtfriciiud cf-Siu iln ,1et ' ruwS'»lîb o lrdutinis- bet 1er t'ne.1st tfhesbif tire ehurch. Orn :1 el 'w bi Pl il ft fi t; r a ou ppçrt of the resolutions, conten- Stitili ling tbat ài person eotld advucate them, nud yeI bc in favour of British institn- ,101s. i Mr.Perry desired leave to reply te blé' lo -Attornîey 'Gkeral. &Sveral ho". bv ;enfilçmenu bjec<IIbut 1-.lr. Prince ta ,ents were flot disiU1bei l'y >iy ta tIi hucplt llific, titIle cal suffering. t I'tcodition uof the Province. di After death an examinatJdii th ehWenIranhdfblwd tup1ai ody was mnade, when a muost impor- ýhis accusation -by miyin g une or thre ti mrt factivas for the first time diséov- otther of- them- had ehatnged. If there red 1viz., tlîat thre fffth nib on the 1IefA had been any change '.it *w s: visible in de W-88 fractured, Thits is the region teho.gntlemnan alune., If the ýlion rier Sl~~$9oI uet t u1 -gentleman wava1.wayý ý x t d Wi lican-if thé ho '4 t IwftyaflXiàt V ure w abt i ýrktý l p eigon tireîlutigg9, ment of en r)ift~isii b~i. rod( mn ivat stcbgucaHttkn uwri 4 he (Mr. B.)- lîad iriever r in tire tsip-adid utmcr, etlgurg qt lo, .gntlenan"S.ieWB, xa i rhe frtnly were-ons Ited'on th itbo- ways- siriven to ôhtln rtfksiti ct utf apost mortcm, examnntioaî, but ions-ýilie ba~isogttgir o his il eth; -Mr. , êedeirik-ý?eel-and Captaiii eetîînuymon-,tite filli and ,comtpiet>oe et- ýeeI oljeetcd,<to allow theo re naimnsto ju.ymnle,î1t of B3ritish frecclosi tndsir the tl le disturbed iii a ir.y , aùdîtIIlu e- instîitmtiarS &f Bitain9--fut. ;ho ýNUs conI- o ,ise cause ut' lis deatir will Iherefuîe vîtîce:î[ thrt lier jinstituitions were oulcu- il lever ho3 wecrtaincd. An naplietioti lated lu »flbrd tlrcm roai, solid rsdva:r- il ir pernmission to tiikc a cast Ofthte farce, t;r, lst If îliey swVeÎ)t itei way, if S~ roin an enifint sciptur, %,Vas also rt- they berî uoccie îhrpbi ùsc'. cat prmicile~t~ man that lived to sec Lady ]Piel cuntinîned tîogîrdtledt timut4iiigc e as nmade, voffd i ['r;'~dv n i t pSja le 4, oe ýie-1len " 1ï*o' to rire it.,, But Ilins oPi nions la rost ration, anr sed îy îuort1L hrl',,ý,':n n icdfe heIôi ilîebs iad su iinîteli iîneroasudc loiil;î ':à.(r lî as idin c a d WGs foittîd .r(eessary Lu eall ii :Sir J3erî- , ollir ïmati iii .tli6c ILoUse or out Of- th~ic ýaiin Jrdie. Ilofsu b riug a siglC, vo làa inl Several ofithe Ipriînncîpn.l merrantile es. iihie l'io shotlnriat tIl C V'.wevre evc r dift'r- abh~Iîcn. ialie citv and at thue nt froîh wht b e nouW belà. it %wasC west en nîi~tdtheïrr lngh rvespvwettriio tliat'solîlO pIersonýs ha dattrihtcb [r Illela îie.d decciasrd. anîd thcir 'hr t eet ;tro -0coreicar Jeep re,,rct uit lis 1reatutirel dewiise-l»,iiisti tiilt ic!ls iii flic. cor'iitX , it was trl-c'C do1sig their winnows-a-t Iroeeediî;g tlitat sotiie ucrisln, raiîaý6e is et'- îlm1ost îîîîiviu'rsaly t.dojted ini-i eeigb- foirts %world tr inaeii th,- çI t~h >onrîod f hLeluI. l'.'flaues otment of repuilica'n ,î istigfltiis, but, 'Le iJiIV vetsctsI¶(>n tin river, and also ouh tad a highier op ilion otflî's colintrv- naîî1y puîblic bu-ilditngs, were hoistcd mieni li-an ',.fbelic-ve that stIcb opinîionsý naît' illast Iliihas a3. mrk of respect lu wt'r>'geîîeC'al, lie bail a Vîighrer oiopinion .l>c ireicm(ry ÏJ 1thedceasek oý.f tlueni flîfii1to bl(IiVe n lai teydesM- - r" repul jea ismand lie tutt thjat opiii- A R R iV A LOF T'Il E "CANA ." jin uA' 1thym still. ILedive4 iait tlîey wcro auixo1s .os e all èi il- NE-'0011K, JUIlV 131. Stitilti)flf, :ait th wfreedoînof Eniîghisli- The C(aida arrre'd it ltiliti,\ at 71 îîiiu. lef behicved Itat. iitder thier ,'le n' iou nat aim ~> tiyfeIt Confident.t'reuýijoying irIle New mok illi17.,) rdS('igC'rs. 1t;rvitst atiitt' h lappins ,ever ('(1-, Coitoir advancvtd. Irlur isii 1<, bîîy'. ferredi oâ anv PepleicIf lietuniîo l'rees~tunîînl Corn is (1101.12S lowr at lie ivas wronii tMirait opinion.,lhe r>rv'~nnî,--cc ii eoeeinIvduil ; woîîld tellI theni it w.1s iliiadiroeaey ari \ieç >t>i ua'rue.qurv;Ir tule at- dee utthcuh ipiSle liai! speCî racts #JO at('.miofl ;Baconl. SourIe c1îal- lus w lir he. Ilc wuld tell thon> iies ii tfair deunand ffor rlauîd. letier lue stiilretaîred lus princrl es, althlih LQdsef'ipti<ur ontkîruphj; lais, du11 ; 11-inliglit filit, îî'ren tou lat ', thuat lie htirebers lîr c1 chd rfôr. rýigit havéeIlle mist'orfuicîeta difIer Tire. )'acrific nrrnved -it niepoî t wiih tihélion. ntînhrfor Itle East 11,i- 5on VednesdaY nuoring hr tf -York, althotiîgh lic înighlihve t ai a InuIt' (lay floîni Nc'w York~. lo edifl'r %%,th the wliolt» eounl ry. The ThIe Cambrbt arrivèd the duv previomîs hotu. inleniber for Essex ladaidtu ut -half-1-rpast five, thirtcen davsi frçni a henwloin lié could.ilie, .'or tiinîkuof zew Yourk. te%,ccnfet elng fviter- At the' latesi dates teA jica fle.atinandi résjpct. (A îr t ,rnu- n'as otf Lisloui, but thc papers ftirnisli titn ulmiost overpowerid l 0te lion, -en- Du ricWs w1ith td u theodiffercncts tl'inati l l ic t waS truc lie ( 13 ) bc'tween portnig:idnd Ile lUnited madti 'qiirred t'cn Iitiahat love for. * nts.Britishr IrSt ittitiois 'lice Ver Ihad, andi. Nu' dlult but that hcjsilites ere thiýs ever wollid ch élerish. twsruht liaile actirnlly octîrreti betweell PDon- Jfîe I im i àd ýacquieti thoS'C princi- lmark ân(l the Ducties, if su, ini port- pies wthiehî id guidetd hlm trul tnt res.uits are likely. toenie ri s a El~.lie. mt vrtift tlnotçinii farne Russian fleet is off' the cCnaýt, for ciples; lie hati ev6e chcishcdl that love; tueý avowedti pnr"osé ut' rende ring hue lit fhad-ever heeiî lîisTr'ide that lic hiad Danes ail tlire:assistanC tbey rn-nýy re- liveti ani," e lîopect tuGotile od qinire. j~~~die a,]3ritIi ujt. [rmenos Tihe 0Overland Maàil b)rIngs tiwc weeks applatise -whiieh rtung throujghont the inter ativiCes fruin China, hall.for r inuites.] ,lied ho caî- Tire comnumercial tre-atybtw een Clii- 1 getior Iiadith irhoiiîu»br bne fd;gotten' t as thbe peoi Mn e nry ed, fb tboluift týAttor- iey-enèaU>~ Most comt$ctely faiteci in iris atlempt- tu nnke humi (Mn P.) rap- thbiru mself. or in ,.ustainir>g Iis charge if inconsisteno>' agitinst bin. -MnP.) rutl tirat1ie was tiot tino clangerd main, neitirer iadlue ,511)(Aed or attl)îtCd buo lion' or prove tîtat the alpltnuiineCih ut ire Cont>'t Regfistrar, b>' flue Cotînt>' Courino' il'ii1850, t.ioijl(lho ruore rciuib): lea> or revoltitonary thali wutuld:lbave ieen tire appoinbmcnt, býy thre saine buody, oft'hie Tireasurcr itiu 18 41. lie, dJid.not by any3runeani cirarge tino Atter- 'ny-Genieral *ith haviuug aueed, wruug in entieavuning lu ijtrodnce. tiat systeni- inté tié Municipal Bih în, 184.1 ci],tire conirary,.he ali, )rôvof t'thal priu'uiîîle Liien nis ie stili' did, andi j1likfified thre Altorney-Gembcral'5 cn ticeavonîrtilu minro- 'm ime e leCtvorînoeile, huit lic de- tiiti awig ~iprvcu ut irs nceavors touljerii anti tiesîro>'il ýat'erwmrdsi, aunai consicred tirat in su tioin - lue hrati cni- tiitf<'d1 a crent mite.le thon anti shjilniioglît nhrt lie, Mn Batlawint, like Mnrlue~ Sirouultifiuîally bave vot'et t'on tInoli!as iîl n'as, but believiligIhiu ili the maain, iionc'sî, esoun, andlsîrucete, lic w-as wihliîtumzt«uon$iden thatit ilWf'u înorc'y an erro -of th ire nad [in, -bis Sover zeal] andl ep ' i ehe bet. 1e lhercet'o îa5sd 'uver ttraI citôr iii si- lence, P' s w-cil a2q othens 'uthichnileed nl no% 13c nuentioned, amui ountinuuod te F ive hiirn lbis confidence' and tlp)rlr,, but lime liati rîw toch1ar e bim wvith de- nounruiîmg pnlriciples in &80 wluieiî lre stnetirionsly supînonted ini 184.1,5 aàn(1 lu ail 1n ppaaîe nt ule niW'aS be-7 hieved iy linu (-Mn1P.) auîdtie ounhny bu Support!up ho tire lime of' thre, lasn elcction îà 1847, Anal pnay hnotv1,,ýrlas~ lue mettli harea xncte i Se'lf' frutti the dili' iunua?~Crauî o ais lie, Mnj P., before 'saiti, by suiîg ®n atttirttm ;lîuigh lothat hue pie- pies lu>' tla'r'uadvanc-ed rj"cre - iessr ,sii1iprt.ed, but iîy taikinghpflIdl Wom>t t despised. ab)andtieela i- trap, ctiokoo. cry ut' Lovalt y jepjj)i.- cruîî istri Revol mu ion.ani Treasoru, overý wmiclulicapcansnouv as reaidy lu shati tars as if fie was'tire Veriest tory iii tIhe hit1 tweuty-five y'ears. ugo. -But1 ho ivotilI tl im Ihat il 'mvis toi, lafe iii thee day; thlese tiings w-ill nul 'o don id aiyparty,-or bodv.,, as -il-, tire gooti &laiC.ompact times. ,Tire 'ot- t>' ~ ý ;nrtc ,' vidn tehue learnieti ly j a o1dvancf Onc genîtienhan lbar? atîetcpdtua nc prove blis aus< rtion tirat il'w-as lie. '17 P, tir abdýchiaigcti, w-as thnereading" som et rvIor sein. p front a speeh ,wttieh lie, MnI P. ,deiiveêred aI a jdintier guI up il, Toronté iii sinpptu'rtof ice Ic'arned Attorney Gouentui somtu1elgirt or n ueyar go, whiere tire, eamnecd 1gentlem~an ubtailned liîeSe crjS, Mine- tirer frein a memouranidmu nuakep by himselt' attie tiznt aund caetneiyIre' served uunt;l nru, or nol, hue ucither knecw n.on carc'd, but ne ire Jiad corne. hbere w) wellWpreparedfor thre ueaioli, ilwas fuir lu prestîmneit %vas al tile ecv.! TUERE.P el 1m a =r, und tirul lerenr u re.-1rnue W1aifrl, SÂTURDAY, EDITORIAL IN Thre Ediporof bhe Wbitb to intimaire Io tiere raders or 'qimcec new arrar beeru muadte, hë bas withdun bas Iibierto ocenpied.'lle rO',<5IBLY~F oiLTUF Z ATXC thre coltnns of tire4eqO continue toôT4nrfd à r 4ýp bce miay be ale buoffer, and hecait toierr. the intrulesai .Mr 1Pei 'waid in t bave ber Siltustîratio zynow in imin, andthat tire peej le, god, simplle souks, had n2oling whli du in tlîe malter, ex t place conifdenceo in uni, an asseutl a %vord or thruigirt, pr oôr coin, b says on doeiý; buut, ![r jnermittted tt:9telFhirin, ýM osrn iitor "nt, -thr t îý1uinuu>g a tk»le peole;- as Capable of ,jtrdgine a#'tcai4b is nul fut thirr.iutèreýt'&r iée thre ininister;. and tbàtk gentlet» flndi Outin ýdne tim(n,' tlat ýsuc] case. Anat lié must 4bllp ye tri teil thir Onotirablý and)e-ar tonne>' Gnçri WS~t? ta¾b( 'hftian lu o i hOmruJlef 'andti nlilîbieor t il> uppo e thé ho pin Is lus irat >;upunIr's hbd, ,ers al] tire- olitf~i wi vtsdeîn, kîr ati commén seinre in Caua<ia N After saune fturtli diseustWmî Mn4r Scott, Rytown, mned,1 cnsierat of t'the saiti ru înostpojnüd' liii Monday next.. Xlrnlhc'Imoved ini amenc Itesaid prolkoscd amenîdiie the words *"Monday mnxt" hoý lui uoelu aIdlthe iwordls"1-lis rîtonils."- Yeans, 39 ; Nays, Il 'Alr]'erry thon rlovetiadaliti( oiîîtiuuïustie c»conside-rati:xt .0 ,%as ,also pustponed, tîponthei IviQiuol tilt. tlisday six nionths. cd against 1 his allian& ne s a greadubreaci geiitleiii-a's langtiae--wIiatvere his' ut~~~~~~~~~~ tieqarpelrly. ' 'oiiin e' sêîd the respunsiIbie Tir, tuss et' tireVi cercy oait«ed 'no (d4vrnméntof tire Parent Statna '%u desperdency arneng tire ,'frienis et'the thie Imost ies3i#a'lé ystemn for theo colo- Gurlway huge ' nies. ]M>d the hon. - entleman' rneaf ________what lie said 1'- If lie did, -ilere côuild« IIOUSE 0F ASSEMBLY. bho nf) difI'erernietf -0piiii 2be*ei C(fntnuel ft Ouatu , themý, ltint if' he dïd'Dont, 'hetu 011lie Afttr sone remarks frem 1MJr Çamer- 11dsy ,'b Is' p 1nté on -[Kepnti'an' Mr Prince, 'mnhdnsedhîul. i wri üxe Mr Baldwin said?1ie %vas açel s(, jnncp1 Iv-M1Y3lavn b,4~e~ th é honurabie meinui1), f ro the 'East:> U> 15O tce Uiditig of. York. %vitli,'hcustec..h «tlnw HwoJdicJs em Trlio n i1r Vtf tee rsolutins .L.ronè- bê':lxad ob-. Mnow wi ti iàh jtv to MVwli.fuic 11(j]; ili ~1 %F

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