Whitby Reporter, 10 Aug 1850, p. 3

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e'- ne e "tof'the Pr=res ienstrated --aa nteiruption in the disehiirge of higly. Ths i th body which des net %wantits piiee defincd ; =d to lie plaintiff, judgoý and jury as to attacks rnadr, un its t¶igàty. What a'., tiuno was that to bring -a cuî}trit bêfore the- bar, thàt Saturdul'y cvening, .,îs -rriving at th,,elos.e o'f*u %ek,~Vllîen ct-O~'ry rm.wd shouUI be sôiemnînsed Ibr the culrn&Y' of rest appIrOching-whRt a iiiie to bu'ing a qc-lprit tup fur 'jùtdgrnen't. heforé the lione its inemberu engaged ni roarrng and tightin g, witîî foi-i ontlis rising t-nÏtid thediti nutif frorn îîndeîno- niîi. A ligniîrned body ! a 'solenin boixdy ! ! a body w'ortlîy of the- lîighlesî C SEN1E IN TuE ." ASSRM.BLY. Frcun Itte Journal auudt Expregs. -The mlnubers off te ic Asta)mbiywlio 'anînttpermî~it the R1rt'stoecorne -"bctweetî te widnt b-ir ihotility," lx w e eîtabtng',ret-ch éthe-r iniai ttlIliat wotilîd gain thei cwedit i na i'sttain grect 1iscîtory N- arket in Loin- lou., called Bliîgg-T h folulow- buîg $celle wiII s.how' the opiniiin liu t' ltnorile" genitleîci ltavt'cff <'at-lt "Ms (;tlgy attackied Mr Prince for dîcmsionIî e.îiîg t1he otr'n f te Vtctrcuîhîîest (otnîrtte"sfirtst report ltac'k ti?,divin uî tbr r--ttsdriu.M r ~îgaud ettonl- ith v'îtIî ii \lîînre for i I'ii'c ~neflt goo.d 01u1'rtyo a iiubcc , aiig k'eu lurneld outet tefîf'Iie . r l riîe very het.Iy saici ht-t Mir (hîty vas tllt!an ;tîtriiili ;' lie 1'~ad r*vsigîîed his ellic . NIr sice had walked dowNv stairs wlîeîw lie satw pneparation1s iriaking ztor kicking lýin M~u. Nr-Piîîee iii il tw"lec J sf1- pres~ed rav, 'ýid tt ebu ~vudsay sue h a ù ui til v n i r. 'Cu x F r«CojLII.--Tr", eenW worthof, iquericee îbree cent$' WorOf 0 UII Atbie; piut. themin iiaquat of wsrm w8I, simêser theni iI thoteughly -disseved,' thoen add thiee cents' weorth cf paregerie, and, a like quantity of 'anti- meunil wine. tLet it cool, i-d sip wbeneverrihe cougli la troubIescne. h lupteasant, uinfalible, * chsap and gond. Es celtàsi t teen. cents. M%otta ui A»DEc-h-tlail Whoc belie'e lunte pregreua et'Caiaa, tcadth le fol- ltiwiig-The c'clietious ut the port ci Brock-, ville, for the Quarter -eidiag 5th iuly, 1850, wore,-- ------- ------£2960 55 , Corresponding'(uarter, .1849, - 1477 0 o Shewiui-<nn*Jincrease cf - - 14-0() Canadiauts have enly te "ilwIp Ibemselves ;" net, îo-allow bugbeuirs tu fighiea ïbhem f rom takui-ug a, hianin s»everythi-t endinq te the deveioprnent ef theit mesî ources, or i-n the estalIishîment of mat-u- factures cf a remnuîîrating nature. PPîUî,Ttes OFci-rNoe'os.-The fotlow ,iiig ix te cenus cf tIse Cilty cf kint-4ton l'or the year 1550 :-(excusi--e of the garrtsetî andi the adpin iîîg ,stbutlis c01Ilarriefieliti asd Iicrlsmouth,> %I11> it*taryt-lf2tX); $etdierâl %Warnen ai-d CIIutcu 14 'i rr it-ienit, 21e)4>; l'orîsilleut 5(X); tPententjar', 587. 2'ctaîploptdatînn, 13,0-17. W irr vr v j. A' i: pEx 1- 1 u-; ' w o -W Ve wcere intbracili hy ll;ahl tighi, that about hiaIf thîI1 ystuiy -e tcar o(lte large f1v(-i-,ory hnuck s1o1a', oe!Ctjiiçîjdby Mii 1~ & CO, curit-et-, 46, Spîiuce Steeùt, 1lueiit tat e va.ib i-.îîîawîiatîemtîcudcus trai-at irg n h hh.-iîgt h ruins -ai - fluccri)Csous, ini the cutijlo*y cf M.'.-îis îlo-t. hI-t'a-siowti litaitmati>' were alitvc iîtder the luiris, froîri the cries ef uîgolty ltaI ijssiîcd lt-oit- vat ious qîtaricus of tite wcigbly nî)abâ. Four îiersins hlve elie» extricalt, it coi-i-d not lie~ ~ ~ ~~1 idnife.GbbUV &t. The Arieticans arc thnrîtly to reccoivc lIt. vi.xits ofl two l'lit.I<i '~~'»~ l l'îkish'amn- i,ý tow <on his w'ay. andi Lord, Brotiharn h~.- ;nttnir'd i nte'ntiort Ioi croeag dt cAtlantic Irisideut Filirniore ai-Plait the' m"rnbers o)f his cae~ttare hr; yei s.1 Newfotuîîd!aàud pap..r.s statetatî. areti ;ald filii,, "d f uns piovcd Iavoral, of 1 sm, ot 'y"jxetfl jqualiîy. lhaï teen V 1t 1liy i<ccrdt. h î.îouho fB~v lIacklt'tl of a sm'prnor qtjalîy, has latfly let-en fouimnl n<'ir tut' Falls ôof the IRiver st. John, Ne,.v ln~4Ik iit~ J~~* qî-y It. (oc'ror- p trai ha. t-- ceepd1 t>cali lie A1011nii tIltu a '1i- tht-îr ilt-Lni e Ilt gLord 1-p~i so -14 lit ti f Jt24 '11r4ly eue î'ii clît 1ta vi'e î.'td tlt A publficrnhî'11'! 1 bu "') b CinI rock- lc iiakt-r, so vur\ <r<' tii Il,> tii' rt p o-la uttth onittu trcL dIgîîity ('tt' 1iîi o. 'lm ru e's~sii 5iP" t~td~tLt r the assants c rejurtei; wîlî s trev~h- A iii'm±ndic(din1 Auloxrn, 'N. Vf w-,c U îîen wîof idk IlS ttti t t la .ur. - ttt l b.eiera. andi so zrreat -fin * honotîralduîuolse.-nr--y Ctu'ayi~çi.~au ¼tnw't i e~o nig l -t' ave lttiIj.t t I a u'îi rî'bîîhe pet loi mcd 1th 'k chly. Aft:rfr- tot the coVin on a i~tlcu~~ ef iies un z>-ut1c'çiaî I 'il f.-att. tt- Ltflfnalt it'h od riv'. .wheri the mayer ~. ~* î <'a ci t-tii U , tîî d ve .hiîntl.. utc', ~ ~ l num , i-i-e tliv îtattcdilit-athc-e r inîal ef~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ýjV tif~av'Vd ± 'ctiIe 'i-r ome- n-fiec-if sia einin" ay cf i-be c'rts5 bt-idg '111(+t li-rt' ~-.111aieu d t' t' il. lBiitil --<tit ii'e tif 70" -tlir~aca îutibc u uij'uîtears i. (ft iît It'e i i!ztlî t y -:t -i tiiI y I tf.-rai-l't-d i -'l t- tet. ir d aaetitly w- u itin- th-ei iulvS ivreilttâ ;': 1't10 -tiu Li- i igtht ihaiet 5îJ 1;m9X -,iiiXX--d). t ,sc tn îutctîîers r.tii- hVi-tu,îîuti lt i t Fi -he.~.îT t'e %-as a±ret t ir"e aI ber whaîlsýt ti' o 11 îr ua tt- -'-trctitttheh11tf, It cu rriettnced ti a buili- oit ~'1~ïri-~;k~; l irig at le et: Iendoi uc loIhe îd eccuqn:d for thé conc d Cio ofplu gy's uticolliie sulh ,idei'tidg tlrtc Mtat-d brtu 42 (mi Ilit-rilayv. thie n a i-tlite w itle bloc.k bel wdtJt lire t-r anti -imi thie :uîthr trit w-esil'i uîdktoWul,î <2isî-rîos ru o'r in.- e anrttolv y'ît thuîrmc -v ais t-10 .lrr-î ît'àig iiitoth(! Iacti'r ouîre'lin tbte tnt-nu>'of a îîetsohs niarnit 1n i-it fjrilitl<in- ui;île fî olg.-s, i-c'siinz in the (Quîee s inrs,1»th( ju i oa n td n ii;t e iî-l ttt e'f .stetî- rct nu!.t. i ipp'art i tat au clo tIuiv t'rt--îrt(ct-s rt-td ttkL i 1j i dt-f 14l rt-iod-iat, lia'iboc eittl -tin charuge oi )îLujî'~~~ <'j<,~~,it sister, a iie ;gis' 'i-tht-but il yt-ars,-m'ho, bai-' lait, r r ittîifiiwt,-f cc<'j't li t tlit- ç'titctinti ct Il're Zr 4.îf!zca StY-t. r.eentI7, !!(t tis litl-t'z w t wc'n 10 -l'artf"i. c'a ' -.11d n Ii iLs 01clmrin .k-î rt i,- i , intti- J tli- jiiI , ii: wo pie . A Iwpefuîn-ci hen d i Ui' itr l < r'tir- xisièvl~) AI- 1- :<. îr t; tWinapr;orpe fés !Oid ii a.1ut-l. ; h>ia t - or<i*.'. îtd tht -sl1îrîi ti 'rl tip. àttt1tii"ht-- tY-îr-E< 1Jrt- inutil 4 'fien.- il r'ctvt-- cdeon~ ttit" T he 'liat<iclit k gnig on moUt-ff l'ite(errnn S ttc IF raîr- iioft hâs ali'orirc-d Ite Msn etîi tttte '-reCî~ î'«ii itoit ty. rTe sittti,,z iï a muitt-ki it C-e2nd tof An-1 T'h& popît1airdin .'tf Fr'jr-'. aro tiiî a abai iitlive <sttatate. is ittlë!' 1rty-'îx -il- .Uriptîti it!lumt ic2thh, anldis able Ila I'e out-deor mxet-cise al 1. Trtc. Quc "rtbs titêrcd k1" n.v ec . ni er i-ttttdy, Ilitjfe sain"in t a te erage ,a-i w'asCclit- foeireâ. on Lady ('aitrtlnit antiAlui-r fhnty; but fAdy Peci Ila i- ec'iuned if, t-t-îtyitîrr thati t was lier ite sire tole bar rio oîhri uuct'm litaitb% vt(Iicilt'hot rate ihu4ïljrtrtd waî knuîwue i,-rd adin'- Iisal uI ivas, Ilte s ise i ue-tion àof le laIel r "Obit. titat noc f i f- riy "were tu ac4cepi 11W i-tu e of p0tdic -rewtîvd for uutv services try. - ai.tt4)rKàb tlia, iî I llhe i-tpeten feri.no fë-w ci than 8314,000 pert.etts have ecmti-raed-frai-n <ireat il-itai rnil'iuîg neariv gnc.tiriugiI fli t'te -whoie îîuurnbt'r ôf'ltuepeîlailt Littlertel.. thc janitor, bas psirc'ham"Pod a furin in Sharoui t. i, with the rewr- d d m for-(dis-, -covc.!riuîr thé iurdeter <of .1rleaîî'<tr, ç1mies Davis;, a caloured i qmtk lwascoin-1 triiteýta te ojail eof Hamiiton, on donday lust, erharg.-dwith cuit inm the deahi acf r n-ati naî-ted George Ste-wart. WlemîtFiurtbaroe, h1) a.miniter- and ioot, iwhich proved to Wpoi6rtoilll . The Lo%îé-T Canada VÊpert m rpl,- itctit orclirrence etflittisit bhoiiday leal hoIidaîrs liy, a rent Act ef Pari 'hee'Faîne zgai hurtg ii-has faitei lias turnM sI etiaIl gas. Alý thote Coi-t! Mines and Gax Compiiesm2î ~appreiension, boid théir itbaru itt iltlil eijoy tlie'in leep as they were at7ived at New York,itislia cargo China.'This lW the. rt instance urider, the eerliietiof lte new 1I other vmese are in fallow. Itii aà itaille openig ferour sbpping.4P* il of te fte- -wont.-Y Y licr. itiii it in te cornier, lilst there ^fhe Lutt ~'a, c ryieJrway- hy tise cries ni a ymrrtger l>ctt',ani %i t 1. oî.icvxiziechil.'i, 'fch» liert absisr-e r-ttntdIo t<i'<t1 îothe ihote, and I fe Onî C *i he kitger rlàntn ýhe fotîiite vor tui c t'oîîr' s:n'rr inri- iihe s"il, lblt %vas una- ie ii r-efilh ; ati efoiî atsiMtaimtc ould lS gc.t h î,oy r ite'5 itai its-.and hifl hati itcorne extmire. Ariit iqtue-st wu,ziqhtld on the hody te Ainr, aItg rU '- tat 1-ewa' 4.:rvedloria'ing h Wfty io t 4e 'oIli liuteon iteSydtithjaunItoadi- - ltnt he' man at t lie 'l'Ili tîpîke Bar 1BuIt ti7t-tl a 161)g pOit- And dîii,îîuisht'd hi s sai-e vjil<'ir. Ont c"itriitin twsfiuthat bis snak' eip had le meulrtes, w-iffi the appearaîîce of havi»; ltad mc4re. le nit-urcrd fou-r ttet Io Mk crder. ox-un-t -4 e earîcr laf iiht atanoîber ut u estptiles, iaviiuîrili-io rattieit, hadi lien kiliec uea tte- srtie place, bya pcar ia For 'i-tr cwn Part, w-e hatve rlsicdesire o la " o izpyrt~ i) nÇit Comnpany, 1îPl (de we inaIlle 1t».at tii-y ê"lte =ai-an ah iheturapîk b' -Wr J'.iinîi~'s.-hemagîu1 rom lKingston,. on ' ber lasi trip, hati abouti 21)0> emigr1ant- passencret's, the .rest of Ilteuri drojîpeci off at thie ncrdit poils, arnd ver>' ftw arrivcd in Hareiiton. - Withl' he .cptian et' abent tiatita detien, they ail paid, theïr -îsg. The plun of not forwardiag cmi- gratits -ah lie public expen.«e bas worked Weil Ibis' seascan. CQor -ciy hais i-icibeeti,-as. herèteforeï: CrOwded willi dest.tiDe e gaît-hyhave l)i-c obliîed to take wcvrk w' t hey eouid get il,, wbict they' woulil omt do se long las the goveu- m-rent paidifor thetr trausepori -pst., Great icinhers ,of erffi-crants are ncw eurnp'd crn lMe raiuroads~ iii- Fie E-ust, ai 3s !il perday-ýJourrudI4 Exa'press. IîvrSTU Sîw cîiitT-0 îedy i-i-tr tasi, as Se Jeatenkins, with his i-Çife and wièssiWier, a y0ltig chyiW or six or sevýen years ut age;, was retring home id a omall ient (rein a "pc-i--k" eltiqn tatdqat " 3iaa'ersVen, Pittshîtrgjh, otie cffltc oar,4 l>e,,ame entatigedmitIt lte Weedà at thbe edge 0( tiie Chann-el,' in at*eMpt- iiig b clear wb1icl.Ille bout beclam e yssead somewttattencihat side, causimNfr sJeu las tu lieri a iiUf ii$Ile saine direction. IIPeiU seeingz tbis, 'Mr Jenking, boitig afraid tii-t h« .biuslian4i ivite abolit Io fail luittetfie waler, very hnprudently1 spro a u p Ile atch boid of hlm, when, melancholy' te relate, the bitiupet, etndait lhree were thmu ri ilaie the streaun. The ot$er lîs>ts etumni!g fromt the saine place, were aI sêure ditance;,dins .of d eut <,)cr-urr-n'w lui i-îievilîtîg cf New Hope oi Sunday atteriroort lasi, '1'lîce trien?» Frecierick Lang, a cooper <.1 Mn j.1 lespeilçr's, -iti Ne.w IIupe ; lient-y Wrliadt, bt'ewet-, oft i'iesttil, ai Pitler Viùint-nihc, ai wag-froui-takci-, of Nc% liope, sîtocdinir1'f.-iot of Ariarni S-ccl'e laver», loaki;tg -rtt tic c Crtcî<iand tI iuttiuug n'tellîiil w'oulîl 1-- advisaije Ii- rBernthart leIcave lot- bortne Iefciitrt hie nain or nîct, i-i-e» a flash-cf li-,hit î ttick -the wbolc thice. Lai-g;andu Bernt-hardt wcee browti-» cthe gci-urd immedi- atey-Vuirrobach sawi'hi'rn l!iiug, an-d i-mme- îlîateiy Itell bintsf; boit-t-vr he so-ait tecoeed. attl feit oui>' a slt-ght it)tci y4.n hi-ý foot. Be-t Iitttdt watt t-airic i ltto uh-- httttsc oftfNls'Scott, ~ettne',but afier aupplicati-on of ccciii watt-r pxeti-cele-tes', li:§ blu'cti i arain liibreathe 1tzairi,blait i-tas tlcçrrlicl outsight. Luitgn -1a hiiil on.I tiilte 51511, antd aiteffortts in t-e-so i ma 1u-0 c 1life ',i-- f cu îli t b e i in vain ., M 1d sa I ait! w . t' al bweiitohtt iertibar-di anti Laruy r the latter i-iai- sîrptck o. lte hieasî,,autl d (eatÏi nuxt liai-e 11t0011iîftes', but w-as îofl èiy itlud. Lang i-va takeii t) l'i'a.lea thet- -ije nigît-litc, cii-ipexa.nti- uatnon, it ivis pt-ci--thiiiti the whciie ote bis body Itat bc-uii îunnt and îd sii,,-d, lt î--cli ic tiuid itav- wî o b[.;fot, tt-oiing& ýi;t î Ynthi-b it cf thie leg-s. Btirîthardt bail t'11 ttiple Ii f) Ofsla-e 1î;,citandt wo in the cber c»n te, sutlace cf i'te foot, sutut ai lcu'ttoltSlilurIlie pi -ý W u a îtiîWe~i e ei, auitîl » csoie cf the týouttt- Ibc Liii iva. latu ii-lIe srrcefl a pea, asnd- 111114tu~ tht' upper Icathür off bis bootsz, iream the soI, fet-- ttrtuit boles, ui--r-ttiin n -umTben anti lters'tt-nc aut3 tut-se muint-e tw-b-ethe' liigltfning Itad benl i scî-lat-g'd. Lil-v~sais lirit-c oit Muntia>'aflernt>on, anidi iaves iecuiind bit-na ritoi,-riuugý %idcw' ai-d anit rfarul. Bernaatdl l r îîtij ile unie uof ivedical mien, anti there le sorme 1 lopý rft-esi-ct-tr lus isiglt. 1lus utriirts art- sevqre. WItenregret If)to-ai- Ihatu [-i tu ytrsiet-d.uy to altctiî or ts'hie beltes' bail tkent place iii imrt-os ' 3nhardts coucbtiit. -11 ihll uiîerly Ai dvaît~eg on Con~ignmen1~ of~ Aslîc% 10 3iontrral. H1 Sclcri e i îr"pare- od a T AIW-A.NCl-:S IN CAfiI on P'OT AND PEAULAiI-S<>titt' contcl RBEEIITIl.,-Wt1l Por-t W'i.itby, Is, Aujgusl, 1Kit0. 3UIRGESS ,& L I'S TANL WIROL E SA LEM AND» ETI CORNER OP KING & CHURCII STREETS, ADJOINING t~7TiqE <MT)[~fi~~ HAVE ON flAN]) The Lorget, theo C spopt3 nuitthe 3.4 .&uurtmlelt bf, READY-MADE CLOTHING & DRY GOODS, 'STALZO CILDEN.Atieximordupay i- tempt was made titis week toesteai twe ebidreti, tie otlprng of Dutch païents, residus> tnttwo miles below flainburgh. h a ppears thit en Sat- umday iast, an Isidian, about 85, yeats et' age-eone of th tribe ichaL.iting the .coastso of Lake Supe- rior-wax Iurking about t'he village, andi endnàv- oUireti on sevemutl occasions te enter iutte conversa- tien witb lte two-<dhhiren, lbut %vas 'disappointeti. H1e centinuedt t prewl about ali day e»n Sunday, anti en-tbe ensuin; day, during the absence et' the -paseuts,beti uddeniy pounsed upon lte ebsîdren, ense cf wboun, thbe girl, was fine, andl'the otier, a' boy, was three years et' age.' These-be teck up, ne tnder sacti arn, and i t fwitb bis ecreain-, ing victim-s on the rea t twarils.1iaysvillo. Pro- viden(iali>',mre other c'hiiren'in thev'iliage saw, the îheft, andti rstued Iisuît'rm the parents, wbe, getîng the asssnce cf their neighbeurs, 'umme- diatel>' aettnff li pîîrurrit,,an thie wyetched Ibief,- being impedeti by lis btirite»,, son -founti it iîain- te tbink of escapinz. lnstead, hewevei-, et' duop- jîîng the letenified -chihcren, and cnrleavoinc te ui-ake bis 'escape, lte munbter thrmv tben isîto- Smit's Creek, anti darteti off lutte the fat-est. Thte poor' ikt centniv'ett ta 1'ain a Iootiuig, anîd le raise ber brethetu's head ithave the watt-r, andi, witb great effeotla finally pLaceci li-nduJ-ber"cll sal ci>' on îebe surt,la in itie to Ici -eethecint- hi-accu of Ibeir nealY î fitîra.tt i-parentîs and' fricat-Is.The weitched racus;sté ie basai pre'senb' esctipéd. Whaî luhis mrtive focr the- thet-r could be ià flttctly rukitowr; but wt e i-et lu sa>' he- j yet ai-tIberu>', w'itlt the îi-er e01nîepatin; simnilar bruiliacts.-(hl lcurtr Cherkeni Litt-ut do do Mlsi <c Black Alpaca ici lut-teil Co-t-il t-l Gamnbrocu, 'de SPernceos Cord du Tweed do' llroaut l C!ei do Caseliuen 11d Gutt-Pecha do 13 15 32 '17 3 e it'1< 4ek lit uets t) " ancy do L1 :: s do j " larcetîs -d<e Baratkea -t-lt Tij l'elerîctt île Csi- r andU- Tw,î'r- 34 4-i1 'ced do O Liruest Drill de " 1i-n.Y Drill fdo " trweed do caissisnere <do " octikin du " luckskiri de ~'Sattindlt do de C[oth to il Cssinett ndo id Cashmerette de $th lm li cc 00 %Muslo Dresses from 1311 il- Factary Collons, frein 00 'au-ascs's, PtWbiîtelfon, 00 St-aw Bonnets Ie'6SÙItri eShîinti»;, Iesudici Seat-fs andl Sha'wls qhbbos antd Li-ucec 'lia ai Neck Ties., Lace Veiuu anti FaItfi f4d Stays 5Prinitu, fast colers, làrtificial Flowerti Houiery -and Glovesé. 4 9 ,4s 4d, e w 1 1 6 pair, 0o6 IateriaI.s for Ladie 'Dre% cveqy iiyin borlealo, Aipacal, LasIres, Cobourg ke&.,1&8,, >UNTlRT XIZIrOadZ(T uUPFLZDWIZK Aa~~DQOUW o TUM laOWDST WI30LIIALI2 W NO SCIN D P a 14-,E* . BURtGESS &-LEISfi4MAN,4 ( i- iE utcrl.-rlae A FE W TI 10US AND) s- cr,',c W-rdLandi ci c î- nini the rlc- in-,Towtt4lhips. &t'M:h. Uxbin-it. .North G&wîll!in- biî ry, Brcck, T/i4rah, mara. Urillilu, Tiny, Tay, 2Votaukigu, CûZIîjtgwud, Ilripua, Eh-. Fne- lon, ai-d 0ps. The Most of îhe.,e landls aie cf the qetcuality. an-d w'iltlibe leur-4 for a letrn of ffrcsrn fît'e to eç~en yearitdepemdiog'uîpofl the àtuatiotî, in lotsý of*irom 20 ta 100)acres ecd, toanay crie ' ho wili chop, clear, antd ience , in a zcicd and wo k- stînînlike tiunit"r, withiii the alaitfexî, a quantity notl leui thai' 20 acres on cacli lot SAil letters, pi-jiaici. îdeâirttng iforrrîslinca rn- cerniîn aly ofthie pîrtietilur lois iii cither c the ahoie tOWItshipS, iili Le ised-ittutday J1. T. BUSH. %iithy, July, 1850.- il ci .}rë'w Book.le alarge %arietv cf Filmlly k Pocket Biblrç, iliioriral. Blo. graphital, 2n isclaetis -orkl6 Amongst thenri are lte follo'v-ing- l1ume's I-islery cf Eriglami,r6 vols. Macaulay's I . -) 2volà. Lyncnh'» I "Dead Sea,"ý and "'theJoirdatî. Cctoton'5 Pulic Ecoaemy. Farcaar's 1'ici-oîlai Calif*rrria and OtegOa. Ewbatîk's lydraîlics and M'hiiî -The Meebanîc-s' Own Book. WYaehinen anîd bis <;eneralts, by Hleudley. Napolleon and his Mar-huis, hy do, Lite of Cromwpll, _ do, Theory andi Practice ef Teaching, lby Page. Waylàridts Moral1 ScÀtence- Lie of Josephiite,. 'Life eof La<fayette. Bawel' 'rvé1lih e Eae.' Moore's Laia Rookk. *Rodger's Scentifie' Agriculture. Cariy1l's Ps"t and P1resent, &c, United State8 Explorti Eedtonse. $ig',ourney'îses etiai -i itratel ' En«ravin-s. Fernale Ioet.sof Greut Brititi, ilUig-ratt.. W"illlssPoetlcduI Worki, ilittstrated. t-i il: GENE] ZrTrui beals. Pas anti froth I lu te immechiate vielnity ofth$lu 'Office, and att the Steamnboat 3 . MOrVHY, WILLIAM JEF Jnouranc-e £Ott î VT 3IIERE YO U C4N CHEAP1U8T 01 S B,. Bri WILL sel soves 2-)prc year9s price, havig with one o'f the Iar5est found ply him. }te bas justreceii 4'C 04'c. 1 DOTBU, FRO W'hile you can leave your -1-1 ýnA --0 Wh ('orner qf King and Ghurcli &reeIç,joining the 6Crurt buse. mreana d aprod ce wn Toronto, .lune 10, 1850. 1l>" s 11E ENOMJ Thbat the proprietors have to il E M O$30 per tnth, w'ear and te& JM 0 V A t Exert6es, !iemne, &t., wi - for 'Ifteyeconeup to aUM Ë", of te» doLlars IieWe bh E V A 1 ý Irbe arge Bir-lTýýtOvcthat1 ~hciyou buytom- Pediari limes $45, B. Br rill set C!o(krngmetfor jJAVTBOE') tothe Store 1ately occupied by Micssrs. Lyman K.nee- uîai-t Sfor $0. o f aa Cla o., and n-ixt ckcft to J . .jA on jy Dry Good Store, (Si ofaîicty1 Cook.ingstotin P: thie Golden Flecce,)'-pie iNO. 5, CITY BEILI3IN(S, KI7G. STREE'1,EBAST, His e'ock of Potash Xettile dfastperior -qaIlity, cast ' where tlîeir Ctistonxers aiid Friends wttll always find a ýlar-,&egMotM.t1Of r acknowliM ed to outweai i~~~ 1esnlîon and tbere wii oa written1 h w' Consisting of fine cloth fliess and ]?romk Coats, Shotin." and Satik Couts in Lgrcat varieJ-Y Veats and Paiitaloons, of evey NXateilal and Style, Frorn the. extra fiieility for me-1ing ina'>'Stoék-at their estalbishment, in Men tf-r-al, aîîd purchasing ilà the %v1ao1saIe Markets for CASH unly, they « a a n4 do sell CIEAPEIL titan other licises iii the safnee une., EDWAUDV. 1. iIAL'NVo4,s EDWAID EVA$, King Street, Toronto>. TrttMty 24, 1850. 3m-6 ~ IWitbyILadies' SemtDary SCABOO'jOPPOSITE TT-E GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALEIMNDER TUO3lPSON, P~opriets*'. Excellent accommoi aItiauetfor te lrs 'Sabling Ibi Horse., I o7lore ,)Vews inti-mate t? the piiblic and bis custemners, -tht,, baî'ing Jisposeci Of -his stock 'cf gool, ho ýiateuids te~ retî&e front business,and takes thîs opportltnityt ofi returnintr îharit-s -te îbôse wIekicdly gave'him' their liberai patre~naoeduntng tleee past yeats.' Ilo aise b"s tetalhat ait notes a nd àaccoimtai are cxpecd !(ylie .etied carlyiny aSeptemherrý diex*t, ulss otIter arratgemietttshave beeà niade.i 'ANDREW % TIJ Caiîiîbts, Juîiy 211850. 13-3na Dissolution, of Partuershl T HE, Pàrtnerhip heretoforee J. le Warren and George Ci style DfC-GFO. CUMsý & CO., dolved by mustual content. Ail d6rm wil be collectedby George1 linues the business in *e am leach, May li5t, 1830. tiiey wl stand. 'The L ricuilar careT» fin fuiture, &c. lu or&t has lately ernqpIcyed ai attend t.ali orderL Ir" _ _ _ Lujjibcr, Whiiby Vilka ýý B. .. c Miie Ne~w 13Miim in Prince *Ibert M- DiLE. RAI lp.è eusheorcred betwen IWhitbYe indmer the I J. D.IWAIU~LI'4 GP~O~. CURRL~. GEORGE CURRfl3 NNOUN!CES wu the pÙlil that ie htu eabfand! at his store tan i ii~tr. i 'kW nrv 1 Ti CARL ETON LYNDE, WUOLESALE, AN<D RETAIL - t tic wtt> co e, BEALEII IN TEA$, TOBACPOS, RICE, PAV'ER C IIANUINGS, &C., &C al~Sits AL 50Prince Athi-t,, ÀANUFACTURER OP SOLE, UPPIR, AND HIARNES&-ETIU c. ____ Cahpaid for HUdescad Skias, t7îi, AV] Ohts, Pots aotd Pearl 'Askeî. WH OLE£ 8 Wbitby Villige, 71b lui-e, 1850J. 8 - 'ByJohn Bakr West &de of Marketf--,Square, I' TORONTO. -------1---- 850HE.botl OTCAlpublicOTI!Ç .ni4 Wkithy Village, directl 5f the. w% azid it- ut lIct~, 1E Wild Land to Lein . 1 1 [y < V 4 ý i, atme i 1 L-(CAXID..JLqWÉST. ,OT'H$,CAgsIM!41E, S TIG,'N. E~?.LDEX OODS, IMPOPTE]) DIRECT- FROM BRITAIN, 1W OU LSELVES, -GiBRI:TS NiJE TO ME'R OP IEYERY DESCRIPTIION. PARIS, ILOWDOTi. AND NLW YOIRK FAGRIONS REVEIVED 7MONTilLVt. '711E ,MO-SrT .LPPROVEFD STYLE IDOP'TrDf. 'IN THE ItEADY-MADE C.LOTHUlNG IIEPARTMIý'NT WILL BE P'OU* 1 i 1 i-o,- 1 , 1 1 'l 1 ýl 1 1 i-J !j 1 i 'hte Shirtn, irnen Fronts 4s51bit (bIb Caps 2s <Gd Red -Flannet Sbuiilu iipetil'Cat-on Shirts 2 'O- 'I arpel 'Bagi; and Braces Cotton b rder Shirls cn'sj Frtudt Silk His 'j N1eckeme'h, Gleves, Hesiery-. JFancy -Caps - DR Y a 0ODS DEP4R TMEYT. !n's Linen Sumnmer Couti s q ; iblits 1 vvri

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