M 'C -4--,jrmerW a well- Jcîrww» haraoter in one of -our: Easern cit~ 'as'ronwkable for oes passion out of the urdinary range of hnrnanity, and illt was for biuying tmiy lot of trunip hich camne under the bead of" MÃýie'lan eOpqe,"f fr the reatsoi that Wt could .net bho'classitled. 'Tlîoîgh close-fisted in goneri1,li e Mas colitin- inl ythrowiîng aWay b iq xnOlnCY ilwîà vos and .tens on Mieh itrash. - In thi wav lie had 610fied il h old Corners in bis dw1in nd onlt-bousesw witlî a coîlec-ý tOf ai ondifpt artielese-ihat would n've; ý,Jfizile(l aii philosphier to tell what thley %vére miade, for. or fer. what iise they could 1w'. Y-his, hoivever, wns a Éccon4ary <éosidprtio1n with the Cûlo- net; foir ho seldoin trolbi hi$lend about such tirtielem after tbey, wcre fair. ly houwde. NotÀo withhbiswifr, lîow-, ever, who ivas continutilly renonstrat- Jing agamust thesr'e purchass ,'- which served enly to diîtter up the bouse, and s fond for theq mirth of the d4omesties-. .Bunt thç Col, thonghi lie often- subniitted mittéd te th4ese remônstrances of, bis b1ettëx kwif, could nlot resist the passiom: Onisoe went on addirîg, froni werk to week, tca bq is eap eof xniscellhunîs. One dav Ãwllp sannnterin'r down the street, lic leard tbe rich _ftu ltoiles of the auctioneerand of ecourse stepp)cd i aees what was being ÃolJ. O -thle floor hb erc edacollection whicli lookecl ns if'it miigh't have, eenpuir - lined frothe icgarret of SOLme inn- seumn, and nround' whielh a notley group.were asseniled;- while on the cotlfltr Stoôd t he prtly acine',in lit vey egt f î a rnock-indignaflt remonstrance w-i!h l is aud euce. Nine dollars and *nlinety enits!" cried the à auctionceer. I"Ge,,ntleinen, it 15 ý a sliarne, it is barbarous to stand by and perm it such a sacrifice, of prupert Y! A tagnificent lot of-ojf-À,'rîqur- and all-going for niine dollars and nine- tyA!nt, enieie. vou'd neyer sec aupotber silcb lot; and alLgoing-going- -going for nîn~e 'dollars and nincty cents. ,Colonel W-, catri vou per- mlit Sucéli 4t'sacIrifie?" 7r"lîe Colonel glanced Jis ev'e over flic lot, and then iiha nil 1a nd a w ink a sured Ilh iIl e ccnld nut. Tlie::i'xt instant the lhuml- mer camne dowvn, *and the pirchase %vas lisat ten dcolars. As dlie articles wert- te be-pald for andi remnovecl iimiiedîaite- ly, the Cu1onel lest 'no tîne in gpettiing acart, and baving seen everyflîiug *pscked iup undi cn tltîrirway te the bouse, lie-procceded to bis owilsiore, chuçkl ing wvtiîhs» himself thjat - o'~t least, lie hand made a bargauu at whicli ee.hi$ wife couildn't trr'rmble. la duc 11111c, the colonel was scaled iat the dinner tab le", whemî, lifting lis cyes, lie ubwcrved a cloud on his wife's Ibrow. " el, v iear?'-a.ind lie in*- quýiring1Y. " WeIll P' rcpcatcd Ili$ WUCil, ~ià ;iSNOT Wè1,ll, WMr 1 I vee byn enduran 'ce. Yeti kngw -_the atietjoneerM, IlCerttinly,", I dpÃŽlt, eu4 i %fl Atel - vou wby. A' -few days a,<C I p tlîered tugether ail1 the trumnpery %vith whié,h- yen have becu cluttering the', hutisd for tire last twelvo inonths, anîd sent iL lu bir %*1t1horders te sell the bot imirediat.ely to the highest bidder for ast Ileaq- sure4 ne he woîuld do se î ii ail tlts iveek, at fathei-t,- and pu'a over thie r proe'eeds tsi my order. Ani! ere 1 bave been Cougrtnlating mys if (on Ivo thiu: first, on having ~tri<L ot a uIao.ts intoeruable nuisance-; and second- ly, o~receivng-xn nèycougli te pur- -Chase tirat new velveÃŽt". t yot promis- ed -me sâolong rrio. And 'now, .what.: don mthiik?,s This înorniug, abau)tiJ an lîour - gO, the wkole Ioad came b aek The C.llbui-1iékedllaik for am'o- ment, and' then proceedcd ta c!ear rip the niystry. IBut tihe good wornan wupifid o1ybytepromiise uta! tndollar nt eie htin tire hanà i -of the-aecioneer; on conditioni,.hor-- -eve-tati;lhe s-hortidnover meti-tion it.1 Of course she kept G-r word!. A poor woman, who- lived in Vireold country, had two ch idren, one of 91P 4g~sire erwsed it ta o e urî'd there; seon after coming te Àmepriaa the otMt<4t44 lso, and it- was buîried hec ishm cmrnnomomt;e the 'ileie lies-two ecildren-dear- ,Onetin P14 reland, t'uthrerone here.' At one fimè Jhpiel Wêbotrr bad a- difficuit cëase te ýplead,' and a vèrdict was'indered !1gaiwnt bii client. -One' ci the witnesses came 10 'him suid aaid, 1'Mr Webster, if' I hiad thougIl, t.we should have. llest the case, IMigth testified a gleat déat more thatm Vdid,' é It is -dno ctanseqüence,' inpiedthe' lawyer, 4'tue jury did not b)eliqyô a word yen said.' Petdplo are aprône te condernu ini otherp what typractice thent-selres %V i -Lucrtille. I'liitarcli tells -Of a %Voltr who, pecping -jut a ahut vwhcc-a- coiî'la.ny of shépherds were regaling thcmselves with a -joint of mutton, ex- clairned. *wliat -a c1anmur' wvuuid hey have raised, if f hey bail cauglit me at sîîch a. banquet!' 6 ,'r said a pompous lpersofnace, whlo once under.tuuk to blully' au Cedior, 1 & yeni know tbat 1Itake your papvr l' 'l've no duîîbt yumî do talkc it,' repflied ille nia» of - the. quill, ,'for ,<rveral of mv hioi cbt subscrilcrs l-have bee Co ulalin- inig lateiy abtolt their In, pers lbeing! isi.ïg in t he morning. It is inuieh more easy to bce Wise for- *otiiers 4than for oumrselves. NO denuncéiation is soe Ioqulentts the sileililinfluece uf' rgood exatiiple. Whaftevt-r yop .t have bu o-(1. (1uit lîironllîfly; ujî1d ifl' it is-werth doing ti ail, it is wortlî doing wcIl, viîelîc'r <mv une -is ta sce a or ilot. Thei'e is. notlîiug by vlch I bave umore prqfitcd thruuýgh life, tItan by the-jilst ob4servations, Ille good op1inion, and the sincere and igentle encouragemenît )f ao.miale and sensible wmn- i Samuel R6'mily. *As the late I'rofessor Il was waldk- irîg near liuurh e met unie ot' tVîusC e lings îîstallv aeail fouis. 'J'ray, s'4ys Cieiif~sr e(*.ust i mhrn '%Vw -' idimnu kn,'rephed thef'lw serate1-itit, las head---' huw lJong have *yamî lived yotir.c], sir il STEAM~BOAT ADOVERTISEMTENTS., - HE S TE.&ER Princeççs Royal CAPTAIN IIENRY TW'OIIY, 'WL ~ Qrnofor Kingston, caling ut Po fl'o ope anrd C %or % ýea1her permit- f imit, oe'ry WEDIXESDAY and SA'fURWAY at Witt leave LCiogson -for Toronîto, andin rtermf,- Jiute Ports. etery IMONIJAY and 'tlT1RSDX'Y Afiernootil ai T hree o'cl<wl. will le-jve 'lofonto for Ijarrdton, every TIES,- I)AY and I'RIMJY xnorning, ut Eight o'do.'k. WVill leave IIa.milta' or oot, ryTUES- DAY and FIDAY Afternocon, nt Thtei- *o'elock. l'fit!Sîeaiwr 1 Ri("5jl l avîiq heen fwî- nishcd wiUu ncw IBolers, is o'.vone of thre ius:eiit boats ou 1Lake Ontario, anid lavingkher IUpperý Cabin extend(d neaul y' the whole length of ber~ teck, -flhe accommoda*tions for pass.ongenîi are Passen;es; and eiveralcf thetti are fittei ut) with double Frpeh lhedsteatlx. .She bas long bÃŽen known as one cf the' best sea- beais upoxa ihe lake; andI id fow orw otet he, fistc'at and mnst commoos. Royal Mail Stearn Packet office,? T} ISTEAMER CILlaPTI Ie ~ 1SN and Quçeentou 1IVERY AFTERSOO.xt Sundoy»' exceptod, at One o'citick, Witt leave Lewisîonand Queenton for TJoronto about baît-pait Pi--ht in il<t rnorni.ng, andI %011l ar. rive in lime ta mpeet thet Mail Steamers tor Rinzg. ton at Twefre, NoÃ"n. Cabin pa'sage tMeals ex'tra], orme dollar. Deck Passaze, three quartters or, a dollar. Royal.Mail Steam Packet Oiffre,? Toronto, May 2:4idi, 180. 6 T I'E ST E AMNEIAMBRf io,1C. CAPTAIN ROBERT RER%, wX ILL, Ion the. retpaintr of tire Se4son, Ici '1'Toronton tôr Rd&hester, cvery TueMt Thuaus9yad Satuwtiay Morric, at 10 nueloý t - - t ALFXÀNDIER 8MITII, È"ôyà l I±Chango a 100,9z ' . 39 Lddell'$ wdù se, Ckul ~J May, 1850. O UT importatt1ou ut! iiiin gomli à for 1850. .81 No. 6, City DBuildings, Siqa of the' (,(olden Fliece, king st. £W, 1ft, m,~eur tire Market, rlE-Sih)c iiber woubd, irforrn i$i .usîamensî, .fanrmens, andtI bebcplic genenally, riral ho bas; now roe'eivetI a largo and ý ell-s-electoril stock cf 1Faney-and $tapie Dry Goodi ýin Bonnets, 1.arasolsç, Tijibonx.Mln, Dr-ess Gondi. !oicry, &V., &C; Carpets, Cottons, Linons, &e., &c., aid., will open eut two new <kepatrnento about tireVIxt of June. Nwitio an irytiyew Stock. The attention of fiinrneIs is partijularly Calledta thie Staple DoPant- mient. Terns- Cai/r. ..Vû ueond pfc J, 5.R. IOUPÇTJ1OY, Toronto, Nljy 15, 1850, f~y STItIN(FliB & "<WNSENI> W ILI,îisue. on -tho Ma'turtlSay beloro tire 1 Mt cf July, their at rrurrlwr uo a rrew perioinhci, îcrybinini ro eclaracte:isfics of the LiîoraP,' Gir- ze7tte, thelleview. tt Ibo :s.ofutStorif;r lu- ' overy, andt lli'ir lPmnr:v (if PRrnartïc î,n under the ftlleof thre interoni'stîrig inrl îllt i-Rth5unt which liais talien place iithé-forirrs Cf bltenatue anti th'modes of îit Nblcto Sifrcothéw îstablightnent of tire t drh r sh i-ri,, irle finet r»teii of e ftire w0ild have - heer, displyed iperimicafil. Blnofutharn, ,efSe inrey 'Sruith, lkn<»h Macaulay, have' owcti rrelily a IS t-ht-mbesi fane Io compowsitions which have appeared frst in iornnals, mn-riazilles .11141n".iews ; tiw r" iî<'ns of 'l'It-nd Eýsaiys liave oilito-ilii>' corne beffone Irle Publlic' l'y the sai e.11Nr-r, %%.ii Iha v' e'tî Ineen 1rrnie vehirc'n aise Ot'r Itler-oirnlni xlibitiosi cof tire rrrcl io airrate arnd Ile uat itio ihtia WL'rrn hrf.0W r et'inarr 11ncrrh t-ni, , y alri 1)cnr ame. LLev-r. l'n4i.M ?lr,, MJi Ein-s, and irrdeed netrniv' Il tu, trw' cniie iîajj"1etirai allit i 'd. ('Xtt' p l t Ii-ire atfil f , -st ojuar. la likeiy Iou110%v' itrraftî'r rlsrornnlinhe Dai1ij. W'ekly', .Nont1ry. om Quarteriy di scella- nies, w'hicir comîipe wni 'nvc'ii npantia- *mernts, chirc'h C-, andi irȔ' ,for a'cenrtarncy i11n tire govefrf nrr ocf nnaikiinr!. In tii ;co::ia'y we rrr'î' ,t ep pat'o '.ith il(-ir r rTov<'06"rhsabrIrd t vviii miot awnr 1 -lirai we as-il irt'.'r;ry <rtnc~r'as S>- iipsible aUr-nr thirj cor)î,itiomn'. r'ilnn patienrt nite-§ (d,'rrand clalr s liv 'hapterî. ar they rare spira t-rn iThe, brain arinthe finehart of the anithor ; fair. nîbon flir- rnsart offtireîi di»t'overy ; anrd s aZ-trrs f iey 1 fI.sr iort the contac o!' imnagination anrd te- Thre Inter nrdional 1ftckly Mr'/n jw ilI he a rrsuiltof efforts tu satiâl'y a plain lrocehs-r.y cuthtire tio. t %V'il oil O îino thre excelle-rces cf ail 'jn:mixî ranv -r,odîr wrth f.'atîire. tfiat wxll bopecilliar to ittrIf. S. A leadintz cbljoct w.ill h o t present <lie pub- i"ý, -w-i tte 'i n apidity, and t I tir'ir ceupest pot-horate. Ihe liesi uf tiroo ser.,iri IX1arinrr Literatarre whrcir areSpil atirg airea! tisrii or in "îpaie chaptelo. Wmbti ivicw, ili tno initial portiorls %vi .'lhop iliisicel tiheInritia.l pur- tion$ Df tire billiant nauriror publication njow ini course of publication in )la'ru ' txaie aruden tiretile of "l'ire GreemnISarti," li-tire artiror cf the mmact cele'irai-d. fiction ro! its'ola's mn Eragj4lisi liberturo, i"Tom Crnîglie's Ioz"anid other %workar will be selece#d and caïried on sûinul' taneousiy, as f lrey shail corne 1triwrltheun of 'u ioet mori. Il- Tihe forcier periudicais arc corrtirrualîy rich in ro oltocf froam two onr îIlrce In a dozea ra. nion a- ucre Campllatioi. Inlils npib in thene will bc a connfaný cfi) j t Iouisplay what is rnost interezing andI imrtii anitltthé ./inpriiait~ ati in'its original portions. it wvill hosuported l'y »ore of the ableet anidrnmat ae!orplish'ecl w:teuýs iii ail the fields of krowle'dtge anti opinion.> I.As a Liter-ary GaMete anti Ersnne i i believed that h wiSS eqms4l or sxrpas 'amy work mow or eser priruted in the United i Sates. fi will containa the eanliesit ai>nquncements o! whatcver snove.-enls ina the iterarywMorS4 are o et ein- tereet te aç"erai rcaderst; its rer'iews of brooks wiIS be honlest andi inielf.'gent ',anti is extract3i, wbon ithey cari le ngivern;pativanfci of the pnlli- cation of theworSce themkiSvcst,. wiSi. Ire the èfoi- Iwnrecrisv. or then influrenc~e oi an'v cihere offr- PROCLAMATION.!!,! UJj IEREAS, it has been represent- cd to me, one uf Her Majesty's leige sutjectLa of the Province or C a nada, thai e strong' desire prçvaiîs among thxe Irihabitants cd thie our Tqwuâhip of Whithy, that thorouah andi extnsie etrncmer*,be madIe in the Pulic And wvhereas, certain îndividuals; ruiingSoobs, We., have beon Ploclaimning thalt they .%il MnuatuaBootx at "4nxtt B3e it the-refore knôw n, te al] wlîon, it stnay concernn, and, fa the 1Inhatants of Whithy r01 partieular.i'.f at fromt this day forth, I110l1 go the I roZs1 ,"in practieat Refrencirment, by llanufacturing BOOTS and 81 SlOi of the verv hest materlal, at tire lollowing low pricos, z s.d. .d ME£x'Fine Si'wed IJoots, 23 9 te 20 3* o " P~rngodWets,18 9 te2) liStron;q Bfoots - 12 0(Iota1ý3 ) other artielsîion Irlile Eoot anrd $hoc fine in px" tiendtmne *As the i,4 bserilîne', is 'have alwayi; on hand, a xdassotmcns of a.11 kinds of L >ISANS) GIE\ ILE-Nf "S and to emnpluy none but the 1,est uf Workmerr, ni to ecs Ifihaper tr i any o îiren ýer n in tfir tâari, and a P Jewro tiaii.4r ~ 'u he thc-ro ne soiics a u rof plbliepannae GlvTN tanden My lianS irr.rb Mai,> its ,igii day of' Atiri. in tfhe yean cf *îr odm thou'nard eiglit huilrnedri Ififty. Si ;ed) WM. ï,. PORSYTII. MasMBolh $ tork Of hIots ani[ Slîuf - TAVE recived 1hir Sprnit Stock cf Borit Jlaui d~ces frori trirartfur tory at IMai- tnrl, and will si it fieiir irsial 10--vrate. l;,--&C. emplcv !4x hiiritrt-d ueatvs.ati prioduie firoîn 50(j te 1001> puits rla'iy. 'fioir- lirmt-nt stork Iram n' 'nrrn:rd '.ilh n'pcrial refcerce to t oewar f Catiada wést, and i ill 4eOMp'n:ýcn1e jniiul.nfarrilies for edn'gn-idiUr'. u g sni;the required Icoç h, a-fit %wiII lieguar- MStrchrnnts mvin bav-e nnt patrorniedtire ab R1 O .I E NT AL B A LSAX. rittablhslimrt sîrould Drloti lie, as inthe - naIw-- fron. ./lmy unrroswrriblc f<ilure rcpirdthr"wrf ten ev în n-rA i naycnreîcssc N.B. hlrnwx & Caau.ns), 8M, King Street, jut fircc r iepiut rntc toinn areary oppsite he En~lis Chtn-h. py»tm '010 wrhave appn»tvingiy ado"piet Dir. Toronto, 'Mary 1, 1875f. 5-1 y irsuwrn i n trodlucingrire medit4'ne to ulîici * - noiae dos's r-.t daim suipenhuman pow-e'or vintue Who io ul I 11 0 r,,Cfi Il for Gold ? for it;, for ho ka.-ows tit il ii; naturaîbyipcbl fiat amy infallile aPcifre can ir4 01ifd rdis- i - ~~Covtned ta cure a1ù tho emnt1(tiwhich frdil TuE S(iitihail' uof Lot Nu"0. 3,,Sth br-niylialic;butheIw es, & 15xirderi * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i (tosior litisopenri '(j rIeiîet'Zîiiituyarndpfnse';era1nco, en- biddrsfbr teni rf' et e~s haa ~ irtotI Tr. lS. irw4 i orma cnrondsri lrappily .1)idýers, 10r a-teri rt tio les tha le 1,rîded in tho e Puis amidBaisautr, for ire cure eon y eaa .Thc're /tr'e Fufty Acres eerd1mitiprtion or' r»any rases a dio aeflawh<ich à anrd the, wliru1 I"arnm is pbe)îîiflyw'soSe: oniî di'ynte po'ero rfrnedicilie \Vaf&ered. (10 iad sec k. «»-tâyield awmI aid or ndieve. 'l'ipreriFiicirr b- as scii- Possession giv 'niin goad timn el'r1cd ' m crIj1;s (A d.t csand chrr - FALL IL U IIN.tho)s.4cw b eC Mffion r irers m.hose ip9 ~~ ~- ', .ýý ' SIti etIri 'la ate montahabit. 'n and aro- mil Ci- by pusQ ~-<> i rainer Tar r ire storaci, Opncuin and I 111 1E Y BA LL, Icîyaerrrîs Ysclniotmnalni * . odiy exu'torr- idines or flow or blmo o tt-h Wh tb. herd, irin tielire »azt, haek, ruften r i A1uril 19t4, 18,50. fei'f> ~r nitsino iodrt ------ l- ivfe, i' t-upu r as ut the sriin, Carlruncled lace, î 3 ois ntIPimplear pmeceedjurg genenalî>' * rn- mruiy o!'rit!o *<, ora disan(1rdeoi ateo zt i iiiecnarmns, Io'rbuncieestjn Parm ers' Prote otiozIM Aily ftoSoraiovt Ihlt.o i ranemet(15tie sstii, Irvrîj, P: iti'ai m euntire boutS or ours«, Cake on enlarge- OGI)EY»t4JW)RG,M Y. fri rdi,.t uor dysà pepsî l' Liven rConplaînt,1 NINE M1LLIONM NNIIC.itNCE. "inkdrToml grranuaiyftthwl CAPIAL !{XOO. ocason i îyw(cnf£morstojjîagî tue 1ho bweLa, I 4,0 OO M ~ B ~ Rs Maranrrîusor wcalîngolySI, wiirtpparan Tihe 11ion. Il. arnV.e J iubnglNY tr~o'Mri. T"mnso ekdJnrw, ILren- P.Vankraqilrè, (errwczltili, j ' nî»n .nthprreigfea -rdrtfti. sidney Sinithr, Fsq., - <our. ti ra rans frrdcat-rin; ,fremu a Siko' Orrurn Joties, V q., R'cule cun;Dao-uanIelieu a, aýing fret» :'.rint)s A. FnewllEsq. Hamei ~. In st. -Vitus Thurcet, nral otner neniedies fail, P. Penny, /l/ry, alongcora itimua:icrt, i ediciase hal11rel.1a e Dr. AlIlimon, "liamoaL ç hronm îsases tIts is tesiinu- tszy bho IL. R. Carriubell, Brocrklizr. nsoi, wiuh c'tminryeof rmaccss by 4 proper pens;e' 11Il. 'ls. »rverrline»,1 Mosos BrtlettFor the certain cure andI miliga loti of diieruuss Pr.F'ottm - enenIaS, i is lf!.rlressiy aaý_erted tat noe other John$sdlorPirIcrring - urlmcuoirfenio olire public cati oe om-arpd with - Joh H'4ran, q~ewa * ly but nidly, wî<hcmt Caus' c avnq ukan i Lewis fimk ar/aa ensiatdon, un1ess tire sysitni 16ve-ry rrnch O:nt ef, Wiil'aruu isqocr, * ener', in wl)ieiucase the Phifr nay or u-ray pot fiydnvy Smith q, ICo&ouz. produe .4sanie nuauta.JBut their juiicôis use,f Chante:s Lister, Esq., )r'njvie ridin-ito the directlorr, wIriclicorpn te PropenA.i'Ir, - mecîcaeshali, inthec -te n. anied, glive gelie- Samul »vidî4r, ,Marpos. *raI if trot iini vo sai salisfactxdcn. The, proprietor - waiTnt hà ttnoharm cari enrue in any case Iratn- N. B_.Theflic rirs of tItis CoQmpany rec-om- takingoeither the Pilla or te zisani - menti parties wishing la eff'ect nnur.ance to Malte g-Tile ~Oriental B1,alaxris a m* tvuluable applicatioms, in aIS cases, to the Ioc»l pçagent.- o5'te mot a sjec ie rtniodyl specialy for. r ir4ginStion, cornpalny, Mheri audItexist, and i ot ta traVeI1irg iNruvôus Dcbf'i) 'g er and Apv, >e.q s ?r agents. Çandrric - - adache, Ls fZMitPi -,drent al irvoklinr, Wkitby, -V. TW Coemplairai.] tg ç4ffects a 1 pot énfed .thé, .Bfrraektim, 25th Jury,185O0. tmcbuln Ja ee ls # le r n . us,îtmîmawers ixten 1ý1tea Wo 1 VIiu 1 prfectIy free from any' kiti4 of Pain for tw$lve, me*sths. You ma.ywêthis eomnmunicatiOfl 857011 tbink proppr, and zekrjou; s>quirers to ýoura,4irery gratfUilye Cabizel Maker, No, 4, d&lahide St, Kiat. A Case of Chrcmic Rhenimatisvi o fifteen ycpamo standiing czured by Hcd1furd1s Cordiai and ýkWPe'8 1 hereby iertifye that 1 have heen afflicietd wVth Rhp,,iatimm forlfte.,n years; for a considerWe fi me 1 wac confineil tebed, andl the greater par'tof thlat time 1 could flot nie rkysel(; .Sorne of nmy oitweecornpietely îisocated, my knee.t were slfanizyjonswrvery rmuich sweiI .Fo .h la'st'three yearà 1 wai< rcarcely ablfé xthrèe moônths' wiork'witlout sufrcring the rncost excrmcl- atifiipà itrs.- fwu sdoctored ir i Europe by several phyieiansc4oS the giettaJn in the profcx- LgOfl as5 welI as in the Providnef, 1 'aiso fwce rnonths in the 'r ronto floepitai, and4 notithflsiad- ing ail the enarnxs ;ied, ÃŽ could not get rid of ny, comnp1aînt1 -indecd 1 waa-,toId b>' a very respeta- le phyei4an that 1 never could be cixred,.so ibat it that î meyI> attention was direeteid f0 your $Ir flenty W if9drrperial colrdial foi Ille cure! Jlopels Pis, 1I- %as deYpairiniý of ever gettin( ceu- ;ed ; wh 'n I calied on you, I was bardiy abF,,>tI .valk,, and wvhat was aitrinst miraedlûus, in tbrec w-ef:k-< frnrn 'My copmriciing t,) take yotir tedi- c rîe, 1 gairm-d f~t poutrds in weighit; my~ 'h talth w as inuch imrprovird, and in about threo we.ýeý- i<. mrc ray Reuatsr a!Z completely ;Me ud my hec-îlth completely rcý0tOred.!, owjf% my, iu re 'vry Th1 wlktIforty-six milesîin orle ay i-ih prtrfrceon.aidai ro you. c sir, [ht t rl ;ly Ialfr.incan make atjy s if f1L4 ïyou If, 'y a~ s~tont) seVPra1 individualq c(f rtirq c1Uabiit lityil this cit1th ln(; yoil kniuw zzcati rétèrftl theni if nr~ '2u3truly a~ rwrly ViuiWIJT lia: 0,>borne and sarrÙl 8han., Eq 1'ri, 2i. id. -amris. j, ier bottle. The above medaci~s fors~ale l'y 'tltth anum, IMi ln the Patronage (4e cirJ'kYiiarr 10 thc BI, peOT jof lÀnid fiposte <t G Warrantped Cure 1 cf tire Lrgy. TItGreat Sernat-toucreateti Tc'ilîFacubty, b>' tie atnouir, Ilastim -SI diercovery of the med bas sottledStonit doncef- <bat bi$sIl ($nuf*und SyruI positive and irwpedy cseoa mn1vlve tie Iwasing aw ayLof th iexr.3Iv cuie£otagexpsrctoa ilfffcuts 01 a clamten atlre. zd.mutetca Irb.-immnierustiraly sup < r ii e4icile, ýtà i il.alnomt rélioves t'.e hunikiness of <he'th cougix antd rer»ove tire hacking Tho activity of itc nature i-z sudh iltr i,; îit pervadtee the -frameu et-dr;y fibrecof thLue by-t-iiYues thrmrgror-~scurtsa frce cireui anti gives priiersaS egrress whic orgcrderin the syslern, Ieeingpof modesty. ta Dlay net ric rîolrsuages urighit rerstrain rpan;of flis discOvery acecr wone it irai t irat tire subject is ang imo tanc te opublie to beil pensora[ comsiideratioWns lie ti rcc hrr;d is Natha$Syrup, cue~e warranth hý tp act pp( punify it-lie mwarrants it as aane? ifr hoctie fever, viglht aweats, disj plainit, pa» ;li ~e dcet and %vamrar4tsi it .rt't theO Ioî'pp<ic tire lunes, andtIot heal tiîcusealrea4