ey djoget câte, tlsey noves- part with Uirnes us mssch., Wlsea tise debt ef 3t et fcjlff;rger prr ý beýtes-'.p bots coutsaties is tbrown itfo tho, scale, TbI Âifsrczhi3the 1 iiaz y iid nut-_ thidiflèreuce is, cf course, greatly su- gIugjtu;üttuaYsJi eýlg qf-i4ependence; cresed ; insanch us we psy yeanrly, Jhin! 4e as internat tapen cas- delat, mord tsar tise _g tise wholq principal cf tise debla'o whtotheb Amerieut, cven afer tihe war, aniepults example of tlaeii-masterp, b, -Bti -a tn* jtbs ôn d M , ýwj ,lleY oçrme s ot i ùs pun-oali he - i~~ttif4 VL1 CO ise Airiaifshaew pynt is e x- ispw.-"eml, pvrtee)n cf $veru e. if la b ts. ï Il> lise ai4ýir w lbrgim. tÀIs-efre.tsaI, e- in comthe ing hexe eybady ie n vileaif reà p goxpeniteht is tsi-e sufrie, f ise i8tYl ttetitiaves, osersthUe secaif xpeuseoflte Stale governaseut in ilsotkt edttoatiottal inîihuenqjts,.vhicis Aperion, shottialbh superaddeal te thaf ,~j bc no suc i tue-epparenet tissu c tise generuf ,governumeait. lis aTncr nw. Wlan 0one sefl'rOIs Tiiere Seing nme less titan thinty that sixteen yeai- :' elite-e hillrent States, witis fiirfy local lalili- -3ey .t sc.ceYreedl? tr. of 1anýl. i ystems te support; tfistote ay, as- a lafinsiry eecutives, tbîis-y legisltutures. w % s ann his-ty jndiciasy-ysystetits, md tiisy t~j~jjtththii5 -1IIdiffret fgroups cf Imsceiianeoîts et R t~-~se i~ ce' erais, comnected wiîh îhisty ditièernt re «ist Ilr~ svralhist rvde for, oe u igbt P ,e.iq>%te& mot. sas-'nttuîy vsuppose- Ihat tise aggs-egaf e h Jy'i-a~& psnp I~snIIId! expense cf ail liis wvouid gs-eafly ex- SPYif19ufua9sttCSP ~pe~l~p-i wrç eed - tisat incurned teuasupport lise 1t~Yot '~ *Vl~Ys. ad Upl tWY generaI,Èoves-umeut. fluaItise expeuve LYJŽP heii-Iiveti.iJ.wtdlssen5- -ocf nutise îSatcgzcves-nn ts tie yt:isl Yli1y p qI>isp XIIé Iat a Ies oaher doms Loct excerd ive millions es9iet t1 &Ã, pdareteucidqe osgde.v.ltaiafof dollars, wisch bt lii' Rcc~f 4dpis' e&ee iS pl1 trille, oves- 1aasulen d a quartes- "fié, V citicena 1 .kuowa.sterling.Tlitis'addedfoôtbe £5,OOOOOO ,~rPrimea Must fl epvel ,.vfth fris- tisesupportcfise goves-alin, ie In t sýcv~Rsiit'~f,~et46 l'>,O 004, ti -,agnrffgato cogt cf .li4ilag u~~Iim~..Balaiîb~-gerrierxnt, botilgeajes-al gsd oul in sMgp9 c ios l 4Sjoits tisttbq.laud is Amierlos. Titis,makes theCisecotlies- Èn:isi t)sý v!item ttiu el -Qed utal<fetvsptes u nenca, ex- >?~l~i~sefnb he ir, ud CR- fPgcà et.cniv t bisadebt, 6s. 1, sterling, le ~'b~ 'ishje ta~yiabl, f i reoss casttss wbislis M., tise cés aiesi arsb.jpo eson. ftise floverummuf of Erigipaci e4cît ý;t pj.telco t1ii ts atfsr h fier deist. TIs0exiscanlwai i~y af i~~tat.ey sbdde44~eulpa. sa tsteninly enisauccitise, Americasu ,thé5et, t a à t4 -t7! -' ebt, but even -wijJ titis; acidifies, if e, tiau utà ,xitîfi545pi fZfta tiib'ecût -ekceed, ý20,Ã"0000ê. Trae gPc~~ i~e;i's-> ilotiiiittranufal Jinféeettpots this will ha, cycîs 0e a e~. iywry iexpuen .at mtise rate paid hy 4mericaî, littie mono t> îJa pp t isa.£,00,000f -S--iat, faking imb le jsAz6 t CmeMatQoforviw ie taxat iotn impoed for tise p y- e.~O ireeom. Fre- netof'tise -iufermsî cof lise dahî lise am 1p iodapge -o, ugar wcýrk f u- iat, wI mt-u ed7d d ~eat iti qsèctmd-rer A n !P-'sitoik moreq lisas Ibis may be naiseal g'ig1 ptjss- orn - cf bWeaty- -for sots'ayeas ste comneteule .' oftise ,OçtYy "~e I p t Orý4te rîincipal et hie debt1 hîsit il;iimot ne- Waidiagst themýLqns. êÃkeaîy'ý efis-o ~ ~ ita ~ ~ e-fs-f cObas cftiti cf qÇç t.~, l listh ee d Qi Cmgid, *tise taxationu ps- .iIpps-ora. - 'uéëýa Sfe ise th 'yniat cf tise an. ~~ secuas ouil ititeea he icdeht te tisaI ~ yef tic tSPfl ' liaed fus-tliCoÃà riuty es-pmtsescf fthe ~ M~w~1a~fgd $. Tieyhaie'govenniei,îifgiv , ls n isi onl tecaise-vaejz. efiamot fmiipr£1 14s. as tlipeh sfo ta rpad arine e4 f 0 xceu aticPrSea n_ pd t itsinma y , ta:i g ev ry îtbias ute M19u- ViIicéa sJan acecn, olÃŽ tsidçs tae plmMor wLM t çiaetsý M iyç4-v i "' t ti otau at "Y , pa- es s 'Iù xuchnsâthe"auenican. ssy li tisaway th 4 cfâé iieÃetdustfrywil -Ba smomay urge tisaI re hava ntc be2o gs~ci Wc upo laal ua ouIy an isaperiai gcvernssent, iut faise ttittt pitýlnçIw,eqiiçà . Tisore frein thuf y teufurty coltonial govera- ~I~?Aton~tv eion wly. cenîtral mttefa,.a~fttif uwd> sQgç-s1~!s~'o- exim Id, i e t 0 o.. tsegeisera!goves-njlaaat we hatve tise h lbl i"... s - lan r eoijd goernpsautq of- Iirtyos- fcsly colonies tâkatber ffQ tO b ýýj, 9tegauppoi>t, ltif ha s-emneredtisait a, r iitu b eagtp4 fy a ý Iotie Ansesictuis iavç aise tîteir geucral f ie gr~.or ~goverannen, wit hiiy loca, çartainly, lt>1~t. - - cues, butticy ec2upy .atis .aialagouis ~~&~JIVE ÇST 0 GOVEU.I.positions Itat occupied by tisa colonies, ~L'i Tp UNTEDSTAESse fur as itis cjaCsion iaà concerncd. Nffl ï vi UNTEDSTAES'Tise Esaglialan pays fur bis imperial A ND IN -HERU adooiua earmu isaAes eu for Sis eriat.iandl claIe gavera- ,A reat dMbuas Itely beon wnivitten mos.-Etigissimen îl>r otr'siflions an ieti liihied'i on tise ubject of lhé sterling fofiscthegoeoromant off econs ûMbr oft' lrnrnnt a -a a n d in tisy te furfy colonies, Amnerieats pay théUnitetd 8tà tWes-the' Mroiiaerial or- abouit a million anal a quartfer sterling ~ tlaieiataeôotist paÈ,êrtnaitfain- for tise locaI govermrssent of liiirty iaig thât t lite pblic exponditura anud States. _.Thse Colonies 'contais att «sîcquentIy Ibis 'ramte icf'taxaition, is aggnegala popallaticIt of ftve millions-- Mitelis pestes- xtn)oii# cur neigiheors tise'Statea, oeeof tiverity illicu . lthm wiIlli . V(e w6ffild recommmud But te four millions paid by tise imîse- li heir -tteistôwathe ftillowiig exîrcet- s-l.goves-nea in la ely baif wsiatit i I T%ê I~ wM*es-n Wcant45, a ues-ktlikes te support tise goeame t cf lte latwlr1lîshedia EagIà ndtindrse-prisa- coleaies, tebier hn saîf beitsg defrayed t ahe'sftièà ,ftom u-the pen 1 of -Alekx .by îthe coloniale tie4assaives. If tis Maçkay, Esqr., tise chaMýn obn f thie takes eigist sniliiiu-to govera flua I*MflnmBûldtwlaca1iqgt andtise millions of coliaîMal;aded pEnglunal 'paisionS, câvq pttat- wbksh amre hady cà -MsasusWWbIYp, ccd su iqe ý 1,nparti, PMsin.sandl miâ ou*sa aRaicsa egbut the eb*, mhohiy psy b lem Pue t ase la. 50. sterling pser nd. ---- >aaliia o po- The. llltitsg Acts have receiveal 8v, M. saslisg pertise MLetion Of tise Goverlio-Geberal. A004 ta', pensaea «Ofb" W. havomitted soumi- aOf saispor- -' . lj>tje ttaadloal nature. We sait give1 th mWthse reunaitder ni ireek- tv$ al aA L ta alter thse rates ait wnsh cer-- -~ sip~ilcrCoias"i s a s legal les- . Act te fuicilifale Reciprocal Fs-ce Tual betwmmu Ib tis Picviace - und - tise ct - fisieiNos-fismerican Provinces-.. Act - te es-fend tise perical fer fis aElecticu ciof commissiontandmn tise Ac, fufr tise ,irsprov enseat 6f Lthe Rives- i GS Cene --- Ac-t aenclot' acf pasealiuflath EN ydtîr'q 1f -tise Uigtiof lis late ilajestl -iug-Wiliaîn thea Fôsarfi, intitulesi «- sut te ps-aveaif - the titueeeaary jnal. tlîslisstien of LÀ.w s1it. atsnio6*east of COdtS liactioès oit Nôtes, Bounde l laeJF± gaogeasd otisen.mInsu iil5ts2" Acfteoobligetisa Tisity HIUere Qîsecete lay dem Jincys te niarl tis( sheals in tise -Nons - Chanelo f-tia River 'St. I1awreVeansatlefaeililnta tise Traverse fronm Cape Tounsaette ta ie aux Beaux. Acft tu itcoirarte tise Hamsilton Gas Cempany. AcfteIonufisorise tise îhbt Iiouselisldcss holding Lands in tise mciv Settlemsents on tise borderac- ts Susgueuyfuruing tise second raleaasic- ipal division cf thuf ceuinI y, te esînli- lis-f a Mîuicipal Cotîsili tises-is, atid for otites- puisposes.- Acfte oexiincl lte pe;rso l ilsiter forc ces-ain pttspoes in tiseotsreul Registny Act. .cl for -reudernngà aWsittu ean eno- atidum nu-cessas-y te tise salidity of Acf le aiuenu tise !ax retstiug le Siandes- and LiÉla.0 Acfte oenisewer xMua icit'al Corpora- tions leussims-ise for StOcýc in lte Great Western Rails-osci Ccaanuy, cr oîiseswisa te nid is coinlengta tindertakinir.- -plin lta SAcf toe estend certaits Provincial ACI te Fereigi Mes-chant Vessels,wiaen witii this Province.- Acfte divitie tise Cetity cf lluinling- don ino twoir Distrits hir tise rle.isfra- tien cf Dcccl. Acf fos- lie pnutectiunor ~Miii omis- es-s ina Uplien CCanadat. Acftetuaulsos-isefisc Ceniprny of Preprietors of lise Cisumpain anadi saint Laws-euee ,Rails-cat'Ote -tnd tfis aid Rond anal for otiser pus-poses. Acf te sites- and amen4 tlise ct requis- iug Mortages tof persona!, îtoesrty in Uppms- Canada to e ba hleal. Acfte fsreiiitate tise atulnsion of cvi- douce cf Foe-ign Judgtssents tad cer- tain officiai anud ofses- documents. Acf Ior emoye doubtsas os te sesight of lise Crowu te récee ci[ts lu ces-- tain cases in aLomat- Canada. Acfte amnd andtibu'oastittîse as aimendeal lise awssegulufithlie lus pcîlon cf Fleur cmd iE'ui. - Act te encourage Euinants item Eus-cisc te asTiteti Staetu ultae St. lqawrancc tiotale. - SAcf- te -axtenal theanets for tifonrsa- tibla et Companiîes foi cenaînUcfing Rouais and otie te-î-elo, tu Compulises fer tise purpoÈe cf ncquisitg Werks cf cAd for the bettes- eslahlisltnscnf andi mainufenance of Cemmun Scîsoole ià Uisper Canada. Actf fitresnbamean tnset te iiicor- porafe tisa St. Lais-ronce and Atlaufic Raits-carl Comspainyanal ofier ucta rel- ative te -the s-aid Conspniy, anal te as-tend tise poirs-of tIsasitiCccnpauy. .Actfufr makiugue ttnit'onm provis- ion respee!iug certaini OftiiaI tand otites- Ouas tu ha faisa n utiis Pro)vince, anal for ofses- purps-es tises-in mentionci. Acf t le ncd'tise law respýectittie Office of Coroner. Act tu eaiimv Ministe-si cf tise Wes-.. leyaie Meth"rlst CisunchisntsCausaia ffog tise obligations te obtain S1secia Licenees in es-des- te kcep 1Ur-gicters u Baptisîns, Ma-nagges anal Bunials ir Ltswcn Canda. Acfte revive and continue for a ins- ited lime fisc Acftsnaking provisina(r ai Geological Stirvey of fiis Provi-mes. Acfte oentable fthc Cemmiseionsr 's uefining tIhe Boutldnry Lino bel we-u fisc Towvnshaips cf Walpole anal WoaI- btouse, tri penfonni tise dîtty assalguedie lisentisy tise Acf in tis baI lsf proviclti. Acfte oansetha ie Ac teodeitie .ie mode cf - proeading befone Coîursbt fi Justice in Lowe-o Cansada in inatètgl- Acfte- tseaorpesvt e thse Bytetun sudt Monts-el Telegrapis Consxysîi. Acf teuiaceorAute «itain Isersen undes- th emîe or, fl a uogisas Rosai Comanye. Acf Le aimensulthe Acfte IsanCerpomalo- tise MçclsaaalC's ItlusLt flac City ast Tus-catis. VISIT 0F THE BUFFALONIANSl TO TOROINTO. Frm ets acJtw'ael Erpres. On Tlsussdusy hast, tise Mayor cflBtif- t'aie, sud a nttm!bencf eiistingstiishec Americats citizens, havîsg becs icivitesi hy fisc Legisiattare andl Coniaratiesa ci Toroanto, tu visit lisuf dily, orniveti et lialf-1-astf lue o'cieck, in tise C/sef Ju-s- tics. Dsaing fisein stay tises- wes-e mn- ferfaasedals tise guesta cf tecitizens ut tise principal hatels, and carnireges irs- placeti aI their service. TIse a- leruon iras fias-r spent etc lise gttcs wree aafly depositecl inth ieis- quartes, ant i t Iouigisstaes-e b*rtaed u lsr-- , i6i frlessdBal, tu e - cgivesa in tise oencing la St. Laturmuce Hle. IlSisertiy bofere leu, lus Es-celimey tise Governos- Genes-a, tise Cotnutesa eh Elgin andciasit cstered fthc Hall, tise Banal of tise Rifles plsying tisa national athens. Bis Excmllene.y teck bis sta- tien aItishe uppeanal cf lse-e a, siald tise Mayor andcitizens ot Buaffale were ilises-e presonîrd. Tisedanacing, mean- ilie, wtas preccediag 'titis great vig- ousr, anal tas kept sais itis tnaisaîca s-cal tinail tise signal for suppes tas gicu A fs9 hi-tide cf tise ese-o ing tise ou presenteti tas meat bcdl- liait. Proisably few Ipa-catf at ever, wilne-sed afes-e ai fles- spectacle cf flhc klnd. Oves- 500 peamssosrea s-c emî. sud tise "Pe[lay of lseaoty mas worfsy cf fisc occasion. Abaotose o'clock thse Comffmy begun teuniove toirards tise stape-en s-cern visieh aus laid ilu;tise Cetsncii Chausser cfrfisc Cily Hull." Tisa Mayor pressideal. Tise toasts froa tise Citais- wen-'tise Qusen,"l "lie Paesileut et'ftihe United 'StatesIl Earl of E196m," "eus- Gumt." eis ExcmIisccy, us usualras ihapp1y an bis remanks, andsielsspeech miiteti great applause. Tis a Myon of BuQ iluo s- fus-ac t iamks ai a manly and feliclîcus msnr--Speichifying beimg oves-,tise Bal, Ro5m beeCth ie Irs-t attzuaotson, wriecdancing -aus SciaI up tla !ale huin t ttcin-n. * Another Session is cutted, citer a ronfinaecre i) - of ishotitsec aonths-c ery short tise te te -tise anc.lthaf aura datinferasteal patrietsaethtie Goveramnent anal the bottsore uillisg 10 pire to *tise service cf tiseir ccutnrv. Tise Poseudn-Reform Partfy lu sitl in powser, uncisecked blas-ans- ergais izcd opposition, ccd have now a (rns tact of ltse -etjoyemecîs ic i il sairgs. -Wt tn l is csked wbat ha, bec doue L'y tise legisiation flanc rcerd, ire (car tise issaer avili hans te stpeat cf large promise andsalal par- -foimanure. Wn mers te have cefor inluevers- -deparînsent arbere ilt wa, ceedeat, aasd nigoureca opposition te tise serîoleei itterèsîs t>5 iisiris lit Pravince lacs itherto bren se mcea urt, But in su-iat bas il sudeal f Mr. Price-tias Jahes Winailag cf tise State--swvelled large as a moudt- ain, ols-te bing forfis a nose, snd te make iimsîlf uiversatis- ridicuoon ly rsrryiaig resolu- tiens ta celer lise decision cf Iths Ctergy Reserve qjuestion te tise vers- parties luisebave cirecafs- gis-en their ultimatumin laslie Art iraiiic s at prsct in force. TheIS$lhddss-ittloas-t up mosti perseveringly hafore tise Session, teoth ie es-e ci the multitude fer catIno, but ifiscedl tu e let te the isceafling eoflias Housfor a -moment, Io colli-.e inoapalliaiinsignificasce We raïl- at buttthinktsIssutise Gonercmeuî lace landeal ec lise intecests cf tise Province ai cempleîyi as tises- coailtailte %hagsCissrrb parts-bs-tisei roua-e tses- bave pursunal in ibis great aneasure.î Ahi Cauals camembers the f1nu poeso of seat i taif cf Refrenent aiir lteà -Minos- pot Ibeir tramups ubrougis lie rouet-s-te1 irircattte boelo tise meeting cf the beuse. Te ,hat iail corne 1Tise Reformera cf Canad.aj knom, la M.Riincha' dasdrants, Sm Franc.i Tituae liaI sone aves-fineeomlbutâ bInhaina acif, isoever, cnd hic (car of Ioa. part cf thesu is cof course rffesoA enougla iisby âkpatatio6m andi Is$prouimm 80 se aity kirktetitise beaux. iom casit lis expenrtlaît aurl a a picrs- hi as patriousaeaaor sishaigbt affalusas aiplains ran.sgeîuents ceufemîltdifeathe In-ipe- cial ancd Provincial Acte w lioi have receutly lansseal fur trsnsfors-ang te flic ColottnilAîftisrifiealise coufrol cuti tnnneaent cfrfisc Provincial .Ponl 1 asmcf Opinion ÃhtisIan eisnge caf lroduets sssay toisa place betirren tise neyes-al BritishaNos-l is Anerictin Ps-ovin- cesta ugroater aiclemt tissu eu hitisse#té isee<s tise etue wiîh muet ativambage Io fisese Coesies, atadi1 shaih aveu mysaîf et' lte lacers cenfer-etsonmie bylise Acf iisiclu you ihave jasaca fi tise promotions of titis importlant object. I bave Sari great satisfaction in fransnsiîfing te lis'ýe cnetus-y cf Sîate te ho laid ut tisa fouto f tise-T'ie"e a -Addisesses pssaecidîtning tise present Sessiots iy cilises- leuse cffte Provin- cial Panlintuent expressive cf tievotad loyailty te ler Majesty andal acisees tu tise Ins5titu1tions cf the Province. Tisese Adairesses s-eprseeat4 I ai confident tise sentiments of fthc graS-t bodly cf tise Camadiaut-Pecple- as * " as tiseaof Pariamesit, Gectlemeasof MIe Legisintîve aoa41 Ithank ycu in tise aéate, qf~!- Mjeaîy fer tise liberallty uts 'wIssC youî have vofti dttc supplies wiich ure reejisate for tise I5nilio $érvige. I elauli deens if my duîy te, apply tisent wtl strictesf ecossoîy iceS a due$ regard tu tise -ehllcimncy of tisaaOevim and- tise maintenance cf tise Pahbi crediftvwill permit. Honoabl'ne Geatlente,auda«mela4 I cougraîllat yots onitise improve- me#t W-hieS Sas taken -place, in tb» Reventue, ar nsion teé prouu dil abondant Ilas-sest -wvicis secuse tu> bO gesses-sitisroagiotîtise Provinse>q Naure bs es amweonoa fslPgLOe Sisgsthi r tciiles fur lzanauoeiiug te -Acfte stu ô1itiasue ftyn.ia itaiîed finis riserein ilasenied -the Acf for -the botter defejace of _the, Province anad tc rcgtt!ate thse Militia ilsereof. .Acf té tis-mit Lttdils iJpper Canuadu ite be couveyeýdte Trustesa fur lirial plIaces. Act toenab1e thée ProvincialGoveris. metftledispose of clains aa , .tceta Companies for losmade te theni uus- der tie anthority cf certain .Acts cf the I:arliament of 'Upper Casada. fa-cn asdîties on ftpvern Lidensel ithe Ccîanty aud City cf Montrcai towt.ardà dèfsayiug lise ceaI cf tise tiras'Ceuri lieuse te be ercled in Alie City of Mou»teal- Act te exîcud tise riglat of Appealuiasg certain etases las -U1sper Canada. ,(7flu athos-e the Trustees holding LandBa tpotsw hick Cliu-cites as-e ui-'- ted lu U1tpcr Casnda le nacrîguge Isle raine, ljqmy off lise Debts due by sueis Chîtreites. - Acfteugrant fusilier ipowers lu tlae Motutreal Fane, Life and lasland Navi- gatiesa Assurance Comspany, anIoal change lise meriseoftIsle said Contas)- Act tuae nsd andl rôuti)ejasaiefl uta3 estelt Acf le regitate the Inspection caf feef atud Peck. Acf te enabie Leisis Colmte, le recover a cerLins moîsst duîete hias by tic Pariait 0f Saint Edouard, iat tie'Dis- trict cfiMctstr-al. 1Acft t Incorperufne the Pilots for iad abeve flic ia-botur of Qucece. Acf ltounenan sd conatituetes O- dinauce fur tise aslietioa cf Fîes and Acfte extcud lIse previsieus cfut Act pnusceel in tise treitis yeur osf Her ilttjcsty's Reigl îs, ittled, .Ans Act, te cuthonize thle frmaetion o f Joit Stock L'oMspauaies for the censfreicticn of Ronds aend otier workot ins Uper Canada. Act le anthos-ize tse tuniron cf thsc 3lonfreai and Lachsine Ruulrçtd Cea- îtany aud tise Lzike Suaint Louis andl Province Line Raiîway Cesnlià sy5tand fur othItisr iîlces cutncfed wilthie raid Coin aats. Acf to aacud un Acf' teascore tho ri-htf fSîoperty.in Britishs Plantation Veià eis saavigatiug tise îslnd -waters cf Ibis Province, nnd net registencal îtndŽs-thleAcf cf tls lInierial Parusa- vsent cf tise Unitedl Kiîsgdua îassed iu lise tsirel andl lourtis years cf tise Reign cf Ilis laie Maje-sly ing X-'Vil- linîn Ilif F ourdia, intitîslcd, A.4- A.kta- thle Registes-ing cof BritshleVessels antd te facilitate transfers cf t/le saur, and te preren.t thle fratdtdent assîgnment of any prps-ty in stsch ve.ssrls. Ac tetu îaaco tise Longatendailnda Cisamisiy Turupike Itoad umde tise Centroi ef lthe Ceostnissioners cf Pubi- lie We%ýrks. Acfte oprovide for tise transfer cf tise maenagement cf lise mmmd Poats te tise Provincial Goverunsent and ferVtie regmiatiossof Ithe aid Depas-imeut. Acf fe continue iad cxteîîd.the Meut- reai andl Lachisse Rairoad,isud te mneus- Jaerate Thle Sainit Lawcrence and iOtatca Grand Juncf con Railroed Comany. Acf te incerperate Peter Pattes-en, Esquire,' and cattes-s, tttde-the aine of Thse Quehec and Richmond Rail"Sq Comupany. Acf fo it:conpenurte a Ccmisany for ruakiing a Railroad fs-ous the village cf Iudtastry te thse '7eTwship cf Rawsies, in Lewer Canada. ITHEII EPORII'E gt Ë ýMRu. a Titmosase, thougis vesy poil. for the Iar a minu, «and îlink 1nothing human lb,- s orsiuto, te;v feren te me.'"-,Trenoe. ww by the quire by vaneus Be.f'o l5 __________________ buit Mly te le bowed outby the I WHITBY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 1850. matteh Dsot 'who introduceil them- MW ton-J. H. Bonloi-Mr. Pery d ie COM=TYOF yoRK DIVISION BILL. 5bhey ail ahraa isiar fate.or n As or reders vii doubtlssfela deire tasment, aye teir course laid dow,ad Irsaoïv iae rate corfihe cairve imttat isat cre, as ation from tisat canant ,e toleiateti" ta iveli. as tise pressaI state cf théetion, %tepic- the feelingý on ~tbe part of Mr. Bi 3pose hein tu give a brise otlise of it. -riend'k .Be eemtelsave' at latroe Unfortunà tey for the success of Ibis sieasure, as t!lsetit that lie is'perfet-that ho uso weeli as massy etiers, bMr-PerrYj hlR,,iipmaeta- limanpvmltacndlgtaadcoequenlR tive f,& tise Tiird Riding of tise Ccunty cf York, at a,,, il b i al,' asyaittenspt te y f "s, prerented by-së-el e indisposltlcla (rM taking wlIùcl lic canant countersag.Sdalr hissea tii alat peiedet he esson.How iidihd aity Muast, of courselie ceh ei, r hsset ilta ltepered i he esson, Hw-Canada Masy bld adieu te auy hopea c crer, on the first day cf his doing su, helarotagistin h McLd. Batdwin's policyg e aopteilfr a bl!6~thefomaion ocfa new Couaty out of the yeacs, re s&hou'd;have a pocr Prvincq or1 > assent aes$ioa of the present overg-rown and inasty irsys. Tise States on 1tise as-aié mansolt Contycf ork iriici bu irs icatLaiteshav'e un cagte fer their national sasail manmotr Cunt ofYor, wichbil wa mot Mr. B.'as poticy wouid maire the Mort a popa favouiably receivcd.by the House getieriitty, %vuS emblein ire could.find lie-an o-wLj 'ish read c firsi ltime, andordered fer a secouni reading sink into a, toiirssaldobeý. ai s future dav. %Ir Hueras and liheMieislry Pactirular suesatarescftise Sesioiq hayve, lits geceratty (including Mr Baldwini) nose for thc P sseor, gol~a-LM~f~~s Bankiugflhl-aniacJury, Lama ïean "a~atu. ti> lirttme admîtted t ha propriety, and expressed Tihe falacol Bill, usent9 lesa éoiusuaetltats, but thenasstvrs ita favour ci dividing tits rouet y as yet is col altlgtier wrong-aaid tb. Asasusmnent sivîtl as cubersasu sted tisaIlite geccraf HBilt s gecerally uckeowledgedtalle au stupve- troup-ht in by Mc Bisclus, fur flac diviainu cf ses- ment. era etiser counties, aisen Itefore thse Bouse and Tbesc fBis are nef homever on btitie-h awatin a ecod radig, houd le aend Saputsd belmeen Mi. Batdwin's afanil-afllparty amafie c eccilrcaing ssou ts aacd.d ancd fthe Refocm pjudy. In ail tlaat wcuttthave ai te embuare tise provisions contsined in Mr Per- eharucterized- tise Miuistry as truty lilieral, they ry's bil. For wica purpose if mas proposeel have citase tieseide cf privilege ansiof ehasa tha ilr Bnckle illaholdnt ts ecod radi-tegistatin againat that cf thcep.aiple. A frik tha ~ar links' bh saoudutie scod aeadugelerlion would showv hosrsupopular ahel a couracs lac aefsrred te a Select cemmittsc, sud Mr Pcrry is. name s nccof tisat committee, ailcf wirairisu accordiugjy doue. lvhereupon, Mr Perry express- NEW B3OOKS. cd lis teillingues b tie w lis bill te ceaI in abey- If theas lac anytbing ishicis nare thian aafie ance tilti ala fate cf tise genaiilutslaould lac markcs iceauing intelligence Ji i a rmulsml, il known. . s thc demnd by tissa for a la"gr auppi Wft'tise The select cousmittec ýmut, and utanimoaasty treaures-cf knutleelge ant.ismiae which are agrecel 1téaaend- Mr Hiucka's bill so as f0 divide louait in bocks. Suris a mark cf tise progreu cf thec Coucity of Yorkc, and (crin un Eastern County osar ueiglébourhod asens le ie, given by the fart by tisýe otu f Optsrb' , as laad lassa proposed, thal il lacs been lond profitable ta open a Bcok which ameadmernta mers reperfeteotihe Hous aI Stoieainuontat us, andl tiat- the ppropnietor la a fate, ana eropsequently rallier ditffiuit period of eccouraged te add te lbis stock front lune tten. of 1tS, session Io lie got tiscougisseity, aiaing t!ec Lest qf flac recrut incas of Eigiish -cad 11cm tise grant prescf otser iamporteant bulssas. -Ateericas statîlanre. Our readers 'a-i aeMe liy or Yet, notssiutalsding this difficully, îlae bill wa~ds aiigctm taIM.Grebsten frire le a Commitîe ci tihesshole bousc tully supplyiug t.tmsstf is a large numher of sucis diwassl, aid flacpricipte, as steil as Siso pbiainamn raca fenproae clausesadopteil, amnngal misicis mcccflacan eler- pliasiocnay fwiac aromny cf ul i s ring ta tise division cf lise Conly cf York. The riss. Tise accotait cf tise rfeest aiascoveraesata tact lime tise1'lt>vas tn Committe uas thie day Nicesela, bly Capta.,Layard, rau ieho hai t littho belote tlac Prorogation, and wioutl uuquesfionaliy cest, and tlias tise reader anay. becoMae Ieqîs ited wtathe flavuscidrîs of tisat great city wiasrlwas have pasted laid net a (civ membere cesiding in destroyed 21W years ugo, and flac remains cf tise City cf Toronto delibectsiy aun utslicgty ivtiis ch c la-nd eahnsatis mounde cf rubisai mallard eut cf flan Legisltire bail, lcavin- thle titi Mr. Layard uncovered tem. Lynch&' narra- tave ni'lise Expedition sent by flac Aneriu flouse siliout a querons, laus cosnpellin,, it te ad- Goerntnetit te ,tise Ieail Sec may aise b.e bcd journ, sud stop ail furîher bsiness tisat day. claeap, cossreyanthse readea- te lia s aene of tise Tis 21000ichistaca, eaiicgintis prpoaaldestruction uf tise Cilies cf flac Plain, anti pov.- The 5,00 ihabtant, rsidng n th prpos acighyuiacy evidescea cfuprejudiceal witqsssaes Easternt couuay, usho have yess- afer year paid flae exact% eracily cf tise Bibis. Tiasse are Iwe tributs te and enrirised Toronto, wili perccire tisai anseng mny. lNe trust tise public wiii sexamiane lseir Leut intercala bave tasen mccl outrageously loi thernseetre.4dollarenton a ge cillok Irodelacudovraisy tise unpriecipted tincks cf a few A laSk may gies continu, keowleerwioa, esiigusaî ls ~t-ho arialerracy, if thaey Iboueuir Ile*s»-asf, aiti aa eruu al reastd. And we Msay bers ianairs cfflae hiotest faîmily wnira bilsaes auceeding generat * qps. yconsanry oethtie Cosalty, irbat, ailla fassefarts isefoas tlaeir eyea, liaey expacl lu future, anad )f PROROGATION 0F PÂ1UIaIAMKNT. tissy are atiti tiiting that surishoiugs shah cccli. O Siarly ie1Ot f ý 1~ } nue te tive et thiu ase. ccd (allen at tlseir exjaenae Eciec ieGvro-et eafe ccd isard caruinga. We tiint c. Ve frmly xelucth oe er enm até believe, ton, tsaI juastice iiilac dune honord the giving Ishis assent, it. ler suajesty-s close ci anollier session. tiase, te a usuaber of hBis, eIoaedý l#M As te tise lrescuf state ccd future prospects of Tisird 'Sessions of flacTiaird Provincial then question, it e ilit la seen sy lise fcregeoiag tisaI Parliaaîsent o f Ujaper Caîsadui with ts an important ssp lacslacets gcaidby lise admis- sien cnd adoption cf the principte as su-cl as de- bD tails cf flac division cf lihs Ceuîay cf Yock, las-SPEECH: spite cf ail thse strenyous efforts aud viotent eppo. JHonorable Gentlemen of thle Leguiaative salson put forfis iy tise seifishuness cf uct a feir ce- Ceanil, and Gentlemen cf tLJ *ps sufing inandu &bout flac City ef'ferott, -no laye et bec tanglat cnd arcusfomed te took tapon tise ltr seb su iole csubsance oetishe Coenocf Yeck, tae a tucet remoe corner, ais ested a-ghtt, anad thisen.lacs, vxing yeîs for tise pree'fo pIe as fit icataumenîs te lac iewers of srood cnd fîscîher otteaicinuce in as uliamtut1 de-. diawaers of ester fer tisern te tise cutIcf tins, ccd sire te ciler yent nsy warma aclçnewil- suite tisints, and eacA lisir chitlren ltla ik mieercdemenfs fur Iho sceal and diiigeucé cf thse scieurs of brck- u uad hugh res than ln deatiiug ctI evenisuuded aid common jattice tenivitia wlsiciyen have apiiîed yettrselvee ftair fcllew mac. Tisss IlthiÃŽ have laad tissir sui1-ithlie Coîts-se tsf lhe Session te tho day (snd a long day tee> but t isir sudlef isttad contsideraf ion of uunny attijecîs of great su hyarc doorerd rery alaocîtlacacas ipstn te flPttie Welfare. tise tiice lItI ire. iprac-otePilCW lae If t ijill uy stîdy te carry imb REVIFIW 0F ?THE SE-SSION. cfiet witlsutit îtnnecesauc deiav. the ar.