5PUBLISIrED Wy aturday 2Uornlug, -Ofcin RaY'ls,(Ciach'Factory,) tilding, on the Plaë!îkr.R&d. "MS.- Teii Sltklmippe,. ea'num, eencé et 'Meclose f the fear. Eetters oddioaue4 te thus Oice ýOnig Agents for the Reporter, J. S. SPBJOWLE, anamim Propriée r. a fp dl T diIIlERTI tiw knta~ un*aibett ~o"2'rne WIIITB3Y, CANADA WEST, SATUIIDAY, &U GU ST I MAC éONELLII 4 UpdCmmUnSoiO-at-1Law, .lieiN, H. J. MACDONE1LJ 2brýOad. 1Vh«by Village. aWhitby opposite thse residence ef ApWiUT19, 8. w. --PSR IANUGCLUES LTo'Y VILLAGE. itby ilage , o,1850.8 CIIOOL BOOS Y jor langings and Window llliiids, FOR SALE CHEAP AT BEUG & BOOZ STnir, WHIITBY VILLAGE. prit1l9Lh, 1850. ~TH! TEETH!! TEETIIIf OSHl.Jq&, c'.w. HRENRY WEB3ERt, FASHKO[iABDLE TAILOR,. ~oste Ifr. Bettes', King Sireet, OSIIAWA, C. W., Ic lic is prepared toeoxeceute ordrs hie lUneonouthealîortcst notice, and ut moderato chargczs. FI LeetFaions regularly rereived. kemiApril 19, 1850. J. C. STERLING, .L1oëà ècèdAuctioneor, d .WHITJJY.,- I Okdetu Receivcd at this Office. ER. B. FREY BALL, wMmoeju, ae RAS REMOVED TO Cmhot, nul door ho Bryan'u Tii Shop, WHITBY, C. W. ~EDWARD 4. JIATE, PropMisor. Porterajina ttedeue at thse Steasuboats. lmsa. 8.Iy' A.- S. NORDHEIMER, It, ma inos, Xastrïmmtu 3 s"s u, kqte-$ . , .9acerd a&d Socîat Mussic, UZiG 8TIET EÂST, TORLONTO. >h R E VI E W.' Fr&os the Nosçonfornaist. MORE VERSE AND PROSE: 5Y THES CeRN LAW RHYMER. EBENEZME. ELLIOTT received fnil] jucasure of justice fronu lus coutempe. rarios, aveu froma tiose te wîmom liii pLites were ipos t offenisive and hatefu!, Mroe Ihna fifteen years ugo, Christo- puier North w~rotn Iis generous aud dis- cririnating paper.in Blackwoed; and,' bafore tlimt, Carlyle'e fine criticisuî on Eiliott'a peetry hnd uppoaroc lu tIhe Edia&urgh Revîam. A passagelu imite lutterreniains thîe bat hing writtouJ' Rlliymer :-" WVo migimt ratîmer liken tIîem Le couse littIe fraction cf a tain- he; ur;sliof Joy and linrruonyrpiuted onat cf troublons tours. No rcumd, fiiît how, indeed, gîorioucsly spanning tihe henveus-siioue on ly te full sun, and wil-b aeveu-ctriped, goki-crimsomi border (as is in corne sort tise cffice cf poetry) dividiug bIndk frein brilliatt: net sncb lias, ciIl fur fremi I! Yet, ini very trutis, a littie prisrnatic hluah, glowing gentm nruoug thse wet clouds; whieim proceeda, if yen wiii, frein a cuis Cloud- hidden, yet indicAtec LIînt a sun doos siine, and aloi-e tîmose vapeurs n wiiole azure vaunt and celeatial firmament stretcm ceresse."' The preaunt volunue l is e firat cf twc wlsici contitute Ebenezer EitioLt'c bequeat te lis, countrynuets. IL is muncl to say that timey are î%vortisy of hic fume, tiougb scarceey likeiy te inérease I. There, is nothing liera te le compured witim " Ie Village Patriarcis," and tise political verses are mieL luke Lîose wbich atartied us aferetismue; but we have aili LIe elear Liougimt, Lhe trutuî cf nature, Lime genuineness andi pasioni wiicîî mark Lie pecL. IL is truo lue is cone- limes dull und t tasteess, and scinetiitids lic exnggerates and runtL-but ever al Lise rîm,,,ggdniess of lis nature are poured forth living waters, freialIert cf love aud gufilehess iucority. -lis art la net great, but fine instincts have served himit insteadl. Anmd if Lie definitiotu of poetry ho trute, that IL is I liigîiest kîmuxvedge," Elliitt's will ahide tise test-if it pu a menitt LIatie peetCs werk la douc as work, lie wvdl have Lisat praise. Iii tuila volumie are Lyrzcs, Balladg, Snaol Poems (cîîielly politicai), thse rear of Seeds (n cycle cf revolutionary sonnets), and a longer pooni eutiticd Ethielime. Freus ecdidivisioni cf LIe contentesivC couid quete witlî dehiglît,1 but as WC hope Lhe reader will purcliaseJ andi pertce Lime volume, cur extradas wiIl hoc ucl culy as may lîelp te inducc isini to do se. The firstslahbchodFare- well Lu Itivilin," wîmichu, Lougli ieur findiag ILS place lu corne Il eet's Cor- lier" cf almiost every journal, la Lue becautiful, ini iLs musicanud pathmos, Le bho uriUed : 4Beautiful river!1 galdeuly shning, Wbere with tbe risss woodbimea are twining; (Birklic4,dr&auiJd thee'niou'niains above tIse,> Itivilis. wiidet! do 1 net love thee 1 Wby <t(Ir)1love ihee 'i heart-breaking tiser t Love thee and h-ave thse 1 Leavo tbee for' ever 1 Nover to sec then, viiere tiseaMorns greet tbee I Nover to lirs thee, rusbing te meet thece Neyer bo bail thee, joyfully cbiming lel'iy in music, aster ef Warni! Playsully minglisg la'ugbter qau spssa, Ribtedun's aister! sail in tby gladuess. Why muet I brave tliee, mocrsfully si gliig Maa is a sbdowl'tRivet undyiag! Drean-like he passeth, cloud-like nec waiteth, E'en as a shadow over thee hasteth. Oh, when tby peet, weery, reposes, -.CatinI'd-in atassier, far frons tby rases, ToIl ail thy pilgriins, heart-bteakinsg river 1 Tell them 1 tav'd tbee-love Usee for everI Yes, for the spiit boms ever vernal; ,River of beauty ! love is eternel:ý Wbilo Use rock reeietb, starm-atruck and risron, Safpi Use feuntain, 1'flowing froos heaven.' Thora witt tbou bail me, joyfully limiag Ileauty in music, ister etf imng ! Hiesd with tIse angels, baiten ta groot mn, Glail as Use heethi-flower, glcwing ta meut tlee" Tîmere ana Lwd of the &Sall Poeins whticii arc very dlaracteristid, i"Lot me ret," and d"Not for nouglt ;" aid, Of a differeut order' hiere la a critidiaifr auchias blieve la Goothe: WRITTEN AFTEL READING OGOETHE% " FAUrS." "dClothp tutigh lu light and aiea shali deern Uses mati; But giv o t hogtst a cream's profandities, Andl learning's self, for worth tbey nover bal, Sbali praise Us- y meaand pronouesce thae Wise, Olil readers stifi saoi l id tbee aew ta Usern, As o'er thy ices-for hidelen weaitt they pore, To prop the Accient Hoo f Fallacies: At =ehb aId » nga, woaderiog more sud moes Shouttssg - Eureka," as the> taris it 'er; ShafiI aci disoverer laud bis special gens For dleep ind uafe Use buried aseasiag fies, Imat neves Jvel sad tierefore never dies.", Theso are mnny Epigrama, Epitapla, &C., sane o eJin uwitliabtundance of! point and etrength., from a whicli we select the foliewing;- "Whatisa Communist? One whohbath yeanngs For eqant dlivision of unequal eainge; Idier or bungler, or both, fie is willing To-fork out his pennyand pocket youaehig 1" To whidli Elouezer, adds 'a note, "And lie las tvo naines, ,'Legomi' and 'Danger!"'"And agulu, ,iOld as iyi;& thrives a <ollege Famous for its truth-forsakers, Gavera wbe are always takers, Swern ta give less tban tIse> take, And neyer givttmg knowledge.1i A ud tise isote te his epigrumla, 1"MAL mionopojiýt&ýbave tise loueur te bd~ usenîhers cf thîls uncieut coiety ; and origiuaîîy Limir great unÛester, the first conjurer (wlso care ne u eforo the con- clueror)'hnd LIme Juonetir Le b h ie mati- Lutidu itself 1" Wu ray piso iear Ebenezer on "IState Eduication :" "1Give stipends ta o hast a( slaves; Tbey'l elp te guird aur boards; We cannot bave tee maay knaves Dependent on us lords." «iThe Year cf Seede" la porluapa Lime weuitlsiest portion cf Lthe volume, as Lime folhowmung extructa wil sow; "ath Apil wept herself toto a dreaM~ lOh Aworus jey i or e reality Foirer afid Irighter theis at dreaming 1 Peeux Net ligbîly, tard, cf lber regality In goodnesa. f.o, thse Ieautilu L ae gstrongi Lu, gentleit love is power, 'wbose noteeles tream Keeps freab the ses of life, wbtch plie wauld teenm Oely with plagues! Oh, goldbillqý Ourle', H atgng! fit Love's till might wak'd tbee 't Love's Aprit! coldly' Prinirosy airs breathe round thee. Cloads be- hold thee, *And mix tby music witb their bluabes. Morn Dew-glisteuiag, moto, is atlvertag rore ead tree, Wbile mhadowsbehrten e'er Use iwbit'aimsg thora, Perrbesl un wbese topmost twig the woodwele liymnueth thee."1 "The foot-priais of departeil life rensata For hours or yeurs, or cge-long years ofyesrs, On saad, dlay, --tone. Thus, chranicters of tearsi Die, but flot sa Time'a History of Pain. iRooted on graves, Truth bears a liviag flower 1 Man may lorgive, but weaads their scars rtain As warnings ! oandthse powersa efgaod ardain That ta Srgei ahal net be la oui power, For worsî t te, b ave roots. they are the fruit Of pletteil action wera te habtusde ; And thea grey dynastiesi af Force might live, lSafè in their privilege et fraud and feud, Il agony died recordîes aad mute, And ta forget were easy to forgive.1' Many more cf thesa sonnets are de- ligliLful>- refreiig ; otîmers breatise suduesa over tus; and al une Ilceed' of thougIits aud sympatistLiepureat aucj Lime hest. We have not qîsoted frei the -Ballads or frein Et/saline; Lime preseîe, ur e lave pasaed hy, concicting cf introductions and notes tu Ltme pei, fusll cf vigercus writing and suggestive sayings. OnLime nmoruiug cf the iast day pf Ebeilezer -E liott's lat year, hle or ioned thus iin luoî: IlWtaat have 1 won ha worthv strife,1 Wbat good wark calsgu Awaits me! Fatheý, Imiuat sooi appear flefore tboo, te lie seatenred. Il 1 ettôve Il kiadmesa, 1 arn soie. Wbat is aur own t Thlat oSiyv, wbirb we lJtild for thee and tbmps. Whosha reusp love, unIosho aow in lave '1 If 1 bave laboJJred for rmyself atone, 1 need noa ork'd strong coller: nougat is awne'e Neot ini vain luns Ehhiott ruande lie poeL'a protesta fur Lime rights and digai- Lies cf lalotar-siot lu vain huas le beau- tîfied and enuoled tI>e life of Lime poor; and whian. lus pcetry chmuii le, as iL ought, uuel more in them heurts cf Lime peuple, iL wiih prove iLs power tu purify tIse mmnd, te consume a suese, sud tu titLî m e umoat gouercue virtues. Thon fond affections wilI gather aroiud bis naine, a nna wlici mrusfrliéô'*eWfoa famijiar liouseîsohd word. Frons SheqsaMaazine. , THE WIFE 0F KONG, TOLV. A FAIRY TALE 0F SCASDISNÂVt <Cooclded.> Aud Liere again, Inighter lun Lhe moonight than iL lad.aven ceemcd lu Lie day, came sweeping by tIe statel>- pageatit. ILs torcbes Jllng red siadews on the trees, its wheeis reseuaded through tle night'e quiet witli a muüsic as cf cliver lotIs. And elttlug ln bis stata ahone, grand lut cumling, wmsm the lord of ail ttis aplendor. Tlie chariot toppstd, and lie dieumoun- ted. Thon Lime whole train vaalsbed, sud, clora of nl bis giories, ffxcapt!a certaiu n îgltuesc wisich, bis very preos- once seemed ta shed, Lime king if ho were indeed mch, stood beide the tremling peasant mid. lier face inqarngly, until Hyhdrèda toilt hersait forced tu le (ha fr4 tui And bowiidered by Lthe music, Lime dan~e, and tL'ie apleador, lîyidteda ne- rnenbered ne more thie cottage, witl iLs eue ernpty chair, uer Lhee miserale moà thêër, sor tima little sister straining ber weoping e "yec along the honehy rond. The mortai rsaidem hecame tIhe Elle' king-'s bride, and livcd in Lime -ill for sevesi lon- ycans; at least, se Llmoy sucuned mu EitiuIand, wlere ime passes li4cth Le passing cf a strain cf munsic, tluat dies but Lu hc uguin ru- newed, Little thoukht lad cime cfLime worI4 above grotd, for in tise li-pal- ace was continuai pleasuré, tud mgnificence without eud. No se- metubrauce of lbat kindrod rcubled ber, fer se sat in the Dronniagetohes, aud al L e elfin people lowed clown bo- fore the wifo of the mighty IÇoug TeJv. Shie niguit lave lived se always, witlino eso eire oves te go hack t b rh cave tînt eueday sue saw trickiug dowa Limîugîs Lie palace roof a pearly atreuru. Thc elves lied away, fer tlioy raid IL wgssmre mortaI weeping ou the grassy hli overbeud. But 1lyldre-, du staid uud-lookcd enutil Lhe atroaça cettbad isto a clean, jehucid pool. A sweot mirrer AL mude acld the 1Hill- king's bride oves leved te sca ler awam beauty. -'Su shc weut e.sd guzad dewn inta Lime ehismgwater, Thorce hë:e1sIed-no e imuage cof tise elfis-quecaý, lut oetthb pew=at nuaid, witl lier Manthe cf cniuison wooi, lier.ca c&odrae,and lier blacuk cruci- fix. SIe turaed away is- dimsMt, but meon ber people Irouglit ber elfla rs rer, wlorek a mIe camd seaber present. self,- gùrgeomsI elad, sud, t. thu and times mare flai. IL kisdied inlier heart a prend demira. -She mmid talber lord, « Lot me go back farta ittia whilete x=y native * immeanzps, or lqnasuCleaie' "My lord, wbo art tthmou, and whnt isý thy will with vue P" Ile smilod, '"19Thanks, gentle nmai- den, for timy question las talion off the apeil.ý Otherwise iL could flot be broT kien, even by IKong Tolv.?" llyl4rcda shmddered witli fear. Iler fingeriî-,ried te seize thé cross wlsich always lay onlier broeit, but ne! she bad thrown aside Lime coarse blacli woodeh crucifix, wiii dreamning of lolaumeuts of Rold. And it; was St. John's Eve, and she stood benoatl tise hauutod oakwood. N6iiower had mIe te, fly, and hier- prayera died on lier ips, orshe knew lierelf in ýhe lI- king's power. Kong Toits begari te wvoo, after tlue elfin fashion, brief and boîd. "lFuir usaiden, Lime Dronuiîsgstoleti e o mpty, and'ti thu mstfil i.Corne pnd ene ypalace under tehlI." But the maiden aobbed eut tîsat eba wvas toc lowly te ait on a qneou's chair, and thmut noue cfiniortals, rsave Lthe dead, ruade their home uuder-gresumd. And eue prayed the Elle-king te jet ler go back te lier motlior and littlei Rtesu. lHe onîy laughied. leWouldet ho content) thon, with the pocr cottage, and the blnck bread, aud the labor from moirautLlII ve. Didst LIeu sot of thy- self wis li for a palace and a lord like nie?1 And didl fot the Hyldenseer waft me the wieh, so.tîat 1 came te maeet uud welcomeCtheo under the bill V', Jlyldîeda ruade eue dospairing efflort tp escape, btt sho Jieard signia Kong1 Tolv's'prend langh, and looking up, cime euw tint the thick ouk-wood hadi chungod W an arrny. In place of ov-1 ery tree stooi4 a ilercp warrior, ready te guard every step. Sme tîiouglit iL ruustl lie ali a delirious dreain that would1 vani4i with Lthe moriug. Suddeulyi aime hoard ýlpcfur village çlock strikb ime hour. Mlerlauicaliy she couinted-i one-two-three-uutr-u1, toý twelve, As sue prouolunced Lime lust word,i Kong Tolv canght lier in bis arma, saying, "lThouhat nanmed me a»ud art mine."8 Instautly allîe sceno vanialicrl, an,4 Hyidreda fuund licrself standing ou Lime bleak side of a little hilI, alune in thse usoonlight. But vcry gouLimet c!eur ,mgît darkened, and a lîeuvy J atorin aruse. Tresibling, aime booked around for ahelter ? and saw lunLime hiIi b aide a tiuy docr, Wliiclî epied te t invite lier te enter. Slie did auolIii a momnent alIe stooci dazed by a blazee cf ligît-a usortal amidat thé festivalb cf Lime cîves. Shse heurd Lthe voice cf t ICong Tclv, half-apenkiu g, imlf.inging, "Welcome, niaidea, fair and free, Thou hast cerne of thyseif in the bill ta rue.ýt Stay tIJou bere; nor thy fate depl[ore ; a ThuuhastCone Qt; thymeif in et Mny cir."1,t Camest tbou net ef thyslHithUe bibite> me t Andl stayest Use, here Usy lt te deplotel1 Camesu tiç ual t; fthyselIn, at my <tact1t" Wlen LIe mhr lsand ister ef Hyl- dreda lifted up their eygus,.,tliey saw netbing but a clead of duat swocpi ng pat Lhc cottage-dean, tlicy bourd notim- ang but tLimanacieut ehdcdr-tree hôlawing uloud us ita branchies ware tossed about in a guut ef wiutny 'grind., K(uug Tl toli back toe ili l is moital bride. Tiare lie set lier lu a golden chair, sud Irouglit « te lier ta drink a milver lors cf aJjln-wine in Lihe 'wIich, ho hpd drepped anmaocf wlieat. At tIe ÃœntrmL raght, mli.forgatth.vfl- lage wlerp -seibe id dwet-at thé second, sep forget thie #ster whcs lad beau les darlug-at the th ird, MebaIo- gat-tisa mïotlies wlo harolier. gaja mima rejeicad la the glosiem of thse flsiy- palace, andin the lite et novei>,ein Manth after month "Isled by'-by her msce ountd, or eatmtedorily in lest, as, mIa would mumnber a hmmdft ofc rose, ail h4 o fuI tantad mure, tha-b villa!ge, andmy ancient home, that 1 may show themall my spiendor, and my greatxess. Let-,me-enteýr, sittiug in xny gilded chariot, with the fontr white horses, and feel mysoif as queeru- like as the lady 1 once saw beiieath the -oak-wôod." Kong' Tolv l4wghed, sud assonted. 'q.3nt," he said, Ilkeep thy owvn proud gelf the while. The* fixst sigh, the7 fit t aad 1 cmwry t*oe brik jatoý the hih witli shame.") Se llyldreda loft the fairy-paflace, t sweeping through the village, -witli a pageant worthy a qucen. Thus in lier haughtiness, afler seven year had gone by, she came te, lier xiwthor's door. Seven years, noue qf which. had cast one shadow on tl;e çlaughter's beauty. Buit time and grief togother had bov- 1ed the mo 'ther almost to, the. vex-ga-of the grave. The> ooek»neW'nt the other, tintit little Rosa carne between; liâle 'Resa, who lookod her sister's eldon seIlf, blooming in the swectaoss ef sev- enteen. -Nething te lier was the magnificence c f the heautiful gioat; ehe only saw Hyldroda, the lest and found. IlWhero hast thou been 1'" said thse mother, doubtfully, -wlen in irnswer te all their caresses, the atately lady only looked on thern with -i prend smioe; "Whso, gave thea those grand dressai, an ,ut the matrons vail sipon thy I am 'the Hill-king's wife,"1 said llyldreda. U d-well in a gorgeons palace, and sit on a qneen's tliroue."ý "God preserve theo !" answtered the mother. Bu.t I{yldroda tunrnod away, for Kong Toly had comnaded her neyer te heur ortutter the holy Namo. She hegan to inquire phout lier long- forgotten home, but lial-arelessly, as if she 1had no ia'tpresý ina it uow. "And wlio wait," aime asked, thigt- wept -on the-hli-side untit- thétear a dropped tbropigh,. staining ruy palace walls?'M Il ," answerod Rosba, blushing; and thelp iylcireda porceivod tisat, yotiug ns sîso wps, the girl wore thîe matroa'e hcacl-tiro. '0I, sitting theregritlî my babe, wept te thinli cf my poor sistor who died long age, and nover kuew the sweetneessof wifehood and ruother-1 iiood. Aud alrnost iL grieved me, te tlhink that my love lad blottod eut the litterness of ber memory even from t4e'heart of Esbern Lynge."1 At the naine, proudly lauglhod thc eIder sister, "lTakc thy husband, and be happy, girl; I eavy thîee flot; 1 asri the wife of the great Hill-king." ~ "And does thy lord love thep 1 Does lie sit boside thee at oec, and lot thee bean thy tired head on bis brest, as Esbern *does with me?1.And hbut thou yoti.ng chldren danoing about thy 1 foot, and a litim blte-eyod ene te croept love-like te thy heart at niglits, ne 1 ruine dues?1 Say, -dear sister, art thon t Hyldrda patsedl. eaitli'sweet.tiem 1 irose before lier, and thme grandeur cf 1 ber lot seemed ouiy lonelmueýss. For-1 getting lier lord's comuîand, she sighed, 1 she oven wept one regretfal Lear; and 1 thîat moment in lier presence stood 2 'liong Tolv. "KjCll mne, but gave my suother, my' sister," cried -the wife, with a lbrckeu e :ieart. The prayer was neediesa; tkey saw n et the Elle-king, aud lie marked îeit thom-me oulny bere away Ilyl. 1 Ireda, -siugiug meckiagly in ber eai somiethiug of - *he saxne xrhye whidli had bcnd ber his: C sa or -Lad 24, 1850. 19. 1.une could faitor fae; or as.11 wonld .i4s -oeh!y deethe littlo waves, of rivulot -wliose 59UXO8 wr4 *terimlly liyhdreqa thouglit neosmore q( any eatily thing,ntil the epa0 , y Lobher own, a- young, 4ow~ life. mWlwa her 1oa4ubbeImf noetlod in lier Wonmn' b 4tit wau îkoned thereheeur io I~s oveo, aud of hen4g-oettma ?3mpioeq*-_ .«OhI hetmespoino ppt mo more," ebpe implored of ber lord, Lt rue--go-te usk-mymoLlier'a fbrgvew,ý and above aU, o crave tii. urtý lilessing pu this my inocent babe..", Kong Tolv frowned, and thon leokedi sud. ForijJtite pnéîeat rrwfrot the Elle-peopleb thoit they, witlr 811 others cf thIc elfiO raçet pro shp,ý,,Sst they oftea 4teal me alw 1iyos, ! s4 striva te have tlseir chli p4iem' acco u erite, ia ordgr ho ,par pel*t in the bleige grantedto the pýi flg of Adms. " lDo ne thon wil4l,"the' M-Jiinihi ansewered; "but knqvw, thera qýuuýtsu% pnalty. la exchange for!a saunj mi givon a lite." heurt of th" eyeuag moLler, IL tegrf« 1er fer a time, bat, sean the swèÈt strauge wiies, of lir-pýIia abo bguffl~ lier inte renewed happinew. go t4mt 1h« Iongiug fuded away. The tmhuld grew sot -like aMý face;' wondM@'Inèéteoùious igna à w ed it fromints birtl.. Its baby4é'lé was very wisdom.- Iti-baby-ml& Nu fulof them4ght. The roptlier réader- olden seul-lime puru sont that, wms hérs ef ydre-iui lier inà tnt's eyes.- One day wheà . Hyidreda-w, fi>olo» iug the child, -in- itsplay, _seo DO1d- i ejisappear tliýough Whit mseetLt witlet of LIje iy'peaewjfm - eheberef lad nover beien .able tu flti4, She forgeithat ber boy wae of eIfin mt weîl as cf Pirtal race. Oeh t à >sasedj the siethor eageriy pursoiuin 1 am~ f-eund Ierself wiUs tho p'hujd ia 4 moadow noms the vilIage eto SkjeloÃ~ wbere yopr;s ago ebe hcci oflon ýplayed! It was on a Sunday morsssgc and cheerfuiy yotoelernaly rang Out thï eh aJel-béie. Ail thesouüand 04 of ertrlicasse brck sa epas 1 , wit ILqpugiug th, gt woaîd nôt. ho reqtýxine&_ lu th ýifraOee4gVau, fo« lt os intomtji ae otetle wifeOftLKM$ rcîv, hcolding fastta b eir boom~t~ts ehfjn. babe, wh hîl'vered at every bleu ,of wind, yet, ehiveri.ng, seepied *0 aie.iy)dreda kaeit util the~ia el-bltîtceased-at service-tijuo. Ionà thora came buretiug ftu m 1w Upr tho loug-sealed prayere, the prayers pf mer 'childmecc. white *euse breathe4 them, tle ricli fairy garià est crorPbW. froui ber, and aime rernained Old&'III lhe course dreess ime wbrq wlen YSOee L'olv carried lier away;, mve that ah îuug in nuisorable tLatterisa sif wons for yeurs, and tlreugl its.re.tsthà oy srind piercod 1er lysera, se that tbq meurt withiu migît havp mu4 miand dli bait ,ferlime. evor-abiding warmah . materuai, love. That told 1er 'haw ia opa'othp« nother's hburt there must ho warmthi stilI. "I wiil goeberne, sho murmpurmd, 'willsay, 'Mote, takoamei*a.aa4 save me,- or eie Idiel 1s*- And 4 vlan Lhe mugît cosetl, mimd eUthe -ylL agora were safo at -hçrneanad nn could -sack ath er-iwsd hl i3ensrye ,1IIý 'oas desolate ana csept.ho >c; m~otherl'é door. IL lad loess oppl o heta115k vaiswhei sh camue inlier jpsride V'lai ' à a bo cî1oeed agaist lber- oru>w andibu., rilityl1 Aetd Was therç evr qtu lirobbed thare, wagfnot a refuge fora~ rpentant clîild 1 Ilyldreda fondcl .holtot and pouL, But the tittie elfin.baaba, unumd 4 tbpU ir of, earth, .utred continual man-. lge. Atnigk:,Lkà estrange 6sa ivsed, but -haaked at her # a0 mates fr teis., ti