Whitby Reporter, 24 Aug 1850, p. 4

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*OT8ê OFTRIE SE$SION.> The folioin ae .auong thé Acts tbhâhve ecived the snc>tion of the Govern erëI: Acttut b s ha 'more equal and just *E*I ft o essmeait- in the Several tôisîh4ér, v llges, îcuns md Cities iià Upp.r Ciaaa Act to esta'blish Freedom cùf Baniking in this Pio'vice, and for other purposes r'elative to Baniks and l3anking. Act t ame nd the Act iniposing .,Dut' Lutes of Customns. Act tai enend thé Curreucy Act cf ibis ProV mIce Art to incorpoat.e theQuebLcc and St. Andrew s Raiircqà 1Compjanyi ect to amend the 11-gisî'ry Law of Act t t1 rrd* relief tVo Iankrnîîts, il cettain 'ass. Act îc4 itntborize the reinoval of t he aiteof Victoria'Coltego from Cobouira êû, Toronto. Act to lintit> the time for redeniing Land Scrip. Act Vo provide for the- payrncnt cf thç aura of zmney thereiîi mentiônel, for the use -nnd support of three additional Grafntttar $choots- in thie County cf --Yorkc, for theyear ânie thousand cigbî haftdred and forty tine.f Ac t toprovido funds for ¶erig the cost of the crectiori- of a Lunatîc .sylum, and other public buildings ini Ac o eirn e ýaDutv ou. Forcig Re-rîits of Br'îihscopy-wrigbt. workcs. .Act Io - îemerid aud consoidate -hb, severaI acto5 10w in -force regtlt«nLy thé Ictice cf Division -Courts in 4 pe anànaand to ctenq bhc Juris- Weioftteef Act for thceconsolidation and aniend- ment of bbc Laws -re1îtux-i o lrors, iJuries and Iriquests lu Ihat pyart of Ibis Provincecoclled Ijpper Çimià(aa Mrfuir the more effectutai admiîistra- tioù ocf Justicee in thecourt cf Cliancery M - UsPèrCa nfda,.- Ac t to èmpower thleGreat Western gmlroa4 Comnpany bu tuake a ]rancbl Uliroad to the town of -Gait. Ac te facilitate and encourage ,teè etttdy of Law fu tItis Province. ~,ët to cstab1IiÉh a board cf Agriîcut- iure i» Utpper Canada. Act for te 1Icorporation of a Cm îtny to cohsbrsîct a railroad bctween WJro~n and. rrescott. Acot to authiorize bbc formnati on CI' C~mpanies fur lte_ establishiiieit èc Vemcteries inu Upper Canada. Actto atend thé .Act lu encourage thé esta4lishitncnt or ceiaàil lce t'lès commonly calted Building octin l that. part cf4 lie- Irovii,îreeof Canadai toimerly constituting U7pper Cauadai Ac tbr corrcetlng ceitàii1errorS and -omissions in thé Act cf tbbc Parliaîuàeîît of this Province,jiassed in -the last ses- "io thereof, iîttuleil, 4-n ./lthI pro- W«t,6 y one genrl law, for tize'ert ion of A.Municipul Corporations <ad the es- t gi&iskment <f regulations of Polie*n and for t/he several- Coum&ies, ttties, Tort , Townships, and îV-illages, ini Act te amùend te Laws -relative to <Tavernt tkenses lu Upper Canada. Act for the protc-ýtion cf lhe Lîîians th IhUpper Canauda from Imposition, aîîd the property océupied - or enJo yed - by them, from trespass and injury.- rFire clasin lu hlOsopl>' tep ont, our bocks. John Joues, buw ingdems ininature? mIleland, Smotlatd, next-Srnitl.» -thé animal, veeaijie, mine- igci9rn-corne." - me up head." )1ýtauuseealligators, mn ,kdrfivers, jaekamî., aidj E, Au Orator at a plitical meeting is said to hiavc tlVuindered forth this 'o ble sentiment :' 1'Mr Chairînan, if .1 wa a Sianiese twin, and mnY brothier Wis on the other side, 1'd euit the rascal off' (Overwhelning appiauise.) A 'SÂÀVUÇG CLAus.- A notoiotis swindeï, who had a great. impedinient, in his speech, was one diy brought bc- fore at magistrale, and hy by is inonoton- 0111 stuitte'riuig, compitletely fnnoyed the juidget wivh0 exclaimed, 'ibiod yonr ton gue, you foot!" bw -vhie1îthe prison- or rop)lici, I"J-I aint sncb a f--1oot s ycr ,rshiip'C thc cnragcd magi-str ate Yas abouIt to order lim to lie locked up, wlien the felIow, seeing théî danger of lis situnation, fi n ised tie seuif eiicc stamnnlering out, "t-tkes tue for." A clor,«+niall of Ilcoilntry vilhnge d,1e'ircd -liîi& cierk to 'ive - notice tuiat there woîîld bco11Q Service inIllehcafler- noon,.as lit, wns 1goiuig 10 offi i anotiser clcrgymnar." The-lrk a sooli as the ýernîon* was elideld, rose up wvith ail due solcimnity, and called *ont, IlI arn desircd tb Crive noti e 1tbat there wiIl bh o cservice bore Ibis nfter- noon, ais ?dr L. is going-a fishîiug with anotiier clergynin." Mr L. of course correctecd __he awkward, yct, umusinTz NVIen .Tndg.r-- Pelers, of Pennsylva- nia, was -Speakcr ofthie Iliuse of As- zenl,one (If' hie ne ibnlucrossilng t1l, tflor trippied on i lle carî>et, anid feul down.Thlisebstm iitr w~hile the Judge. id thee utinust gra- vity, cricÀ,1:-" Order. order, gen tlenien, a meniber is- on tlejlfoor." An editor awhy lomn ensî, -wbo servedi four days on a jury, says lio is so: fitl of law fliat'it is.'liard l'or hi lu kecp ftom chcatirîg soînebody. An edilor says: ',A fair vonng friend of ours recently ituvitëùl tnsto imbibe thec fragrance cf lier tul-lip)s. We did. su with great tinction, -Nhierît.ion -,:le 1boxcdounr cars, and alffcted to say slic had allusion Io a paltry iloweror f Itat, narne. " IAlas, alias,"l lie, theretupon 8TE»BOÂAT ADYIERTISENENTs- CAI'TAIN HFIM1Y ' lHS W ILLI, aeTrnofrKiington, calling aIu Port llojw andi Cobourg, weather permit- tini-, evcry-W'l1)A)NE'Si)AY antdSATURiI>AY at Noon. .Wil eave Kingstn)n for Toronîto, andi interrne- diat*i Ports, every231ONDAY -andi THUiI$DAY Afternofîn, aI Thréee oclock., Will leave Toronto for Haiîttn, every TUTES- DA Y and%}'RII)AY morninig, ah Eight o'clot-k. WilIIleave ilatnijton fdrTIorônto, .very TU-.'ES- DAY and FIDAY Aftlrnoon, ai Thie u'clock. TbeStear )'.r rince,« ] Royal having been fur- niâheti wîth picw Boilers, is îîow one of the fastest huats on Like Ontario,, an& having heý Upper~ Calbiriextend.d n- early lthe w'hole elnigilof lier deck, tueé accomirnodlaUous for pwasiengerà art greahly inereaýset. Cbn ;hîe las Stmt-ftnmtïfar ipwairds ci fdîy bi 'senes; andti everal uf then i ne fiîtei Up with double French lîctisteatis, 8Nèha long bêen known iis one of thiebest #ea- buats Up6n the la ke ;and is uiwo ne oi the fastesi and Inobt Commodi oue. Royal Mil Steani Packet Office, Tloronto, 1M-ay'20, 185il- TBE STE}AMER- S 0 PERÂmE 1uJw v_ CAPTAIN WILKINSON, WUILL lrave ToiýontQ for Ni aaraýý , Lewiston, and ami ueentlon 1EVÉ,RY AF'TERNOOINt Suntisys excejîîed, autOne o'clock.î Wilii leave Lewieton andi Queen*ton' for Toronto abo ut hall-pas:. eigtt1h the~ morning, and wiU la r- l1ve in time tou mcltishe Mail Sheameris for Rings ton ut Twdtd, Noon. Cubin Pwa,>àge îNei etaone dollar. DüCk Pasg, thr.ejar o f -a dollar. Royalblail Stîeam Packet Office,?, Troronto, Ntay 22ndll, 0 audiT lIE STEAMER AMERJCA. C'APTA1N 1ROBERT RER, W ILL, Jor ilite remainder of lise Season, leas'. Torontlo for Ror'hester, every Tu"aa~ TisuMada>muu4 Sàtuzrlay XMaiing, p0o'lc, peCAseY, and i*111 touch at Portliupc' and coborg Mdinterpsediate Forts f weatiser ermittioiri3 ieur ing it e Re Ucster for Toronto, catlin z1al, b>ugandiinterneailate Porte, every Mooda, wL Uneday aidïiday Morning, athI l. pust 8 01elock. Royal bMail Offce, ALEXANDER SMITHI, toyaI Exchange SOIO024 ooSLiddI'is Building à, C/ntrck S. May, ~ TOKOWL'O 5 .11 No. C), CzIy JJvilî!ings,, Sign of the -Goldeir »'lece, King: Si. LEat, lToruiuto, iear the .Mri, T 11 Sul)îrîier woulti inform bis eiîstnmers, lainera, ami thse public gcnerally, that he has1 now receiveti a large anîd WCll-FteItchti Hock cf Fans-v anti Shapie Dry (;oo&d u nu - arasols, Rilbciîs, Mustins, l)rees (<oodS, llusit.'y, &(!, &r. ('mrpeus, Cotionîs, Litît-us, &C, &C, auîîî xvilii peri ont iN- uw ew dàm1mî b~ lout lie iIt ofJAle, wilh ai min eircly new Stock. 'fie attention of~ fîîrmeis i,4 parlieularly calledt 10thee SapIc 1)epar!i- Mnent. Toronio4 M ay 1.5, 1 Q50>.5 STEIN(3.-El" &"O WNSEIND WILL-iyie, on the Saturîîry letore the 1 st oi WJuiy, Oie fht ri uumlieî of a new v priodlical, s'umbininir the chararvs-h:iicp îcf thre Liîcrary Ca- zette, the Ileview, tho ,Journal ni' Scientilic Dis- cerey, andti lme Lihrmmîy of IRou.natilc Fiction, undr hefille Ofthe OIf thercvorif' lh- 'e.~n' of îht, rotul initerpRling mînîl înuuportamir is limit wlhich l fersbaken Place in bhe forro l' L filc-tatïire )(1îri OiMmes cf' ils, prîblitcahion. Sil'ikhe csstaâishniem' cf h ,r4iib'urgh IZsRvw lhefinit'lu f,-escf¶ xvonld l hve bh-tl J inys-l tri ranii>4:caJi Macauay, ava otti acaml mdl li -i stfaun tu compotxsitions xvhiceh ivavmppaareti it i Jou rnals.rMai zi liecs analdîv-v a ha' viiters of Tles anti Essays a ve initortul v ca-ruas-efire ihle f 111licel'y thre s%mt! rnrism, xvleh havi rce.cntly1 ecua matdic -ht-Ial>o firor tei cii.mexhîibition of tliurosu eiabormrte antii lî:illiant fiction", so ihat WC mrecîx'msu-vu~torh i herm. hv mm!nm--r- a'very stip t'rou i Elrmtpa, imnFl;iiruuuts cf xr'ort:,,by Diickens, Jnu,1,r',t~y~ls, Mas MÂNarss, Mis Ellîs, ant i ttirc'uI nemrîy a1 îhriinm's-'4erent couternporary îoa! 1.So , rnplhe lathe change that ail nuifiarl. except dtà ,iihicat anti leasu popultar, 18 iktl y la i low !laefler tbrouigh Ile Daily, Weekl , M umîhiy,o0,(2iiarteu-ly Mises-elia- nies, w'lnelm comlwte- xii nvriaaparlia- Meel, chujihes, ai ibralica2, fo)r ascumiuncy in tisa guvernureuit of mauakluti. In this-cotiitîry xve mumtst keep race xvîh dt nunvemnus aliroati. h xiii not aiswcr tisat xvie iesîe literary protiru'iotis as sooin as posi tler lueur corrpletion. 'fite imîpatient rentiers demanti chapers by chaçuers, as they nue spimuî lotît iai lîrain aniise heart cf Ihe anîhor ;ats ipi is e instant of iheir dis(ýovery ; anti io.zrr-tioris, as lh imah fuorur the céritact of irnagiuiamtior aund ne- Tfle lmilcrmwfirna! T1'A.!yM s-ln xii l' e a riesuhi of' efforts 1 aîaya p'iil l rassily c01tut, tiries. il xiill -orriliie, tha excellences oI ail c'onbtnMP.rary peu sadicilb 't ~trsbti vi be pecriliar ho itse f. 1. A Icadinol'ls- l wI r o ýpîexenuîl elisepb- le, wibh hIe îmrn&i atîîiiy, aumîl ýttheichemraiaîst i )omsiible rate, bbc hast of lhasae -'wôi lu lauar 4iiaratbreawich arc appearnugairoau! 1 iai or i separmibe chap1ert. '. Witis ibis view, iratiie initial portions w-ll bi ppibli shed icineitiîalitou - lions et thse briltianu narliir'ai pldicalon mcv itii course ci pubicaitnion lu lr ,ag'o'.Muagaduîle, iinder lihe titi' cf Il The Greerr lliud," by luie aulluon of îbe-mnust celclt-rati fiction tuf ils« clapra lu Inii iemature, "Tom Cringla'sLog; ai otiser xvorks ill haie lecteandautcarric-i on sral tani-oubly, as lOil-y ahal- courue to U3 witirthe stro Il . Tise oreign pruicd'r coutinually ricis ina tiuveeles ni' from two or îiiree tqo a doz,,',mm chali- bers, whiciï.-bcig toc short for separate volumes -ire-uari-tly re-protlucod tiaial in lkiis counry. Of these tue editors wiil give tru choicebt 3alcîu- iens. ]IL O f the Quarterly Ibuviewo4 tise osI adui- raâbie pafiers m-111 bu presstnted in-4uill-ami thuause wom-ks xill il u aH ca e acarefuiîy cxanlitied for suèhi valuriale antid rkn;psae as wil lube iikely Il lateresltishe Aneicau readur, Iu wisorn the eutiru article iri wiich they appear will the IV.Tlie. Litcrary, Jleliziuoud Pliltieal anti Scienluie rrnewapapers aui mngîî ui Iibe con- itteri for wbatever w"Il inîîtrict or eutrrtaiuu ln -tiseir severat tiepartr-ents. ',Tite leatiing articles inî tise gretjournals, lapon Af-îirï s ai I'hulospisy andi Art, wisic'h are row veiy frequeumtl y reprinilt ina Autierlcea, xii appearilu 1lireJatrmtiorud Mis- cel1any n kuch flxiffla anti eombination ats lu dis- plJay tishérigeand processEs of uthe -worltis as tion anti condtition. - V. But tise work xiii nul b.altogeliser Fuî.pign, cor a mere compilation. In ils repubhlaÙallri thuere wilt bu a conuait effort ho diofpiay wisa is trusI intereslt-ng ani irropnrft tte s /mrar anti in its original portisrîuç it will be «suprt»sl by somne of the ablzeat anti rsuAt a ccoî-rplishedi wllers in ail lise fields cf knowlctige anid spinion.i VU. As a Literai-y Gazelle anti amniie tla bulieveti that t wit equaln t or s e ~ny Work noxv or ever- printet inluIbotisepited-States-, It xvili cunt4inth ie cariiesl ainutluurnieuts u wisalever noveunents ini the ilerary wuulid lare of chiel in- leréÉ tol genemalrenties; its resIews or books wiil be-isnest anti inteli-ent; anti ils exîrmite, wisen tIre>'cabi bu giveila-1advagnce of lime puWî- caion or tiserworks tcslss'wilt be tise choi- cesI andi inoit vallisable possible. - Witisout clut or- hffloeisyî or' tise inttlueuaoe 01 ary clique of ftc- fia-mndd diambitious aspirarits in leter, thse ImernatùitaatMise4ltnry will i isis respect, tise publishers trust, win andt preserve tise respect anti îonfidence of ail wfio look tu publiseealcilical judgmezisa& guidts f« 1 -rea"ig grpurchage PROCLAMATION!!! RETREXCHMEXT!!l w ITEREAS, it bias been t rercut- ed to bme, ee-cfler Masty's, leige subjects of thse Poieo Canada, tlhat a, strong- desire prevaîls among thse Inhabitants of Ihis oui 'r7owurhip of Wiitby, that thoron hiand extens§ive Retrenchment, be mateienl the P'ublic exixenuliuuire 01thlie Province. Aind wbn-reas, ce rtain individuiai Croiagii;cebs, &e., have been Proclai'ming that tlîey utiii Manufacture Boots atI "./hînixulion, priera."y Be il therefure. kniown, tb allwlion il mnay concera, ant I o the Inhabitants tof Whitby ini parlieullar, ihal frora iîs day farth, Ixviii -0 lthe ", 11,01r IJogz" lu jraclical Rîerhnnby ManîiaeluJng BtI{YF$andi SHOE.'i of the' va v I>Cslt inaîcrialy ai the following low pliccs, viz: MNEr<'s Fine 4$sxvwct l oots, i I'emtiieL oots, - i i logBos - S. (1. S, il, 23 9> Io 20 3 18 11, lo- 21 3 12 ; lu .13 l0 other, atclslin the Bot tutti jShoe ite in propor- As he $îbserleril etertilined bt have nItway.q on, baud, a l'toi OmuTi of ail kimîds of * LADIES ANI) ETL:IC' andti ernptoy none but tue hast of WOrk ncîi, a nti ho sp-il ehr-îper Thain nuy cofisr panilon li litie îrittic4 an elal'ce loîr Ihari .Jîmraiî,ieulecr Uuvu r m'rny Wtuid manrî Suai, 1111-4 lýW:rt1 tîy td April, h)i lime yo-i r sf our Lord o c îîm<irs:atidaa-l inda cd auxti ifty. IV(ith. A Pl d 1,) R50. OIST. .1lallimotil R~odà (j I jole Rind Miors. BROiWN & ('1llIDS HIA VE -recei%'t(l 1hiir S'rin tý, SOck of Iolts Il ant'i )oiafrom 1hvir anai)nu-It'acory at Mon- B. 'pi npoy six IhîIidrtcl .pE1ratsVc'd 0r'1ýf- "tm à!'I&To 10001 pairs dally. 1'f' 1to 1h#ý want ()f t'anada ~ adxii~npîst inivýltidilals or fàîrrdlioýs for serl(iiga gi cal <lsîaic<' [,y sending Oteie i'eqmired cg, a fit will lie giîur- Meri-bavis who have not patroniseil the aboya esalsin oi huti losp [Io urne, as they "n b f'rniushei lOr 0w' haif the costt(A'couyttry ))ioduc tî lion. .~Any vitiçnuble failure rej;aied tiIouft N.B. Br4ýw-N & Ciluxuis, 88, King Street, neaily opjJo.àte tlite Eil Church. C.dSJI PA/II) FOR LE.!!THE'R. c Toronto, MaY 1, S>i.by i M10 ivl!! r L OUE filH for Uold T lI ~oulî alf of* Lot No. 3-1, Sil- CocesinWhithy; is open for1 liddcrse, fr a terni if îlot less tilran fiNe years. fliere arc Fifty Acres clenred,: itid the wivl1 Farni1 is plicnîiffnlly Watered. '.Go .tiid sec it. P'ossecssio)n given in -,,Ood timo fo)r FALL 1>11WGIING. pl y(pub!if by post) 1lu B. FUEY BALL, WIeby April 1901u, 1850. PFarmors' Protection NINE Jl1LLIOV$f N MURANCE. The ilon. IL. Vanffn.eiier, OdYsnrg41V.Y. di 1.Voognt ri~l. JV Sidney Snditb, ý , Cobeur;. Orrnon Jones, Esq., Ilrikt A. aieweii, Escj., llarrinnmy, Bryce,,McMurrich & Co., L'ronto. Moses Ilartlîct, t Dr. Foute, '$s John SaddlIer, J'ickerling, John Highland, (hawa. Leuis Houck , -Markham. Will-arn Ciscck, d 'Sydney Sniith,-E-q, Cùbour;. Charles Lir, Eisq.,p Dau-etunrille, Plrosper A.HIurti, .Rýceci. Samnuel flaviior, .. i¶araposa, N. B. The nierbers of this Company recom- menti partiis wishing Io etTlect instirance 1<, make âpp lications, i ail cases, lu tthe local agent.s of the Company, when such exist~, and nfot to travelling -Agrd atL perfectly free from any mfonttim. Yoîi nayuselt tiink proper, and i eferi Cabinc$Maker, No. olir eniqlirers ho ours, very gratefully, (holiGFn CiLaZI. 4, 4deluide Street, Eas, Turnto, otMarci )3e,184. A4 t'axe 'of Chrone )1hesinafism o fiftesî yearx standing euredby_ lalfurd's Cordial andlfctpe's Ihereby certify, that I have been aflilteti with JIhe'îmatismr for fifteon years; for, a curiiderable Si me 1 was coafiËnedt o bed, andthéb greaher part of that lime 1 could nôtmotive myseif; souie of iy îJoints were cortipietely disiocateti, y knees wce su ,f anim ont eexery miich swelleti. For the lirsl three years 1 was scarîcly able, tudo thrce rnonths' work wilhonl suiferirig thse iosl excruici- ai ini, pains.. 1 was dQctored inlu urope bhy several plîvaîciaiis ol the highest s!andirig iu the p)rl*tes- >ioil as well as ia the Iliovmnce, 1 wau also IiVcI rnonths lu the Toronito lopianti norwiîhsîauît- ing al Ithe means l,îred, I could nol gel raI of ruy coznpiaint. iiuîk-od 1 waî tld by a veryrept- bL'le phyeicienan tit uever coulti be curati, so liat ! t itli'me, ay atlterilumi wasdieteI-your Sir ll-r'iai~ Imilpérial Çziilfor hic cure of Iirirmlsnanti Oiernai ol ni Pr. l pls I, 1w ti-îîriî fe,.er gettiva Cri- iedf; when i 1called onii3,yo, 1 was hartily alie bt wkati what 'wafirauost rnîralneu(iqlî, in thrce weeI<8 ho-n my cornpincing tb Intke your medi- Ciné. 1 gainer1 ft),)îleei pouud& in weight; fty healtir was rni ioi noved. andi in abocut Ibree wet-ks more roy heu wwlmxv cornpletely go)rte ani rny iîealh coyllplelelyf restoreti. I now my îeteOves y 1I ha-vi' wïtlki oty-.-ix miles in one day wiîir perfect fireîtom, andi I assure you, Sir, blini~ ~ ~ ~~Yrt I ellîl huifI ocari imake-uay ui' of îhis you please ; 'my case is Lknon t ,-sevaxal[ iriîlivigluzrls 4 J î-ctsplbility in ibis City, their ii;trrnes ïyou ktiowv-anti eau refer tb therni if nces-1 Yolir,1iffy antii rtel,7iiily, Troaîss 5WpI..;ir l'aies refened to W~iiliaGodîmnWil- liaîn OrIorroe ani Sanurel Sîw ~q'- Puýicê ',2- 4td, ani5s. lier bottle. The aboute mneicini iïfor eale by Skmrl.gît, 69 Y.ngc Iru'd.I ORIENTAL BAL A N. Till$ j(b:~ las for an /ars beenîî cmi .extisi a i'iatreel y ri laauycraîicn cases ol (lisease, a ti with the mtost haptpy resits, li several parts of Euaope, iuitise - w!a pncice ni mentuu wuyscaaxho hava aipprovicz-ly adlopteti Dl'. llopu0r. sitn lr rrunnu la. Tise parit7 xvho is now inetrrtrrm4anlarllintroçtrciag bise inedîcine ho public niobice docýs not claim superisumra powver or virtue l'or it; fiou fil. know.s tisatiti la a itraily imnpo. sible liant autyinfallible specific cao hliimxvenîtid or dis- eourea In b ure (11Il le alima'ents lu which frail humauityv li able; but he dues kuaow tisat indounu- table iuve.;îigation, influstry antipeseverance enm- ableti Dr. Hope in lorm a coruiponuai, su isappiiy bleuited i iii the 1'ihlse and i llalsi in, for the cureor nuiffigalion t)Cmaîuy cases cf inr aeluxhich it -wa.3 ofteuî cotisidc-re'tilu<yormd bisa power of netiiiie tu yiicît ai-aid on relieve. Tire Medticine bia-s ru- mcd~ ~ ~~~o ririeius ae Islsezase anti chronic sta- ges ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 -upili tivre5sucommua aruuung sineesi, Baai ii tire S.uumi, pr.sorand flaira- ;eicy after -nalflsncia tn omental amti i biiyexeriomr-Ci1 i iress cm' flow of blod o tiuis lhemalVNin in the 1breaslt, back, shulter oDraidle, freqnueui y cmioseal ly inidigestion or antilsortieresi livan, lruptie.of theise kin, Carîruncleti lace, IIloîcbeas lOihS andirr<liples, Procepedîng geuîeral ly fror n iaipUrit.ý offtle D~<l r a diSsi1rd Etiaa Acirhlty, crf tis tuaisc vusdblor de- rangenen t cf Ilse syte1.1, Nervous, Ierio)dical, Bilions, ani Siek 1Ilcadache, Iùepree-ion of s4piritg, ýNoise im hlei or cars, Ague, CaLe or efflarge- mnut cI'tise :F;ie, Plplittion of tir e art, aruaing f rm î 'g T nor dyspq, pa, Liver CouzpIait4 Masketi or Thurat Agite-, li-egilaity of lise bowels andi othar secretium4 orgo1n , ftili noli or y-ourig1- occasioni ay v oimlaon sîtoppagecof tise buwele, Marîmmnsor a~ ugof flahbich -appears in childisoti or edynh iîrsso 'en~k ries3, swelk l-e er ant gis, ilurituSutièum attacha of YamiTebanus or Lueket i a, Risen- nabiani, Cougis, pureu from ijortier of the digestive ut-gns; Jaunidîce, arislmmng 4vm -a fuse carae ; I)iar-cia andi colle, aisin- frot wormrs. iSt Vitus Datace, wiseui al olier reunaraies t'ail, a long contbunaurcîs of tiis metiline shali reniove thra diseae. I moai chrome diseases tis i;motus-inma>' ba useti, with certaiîrtyofbtrcessby a pyroper peyse- verance, 1 For tise certai cure andtintgatriun of diseîa gcneil y, it l e farlessiy asserledtihst nu othrr metiiine bufore thse pubiaetans bu compared with Dr. Hopat's liiIs andi Iaksam. Tlse>' acttliorougis- ly b -utb miliiy, %withç)ut causing anly unCtusant senaton unes4ie sttinlever>' muc out ofl urder, ls in Cage ise Pille nia>'or mno t »1 produce 6sunmatigea. Bt :their judies'ous 1cs0, accorditilglthse directions whicil accompaay-he medcin, sahinthe' aiieases mameti, gmt. geqe-. rai if rntun rivertal &mrtlfaction. Tise propr1etor, xvnrrinbs that no luarin can exitaîe inra a s ae tfpî hak'ing eitiser tise Pille or tise BJ3lsamn. t:,ýTséOrientail Blsam isa Mostvaluable Weflnton Eye Wator, >Mamafacttureti and cept on handj or sale, proprietor, as follows t One ource yiaî,.. . ..7 1-2 Two (10. do. . .. ....1.3d CH*ARLES CLi N. 1.-Scores of living witnesses can duce(] bu testily of tise elfiracy of lise Eye se"veral of whom nIi e i n this Villagg B'alsam la alec> gooti for lIruise»S.fprais, hion, Cramps, Ague irà the Breasts, Seail cUzrJ 's Brcwey,' Wliitlby Village, 71h January, 1850, Under the Patronage of Rc DE.,IHASTINGS' (Lï,de Seiior Phyxs&un to lite )lerkeint Free Dig- liesquiY of Loidon.> Oompound Syrnp of NVaptitl ?o'OT ILY A -Poirilie l'ut(4-t Wtrraitleil Cure fur <lDieas T UE Geat Snsatiom eatet amuoîîg thée Medi~- ca a l y tise annoineent bor »oc4or llasti ru6 ' t iicovery of> tise meical propeities eof Nmptha, lias seulëlti down imb a tiorougi confi- dî.ce limat bsi" ompuîîInti $yp of Napha"lis a posýitive anti epeti cure lui ail dieses wisich iiivoîve lime .Ivutj.,-ag awy of thse humnftyahemi by -~n~;Cxpéto ra ions, ndotber ofac .u1 cutnceînauuie, I .,5 laike#'ise ailimuiultoI b bimmueaslirahly supeic>r to any otlift cougli mctis-.e, as it aimua!t inatatneousld' reheve thisukinssof ilme fiscout, 8011.95te cough ,liataiii enovutlime hackin- andth ie pblegm. Thlie adtîviîy of.its inattîrc ii. sicithat tise zrmlent il hâ tikea il pervades thse frame-and pettes every fibre of tise boly--diffuses a gent e wânTmh tbroulrou-secres a free circulation o1 thse blood -ant i gves universal egrem a luthee mpnritiea which engeuuier in tise tsytem. Peelin-c ýf rodesty. tu aay notbingof thse rauei- hackceifuî suagcs, migist restrain the propietoir utf speakirig cf Ibils tiscux'cuy aceurduig t<q is meiti, xvere il nolthrat ltetubject is oneeof fart ë nlich importaunce tu the public to bu interfered wth by çiargonal r ccnsitiernbiuns.Ile îheretiore 'not only recutnmends bis Natha Sy rvp, hut warra»t it to cure !-l e warrants ut Io ac-t upor the chyle a~nd purify it-hewarrarnhiti as a neefaling reffiedy un lectic fever, îmîght Bsweats, dispepsia, Lirs' om- plaint, pain in thse chest andi asthmno; and - J vairants it lu arre..t the formation of turbsercleain lie iung,,ant Iolu ielthose already Iormed, sathia pesosb onuptonuay lake it with the îsét- positive ifiice 0f a cure ; for ifs great set '01 aetiuui i-s the luagas, w ii penetrates ia al[ 4irtccti(urîa, purifyiuigtheni of everyigobuoiu*pi in ils prOgrcs, and iwitich, if applied accordin#4t irectionsb, il canumot faUltu leave lu a perteeeOy isealthy condition. Thela l-St ample experiemîce, supported 1y the ta-stirnunfy cf the aliet nti m8t disthmgnied medCal ;1ýprmcitioners cf the'age, justifie$ thse Pro-s prietar ini spuaking tistis conifiently of bis disco6- v ery; anaî h. fiasItise less hesitationiinusbeing en posJiti ve bècause oiflise speed of its tîperations, -hcmis such tlhat patientsi; vo use it immeiately feel uantiÀaeknowledge ilt o b tise desideratum lise>' iere ilui uebt c«, andi glailly accord hIim sai thse Praise whici h.iedains li its lavour. ladeed. al parri g al i Whitbyj YIOU'1i take ea ikiug= te mineral king-j

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