Je bis rare -talent -for quiclc and keen penetra- FLizo.-Not a',year passes but we hear of acj- It appears from 1ëtters written b>' the deceased on in discoveriag- tihe workings of thse suman dental poisoning lrom the use or thse varions fly gentlertan lt h ebthomitdsci; mind.-no doubt "whatever exws ivitis us,. but poisons, thht are mpropeu ly used têilestioy these which they attemptied first to do by the use of that h. bas bit the-rigist rail on thse head, and fer- Dnet.O hiki budli eeal nnchlorofortn and opium,1 but the opium having the reted out (as h. bas ably portrayed) thieir ÃŽnsvartl that it is wboliy 1 unnecessary toi resait tb those efl'et 1 vomit both of themn severely, -thus des- feelings anid desi no, al af which will hc more deadiy argenical irepamaions ýfor the purpose <of troyed their plans of scif-destritchion. Thie fol- Wfly dlevelopediin future, providcd the>' cap per. killiiig flicsi, nuda,ýs the season is now approaching lowing note f&urid on Ihe tai)[e explainied tIis-, eive the mnt distant prospect orf snceessfuiliy whien tiîejre n48t annoyint, w ilhresae Our. îoon shows that we -failed in attemnpting accamlishig-thir o>ec~,-'e aCIWOO5MENfor te bertefit of 5Ibe public, lupon good u'nhoiîy, hdp a u o'lf ytaigtpîaîbm sta I opibngterl afiewe dib bytisesword- have hâd toc, many tessons iintt b know%, and to n, paeIla to~go re eW'1set Courage boit- W. A. C. weli ! tise extent of Toi onto hýberatitY and justice encd1 bu placed in nul outer apartinent accessible Ltesi u rn tWlitsoiMs. '(beyond thse serviui of their own.u ends,) ltol iic, they wiil ba-te (4 it, andi bc kiiled las stire- wiîîc;p ittaIl, W. A. C." 'longer rauna pping,or sua.dyý i thir c1nnýnglybtiabyhemsaprvdfypso- Cà ldwveli (the decceel acdllen conivicied of >w'le ;wehae on snr ha~Ithat si fair Pttilt<'Jîrii.burglary, (miotl'arsot>,' IN Mti'îI iin aîîîi l apr,) ,wordi butter no0 parsips;" nto, ito, the lime ts1$ I is Ptaied, oit the alithority <of Sir F. Kelly, and zsent ro the Aubuirn Staîtisnfioni whicli P 1asti' or 'j'l'oroi'itoiiiang" (with nal their fine scoa, thlat euce the Comn cemîntuent W Ilthe îretce itis N aid, lie was ,ont iscbr 0donjîol fIi.4 a'oaches 31and gToOiiii i ylti'in ornetlC Midsoldicr tury, tpwaît uf:l*îty pî:rsrîs, rule anîd fenait, iuiocnce. For IbW ius s laî, howev'r, %%e (lo over th e -hard-oîug oî f te- n q i a aebetuhu m , Ilbu wüe iiftioceit tof t Criruesnlrt t('iîd (10 Voi lj, t;it is '.lur".vni at i formerly,-1be assntüd thev voit ilnot trust ititi-ru itiitbfcir ehargi'. ih ofrespectable eoiînecion. as farai;us hey couli thruiw aall l' fy tht' ';I'41." NF%'.' 51<. c nrî' uWî, 'oex- M»;teohr i l Thie motnstrous atnd Iuaardrtnîî,' I t !aiichîer ofa w iw lady of Ile it a"ie of Vail attemrpt byfloncsit Rubi ,rt lwitî (as w.' ilu jViicfu(! If)1 A itusarwîrt w eau humn, and firmly bet;a'.'edlhitn lu be) tdu itîîle , îî << <f4 1d C arircfits iii Muîrîav 5Streua, Ntw . t'r, Mi tise second session of the presen Parlianîcrt. in ~~ ieî:îî n~~~~Friluk K. Kiia1 p.C;ýv1. 11,111 l icoîrne air ut- Mrtelto sacrif1ce tise l'et interts-t o l t' he!IOt tîp rapîfly, a i 1ti Vt, tif t-oy'iYu., C'A do i qîînîîraucî' itif itll fit-i' i ma y ot dhi To*ïsh~i ~of Thoral and Mara t10: plii t ;-<"'( th,1)W. h.v Iîv vr. fuiihd a wartyu cuYk- rrîIcttratltim a-yw:hi.'vfeb and Toi toosel islt vÎë w,h2e, o a 'lid for otr "l' t u e' liîîtt'suwf11aio" v.t ;aitî i tîî'ti' ileli Ciarît nlttdl shaken th#t ýdtîst:out, of Our 1,111 1tt! ut î 01on ttIl ý '! il tit h aîttt, Il4î'V u Jit il iaiîiow - )15 li>i',Zt r-u t;sitt-'- i.' our guard sever azaîn ýtii luio I îîlire', orilitin- aixay. 'lhis cov~t--cillg 1îrovents the ivwiter i woiClii qi liks a hîm,...'i tlde .Ioi a ItE 1 lr 'n iht i i l ulii- if tUe Ill e ai îtîu nak xyit Il a rt' t i,- hîaliiitail tuilîi-eil hi uiionlwt i ii twu at 'ukJf or ti t rthe afil-o i ittI Wbt t" i 'y him, for attachinig îhîq' i'nwî the su irlSu- tr cu~f ierouijulite fthiih 'rî 'e eot i0gi Iexal Jý ridl n coe D.i*trirý. wid werid-g uit Pa'. e reuitltttailaelpîttitfl cItiic %8 Iiii.tlard fi (with hirh ht'>' tevurbave iv!. a~i ith nuor i'iiiittî, a>'rg tIt' #AtIC it tNat ert'Ccl lito etieveK. utaiîy siiiciu. W1 1'u lat'tertnex- ally imposffsile ,'!]I t-Y c i )o rîît-.liveIl ii li i Mâ . 4 -rý v w <-l O lt î i4lXllÃŽ ,~ ; c"i înt î'syu. at;n o;îî;-i bi nesor intrp'st iicuunt i)' o I Colul- 'l-ytiîi-ît b' t-îui. i tIsn, hliit:ifhriioi ut f e . t<~ t ii 1 tlt' lisn int witone-trtîi oh~riti 'k, t i-- - _ 2dk'îe in the rnatr.-aî t! fhé it' kn o ure- 1'.14- : ls':r]ltît lîi.s rtt 'tjyart tai.S, i ît over,ta:ttiîs font ut-t '.'-%a- a,'tr î'a bc p - 1-. - h -'lr1nCul' t-tî:'-'. ttiS.- oti-loh 't.t-tî- ii!iit! petxçttel, upon liiz ' u' tcîsuîo ýýf~- dt iqt";îîiutt<mlîz~~ iî' ti' t'v. ms r- î'u f 'Loiid tlia f-dhy I. lii niajorit) of *iwlttrnu l nîl i- u-t' tirt -a ipr-vi- t- v iPi u-ti ii-i ts t-il an bmihian-t, Ilit, ousl>', gil-en hSm -a !arinn~r ~ i-ilv n tu a tîV-ib'l1 in art ai:î severe (ut~ lt îtl nx -'fî- if ttU' cx tthe Fici%v ar h g ' ~i~~ uIEI to a ma.n w-t ututX h t oi'ifr-- t' ; -Tit1 ' L(t lit,,iiwas rt i rig l i i it-y 't Iil. 4 it ' 1% Ytt > t cc'rpnred or conirîn it I il tti <' 'ht' ' î I 'lle'.-ii". uu -; <itt,,- -ltiiton t ~ vidualirizlîîs, wishcrt it>' t '-'- . - ratt ,.a l; i w >1,1 gîte' ui iîutli e lît <il tit "-7 (if tvl a- lî;litow;î'.Art't'î- -I,î i_ ' ta.tIJ~ ~ . and ebvervsoul buin ui uaîp-is'".h l-t'y i' I a utheir ,m jaat tDi.< V Vîtb i!î - nw efc-leeI wttttistTotîu '. <î 't t-t'tutoz l'oultitw' . '.i mii it Aiz 2.ISY. - -1 once a part if tlie Srît 't'Distrctt, ttIand i 'u1,-utn trazsserrett iteIiHom.,Do-tutu-trpoill ltu-t; tîhîti-t thaI a large andt!ot'trwtot hrti v -- joli v(m:tit ing very rieaïly, iif rtut't- ui-t, uai îtiilîy) hWat sii'ned thet' 1t-tuuiin lut itoUe 1n- (Wbhich w-e have koolrea'.tn l t .'. wr t :î a strîity searii eti fru ";iii - as t-t wý1! -op posei by bli tn) tir fo! a lir, z 15h0easf -e 1n 11y w-i1lihte ('tuurty Ttii'îtut iî,io ogi tf W- -b Th4rah antd Mara. vrt'i-at tlu eu-o-neti1i ttht- North ir.fa-vor of iti-irTI2et'i-rlttinti le jt> si Ea.,ileti rn lo't.'tips t-utthe Sinit-iýt fitt. tav.- ing- in lté lite t-tfthte'dE-Vit troui lte Narrait-s to' $itrieoîiJBay.)Ijaila'.rti'jsu!t desire Iu con.'initu .-îtî et iw j' h il ht'- tlaiiigs stîirn mftl iU- act vtIitir PA'ruuuT id'th l hse Ioutîlut uleuAl ritle ram-act os-er bis cruastîirntls ail rt' uri n warm Sipponierl, andI uflenws 1'l-, i ilwîth uluC prok'und cotrn~tti-rnii-l-itcull-uuanti applications tlu hum, (lîuth wit'u:utulVer tai,) for an eûxplainaîbon, anti wltitr-xtatlutla nul 'been gi'.'c'n t Iie day. Wtt 1a'vc r fin1urne lime l-ack lit-en s-r1>1-îi; týý. t tnt 1' oîuit !Ro), rr.fî anît bis ltonts-t Critlu-mt-:u(js l tv-toi ersce Iafbhin; some i-chut-e rta'tti lu unî 1t t 1 ;r~<Il'y 4' looker o,"anti ha've more î'eceiliy 1bti re brouhycoîtl'încu-i >gl i-ti-ltw-ns tle' taci, isSicit t-r>' nmtîratty Uta--iti.d,dtimit uie and -make us noîeart-xilis hor lte Sît(ety forrualionj nr. tise riew ('"out,t' t-ut Ontti, iii fror resi as uit-t wte have lte saueItw oUtillubu'e r in Yonge Shret lu <( Io t('ý, outil t' Ui,îsirt-sï .4 to j3Wrre. "Te uyes ctuf theu It; ic.(ntrty folk arc gettitg mure aoi1 rurircopî-wA'dev.eny duFy, arnd eXery miin ofti us i-i reau'lv r itl td ager, sillu bot ath înt tb i cil a P"itioîî ht-ir tlUe'proîuosc-d*net'. Wit lookta flime fîoît tif wlilty as oui ]nosî natural acndi levt Mnarket, aund placee (Pl uris foir ail puiffYseu, 'iii ail limes-to trornte, antI tisijue, lherefurete, eti tivale a gouil uriderstantditiig wiîlî oui ftbentits tierc, w'eil kîtowiîu' we Èat!e. one catmnon interctt tti serve, anid!that lîy uritio4r iu a a$ long pull. and a siron"- pul-, and a'piill alto- gether," w'e cati efl'eclot 7 for ont- tmutilai good ; whtreas bîy heing t-isÈniicd' an rîlptiing against et-eh other, .1vili erable ont- selt'isiuclte- mîes ta bindtise chains more firmily upon us. -Yours, &C., ONE WHlO JNOWS. Tiserais, 26h Ausigvt, 185<. S U 11 AR Y. Tiefrient-s of tenupeance have Jmuc t-casa»It mourn thte deatis of General Taylor. Be wag a sîtrict teetolzuller for more tisais weîîly yem, and for sevent years.previons ta hbbilIiant career in $exico,- b. not cal>' vaused temperance socities tab te formed among tise soidicits"at the g'durriaoa undçr bhis commSUanhd, %veut of tise MWsisipii, but a lto caused scores af tempewrance papeti ta bé dinfributed amnoeg tltem.-Irig.- L,8OF THEuzSurIP AL1CE' BzsTrE.' ;-The iship ..4lia B1entkey, Capt. $!teel, [rom Li verpool fo St. John, N. B., with a large cargo of m*ýrchan- -4ime, nlued at £19,0W sterling,, mstuck Ãon the MîIn' Lédgà , suar Grand Manian, aboît u jine o'Fklk on> Monda>' eveuing, July 29, and mrustaimu' .4 so mucekmlrage that the -uak alpsost jasase. diat.-Iy. The offlcers and crew oni>* .scaped in a is-.-nit", te-i t' nd 1îtlît- 1dn< V.';. tî~u'nuiluthf e Itîi ofofe. thew . ý,(t ui2Ivii oeî tutti iiIti V'stt-n:t ah i i attîts tifiic1, eîilt 4)iîîtb iV jxy luin. Withu Ite - xcel. tuor tof lrn, v';iy so itt1 ltlmwtev't. TLe' (it .1tilice, wttcliai m, ti-. c-el tir Mt-i- duy t- î.týt 1w unte tuf MXr Duwt-mi ni ;'tri a,LtÂr tk ho-, 1naîtj-n.- fruitl tcJoi)otf Aio i iiu tttîiir iitît.A:; 1-i a1L,; -re are îr.1tit4w't, Mili lias tu-tii s'c..tii f1Y, i ut in;Ustf-ii-t i tlt-i camset-, utîî-p1iticui..r., uf w t i-1,tv tc -dnHr-tii iit a i-î--îiet n tle. ":' i-t-tuua tie-.w 'ut i Ou'utiijtuotît fnr laid îjtîiier teed el ,cuitcý s u l',e min he pr-tI uit-ory c-f tur Cotti, W u-, llit'e, shcliu1 tite utgt'riocd sonite ohour jâ v ) - - 14 in c itr. C Join uu Stcet-- '.eîe c-Mou C4.'Illoîe iiglits -of Suit- '-h -alù jstMhoer 10 lie-o u'nos )maI lte histtsatîiinobbetito a coil- i-n-rale rttuîîît 'rtedt~ elitits thct- osiue (A Mrý . M5. Strainge and CfA. Alitn'iiLUs. Pro lte luirnerrutgta t 'atch andtiz t- ornte aliitin lýt4 i ll tti<tt- prhe ryîr t al 'Ud--ta bout £60), w <re takcrt. F17iîrrtthc- atteýr, prope-nly and rnoiey '.'utîtî-îI ai 'if!>. -No lochs¶t.Ielîotean t-mli ajpeaif -te nthiitîOps havi mtte tt-i îecetc-d'iiniltht i.utst, ituleti ly uOtî itî, a îmttil accebs lty te wiiow nTley c-' itcc--Jtit,, ut-îot tcool- ness aîdtti daittiti odtiT.lie Cûl1uiic-l*s golti %vatctt, j: le Faid., tvas tmtlwit-îrom nt- tter iii.-pillîw-, w hile a 1iýIAtîw-asbntitii tersnt;Mi Srig'uwatt-h froin bis îc-tit-aucils lis ýliedî rt-out li te h-of bt s'.te taken ih'ncbis poeker t'.itlj -ii thy dtk4i~ate'ty op)etueâit, aîut dieul teiîu.ey c'carnimed ils curiteuîtâ, e'.en rentin-, it is Êuitlt, a mriniature front ile traîne foi lite sake et* 5itis gttil ! Nouîe of? lte partie-s have yr-t heut dis- covereul or ai resOud, blit the police are active iu put-suüit. Oui citiirns villiéqtuire 10 exeiee ninte vigilance than hcretofoîc. '1wa or tht-c 1other dweliings have mince been critëed and roib- DrÀTii PROM EATf-ro MATCHY..-A cbild of 1M. 17. McCahi-mik, el Newark, N. J., 12 years ofa' (gtlied us few vdays sirice, in consetuence of !Atîi,î, bbe phosphiorus Item a Wbo f matches, whticis thet servanit-girl had given ibas.t play witis. Pow-erful meditines were admiqisîercd, ansd tise ciilti had apparent1>' recoveroti, but about Olith= weeks afterw-ards he was, taiten snddenly îlI. At -pbysic'an i 'as call1ed, who pronounceti il a case'af poison, antid after lie lad licen infot-ueti of lise cause, said that a particle ofthtie pisospisaruslad- remnainti in tise, cuing inflammabian-, HîoliL>i TRAGEDY r AT Taaoy.-On Monda>' uigbt 1la#,- a muan and wansan arriv.d ina one.- hous. ,wa d-Iand took lodgîisabiet.Cals Motel in Trro>'. Tiseir meals were baker. ta them is tiseir rtom nduuing yesterday, and Ibtiis nuomng,i when thse set-i fotind if*tenied, About test o't, wias sitili found wat5 ieard. & were itstormed tbrough tise wi voices loôr w 1and Si dont-, it ?!utual IeaItIi Association RATES 0F Y PI~L A YM 1-NTS. per)ti-nyoutr, 3,75 t.' 427 k--tu--I-y 1-' ut' I C "i t'tutll. I >rtts't. cirmuwc $ <pet- '-eck. D ix v f , I 1 $2,9 sN't'fi)': itt w,$2'.1i i, î Tre '. - . p)AMPIA'M'ES. t'xpltimtot-y of the print-ifles O rf t lifi Asait, wiih font-us rtof Appjuit- liou. ruas' c laiettieîlby uipl3yinc lirbie iJitbr- siýcued, ".v e utiu)zu iî puy tilt weet' ienb- cffits t-r allow.riree, unutltr I'tlici (.s iFssacul 'iir£ouzît1 titer Agct-tcv. 13V prtyibz-inaiv.îe$,' udrriijuîu 1 ( atl lte (tîsi ycaî's pt-uynie-nu -n ÃŽhin îhiîîy davi, wili secure a Cù'rtificaîe of -meiberfihip for tileu. lit.1V. IHAMILTON,. .ulvrt orW/t'by.19 New Lino of Stages I'ruîuOUo FJtOîX WHITBYTO PORT FERRY L 1-AVING Whitb)v villa ie r nrit CJLI]ND)Lk'tSCORiNER-S'. RE"URL'~o :Wil leve-port Peory t-y TJuree o'elock P. M., ealling a uit ie above-naned rî I'alIsengers eominq off the Steamboat ./Iîerica cati go north by te stage nexti nornhtng. I-x (raà efurnilthed (o order on..Mte t T. N. SCRIP3NJRE ' a Whitby, 17t5 August, 15.1 BriUislt <anadian In thé .Vi1Ia eof I%ewcast1e, 3. le, TENIER1I OPl1Tg Auguat 12, 1850. 1 WHTBY GRANITAI SOHOOL, NETSESSONOtIhe Whitby Grain. 2600h or August, 1850. JAMES HODGSON. Wbitby, July-30tl41850. t, BUJRGESS & LEýJSHMïAN,5 WHOE8AD'AND- RD+AIL- CORiNE R 0F KING &::éHURCII S'TREET8, AJONING THE COIRT }IOUSE, H-AVE ON- HAND Tie Largost, t'ho ÇChoapestl aüzd thé Boat Assortmoeit of b REAJ)Y-à MAI)E.CLOTHiING & DRY GOODS8 IX C.$Y.,D.1g ýWES8T. CLOTISCASSEMERJCS, VESTI.NtS;$ AND, GENERAJ~IJfMY GOOPS, I MPI(JEII) i)I1ECIVFEI 1 3IU1TAIN, J3Y OU It'SJLVE*.. P~INS M~ADE TO ORDER OF EVERI' DESCIPTIgN l'ils. LO'.DO'q. AND NEW YORK& FASHIONS UECEIVED MONTHMV TMJI MOISTAPPROVJiD STYLE AIDOP>TED, Vf ill' TDVMI):CI<)TFNG IDEPhRTIEFNT VlLTBE F0L2ND Mci~Liîîc-i S'irnirert'uîts il teî' back Cloth Vestg, 7s (Wî ('h'iim', Luî.t diG; 3 " blackS'atia to -8 f9 - Il -~dlÇ'î,-d dFan), -'acy 'do 4 4 Ctinliiîii. <luIl . -' Vt'Ivt (le plhnîîî'î (%ruîd tulà îfit; -' Pusît dom 'l' î"t <it17 6 't- at eleli- do ~±- 't> 4hi Iti'1>2 t; 1 l.urrle d ( 'uiujî t'i lte) 17 h '4;',toi'î ii L\ltiSirtJirit'ii Frotqs d Ct' aps 2 i Sfl>uiLc('V, ui s - i 2 as îpet lutis anîd racres Mens ln e'uh ~Si'lLdtt ct'irite',uves, ioir t-' ien 1lii11 dî- Jiian.y lrxhl ilo» Caîîee -do Sthhjîett clo '7s6t-i 't; 3 4 t) ,15-Idl 28 (id I>~~~~~~~~~~~ fi ln ui,2I ht (nn,4 Sy.J6pair !Sple I I41 id ýS . 1a, 1 Sa¶ llilbînllïaît(1 Lac.'s Ai lîliciil flIowers ofar~tI ~ '~ '~-. Lace. Veils an iJId,-si Jo4ery ~nd Cflovce.» MIai l i; forLî"Ir ici ry'1 ety lu i Drleans, iAlpacat%,Lutsob rg & ,&. ON T13M LOWaUS'TWIZOLESALE T=WwUyZ. C %ïcr 0 Thuand! C'/lizi S-t shc(1, joiiegthe !,tIIusp g iq Ofï. ubi.,sio of ,I)s, he ititcnd luI<'1rmmi ilrlfjn>.., aryl tatko"t Uns nidrloltuiîy ~Ç~,~tlhauks toh> rrý. whnkindly gavc hirru 1, iI-r b-r.ii ritiagc dtir-'iug thse passt "a ri. lie J. l . I br.41Z Ir)>0 Ia"e Iut ailJ ukltF, and tcuît aiv ex'cI.0<'ted il ie #,tt" arlyijr! Septernheri rie!xi, iiieotfier a aaerwîhavé bi.mrade. <2uitrrnbus, .11ily 2, MM5. I-r CA lilLE TO0N L Y NDE, WîJLESL$~AND JUiTAJL A L S 0 MÂN IM"vflItOF SOLE. IJPPER, AND lIA RNEYs LEATHil ,&c. ('ar/1 pmud for Ilides 'f Skins. Wleat, Wlii[Iy VlaZ,7[h .Tan<, 1850). 8 ~yJohn Baker, JVeLyt Side of M9larkcet Square, TO0 R O)N T 0. WIJOLESA1LE GROÇEJS TOPIONTO. TJST REcjmvýI), and for sale a! Low Puîces, .a large varicty of graphical, andl~irIacu ols Amnongstthein are the foýllOwng B'umo'ls History of England, 6 vals. Mtscaîlayls tIl t-i 2»VOls Lynehss t- Dead Sea," and the bcortia»."> Cotton's Publie EconotnY>. - Farciam's pictoriat Califomnia and Oregon. E wbatik'sflyidrislieand Idechuunics. TiteMecban)iès' Own JBook. Fremnt'eExplriugExpeilitions. wasbingtar. andi bis Gcuteraîs, by Headle>'. Napoteon anà bis Mlarehaisl)'y do, Life eft' Cron-sw*'ll, --a. 0 Thery'ani PacicecfTeachiiug, hy I'age Wayind'-a Moral Science. Lie '0Josepbille. Lufe-of Lafayette. Hawe's Tra veis in tise lEtI. Mioore% lLanla Rookish Rodger's ScierttifitAgriccattre. Cariyte'e Pat &nd Pt-ese»!, &c. tjcsiietd States 1 xhoin xpeditione. SigaOur 5 Worlu, illuitrated i Female l'actaof Great J3ritain, itUustrttut, Willisms Pcetical Works, illustrated. Los (Gringcs, b>' Lieîft. Wise.- Weld'a new Englih Grasvmar, 3.c, &c. JIA-MES 11. GERRIÈ. Whlthy Village, lat August, 1850. :16 -ibis SCAILBORO'. Excellent accornodatiorm'f;ir travellers. Good StablingJ'f Irlorss. il qItînaritei-thip heretolore existirig between I..WWarren and George Currie, undmr the style o'f (:.C rtnlE & Co., is tbim day -dis-. &olvî,.d by multual tonsent. Ail dehis due to lte flra will lie colleceed by George Currie, Who com-' tisues the -buâiness mn thç saine place. J. B. WARREN, Remach, May Ist, IffO. GEOlIGE CURUELI ANNOUN CES to the publie that -he has now £.on hand at hi$ store in PRLINCE ALBERT, A PEUT RA7E ASSORTMENT 0F GOODi, 0of every description requjired inithse t!ontry, at lowprices for Cath or Produce, or tas good piay-! iîg c ustomers on credit unitil afier harvest, when lit! will considt'r ail accotnts due unless an a- ran hma asbeen.mrade for longer tinis, C.d SII 1.«ZD FOR elack Salt$ and ail kinds of Grain, Prince Albert, Junelst, 1850. ý m O411awa Jformer li cap>' for thrce months. la tise immetiliae vicini -Olllee, and ai the ý J. à TrttApril, lm~. Wl ILIA-M AGIENT 1 ii-1n g ia n «, JJLY WVIILRE YO A mI-lo IL-sel stove 2.5 Fperce year's priie~, having1 with oute af Ille lai est foundi ["y huns. lie hSas -pt treceive( BON'T UY FROJ Whjile yuu -can ýat'e our M market, andi have a place %yhî 1umi ier alld prodrlue. That thse lroprietors have ta F *0per imonith, Wear and tear cixreuses, License, &c., whiet for. They corne up Io a mnan' clnt of-ten dllrsbefo'ase ha The late 13irr $love that t mw1ich bli-y ian 1edLvïs .B. BRn-uwill spit udtl îuwIbrvnetfor, ttmmefor $20.,lEox antd Pari vaity', Cooking Stovt's of ai -tions5, whicisle will tweB inupr price. Bis stock of Vtash 1pettles' OSf a superior qualht>, cast wit are ackiiowled,-ed ta outwear anti 'here wil Se a written gi tfhey will stand. Tise Subsci particular care in fîtting up hi hkrniture, &c. In qrdier ta pie las tately employild an' exper attend Io ail orderu-ý.-- - Term- Ccask oi Lumber, ail. ~&o~Y tl,~ A il> 1>1 MIECHâNT TAILO,<- -b. XNc. 98, King Street, Toronto, .SIUN OÈTHE WO0»EN 'M % N H r-I~lIESubcribr bgi aca latenido' f tiseT of ti J- ubicb ielage anud '.aried stock of THLE l RE4D Y-MdDE CLOTHING, CoatsL etuaons , &C.5 c, Toroa! V/hich, as il im aUmadeup uatnder s uper" inteîîdcnce, Se fa<slitehmmeit wili be faund supe- riûr b )an>' in tise cil>', andi witl b. sold on cheap and reasonable ternis§. F - - - P. O'DEA. a Taronto, May 29, 1850. .-" ,y, June 7tis R E GEO. B. WYLL lE, IMPOUTKR OF BIIITLSJIý AND FOREIGN- DRY 600DB 1,King St. East, Next doar to IS Toronto. Ma>', 1850, No. 50, YONGE si 1Tini