Whitby Reporter, 7 Sep 1850, p. 2

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L., oJêu o&i CiUVibicmof1 0LU eUl- at the- suie tendêàred wass the )edoffer that prilence. and a -md or the, interests of their ients *ould prmt.'hat w~as not at random ; but axrived careful conclusions bssed upon. ial data, the correctness of. bore seems no reasorv.to ques- rhat the second tender offring a of £6 5»0 -fer-the -u",-ip w th thé Scngog Itoad, and rHaibur, was baed poiS a uàivatiun f' m ofiia, dati. fqlýi ýanciidIy s*td bthe ovornent *etis,ôfn a bquj,$rn&ô.îcM damage caüsé'dbïtlio 3rinôgiÙe or .)àUdth rond otir opiifo th-0 any taes.ôf'fIn -w jon sok "" -fs, r any nould be njuat tc>tse Concil,in- .nd,âdidlastelto, the Gpubli A éÜopinion wh hh pop lias xie imeitithr dghiut th -ie corntry, on th jtiëblic eornsngewm i;uo rtlxondcepanci by heopnonerhm ntraf tner off a * ;hpubli .cod ipesny. for th ircn rth~e oe inféwio cÂut ny ntie whti e!er be igtaei- o tho meoial oj 1ris wlte-htwhiiofethis Counci, ,,pee DO ropuoto-ile-parota the opnir, duiose ae f uthee public . Ank ,escertan weh roitherolraexctei met hn ublicansitythectry, ontohe ~the' o rtàmen âenn huder ofpa --naeevo po prithe pluncntr of tbçse manie.ithoit y,nicehat-e *tw me igke sacrfice demnded of tis oÙe hcilbamms.isnersapoite S .am0do1L-i*w' No Owoitliis Concil toofl;havé.oi thëo ý% lfork s tenthe lÈond itaeuen 4 h se pubflinety.fi ethorfaimd 'rIon ble jjttni f'ten rein~ti ,tfersm is f oem suo obtin éuheasonable deducytion te ontacoueo te,,gat Ae nued >, tlods a0 m bo micip alodanetht;thlt te of t Io Mka t-tsacrifcemorriathe 7of te Imb-et. vnmnt n n aaorie ecJ 3.i-t bon nty oin ~udroder erati'Jof his oin iti lsaaof tiepeporndtha*Okt i. ratêeeet;the ew et thé se fineitant .* the Easern etion cf thbeConti wh are loinhitrtlrwrai inoercet. ihstryt b. steof as a.e rte ouan éih rey suet t uleotion co un be n$c wrcAuas ayho th ie lis r is of tte iWtodenw ounth 1ty, a. Imew CounýTy, pc»thsi e ContiaCg, e cilintodlawgf, theCublyiof ork uniinmonétidàÏorksmabo ainve co smutînlotol 'n eof nsbtrceiwns -lti draw»u etuerdy.-hin thio d otoGvera o tie iane "the Iii. er scioncyofA.Rhela ot wotare lJkînura ad cfnElgistai iday toa Wnet wfa *sericûa eCanta enur* al anS ice Ad"u prtionof miel. %e4of 4cà tmé oth.&e.iato Mq itplea y, ion har £ seuc, ~s~bèi~forno ofbrnarl 50lae volotlyo~p~ e~er pyposal i oulo -baveJ3OOl the louer tu tbe tune bon. For thet in effect:would bc the Ti MlX) ~ eais fthÏboser olrkrfot no ot0et aPr'offer poferre a oint ttock.Cs ppe¶î- cet yotthsprentingtoo tcrs-ofafîb nu e ath' enotnoils smm -of $120,000. çonsequOl~ fasnigt bspl- PN ETM b -.iiigned tenson han t gird the pub ic would immeditely cocpeto the rends Nothg s paîner an tat the Ppbll4 tiOfl." * PRESS_'~ ijterest bsereiotig iyse ork frd artheEastteraeesury wîll now bc thse betlei tethe In order fisst eur tenders sMay secothe This difnnece- lL going int tho bands of' a Joint Stock whether the Council wves flyprepared. tO ctsu l f*hc a e n-agmeto r GoasapLny,takiu of heasdproposed tliv been brought about by priyete inter- truc menetiontf mmé- G e's* ý iùrd sor Lue _,avatagp,,f , . sud- lefinish the seid Ronds asll. eMen cofats'm alnf hib hs ore nder do ue and cry reised agaînstthse ho donc by -tise said Comýany, and ference and compctition,and ne tisanls remiarksw nst metinvetjem-nie Coruea cin oJaniaBeayand~heud~isrV.~ preared andle bc Cen~yollaillwhatever,',whO diaiely af1 tt . crîen'IteÇ' ll', eva dsucceus thon mgtn~~~4 td~ cf n ks idiùdbi e'èn M ftfd p( t 'â ', ha!m e fr-hleiijfutit-'ii nt only vio1le -Yl.Obubi th e -adoption oftieéptca the oosiéiag h so*i f uôthand guiat of.Jtwillcempîniu cf il for presualig te Int upta eon $p efatoto 1ý sale bt he ov- be'èeotiby À'iicomapàiying Pétition the -price. cf tbe4,eworks, and it.,la SeleeclCommiittee n b0 Cçuuy Radand t~h dspc twi erinmnuit o f 'publee-,Woks OnnIl yto ràe tdtt iseouneil,às well astbc equnily certàinthai lise publie, are M-r. 1McDonggh pieseflteC . eiie Is untaehol OI~~s aiiy ùn et ae "isltos~ii ohliy and slely. indebted te privale ,signed by Mr. Miteisl, t»r. Allison, bers cf' Patlipinent ihvited1 ¶e cumsuistn., s ' a ispof ôf-is'VoÀi veie noved ss an'bié"nts tte cge-entep atoulne foî tisaI large amouit,Msefadevrl opesetan-e tii wili ho ôbâerved tlèt thae Couin-- eial<-prceedin, ed vie ee voied andit anay ndduteWill be asked Col. Camero5i, hmef n eea O rse;a4w cil did net ieiaot jlc.nhseet1n igedyèey eue fte if sueh a test iîsof 'ne" cceunit ot other Mnierst5of tise Ceuncil, and Obser0îe ofwenoso bon. edcnmnin ns. rn adbt Cuci-oeetiuîg those..Tewusiiss importansce te tise Governlelit end aise by Mr. Perry,' prnying Ith tise County Prou considèred the' "r~ tee lenguae, ad hecerze by -the through weicbts , r Vib Rn ule n hthcr uuîder ail these Sfiitýpiac owrat -ame epitisets tise alleged offier cr passes, - etisoing tinreasouehie îvhat- cireumrsleflces it is rensonuLb!e, just, Coni ollntbyWsty hre, ufentipracle ara hr £09,000 for tise Whitby- Works and ever. was)ed.a t bbthe nds of tise or pruPýer for tise goveraimeut le give tise cor tise Scugcgoty Rond,, ns il %vase5 Sotl afteWpr fuo Rond, as il did tbe Beaty Conmpany, aiCtiniIm -*s nerely rcquested te MnuieipaliiycteCnty of thek intention cf tbe petibioflees te fortuaiSrtyaftr fu 'look, thé &mm- wiaich tirade of abuse, we* venture. te méei'ér to tise Gover Mnt iu tho pteference ver sueh proposed Gels- - V . -fPry o tenme f80o oe a say. was induilged.ini, (bâbs in thseCr-, sucis a manner as te nfurd an oppor- oral Joint Stock Cormpany, in opposition Jon Soa cfr lepreaec nto ex s e n e f8~m oreA mit e gd unuil,) towardstie W hit- tuniy for tie opie interested te fora bu tie encrai. feelings and intrests f tiaI R ed and H rb ent fromtie G v- do nt n e e iea Qi~ f the by cifer, witisout er seekintg for or a genèral and extensive:Joint Stock tisose more pritltYcneieo raet ihts eemutOl eai residen4 of réitiàdor isiu pruducing tise least particle cf proof on Company, in sscis way ýas te ho pet- whctiser il is net eltegtetérmcrc juatcmlt hRe sacn possible." lIrtsta wisicb to found snob usjual and recklcgs fetly stsutoyadrepnileb u poe ogive tise préféence tou yvlsat procesof reasoning Me. ited peoprieter cf Moitç~r Thomsaon;, charges. As btiste leaty Company, fixing tse capital cf said Coampany et snob. company, wifusereby tise deublerWich:wP and ail -coenected witiî bist trapsacîioÀ X£50,000, aud otiserwvise su arrassgissg it purpese iil ha served cf. meeting the Gamble arrives et tise ConcluintlbiaI o iesbttta1dte wac wo did net,,foc]caiied on te sPeak une este enable everv individuel ns W~C Il as gnerai wishescof tise peoplesinterested,-tise possession cf a tend and herbeno evieunrl ebsostm!tee wiayo tise otiser, eiiser in coadomna- tise Townshaip municipalilies iîteccsted u curn iespeycmlein-fby a -joint-stock.- eompany cmposedc angmn0 frtjireuelete- tien or epprevai, but Ma~y ho permîbtted and *bie and williasg le talte e5 or'up- thre rond. The îîndersigned liaviug rneet.ýAtrdne 1cfÙw te sa bise tîsre isa ~vde diferene wadî, 1 do 0, a\d thu by ombinng nw perurIddthei donroptiey confieer.get1ennn ted toastsL THEsS, ragemets. Aho andot ho plflow twe0n ta C nnut c te ema, issilees mur tseceplindfiis ca.ntWn tsepuli, eeewtl bc oud o ronpoy oneredonin tass orinroocdsdpop a ceslany eihrsaiug a 'vide comme- rond; but.shonld sucis conipnria nul ho Goverament tise respunuibiiity cf doing ci ûn mon," wc are eét a bs le under- by tise Chais-mon, wisicis eose hedrftiy nity of ail interested,..Tise Beely Coisn- found sa1isli1cttrys1,tilu tise ofibr cf- tisejustice t l.sad ndw artikte ai .woldree * an.1 piledte 'itl 1the paaîy s a nieller cf record isy 'viiclis asy Cutcil te stand in full force ansd effeel. AIl1 cf wfisici is respeclfâIl y submitcdstned'enlerlskbititou ecvendrspmd- persos w'illiuig t10take tise trouble te But reesoueble aud jaîst as 'verthie te.- for lise cnsidération cf Ycur Excel- puzzle n Piiidelpisia lawyer bu hcacs-e enqi ç li solî ienmerndqssao ioeuccso IeeseoinynCuncil,in the confidenitisopc exptain. We cen easily understand; Her .1ajèt îJth eQuïm. neimes comlosiugit, aed bise sea m ay works,-they %vre coeand ail meat'1viO- and expeclabion tisat impartial justice biscugs, bewlis biseht Mc. Gambie and Prinsce d1qberg anad tMe Royal YaWsly. beh dune 'vutise Whilby Cosspanv.,. if leutly opposed, tréssîcd %itlî conlnpl wilii hodusse in tise promises, tise %est York membets wish 10 gel i xclenyi4 6en& G-eý- anyue uc as n hes noQ, n tfostr- nd ctedo.uitby forrepoct-ti nndignvo htc1- dnwn, andyhitise prepcnde, he _ Celiaugheu(ea !e.nee r of selves woe pual icly deciae tisaI vo have nurber and votes cf members.ltiste K. CAmERor;, T. R. Tisoralis. ii ote, rdIi rfdbst Ts iaraito d! so nekswedge whistever cf asy sucis West, 'vIo have ane direct or imme- T*AL5N )T..,Vsib. wouild onsc day PE55HAP5 îisrow Yonge apol ogy from, tho al4sent memleb6rn_4he Company isaving licou foersed, net do diane intercat wlsetever in lisose wcs-ks; M. McDoN.ouGH, T. R., Mare. Street mb to te sisede"l into thie safeis1-1n. Malcolinmoaiù, A.1. 'ergas- 'vo believe liant eny sucis ever did, or iý 'vili ho remerked tisatishe Coasiceil W.N.MITOHELL,T.R, Pickccngr* epig f ie esenaîjerty cf tise sonu, Esq., asd ej Hles,'q i sdues exîsl. Ib is very IriW t for sunse were netasked le forbeer or give, way ABEL W. EwEauS, T. R. Reaci.ofw m yetrerss, heast, tiLi tise' Gnfocto natiô f afevGenecaiotlip T.BAanE, .cf R, d.touT.l TBAXTEwvey elt D.ç T.se taR.,fr do.6j joint Stock'Compny wibh a view -of:on speculation, but te one embraciug PTI ER.if a Joint Stock Ccmiray with Mt eOue cenferred upon îisem,esa4regretted if opllu is Witlîy. Works, bas ail iubèecsled eand desiroals cf jciîsing jsiMn ce erye lsicd ia csssiun cf thseir inaisility te attend; aise fs-cm - eea oftn spekien cf ns the tst reseet tise enterpi a; nd lîserofure, whliicail Toronto, 31s1 Aîagust, 1850. bssrni vudsuibso Yrg Jas. Lesslie, Esq., cf thse Eamine- ,f li lIse vent of tise Govertament-centin- mny be peièctly rigisb and sîceiglitl- ------ uiasg to nogleol their ceupietion. But forwurd ina lie nieller, tise very extra-NoT cE Street ýiatc sucis a sisade, biset tisese Tise toasts fronotiheClïàaîrwerp qen nou. hs ben ormd, or o w ho odinry rucediigaeboe aiudd t aoraIs urFnoatruholaedisinboresbed and jusliee-levissg mcm- resuned, and th isfolowing boisigthe lieve hha.l ony Comupany similar te tisat wbich are ai mere s eimcn cf the nets E eg nd a uriedtherprosho aaaay erswudiedyieal uguenext in erdeY, vas lieartily recoiveàl -e- cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~O Ms-fletys 'aisevr entmpltedcfbbcCoe the bieCmity, ffud iîhteSubcrie or r OurtaeiniheWlitb t ni.ahen OurGasit-LA .eoe irdeendrs oe dreantu f,aed tierefure mnot indig- amape mofofr astcong ýsuspicion et Jkporter. that Ma. R. W. HAMiL C' u ietwymebseCb cbr a /eFe. i ep di"ye,7eaevtlaas soreathabrouéliseem any Oreri or bie Counci it vllabieit sound rensonang Ts u.H .Bulerpidc ,,arnnly.rpdne and reject as nlteriylea .hatsmlsiges lsna ore mmnçatisoawjiireceive attentiona. iunfoaîîa4ed anal slanderus, bise umjut doucre faiîisfuliy tc perforni e publie Whiaby, August 31, 1850. on mabters pertainiug not te tisei. TeHo.IJ.Butnepid n chatrges Sq graveiy nmade by tise Cosse- duty Maay bave bad -more ce less te do IÉiee~eenybn aln ebosi fbs ebr fPrimst ci, ,ndrpaledly teiters.ted by imdivi- in thenieller frntem bie segnnirsg. T9 CoaasonsS is îatentsn odaîîr r odual maew"ber brugisoultIshediseurs- By reference te tise malpci' the Pro- COL. c., Tlor.-Remniîttnce received. shovlise popeofthMe nddne huSe haie, ot ho Vi!od a t, 'visic amen. Tise undersigned, wilh, otisgs-s vince it wiil hb ccnuet e gleuce, Ihut - cccutMr liseinisselubeof tcessily tiscre la ý deeppy tco eaffected by tise transfer of'bise trevel ansd tenifiecenLake limoc;H R R .fra uieeioaain ciuis obd rvesiy omitbed, slating that 1'teWîîitiy woris,hoelieviug firuly tisat whiicis bave for years taken, and tillT E R P T R foai mndtesprinfo heiea rvo ftIse géneral inîcreal of tise Easere sec- continmue te take tise roule frcm Torconto York Couuty, ib0would he o fuîd in tise cwiaig lu indispesition, Me S. wss uns- 1. tien cf tise Coucty' of York wculd hoe hy Ycnge Street lulRolland Lendîng, dif1amn a man, anad ihink aoiling hisman isadif- moucpclizing and greedy selfisiseesa cf hie tcnttend. dinficit.dhy bettet served, and aitogebiser and from thence by steamer te tise fèent ta me"- ereice. tise West York members cf tise Catn- Alter whiicis, Mc MeDesagali S, of tise sufei by plIaeing the raid Wdrks in thie eastcrn end of Lakte Sinacue, where il banda of a gretieraI Joint Stock Comn- itnterseets et bise Narrows Bridge and WIIITBY,SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER7,185O. cil. Tisese disialcrested gentleenr .Nrtk .mericas, replied fer thell>ress.! ,pany, zath.'r then nedes- the contrle nd passes ever bbc nrithenSection ut ______________-certainly asanifeat a very kind end pab- ,Tise next toast freou biseChair 'vas- y nian*.gteiocf tise municip4iîty of bise tise Port Wisitby anid Sturgeon Bey THE PUBLIC ROADS AND THE cruel regard fur lise inlorostsaend pros- Thse Represeutative of thse TA<*rd -,County cuf York. Fzrsty tnus i Rn,~e. sure to be diverled from Itle COUNTY COUNCIL. poriby of biscir 'eastern dominions, se Ridirag cf York, Peter Ferry, Esq. it -ma xoineisa eifrl rvscdruea d t b iosrote nadthoco We bave net apace iii our smal muelisu 0iundced, e tu, make -us suspect Tisis toast 'vas drank w-il entsusi- th iau secbCempassies, ocing leubieir direct and expiticu ol ybs y mscre immediate and direcet intoeast, Centre Rtond te Port Wiîby imnie- paper for n fuît report cf tise procccd- bise parity cf biseir mctives. 0f what asm, and Mrt Perry eeturned tisanksfor T. witi slways manage tîseir afflaira witis diately onbisaI inmportant rond iseissg ings cf lise York Ceunty Council dur- avait woiîld lise possession cf tise Port bise Isadseme manner in which il hait Of greatee eccnerasy arsd cnergy lIan citiser linelly eompieted tisrocglsotit, by 'viicli ing ils laIe specini session, but as bbcse Wlsitby & Scugog Plank Rend ho tu been received ie an effectivo speech tise Goéveroment er Couanby Cerporation. a greal distance 'viii not osly besaved, eaigt h urhs ftepbi h onvCuiiuls o h u-i h oreo he ewsgeti ka beon mostanaxieus for tise cumpielion laya, ocesiàoned by clisuges roin stage ronds, aad ef te Wiiby anîd Scugcg pose cf celnrding and renderingaboct- rcpeabedly 'vils ioud and beatty cheer. 50 of the iclid rend, embracirag about 45 tu steamner, and froua steamner to stnge, Ptarak Rond in purticclair, are of bbc Ive ils corupielion and repair, and thus ig lemlsof lise middie section abil e- vilii ho avoided. Tise undersigoed te-greaeealimaporance te tise inisebitats tadrn'îng lise tende cf lthe1 baek teon- Thse Educaticrsal Interestatsof Ceàm*t uemaing in a ailate uf nature, anad they speelfîtliy acismit bIst tise Govesraeut cf',lIis section uf country, w'vo give bbcesipa froua ils naturel chennel and cul- 'aW olaad prpitl er lueS forwnrd ith cenfideace te a gea- s enststuted tise comunnguardian.o et asnetprcpesed,an prpitl Of ral Company, formned of perseas inter- tise initeresîs cf lise 'viole Peopale, and reselîstions lbey have adopted as bthel, liteugis a carcuatous and expenaîve repiied le by tise Roi. Mr -WaddeIll Y' estéd le ils cemi lticn, le carry ilte a morally bound ns sucis to dispute cf' teal cf tise deiheraliens cf liant body route, ta caîricis Iheir own dent couastryTsReR.I.Teuohvnber istmcesdtut issue. But isew dues lise pub!ic questionsanad mensures iin such. upon tisese aubjecîs, isoping tbit ilwili and tisemselves 1 Wc caien 0 n ldu yM ndlas ed i natter stand 'itistise Ceuaty Ceuncîl wny acd menuet as te anaswec as fat scle cb rWdel lomd sb anI Liset ccmposedl Sppose, fer jaossible lise enid cf ils instilulion. lt have lise deuired effecl cf rousissg tiserji otiser motive for lise exlmredinaty ,ew remneka. be argument's sake, tisaI eanajority-sisould s needlesa te go into ea issîry cf bise te a fiait sense of bise eecessily bisece course puraued by tise fnajerily cf tisese ThAbet hr cm nxad DU ho eeli<ely.wiilirag te do ail tisey rea- greet and imporant rond leading Itemn is Iot heir 'velfare and pcsperity gentlenmen, in lise face cf bise deler- Ts zastTsc ae~et n ed.1sonehly carsti eeltlahe inteesscf biset Port Wiaitby le Slargeon Basy, t isaItishe Wisitby and Sccgog Plank mined opposition o veymcmbeo bs er o Dlie oyMr. mtth n section, (wisicb, boweveï, 'vo tlink se- quite sufficient for eut preseuit nrpose R ber t fliefouri fombursctoncfc.n i centl peoceedings of tiseCocuraciligive 'bunetice tlit iw'as esteblisheal mnssv Roedsica. pas m e sepossession ofT/the.qgricseltterataemdectionuofccourt- 11but tee match tenson le dorbt,) even years ago as a Provincial Rond, ansd ce- a Joint Stock Company, foraised Tmeng lry amical andpy ibeeste intIs afale SItison tise question 'vilI arise 'vietiser peatîed promises madei aoubyt is ieneoa,'ios e efi lwd ou t suosmug, ly n îiseeinmtis affbais Interests cf Canada wits s-cilied tu tise position cf tiseCouncil sili ho suscisGovetomneit (wisoso dualy il 'ais t o3e as fnot liseir ceai asoive, tise cegleel cf by Me W. H. Bdonosi f Teroasto. in reference te ils publie werks and neoliane in'itis cumpbetion) bail mccc tu corupile it,anud keep it mio tongîs lie rond for tIse 'vautcf the necessmaey This ended tise tost& fros tise chair, debla, as te afford tbe lto roe or ex- parîicuiarly by individuel niemihers repaie, and under goed and eccuomnicetfunds, îvotld be nimost a miabîe cf Tise foiicovirag velunteer toasts 'vota 13- petatica that ,tîsose Eastern Wcrks tisereofbIset ir sisoutid be fin isiacd, Ycl masnagement. Tisat sucb a coasunîma- certeumsby, as 'viilhoccieerly perceived us weuld ho compled for snany yeara le about 45 miles cf bisenmiddle seclstin ca abîe crsissd by byreferring 1telise sîntementa auade in Iben given:- a-- couac, if evor. Tiisustain Ibis vie cf sid romains comparativelI luin asate lisiaiencataieddessd belis asnerci3yDr ilien-Our oorAyMred lIm mttr is ndeaine ahaittie t ateet ise.serions3,detrimient cI; Joint Stock Comanaies liaisy Munie- ityecf ie oreil densd cberthe ise ByDeJIrrkeso-r. wrh ee fi ced by tise reunyfr iese ulc he ad eighast cuutry; tisheaI licendabrs GotevemtnM. are Tieaoe.oa p firmed and 1osga nized te nîlso give it cf a Joint Stock Compsany. Es-ery disseer prepared for tise occasion, Mc. John SEVZR (SaLE ONltANIE Mcaaosar.-5q L'l-Th bveaO of debt wiJ ldoSr-.t5prefexence over tise Coanby çC,,.perekewta M.errryoco f.Clarke of Toroto, atie beç of tise table. tmbr4 50-aeMcia a -as Sly anad ieevîtalsIy be requis-ed Icb bin- s-atça«i ts ucsi ftieai iepllenf, avsyetenieMucs ciedit ite d o thbie landiord aad bladay Strs idSadytnaiI a-seg bdreasenabte taadjul expectatios o-f the Ijssliy eatitled. Tisesudersgned,.beg înrsa1 n Snew tise immense, - be nife eCosussicaeul.on tie-msml sor. of the Lake. "The brlg 7la Ic people te tise eatlas-re rid. Andleave te nqiseos at sIground il- aîs aI rond,-and tisatI ilwould p-spas ap. " Ëwk ,w a carg> ef ioi< tise ndes-mgned aubirit tisat i wassthe ItIsai tise= CoulyCoai t daim or- have oee day tisrew Yerago Street mb tiste RECOI-eCATmINc CoU]sTzsxuà.-Tue Meyor b"els ofwhéâCk>, ~bt eudî f ieCtailbir nyrao teoxpoot a ps-e- ahane, and thàbt the outiet cf tisaI irde misd Coanci of Bufrulo tansent Wisaadomzfen etiyWuÏ determiaiag hastily te assume thoesltorenoo ina th. pus-cisese cf Ibese works waa Port-Whitby, whiici tise petitien. etegant ilver snuf'-isoxea lineal wibhs gotal, ma beias sa nsr aerCis. rkss i a ahap laaaasd, ad pay for .i- sessetiytries te riv-ie a.1ors desire o pe umsbas6. Wua il deir- gift tle s ix gentlementomis; tisa Coinsmitée umebahi tl ai to a. 11asb&*emàa ndcOW W pi- paovs-tei- aie tilm ev. ly onionee meas, cf bisaIroa nd dbar-1 ou Ai'~n n u -x'd $.an 700ilathse Uul mal MutSt Ce i e i s B B 1- r, 8 t. s. n *1 a, s s. 15 14 a. ir y 1. d 1.

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