ai 1 Ù iUSC t arrivecl at NeNW Ëiie. da tr zews from Eturope. èe run ini el eveun days .and 4'ýýFJenûùy Iind ila auung the ciITcN-Accottnts frorn " ù -t e i e l ' e rb u t t h e g e m p e e s s s -n étbali'stilineswiil net be oflong dura- ýA:dYces from BelguntMate, puielassholy isae9çit scene ; for nearly PIty miles all thse lsw lands -are ffooded, ïald thesce is:cting abcuî. FiAer,'.-It, Wrelsortedsthat muais raMa isacE(hI4,4uiing thse week. The ,wheat erop 1iýý'onsideiitbIy injured, andi prices facya&ced. Thse Austrianî 0êevernm ét 'hâ4 xjected the proposi- hoi of lie I imbardrvopeti4tadeptîties relative to thse Joan oËt tie Government, not 'wsing_ tpple4&ge, itseif ta issue my.jpxmo;ey,.ia thse provinces. The Frenceh -President continues tb f~êithqFbýtsiastie receptiesinicithe 41à ~ou.LvicipooL, August 21- The Mark Latte report,.cf Augutat 201h, saya. tise issvest has beau intêrrsspted i s mers iu diffièrent parts of 'e g doil '. Considerable pro.gress aboeu -inade in thse more ferward -distmlta, itnd* a good dent of corn lbas t lie w4 kngion from Sortharùttsstn; e theuHlenahed thia ÀËeCere e ad e t arrve arrhe .-ed.'Té urac a-Tilunt oo atrom> reaidenwt ha.2 beengttu, e et cfoa Brico-te romhaxt JnLtise onetcts aorte titsone aelis o eStîset atiop, en Satuday ha.ringet Rnd forgh mSl n usa tsedretono't The~r: ibei0;tatlarrvdet Irii'oretm 1A.M.orsngarnaisissut ashowe wrswr orkbe , ac fo! btse ot. 4cib n ubclid ad twaeviid. n MeSA. ir of SA Wiby rReporter. &Uer-Tou 'a*dl pIhase pusbliait the foltowing: lb dkAlisia m "U. asy ouent -As a member ai tia Wilttq bDivlsls$éN. SI, Sans of rmpur- à steit ubisan my paleftl expauieuce ta wit- WW tise .Vilatlo (notwitistsnng the tmmny newsutreaceela ta e sstrr) cf thse Coostitu- ti 40sp Bye-Lama cf tise ])visio, from âtme ta tjaeelce*n Ibecs aMenhr.A Card of Wbht*alIt bu bQ .grsated ta an lnejvidos, sban a te seaiUne ie it wu publicly P m to t le »isson "ist thes melà ssividugl wu ilty of i vMtlng Article sacondof Ise Con- **à " u-Psmoiabave benueommessded and -8 u.gtlt aosal or mem îl:ip by C'o bi'Wl. bokoew well that tise partie. b.d Ipm dcmsk ona ev-ery day on tise evening cf vgis ps ie rSt wue bro lî t;--thselaws lep vJlsed a mltpaticutsr cames ;-b t" o f tise* Divisionihave houa w4ntoly aquan- usd la &vcr particalar parties, by' tise approvMi ,At the Proyapst' O Finance Cosnmittee;-tbe Oal>' ister et Religioni amoieget us has been bled feasus ss94 behag ceaidered s a nuisance; --a 'ths.hme beendast by a certain party, heekWlbyâ a mwoity -wiing dWuse, t. thu t5t oM t<lcatimo i a mno4ty of better-dia.- - as euà mm. YTSi. iaumaxutfhèt shasld be lce ioa y the Gisese DivwSo; for until Pene- thao n i.deafe r ons (aid% grat mai> more âbhk no) deS't tiik it prudent ta tbrow âway AqT . rcsiysIn tise trsmary cf &bP Division. Tisie *eslW aa m lesth fene ts ai rais bedis- tieffy pfoved. JAMES KEFMEDY. .Whitby, Suptamber 6tb, 1850. TU rmet'16ïpieet Toretc4asuwe liams j~eU*m elteube lbâvffldedaia -oppaented, ia thse UMM sannef aila tp. complete tise building for tisa accommodation ai thse Legtesature,-.-iirrur. GgEAT WE$TcEEN RAILR-oAD.-We leitra Ibat'theinbs1iipts of Hamilton, werecatt'sd upon tg record uei'ibtes ai ta the p#apriety oa s.sauing £100,000 debusitures, in aid af tise Gruat Western Itailradu, aisManda>' lat;,atnd tisat tise affirmeo- tve w4a carried litmopt unanirnoua>,lyeariot. Aaron Sitvertisarn, 9E'sq., J. P., bai sent'us a magnficent speciraun of Broom Carn, grown an bis farsom, in tise toWnahi p af Toronto. W-e under-: stand Siat. Mr. Silverthorn intecuis toP abendon Wlseat cultivation, as he is éqnvinced tisat Broosa Coin Jla-manre prfiltablï'isntl aiposed ta tuas r's.k, We sisal bu happy ta exhibit tis acimasi ta aur farmaing friends, especialtv ai we are led Sa buieve, tlsat.siey can produise an article fer super- ilor -to antîing of tisa kind grawa on che other aide cfilice 45 0 .-Piriot, SLvaER.-Tise Fugitive Save Bill bai pagsed the Secate of tise Unsted States, b>' a decidet5 majorit>'. Tisis bill Sas heurs calted forbv chu candiat -of th luofieso, or noff-iâve-isr.idiog Statua, lu net oanl> favoring the escape af alavei fira thtie South,. but'in protacting-tis sau reo:ilog à Ãtise aims obf tiseir ow ner, aftur Shey hatve reached tise fres Ststtest. Tise law ià ve stringect, andi ma>' 1usd ta an iccrease et irrita- tioc, tsat toast soocer or laSer bring aboutt a sep- aratica of tise South fromth ie- Nrth.--josr. i PLANK RoAÂu-l{ew TuEy'IsjuitiPÂLit'. cis.-We sa* an Tueida>' morning cf ibis -week, M . Ienr>' A. Harris, f Junis, c ming inot tibi s lagewiti two corde cf wood an bis wagon drawc essil>y 05onepair o aitl bomses, about Oive-milçsu. Cauii wby -Se carne over a ptank road-totl wai Oive censt5rMr. H. in drawiitg tis wacd ta market, made a net sat'ing at gain ai' at least: sioety-five -renta an a jairce>' cf fve nUlpa, 1or withosst a plank road, lie anme team on thsptrond 'could net have draws aose ccrd, as eai>' ai tise>' dld'tise tio, and tio e s ont>' onu pracîlcai demonstration of tht ttillty aod econoso>' of ptank roatui. lise saine resuit will follcw in ever>' case wisure a farimer bas waud or grain ta brsssg ta market, yet some oi aur fermera p.>' tiseir tits at tise toligutes af tisese helinstîffil rasds grrdglcgly.-Seîiero Obserer. Hitiserto lisere has iseen but ittîs néw Wheat yanrgist a market, con acreunit of thté fas'mers heing husil>'engagesi jeecuriogte Spring trop.. Spring isat is neari> ilsîlaufel>' oussed, and ta mursmare. abuadaut ansd ta, a better quaity than wai at ral anticipated. Tisere are nov severel purcisasera cf Wiseat in town ; 3a 9d'. r buahul ta tiseiigisesi prire afféemi l'r good amples. IVe regret ta sate tisat the Potatne trop shews symp- terne of rot te a gres extuot in mac>' locatîties, wiici will no doutit have e 'tendesucy'ta raisa the price et aIl kinde aof f.1d; but it s3 neverisheles a istter of great consolation tisas the tiser trop. prairisie asore Ibm an s)verage yield.-Part Hopg £ErcuTîosr op De. WRa.OTEI.-BOeta5, .Beg. 30.-Prof. Websler's famil>' left bem lest nigisi, it ise ateed, perfartl>' unron&rious ai chu cuir approacisocfbis fate, Froran ile tilt twelve o'clock ha spent in devotionai exeicisea, when Se feu into a sort of dozu, samd did sot waku ti1t chu day dawmed, shawiog totos agitation. Ie par- took of ver>' ittle breakfast, andi requesSed tise aficiers ta purtoke witb ii. lie made prepara-! Siit ~r as'adhigtIe cafod iis irusaAt nia.s'cck D. n4ncamaeocud tise lait religionis ervice with fervent prayer; a.l'er wihi -tise prisoner'e- arméawréé piWidti-ed, atsd wïth a firm s tely-huivnlked ta tise galtowsa, ihen Dr. Puluain, witb irbasu buconverieul wiiis surS earsseotaes,, isok bandis witb hies and Saule bis farewolt I-is legs wure tien piasioneul, ib'black cap placei aun bis iseasi, and tise roeu aroli bis neck,.aud, ha wuslauncheul loto eterniî . Re diea - atmost w ' ibout a trugglu, amuid alter anging l au unbout, wai rut sîown and. piaceulin a ajasl cogn for traosmsesion ta Cambridge. Tise bou tape nrcsmd the jail were crowdéd, ai aisa thse street in tise immrediatu viciait>'. Neoessaion Sas transspirait, but it ta tutt>' expeeeui a h A l one, RaECIsa s-ceWÂapeîrea L14 sa.'-4)iutvo baif Pound cf lime lu bailing watur, &training twice thiaugh aitaumel bag: dissolve separatel>' Self poind oai Instacaap, and iSefpaunil of soda-oi tise ttsiai togetitur. Put six gallos cf waSer in' s boiter, and wbuc baiig, add 'tise mixture. Tise iens, shiclia muet bavetososn eteepeul in colul water foriSisulve houri, areMU iss Ont, an yaiis rubbud with soapý, and put, iMe tish ie, wbere tisa>'moust bol tferi tWrtywao minsutes. Tise>' are tisen draiso (tise iq'sar beln preaerved, as it ran lieued iturfe tisos), pu in a tub, andl clear boilsng isatur poetue1lvet theso. RuS tisemeout, rnie tSem Wil i sstcld isater, anmi tise>' are readyrlfor Iryîmg. B>' this preresa (eaysbg rimncktfsrrl.etisa tide oi' thse ordinar>' labour eof aa ' i -mvel bleaching i. dispeusus iithis entrly; tise clothes are misirl cleauier and -are-lou wcrntItan by tisa ordinluarode'of wasising, andi the snlSute inimc way damages chu fabrir. Ere long, sliat fsimfei source cf annoyance and disceintrt, 1,thee isseS- iog day," wilt, b> tha use cf chis mixture, camne, we aneassured, a uIo c ndamonet chu tbsincs chat; weu. This uabibuqu.a't Guelphs andi m*bbqunboe propose Ib givi Ijiai ruptemeatativeM"'. mqaPublie Pinner, expressive of chir sgswO- blo islm ontuet bin otiog with '"the glnlhts iÀrain orf etuven, lu dfonce of le tu of 'fe New York Mrsing Star hbach. fclowing bit Of local romance, whiicis -s ty ne mens à mprobable --In ch. Il-- paket aiip iroin -1 came qut the other day, sa>' teo ieeka ago, a ver>' heautiful womsn about<lit>' Yeas oid haysng a fine curly-busdad boy abot i# yearm of age isitis Sur, aid buimsg accomspnied b>' a yaersgmeusiaciseulman, cf legenî adulte. ansd eaymanoura, isho appuareul ta bu af oine tendfer relationsbip tot hu. eautiful ansd interesting mraüs- l'br. Tis>'atappeul ihree or four te * r Aear olute, froso m iiit te y ramavesl toaum exqiteSu villa lus Hoboken. .,7t1sus*»m seSux- seu IY fuuliieaid niones eeeucbpa- l ttai thu gratifisgtiou orthu cltivate& tateu ai chueprties. Tise>'atrolled ila Io oeis a.long tiabnka oi tise noble Hudson, and -duapl>' impasslonad dialogues ivere lise accustaim.d acconpenmenta aof chair recroations. &* iOn board tise Cua duriag Ser fine snd rapisi pasagem, migist bu sean s tabb mnofa grave dumanr ansi noble proportions. Heawusemass- enti>' arielocrati in lbock snd basing. BIe epoku but fittie durîsg tise pasaage. Scsssthiisg praedieavil>'ati Ssi eart, anddlie roujlnot ena'te voyage or maietIy ci ally kanu. H. steppeul et chu Asior; mande enqu"ine à 4er cisilul amd genteman i-4 ed tien tot Hoboken, aid disoveed bis. owu brotier, ch. sedaer ai'ofslà 1usu ifu te, aid tise destroyer aof hi. peas for eéver. Mie reisirned to aEstrpe witishie darlng -oleaying- the 094lt pair te pume.tIsaI coutrs sisn m$u" es. beçi tise) mlghL Tbss.par- lMas masy hoeean dain athée Elysian fi",la.sek' in t ronemmi e nynit()f do. (aw Potataus "Park .,' - Hania Butter - Chuese- Eggs ed. s. ýr-bobuai, .', 6 a 3 oshel, - . 2 4ea 2 'bishel, - - i 6 a 1 Il 2-. 1 2 1 5-0 l 2 0 .6 - -- .'4 6 6,a 4 Tjc»xa SPTM3R2, 1850.- Flour, (Farmerys,)pur bbl. 19< tsa. 19 Oe 19 6 Flosir, (Millets',) purbbt. 196IlW.20 O e22 6 Whest, pur bsshe, '60 isa. - 4 6 e 4 10 Zarle>', pur bombel --48 Ibos. - 10 ' 2 O0 Rye, pur buahel,*56,1tIsa. 2 0 a 2 3 O*it, pur-buashel, 34,ts. 1 i4 e 1 6 Osîmeal, per ihIl. 196 Isa.- 20 O a24,,,9 Pusse, jperhbuasel, 660 lbs, 1- " i 2 Park, (la hebog,).perl10 Iba. 17 . 6 e20 0 Bacnaper cwt., , - . 40 O e45 .O Lard perILts, - - O 3 e O O FOR SALE OR -TO LEASE. For a terr a o three or five years , that large and lanidoua well knowm as the LA.LF-WAY BOUSE, situale on two, acres of Land on the South West carner of Lot No. 22, 7th Con., Whitby. There are excejlent sheds and a large harn attached ta the stand, and twa neyes (fing springs of goed water rise on the premuses. Paor further particular appty ta tise Subseriher, an the prerMises. SWiitby, Sep. 6, 1850. Educational MoetUn, Witby. T HE TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION of the ATownahip et Whitby have -decided uon holding th.e aboveý meeting*at the Village ai Brooklin, (in the Methodisit Chapel,) o Thuradey the 26th mnstant, at 10 u'cloclc, A. M. The Children, Teachers, Parents andl Frienda of Education generat1lr are reqtsested ta attend, and thoe Schools wluch cannot turaoeut ai a wh, will,% o minlapartîi, iehaped. Meats.- Wsddel; Phelp, Oýrinisse, Thoraton, Geikia, A. Farewell and P. Perry, Eaq., es weU auisuverai Teachers, are expected tua ar-tise Meeting. Aa no' refreahment will b. provided -on the gresund,. it would bu well for Ctitdren ta hrinq cakes, &c., in ibeir pocketm, e they du upan gong ta §chaal, alnce the rns.iinc wi continue i fromn t*o ta tisree oclck,P. Si. C. DRAPER, Whithy, th6çejt., 1850. Sceay c .A Tba Meeting of thue.Standing Comittue ofi th Tachera' .&ssockiiton ai rhe Township of Whithy, held at the Villdgb cf frookij, on Tuea'lay, the Third iustant,, a voee af thantta wai proposed and carriefl unsiinsouslv ta Mr. Q, su d ta bue Mr. Geikie,) for bis' aiile arti- cl lbule in tihe last week's Reporter la bebaîf of the Associatian. Tise Conimittue aImai uxpressed a dçep anxiety that otthers frien<Uy ta ý[ucation and the se sociatiowud iots up ti subject. oouualotk C. DRAPER, Cessiisi. Roos, ~ ec,*<iertic. CordLiieer oi fhave jusat received a tres i auppl of PURE CO IVER OIL, which 1 wii aoeil at a reasonable rate. *JAMES Hl. GERRIE, Drsugge, Wiby iJlage. Aug. 24, 1850. 19 TlIROUGII 1nOK wmi tOY, T8 po r -P EwI LEVIG VWhithy 0lp rsmnn et~ ~ ,..IC54izERT, n Iave Port Ferry t Tbm 'elk X-«Ma attbeabssve-saes - 1- Paspgtrscnmngoff.tbe ateansisot Extfrea fssrsreed go 1oedev on Cthe sAorCest notice. T. N. SIITR & Co.. Whithy, i7tS Augtut, ~ 18 là the Villae or N#caotlo1 J. I raitPoiua . Aut 12,18U .18 W5ITBT SÇAuO ' OL 2tofAsigosu, 1850. JU Wbithy, .iely 30h, 1Iwo. WiId Land te THAC Rubs misnÀ 1'EF,,w,TbH fdoU8AN isa Townubips, Rua Uc ,EtNor*/a Gm4Gl, »,xk, ond, M*. oLia,7il", Tay, hast 4eehty, endwiD ba e edfoÃa t ermel fesu 6es*to seven ymursdepaedig sapue tisé ittia., la lsmof lronsU20te 100acrwe«Cà , teanyaou Who wîtl chop, cabar, and esl ee, ina S goed ansiwrk- manlike nsanaerwltbisstisae ehdtsmx4aquantiq amt leua tisais20>acre a o sud kt AU lter.met.pod, dira1feoae- ulef' n t he ispu cuw st in la i o V dm onW UiL Ie twWwitbout dW&y. Wiitby, Jetalm 15. 16, Minus. oen Coas etn < rnicte TMLV~IN ÀIZ"ta PEARL à H asipsein Masteal ROBERT B. LAWDf PMutWbitiy, lai Augut., -185.» The. $ \ IN' C4JIU14 WÉ.ST. CLOTFIS, CASSIMERES, VESTING8S .&ND GENERA.L DR» ýG j isthea us ÃMPORTEDD I[RECT FROM- BRITAIN, '3Y OUUSELV£ES. * GR1I1STý MADE TU. ORDEIk 0F EVÇRXJDESCRIPTION,.. PARI& ILO&JDO. AND NEW YORKFPASII0N8 RECBIVRJ> ONTRLY. - WIL TE M08T'.*PPROVED STYLE .EDOP TED. t ~~ IN'Tif Il R4DY-MAI)P. IOTiiING DEPARTMItNT WILL ElPUN Jne 31mps .Linen Soummer Coati 494dlMua'. lblack Clatis Yests, 7s ?(leMen's Moleakin Teousera, 7.6<1 -fCherlced Linen 'do 6 3 4, lack Satin_ duo .89 "L inenDiflt- do O-S« 3 4 do Malgskiisda100 " g!fancy do, 8 9 "Faney Drill de, 4 0 * y ". ~ ~ d IlcAlas '113 Linen . do 34" Tweed do "Russell Cjord « dg13 9 Fais,> do 44 " Cassiimere do -= IlGambroon, do Il 3 " do s Dotmkiný do diPrinces. Corsi do 15 0 Plumb do " Iuckakisa do 94Tweed do 17 6 " Marcelle do " Sattidett doa ci Bread Cloth do 32 6 " arathea dou Clous do s'Cassimere do 17 6 "Tailenett do " C4sinett-, do Gvtta2Percha ý do 3ý0O " Casiasere-and T*eed do ' Caahns*erette do WViie Shirts, Linen Fronts 4sS d Iclatis csp$,-2m96 d FaneSja 4i44 ntue oa Shirts 2 6 Caxpet Bagu and ric,- Cotton 1Jude lbâart Men's Frenchs Silk li~e I Neçkerchiefi, GtoeRaey Fançy <lapo 1000 Mmoula Dressà from 3s1 ldIFactory Cotions, "Mo- 2idCotteri.Yarnifrorn 4i Oui hai 1000 Parasols,, 2 Il White Cotton, 4 #!Stays 6ps 500 Straw Bonnets 1 6 Striped Shirting - à iasfu ooa TTIL Spleuidid Scarfsa nd Sisawls Ris ans and Lacss Artificiel Fiawers ' Cofiar aod Neck Ties. Iare Veits and Fait. Houler>'an Gloves.. oe ail ilaterluls for Ladice'freM, every a i nUlau laaLsrs oosg,&.&,ply himo.1 ON TH ~WZT Wb1 Tonvm. ~-NO S E COND P RLO a N!Ê BURlGES S &Le ,SH 1lN' yo Corner of Kinsg and £urcA direets, jein Co t'os;e. m 1 q~ s Toronto, Jtte 10, 1850. 1-1l aav TISubscritier 1,ugsluave sonat ;sqietlt ta ., . iiate ta the pt'blic and hia custofaers,that, hsving disposed hfi.s'tock of ga.ods, buinens ta retire froso business, and takus'this opportunit>' of returnntg thanks ta ihosç wiso kindi>' gava Sià n tiseir tibersi patronage during these past y«'aq. He alohep ta sotate that ait notes and accouais sre expected ta bu auttised carly la Stptemubus auxt, <lies. other arrangements ihave been maie. ArqpnEW SMITH. Columbus, Jul>' 2, 1850. '1 -Sm CARLETON L.YND9, WÉOLËSALC AND RETAIZ,. DIEALER IN( TEAN, TOBACrOSq, lICE, PIPER RANUINGS, bc.,, bu. MAMFACTUÃŽÃà ' 0F SOLE, TJPPER, AND H,4RNÇS& 14EAT11ER, &a. Caslkpeid for ideev à i km,Whea Stfsy Village, 7tb 4Jujos,15._ 8. Ny, John Baker, WsC' Side of.Market Square, TO RON T . .lrow Bok$:cs r~ RECEEVED, and for sale at Low Friras, e- frà rge vaii>' of -' lc li Bbl ès. hIgidoritRI, Rio, %lupJ ai 5lmecîsnousWorki, j!maStishmu te ufoltawing : à Çits'e Hisser>' of Emglaud, 6vots, 3Pgula>" " * 2 vols. nic's diDesul Se," andd "tisa .iodan."P luoe sPublic Ecanoso>. FAehas aPictarial Calfsornta aisdPOsegam Pbasnk's Hydraulica anul Mesthanics. " lrba hsnaaOwn Book. 7rembni's Explorisg Expeditions. gWuhingten snd his Ge-nerisb, b>' Heudie>'. l" aeosund ieis Marshaia, b>' do. fe of Cromwli - do. Tà i»ry s;ud Praut4q of Teaeini, b> Page. W&yiae3d's Moai nulne. Uawe'à Tjavels lu eh. Est. -Rtwdgur's Ortenthêe Agrktmutura. Uniteud Staes Expiculsg EXdtoi M- uelé Poae tgravl Wo;riC4td isit FemajaPcetof r 'a ria, li1uüetratee. * -m Gringas, by Lient.. Wise. ,&Welanew 1EsigIbs Gremmar, r a B ER x 8 ' f 1 R IW FITTSF'1ELD, MASS., R"TES OF YPIR]L;Y PA&YbMS It» er y=,r-- drave*$2.»0 petwek. Sm '5,to ce - '~ 500 M54FZdrau *2.00pur waek. 3,75. - ' 3,5 < I4ungpssds . U F Jaass, 8s.1y' ALEXANDERITOUONPopooz rSxele t ahlmç tpbos rHaeI. - ij tl&YIea4 D issolinqo at.sl5 -u for ifýjà T'I]E Bfr4ftn4'rrn ad G oa ièi~erre lmtiOie. s stlafGD UXE C., la this ée t aotved by mutuai comna 411 4eiste due ta MLcf asppe Oirm will ha ccllectId byeoe Curile, who;ap- rè attisi -tnue Slitshes le âtis ine p Mdce. a rtusar . BWÀRREN,? .'» Iieacs, LMa>' jet, 1850. ' u itey G~ORECU1RXE attend Jla k~opNEaustisaRila hat haoitu Dow Ãepon eu in hecoutry, Wfshb attow priceé 4rCshouPic,aortgood s .- CASif P.&U> FOR MDDLI Black Raisand aiii Riait, of iGraju, Prince Alber#, Juqe lit, 5. iBOw» Ozu=saeRéfome ue acopy fo trie noisus. .1aIt .o.980 Kispg street, ToÉopsiq, 9IGN OpTHJg WOODEN MA. Jpuletlà lreand varied toi t.rnR 9' M Toito, ay 19,j 1850, T* v<>f NORId inteu nco, 'm'ý" Il-Wi O.. B. WYL41S, età lF. at er RO y, June 7th, li R E m [tpOItTUa or BIIIS Ni p0R -DIT çw .&pril lOth, 18, King t. eEot,,à delaido f «diiigs, sext doo r tpo lie lfcesr. vTUE Seibse, Teeronta, May, 1~. 'I~ Ta.v«~n coion cf attention t Tb#5 ghogt Jr<op, e- op»~r 8au", cf Public p Oia ottader and &cv ?Ȕp Wakr, -rqmn.s. Csp4 Ded, agileiA4rBo. eali STE AMBG0AT'-.O TI CL. 50 al TMÇ SI GY'Oi b ITHOMAI mo9 prt W iLL a ther et larina weekl RAgTO1<, IIR, GEO. CLIFF. l' Tbié