ne, lqpesauaeLvpWI.a,. e, 16tèi1510U5 the lîgýtnitg. whults bis ai zs~LtuUy'trëùtWed on is ft -iëteýis the liuor which God, tise Et ~bêsfielbis chilIdran ouûm, choked wilh paisoflis gai -4 sickening adoi IUk"i:prepttre the preoois essai ,.çf lfe, lthe . ptre çold uvtert. But the greeÙ glede and g 7~ éhw lie tred deair wsùdersy snd the Ch lova lg to pay,tbee -QO5t Wit, à <o4ýlow down in the déepesê -à le IWtôW,P ereOthn--aked granite g stors Ctýi h; add aýy Aï omt On: Iht)vl*Isissi, andte big -t,ýves ot 1 194 P , , uýVePing 4le 1match af iM a tberç He -Wew¶s i t;-thathbeveraea of1 "~t~th-igving 'evUater. Andevery wlv ilt saihing ofbeeuty; gleamnrg ~ .4wetkpi ui~gngith e 4,1~ W= i;_ siuiîtg in thle ice genttilt *rees alfseem tungnd ta living e, e spreeding ea V pteloverthese .sù or a *fil >té gause aronnd i"n. ilght spoon; nsporting in the cala Iolgirlis te glacier ; dancing in li1slwe;-,fOlding ils biight SI c u4dmi~ softtyabout. th é wintry ýwo md weavirag thie raany coloared tatsora1 u'.e of the sky, wl vý*, Wth, rin-râpof eerth, %w] ýdQyr Wi îielesuI~fowers 4i hlmo iharaçiôorefrationý.ý l*apysit jis ieatiftil-thit bleésed, tibr1no jsossidh tibbles oýn ils bri btîranQt t na'iess and r - la&o bloôd stins ils liquid gi ,ýMwidows .sud starvingg arpi r#épot burniing ,leprs in ils dep =cdup4!d's ihriekiste giostfromn . «Výe srsmil inewords of. eternat. jiar Speak onta ay friends, wç yoe exoheinge ftfoq lie damnons dri À about like tise rasa of a ernt sn#wèeEed-" No !iîJaf. Y. Co.. etimas idof tl* liaeayon must1 catch Aise. 'Havsg done so tise n ef-Oookirghim5; sto makeaà 'i~hst sasïflows-Mn h selae spoiled miste coolk esnMe wôsaeni go alsoutil ns if their1 ban4werçebadsds, and bloiv lien bibPmkeepthemconstantly ini water, while otiers freeze tient byc jutie eldeea. Saine sînother t] wth hatredcanteneton and varia and abaina leep tieni in pickle ail t live. . Those wsanien atways serve tl u*,Villi4toaguteâsauce. Now it e lp,osup d "lxt.abansetdâwill bha 4auii4io d if usanagéd je îhis m »uý llaey areg, onaliecontmery, vemy liojous we aae sfhov Gta largejar cehlesitie jar of cnre fla (which;inil god -wiveq liv hs4~. yotsr hlaeand id it n IXiahear ise fire of conjugal lave; th*ir tB*be,-ret-ly bot, but especîiel) iai>. cleurabovoe liel the'hea eg »tat. IGairnsi with nî'o4est ga famuiisrily, isnd lie spaca of pleasai eüd'if ybu hava kiscsanad allier( tMtoiaries, lot thent ha accompai with a safficièlit portion of secs with prudence andd aoderat Iiawould asivise ail good wives to <~tireceipt, ai realize how admiri a smadi wien joperly coke g ~~Go.-The .,qmeican cF*uss (Pougikeelisie), jusily reins 7-',pn growls. ut paying a sisil for aof tof breasi; thinking he ou tutpIiçfor eleven pence, and ste ix -evqqipg 14ak.his fssuil 4.--t~ nes fe«6 of asiuiaiaîai, for lie prtpose beo ira kd, knowrîi X tiey-1 t0oor to Psadolr(ranw bates spenatwo shîlltisallietai '.ewýF ight ad Dotanssat. Anati to pour ta psy ea few dollars, u *ttogs$ ll. coperts andi negro per mnes cÃ<at corne along. Anat was, pleying off an the apruce dsxlc.y i front of hirni The boy beld his fore fitger ini the hlair of tte Yotungnan;-! about :és.angais ,ablaclesmilhtktld a nail-rod in the fire o ta ait, and ttan on ,hia knee, commnenced ýpannding bis fin-~ ger i in itan of a smitit nllkiner a roua that I laughicd, _the ..nly tinta tisat, I. evef 'Iisn«rartd the ijulpit iÃŽth aaything like maittis, "Did yousnyJones liaI ymur wit' lidft? <esehan thîem very~ ~ ~ ~~~M ofe. "eI vsi t ife ere si ilerly eflicted. Site lià ustried a do=e resmakers witltia the lest twelve imýonths, eInd not a fit ta suithem bas aie got yt."1 and complanng of the smallness otius cy '1 prtrents atthe barracku,' fter many "tempa t a simile, cornpared themn to a iut-sheUl; on w hidi a friend con- grýtalated hira, as by dwelling in a dter %ut-.fkell, lie had attained the rank ofi dedefine' the wprd %vidow.-Bill--' A 1,.'- widdet, sir, is a marfied woman, what ljtè; ' in't got ho husbaad.' Master-'-- Very à ere weV Wa is awidowerl" lifl-- i'A widderer is a mâti:wba trmibss rter &r the widders.' Master-'Well, Bill, 'tho t his is not exactly accor:ding to Johinson, îelâ,ý but I guens it wîil do. ýtng-- Joe Pentland saysle nrsayth nid- wlio every timee he ntsatu oîtha th glirnpse at hjs sweetheart, lis to le hil r t ihi{nder lier wjndow. )rl In the alarm of the rmeint she plun- gyes ber head ont of the- wxadow, and irs xciaints, "where l'when lhe poetically hoe ïlu . ss hisuseif oi the bosont, and ex- ail clains, 'Here,,my langelina! by StilU STf O T ADVERTISENNTS. ink; mur- bans thfe THE ST AMER dee- Prmtcesç Rogra5 pxld CAPTAIN HENRY. TWOHY, l w ILleave Toronto for Kingston, calling ai FVort flope atit Cobourg, weather permit- ipest ting,.every WEIJNESDAY and SATURDAY ut Noon. ,_-__: ni WiT[1aveKinguton -for Toroirto, yoda terme- IrS diate Ports, every MQNDAY andi THURSDAY fit Afternoon, et lthree a'clock.1 rtWili leuve Toronto or Hamilton, every TU'ES- io0de DAY anti FRIDAY mornine, t Eigbt o'clock. goud Will leave tHamilton for '1'omnto, every TUES- DAY anti PRIDAY Afternogn, t Three o'ciock. Thse Steamer Prilncm rRoal havie g been. fur- ig; Dishetq with new Boliers, is now one of thse fasteut hâ oat u nLiike'Ontarin, anti huving her Upper 1 Ip. Caisin extended nearly thse whole leogth of fier hot dck, thse accommodations for pasaw,isers are greatiy increaseti. cont- She hpns ýtate-Rooms for upwards nf fifty Cubin hem Pausengà s a, and 'eeveral of them are fitteti up Luie witfh dWy4>ieFrenchs bëedei.& hr.She bas long been khown'ialose of the besttis- themr botsupon tlke1:,;andtislanow one of tise fastest anti toet caom ouos. tnOt Royal Ùail Sieuso Paeket Office, teu- lTnronto, May 20, 1850. r tie.TUE STEAýMER &:-S0P EOJ JR El G Jr efti- CATAINWILKINSON, le-» onTILL leave Toronto for Niagara, Lewisto,, Ls t. V anti Queenston EVERY AFTERN9ON, ;lIt &sandsys excepied, ai Ose o'cloclc. y let Wiii leave Lewiston anti Queenston for Toronto about iaf-pat eight in tise morning, ant i li ar- <01- rive in ime to inret thse Mail Steamers for Kings ing ton ut Twelve, Noon. îtry, Cabin Pa-sage rMeais extra], ose dollar. e iDeck Passage, three quartera of a dolar, on-i Royal Mail Steain Pacitet Office, ,ned Toronto, May 22nd, 1850. 6 esy,- tion. )try rable X e-~ THE STEAMER AMERICA. rks » CAPTAIN ROBERr KERR, iii WILL, lot he reasaitsder of the Season, isave, Toronto for, Rocdeter, every Tuestiay, Ume Tisuraay & aniturtiay Mornins, t 10 orbek, 9 the pretflaiy, anti'*ill cours ut Port Hope antiCobourg ant i ntersnediate Ports [weather permitting.] eof Returnsng; willbave Rocheater thf'orornto, wihl caling t Cobourg anti interotediate Porta, every yà 'a Mlootay, Wedneatiay anti Fciday MWoriing, t hall- pel, Royal Mail Offce, Te ocant,,April 18i 185. rir OAEEIE-AM >UGI4TBUGGY tber tien u sabscriber bas constantly on LiaI band, and oatimuesuMauctr daà Vs iqu a&yCait ex- tust, oand Yaýs0y Carrnageg, 0Fj2 o DIFFERENT DESRIPTIONs, puy ii h. os ll Cheaper fotr Cash ï tissa ftany Other Establihmetn la bit- Sby or surrounding country. for saspe- riar Style and Dutbity, ho. i-fel& confint of giving fdun i8fation ta zldui cek o.3, Liddel l"Sis ittt Wlg, Lissaic;A L'-e May, 1856. 'c~N~ 35 IrnporliiGilOf Spring Gouds fur 1850. IAItNo 6, Cst1jBuildisags Sigt of thre Golrden Fleece, King St. Eaut, Tarantnncthtie Mac/cet, riESsbscsier wôutd inforna is CutnmerI, .THamiras, andthtise public generail>', isatise bris sýow :reeived. a large anti 't4ll4ellcteti slock cf Fnc ati teI Dy~gnnis in Bonnets, Parasols, RbosMutils, Driâs, Gaats, Hosîery, &c.,&c Carpets, Cottosa, Li nens, &c., &c. anti witl open out tm-o new tiepariments about t islt of June, iis art enticelv sne* Stockt. Tise attentioni ai faes l partiJuilarly cnled ta tise Siaple Depaci- co~iite &,cisaaactesitc cf tise iear' ti 0fIeLrivauetons tse atuae oe ftie irst plcelatie ora f itatmeatitiemoesn ilapslcain c t isefi establsenafts .Euylegh Riee tise na nelgne fts Masamlay e otie 1'ai ierisa at 2gte, costhe ss R si j h ave Ppci firatDis- jonssyati, aazneh nt rvev;tie vritionc af htiesrvoiao haveolcne bteots pleicn>tisee ofces1visicdshe rodestoy isbees ati vebicelnfti setaimnteohbitio cft tie oa elaorrithefanl stintlige ces, an thea vel anve reevng iscoye ngie b>' alst DBcough, am esee, ideSmith,Mr Maculaos, Mes libl, hastve etineai>' ail ti e st emet concomposirtiono.gis.haecoplaets irst ise chrainge that anlmd eei b'dulthasrties o p=peand se hael o vbe riyrnersogistise niabsiie tesacomenti, uihve repcna- meen ta, chies asfoteorgialcedhibi>'in of thimst counte anmssat ep pceitios otise iasp trs>'Epropctis a nsof osbale ticseJmes,Teimpaieyntrdsers anm cr isapters inb>' chaptear ai>'tae apn os ie brnpai iseiaovtise authar; fîctap is te chngthoftailsti dscer>'tti uugestinda as TeJnternatioghsad llVren/cy foraceancy lien , thi o ntriii coasaietise ex ceence cftai nontemposroa erstii'isils notaiucea tiat aVil thi. A letin abevimiet readettise pub- liae, b i h tisemotrspiastity satise cfrisea posibleate the hat of the o atsis Popsthr iteaothseisîciscre ppagnisugotin seas aathepiflsh rleaconteeac tfimanthionianre-s TeInilte brîlintautical puîscatbn no-las-e coesu i pbicost atin in plainkeadeMag-oi tre atiso nI t ia mbincee,rateexrellnceoflsnais iri Enginis literiait 'To ingfeaeg ; ast i litancul, tse>' mshah am ta an tstise atesp l isefwiarepearinalsr a ntiserials tranwbteb-being ton short foribiparate ronues -areitial'rtirn iac.sti utl istbeisitialnpr- 0tisef tisediliatoriiuicgvetiseblchtonce-ueec lonrs. ipbiaini Ikwo-# a=ù und O!e tteQofrti'heviren anise mosthIei ablth f hpseravl braetictin f si tsose inreall in rail caes h, om crfsilexamig" ned o sncb vukslaubec tedend pasagreaswiil l ofbeel>' mrnsrnir avn Il. Tie . oeapriodRiinuePlitiua i md esleti for viavr vii o srt or eratartolums i Oftisesturaei aatoena. ie eadhin; tiles- anti Ar tshecisar oe> rly equnis pithem t di- rabl aeru viiupcpesntdise fulletst;anr ios- stchlua nbfunesantriicosisatis as n ia-li li>' ytire st the anti prn sa f ie r ti' ut- V.e Bti atier iwi sot heyaltaear Foreigse soc Th marermpiRation.ionis oepi nor scetii n its aigis anrtionsinile supprai b>'n soned oris ala ate illmontr accopitetinitn inaî altseebis f esovmentge ast oinon.ile *ethevgeatsuaI t iieuaor scrairs an>' viorbe.h inov oriaec peain the Unitertial viii taîin tse a ulaut an onatntsmlhtevdis mion edmentin.s iaa oiiaec ha s V.rBt th ee wr llutibe ait reie Footsg . iii b ereopl a toeln. anits extlato, calie cisa ebecostatisefformt yu oise hoti- ci at ntesi mt aandim poantht Wthost rcan o anpdia>'s oriainflueince c ila li upedifea bme o iedasltiadmost aëpiranshlatterOa IA s otoao iacaetteani d Exatiiarne, t ise publioraber trtinu>s ti red tseespet ii contiteecfalesvbno boc t ustishat cilca jitiest a gnida fre tise lsredieso possca Wienthe aie a isen mnae succefteecutin ocatise oftega 1 mae tiseIaeAt iissthe cMisclas aestvi andmst e Sbe 6leadithotcent? isaoi uieai> thlae isewoltec iabractiquetofa hae ailScine, andaitiouni siraths ioleaers,h &c, frmotaeronarisini tbis elife tea vilisbe rotust titaanr>', Biograis>', andsprctserol confiiienc f ive attenotio asti nfritia Admen tnaruidesforstherecdnor viiiha e ofaLoue. ofthese IcEAsignr<Âr. WezIteationd MeLAy oflt h intclniOrie>'naturidal numers cfe as elas. inwSeeePxnand CAstmti o ai eis, idosoayaew a th iaflBrourgoiantiMnoriav typce, anti opar nisha veçer>'lin qalit>. dd &CIeriinnsaadaerouasiedeiils theaeiureant setion&i Cw TS b e sxaed tyBoh, atiT anEd ArS AmeRIcGR& ON Oiursuc ecd, 22 brekti' as wllCcaofthPaer mta vicis tisanaboaved ternleint hsforaziatu for ansyain nambtis me froma ne andbosautiutBoris andoaz tyelavdroni lier of5ea ye!)rin liPte.Ad W'JnEREAS, it heu been represent- Yedtfo me, onu of lier Mjesty's leige sabjects Of thse province of Canada, abat a strosg tesrè-pcvatls aMQslg thOiselnabitanits of tit oaur Towuaisip otf Wbitby, titat thornuùgisanti exltensilr Ve rencismeft, ha. mateinlatise Public ,sxpenlittienitishe Province.,:-- Alad vhereas, ?certain individnads, Crosrtiig Snobs, &., have isees Praclaimigitbat uliey wtt ManutactIire Boots à t .isiexion prfccn.1'>. 1e Be it tlierefgre knoWn, to6till him il mi>' coneern, and Ithie lstbabitaîits.9 of Wbitby partiesalr, tisaIt ram thiis day-fortI wilt go ht aeHu," iinpracticnl Retrencismenýt by MIanafacturisg, BOOTS anti SHOES of tise.very i)sar mareriti. et tise folnowing low prices, vsx.- MgNsas Fine §Pwed epils,. 23 9 te 26 3 46 peïdïiVBodf;1B 9 ta 21 3 Strosg Boots - 126 ta 130O otiser articles'in tise foot asti Sboe line in propor tioni- As tia Subscriber, is determinesi 10 vae at«ays o1,banti, a gooti assortisent cf ati L4DIES, AND GENTLEMýtEN'S au n tr eples>' noue but tis est .a! Worbessen, anti 10 slli ciserper than any' nuies person in tise tratie, anti a lent le laver thn isa .neznfîili, he tiseref,)re solicita a ahace o? public patronage.1 GivENe iriter my Hahdianti Seu, tisaEtabt day ni Aprsl, ini tise>ear of our Lord one theus5ntid bjtnçp4tfy (signed,) W-M. K. FORSYTII. Wiitby, Apsil 19, 1850. Ilammîoth Stock of Boots and Ehuas. .BROWN & CHILDS H AVE receivedti ieir Spriag Stock cf Boots A.anti Shoes ftrsu iatir ossifactor>' at iiloes- treai, ant i vii seli at their esual low rate. B. & C. eespiov, six bundreti operatives, asti prodasce from,506 tao1000 paies tiuil>'. Tbeic present stock bas bees initie -Ath speciai ceference 10 tise vant of Canada West, ardti ii compessate individuals or families for ientiisgi greatt distance. Il> sentiiîg tise cequireti lenglis, a fit uvll ise guar- anteedt. Mtercisants viso bave not patronisedth ie aboya establiishment shouiti lose naotime, as tise>' cii ha fsrisbeti foc one half tise coat of ciWastry p neu- tiens. .isijuereasonable failure repairedwlYà out 1charge. SN. B. Baawre & C!ieans, 88, Ring- Street, sean>' opposite tise Englisis Ciurcis. tr-CASH P.4ID FOR LE.ITHER. . 1 Tortanto, Ma>' 1, 1850. 5-1>y lYho wili P L0U G H for Colti THE Sotti haif or Lot No. 34, 8tli1 Concession Whitby, is open fort bidders, for a ferra of nlot less than five years. Tisere are Fifty Acres ceared, and the wvhole Farm is plentifuilly - Watered. Go and see it.t Possession given in good time for FALL PLOUGIiNG;. A6 pply (Pcid if by posi) to, B. FItEY BALL, initlty. April l9th, 1850. Farmors' Protection 1 Qtr4c 5. £awrecnre (GCclo Min ua Jnsurauce Ro., OGDENVSRUR OH, N. Y. NINE rMILLIOrM INSIIIANCE. CAPITAL $100,000. 141000 MEMBERLS. Referesces. The Hon. H. Vanransiler, Ogdessburglu, N. Y. ilP. Vankougiseet, Cornwsall, C. IV. Sidney Smith, sq , LCoburg. lirmon Jones: Esq., Brackville. A. Farewell, Esq., llarmeîîy. P. Perry, *IVhitby. Bryce, McMlocrich & Co., Toronto. Dr. Allison, i H. R. Campbsell, Bren/cii,,. 1-. Daniels, Moses Bsrtlett, Dr. Fhote, John Satdiler, Pickering. Elînha Dooittie, Crluinbus. John IHighland, Oeaioa. Lewis Houck, Mark-liant. Wili'arnsKissock, i Sydiney Smtiths, Esq., Cobourz. Charles Lister, Esq., Rowmanrille. Prosper A. Hurti, Reach. Samuel Davitison, Maraposa. N. B. The members of this Company recom-j menti parties wishing to effeet insuramre lu mak-e applications, in ail cases, to the local agents of the Comopany, when aucb exist, asti sot ta travelling agents. Conrarra DRAPER, A/geniat Broilit, Initbij, C. W. Brooklcîl, 25th Jaas'y, 1850.à 911 IIENILY IIALFOR.DS IlIPEIIIAL CORDIAL. OR thsecure o! Risaumatisso, Risaumatic Gout, antiNeuralgia. Tisaaxtmnortiiary anti potent compoundstimamde accortiag ta a favourite pra- Scription of Oaa ebove eminent Pisysiian. Sic Ast e>' Cooper aises, frequentI>' referred i bs stu- dentsl to tise ComnpDuast as emilnentiy eatculated fac tht cure of Rlaaumatism, undfotier diseasea a? that class, its ingredianta araestirely froso the Vage- table Kingdomn, anad if an>' melicine couiri legi- timatal> ho tenomninateti a Sperafin, thia cemeei> . pra-eminenti>' antitieti totsai appellation, But Oaae proprietor diou ot bebieire in Infilsibie Spa- cifica fan the cure of an>' tisease; >et is coitience la tis smedicâin asncb as ta aappiy it la certain casuesos the conditionfis o! nture no pa>'.- Itu succesa la Oaa cases wlaece it bus isat a fair trial in IbiCty',hbasai enperfecti>' aitisfactnrv. The foawing cases are paisihuet b>' permiaof otise parties. Taranto, 141h Dacember, 184. -à Sic:llsing foc a canaideratle tmsnafereti se- veral>y fro - a n ait&eko4f thée Pi tesmatism, ina My> iglt arm asnitaide, 1 appà etita oeso? aur rsta". Met phyiciens; brat this treatmestvaseo Dopar- ieaben e fit ta jae. Iaras tsreaeinduceti ta procure a oIttecfyosr tapeciai Cralie, &c., visicis bu compicel>' curtme, isaving nqw bom infor twelve . weu~ - cation as yoiiWHOLESA!ILE GROVBR Np rs toH.a atefully, ToaOoO. Street, East. _ eh 8,184 flre lgesî. M/een yeas là n oes Thoue who an? uafflicteti wiisSth, 6re £Ytst Antia CHEAF anti EFFECTIJAL treanidII afflicteti wit thtie ,consitierdisle WUntI Ueueufactofreianepi on Watr(l , Sone'f m Manfacure andkep onhanti,,for maJe by tis iy kneea were proprietor, an foilfwa:.1 ý sweiled. Foc Onte ounce vial, -. --7 1-2d., ble ta doatree Tw6do. 3&_ anst excruct-CH LECAIX ope byaseveiil FALSCAI in tise profea- N. B.-Seores 'o! living vitOeses can he .W"als iAve ducet Io tatstily of!>th 1e'efficacy of the Eye We. notuvitisutaid- seveai af wbom no'N resitie la lista Villamu. e ry tofmeee3ti ion, Craropa, Ague in tise BrestCilSd cueia tisat Satdile-gulIs, &c. &c. irectedt tayour an-, al for tise cu re Chbsre W bn itby Village, ;ot, andi Dr. tdisJanuary, 1850, Z 2f ,er getttng cu- ardly able ta Ilder thi. Patronage--of Royelty Ions, -in tbree ~ syo edi- weigt; my C) s abOut tie ný ....1mL Cabinet Met/cey, INO. 4, .Bdetatide Toronto, Mari .4 e ofs CVtrinic J/caralnof. sianiagureiby Cordi 1 bereis>' cerlifV tisat i bave be Riasa for fi ftea yera; for a Urine t avasc-onfinle'jtoabut, anthie t tisit tinle 1 coutti nt suave myaelf; joants were carniteydaoieie atiff,,ant iny joints avete very muais tielast tbre years I teaï,acarClIy ai mosntis workvteithoat sutferîsg tise r atng pi . is. -t vas itoretiin Eurr pisysiciafla et tise.iigtsetstîstning il nsion as -veil as in tisa Province, 1I mrontha in tise TarostaýHospital, anti i ing att the seseana uSeti, 1 coutti'loet cnrplast!ntie ' as teIl b y a vi bliepisncian tisat 1 neyer coutId be t attuerny attention was du Sic Henry Halforti's IMeriasîCordi of itheurnatisinand 2heîmtic Gi t-opn's Pilla, I me n epcaicistt ni evE rut - wben 1 calleti on you, i wris hu waîk, anti wlat was almoat Miraci weeka frorn su>' connencing ta tata cite, 1 gaineti foui teen peanda in Isealth, vas minis soiproveti, ant in weeks nmore su>' lheunatiam vWa gone ant iy h' ealtis coupletei>' ceai enjoy as gond beati as a>' nas in ci ny recover>' fhiasre walketi lady-sil day with perfect frendosia, anti t ass tisatlIfeeltcsuly thantîtal. You cani of tisis you please ; ra>' case is kna, isadivialuala of respectability in thi naines yeu know andi aBM efer tat yak4rs, trisly anti gratefulty, THvb --artiea-ceferrcd to itafo' liamn Osborne anti SamueLiaw, Es( Price, 2s. 6d. anti 5s. per, bottIn. medicine is for saie u ýýSi F. UtB Griserai ./gcsat., 6. MRENTAL BAL SAMt. T SMedilcine bas foc mas>' yeams been nieti extensive1>' anti free>' la mas>' critical cases cf diseisa, ant i vth tise mot hippy resabia, inseaverai parts o? Europe, intesta private prartice of eminant physicians, v-ho bava approvingl>' atopteti Dr. Ho ssnular formola. Tisa part>' isohso instrumentai les istroducng tise sudicise ta public notice doas sot claim auperreais power or virtuie foc ila; forhie bnoNar that it is nîturîbi>' impossible that an>' itfaiibla apecifincrian be inventati or dis. coveradti t cure att tis alnimenrts ta aviicli frail isunanitv is hiable; but ha dors tnow tisaI lîstomi- table investigation, intar>'asti perseveranca, an- ialeti Dr. Hope tota ormti aôsapetatit, tahappil>' blantietinsstisa Pila anti lsam, for tise cura or mitigation of ris>' casea of disease, in visicis il vsa often cosiereti ieyondth ie power of medicine ta yialti ald aid or reliese. Tise medicine bas rq- ced sumbeclesa cases of tisseise anti chronin ta- gea :-espaciaiby costiyenaii, un cammon amnong those taboue occupation, and othera visase dispo- sition, leats ta a sedentîry habit. Nattaca, Drow- sinesa, Pain in tise Stonsîni, *Oppression asti flatta- iency aftec mails, Diinclination te muental asti hotu>' exartion-Giiiess or flow' o? bloodt o tise heati, Pain in th isaberat; bacl0 uboulder or sida, frequenti>' cauneal la>' indigaesion or a disordereti liver, Eruptiona o et ts ki, Cîrbunciati fice, Blotches, Bouls amat Pimples, ptoceadisg geserail>' frac impurit>' ortsaablondi, or a aisortiereti asate o? tise digestive orgasu, Heartisasc, Ani erucation, Acidit>', o? tite Stomscis, Nervoos dehilis>', or de- ranigemenat o? tise systera, Nervao, Periodical, Biliens, andi Sirbe Ieadirise, Depressioreof spirits, Noise ine hisebud or eaur, Ague, Cake or anlarge. ment of tise spleen, Palpitations o? tisa ieasi, arising frosu indiestion or eyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Mabeetior DuraisAgaae, fitreguliit> aI tise boveba anti otiser secreatitag organs, Fits in olti or yousg, occasionet b>' Wormrs or stoppage of the boyaus, Marasmats or .%,asisi.-gof flesis, viicis appears in cisibonti or eari>'y utb ; Chiorosis ôr Greanint- nassa, uveibat fret antilegs, infismation, Sutiden attacta ofiMania, Tetareus or Lorber Jaw ,,Risen- matissu, Coîagi, praneeding frosutisoreler of tise digestive orgnsa; Jaundica, arissg fi-cm i lite cause; Diarbra asti coir, aiirgn froan Worms. lu St. Vitus Danîce, visen ail otiser ressedies f'ai, a long continuraicaof this mctiine sisait remove tise diseana. 1.nochrcisir tisesses abus Medicinae ua>' ha useti, vitis cartaint>' o? succais b>' a propar perse- vacance, '.Fortisa certain cura anti mitigîatian o? disease ganerîbi>', i le iarienai>' isserted thaatsnô otiser meticiase befare tise publiecanris e compareti witb Dr. Hope's Pilla atdati suam. Tise>'art tiorougis- b>' but suil>'y, witbout causing as>' tîpesuant sensation, unlesa thes ystac la ver>' munis out o? acter,les wiih coatse heilia ay>'or resu>' ot protitce sonne iasee. Buat tiseir judicious use, according ta tise directions wiicb accoispas> tisa medîrîsse, uhahi, in tise diseusea numati, give gene- mai if not univernal satisfaction. Tise peopriator warrants tisat no barras nensua in ses>'casa Irnm tabing eltisar tise Pilla or tise Bainia. tiIPTlse Orientai Baloara la a moat vaînaisie if nt na perifie remeai>, asperill>for lsd gestion, Nervous Debilit>', Fever asti Ague, Narons Pari- 'odirsi anal Sirb e d ache, Loss cf appetîte, Pain in tise Stomacis, Maskeet or Dumis Agna, anti Livar Compiaint. 1 ta affects are not confineti to tise stamacis alose. lite ibat of nthec stomiciis in gan- eami use, ils powers extesdt thie abdominal visce- rai, partictabarl>' the livr, visicis il deterges as veil as asuniges tise bep-itin ducts, anal attisa sane Urne promotes digestion. flis la aministereti b>'Orientai Pisysicians vitis areat aunceas in pîlmonar>' compiaints anniscrof. nia. Sevarai o? tise cout eminent pisysicians cf tha age bave given tise Baiîîm anti Pilla a thoro' triai, andatl tto? themn extol tise Medicine in the iigst terma. Its beneficiai affects on tise genaral bealtis are usasal>' prment. Tfie 1ropriator triiy forisits tise p'abiintion o? tisa namnes o? an>' intivitais wiso ts.>' ha cureti nr banefitted b>'tais Medicine, sciais tisa part>' raquaits il. N. B. Agents vîntat in ever>' Cit>', Townt, and Itmmiet in Britiis Amarina. Applicatins Poat-patiti, lo beadadressed ta S. F. URQIJHART, 60e Yostge St., Gesesmi Agent for Buii "aserca CASH FOR WHEAT. Prodasce deliveced at tlicir-ýStores, ailier et Port Wîitby, or CmandaF's Coruer, Reaci. Tite Subscribcrs alan becg leava ta rataind tliisFriende andoCustosuers 'tiet tiey li3va commanc.esi business et Crndell's Corner, Reaci; and, by steady attention, Sape for --à share ! public patronage. JOHN MARtTIN & Co. Port WÃŽhitbY, 251h Dec, 1849. toreti. i 00w anitia. Siiice Ex mites in ose yr oau, Sic, is city, tiseir acres il neces- NLS WR5IGHT. )deban, Wit- Tise above RQtJHART, (uon 8ii'ect. ri Ellm DR. HASTINGS" (Uae Senior Fhysiciat tathe Blesba Fan DC pens<snj of -Loidqa7s) compound Bstrp of fls14t#mi NOT ORLY A Pasitiebut a Warranietl Cure fer ese - qf.4 ..Lange. T HE Great Sensation creRteti among the. ed- Facuity, by thse announcement of Dootqr; Hastings' tiiscovery of thse meilicai propertiee et Naptsa, bas' settieti towss ttoa tisorulisoa- den.e tisat is " CompountiSyrup offNapte au positive anti upeetiy cure for 2aildibalea wiel involve tise asting awuy of thse hîainsa"ste à by excessive uwestiîîga, expectorations, ant ther effects ni a contingent stature. It ta likewiae admitteti to, ie immeas'arabiy auperiar to 4oyotisr cough mseiicine, as it uimoet .instaintsneot relievea the haskineas of tise tinaet, soiteps tise cough and retanves thse hacisg antitd pten The activity of its nature ta aucis tiat thse ioFient il is tuken it pervaties the fraise-anti pentia every fibre of tise body-tisus a eteWaml throughout-secures a free circulatioItte le -ani gives univeral egress thie imurta wiih engentier in the a"stem. Feelings of matesty. ta say stothiag cf ifié mach- hackeoeti usuages, inigist reatrain tise proprietor of upeaking of bis discavery acotirdisg ta smerdae, weco it sot tisat tis ubjeet la ose of fer toc soucis importance ta tise public to bie interfered wltis by personai eonsitiecations. Hie thiseefare dot only recommenshis HaNatisa Syrup, but arrants lt cure !-i e warrants ih ta ael upoýn théechyle anti purify at-be warrantsaitus a neyer fadfing remtdy in hertic fever, night aweata, dispeputa, titre com-. plaint, pain in tise cheat anti asthme; asti'he warranta it ta urreat tise formation of tlui berciès ta thse tunga, ant 1 iealtishose atreatiy formetiensothat persoas in conaumption inay takte it with tise 500t jpositive confidence of a cure; for ils peut seat of ýaction ta the longs, wisicl. it peoetrates ia ail directaona,purifyisg tisesof everyligissaaisa la its progresa, and wbich, if applieti accordtng ta directions, it cannt fait to teave ini a pertecily bealtisy condition. Thse moat am ple experience, aupporteti by 04- icsrîmony of tise ableat and, most tiatngusahet metîlcal practitioneca of tise age, justifiea tise1 pro- prietor ini spealaing ibus cosfitiestiy of bis diaco- very; anti b ias tise lesa hesatation in being on positive becauae of tise speeti of ils operationg, wisich iasncb tisaI patienta wiso use il immnedlatey feel anti acknowietige il to, haetise deaitieratum. tisey were la queat ni;, anti çiutly accord him ail à tise praise wluch ie daims in ils favaur. lotieti, ils action la wo energetic: tiat ils curative efeets platnly manileat tiseirseivea in a few mnomeisa aller il ta taken, asti a single dose bu êequently produceti resulta wisicis botties. of other meine hati failet taeffect. Tise proprietor ooly asks tise trial of ua sigle Îýbottle, or even a single dose, 10 coaviace patients tisat it is beyosti ai compurisan thse moat speetiy anti efficacmous remedtiytey ever matieuntiseo; f or il gives powertul imanfeattons of iacuraie qualities aliost inimetiteiy aller it la rMeeved iato tise siomacis. 1 t la a siniveral purifier ; il atteka thsereot of disease, expetiing ail noxions parËiclea bas ils pro- gress. rPuice 58, e a ftl, Or 6 baffles for 258. As tis is a very expenaive prepaatittn, it lai sot lefI arountiod cmi is s latiseUme with collier medicises, but must lbe purchesel by ftisose wisaseli aguin. Tisese tersawtil a en eral, limit bts aie ta the larper cienaad tôwaai; 1anti theretore, persoris resiting wbere Riia .NaptsSrp cannct be obtaset, anti who cas berac. t by stage, or any otiser public coavej. rance, abaulti direct un S. F. U R QU HA R Toront o, thse only General Agent ins Canadg Wet for tise sale ot Ibis medicine, esclsing arittane rfor tise number of boîttiea requstreti, whihwtli be 1immetiiately forwarded, in a manner ta mure ;safe asti speetiy delivery. WHITBT DEPOUTERF .8 Ckeap Weekly .T'ewsýppr, vwkich 1 ltl,î bs fotnd aitexcellenat mediss (o -.ddvertisiag .Mercanatile, <Jommercul r Farming anadlocal busines itlt ranà -.ý actions of every descr:ptiase. TERNÈ 0F SUBSCRnirTO: 10s.. per Amnim, payable i hbm ..UÃ]tba Ils.. etthe end ofEthe jar. VIHE " REPORTER " is publishecl 1 every Saturday morning, îm-lb. Village of Whitby-J. S. SpRiow&u, Proprietor. RATES 0F ADVERTISING. .Six listes anti uder, firaI insertion, 2L. 6L Eucis subsequent insertion, os. 11-* From &rix t es lises, tiret insertio, US . d Earis subaequentinsertion, os. lot For eau-b liste aboya ten, ci. 4d. Evecy auisequeat inSrtion, 09 O. id.