Whitby Reporter, 21 Sep 1850, p. 1

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ORTEIJ nFutry) .8oePenoear.. the cloft of.t/se year., Il Letterà addressued to this Olice tbe Poét4ad lbeaa5i iseount ciowdtu per- becOtiing &4gents fur te Reporter. j J. S. SPROWLE, J'roriet or. - w -- - - w - e1 am a n, su ed tbink uaotldng hueano1 VOL. 1. W HI1T BY, CANADA WEST, S A T U à.Y, SEPTEM3eE1 t 8.150-. NATIONAL LOAN FUNO .LIFE .SUR.ÀCE SOCIETV, PPTAL £560 0 0OO0O Sterling. eiajExaminer--R-,W. CLARK, M. D. Pathphiets, Bfins, and ail requisite informa- oniïa be hadon application to JORN . ", PERRY, .sfeatfour WHITB-Y. 14 CAMEIFN MAGDGNE11L, Attoralos and Connseiors-at-Law, .SOL[CITORLS-IN--CHANCERY, M.C. C4iMERON. Hl. J. MACDONELL, Cïty of Torotto. Whlzby Vila. CANADA WEST. b:1-Office in Whitby opposite the residence ni etrPerry, 14sq. IIUGH FRASER, WHITBY VILLAIGE. -Spring and Summer Felons for 18.) Whitby, April 19,1850. AL EX.ÈPR 1N G LE. WHITBY VILL./IGE. ABorders lu bis lunepromptty execuited. ~.The lae#~ Fashioiss alwoys ons /and. Whitby, April 19, 1850. »ariursud Attorney at Law, BROCKSTREÈT, WHITBY. KEPT »Y RICHARD WOON, OSHil4Wd1, C. I. Supere accommnodatioa afforded ta Travellers. Capacious Stabling andI Sheds attached lo the premiaet. Oshawa, April, 1850. WIIITBY, C. W. L. Il. SCIIOFIELD & Co., IMPORTERS 0F ]BRITISH 1IANUFAO'rURES, AND DEALES INC WVlOLESALE AND RETÂIL. Whitby Village, June, 1850. TEETII! TEETI!!! TEE TII!! SURGEVON DENTIST, OS HA W.1), C. iv. HENRY WEBBER, FASHIUNABLE TAILOIC. Opposite Mir. Bettes', KinigStreet, OSHA.WA, C. W., Whre lhoi lapnepared te execntoedors lus bis line on Lhe alîorlest notice, and at moderato charges. The Lales Fashiost.trcgalatrly reccivcd. Osawa, April 19, 1850. J. C. SC.ELILING, Llconned Auctioneer, WHITB Y Orders Received at titis Office. MR.- B. FREY BALL, RiAS EMhOVED TO rck Street, ait door 10 Bryan's Tin Sbop, WHI TB Y, C. WV. ~7irak dmersican EDWARD A. BATE, K3Portera in atténtiance aIt tb Steamhoats. May, 1850. -ly - .&S. NORDIIEIMIER, »slm. Ji la IaiInatumauta f@r EB &c., . , s - -1 Scred esand Social .Music, KING STREET EAbSTToRONTO. 5h POETRY. A LEGEND. BIS h5cCRSTINnA WELLES.. The shaàdowy speli of eveniug fell Upon aruin'd, crumbling teweri- And dat-kocstrear drew slowly near, With eveqy sign of awe asti fear, To heralti midaightC'#isoue. Anti Ioneiy frewn'd the wilti rock, erowu'ti lVith Cie sast record of tise dead: The roiing deep heneatit the teep, Forgot its piaciti evenin-'a sleep, Andi esr'd ils cresCetI head. Thse ngtilensnk well te tito Unpitying liue hati utter'ti there: Ils winds hreathed tout! tiseir mockeey proud To what hati long before Cem bowdt lu calions, stern despair: Bat bore along, ln erhoing sang, A voice hat soecni'clto mourn te pat, Atnd many a tale anti bitter xvail Ofl maohood htrave anti hcauty irait Swept onwacti on te blast. The moiriful knetl unheededt el White Swift te branches waveti aside Prom ona nid naît, hat lootlyspoke 0f art~s dccay, andi naturels swry, Anti man's fargotten pride. A maitienstand altove the floodi, Upon hat moaliering castle's keep: Why came site ttere, s0 yoang, sfir, To gaze alang te muinigbt air, Wîith eye ta full of dat-ktiespair, Wben ailCite world sioulti leep 1, Ber cbeek was white as clout i a nigit, That fhasts ieneati te sti noonligt; Deep grief hiait lit upan ber brou'. Anti therelitaiti racet a tieset. vaste Poor maniac ! itla thon ! For constant ever there is seen, Wîth eagee gaze anti frenzieti mien (When day bath paissd anti nigitt bath cast lier magie o'er that loue cea ebhore,) Thte witless mait Aline.- No eCrm may stay iter iouely wny; Titat coul of woe tto fear msy know; lis balles lie low, heneneJi tie flaw 0f that far spreest unfatbam'd ide, Arauni ler lave, bier peitie. Colti toth fie eest ; the witd waveu play, Or sleep, or rave, short. bis gras-e: Tht-en weary years have paaedt away, Since Oscar aotugs ia reugn ashore, Ant i ie rettt-nrt nmore. Then sastiant ndln.',when lbe baiti lown, Al titrougitheCbalmy cancer tinys The caini sea rippled Ineatit ber gaze. Wben vinter rounedth ie tircaduti main, Whes spring's steet rain awoke te plai, Site look'd for iruin sain. At iength litras talti, s rover balti, Na allier (wbicper'til bey) titan bc, IVas conuec'l' y a migitty foe, Atd itforn tC ite teck af his xehec, With sharne anti aroîn, bati plangtvd below, Atditis-,isbi tirottgbte ses. What Éleetest sait, before the gale, Connes riding ooward o'er the. wave Sa strangely white 1 and wlcnce te ligt That glimosere round Chat lsark, i0 night Dark as the hidden grave% The. maiden koew lte sait Chat flew .Sa swift al.îsg the curling foaiu; It left no tracke, but ail wais blackt And gloorny il had glided through. IlHow Crue 1 drcam'd," poor Aime ecrearnd, IlMy love ie comiong home !"I "H1e neais the sbore-my watch in o'er > y (Her voice rang Chrotigi the temipes rose>, 'Hie form i se-he fhies taenme, And waves hie hand se merrily, 1 neyer ehal weep more !" And, ere te wandering phantom flIed, An angel noIoe swey ber soul ; A moeubearn creeps e a were ahe aleeps, Andi o'er Chat loveiy face cao trace A amile, as she fies deati. Freite cDublin Uaivcruity Maigazine. TilE OLD MAN'S BIEQUEST: A STORIY 0F GOLD. Through tise ernameetal groends of a handsome cottntryzeeidence, at a lit- le distance froua a large towa iatdr, laud, a masn of about fifty years of' age was walkia&, %yit -h a bout head, and the isupress of sorrow on lais rate. "Ocis, yer houer, give me one six- pence, or one penny, for Gomd's ske>," cried avoice froua thse o*ther aide osf tise fauacy pating which iepared11eý gmosînds iatLiat quarter froua a thotough- fare. "For iaeavens-s ake, MIr Lawson lielp me ns ye iaelped inc before.1 knoW you've thse hand and thse heurt t do it."l Thse person nddressed ns MI& avsoî looked np and saw a woman wisom hIE knew to be ins moat destitttecircunuit stances, bnrdened with alarge and slis ly faaaily, whoin sse, had stuggled t support until her own heulti mwns ruin- ed. di hlave nu money,--noî oeefarîbing,1 ansîvemed Jetai Lawson. "lNo money !" reiterated Ltse %oma. in lssurprise: Il sa'L IL ail yonns ? ay, aud grand things they are-tuen pictume:, and thîem Iiight siluin' tîsings ia t4a drawin'-moom eof yenma; aud ssrmou deserve then well, and may God pre- serve tisera long te yen, fur riches hnsu' isundeneil yetr heartà tiseugis thora's maîîy a une, and heavea isnows the gold ttirntssLeir féeein's te ito."1 diIL ail belon,",Lu My son, Henry Lawson, and Mrs. Lnwson, sud thia cimden-its ailtLîeirs ;" lie siglied lseavily, andl deep emolles- - wus visible la every lineamnent ofisis thiua sd wriu- kled face. Tise pqour ornan aised hebehlood- siiot eyes te his face, as if se wns puz- zted by bis womds. She saw that lie wns snfruriug, and witis intuitive deti. cacy, se des isted froua pressing ber wvnnts, lisougla lier need wns great. IlWeil, wett yen houer, mauy's tIse good penny ye havae given me and Lue clider, ant ianybe the next ime I see yotî yen 'Il 'have mono clhange."' She vns turn in g sndly awny, wvtaen Johin Lawvson reqeiested hiem te romain, and hoenmade encptiries iste dite state of lier famiy; lise report hoeIseard seemed le Lunch hlus even te tisa forgetftilness of lis ewn sorroîva; lic bado ber stop for a feîv moments and hie would -ive lier souse relie&, Ha wntked apidty towandase êbouse and proceeded tetise dmaîing-reem. IL was n lange and airy apanimnett, and ftînisised wîith evident profutsion: lise sunlight'of the-brightit sammer day. asd- mitted partia!ly Ibrougi tuhe amply.drn- peried windows, lighted' up a vniety of sarkling gitdiuîg ia picture [cames and vases anti mirrons, anîd comnices; but Jolin Lawson lookei aronnd ou tise gay scene wvith a kind eof siudde ; lho bail neitisen geid, ilver, nom evea copper lu his poket, or in bis pessesion. Hc advanced Le a lady wbo recliaed ots a ose-colored sofa, ivithian fatsiaien- able aiuîelin lue hemaud, and aiher somne slight isesitatien, fta ddres sed ihem, and statn g Lisenanme andi wnuts of tise-pour woman who had be-ggcd for nid, lie e- qatested some meney. As ho said tise ords "lsomne muey," tais tipa qnivered, anti a tremor rau Lirengh is wh'uie frame, fer bis tisouglite werc viividly picturing a me- cently delested peied, wlien hoe was underno neecesÈity of asising moa&y frouiauay indtidual. IlBicas me an y dear Mm. LaWSoas t" cried Lise lndy, startiog up [censlhem e- cumbent position, Il d I1net give yen a wboto handfnl af shillings only thse day befere yestcrdny ; and if yetî wested it ail on peur peuple sauce, what ains110o dol1 Why, indeed, ^w. contribute su, muelits t charitable suheeription, both - Mm Lawson anud 1, yose mniglat bsn con- tant tu, givo a uittle leà teorammon beg-i MiseILawaon apaise- wth a saille ou hiem. lips, and with a soft, careMsiag voice,;but a isardsud salis nature allone palpably frins er bine eyei;.i Sha was a-yoîmg womnanïa, ald these rept. of beatty, Wih a Cleu PlAsk-1 ity as yuu weuld -if you coulil; thera- fore.,yen shah net have auy nsondy juet Mme. InwVson nas ee of hose nie.. men niho eau cheerfuhl1y expend n most ýavJsis sura ou abail, a dress, or any -etlser. method .- by whicis ranisandsudnxnry dissipata, theïr aba- dance, hait wbo are very economical, and tlk mach of extravagance wbeu money le demaaded fom parposea met connected witis dlsplay sud styla. IlAugusta Lawsou4phlite umei, bis .voice was qulver1g uLle Paso, "My onin wauL arevey féint;in lu clotheinealaal points my ee~enduëg us trllusg. I amnet extravagatis my demanda for tise por, tiser. AU 1] have axpended ia charty deing thse fon Yenas &hmceuoas oehuem, ja but an inagniflcant amouat as contraafed w" Le ieincomne vlskh 1I tedey <ave up te my son and jet e; therefre,sw In the lobby lie met hie sonï, Henry Lawsu. -Tise young ma pused, somethirigetruck bythe excited appear. suce of laisfatiser. maay"m idtise father, abruptly, 94I waat nomne mney; tiser. ia a poor w.omna wisona 1wisis te? rueive, will î Yen give me-tIome monay for.hem 11". 64Willlngly, my dear fathet, but have 9 yen askad Auguta 1 You kjsuw I haveP givea hen tsa management of Use Y, meuiey mattera of tiseeaablahaaient, ase i. se very clever and pSoajicai." M "Sha bas, neitis ariitv, n a>p1ity, d nor ksudnes sh le msvfrqjme; -ae ti 'ave1 mom tiso starviug pour; ase smve tisat she-rnay waste large sumB -on par. fies and dresses. 'l shail aver a*k hem U for mnoney; give me a few shillings. ra My GodI1 the fathrbe f the son forru wisat vas his ewa-.for, wsb at ctoieebo~ &JI h YotL4 iv hl gve- 1'ont h of, trmfiu ins t ut "a. eu a1'y'f k epatch. ~Qs ~S. L- andwi#li complexion, sud tolarabte rmoaîçuy for tise pourmWOiau who ls wait- 1featur îwtis luxuriant llght bair, geu- iag, I shahl now have'; giva'aama somte 1 crssly u ia[tom a portion oftiste shillings, for God's anise, and letýrne g0,l" ,0 %voed. hle wns dressed for tise recepý- ne advancdoisr<ubtadIoa tion of âilo ___ ___-whm-hea, u hehaaý npected,ài g î i-çmon whm ied e-- onsendeP. re M aàn Bpensivee aadbloside, ld e "'I éÏ~ùstrete tdtrjj la. taeê rpotonstop, extravagance. You-,Ogive too" Johns Lawson aseemed.ti, feel every muets to commun beggars; I arn det word se hnd utteréd in tise deptiis of mihed te stop it, do net ask rmeanuy *hie, sout, but ho made a strong effort to furtîser." - restraiu tise pesion-which was rising A ii'nd cf convulsion péessad over »to his lips. \ Johin'Làwson'sthin kce,;-butbhepr.esset "Augusta rny daugister yent are the his band elosèly on bis broet, and *as wife of zny only and most beioved allant for .aornè ltime. chid-1 wish tu lova yen, I wish toe "I 'wneonce rich, I beliée. Ye. tive ini pence wiLls yeu,aud ail, give me it is- not.drm," hbd eaid ilu' n slow, Lsonie noney toieiave thewants of tise self-cornruniug voice. " Goid nnd sl. a iunlbrtuiiato woman to whont Ilhava ver, ouce ynri êépienty with14~e ~my promiscd relief, andi wbo is waiting bands, my pocisots were filled-gtlihaàa, It witheut. I asnotfor unyscif, but ibm cowns; "sbillin&t';. nowi Iavenot one s Lthe peur and suffring-give mue a triflle penny to givo te thatý starving, -dying s eof moey, I sny."1 woman, whose face- of anisery migist tgIndedMr. Lawsam, a bànk-wouid sefteýn tise very stenes she loois on-n-net ynot support your demande fer tIhe por eue Penny." ýr peuple ?tht. wma efr wso yu are IlAugusta," ha said> tumning,4uddeu.ly-' h begging bas been reiieved twenty Urnes toward hem, after n second. pausa of a8it- a hy us. a- bainoe rnéy Just now" ance, "give nie ouly one amlulllng, uijd She tMrew-isareif hack .ou the o-i 1 shahl net thin k of tise bitter worclg you and resumed her novel; butager, hae ustsad. darting.from lier ayas, oontrasled wîth "No: not oaae'shillngj"I answered the lralpéd imite vhicisstill remainad. Mme Lawson, luruing over ea iéafof hem ou ber 48p. anovek. A darh ehatle of passion and scomn ."lOnte aixpence, then- one amati, poor, 7came o$er-Joisn La-wson'e lface, but ha ipne od ntko ovae strove spptess it, and isavoîca w a a ixpenco caaagiaddea tiseblacis heamt calesmi l'àa easpolie. of poverty, wben starvation is! coma. "Subie time hafore xuy son mamaied Onêsaixpence, 1 easy, lat me have it, you, L gave np aitsny business to-hlmr wiûl: .... I came tu live liera among trees and "Net one fartising a Inl I "give .yet. flowers, 1 gave, up ail tise lucrative S.Id e enwi rulem ofr incsI had earried ons toery sou, partly tber."1 because my isaniti a ws ling, and 1 Ms Lawsuntnned lier bckpartiaily1 longad te live with nature, awny from towarde hlm, ad Oxed ail tsar attention tise scenes of trgffie; - but more especl- on tise novaI. nJly because I loved my 'son with nu 11"Womau ! I bave cringed a.nd beg-. communelove,ndlsmtused tohim asa ged ; 1would net bave so begged for second self. I wes net disnppointad- mysait, froua You; 11o,1 weuid lie down we hud ene punsue and one heurt baeoreansd dia of wnnt before. I would, on my he msarud yott; he neyer questionati ow» account, raquest of you-of your0 me concernng what I spent ilecharisard hert-oe bit of bread w, Ail tisa1 ity, lac neyer asked to lirait in- aüy way firoery that surrounalsyou ls mine- my expenditîtra hue oved yen,anud 1 . i was purchtused , witimy, monay, made nu conditions conceralasg what thougis now yen.,,oIli t ye~m;a ameunt of incomne I wns te receive, but usuepin g tise authority hotk, of raater I stiul I leLi hlm lu entire possession of anud mistrae bere, yen-lu. what, yen my business when ha marriad yen. 1 piease Lü euh your ecenomical manage- tatcil yeur fasir, youig-face, SisaL yen nient-dote eut shillings te me, when ivuui1d ne? coatrovert muy wisises, thattise humaour seize. yenC, or refuse nie, ae yen wtould juin me lu my acharnes of now,,wheistLpieuses yOtt. But, womasi,d charity"1 listea tame. I shalneyerrmequast yeu. b "Aud have I net 1'1 lutermnpted Mme. ïf t n frtagofone ge. o Lssawson,.iun asharp voice, thougistise rseceaaityootheme shall, anisa e do habituaI smile .5111 graced har lil t. ,Yen shall nover agalu refuse lue, "do I net subscribe te I dou'L kiscv ith ee gv e ieepru how emny charitable institutions! Charý iy ity iudeed, theme's enetîgisspeat us cihat- Be tumned histily froan tise mem, ity by esyseif and rny hnshaaud. But wlth a fisc, on whiethie deep emotion iwisîs te stop extrvgace-tsol of au amousad -spirit wae, depieted extravagance tu spend so mucis on char-stog. Mny Son,4 aïn sick of aâkT--" d-Sýj_ gin- y ick, siek b gi m ý8bMa shilings nô*." "You, âsked AuMtV Lh&W j ti1 i Henrry-,drawing out p d glaneing with some ~y1 t_ -ýhe &àwngoonditer4' ing, at that instant, with a ià r W#attnger-1I Henry, 1twoul your, foùer amy mumneytqna, he bla is 0very t',ývàt in us Hlenty wai ina the act, of oppip& bWs purse,; hoe glapced apprebonnpjwly to MrsLawson; h r1ii bý4 1,,j£ eI pIacid exprefionw ùm dex of his yieldi g and e4s4y0PY«4, nature. Ilikonturle e nIî4,IWF ocate) and !lost fWaï. ly, bgqa sqMeý_ andin ýevery, lineaent ýwxUt or decision. and force of cliamçtpÈ, ym say; Tam your fgt1er, 1 have alj~ "Ys> yt', suzèlv,," saitl à Vaafiiga 0ovexntet topçit is puma. elHIenty,Iýdol twiush yen to, »ji hlim money, to wa'tein oharity(fie à,b ýca1i8it." -s ", ýý ý.' Mm 4wsola gOave P, hubUiIrê, u .emplatîç, bittat -the n"ie *imagetb& nitsgly oýetesig and auuiling ldiký > "lleuryp -I am. yo&jr fath~er;-give uram i "lAugusta, my love, yous knaw à &ws ail his," sald Henry, goi*ig ClO oleu, "My~ deareat Henry, were iLt o»r ly. ýother- pur les buW,.thirowing awai%ïil wouJd fotiefug, am yotv,,>hetb beit friend, aêyg",ýb.t *iudiý ix, wi.shbgtQ restrain au exmakaaôè. "Mdear Wkter, ase wlulid.te> l qcouprniç-aI, yau know.?" his ingers.. 46WiuU ou gve methe mônoy, uL onlce, ald rIi l#megoi", Cchd hi LmAtwso», elevatingblis Voi0e. ý "My dearx ,,Augu*sta, it'a e tx-$ HIenry, nsy.sou5 wI ju e t am have the onty '. "Indeedi .&ugust-" mslawson artliul&atedbut thé l1 Word; there was eçue 1sw buaergy 4 détermiaât.ion in 'it'w mxaîu Jiu Liaud'close tise purs e bd e u 1 I at yen on]ly this oncle more> y ne tihe few sBhillings."j John LaîWnou hent ibrwz ard i ange in er, a feverish red i 4Is4Wç on his mUlow vcheeke; lbis ee # widely dilatediand lis ja léê (There wuas apaqmuiae ,zaýqnj n -a voice .deep-ted uland ainSP1,4>i rdrn, ~ l!" b ot~se is i ooivglps fae. Henry dangied thse pumasitt hW hand, and looked usneand'y a 61 ru ntoly toward his wifè. get no. msney tu rsquaner on prp pe this day," Mm a .w sù d, i very sharp and decided voie. Join ILaWson did mot uy Vsaoý' word. Ho tuaed awayj_é _

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