Whitby Reporter, 21 Sep 1850, p. 3

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freedorn thrcughout the SLAVE EMIGRJLTION 'TO CALIPORN.- ejoice to leara that Califor- -The steamer Commodore Stockton la 1admiitted into t he Union, advertised to sait si3ortly froin' Chartes-_ te. ton for California, witln a rnurnber of -.southern nentlemen, aceompanied by quested to intimate that on> their slaves. Itis represented that thisi eningu next, theo Rev. R. association wilt be formidable ini nins 'ntto, WiLl deliver 'a lecture -bers>and influence. The Jackson.M is. Dherch, ia this village, ou sissippj4an asserta that -5000' sltv'as .wil s of the Order of the Sons be sen t to California before the. expira- ce; aso Tge4day, et tion of this yeuw, if the measura befuàre ir tnd place, Mr Murrill- Con-ress te admit Califýria eau'-be iSAilor"t--will daliver an repudiated by that body. us a free Stat We are reg onday evei ick or n the Free C the principlat ofTapea he sanie hlaca the' London drean Tei MARSJIAL S. BIDWELL. bis tale nted and distinguished gen- raa.bas heen Pay1ing a visit te this uaîry. The Y'ort/i qmerncan thuls prepriataty notices i:- 'This gant 6aeiï, so well known and rmüclt admired by the "old ret'orm- r.Bidwalt visited this city fur the rposeocf arranging tomne legat bu. iess for crie cf bis jNewv York clients, tnd retuirned yesterdcey tfternoon. A nmlaar cf his friends putposed lu, give 41n a dianer as a mark eof their regard, ut it appeaus his engagements were Meh1 as te require bis illnnediata r- un te Nemý York, wiieia revented he carryia-g eut tiie iutetsl.ed d&mon- ration. W~e nitncl regret «t t h is isit was se brief for at tbis particelar tnctnre a dinner as proposed wou$d ýave been a most iîteresliug occasiotn. It. B. appears tu etijty gnod health îough as wa are toit], liea orks very ýard at lis profession, bcig eugaged isi vary extensive pructice. Iln i stot Js eminent ns n luwvyer ini New York anha ewas lu Cantada vhe1 lt 0l", o tr prs utJdges wernat 1.,,bur, Yea ian hardiy expect a man st 'Mr. qdwel's lime et' life, with a y0111110 mily. te provido fur, te bie4tk up' ofitable business eo.unctictus annd cat k 'Tpon tba turtiient sea, of pel- in Ilthis Canada," and therefora look upen bis returu ms extramayiy btful, uiiesse soe certainî prospects1 !ýîining a. respectable livelihood' tai ufered himo.. tiRasoLoG.--Last aveu in g we had ý pteasare cf attcuding a lecture ou Babove subjeeti delivered by Dr utting, in the Free Churcb, in titis laga. Dr N. lins a happy nud fàmi- xr metbod of iliiustxting the sciencet -phranology, anrd Jis humoreus and f Ihfi deliaeationis ofthie characters tise aubjeots choen by tihe audienceS p entertaiming la the extrema. Tise r Swiii deliver anotîser lectire Ibis' ening, in the saima place, wlien ive pa to sec a mneaititiiernîts auidience ta was assembled nt the 'hast mie, ae prica of ndiissioîsis seven-penioe fpanny for gentlemen; ladies fr-c. ai rhe excitneeut al, the Jents'v Liiid îcert last n iglit, surpnss-d lils prede- r. Neyer as thre n lurger it- A, Ace ,atisared toether iii luis City, aet te CollIisetiet for.suds a arps Lcalculated thn cc were at least th, persons.pcesent, and tîscîr essi li,- Y 'kaaw ne bots rds-littudreds wvere leu ~ly on-the roof' et Castie Garden, hi .to gel a glimupse tinrouîs li Ile Igts.-,Globe ef Thursday 18tk. 'TO TO FARIsiERS ANiS TEAnis- ,A teami ianaway oîsSalti-dîy, ~en elevea andelaiva c'ciock, lu SStree-t. A8 Ciey dnslsed dcwn eret aI a t'enrfeîi spaed, tlsey soon. ~ed the wvaggon, and left prt cf ~ind. With -the two fore wheeis attadhed, lhey .continuedtt hir s until they camne into 'contact a loadedl cart un front et' A. V. tisa store. The aleeck wits se greset Psna of tihe rses had lsigthigis M by -a stroka cf Nise wagon] ýnaIt he same moment thet sJherse e _ra dashed ou lu the kibs-oroasto Paitoie. F n habulants cf Brantford are Puapqing the erectiistft'anmon- ~tot perpeluala the memory et' ci ýajan-Clrief, Captain Josepb, tlTtON Tt5 Spttt-t'r VENe.Es.-The for thse prtection cf ihe Indians," lty intreduced injute lCHuse et' Wly by Mr. Baldwin, in its Sth on,makes ita miademeanor le sali, rexcbangsu, or give liquoror eany m, and subjeets te pary te a flne an&td 4-fitlier fine cf £l15g.fer sffimo;eneznoiety te go te the Dan t, and tise otiser tc the Crowu. The Grandý Jury 'cf -Pladaîphià have presonted over otie hundrcd per- sens as dangarous and disorderly char- acters. It is the most riotons city on the continent. POTATO ROT.-We regret to heur tisat the rot is shnwing itseIf in ain ust avery petuto field in tise Couuty of York. lunruaisy piaces thse farniers have tîîrned their Isoga jute tla fieds te save wisat they cati ett.-From ntise appearanca cf thce teins il is be lieved' that theret wilt bo isire general aiid moe destrusctive, tisanin 1847 ând '49. -M'eliscar aIse, tisat tino yieldt uf wvheat is net so abuiueluît w as es x- pected jefore tise malter isud Inca- testeci hy tiic TIsnieing zs'acie.- VX'ortA Adserica s. Tine Rüceîiesfer Kîsee.king Gisshave rüttireu homne; assd eiîne iliair' arrival a* tiser-ce ot-u ftreeaici, a ecistts mutinvy hus broiecis nsin'oes tiacune. Il erigi- auted, xl is saisi, iii mîsstderstandingS ini refe.reînce lutinthedivisiote cf tise spisrie. Thie Tyoolnlaidiceshave tibrt-at- eed ansixsisre of te tisu al'uses-e they jractiýSsd; and an-e an-e tein t hua large iscîuber cf tise Jîîped lhaea £.c- crued tu puy hissis'nsney. A gele- esani frsses Rocînster usais inotîr affioe a rt-w datys agu, atid iîiforessed tas tisai thse hetter claof ipejople, isi thîst city, ai.ways s'egarded lthe kiickin-g_,guru as the City Conîscil 'beki hast ughit, a rase-ý ltion was adopted byIay n rjssity et' 8 to 3, gi visng te tisa Speial Commailtee airaady appoisîbed on tisis sthject, feili power te treat for lthe trcbase of the Cîtinuty Reads, at awy cost ti4ey may thiale praoper. Whleis it is knoivis thai thse iowest price wsi be £80,000O, we faney soea ut ou r-aiti-laxation -citizens will opens -the-ir eyt-'a ltile -at tihe an- netoncenent. I-t is cemnrknbilliat the i con geaI opponsemsof t'taxationforlise -aii-oad. weile tise oudest iiiclamntii- n g faxr 'thitie uhase cft' tie n-ads.-IPa t- 11et. Piiludeipiia hians been vieited by a very isevi-re fuod ut lie Scbuylkiii, xviIcia5ton6u 'pince osn tise 4t11 mi. Tise watisr s-ose abotut tea feet abeve severni 'ff' tise visarves, destcoyiuig a lurgu- taî teint cf properiy, ands, il; is reported, ssec hsitdred hives. ELGIr CARnsEsT Or '4t3-)es$rç. Sullivan, ytwiîî, and Blake, hava takairasage oaistise 3eacis, Me. Catmceroni bai joined thea ooposition cd WNr. $'. M Viger bas rau-aed. City DFRi.--Toronto owes a few bonde ousands; ditto Montreal: <ttu Q',ebec. New ,'k City owes about $t2,000,000. ' N*ew Or- ens owes $7,230,00r). Boston, Piladelphia. &c. sae aise, heavy debîs. Vhcat, pr;r 'bushel, - B8 a 3 8 te, Pert bushel,' - - 2 4 a 2 6 !il ly, per bushel, 1 6 a i 10 ta, (el0) par bushel 1 6 a 1 .7 cti, (new) 'per busisel - - 1 3 a 1 3 as, per bushel - - - 2 0Oa 2 3 itatoea, per bushel - - 1 3 a 1 3 rk, per cwt. - - - 15 0 a 20 o> eef, petrlb. - - 0 t)2 a O B [isa,pet lb. - - - 0O6 a 0 6 utter, petrlb. - - - 05)6 a 07 heese,pet 1b. - - O 4 a O à gper dozen, - - 0 6 a 0O.6 En Ou Pe; Pol Pol Bet Bui Ct, S T RA Y E D'y F RONM Lot No. 29, 9iis Concession, Whiihy. on tise 7th nt., a LIGIIT BAY HMRE,1 fis-e eanrnasd, 14ibands higis, two hinal feat ---d aise fore foot white, ansi isaiag a white star ia tlse face. Any pacson rtuniîgthesie m, or giing infornmation tbat leada te bin recovery, wiii be se- warded.1 Whitby, Sept. 16, 1850. 23-3 LAW OFFICE. --~la-o 0 lM LIf -earhter and A$t=eyO DRACTISES bise4rfessioa in ail tise Courts su usas, ex#cepi tise Qieen' BDencis. Ha Will Punntsaally attend te sny business en- trîsated te bis rare in the Comuaon Plane, Chans- cary', County, tusolvani. or Division Court, also te Agency and Coisveyancing. OFp7CE - Ove, O'NeilV. clliq ig mm, opposie ths Newsarkattfinigs. Torootis, Sep. 121850. »-A. F., SIRACHAN, B3oavrton, ThoraL j rate Goottg: ,MOE AND, ]ROTHERS Co0. .(LaieMXcKeassclFate.rson4 Co.)' IMP0RTEIRS 0F DRY GOODS, No. 66, King &., <re doars <et of! C4srcIc St., ULID re.9 cstfislty cal tisa attention of 'CnrMerhants and otiser wsslesaale buyers te thir utsuannlly lar,e importations for thea rening Fait Tralle. AisZMcKEAID'BËÃ"TH~ERS'& Co. are de- irons of extendîng their wholeaale trade ,'tisey wili <sites tie beat possible indisceinenta ta that clos$ et bayera, Bn aoliciting tise attentlion of peraennl and-famity purchaners t ieir R ETAqIL S TOC K, 'ley are confident that in -point e) quality, variety, and-ciseapnean, it wilt ba found uusanrpasaed by any bouse iu tise tende. pi0. 66, King St., Toroilto. September 13, 11350 23-4. TROBAIL DONALD flviýNli, Proprielor. Cul JTI .7r. rHE Public are hereby cau tioned agessnst pui T chnsissg or receivsng a Note ai'tLand drLW #àyni iàv ofWilliam reîaor bearei dated Sptemnber 4ta 1850, assd calling for Fift Benî-bnck Chairs' ansd Two, Boston' Reekis Chairs, Ona Month alter date, as aaidi note ws gi;vea for. toten péoperty. JOHN101MN. IIOULD. Uxbidage, September insh, 1850. 22-4 FOR SALE 0ORTO LEASE. For a tara et three or five yesrs, liseS large ar conamodious y lg avelI knowm an the IIALF-IVAY BtOUSE, situai ons tIwo aprsoef Landais tise SouthlsW, corner ei Loi No. 22, 7tis Con, Whitbv.'Thisa are exc-ellent sisedd auss a lar-e bcîrss sttabeci tg thie stand,cend twi-sevecifiiseg a, princgs of gos %vatar i ise oii tise preîise.s. For inetiser pcetireslaisa eplsto tise Ssssribas oic tise preecises. GEO. CLIFF. Wlitby, S&p. 6, 1850. 21 Edacatinal MUeetig, Wbltby. TTEAHER's -ASSOCIATION <of lis A Tonshi of sViiby have deciîd lape; hodinig the abiove meeting sitisae Village ei Bsooklin, (bi he Mettindist Chopai.) on Tisurnday tise 26th instant, ni 10 o'ciork, A. tM. Tise Chiidsan, Teacisr, Parentsasnd Friands of Edncatiosi g-naralIy aresa rq-îasîed te attend, and those Sehools whicls cannost tunaout ns n wisnle, avilI do se us part, it is isopeal. Mesrs. Wadsbei, Pbelp, Os-miston, Thornion, Gaikia, A. Farewell sud P. Parry, Esq., as weali as neyerai Tesciesec, are expected te nddrena tise Meeting. As ne rafrasisment will ha îrrvieicd on tisa grosanu, it wo'îld lie avail for ChilI ren ta brins, cakes, &c., in thia ponkela, ns tisey' du uposi gnîng to Schesoi ne tise meeticg 'wil continue tlli irons two-a tre c ock, P. Ma. C. DRAPER, Wbiiby, Gi Sept., 1850. < havelis reeivd aIr rh spplyof PURIE COD LIstceER IL, wiresi1I ailisaili ai rensonebla rate. JAM'ES H. GEBRIE, DI-119gist, IVhitliy Yilesse. Asg. 2.1, 1850. 19t New Lino of Stages WH1TBY TO PORT PEROT' L EAVîItG Wbiîisy Villa ,ge crc-î-I mariais. L.(Sundays excepsted)at EgscOr .aS,-/ -kcallin. at BROOKLIN PIVCE .JLJR a nid CR.INDgE'5 CORNERS. RETURNING;:-wii l eave -Port Ferry ai 'iscea o'clock P. M., naIl.ing at tise abx)le-nnsmed lares. t3J' P-1snocegrs î-orisig3 -off the sicamboat rmnc au go ssrth SY lise stage siexu rnsnrîing. Extras fziiniskad to ore,-dun the s/sor-tra-înotice. T. N. StRIPTURE & Co. Whitly, i'7th Anguste i850. 18 a1 c4 la th~e 'Village0frtNjeWcastI. 1"CLARtKE. J- E.'TE NNERy. rRPItIETOB- Augusat 12,1850. 18 Mo 0 Travelling .dgant for thte Washington Cougl-y lV'utuai 1nsu rance Company. Whiîby. Augist23, 1850. '19 ALEXANDER 'SMITII, goyal lExchange Saloon, Xo0. 3, Liddell*s Builclîn/s, Churc4h St., May, 1850. Tofteeir'PsJ' W Il VX 13 Y DAIRIAGE A» IGIT BUGGY T[rIEsubser-iber blins atantly on bansd, and contines to Maýtifacture WeggoSw .Buggies, .ckaeays, Chariot- tees, enset'Famaiïy Carrages, OFDLP DFZFReNT nsE&Cf.PTIDNS, Whîeh he-a naalI Cheaper, for Cashs than any othen EstabIishueeat in Whiit.. by or sureQinding ceuntry, For sape- nonu S&tyI simd 'Deribiityl- ha feels confdiet a g iving t'tai satisfaction te purcreasers. N. B. PAINM TIM PlING dolle toirdor. Releàininag 4 -Iin<t~lis arus brancohes aeatty -execuled unsh iort notice. INATK&2NIEL RAY. Whitby, Aprfi 19, 1850. C0RNRFR ING& The L.rgfest, th READY-.MAI Ei %.jJ CLOTEHS, CÀSSIMERES, VÈSTINGiS, ANI5 GENERAL DRY GOODS, IMPORTED DIRECTFRGM,' RIT41N, 23Y OURSELVES. GARMENTS INADU TUORBER 0F.EVERI D)ESCRIPTION.' PARIS, LON»JON, AND 1NEW VORKFASIOIÇIARECEIVErpnoNTHLtV. -,JfVH-MoST .PPRO VE» ST.YLE ./DO>TED. IN VIE READY-IIADE CLOTEieNG DEPXRTMENT WILL BC POUND Mens's Linen Suommer Conta 4o 4(! Men'a blucit Clatis Testa, 7s Oc Men'a Melealcin Traneiw,, 710d diCiserkes Linen ao 6 hi"blnk Satin du 8 9 5 Linesi Drili' do 6 3 ido'Moeekin de l1) kx do 8 9 " Féùs.y'Dril do- 4 9 Iak Alipaca dle H, ien do 3 4 Tweed-. do' Rusocli Cord do 13 9 sFsshry do 4 4 Caimere do Ùambroon', - de I; 3 " elvet do Dèaesldn .do I>riuseess Cord dIso15(t lssh do Beclâsii do' Tweed de 17 6 itereelles <b10 Satnett de Broad Clotis do 3-2 6 JWeaîlsea do6 10 us do diCassimei-e do 17 6 To'ileniett do ' Cassinett do Gutta Pereba ds~3o <0 .aemere and Tweed te Çabsssretýe1o ftifte'Sbs, LieeaFronts ïsmd IClolVapa and 29a. W IRedainýl'eàl1tî 444 'Strip#adÇotton Shirta 2 6 j arpeî I ndBmll Cg* . a Xnder AIlbe Mý%es aFrenschis 511kHâta I eckrchei~, Gloves, losiery. j Fancy lpAp " DRY Qs0ODS 1EP.«.VjRNT, la tise immeuliala VICIitity. Of tish B.R kg Office, enu>l thte, bteaisooî lxdi>as»;. AGENT FOR TAIE narrer u » eâ wz, XTftT £iâ snuu 'Iresaîsa nees a trn Ss lldiractory'Cos, irons 21d >sttoa Tassa, kmsas 49 6d isudi 1000 Paisans, 2 Il White Conton, 4 Sliay, pià. > y , 500'Sîraw Bop nets »t16 StripedShiiting 5 Prntn< fait colora, 0J6 vTL et tva5pa e*hmrta-p Sptessdid Scarfa andJ Sisawsl Riboins nand Laces .l'tiicial Fleween VV yIet rie, savsaergcntssesresaesppst Coller sadNeck Tieui. Lace Faite snd Faitea Ilosiesy nd Glovee. w nbeeottrispe nepst fsoade arr~nda tfWjs .111iais for Ladies' Dries eeery Varily lu a. rIensAlpatas, Lutre, Cg bourgs, &c.*4ju ply bina. lre , ý <t 0~#Rr ~XZRCHNTu -~-'DI Tou of Slaves, Potash R10111% OWPI 61r- NO SECOND"PICE . DONT BUT FROM PEOLAN ei flTT7*f5Sa LEWhsie yopeavuleave yos- n5ey in y@QQrj marketSa LEhveSa.MAN )i 'e CorneroafKing and Mch kStï%ets,joiniag the Cert H". - nsaer sd havp a lce wsns.oucl ~ Turocnt, June 0, 850 RqV£, IHE ENORMO us9 iXpesz~ D ~atts e rietors hAva ta pay the Peljams-v&t; .4!ore.~e s. ~ *3pe montisWear and te aioftesnw traellsss T Scbcriberiseresleave nstrespectiully to AEXNCARBOROS Astr. iTheydemouneQanserusntadlk bavisngdsiposed of hie stock ucf gonds, ise intenda IOPs,~rpItr hlng ar toebttte b~5eeisé~ le retire from basiness, ansd lakesibis appartuniîy Excellent accnsosJOaious < v taeller.Go iii oabf sncPils paQ~sd of reînrýniig lsn ta those wbo kissdly gave him, Stabling fo er ins l ttsS$5 B re otad apê is 5tirlsripatronage <uring isase pasi year#. '- eud at'3 pôes.~,foi'~r 4 . 4 ýn Healso bega te stale tisai ail .'notesanad eccesants Dlspo1uuton'èf Pxtziro~jp. efio P3oÏan artu Soe ar exece tobesetedeay Septannier T--t. Wren 1 1gstngbeteâs asetg' cigtvtera ai Se ad y nxt iiies the aranýMn1 hae PeuMae. E 1artnersip bito<seitngýbt ens' m,-wihauwt sai t e xpaîportios tauthe ANDREW $SMITH. ad eoge utdt-tieprice. Colsmbts, ssly2,150. 13-Bsa ~'l' es Cenis' & Ce. nsliai da di- 'Bis stock of PoissaisKeites, Codiers ,, Ina)a solo'ad by ,muinalcoishent4 M.Id4ets due to tise ofa i su'aorqse-gjity, cmast islise bl"i oîtpè, 11cm wil Ilas coilecteal by Geocre Cyrrie Whso cc*- aie a k lutoe ïat ert-wo£nlgh1$If, CARLETON LYNDE, diueteébnesines I .4s àwe aS. 'andtbqwl'a erw.nl' I-fcaJ. B. WARREN, they wiv s4sd. ZThe Susscritser lietadi tkg - EO. CIRR[E. u et in laItinî up bis 'aboyas W q' tre WHOLEs~~L~~ AN» ~tETAJ~~. eacb, May lt, 18s0. litssc.5 &c. noeropash estôr WIHOLSALE ND. RETAJ- ihas laiely employéi an ex.pe.te4eene4 sorksstaa-tg DEALER IN TE&X, TOBACtOS, RICE, PIPER GEORGE CUeRIE otUO1 iea IIJNGINGS, &Ce, &tg.hepubietisai Le buas termns- (aor Credit. ,MANUFPACTURER 0F SOLE, UPPEIR, AND' PRINCE, ALBERT, Lnbr tiIn ~Pîue ak ~ HARNESS LEATIIER, &c. "73:a- Itk-i t Cash pndfor Rides andl 'eSkis, W4eet, ASSORTMENî O F 6000 S Whiiby Village, Juna, 185Q. ~Y' Oats, Pots anal Peari lshes. Ofevery- descriptius ,eqimdsi _~'y~ B .ui lsetsncn I8e Whitb7Vîttts;ce, 7th June, 1. 8 0 a lW pie o ah rPeicotcoepy ie Btisis,,t door tuaMrAird, Skoà4 sarustonsnon crAM junntit aller harireat, wtaneas Prsn 7'.-lb mè-,bmslian J4ld. ha will coasider ailrt ecant due îsnlus an ae- 0111 si)gMUe rngeaient bsa been mate for longer tdîne. »W 1 £TB Y 0-481sffI410FmR AJILB A2NE8Sý GCLnLM1 Aý »D KL 13y John Baker, Back Salli. adih inda ýofOrain. Ù, West Sîfde of Mlçarket Square, Prince Albert, lune lât, 188.' -Ssnsnrlscos*t a TORONTO. fet P'fr ~ ~ -abese articles, whh to A dmA4ýap ensh or credt. WMTBIMBSOaANT TAStOOE, lWhiby,.!une 7th, A8., TtRNEXT SESSION of tise Whitby Gramr- Ye.,'98, Iting Street, Toronsfo, R~MQ .L 26t1t of Augusi, 1850. ET 'OIN'AN._ Whitby, JAMES ots, ON. IJE Ssbscriber begs luoal tise atteaution ôf ise TuE E Bl WhibyJuy 3th,18. 16 public te bis lrgsnd vosisal stock or>of theNkWowo se I$QIi. s R. W ild Land te LeRa/DY-I4D%îOHIiGBxlh. LYMANKN $lk Co HES hrbe as A FEW THOUSA<ND %tWisii, as it V sad ,P#oOlls, &t.,k., TeooA9as. TACng o Tossiips d Lsand to etamuise i tilow,. tistennc, ha ggteers isinsieli wifitbe founda uis-- 1 RaaTowshi s, "Ucbrge, 1NorlA Gaiilia- rior taay ia the day, assaiwillb.'Ir'a~'ha lnîrn. Brocci T/ioraà, Mara, oraiha, i2p, e nd, ressonabla tarai. IVE aul aI-MW-.4'TAUAof 1%ottawesaga, CoUinga,<sd, Marpn Pduee . F3E.~ whiHosjjî<.. ion, anid Qps. Thea nostof -thase lands are,«i the ,Irontn, May », 15. 7 a Deln 6le l tient qnality, sud will b'hlasned d'oc a tersasol tfront t'NORWOOD), d&hCoùnnej' cp fiv oee ersdpnigue testaign G E O. B. W Y LL IE, ' erinu. Apply te, lots er Irom 210 te -10acres eanbi, ta any anewisu 141 avili chop, clear, and l 'ente, in a good and neork- IMPORTrER ft DR. OÇNN, maslika manar, saithin tisataeditime, a qeasstity ' FREIO _________________0_______________ net bassa tisais20acce necl u.BRI>fSIIAWFOi fl RY -COUD$, p19hIS . W4t*y< Ail lattera, pot-paid, desiring*infoinsiuion cois- wbWinIa d Nai nta& ceeciag ssny of tise pncticoîar lets ja eiher eoftisa 18, Kintg St. East,.4ide< Building, a sve tow<aa8iijs, naiti ha aswered wii}sent <elay. Next-deoc tu Scobie* balgss,)ur,. ~ ei J. T. BUSH. Torono, May 1850,7 J7AL, tàicluvr, Whitby,.ntniy, 185e. TrntMa,180a7Tvern tormearîy kept by,- *l, --- ________ No. 5(y, YONGE StREFT, TORONTO, aUNYE1, on tgie Plank 1Road,4<at AateonConsiliids of Aaiies bIo cession ut' Re-acli; ,hopes, '£rom Idvsrn G R!B. À I PÉER, atte'ntion te business, te mas.rit a._> d> r Strb;v ibr ïà8r1N f4dte mee ho r8,an4 Oopppr Sagdke cf Public patËonage. ' POT A>NL*). 1lCra MuFoirieCr anild .er Pmap 1Notr. ý. 4C."."Q*~a PIEARL AS}tES.condlgssed ta Meatreai.Jp.ss sth eoi, e. Reach, May 5, 850.. ROei;.RT lH. LAWDER. ~.OVEn ÂN ÇTfIIi&h Port 'Wtitby, lai Auguat, 1T85no0Ma. ~5.7 csi!Aio l£. i PIUTuSFIELD,1UiA.c E M OT MNOTICE.~ ' RtATES 0F YEAýRLY PAYMEXTS. F BO 1N O niTETwÉae JTEK AND FCFTy.'TP $2,00 par year, - driawa $2,00 per weelc. THOMAS 3,00 di - - i 3,100 id 4,00 ss - " 4,Wo ' owpe 5,00 di - id 5,00 id p ejx, i6fla ~ di .-- ' any qaatty $250 per yeaa-, dasU e e 3,5.00Z . d 3 00 ' 7,40 tr's600 « hise a wesl batweea Toronto and OChaega, imd .adcIpve Tzàs OFFICES: "' ceeiuwtte Merolg adEveij aim agvaw of lea.d cmeabeweexk 0-wp,0 y7Kem, m4 'itbyMar Mgacit ems, Presd. P. . Jl an,eu5y.1Mastiy.______ I. S&Buatees, V. Preu't. jP, L. PaoG, Wirsuz. WILL LEAVE TORONTO J*og omWGo every Moasiay asiand y muaùitnsg«W t unp- jXfExplantosry aofibe ý*CapIu ib .il 1ai Oa ay es' Wig :- ese seg o Tels'wd aijssad. aris a a anc db.ayrWKaeaely bea- 1 WiitbY, Oshsawa, Plinto[ Uls eud Usai. sat Cas - lele r efi talleareces, -uPoficis.asd thraalà nGkby, port BoÏMie, - oeGuau cbsiu, P3'U aJîrt da1, wll ecue m,ôrteiae e 3.W. 'HAMILTON, &ubyLg V fuwy- vülffI, -*asfo Iéti.19 OCOSIE TIM E O R ê< ag %OPZe. 7 THE "ý BSOBY ýpaed ite of"~ T4LLO LS-E, anad AS] T, wil 17, l~. empeancee d

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