Whitby Reporter, 28 Sep 1850, p. 4

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* Cninued MC#fra pqçc) tian in hlu, arlier -aays, Iîîoîwillistoii- 45¶ing a calst <)f Silfferiîu lb. iciî bi w-hole -cotntetiancoe e2hibitel. _- 1le wts -ijainliy, Ibut nist caréfully and ýspcetpjxlyl drcssedj; a diamotud ring of V;reut valule wns un #)ne of lbis fin gers; 't'e lustre of tIhe cianoîsds calghit IYrs. l.awsoin'v gîsînce oci ler. firbst iuî io f bis persoýis; nud licr lscart dan- Ved with rajture--Mrs. Thonîpson biad qio such riag, with ll iter beuting cf Wl lier finer.y. "I bave' corne to seo my eltild Lîi-fuec 1 die," sai f ue old man, lgazilug vunluis ,'unwith curnesi eyes; Ilyuuu lîroke the w o f n a titr e hý t« re e n i slus n 1y o u u r ji a t , ~~enp ten years Ugoyur tsed yeusr lahra few Shillings frein putr abtun- <lance, but-..- He was interiupt.ed by Mrs, Lawson, 'wbo iutered nsuny cberleniuu -of lier ticcîsgrie(f at ber iasvitug, even -ihriugh}for the sakeof ceuionnîy, refus- *ed thuenoney bier deurf'allier hud Sor Iicited befure blieft tier. 'Se vowcdJ ihat shie iad neither uic, for sIepil, nor even crcsted bierseif fer vceks aftcr ihuis departure ; und fiat sleceping or wakîng, she wvui Pcerpettunhly wi.,1iim1g s$he -hbad given lt'ujuxthe m !il eeu - though stuc liad- known tli4t lue was ,going te tlhrow il int6, the 1re? or lose it any tiway.,lier pour, 4ear fatier ,eh;aIhewept se after site liard tuai lie lad4îeft thé,c ccutry. T1u be sure lli4ry could tell 1mw, ferîmtî or tlrec nigis, lier pillcw was soaked wvitli bars. A. 'eoldlbitter -,sale tgaisu f111 ted *icross teflc madns lips; -lie macle sno resporsse te ber %vords, but in, tihe, ist look wlsich lu.is110110W Cye5 caet On hur lihe seemedto recad-tbc faibliudod of lieu assertions. 1I wa.sging toadd*" lue said, "tIsa thouugh yox l'rgot yuu wcre u-niy sust antd refused Wu act as my son, m lien yen 'withheld -the pultry susi far wliehI begged, yêt I eoisld ilsd refrain frot «owing once more to look ousn y clild's face-wtu ok un tiseace cfin.v 'de: psrtedwife ii yuurs-fur 1 kuuuw tisai a very brief pvriod imut finish nsy 11f.. nsow. J sheuld.,itoi have cerne livre, feel ; I knowr it is iit wakuses of 1mni nature; J should- have died amoiis btrangerý4, for the straige.rs of 6tlue Cuiýntries, the licolle cf- a differeit i tie anid a difficrcnt latigtiage, 1I havel feuuti kind and- pitifui, cochparedwilths ef rny owo housse. IIOh, dontsay so;ilyvoitare ùte'umllw liad no thoughts excepi f God and bI 'wurhcIto corne ; you furced' me >te- thini of nioney-making, wlien my huatir wa gray and my blood ccld witb years 'Yes, I hadto tdcraw nxy thonglitsfri the future existence, and to waste ýtbei ,on the miserable tuils of traffie,1iii or 'der to make money; fer ih was et te du tihis than to drag omt my lufe peiinioner oenyour bounny, ieceiiE shilings and4 pence whieh ycu gai me « S if it hsd been Vou r heurîs bIocý thongkj onhy usked' My cwn. WC mnu the black slavery ofrnîy- depeil eIence on you wa frighItftil ; but usow - cn lookc yen t hank lessly in the flue( for l'bave the means cf living wiîlioui 7 ý "nt sichk and sleeptess day Sý&-night#, buit 1 gaiuned ai) indepeu senioussiy i111 aussi was îîhogellier cosi) fiiîed'te lus rouli. As dealli evidlesutly npproalcd, blu issd bcame se-reuse sund calun, ansdlue received lime atlen- tionss 11-îsichu 1rs Lavsoss asd is sous h-.ishedesluira11M ithî a s0iîi comipe. S.ire whluihled tiser tola luce tiat lie 1,usd cous jleieiy ftîrgotienIsLecir iure%'ishNs ceuiiittewnad s ius. Thîe iuiht ois wiic Ilue 4ied lue fhumri- ed tu lis sous, ansd said a feu, words, a very feu' wtsrdî, re.pardii i g m c)rldliy sîsailers. Ile cxlÏorted Hensry to live in a sousewliat l5ss espetisiv estyhe, uni t tectivate, a spiint cf cous- teiinseml wit boust rih t;hes lie liiess-'d Ged tisali he w~as esiemiîîg ouii a %vrl ;'m il ss'vicis lie weiuWidleur nu moe r'-î i il in- u a ceini sicelu during the grt-ater patof tlie-niglut, tise> tieuiglit. buuît' iinte, moruîitg thsey e)tind his d end. TIse fumeraI -was otver, anud tise tiswc ut-as coËlue il whciîitise c lu- sal.S %v il! wrus t.e1"1)eopesîed. Ms Lawson Ili waited,'for - that momuenut, slic wotsld bave forcily dragged tue, Ouwrurd tt te that meorneit, suie laid exýlecnatedthe lonig blurs sinecetbhîd nsans7s deatit shue lsad lstîlîl more ausmtcnsàlitzed the slowi y psng dai's, wle a~gfuir- tively th1run.gb a* corner cif the blimsded wilndowr, She saw tise-fille equip4eu., anud finel'y dressed ladies jsassinug, and gbe -Pianned liow.siie- woUild shinr >wlieui the olà1nn'rwalh-would I, ber owss. Sue drew -glaois mestal pictures iiow- she woul d bhrst from bc. hi nd the sliadotviuîg chaud of poverty -anud daizle ail hier ne'qiiiltances. Ilei dress$, ler carniage, ieretyle cf. -ivingz Wouid - ue uique il her ranuk cf hifs for tasté and caîliness. She wofiiî iliow thents sie liad gui money-moue5' ai là$ mr muïythan thei li -New at- iast isle sat aund sawv.thue wil' *being opeîîed ; silo isît that it w as C mere formali ty, for the oid-inan hiad n( one bunt theni te whom hie cotuld leavi- Il is- rùocney ; she neyer once doubied i'É, ail would be theirs; sluc had reasouued jand fancied htersef ilto the, irux cou, ioz STEÂIYBOAT.)ADVERTISEIME&TS. Sfi E ,ýS T E A NI E R CAPTA IX HENRY TWOH J XVILL led'.e roronto for Kirngt ln.cllidg al l'art llop' eîdCoo rgweather permilt tint, every WEI)NESDAY aÎid $ATLUDAY at Noun. MItl leave Kîrgeton for 'Toronto, nadmineé diate- Porusii, eery IVONDAY antd 'HUiîSDAY Afte-rnooxi, at Three o'dlOdh. Will lcaveTofonîo for Hamnilton, every, TUES- DAY and FRIDAY rmorning, at E'igfit ac'loerk WVitl leave ilauiU'Ion for Tororito, every TUES- DAY and FR[DAY Afternoon, at Tbree o'clock. The Steamrnt Irincess 1?iRul haviîg beeri fur- nished with new JLoifers, is iiow one'o the fastest bouts o n Laike (Ontain, anid avitig ber Up p e Cabin extentlo-rictirly ihie wbole Jkngh Of ber ileck, the accommodcxations f*or pasôèngers are -She bias State-Rtonmsfati pwords of ifîy Cabin Pas.4ený-,es; -and iteverat of tlicw are fitted ujp with (loible Frcnrh lbetcads, fhbs e S&e las long Ieen knuwu ils oeribe e sa boats upon the lake; andl i ow one eit the fastest and eot eommodic>us. R~oyal Mail Steam Pacitet Offic, Toronto, May 20, 1830. 6 71 'Lewis teuk Ma rk/tamn. seusiutieu, uriie31Iesu iterrti js very trutecut of with s fe iW-ill-aux Kissovl<, o0r!e-r, ira wbtieh easte tluec Pluls rnay or nsay nol tkmoue wh» - ,(Ic " oy mîh , Cobeurg.-,t ]3. produce soeiiaiu4'a. But tiseir juidicieus use-, eral, liniîi î (4arIls Libter, Eeq., liowniaiville. aeeoIitth ie dilectionrs !bich sccorrspanty the tatititiser Jirosper AIf ird, Reach. rnedivue, shall, un (lise sed- puamed, give gezse,-NapthaSaulDvssn aaoa fua at ales bmÎrpiur <r~oS e- Nl. B. Tise mettbers of this Couspaniy - M'" ak-rmauut Iluthne tilir r thîue BzuI#s iuy c. e1ruurienI0 mend partiéls i'isiling taefIeçhiruurance tarcitl k tIusgeie tisePila intisa otvaluable f -1,ortes ri ppicaiosin llcaflIotheIaalag.et1518 fthemut aspecific remne4y, ýspcciaIly foI-sid gestieti, fer Compausy, M'heu suds exist, andsionlte- tilaveilutng Nervous uiebiilyi-,Y r a esNervcus Peri4 jinfuu5><4f a&eatRIýRP£l1,odical and $ick Hleàee, Lcsz cf appetite, lPainu j ia it - t CUL~T11 DRPZ~, - hi the Siomoe aeJ2M cdor JJuub Agle, antd LiW.r-- t ,/gent at )rokilua, WI#'ity, C. IW. Comiplai;t itIs éffectw' sire,,sit çon4iiued4 là-thé > i Jrookn, 2àth Jan'y, 18,30.- esiisieatfUesoasciusu} *.s r *ci Iiuse, il& po,ý&-rs i t bt thcabdomiin>al vjs as ts - th he ittduts, n t h anetm relsqe in jîIIï ibe/e) -- ;~Jia, eve1 .tt11, Adve ~ ,s- s theage bave giveaiiè fà 'ýah illt-atio r trial ~and I -f tbrn et?!tb ýmicj f li W tâ "I1 shaH scon have a Iodgving for 1 hiclu nn mriat ucalicd en tu 'ay'- thie great muother ýeart1l,4 said t1àe ol1 ltian, "arnd 1 amx glad te escape this mIunecy-guverncd vurl. IDoct srnileý su blandly on-mte, both ofyuu, and at- tend mue wiib suchl'aiàse tenderîies$', Lawsen Wvas placing lier 1me(st cotirift-- able fuotstoi. tnder hi$ fveet; Il liere wvas no uttendauce, ti c cure, not ia civil actionl or kind ioe)k fer me wheri 1 wws, AeuiJins Lawson , thie silly, oueost siliy eld mati, lîu Niid giveuu up alil b h*i.l sonu and hsso wt iUfe Qr the ]ove (£ thotns, and expeced, like afuel ihat ié1 was4, tu 1lve wîhltein ou) terni$ cf î1Qr- f(cet çecjitîy, an (1 te bave 1 Ile fa r ilv purse opien to.hinm fer any- tnifluuug su lie wilslled te t ('10Gogo fur GodI's suke; try and lek bitterly on nie tîow, aisyotu did wlieifyoti foreed ise ont (if' yonir boue. 1 dûetost yoîur ob)seqicus atnelitons; I1 was ns sverlbv of thoens te-il years ago befere 1 dragged dewîs- my old nge te tise debasing, efforts of' nioney-rnakin .Yots ksuow I1arn ricîs; yen would wür.sliiîî srsy money in nie 110w. Ne a srniîîug look, net a soit- word von bestow on ine, but is fer nsi' richies, net fer Pme. My, yeni thmuik yrits have rny werith ini yur grasij alreadtly youi think 1 catinot live Ieus-. Thanit 'God tht:t tily life is alussi cuded, and 1 openuy deaths wvi.l be a-bcucefit Io Vou, in sot*teniing ôtr liard hcars."ý VI-rs Law!zotî (ircw setise bôpe froim h is last ivords, rîoid itrued aw-ay- lier * isad te Itide the jo> lieîssos u lier face. Jusl a fe w da ys Ilite oeh-! ra la heea ise,» vhicb r wislîqd to bcstow on a $tu- ring womn l bnit now-1 leav/c lier joirt cxecu.trix, wittiiliy sonflienry, iii th.e distribution. of ail iny Wnéy, snd zill rny Cffects, withuti ut ny rc6rvatiàl, 'in ~lrnftyt~ Uappicdto stcb charitable; pur 1u"s s,<s in. Ihis,111y last, will and testament, 1 have clireced." Then followed a statement of. bis effeets ai nîcy, dwnto lthernost min tite partiecnlar ; the noncy affiouinted to a vtry considcrable sunt ; m s er- sonal cifeets lie direeteid te le soid, witlî tlie exception cf Lis vintal)sie dia- mond ring, wlîieli lie lqut~li6d to thse or pisal datuigiter of a cr tia ou i wicelîutuse lic lad- lakcun refi, an:d reinuairied f'ýr n sIurt. lim'ie, lirevi- olus ta bis güouig abrond. Afl lthe ro- ecesorfluis other cfRetùý, 'togeli11t iti i tuie wbele allioîunt cf 'Ilis urînîiey, :Le bcquîeailwd for diffierclit charitab>le vî>lr- ptýcs, anîd gave iiiîîte irectieuij,;;s lo lte raioer in %wh ich v-arhoilus s*ýuuu %vrille Iolie exjý1ýl;ded. 1iile largest arnotnut lie direered Ili e distribtnted in yeurly donat ions :îuuig lise ,4flosi indi- gcenit.old imca and wemen Nwitlirs na circulit o>f tell miles cf'i!is irlivt'1;îe Thiosù w~lio mwcre re.sidiuvr wiuh h lir sons,aud ftherée senis'wivcs, "cr0 te rc- cei ve by far fIIc uret relief. lic appjoiîteciv.4 triisfecs 1w-o (cf the nmest respectile illercbauis of' Ille towli, lu %vliteni lie 'ilve îmii horitv Ile sec tie fîrvîseus(,f lbus m-111 nuoeut, Ms ca-se h is s in :anti Mrs I -ws'si)ýiu delsc t'the (fi f .VCISsupi;h hl liua hi ea_ d tsto Civii, the t ruis- tees were lu i ar's )u~clau over _'Or. and Mrs. ~s',t etil.al the w-il! llouild il) eVerv Fartieuilar lx stricîiv carrned miie ( fl;Cp.Illeil i w-rs dîe,, od usy sZsned i ii Ii( tewsu iii Setit Amrnecawn'lre tlie oc nians iatd fî)r sonie yea*crs r-sà,lcd cedicil, eentaiui iisg Ille t'isicfl( ring , w itii somle futiter partieUjarS Ire, gardiutg the elsanities, 1usd beecu ad1lcdt fc.,w days îîrevicutilu lthe (cdh! au dent lu. M\irs.Lawsou wss arrned fain titi; frein ic rcm heftîrc 11w rcuîdiiîg c tise %viii 'vas cosseluded. Shec was sei zed wiîlt violent fcver, ansd h luu 1 .vas desiairedocf. She recovered, ltow ever, and freiui tihe vrge of the ccr nal existence ou i w-iils$le liad bocin c slie returned, ieliie witli a lcsqs worldl, and osteuitatl(#îýnature, anddtu sou Imure alive te the impulses cfkids PRO~CLAT AÂ4TIXN IM V perfec-tljy frè"f' uÏà By liu u Di, pain lui un-ç- nuinth. 1 You May uise thi coimunicatîon as you w tiprpr, an e.f'or ný1;eS ôw l RTREXCII-4E.N'T 1,!d- I <hc atel'lyv, - fs esurl)ecn- Caie3leker, N.4, 'UIide S#tï-gl -Edat. 117H ItEA , illiasbee repeselt- i, rork oretstoi- March 8,1849. Io se one f 1-er IVLujcSl.Y'5 q « casecof fiftenu yearma lâ ge Stubjecti cf the 1$vince of Cana dla, hat a a di ~ c ne n T i u dsaiCordi l it d I*oj*s Th s strong dcsire- prevalsamong tire Inhabitlits cof thisu est! Towujship cf Whitlby, that thdoesgls msd 1 lherel -ta 1laebe afiidwthvn H extemnsive Retreuschmerit, bo made in ihe,.tibliC Rh I'y(le tha uiv îe ifIýedwt us ex f i eo .the îsovince. Rsat$ if r i e yeais; for a c osiderable the ~xjse~dîiue O ime 1 was confines! 10 bed, ansd the ýreaIer psitt of And wbîereaS;,ý certain iudividusals, that time ilcoutl ulot snove myself j sone of triy Prolaltrinr lÏà' oits er cmpltélydisloca", , nmy ineeswr ulieywsllNunuuclue Botshe lirstn thrOfl ydluaie1wo sarcely able todathree One Bc itthéreorýi1ommiMriîths' -work witttut sufferng h ; 13 i tcrfe-ekscutemu1 -hm atilg pàiuýs. 1Was ix .torcd in Europe by revera it May ronsecun, and t4 the' iîhabi.îî,ts c f Wbtby p aîc#~ci ithe hi jIllest Stansdinug ini théeprefes- in particular, lhsît fs-oirs thie day fî,rth, 1 will go jjk*flgiitePovnIwa s ie N.l. lli'JI."ini 1rat-tiM ftelirelscriîmeît,bIY 41ofth inttteIOofoto lidspital,,and notwithsta:nfl- duciC to te t ~lan~ieîirisirItOO$ ai SIOES>f u' v-r i l ýlhe Mearss ,ised, .1 muid trot gel idrisy ral OUI lest iriateitl, ut fiefiiî~lleisg lîw plices, viz complaiîie uiiCCed I wai tub! L>y a very respeta-Ba*sil Fic~di . v. ble pfiysician ihat 1lusiever cotild be c sa that li on, (-,ru 1 MFý' ieSviveit loots, e2ý3 9 te 2i5, 3 lit t at lime, My <ttënlïot owas dii-cetfd 10 o u Sadîlle-gatl Mu; 'e~±gv-d Boots, 18 9 1 21 -.3 Hdny I.ld'# llori-n lCo, dial fo the 'cuire (7iark's ih -' Strosg EOot-4 -) 26 to 1.3 (j of, 1suust alilhesrIat G0111, anîd I)r. t 0a1ller articles iliIllse Ioot tsi:d .Sisoe lisse ilt propjor- 9-e 1 S si l1aîuge e.rguisgc - - tuu.red;wtvil1caliled'on yen, I was hardiy -ib!#e to)U wakaid wa alrrits.uns- --1 ti lree *AS flise ýSsîlsrrb.i s udeterus isciei owecks froôm my cet:v o-à. V îreyoiîr redi- have alwçays on1isand, a Leoi aýjoltnscust of ail cine, 1 gsitletlfa'ilen ftOImods is weiglit; Mny kunds ethealtîs1 was. m:c!;i musro'sed, and in about three ,à i wiecel<r mre nîy liteurîuaitistui va9 cornplctùc- LADJES ANS> GENTLEMEN'S gne and'-nsy hedluh corrpletel'yr.-ted I 0 >21) \ l M efîjoy uts good fis a<ayr < s(isd-.Stc anduncmpuyisoe ut is ~My reeevery fI liïaveq walked 1orty-Six miles ii n t< andlacrlpoý tole bt ll blid fork men. amui day M.ith peé Lcf çr Illaus1 Iassure ;4, Z ly 0lc;ssurtanayc lier pes-o i Is rîe unt Iie îruly îhallc(îîll. You cati make assy use- ansd a ie4tie lnwc-r tilais 'liLLCXU!iiOt, ieýtheiefx4ro (f ibis yoîî please ;'asy case iS kîowst t) sévpmal solicits a. sliare ef public patronuage. isîdivislnals cf rt:spectaùility ini Ibis City, theil OI'vrNslinier rsy Hlai ausi Si-al, this nainsîs ~ e o know aýud car refer te ihicým if mcs tlsy cet Aprul, lus tii-- vear eof our Lord c îe a.z tlsusiii tÀ~iî tssuss ,t uss!Paîrsnic-srcferred fi) Wîlliurus toodi êharo, IVit- - (RLu.) M\. lK. FORSYTIL !îm sos rss a-islShaw, f-:a<r's. . W'IiryApil 9,l80.rrie, 21. Gd . arisidi per boic. 'The above (L(11,'e - - - - meds$ei forsaielî S. F' VR1QUtIART, O m Mammotît Stork of B soli.ïand Sýhv~s, us î /gct 6 insiNre [JAVE n-cei e hïr ~îr~ skof -Joo- I .asi huî 1ma Ileirminuvdsra t 45 trsal ,asi iil SIl al ttbir ls->al iuW ite !vî tie î5i1O iilii~ 5 t, tirs il! a l5- s alias,. bts exs:eca 1 s1)rlle ssistis of a .aisuet r. atueus-sI tsv -iot RIL ý C , A.LSA II 4eSsl is ismelit ioti luo 10s u lp, as tltey CuiLe alsiîr füiisibheilfosr esî-à bia"f thi' <-rt aiennssrN, Jds-tînt tts.isjlure(sloIsabIe Jt-re-paire! iF.ith ouivl1 4 sOi.'frusryyes»hc 5t4 -olus cIsargc- - c-tcî,sssvely arsdý-fs e5 u issusy ci itie>-si ascu ut N. B. Baow~e & CulsLs». SS, lCng Sîreetdroseiarsd %sus lIts rïîv,-î issî,s eivs!u. is-vu eoiha ILsry -îoBîlite&iKin-î l Cbisît-h.parts of Eiîrolie, is l, puuat:r , ramie os-f emiisesulb a- ý 1neilyoppsié Ilepîysicians, "ho Iiv4p;sroviigly 0adapte I 1)1 t us t iL< 1-r C'4811 AID FOR Eope'» t. -itssr fi,-s .Ts js' ~ ~,n' vr i To~iraonto. May 1, 1850. - f i nsotrumrienstât isn.s tscus he nueie-set uîleîio" j ~ ---~- -- --- -noi(c dees ir-ni cliijfi3 sssperhiîroari power or istut,-ii-.s til -i y.11L0l lfo l . 1for it ; for lie k1ews lhat iit is riutîrrlly iosI.evhîteu Wlîo~isl -' L(i (~1h or uld Ist iuîy îsllils-4p tecati be isventled c i c, } 1e4s-lis - ~~~~cqvëedl tosure vid Ihe alirrito which fiai hs.eî T -HE 'Seitili luaif f ,Lçt Ne. 3t-, 8,11 lttrssin - lia1Ileýbtut Ilue dacs k.tvaw t iI iri mu itveu'sn ('oteossisîî \iuîi , o, .5 (]v11 fvr lbesit:aiail)î. ln'tr-Y andije~~rsc, u-ve.~î veurs. Tii rumure Jblendes ipiiiflise Pfl1.4a.:sd 1 laur, for thse curtý or e-ea vears Ter -lre Ft1 Acesckaed,1 ritiý ti 'rrsafisy< os.;tf (ii»-as', in whieh l seonsî and ftie wlsuile PFu ira s 'etiftilly wassftertvoisâleil .dbeyorid tire pwrfriicis -,»!-l Goiidst-e i 14toyteldsi ani aid r! i4s(W e.The ruIrd'icirse b5ss c-u4- Fptirify lil- ~X'leed C ssdresi tumbi:îlc--ss cýas ii Sofi-riie<auie mîvmi clro-mie s-iln-ticý Pes'sss Ves~ ilu iii eeotl ti1ne fer ':e ei-lye$icn ,s ometanas it dt FALJ I'JtUCIIIN(. thse w', a-~nptiio, asoirorrs whoe dio- [0-nu ~ ppl (JXld i 1~~-11511) l - - sitionl, le-arl Io a Sesdeîlsry habit. iNai Da-theluq 13. i-'îu-:y BAI. î - Irislatt ini Ihe StmYjýcli, Opprssaandftlatu e-sai j lemB L , ricy i pOMcSirs1>Vclnüiiile eow tsl beclily ctrit-~1i~sor flow of blood Iote ~acionil s- ~ j Ieai, l'aie ii tIseire siback, shesulder On Sisi. jt dîreOîcu IApnil 1901s, 1850. fseqtîeýrstiy casil1 y iiidigestion or a dietne i fs risur --liver' , Liupîis 0fthe seio, Cariocied I«-e,î lectlowS. - Blotches, 1oiS ans ixueïr esus 're lie es 1 4JKftrout iospuiuy cfo tie bssior a d»re~ u te he ns IL ofc s ro eo i n et Uuýe- suýive a g.sms l Iartburn, Acisleriicatîorytiesu:v.oj, ran(genmest of the syst(lin, Nertin , lPt-i iodica sly prie.ton lu Sore E~s %hO aire affllîsed v.iuji s/re F,3 EAP and. EFFECT1UAL rem Velllngton Eye Waterj inet ansi kept on hsgnd, for sale 1a3 foi tous: - ecufnce 'viril ,. 7 1-9-d o d. ci.. s. 3d CHARLES CLA Secores 114 living wIlnesmpes tan ut1ify of dule efficaey or 'ÎleEye ïwhoru îow iesicle iii Ihis ViIlaiý ~to gacil for Fb îîises, sptauus,i pAgsile lisille Breasts, Scaud ýewery, Wisitb)y Villag-e, - h Jalnluary, 185(), 4 thie patronage of Re Il. 1AST 1 GS (îz rjf Loiiidons) - ouzxd Syrlup of PNrai N OT ON1LY A ;uta WssrrranrtclCure for al li 1 i1. f e l hri xa trul Sessiom Larsstv± d tuonjI Ps-nly, i-Iefiarsri, -scen;pe sIi.vuvn> cf tt' ausçliprc i a s-it i oI nirculathion 011 iýs i-vvl ere. ou Ill insa '.ue i; fl-s-î ysieiawa (Iucoel ucuutiez;1 i te he-~ ~ L iîssessrhsueiumr ýles !iî~lss-ikrsss f e threio se r i u iod-fns a er juleD, -secures a ft ciandulasipui ci N!v i niîodcsty.te yu loingf ib cf, aid to eiicoi-ery ucirdy sg le u tca t-ise pîsb!ue un ia *e iut wfere1 lIfiielv Dai'sa icurs e fmîlx y

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