for tis a prpose of neot-I iuse cf schoole, bbc TeIi. n.was lest on -tise, assge forEnglandto- Bombayv on tise 4t1h 4ýpriI, neartihe Cangados reef.- TWo olf tise1xxiwýýre staved, tise Captai n and _ eigit of tise rew seized tIse remaining Aeý #,ý1eft:tise vsc.1 ismsn . pSr, 4ieýship weut te pileces. ,A -pi*, mnager furnishes the followiog;narralie ion ail aids,-whicli very muchi iôreïsed ;betqrroof, oyr sitisatioqï ow'ig.t 4twp 0-X threaa ttiës, I hat My rno, an4 wasPe;fqcty unîceesoiens uto: bet had oqeunreriti-4 - ýý- l t foîtnd my- ~pJ~esiqg 8a p4r witls a salori.1 44ém.,the ship tsý4 ,,te piccsý and, 1i~J ve.-of onteeesrdes -sm 4g sbd water aurnenading ns ~ievery dirfltion,' inut view. butçaorIo e mai a snk>,4tisesalongds ~Atqo r. .kJid O ft,.on which. we s'ltipt, but -as t1hatide ebbed wo grounded, and vith the exeptonçf srlie adi, w fre Iitarallyscpui Iewtr icod and wteise,lbat atIflý çompara- ra~l t t otny8- uand ýs4hetq p wnehing,, sahy day-, us dfuI aila ggb uinday, -thse, ilird 4day, isavin üd, à aUffl, u'p~t t cîtias, we ae wn4 e iet orý-a--uaer saad ~ban. A iatypq" casis of beer, Uudpek, ad b62t niW, were tise -Mvege dey'- ucale e its aul aboUt unsat, i*du MmD nc»poe and span I .Trta" e li 1& lne sud lioer we Mal*Ié. Noa drop pfiwater was to hue heiI. On Us4 20ts of 4pril. we aaw a vessaI 4o4beawQýard oet uo,1 sd- endenoed .ýp etrao attetin byseans cf a isot ~ao ~d aFii4attae1îed- but aise dlit -i""*,tNtope isbout unsat, ai1 ab,ý>kltvml have iù'siÇi t'thbes -s«ma pot wltere thse ahsp of thse p:eývi- Quse aiuingwas seau. W. agin "W oeU u ai, «à dwaltsed about 'tisebatik te show tiser. were ,4ivini <reatuiet~ b .thnltaedr asimem~, sud aftar tnking out ailow, 'sue e 1.otuseai and isark's flash, we 1lâj désni fut tise night's reat. In a Wtt ase, sowevèr, :we werearmnend 'b)v thse 1brkiug cf aur idog, tad eic éw" td Outrdlight, a'frai ohme in "tMo1 the aaisýs. 8h. beîôîge te tise vendelwe isW sema in tise- evening.1 'IWhss«téutd ie- of--tise passemer *it,4ma 'boaid bisati -suad bise- reiÀ »"tl-inhg,when -iv were "eovoy - 4 WO SADVENTURE. On Oa -Wdn.lay lae., thse 7Sud buL,1 dafg ris. pïevalene.e" t-tise exeveV bigis wiids, wiich continueit -h iwà hbà tea vigos'n dunwg thé greikerq jîwt of tiat dai, and ansidat the ex-a *ii", t1i4 ort he stors, oie "Of tise1 is à f-nkeýOn-ý Capt. )ndoe, Us tht ýýrek,-pn te A erffo swe dmY twele c («13 onte retre !-Sî~mcoe crek;'iutis Aseiq~n lsime ~'~< Standard. (Isrosva by tbe force of tisa waves higli ________________ antid* dry t iffteen yards ou the -j D- rt-nmL D be h.T Isue.ehed»~gkea -ant is TH Ei.i REPORTER.i iji cemipauiens m'aeby tI4etsands cf an-ý 411 *WW A ~d - naeful : rovi-en 1,amU a nman,ad tbink uolhing human iitdif. 'R 4, ovi erêenttoteme-eeae pi1atq4 iti sai4,y aCross (lic. Lake. in! 1wH!TBY, SAT¶NJRDAY, OCTOnEII 12, 1850. barit, and rescutati freux al ______ w»iiay grava, amirlst oeieof tise-oMt' COMMON SCHOOL DEMONSTIbA- §Qycr,.gsUlas Whicà las occUrredt tis - "JN. sassoU. - Having Cunîâ d m es'civesWeVabave beau prevoetI l'yanvar'- mfeîy-tlanded ou terra firme, -the,-i)umtytYey cf cauises fi-cm an carier notice cf faht-tmuiy gratefulfothe lir mraeuloîs tisa Comn $clioi demîsenistratien pre scrvouu talrfucn iewbicî w-ashld von bhe Z4th ltut. at ai acw wlieî lad gse s stically 3reokliu, a meeting urbicis et muaiy bornie tham oves- tie teiupestutena li- lp~,tIey taratiwitauh pssile c- rounde w-e w-ould net wishs to pas ver spatel for N>iagara, whicl was ri»t itlThe emrord.o a (qji h nboît 18 uiilcs; aiw-icis -tbay Teemenstrnaplmenrus einwl in lte reachat in safety- Promt Niagara tiayWseysCapl rekiî iihIe Lock, ptsge ia tbe'steainer"IlAraericat' Tmsteas lad dbligiîîgî yPlit at tbb-,ser- for Teorente, asuu lauidetibore 1 the vice cf thc Comraittee. At an eurly MM e&oseniu gsafe aiSoi cudto te taheur in'-tIc forenooui thofirst fudica- great jay and grMifieatipn cf a, discon. tiens af the comieg cetebraiuasw-ara sejate wi<e ti I d fa heseen la (le gabhering tewards thcae tggetiser-- - a se -frieutis ad of meeting of thte chîltiren of thse Tari-i basuaoltjs 0- szad avent, <,us sdloo!s tlrouglîout bietqwnssip,1 ,wm-iei(as y ý) bat just de. Brooklil anti Columbus scîseeha espcci- ptived hem cof irstay andi sutpport1 ally attracting notice by thie nusuler cf -Col oait. - the chiltiren front ecd, andt îeir vans. j eusuibangera by ihii tait aîîpgqehsl W-as mnas-led, etiser seiteels, hiereer I4%tBHtAs isoff te Eusglasid on ci wns vory respectably represeeet- boek-praeuriug ms with £200 for mfecting- lonour on thse districts te oï t.humblrand ranch picaseti wttlî the motives -oen waaw,«i, Cea A few ,yar sosise of the glags, iutiicating astley ai i thsee, v/Superiteudant diâ,tSere t aud clevateti views of the '8 was ts-vellng e r saï and land, aI ia u adteudescuy oaasound Sytsamn of1 the pusisîbexex , iaseancis ofan api -Education. prêveit shteel tts sud a prettýF Same tisa liaving becu alloivad fer sygtaini haep'2' -A systuem the auaxbliug cf tisaebiidreu,* tlîey f whschentsis l 118 -country thsa Were.conduced toe saclapel thue body t aura cf £M00an Isl>for a Chef' Su- of which they conmpleteýlyjlhlled, reqxiiî. perite6endeWs, an4 tIse sane imitaring besides soeacé bise galles-y.& giv«sint*o-his -1M ds4 il aU titi,tl 01 f thc aides o e T tisisuaudagreaterh scwol matteis ;ins art h.l is thse Ail i ort ef -tisa gales-y weré"ij-tprepriated pliaaid(Jaegacf o seect ad- ~tihe generai autdiente, biefot cf tisae cation. Ifom if itli Bey, gentleman iý11ery being rOscrvaêd fer a bitesbond ti eausis. apared îus un ts togetiier frein #uieli Isati klndly Icut'its lise e-age e ndinCmsn a dchiof cdludren wiso at intervxsis Schssofs, Of -Wh.< is tise d-Cing s-lievsed bIc môre grave business ef iemius, wts s 4y to * qt ")18 ticday-hy sc songe w-hths y ~ Wtil 9ild ieladearnedas part of terdaiy e1. la. 0 - n410,ii4rqdue thaukseof bis village and thea imitatioli tý. 1 over le nez nier to ils tries. 2flcien lia an cause wisici lature are ui] and tI, of Eu statioil sent ir wnrds bouse wh-iciî lias oh tract i regard fore, il littie il very~ -' tarie, in a miscrà bhe- scov capable . cf -ýd kdijly ècrâ of 'Wood,, tossurd biller. and thitisrar t the cempie*te e mescy of the winds atîd -wavs wliich thircatemed avery memeitf t éngopli r tIent in the ro11ing abyà si 4y' this tims. n unîber of peresla oleie on thé- abore. Iletheriùgton fmmmcdi- ately made a signai by meunus cf bis cSçtte dcehç ofW1wuhiontliiwi±Lh - thé Sclicoues; bt, net beieg acé-ë temça r te navigamte ;vessaIs, none cf tti iaitufclet confidence or cour- tiýge to venttura-oub-nt ebsrug ant ils, cuains-s urus their ' frai] *bark. were leA'tuupr'otecýed, save by tIc ",Who pianoshis iouloteps on the sen, -And ides upqa thse stra."l ]Fisidieg tliemsel-oes thus situated, with ne hupe,-of escapefrem the fury cf tIse dalmats,,tha apparanthy doensed party dipplaycd, uevertheless. great firmuess >andl presenca cof muid. They placed a--pea,. vhicli îhey -had witii titan, alpig bhé soeur aWd fasteactiit tit eacli ed hy a,-ot's painter, whieî fortît- uatcly -hapyponaîl te lie attacheti te tle scev.: By this menus tlîay were en- ableti- (o keep tbcnîsteives fl.rmly seated by bitaldig on ta tise poe. Tiîey lad aheatntJl-pdd - 'lth isenswhichî tliey ianagod W -11Xu ineje way se *s1to srerétise purpose -'of aà iidder- anti which readereti grehtt'assistoe le .kepia'tb-scw.bef)ré ite wiud. -Iu ihiitwùaion tliey .-iemained in the- 'grntest terrck andi a«ie ng tiseïrlitle I!tek "st liy iest- n expacting every moment te 1a- lotîverLu )in tise miclt . cf : tis& linge %Massves. wiicb encociiîrauîsod tIen1 on cviery- 4Jdê- l ast, aler eleven!ad a. baif lions-s of tosing sund tambhing on the trouhed surfance of Lake OQnta- rigi,4 .epývnnaid. br 'terrer strie ken 1i crew were sfly laiided attIse 1, miler tex - executad tlrougis-a respectable :,bùoksleti4'b Iiitiiself, bu say' :à ètbingof tila M60 to be speuit in the jeumncy. Btit every day-assists in de- vclopi'n-g theatrutec dlas-uiétti'of Eger- toa's mtngrel - Prussian systet, ndt avery incident in conne.*ion willi it stmsit us a hiege manss c lun iîg andi corruptien. Andi suds it is! Examiner. BEAUTIES,.OF' CÃ"LONIAL GOVEJXNMENT. The Post Office urilli net lietmansfer- ted te the ýCoiecial -aublierities tilt Jan- uary. Ne comsmunsication en tlre suib- ject bas- been- ye* s-eceived frera tbe Home Goh'ernnient;. but though the neccssarv docuiits slieuîdarrive by tha niaiti duc, tihe nasv arrangeniçiits requircd te lic made, will ocuîy't1sé officers, ivu understand, fulli bhreç Se nfter ail the tautaliziiig deluys wlsich weIhave muffered- we arc te lie hiubng"cd for anothier Ihrea rnentbis "4No, comnunuication lias been yet me- ceiveti." 0 f course net. What does ie Coloani Office frnew or care about tha iticonveniences, tlie monstrons abuses tba.. exist in the postal ars-alige- nients ôf adistatiiceleîiyt WÂat hiWe the officers beau cli ijîgtheias rec moîîbhs? Are vetletab 7tbiedferi tlsree monihis iii runking nrmaig eaieiîts after-tie coniniuînie.à ioiî is receiveti? Veriiy ours is a delighiffîti systeni of Goverument. We hopa the Glob~e and Pilot wvillthrcsv up tiseir liats, and givo anether shout fer tie blessiugas cf colo- niai dependence.-Nerth .Bmerican. A ScîeEsvLeosa SOMEruvnaa. - About bbc middleeof'at. moiitlî, 4 geli- Iliman left buis place for New York. Oin his arrivai (liera, liceîîusbcd several of tise ey papers te ouîr address,,tIc ,.ëtle,$ýaa transacted bis business, andt loisurcl y raturueti te Sinicoa ; four days afber lqis returîs bome, bhe innerslie land ruailoti in New Yoerk arrived, and .ve receimet tbm in tbe l'est'Officé lame! and Dutcl' . THIE TAILOR. AND [lIS GOOSE- he chef feature of Englisis news "ýA GPIEVANCE." lias becu thse publication1 of the decrees The Oslia aa Reformer lias, tlîis ý« the~ Catliolic Synod of Tisanes in weeIk, with the help of a tailor and his reference to thc duration Of colleges- or goose, liatchied a ral gie nn hegovernments sn Ireland, whicli lias shiape of a letter addresscd téTo -le been couIdemined ?as toto ataeven>J pub.. 'vhucli is said by our contemporary's lie meetings. crepnetto have becu refusedin It lias been proposcd tu preserit thg coerresonen theclmso h Vi brewers and draysnen witli a testimo- Reporter. This, we are happy to apiia orhi treatmnt of Gen; llay-. was the case. We do flot intend tîtat eau. Tha Tâter3anys tisai preparatios our paper shahlie madie ai, instrument r ika eretive tisa gentlcman for any person or persons to throw dirt on lis return to Vienea,, that lie is te at any oue that. happees to wear a be- be raisèd tD, arshal of thse Empire, ter ocat than theniselves, whethcr they and that instructions have beea ,sent to isk it under the preteiice of i"ea m tis te Austrian Minister at L.onden te de-. Of simple justice" or otherwise. 'We mand the punishment of his assailants. hope the Rev gentleman, bo whom the Thse weather lias been uninterruptedly insolent and abusive remarks were ad- fair in ai] parts of 'tihe kingdom fer Se- dressed, will meet the production wî ti uriag the last remans eor tise k rv- the sientrcoatempt it deserves. An OrleaasPut& bas been dîseoyered in Fraace. PROSPECTS OF -rHa GRAIN IMARIET Souse aligt sirmiuh&egba aie ix ElctAiND.-Fromn London Pajiers P1406 etween tihe lanes and the ece4vd by he1Pcife, we gather tisat Schleswsg iolsteiisers, in wiicls the hé barvesi iang1abd -was se ncarly erMer lest 170 i=eu and ihe hibter'I20. TIse proceedings Of tbc daýY.were-ha go» by.prayer from thtIsa evd. 1*I Tisoruton, Superintcndent, aftdr wii the- lloyd. Me ssrs. Geikie-anti Thorai ton add ed the audience- à . ë;-f6fiE ciu tise I rà lc f Education--blih latter ou the relati otn f 'Co mmo Selicols te Uhc Educatien, cf bbc eoplk ]3otli addrcsses were listened to wit' ninrkcd. attention tliroigbeout. A sites interval bcîbg allowed fer- dinner ufle theseaatdiesses, thse opportunîty wa takcît before re-assemblingr te xnarsbal the chiîdrats vitli bleu tendions at thei iend, in precessien, aud walk throiîgl the village. L wurs vc assure-our reaà ders a usost plensieg as 1well ns nies liopeful siglit te san- sud. a long, happy epll dressed RLegiment cf Pence.- ýl'Iey whli were net therc have reasex te regret their absence. The afiornoep sessien--was no les: Profitable -andi interestiaig hian thiat c. tise moiriiig. The audience became largar and lre ut~e dmnsi ihg and wlîat wvitlî a crowded lieuse Isundreis ef liappy faces of ocît' u ,young-sveet singihîg fron tise chul- (lien, a nd vcry credibable miusiefrom the baîid--willi sonie truly admirable speechcs from gentlemen on tîhe plat- ferra, there uns pqrhapQ De sucli pure, peacefîll, elevntiîîg ilensu4e as ceulti bave beau crotvded jute thc sanie space Of time. Messrs. Wîhllis andi Alexan- der addressed the audience us relise- seubatives cffico tencliers and wcre sticceeîled by A Farewell Esq., afler wliom tihe PRevd. Messrs. Waddle of Pickering, and Ornîiisbon of Clarke speke, tue fursier on iie duties cf par- ents iii relation te. -education, and the latter on the dîtties cf TeiiýlÃërs and cliildrcn. After the,%peecli cf bbclast genîtlemn îthe mectung dispersed---the baud playing the national unthein. Witlîbte preceeditias -ls a %vllolc %ve felt siucerely plcnscd, every tliîg-, waus guci, flie cause, tIse audienice, tIlle iiuie,c h speeches. the vcry day ibself. 0f the spieehes, it(leed,_,we aygR Stnt w-e do ueot tlink thiat ns a %vblele we ever heard se niany thorougblly gootl speeches et a tinse in Cantada, cither in City or country. Tise denten- stration auguredti el for the future. Next year, wboaver lives te sec it, there sviii ne deubt lic anether, & ure shahlieb vcry much mistaken midccii if miany of those wbeose apatbv or iliseîîgiîtless- nets lest tuent s0 great a treat tis sason, do Dot sueur blienîselves fore- niost thsen te eîîjoy se great a gratifica- tions as tiîey 'viii now klu'v,:uclia meeting affords. We are requested te give notice t1mb thie liav. Dit. B.eaNS, cf Torouto, vili prcaci in bhe Free Cimurcli, ini this vil- lage, on thc niorîingiiof Sitday tbe 13t1 ilst. (to-morrowv),--at Il o'cleck. To COamsmspeuND£TS-rs--A Son") andi iii otliers ivisem it uîay cencarn, are iii- fornîed tînt ive niake it a mile te insert n0 communications, witlîoît licing fur- ishedti iî the tînmes cf the autiiors. GAL? ON LAits OlTRr-ro-There w-as a severa gale on this like on Sat- nrday last, w-hicI was attendati witis tsomne disasters. Tise schooner Nep- tumie, cf Sackatts Hlarbor, w-as cipsizcd betwept iOsw-ego anti the Ducke, andi f tIha creur, 7 i» nu mber, are suppesete ( a perisheti. Site w-as seen ta, go nby the Captain, cf tIse schooner Braitiard, antiauslhe watched frornthtie tmai licati and saw no boat ]cave lier, ie infers t hon lierew w-are carried douji aise. Thse wiud lhw _a gala rfrcns tise uort-west yesbemtiay aud lest niglit, and iva sîouiti net bc stirp**ised ite hieur cf nmoredisasters.-Roceeste- .,dtertiser. METEc.-Tlsc passengers au board bIch steamer C. Vanuderbilt, freux Ste- mington, on Monday aighit at abon >lalf-past nîne e'clock, just as- tise bo'i w-us appioaclsing bisa Northt Hamiuoeka ebserveti a bnilliant meteor, wliets,ÇX phodeti witit a splendid slow of 'Col»t anti flice, about East North Est Ire=n thse buat,'and about ferty.five dè8eèsf above thc horizons. Tise siuguWaiy et Isle meteot, hcwever, wuas tînt for 11f- beea minutés aller it hnirst, tes-e re- main cd a brigît silvcry lina like - île mslky w-ny, but saucis brigistor, mas- king its tracis, andi a 1atRe spoà ôtohe sky wlarc lb axplodet, Isaving teIi-a penianca of.a cotiet wü-i b îbglan anti n long uarrow train. This w-asnu optical ilînsion, fat anay- p«8o1, y!ho lad net seau thea uueteor, saw tise lis. minette remainstof it tonmip4, le the explesiau-J. Y. Jour. Io' tCm. Pa»vcD-UCIO.xOr Gorju IN CÂuromx Ta ÂUGUST lSS.--Shi-pped Io tfie'ni- ted States, $30,000,006; lakan -te Ã"tare- -on, by miner.%s, *10,00,00Q~ ~et Mexico, hy Skai N'mi00,00 taken te Etigiaqie, threglb Maxico, *i:,,000000; takeâ t _ nuama, $20,000,Od u4ujd to SoÃœtbi .America, - *e0WPWOOO 9aiiped to and tliec -tares of. the casks. A littie d rigour vitlitheceountry jpeople vilI l-iake tliem more carefül, Ibrit is a ily ate sec such excellent burtter conipIetëIy espoiled by caie!m escuritig." Thc ex- portation cf Iblitter is now a considera bic if'a iniiiour animal rebuiris, and îs incer(-siug. It l)Ccorm-s, tliereflbre*, an oliject of grei iniportluce, litlit l the producer cf -the ar!tklc, and to the slsip- par, that cev attention sliould lie paid eto details of curi ng-, pucki ug, &-c, wh icli rtell verymiiel in Eng-andr on the sdil- fing price. Fumers edn obtain a good price or a poor eue foi their butter,' ne- eordiug as tlîey cure and pack witli care, or thc reverse. IVe advise them bo look to this nowv, as tha Inspecter, we hear, inten(ls te -ive dlinracter te biis 'braiid by a rigerous inspection. We arc requested te draw the atten- tion cf ouir Readers, te the meeting cf thie Steckholders of thie WVlitby Build- ing.Society, te taise place on Monday 'Evenin.g 14th, Oct, at NIr. T. N. Scrip- tores' te eleet Deirectors &o., Tlie Stock, we are happy to learu is being rapidiiy taken- 'np *-with every prospect of sborlly beiugî in suocessfu" epra tien. tha anopnio miht ho safely Tlia Prince of lHesse Casse' ired, that tisae rOPs IVotIdnld it mia'a.prciPitoiis retréat 0~ÇÇ trly an avearge oe.a, ad couse- soeao1inoxicus tavatýott j whici ha ly tliat for tiliespring and Sues- peuplé resisiiecl. if.1851, it would ha necessarY TIe Choiera ,-bas brolce, fit in, Ci-. port largcly troui fW~igi çotii- na. The Governor of Maego lias,dieci witsanintis antiii i~eade-oit- cy, it is otoght tbatthere wil ARI1V A LaOF 1.18E AIANIj inîedite dVacê 1 1 e- The Steamer A#tlanticCnjtitnk V~ tinsfarers frux ~ia13 arrived at lier wharffoot of Canal Stieet_ i have heca ,ýmadeby the Legis- 'New 7Yrk,at A ,,M.,,,YIeaterday. ,are se impoverislied,tblat they Tlia Hcrmann, lao isrrived yesterday nabia te liold back tiseir produce, 1 iornieg., She passed thse Pcfic, o' le supply fr eux bh c ort hcera fa rts t e3d in stat, o i es f < x n ýrpe ivililibe lnrge, se long'as theé'York,-ntthesame speed she, Was ex- remanin fren freux ice- 1riccs are 1 tot ma ketha passage iù leu titha nary, but the tendcncy Ilir tIhe pc-I0ý days. is rcported as being trather dû%vn- Tîsere -has heen auotheradvantca ilu 3 hlau the contsr.-Patriot. cotten. TliePrudileetade.throüghlout INspcTIo.-Athe -%veck-devoid of.aniimation'andii TTER mçPETIN lreantile seme instances te make Woes- freux tise in town, ,ays a Mojîtreal paper, ship; loiver prices have bep ne- 1 denîs very argely in produice, ccpbed. 4li-inigly favoutredi usw~ithian x- -Thcro Was a siender atteaidanee'of rom a latter rCceive(l hy the last buiyers in tht Corn xehaage on.tise n the foilowiug ternis :-"l Witli noreing cf tho lesÉt dati,.isthae o- I tebutter tiscre wv.ll ha a good e a good show or sauplas oeTMwheat orders thîs seson. PIease,tblere- and fleur uow *ia dock a deoline on tise ifoni ho nsectr le uus li aprevieus Tucsday's prices -froi' Id. -te more particuiler ns thscre 'werc a 2(f. on thoe most quobations of" d1h 4r- rreat mnîy complaints last yeur, mer, and 6d., per stick and barel' .he Ls regards tlie state of tlie. butter latter %w submitted te, to, saVe, stand- ARRI11VALI<OF TIfI AicimBIIA, '17ie British steamner Cambria, Capt! Leitlîch, uriveti at New- York on bise ard. Suie hcft Liverpool on the 2ist tilt. Sle buinaont42 pesengeis, anti 10-frem IHalifax. Malkiii & Sons, iii (heu circulai cf Fmidny, report a fuir steamuy iusines during thec svek, in Flouur anti WIien on bthe spot and te arrive, andt Iet ehie mnanamaineti hreviouîs lîces, thelie tarket closiug ivith upwva,&d tcndeaîcy. lb is iroper Ie observe blni obhier autbbemities du isot guvu quito 5sutnceurangiug n vieur of tlie market. It is stabedt tît arrangemxents arc on foot boturceq Spain anti Holiaud on tise cisc suie, anti Eh gland anti France on thse other, by whicl, en condition cf liaviîîg Cuba prateectid by tise joint ac- tion cf tics. ilrea powers, Spain is to puy lion debt -ute IBguais, French, îug changes.- INDIÂN CeRN remannsln thec same po- sition illias ccuipieti. Faoua-Westera Canal anti Richi- moud per 196 lis. 23s a 24s; Capadian fine 122s à 22s 6d. WSIE.vr-Americaa anti Canadian whmite 6s 0-d a 6s 3d ; Redbsa 8d anti 6s par 70lbs. B.&RLrET freux32sa 83s pet qr. Canadian 29s a 3s. BYE fer480 hbs. 22s n 24s. INeIAN CORN pee dm' whiite 28s a 28s 6d;- yelw 27s 9d a 28s.- Accouets frein Sclîswig stata tînt Daîsisis eperations by sea lave beau con- tinueti amomgbise isints of bIc W-est- coasi ot Sehesivig-tbcy have takeus possession cf blîrce islmïnds. The Hol- stein guis-bouts anthetua l ocf thisai naval forcc on the Wvest coest coulti make no, effectuaI resistance.-- Thec Fr enchs Parlianesit, it is sait bas pnsscd tjsrough General Lahitte, an officiaI rcmoastrnce te, Lord Palmers- ton on tIs îbjcct cf tisa Frenchhs-af»- gpes in London. Tise Prerect ofTlie has tiecidati ou aboiishîieg theencat af lloons except fer scienîtific ptirposes.,