Whitby Reporter, 12 Oct 1850, p. 3

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>,UJefloUUUU ippeu toQLIWT j151Woui woyld, $ 15,000,000; makiuga tota;! t.5050O90,000. It wiII be seon by that but a. rniail1 portion of the 1duct, up to titis ime, hbas reached Ulnited States. IA portion- of that Ken to 0regosxwill, in time reach; is part of the counry ; but -Most Of .,, shipments to Meknd Southx 'Amnric, will-,ultimatclyreacit Eng- land'. Thé large capitalisspf London' have madoi groat efforts to get hold of mil the Cahifornia gold dust possible', for the purpose, in the firet place, ofina- lkinig moncy 'by the tperation, in the- second flace, to_ avail îhrnselvese of tie law compelling UtcelBansk of Eng- land to pay a certain price for thec mietal; and, in the third place,. to -accu- miulate in England ah- enormous amourit of gold, forthelIm upose of se- curing that ascend'ncy which she, has se long enjoed in the finauuciai world. If the Production of gold continues .ai the rate Alrca4y -reali2ed, the -fBank ci Englaîîd wiIi be c4mpe1lled (o apply to Varlianient for a fépeal of the Iaw re- ferrcd lo;as <hecvalue of gold -must untderga a material reduction, and iZe poésition as a csrculatisbg medinuný.1 changed.-. Y. Il eralil. I)RF.ÂD UL M0IT iY.- Li the town- slp of llartland, lhurca cotinty, thm dysCnt îrý' 15 ragirig wrih gre-it inaig. îity. lu isc esel] Ot d-I Mr ict, occuiYn~ a saîîd ri.d-,ze Iitficertu estcemed th( iealthiést part cf lse towîip. iiither have becî 26 deaths w titbîin a fev wçeC(ks; osllecut of six of isle îIopuln (ion. Hlardly a famnily lias ee1en in mny there have beciî three or four dezitls. - The duration of the sickness is usually fivýe or sixÀlays, but medical 3killl sccms entircly unavailàble. A physiciarn of the neîibouirhood informsý us that the discase 1 appeass contagious. It prevailsin the sandstonc reCion itear the Xrriîlioii river, quite generally but wîth varyîing -scverity. Lorain ,otunty was sîmîlarly afIiéctc&4ast ycar, but iluring tlise present scas i he Io- calities hithe 'rto scourged arc exempt whule i those escaiped a year since, it now îîrev.ais.-- Sandasky 7lVîrror. TuE 'GI LÀAtt IZLL-A meet- I fa i,,w riedsof thc coloured poý, stitnte Iloorti, last even ing, ta consider the lpropriety of taking steps fur a pub- ic deïinstration on behalf of-ihe slaves uoe f fyintg froin bondage ta Canada. The meeting wâs unasnions îa thecir resoluition, tu give every aid tu these ai- .licted men. Aecommîtt.eewas apl-oiii- ted tu draw ule a requisition for a pub- lie' meeting, and to prepare resoltions -to bc subntitted ta it lor their adoption. XVc huartiIy rejoice in tIbis moveniest. It will be sotnething t Ã" the crudit ol ýCanatda that site'has olpened xide the amiscf eneolccicta reccive tisose whiicfied frcmi tyrnyan d opl)ressionl rin the Meghuig l1suc The excilcîncu't stili continîues ÃŽiii vfsrîoîîs parts cf th ise niteil States as tb Oth fus nt., at te rueiden c-e of rite bru( fater, by the Revd. B. H. Thornion, Hf. Macon 1, aq. SocitsWhitby, b Oitl secçond da ghwer ofi Levî Fairbanks, Esq., tDItt> lM ax' et. Wheat, per buithel, - 1 6a3 itye, pet bushel; 2 4 a 2 ]larley,_ pertb 1 _-- I 6 a 1 1 Oats, (old) pert uihel 1 0i Oa I Qata, (ucw) per bushel - 1 ' O a 1 -.as, -Irub%941 - 2 0 a -2 Plotatocs, Per bushel 1 3 a 1 Porkyper cwt. - - -1,5 O a 20 Ieef per 11. - 0 O2 a < 'Han», per lb. - - ( 6 a O1 Butter, r lb. - -70 6 a O Chet-se, pet lb. -0--O4 a 0' Eg,p."doen, -0- - O4 a O LOST r n lteAterîoon of Thursday lotit, it somnewhere ini Whitby Village, A WHITE CORNELIAN BROOCH et d. 6 10 6 7 Montell d. An>' o"in returningte sanie -tise guWuriber, or ving information that wili leud te tte recovery.ofit, akîti te, lites-al> WL <. ~ Dr gitMain Sraet whiby Lestutp15 IOTthe lot of August at, a HEIFER ABCO'JLF',îix on sb Cd; of aured colour, hip white, and wIite trnder tbe kelly. Any information ,reçadipg -the aboya wlIl be. thank.tully receivéd b>" J-0 GORDON, CoIurbuil, Oct. 8, 1860. 2&-2 -'J. F. }IALSTED, =5 I A pattei He Air,.J (,irtd stove soon sticki toven fnotes xior ansd fo4n( villa put C Ti lber, Wh( of a I take e for e, vr U8 been lateiy spcit# geiit, b>' tte Mani-- .ufacturmr, for ieredioposa of several new grn stoves, ýwhiét were patentesi ibrat mentis mO ttok the prize at,*eh late NIAGARIA FAIR. ehason band a gerserhi auortmenf of Tight Parleur, andi Cooking Stoves, Poasat Ketties, Irons, Dog irmns, I)oorSuryapers, IPaternt-Ci#- runipal, &C. he new pýitented istc4e is made on thse OLD TWCIPLE 0F M.4KIN'G TuE FUITES RY t1HICKanditise fire plates are se con- cted that tise tire cannai inj-ure teém. Tii e sà the lina which, in tweve montits, or ai; as it beconnes gcneraliy kîsown,- Farmens wilI bave nuo ter Slave. 'he advasnag it poowesesu o taking in as long k of wood, and having a large mcid çapacicos a.ýholiug twe tiers of lsread pans, anai heîng à for an excellent bakingeýven, are far sape- to an>' stove ha bas wolsi eretafore, îiancis! Don't-Imy eltewisere withomît caling examining, as the-saici stoves are anly to l'e cd ' t B ayici1 Stove Itooni, in ltaI flourisIîiiiîr, àg:of W iîtby, whfere goos ofa ail morts ar e iown to henest priea, andi to suit thc e . Ejims.-AMi sorts ef pliMiUcS, f.ct caille, lur- Scartlwoa, &c, &c, taken ins exelhange. M.i Suiscfitet lia«ï ais0 suile tlne siltce ýpeneda or lo li îîe Air, ,Nul t sier tea-firJiu?-d'x SIvre, wre te ais keeps on band a geiseral assortmi-r1 Bots, for wvhieh ansts and aller produee %i la en ini payiiseft. .Y. B. Dou't paironise 1>cdlars t/rey make you pa>' profit and loss. -B..1AIYAN. Whihy ansd Prince Alhicri,? O cctober Otit, 1850. DISCOVERY 0F A GOLO MIN~E THE MSSS IARI'l .R BIIOTIERS, 0f Nlew York, liane dii covered a richier Place t/ian any in Californùz, HE irt Eiton iftise Fifrh Number aof tieir THd<e wfMonutulIynagazine having reaches tise extrordiary ircuatio of oly-i housanti Copies, andi stili tte demanci continues, whict cari osîiy ha ace6unted for b> tise tact of its prescntitig, ihasdieseyle, anti ai a cheaper rata titan art> other parioslicsst pubshdin r the worl, tise citeicest portion ot'tisat vast intailectual weaih whicit eblains curresicytrougli the periodicai press aItishe present day. The present number containîs upwvards aof îhirty articles from tihe iraI centibutors of' tiselige, No- tices of New Werkal, a Monthly Record, of Cîtr- relit .Events,Petry, Fastions for Autumri0 wiih For sale at tise BOSTON BO0OK STORE, Price la 8. Back numýbers supp)liaiin any quan- B. rCOSGRO,£ Genal Book andi Per-iodical.'9gen WHOLESAL> & IETAIL. Toronto, October, 1850). 26 GADLOTTERY 0F 8001(8. .41Prizes! .~bBlanks! Il, THFSuliscrîber hegs te iifom itita initaiants aio' Wiiy-and i vicinityt hat a Lottery 'of a large number et VXLUABLE BOO.K, amounting ins value b tisa anni a $160, wiil take place 1-At scripturc's liotel, u in h Ilue On SaIturday Evening, tihe 2(itIr- day 0f I Octolier, Jo-st., Cotmrising works in bise varieuS '-r'tnsof Lîeéaure --Iislorical, Cfilusical, B'!I)li<al, and] Msiscllaneous. ils £ Amn4h rizes Will be folicti 'Smi. nmoi:nt ut o Iler'se tUWof 5.£5, £1, and :s, ownivards Bachn Ticket recuzres riTrhe! Titis lottery m-ÃŽl be conductesi ai-1lte fait P1a3Y systein ai every sibseriber drawving a ticket, thse nurnber on whicit will i"re>0atdWit n r parcel ef bocks, Ita -whiclîlie fortuusaba drawar of tise prize wiil bha tnitiad. FAIR rPLAT :AND no SRBUGI R. W. RAMILTON, wiiby, oct,. i i, io. lb!. W. T FI SRIERISLIOYORS9 AND PROVISIONS, - PRODUCF,, I3OUGHT AND SOLD. Fictruen Stroînd's anti PUrU,TrverniEast Si thflie MariSet, le NEW CI-EAP HAT STORE! Ip ay ite thne IlGlobe" Qfice Nery Sreet, Toronto. TJPHE .%bscriber, taving hart long experierici iLin tise busines respectfuiiy anneunces to tht publie tisaI rlm as peisedth ie aboya premises witt an excellent assrtmnent ef INAT$, anti ais. ,fût Capop B3'*Zalo Ecbtz, Ladies'Pars of vî desription always OH 1lImuid.- UrTise tiiseatrcpiSin cash for Hattfig and Sùipping Fuiss Toronito, Oct MAO alTEDOniPu-is 18W. ,26 TY. BEr Firat Amsi 141h October. Lt hi EWG »R-Y GOO 0 irsistinîg cf evcry article neceeary to7conipicîr' a large and well-assorted stock of those Goods rcquired l'y TIIE PEiOPLE. 0<)O yardsBi o lnnet It"bitons <~ rru ala Plaids riteue ica'? Cloakf, (newctt styles) telt Bonnets, OS Dd Fhte'Votton, O Wite -Cothitn, 09 6 FianeiShitid n.wht û 6 I3iaîîkc.tapanr p i, 8 9 Linens f pe air, ,s "I MESSRS, IBURGESS & LEISHM*A.N uWJG to annou nce to the inliabitants of Canada West that they liave reccived KWtheir NEW GOODS9 éonsisting of LiACa$smeres, ,Vetings. andi a gefleral ýaasorlrmtt-Pf Dry Goods, purckased in thte bes t Jlritish Markets, for Cash,, w/zc/t ehables thera. to dlispose of thez a t prîes rt lower t)ran ever before offered- I to the Canadian Pubie. 'ltMr Manufacturcd in Ibis City, frq Goude 'iniperted -direct frorn ]3ri'ain, by themi- selves, andi Canadian Cithiwoem tisp best thetories in Canada, def'y corupetition for dnrability, style, and cheapine*ý- NI~~~~0 A sEof vrC 31 Cc 3e Lt si )o Beaver I )0 Sheeling"s )o 13roadeloth Cap% ngarv Bonnetts, n's tVova [Jîser '1 c'a5 Veats, ---30 O do Malashin 6" " " " a -15 O do nloff - dé " 44 - - - 4 5i White 31tirt,>Linèhiî ttt 4 sit i Cloh ùapi, -bs O --- 4 à do Coats, - 'I - li) () 4 5 20 .2 -Imp0ft ID, BROTHERS & ce e 1,KJmdPatersonal4 Co.) VERS 0F DZY GOODSY, WHITBY TO POFtT PERRI LEAVING Whitby Village everynrig at BROOXLIN0 iJNU .ALBERTI 'ad VRP.NDLE'S CORNERS. RJETURNING:-WiII leave-Port Perry at 'rhree o'clock P. M., ealling at.ltte abirie-nared places. D::I Passengers eomir;g off lte stearnboat; dti£nrica cati go nortit b>' te na~ge nt-xi, îorning Extrau furnishied to order on MtWr skirte.vt notice. T. N. SCRIPTURE & Co. Writby, 7h Aucrut. 1850.,1 DONALD- MciI.Me Propri;tor$ en' Di ri to ad! tii oi in his D( W l and to Loase. T IIF Subscrîhe bas -A FEW THOUSAND i.AIRES of Wil'l Land to lease in the foilow- ing Townshsips, Beach, Uxbidge, Northn GsoIlm- bury, Brock, ThoraS, Mare, Orillia, Tiny, Tay, Nottawasaga, CdUingwoud, Mariposa,Bidon, Fene- ,Ion, antiOps Tise mot ai' lthesalancia areoetthe' bail quality, andi wili ba leaseci for a betm af frein fire te aeven years,depensjingr uposi tht situation, in lots aof tram 20 th 100 acres eaçis, te any nt whss -witi chop, clear, mand fnc, in a goosi and, work- mianlike manner, witirstheasia1 time, a. qsantity floaI lesi Ihan 20 acres onrs cdilot. 7 Ail lattera,poat-paii, ciesiring in formation cn- cnrong any of thse partieular lots in aither of thie above towuships, wîtLbe answered without deaa>. J. T. BUSH. Whîtbyli',15.16 Y, i Y 85 SI-EtrMIAT NOTIÇE. YFO R OSWBGO. - g, THE u(n WOUL r cfuil> mdi tise attention f Count bachn a dother wtsolesle bccyers t6 thii run al>' lar4e imiportationis for: the coasing Fait Tr As McREAND BR ' HERS & Co, are de- airos et extending tises whoiesaio trade, tht>' wili cuffer the buit posib inducements to tisat clissaf e buyers, n-o In ooliiiting thse attention oif sonsaand fismil>' purchasers te tfisir RE TA'IL BTOCna a tbey areemofident that in pint of quali vari ty ad cheapness, it wiii ha found unsur ed, by any hosie" in tht trade. .september 1,15.234 in1tel sîtith ns .1L5.. -tW pince irj ics fr etJh e world have kbeu' ds'payad l -Brougham, Jeifniey, Siney Sritt, Macaulay', have owed iant y ail tl la comnpositioris whtct have aPi ao'ainagazines andi reviesWS 'ries and Essaya have uniforfll>'C( publie by tihe sarne ireais, *hict. ben made vehiCes aisc: for the onÏ- of thse rost Plaborate and briiidrt f wtt are 710w reeeiviflg tiiioughthe - very sbip frein Europe, iîîsîaýlitsei 'Dickens, JaMe, Leve, Reynolds Mirs Ellis, and indeesi reary ali the conterflporalYrynvelisisl. Sa cotu chane that ail minc, except te du popuiar, is ikely Io fow tereafk Daily, WeeklyMntly or Quiart niües,' which compelcu witll uiva Ment, churches a-idiirayice, for te governirelt of mnrkirsiý ln titiscountry we munl keep niovemants abroasi. Il i neDt an . issue literar>' productions as s 0051-i their completlioni. Tt impatienty 9chaptra by chaptera as they are1 . brain and tie ieart of the sttr; >instant ef thisai discovery; and i 1 tie >'flash fro ite contact cfr i aý 1flectior. )Thse InternWaod Wedk23 Mises .reut of efforts t ai-f tCnr r i mies. lb w ill com b>in e x contempora!>' .eriodiclb with fIn . a pecuiiar toitse1f. C 1. A ea dng lject xiii ha to p'ý - -lié,, with thetitmrost rapidit>, anti- puible rate, the hast of ttuosewo Literature whieh are apptirtigab - r in separte caPtes. W1thb initial portions mailbe ptsbished ins of the briliant-nautica<pObi course of publ~micatin lnBlaos 0ustier thse, ite,of."41Thse Uresn author of tise mst étebrateil icý ia Englilutlitarature, d"TomCria .ottier works wili. ha selacteti and s .tariecusly, as tise> shall comn toitu e. of fflcentt m ent, Il- Tise foreigri periodical' arec -in novelettas cf from two or three t ters, whssh-being tao short ferse :'steamer "Queen" W ILL commence ler reglar trips (untl fur-- - V tisrntice) on . a y > next, m mking two s trips a wek betwea nTronto ansi Oswego, andi onnecting1 wit ite Mirning ansi Evesirg trains <if RailrSe aclrs betw an Osweg, ya -s,-andi Aiban>'. ever>' Monday ansi Frida> momings; ansi igwitleave Oswego ohTuescia>'ansiSa avaning, teichiig eaeb way at thme oiieowin -Whitby, Oshawa, flarlissgton, Bond Ha Grnby, Port Holpe, Cobourg, Graftor, a pres1ue lote, ansi Wellingtoni. lty une 181h, 1850. iL r UI 10n -labovsu"c'Ie esr whbich haét eush or credit. ROBERT Whithy, June 7th, 1850. RE MO V i At. 04 12 3 tI Checkcd, Sîrapdaîc Plain, AlpagasCclourgs, and OrlêIcnS,,l>cLaincs, Casmers, nd piLrIahisnl oils for Ladics' Dresses,, oves, Ilosiury, Fs-inges, Artificiai Fiowürs, Mtislius, Coýlîars, Vet-liet8, Silkis, ~ Iie..,if,. *-s tffs and 1Boa.-; Y-N E C 0ND-PhCE Toronto e, %îsjituer i 8. 1' .JOIIN TITCKE (1,0,,r f '11(,tlrcll) Jrnprter atn ? eicr iii tr, Nmal, Tooth and ot/irr rusllea; .S/icd'But- r, IIuren anti icary Coiahx ; itler Dirs; welry; Cuttlery; ýFasscy Canis; Ptrfaureri- Y7ite Fi Oi, "ilt Sép; ains, trcsý BaSkets, Int-mne , 'spgr a t, ote dImuk il IBuolcç.,J>ac*ei antiMemoranduin -Gal and Steel Pens. Meere Chnat= and tiAWle Pipis, Tt>ys, Fancy Gouds, 4c, 4-c.,y4-c., ,Wrellington Buiilding,,s, KING STRlEET, TOROINTO. 24-y rAS lte Vashrifmoî> is~laanvi i Mgei in le. nciry w% a $Eîn.;n N îs T. D)r l". le(AiS confidient that fiorci > .ry yers' udy srccer -Nme 01 thse niost çeiuraied Surgecis entis5.im in ii Erzaîiatittand 1si rna suit- ju8ut 1,rof'é.qýtictaI pma-iwe of* iweiv.:yc.irs in ritast, lie will lie able ta±ivc' amle 4tsatint.actli ai vcho nîsay bonor timiswilit blair casîludensce P)r F. has, forr tue Irtert, rentes tise premi, W 40, Kinsg streL-t iNas, aidjüinin_- tie Cabinet Varehaîsse af aques& IIay, where ha Ïii he found etnIail heurs of tise cLy, devotiisg mseif exciusively to tce severai branîches of )enta'tS.1urgery. Tosnto, 18,50. 24-y LAW OFFICE. 1-ty MIRCHANT TAILOR, Ylo. 9S, King Street, Toronto,- SIGNOF THUE IOOI>Ei N MAN. J-public ta hlm large-aird variaci stck -et REFZDY-J.'1.DE CL OTRIXVG, Whish,"ai i s ail rddrup initir Ais Mon snper- iitccdeace, te flatars himsef will be founti Dupe- rior te atîy ins tise ity, atnsi ik ha muid on cheap and, reasonabie ternis. lavagres OR oi Uîignrnents of Asiîe.s Io T IF, St:bQcril>cr la prepared <o make ADVANC'FS IN CASR* on- POT- AKD PEAUI ASHES consigned to Montrea. ROBERT H. LAWDER. Port Wvhitby , lt xugust, 1850. 17 .~l~ ,Ciy JRiltiin Je, Sig -of thce. Golde Jileece, King St. EMs,'I'uoront o, iceur te Mi.ret IbŽ X ~ ~L ~f ~ T H 4 #îj"tciWbewouid itarm i tiicustamaers, sa l L sr tariners, and tise public generaî l>, ltat ite bas Barrister and Attorney, now receiveci a large andi weil-selected stock c-f pRACTISEf4 bis profe,..sinn in ail lte Courts as Fane>' andi $tapie Dry Goociin BonnetsPraot lusiial, eceb ie cŽîw'î. Fench. 11ibbsons, Mutalinsa, DressaGoucis, llogiery ,&c., &C, tnt vii attend o a' biisics an-' Carpets, Caltons, Lineëns, &c, &C., andi wili oen1 out lwo naw depýartîenits about the lit et June, xery, Cofsît>', banis venlt, or Diviiion Courts, aise its nm a>'raSok Teatninc îo Aene> aisi Ccîveyneisg. aIriels5i$ p4rtitUlarly Calleci ta ltaeStaple Deparb- opposite lice New MMarre-t hlildings - J. R. MOUNTJOY. TomioSep 1, 1,ý'O.- M*w-5, 85. WORKMAN BROTIIEIîS & C OFFER FOR SALE AT 140W 1IC 3W 3Irons SeocthBar Iron, 6 "si wedtes tdo Ios Hoap anti Band 1ITan 6 dé CasI acd.ci - sr Siteela fi d' Plaugi s hares 6 lé Waggon JBoxe&s .5 le Patent Sitot 3 dé Brightb lion Iire' I id" 44 Asncealed W~ire 6- Putty - 2 "Siseet Ladt si "Leasi Pipe 2 69 Hellow-Warc 1-2 44 Sheet Zinc, 1-2 '4 Risasia Sheeb Iraon 3Ocaks Cut Nails > 100se Wrouistcdo 40 Patent Cut do 100 Horse Sea do 10<) " Deck Spikes 50 " PreseS Spikes 50 " Citains, assortei sizes, 20 es Flouîr Barré'. Naît. 200 sioz. Steel' Spades 6 "iScoteh di, 6 t' Irlut cie 50 id Round Met Shovèes 30 ta de Iisie e 150 boxes Canada Plates 2900si Tin -IJ IX and C 50, ' xas M0 " Wisdcw Gia"s 50 barrais BouleS Piaster b ave jtl rceived a freab uppi> orf-PURE COD LLYÈR QIL, lwhiclx I wilJ aeW at a reasonable rate. JAMES H. GERRIE, .LJI 5a...- T~jon Ilotel. rg1ESubseniber, having taken the Tntvern formuerlyketb OBT 1-IUNTER, on itle Plank]Xoad,. first Con- cession ef -Reach;; hope s. front strict- attention te business, to eit a share of Public patronage. ~ - ]iqaeh, Mlay 51 1850. - FOR SALE OR TO LEASE. 30 Ar' 30 Bis 2 Ca T -LNE XT SSS ofathse wiitly Gramm-. l.L arSchoôel -niii commenice ors Manda>', tisa 26th aof August, 1850.- I JAMES HODGSON. iWhitbv [sîtsv 2Ebh. 1850. 16 OP PIFF 1n4NT J~A Whieb he can seil Cheaper for C3ash than any other Establi5htiie1t inWhit- by or -ýurroundin«g eoüntry. Fur SnsPe- nief Style ani Durability, lie feels confident Of giring full satisfaetion to N. B ?ANTI Q &TRIJIMING dont b ordey. Ilýepairing iii ail its vanjous branches neafly execUted, On short notice. - NATHANIEL IRAY.- XVhitby, April 19~, 1850. STIUGEW& TOWNSEND wX ILL ismue, on the Saturday balre the lot of TV lu>, the firsf number of a new priodical, combining the caracteriiities f tisa Literary Ga- zette, tisa Rev iew% , 1hé- burics1 af' entific D is- cov01eyandi tseLibraiy aof Iciantie Fiction, under tle titie ofthtt 0f thir revat M 'o, o . bWA 1 1 .1 .1 ýi 1 49 -1 ,là -i 1 1 i ---l 1 1 1 r-- . - - - - -- - - - - - 1 threp doors uwt of 211 à 1 1 - 1 F. O'DEA. 7 T«mte, -M-ýy 1-49,1850. IT 13 1 1 AND TUME Aug. 24, 1850- ýSADDLEy M

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