Whitby Reporter, 19 Oct 1850, p. 2

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wnj W>lI46.iJ)±L> Iny meII cost.et.ma VaJLuisuîdattO i rc1aýiy ' don.Iinner %,itllw'dial'fwexceptions it :pense, thoeîVhele publie %we 'nýitted n earfVv ,exéeeded' (lhe icae£,0~Ct iId n4fejand Iboiing l 1 was rernarkc e sn-oall ties o e t u the lienefits (ouhoctletivcd fron the 'and notvithslaniding this lias boon thi VlOKf c .a cýieéi ts ht1-,rtnZt ii lon theilrotig 'rlte sale of thein, &c.Now, na one pria- case,, in whvat sort of repar hiais th ied "vos RdM1g in a delicions. a(mosphiera crold a person wtie>tid tluiiisk hie wns il, ed udn h orens f hs "n up to the realinsof blis. u isw.s< tn t eyts oreîeao hs rovincial Corporation goiernllv kel n 1 osed~lghfl ~t~t~a ~e~ anyfti p1îlc ______________ v IlOsha, doctrines and prùicîipl9s; those who those ronds C ie nwr is, as evèe Tl O' 'teruptd' y asoîid f soneQipgnea wa 0 %V canîe tu '0o plu -d ut tli<eadvooa te (lhe propriety ueth(i ubicbdy knows, (tie wcrst~ possible candi'.ef l iue, aud'gradually_ 0penrug.. ly ieyes I head1 ç>Lthae bill %ve are ata losa toa ne. works gem" juntotahle 'hands of Joint tioji, for the must part' next ta iiupasa- '0 mi2st discoverd h iueu tmt saiii 'o~taer~d(he igurufa ~tauii1gculint d'or,<as bave beenin iforinidSto. ck Comîîaiiies ahrthan -Corpor I.-h ~<ac ln a h iossg~a ae an n"el fiera ave,,.Agni,, in- L'yhe Seoretary, that it,'%yas nQein thle nitions, jrofeis' o b g verncby more t(han six nîoîstls agao, are9left un-. Irothi a, aiiired t&h 11e14 gave.a fainit cry of nliintaactaptt Ieft'ni thie office Lo.be prita- the sanie prineijiles, viz., tlie public repaircil te thi (dav, and ivo knuv tlsa lext. JU>Y. 1e man tir.ned round, 'ani as ted. Qhr îloko oeo iitraad'eelta nur o ho ronid frein Port Whitby to e'Sau lie saiiv<me iin anr'nstutî budd oian .mi kï,% or f ve nees;a!Ieauetls nuiefu ~eleda lak.'ad'lun i L #fe uninystcry tvi ecl erha1is expîaiîî' monment, ilïich of >if toconiîdn is irîe"ncoîghc tm en f he.craîîk and endteavotired to maise il it.patics have se furt givon the bestcvi: let in a most scandalons state, and ive With bius swulder, but 'cotaîd- 110t. iHe The foîîowijîg urei ,ero ,dence- of bîecerity and lieneat inten.i-are-onîy sÎirîrsed at the forbetarane of, tile crauiký, ecure(t 'it fion, lowering !iom ii"'tcîî in <the. atter. (tie people, for ývc fülly expected t(b -a t aa fr~~e dwi. Tîen Ihord lîïi e, >tsz< wee awrdcd the bistery, tho Cor- tho Toîl lises and Gates wouild bave adutl'a levaer, at- sôt'ia>. Cas 1st-39he_2 ofl3 orto pr <îruî Her oîî'been lo'-îî te flinîlers Illonig, lon gageo." 'ny~el raual eevtd rcnmv BetRam: Jus., Pearson-, t2l, J Cooîscili i iJeîî'e last l)ti yslfgrdlalyelvae fcq ryafler sr ig 0e igicertain, t'hat comlptatîlv terilesiuaio, 1)v hèale Cais Ode; 3rd, Thiomas Guty. tîi eraeu o u n ecio a't'if tlîey (ry tlieir.hast, negcet boc 'ftlerhael4a'a ici tafaunt' Best Pan (If Ees ;J. Pearsn ;2nd, t(liir pblic îatriotisnî antiX rd rt for tllimmore t(lie hogreat Provincial ~QW'el.Y.awa~. >John W.Jo 3tJhC'de le good of lie,,wliole pîublie, offI;red Incorporation lias dlone. Aud nov, 'hWaen I ,again OPenediiîy eyes, T fl3'et sl ]nî La-gib); JanisTcde h v*ntct£000frtetrepai htrsuide h oit 'was1laaag lpon hthe green' grass. andmsTceî;<i oansat ioOOfr(i lraPail vn epc us(oct t 'iisy peserver, by chaffing me 'hiniha,, 2îîd, J.ý Wilson, 3d, J. Cade.* tasi£1,0fr .Torenton Rends, uld£ 500Icwlit.corlîurtaioiii'fer fu'onîtise îrovisîiiniil I ,Ia.Pritl rSee sensibiy te nîy Clss.2nd.-F&ne ucooted sheep; S~outh by Harburanti Provincial Itoad -leaci- laiseosture, net quite sn largo ahbody, buît hfeil 0d Poeadbd .îWi(h h, ot ebds .1Jvca-,'SC. <ing front it tu Strron Bey, on Lake as an off-set te tlîa it litas lie disada'an. ou~angaupa~k andj(li plasant ut B>st Rama; John Spencer; 2nd, J. Il' a"u ecaiigtet sualao Le cvery t(e aof beiinu nnlishorter livcd, luîi 'anx'iaass maiéliat lit up Iliicotaîle- Specier ; 3rdI, TlitumesIlle'y. auppc'r <bey we i.vorth; kneaivi sîhcet tu ho aîîuafly chatgetl, auîd iiacc tld ha le pprouîe uY se- hast 3 Ewes; l'.SI)eucear ; 211Jwell at Itie saine t(miathatt(ha gxverot- tlsvrefote, tîpon the wliole, jîîst ntst as kaseledemets o grtitde. John Spienceri 3d !Tho's. Henîry. 'ntietnt deîîîiided £75,000OOO l>r le for. incrtain and tensaf uIlise(.leaîg rîaîî. My debiverir happeoed tabe tlastison with wham iI wus wel n cq nainted, anJ Cloas 3rd- Catle. tller, aîîsd £'20,000 l'or (lue latter, tIsas As a sîiocituen let is r tori 0thea pro. 'aiso te main(hait passed thie nîill.when fleat Fat flcast ; William i ehsioji; natteras toud et <t un le. Next, letcedinga of Oint body eit ils late sassioj * Iwa,' aniny --- ïius stuaIoi lie 2nd, Wi1DiWi3d 'i. Dow;.'ù as, sece wit licasJcis te extenit anid i.i,île,g.ts2 t, 'ii it sîslalîsed <bat lçard a fAiait noise as- he rode by, hat 'Beat 'flsHcatf; J. Caîde; 2ndAVm. effosrts of îrivaiee cuterjîrise. alir ]luac'(o u(osecatîro te(lie lihase Jileiaig engaged ia tîsaugt %vas flot at- Robinson; 3rd Jolin Smni(h. dtd flratted by l. Wrhile going ti a Iiii' Best liier Cuit';,.1.Cade, 2nd, MIs. A Juilt IStoek Coinlsany %as fr-of cf lieronds, &c. ivas te gree le pay ahortly nfletwatds, (lie train of his ta- Dowv; 13rd, Joîttu ýAeilson. mcci, wîsjel offuetihie goverisuieust £75,000 fbrer c anmd £20.0t0l'or lii -fIeètioais"wassbraiten, and then it ocotir- Cls's 4t/'a- ,wiîte. £75,000 for îbe Turusilu Ronads; anid otîjer. Anti w'lilit lruîtisiou (<lu oaa réd (p han (ti .tpossil ythe noise i igh t Best Bflur - Jos. Pearson ; 2t'd, N. afwlaltgneîitrseliiuetsititsprptltebil ohv haaýWe eetn a cry.'of .dissress. Ta o ca easseitwuiti ntclsedii3rd, indN.t iupr streii wo udav >,etfecéti are, ho tumned bis herse, and B ov c.Jass~d .Erastarîs jpartaf <Je utiity, ps'uîused tu melle l'o>. epairiîg anîtiunlct'inrr, e~ebgck, an& (bus was 1 provideus'. Hasse.'wool; 3rtI, Jas. Mitchell. fortu a eonliuny t(o lînreiase WitbY <buse toaIs &c. in a prîîpor iunit uer t- tiî1lyres<se.-Wgeroo ..ouril ci * Iarbr~jd t~e ond &c, rt'20,000, Wy jus noue atesl. AfIter tsiliiu flea 'orse Colt. Mr. Dov; 2ii, T. if tbie.,geveriiiîould agree te take te (tIre nul (thase works, right or itoug, -TIj'EE RÉP OR IT1ER.Felntin; 3rd, Alex. Wilwns. tlîotustsi-. IL aili ho seen (luat -tisa ad- and puy foir (hem £120,000; moure, ac- --------_________iest Mnre Cot: * Ienry Frances;. vatlice ea'ered hy (liese Cunipanius %vas corcaiig to lîoirowviî slowiuug, (haie Mn -a maiea ad ei'uk nolhing hîsmanhiîf- Qnd, Richard 'Ilotier; 3ral, TIunas oe coCrou iunufer, nu lessa l Ii"helir casit valîs," inaitciag <ho fpO4e ~ci)ats. oe0.î otîttiî Closs 6t4-iGrain. tihe rotind susunuf $ 120,000; aaîd we wor;s an<i rouai ii Wiitiîy, conirnrv WUTB',5&TUF3A RDAY, OCTOB9R 19, 1850. fleat Full Wheat: ichelard lIarper; fîu(itt eN o te letibiii, allectively <oe(tie ovlslî's ts tuîc jrtsso 2t.d, F. (hatrat ;3rd, . W1.ilsn. and iirdiviiitsrliy, aauciicllv tuo ay, ail pitii'îlarly iiîteestet ili i ilinso ".VIItTnY -AGRICULTUPLAL Best Spring Wlîènt: Jamesa Pile, vhiclà uf <lie twa p)ilties Iar %cfa varie", tisa ýIiieacres ch'liuracil aaiît SOCIETY. t!td, J. Ritieis; 3rd, W. Padget. edrdteuoepbith ras lwtlyrvson(riete Bast. ]latley. W. Padgot.redrd<o/olisble ic rceslafîyiasngra'us<etieli Theý Fall exhibition of the ahove so- ,Best QUis. J. Ritucn ; 2nd, C. Fare- service. wiietiiet it he tie CorIsoratiots first ced cent fat tepaitiusg mia nd po tqetytook place on Wedaeaday at ut welI. porto', whso takiîîg advuit<sge of tise in-glte sanie.' Nay, mure ;a c<îaliy Qhw.They day was everything dJJ.Bet Pe- . 1Padge; 2aid 1W. Got- heas usd cry, raised hy tlaenîsclves teifusing te file n-soI Lrvisiont, Xhgtcoiild lie desited, and at an early aed chiera adutit (ho publie job aund afler (eing streîionsly urged(ld su, >or he èbolads a m insof (lie cotut ry BstCiese :71. -eiy-Prosce secsrsVy, desiignntuusg every thîusgs;id and hing fnitiftially adývised and wu'n- began tà nmlke their way to(o'si *celle gers. ut duse hy anyhody exceçt their nd<de ed as to tigh ioea'iît tate of tise runîls, or' action, "With (huir respective, stock Best Butter: T. Tomincoti; 2sîcl, selves1 as a saustiuaaj06i, &e. ) intets- &-c. Andl wc nowv ask «gain. with (baise And articlufor m.cpetîiton - The nurn-5 J. S tor.y; 3tid, N. tus >ot dn ierh odrive a- 'Jt Ubr-,in <linis h taisg LIs inî tise 'ctlttO ber preserit was larger thon isual, la' 'das 9Sti-Doms.eie Manufactures vth (ho geveransnent, ubtalis thuse solis tse public bnci tus cxplcd ana bat' 1iýct ilately, ini this respect, encîs show Bést Fuiled Cloth ; Jaot) Wood; works at £30,000 les, (hauis îrivpsîs Ci- <t'r resalIts ffdi'e(lcotuunty, (han it hirad 1 lip amtosutpassth eilast, w'licbuspeak 2ud, Wnt. Pardon: '3rdJaeels Wood. terpriso muas reaaiy and wiliug tu pia' rcccived ('roui tha Pruvini Corîsora-1 1 ý 1 .Best Flantsel-, 1. flaoerniaus ; 2nd, ,olumes for (lie interest taken in (lirso (10. do. ; 3d do., dq.' for tlîem, and nu dotaht eoald ive] <loti ? Thelie tisîiof (lie ovole nicttor im ntit utians hy 'tise inhabitanîs -,of (bis Best Coverlid : C. FaieweIi; 2uid, j. aiforci lu. Ater a great deai cf allarm la, after ah the- fers, mess9, and splas/l Townsb ip. Rister ; 3id J. MifébéêIî. and flussetflcaion Lue governicit ale' cf ftue corpoeratins partv, <lat it is us 'Th 1q1aUt .tyof hep nd wne Best Catpeting- J.'-Shegr-. termined tu take uhe course oviiclit oe mere ]ha0 c f wi id, and as we ex pcrted Tisfl lre qaii yof Shie e and Siae Ccs 811a-Roots. admtithîey sîsotldhave 'doncutett(ho lias endeci in anoke, andals a fardier waslare all rei ttei superor uaI fest Tiannipa: N. -Bcatb ; 2td, W. first, viz., (o sedi tise works at îpublia prôo ot haonorgy and promnptitudae of' Pis and condition, drew a good deal Sinclair; 3rd,.r. Peerson. lqi tteition. 'he show of cattle-iwus hlest Mauigel Wtrtzr'l: J. Davis;-ouctiia (o (lue bigiîsbdewi vsjutsOkemaicoerf' i h eý,elleo .andgeaemnly mocli adnired, 2ndJ.Wilson 3r,'J. R'u t. eadnd ucireparea lubive lte ne'-"oot odCmlai'"avri Bast Caeruts- J. Wilsoas. saysaait o hmefomtc ie ntsî(lie vcry îuext aay sîaeecdiîsg particuiarly a large lot of Durhams ayscit frhepfomneftec f1ai e r f m Dwnd os' ieat Clyde COlt:1-1. Framuis; 2ndceontîions of tuse sala, &e; and [ray <ho sale) for tendters fur the crealiotu fMthfrmofW .Dwadac,%vR- Allen ;,3nd, J. Qtaaxry. where avare tisose guriin f(lec(ys îiigsoîicshvihcss u*.ied-byy r. Bishop, t(lhater loy-.,adinofte rt'ebdgswcIhve ca o ing («lien(flie preanlun at<the Nioa'ra n licomesoqiieeof a mnistake mndo pubhliae a'lfare oni (ho day of' trial? Of siiaîrscfiîliy noglcatd for six uuoits !Fair. ' by <lie Secrotaîry in readung tIse naines course tise ovho pubic veto ilitees_ past ; asud fiîir(hcor, we a reassa rcd 4>V~ The, exhibition of Foul anti Spring et' tue Susecesafial aomîîe(i(urs ini <hoe(cal ils îrotsriu g tise higlist figaure fur th iahreetsrs of (ho Port 'WhliHy Cons- 'Whet W1113very fine, lieing'btigiat, dry, Ladies deluar(ment Ouîr reporter ovas tlisit public propery. Thiaî evet'y 1î'l- pauuy t!at it la thieir firin iiitentiosu te 'tland weighy, andi would be.credît t- nlalo tolcatali therni. liîg ndvance givests enîc tse liaea hit acapitl lsooîu suas lu ena- gbI. tu, the Provincial Fait, uye, h l'ieiio pbicstcvounaln rte grea luthîl stckne oie en iroeud lisIout <lie waoile ineda- World'à Fair. The Plotagiiing Matait took place ut <e cieny, tiitis a visible matar oîiali Ilglîoiîusdac -We aia oIS erved-.e-* pai ef Patent Daniel -Leynmnor.'s 5tb Cbnecession orcin cn o andcrstoci by every body avithIs Y, tor w'ilih uippese stocka books ne- Leçaihter ÇohIan', made Ihy eut fclîew Whithy Ou Tliursay, and the fulluw- balfan oye; ail oliier malters cennea- c ( o thseir articles o'eopz-rtuersiuip tOwfl an Uobt. Gotaiote, which wasissg ý"huo sasacesafi compelitors .- te(calwilis the affir infercstiîsg (o tkc oili lia ocmed ha evary tuwIIiui in i- as 'tisy ricly deetved, generoualy MiEN. pîlllia, aepeuda <on the fuituire andl aarî'.arested, ansd tisat isn(lue monoa ima (lia Prai sed, m ael s a superior soU orl Chanrca Paxlo<, Joulies Thiotpson, eus acîaminstances. TIs a(cet aavas. tiiet roai teo cagog wiii ho prit li good re- doule of'eornacTsed e a es1 eson - n a etprvite2's issaalgl ie Coaîuuty of rai-andibie iil<hra)adluro. tiiot s(4,tes sseuai y s e ni of terîel, t ài opetîbion. monner have these roads &c, iseen mon. Mr Gousghîrl, the ceiebraedTrenipet-, t~~ 46 BOill, (. Oaipny epa'a. Its ( hoobserved, that ali who aged herelofote hy (ho ProvmnciCr ac Lcue il cormnc-usl t~70I stala uihth a~spr-bve raised or joinel ini tisefine andi partion! Ini lse first place thoîr con-.tires in orno-n h' Cj-ýpt, n ci'y iateiy set up ini reguard <o (hase sttaleson cost more Ihan doublie wbat f'raoo u 2.4ptad Y ~gqh uoourdisig oths. and-bils ru"si, bave done se professedly ou puib. it wouid bave cast joint stock compa--ensd oni(ho2Otlis. On (lie 3Ist ho îvil 1 ieàiiýg the asow it wasalie "O-w lic gruuds,and 'ta gutard thse publie nies (o con-truct better works And deliver lisa (mat lectture Ilanilton. M'icat, per buihel, Ilye, per Iuushel, - l'ai ley, pet buishel, onlts, (olîl) per btîshîel Otits, (ina') user bushel p'iler bissei - IMPORTANT SALL OF AT TiHE STORES OF Oit Tucsdu'y, Ite 22üd of Ocfober W 1 ILL he ofiercdl a lari-e and completeameoit. mVîent of ROCERIES, compriainiriho Jar-. e'lsolso f TOBACCOS cever ofl'eveg et Pubhlie Sa!e iii Toronto, ai> of meent Inforta. Ni\';îjl la and Lidi,'s' 'itît. 61) hlida liIi dt ' .1 VIsa Ivd l'k01-. Vijite bistzlard fSUGARS. 2) hhl-t il adoil t'î,hd 1i) lait('î"iVoîiiig Iysoît Teas, selectid. Tclhfieilosigetiitfladrel .oo Rl ,1w.Rqjibou, Cincinnoati, Oygnel. &a.. 7>",î*s '<il ne a Rire. 21) M a ura lli, 300 iliis <'illiat,M 5 u'hg-si l'a i'î lii lots,) 2144lb ç Nrt)" i i<on 44<,., 2 louî <itSa 'rîlia, sbills, kege and boxes, l i lls. lu. 2 lips Sh<: *2)1il4 Iiiî. J4aet,, l'ails, 1 1)lî<î'<'o li .î1ci;Le>lf, 34 l,. l dSîr"u Xýill i.ali hii'i las.>i1)C , o nriign 200 le il:rl'il .' 1 JI -Z. lx1I : l s 7') coi l'haoizii Lille, li ia<<' l. l'ope, b5ls 1" ilitterI liiiaas Ee>'î.îî t ( pale' Ilil i l. 1 il y> Poi' ilîîu 3 i ' :id 1, iiiR ( hl;rccîsely. WlILLIAMilWAKEFIELD. "ulitoî . >i'iser IL), 1850 2 - J.'F. HALSTED, Wacliington County MbugU Insuralace CompaiI. . JJROUKLliN, C. W. Brooklin, Oct. 10, 1850. B E R K S H Ii 1Mutual Ilcalth Aasociatlu. I>TTSFIELD, AMASS. RATES 0F YEARL--Y PAYMENTS. li<EIWEEN VFTEhUC AND FSFTy. $2,1»)fier year, - >rws $2,00 per week.. 31,00 - 44(1( 5.144.9 4 ,00 " -66,004 4<ETlWEEN P'JFTI<AND SIXTIX-FiyE.r $2,50 fier ycari drawa $2,00 pet wmk. .3<7m) 200 4 >5 4- »500 ' 7,40 'L' i O 6» ' iMIERic>< Rom, Pre<ïdt. FD. F. Jomo, $»Y- IL. S. iic;cr.a, V. Prêtai. jP L.1-PAU£u, Tm.Uwe" A'PHLETS, e. NlSy~ b p of <hie .Aaoiaton, with lbrma f îiici, may be obtaMed by applysao the a. d. a 6ea 2 4a 6 6a 0 au ô Oa 2 0i o En pot ýýTe C.11 thle particular attention A R RIV AI> OF T Il E >'URopA.! aders to Ihir J. P. O'Neili's Th mentin t-dnya paor. ThIl news by this arrivalils brief, and cIothing la large, undlof' a st- of no great iprtne,,One i r y sription, probably fot ceceled nit tho Dp.anes lockadedi t rve y ithe City. . der, and expeled therec&om as Mafy u ~reals seerl oheradvr-forty vels of vlirious nations.Te s rn i* red owil Austriun Connr.il nuW Sittin Crat Frank. 0forct red.t hc fort, on1 Ihe difrorences betwveeu th, cIl attentioni, especiallY thle Elector of liesse and his 8Utljectb,r.- .ec of Groceriés, .by-Hayes solved. diat theo Ilesial, Goveran,,,û -tà icli talcs place on Tuesday shahllusle ail niçans to'preserve the 8,v ereigil'a author4ty'-in the. Eîeetote, And ant the Diet hould-talie ail e - ~cessary ateps ta secure a state or legalj. ity aud. order. T'he city of Cassel te- mains perfectly trafiquil. The G nveri1. niants of llancver and Wuirteaîbr9 liave been instructed týi prepare 1loOct Mnen for aù emergency. %Uît!~akî

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