the ulJiff, in .wayg toar. a rOy> Buiing, omsthe :Piaul RoadL - Ten Skillitag,er unnumi eicr in 3 monthsa; -Twelveqhillings~ sioepenS e etk cs lose of thu gear. Il Letters, âdresset te thus office Lb. Pcet-pas"d., literaI Diceu'nt allowed te per-~ beconuîhg .4gents for the RqWoter. 3S. SPRýOWLE, PrqeetA. i" --t' t i lWITBY am a u ua m likmUn tim aiutt e o.lFTretCe ATIGNAL LOAN FOND E . KSSUR.ICE SOCIE TY, ilie,G0Oo Sterling. '%ViisrR . CLARK, M. D phieta, fians,, and ait reqisite informa- yha had on application to JOHN IHAM PERRY, dge?for WHITBY. 14 -16 W OFIC E. MERON & MAODONELL9 tiorniese and Counneeor-at-Law. SOL[CITORS-IN-CHANCERY, CAMERON, H. J. MACDONELL, îCiiy of Torounto. Wtby PtRage. Ofice in Wbitby opposite the reaidence of WIITBY'- VILLAGE. orders in his Uine pronptly exectted. The latest Fashion.s altcays on hand. Whitby, April 19, 1850. Barrister and iAttorney at Law, I3ROCKSTREET, WHITBY. RICIIAB-D WOON, * O.SH.OW.&,C. JE Superior accommiîodation nfforded 10 TraveUlera. Capacioua Stabliîg and Shedsa attachedi tathe L. H. SCHOPIELD & Co., RITISE EtANUFAOTURES, WIIOLESALE ANU RETAIL. OSH.AWi, C. W. HENItY WE~BBER, M r. Bttes?, RKing Street, OSHAWA, C. W., ere, he Is prepnrod to exeoute orders in bie lino on the shortest notice, J. C. STERLIN, MRy 1. B 8-YB Ly ~*00 WHITB8 NrDIIC.IMW. bah. la PlanAJamTzmutsh WHITIAY, CANADA WEST, s,&TURDA),Y, OCTODER t26, 1850. CARLETON LYNLE, WHOLESALE AND'.RETAIL DRALER IN IRAS, TOBAceO e, VPAPER MANUUFACTURER 0F SOLE, UPPER, AND HARLNESS LEATHER, &c. Caskpaid for Hides and Skins, Wheet, Oats, Pots and Peari .ises. Whitby Village, 7th June, 185. g By John Da"cr, W.sé Suie of .Market Sguare, TO RON TO. NORTHI AMERICAN HOTEL PORT 1BOpE, C. W. GENERALZ STAGE OFFICE. e3- Trusty Porters ahaways in attendauce ut the boats. Passengers at id Iheir luggage conveyed 10 and from the boats liten of charge. Port Hope, JuIy, 1850 12-ly WESTERN HO3TEL6, Welliragton Street, Toronto, In the insmediste vicinity of the Bankâ, Pôst- Oifice, and ail the Seambnat landings. 3.%IURPHIP Pruprietor. Toronto, April, 1850. W IL L IAM JE F F REY, AGIENT F011 TUE tJaOIiinDon Q:louttU .flutuaI ;Jnsnrance c!ompanp, SCAJIBOILO'. ALEXANDEII TIIQ]PSO, Propriclor. Excellent accommodations for truvellers. Good Stabling tiI-Homes. il GEO. B. WYLLIE, IMPORTER OF BRITISHI AU FOREION1 DRY GQOOBS WVholeslansd .taiL. 18, King St.LEst, .,deloicie Buildings, N'ext door ta Scobie L&Blfour. Toronto, Mlay, 1850. 7 K. M. SUTHIERLAND & Co., wiucs, ovirite, 41c47crreis,~ . KING SIREET, TORONTU. 24-y IVIR. WOOD, North Sidc of King Sired, Il'èst of Bay Street,ï- 12MMq ulba 24-y 3. FO STEPI, LADItES' Am) cGENTLEM'EN'S No. 4, City>' Jibîilittîga, Kiig Sreet, TORONTO. 24-Y CHARLES BAKER, Lllcrrlant Railo, .V~o. 37, Kinsg Street West, Toronto. " Ail kieda of Sip Plage on baud, or made ta arder. 24-y Ko. 50, YONGE STREET, TOR1t;NTO. iIIRAM PIPER, Tib, Shoot Ion1 aMd Copper Smit, Brasa ouader and lBur Pl lap her. Jnpasusd Cash, Dced, asd oher Boxes. ip. UROWziR A"ISOTRER DBATHS.8 Toronto, May', 1850. 7 xa thse Vlaget fNcwc*tul CLARKE. . .TNIY. PRoparrEog. Auuit2,1850.18 ALEXANDER SMtT1*, Royal Rixebhaige alcon, Ma~. 3, Lideei's BUÃŽIlJiug, C/Aurclé St., May, 185&. ORNTO __ Oppoite the tut uing RMM4fTemi THOMAS TH'oNPSGN, BONNBIT, CLOuS RTS CPS l m iD, B O O T S *Jm S OR S, 4 . e POUTRY. UNIES ON LARE ONTARIO. Bmoad mighly Lake, rail onseard, Teon ta the wiuds thy spray; Thy deep bine waters heavinq Have neyer known decay. Yea.r aller year revoliug Beholda na change in thee, Thon art wSsat ages thon hast beau, And shai fr ages Wo Long ere the white man knew ihee, Thy loanin; billowa rlled, The setlbag son illum'd thee Wilh raya of living goId, -The silver>' moon shed l oer thea Her beama ai asbent ight, And twintling stari relecltct were From lb>' braad breastai atiht. A&nd titl thy wild avavea foamiatg .Rall as they roUned of yore, And still 1h> waters hnaviag Dash onvard ta the alias,, And tili the ilver>' moonheans Plsay dn thy haaainwide, .And a'er th a sain hy-gone daya The halai>'zephyia glide. Tha tiite of lime sweepi oaward, Buot stISl unchangei L rt thon; Yearis glde away, yet laaving Na wrintle on thy braw. *Thy bhue veves tilî are Savey Ai when ia agea past The Indian in his hart canae Did fleat apon tht beat. O wide expanse of %vtera! On lhee 1Slave lu gaze, la memor>' recalîing ýSone tale of by-gana day- Sonse tale af Indian varriais Meeting in dread arcs>', The dismal war whoop yelîing toud Anidat the bloody Ira>. The whoop of war rio langer Cames achoing from lb>' waves, And n00w no ancient varriars Howl o'er tlieir comrade's graves;- For Sa! tha paSe-lacail tranger Came 'crosthe brioy ses, And novtie rides upan th) waves As lord auprema of thee. The world la avec changing, Time's chariot anseard flies, Where stand thé e -man"a wigwam Now stalel>' structures rise; Bat yet no revolulion On then cao meave s trace; Cali s sin agea past thon art, Anasotah as then lb>' face. B t yat, a diua la caming ,Wtien thon witt ceassa te hues, And when b>' foaarng anrges A change shall andergo: When the archasget'a taimpet Pracléas that lime has'hled. Thon thon saibaear a voace tram Heaue Bread lata! give np thydnead.11 Ross JOENSTON. IMPORTANT PROM THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. Liverpoo, Oçt. .-Thj I'Northt Star' which, Went out la May, 1849, wvitfa Provisions for Sir John Franklineand the Ardtie IRxp4dition, arrived ut Spit- head on Saturday. We wish that we could report suy tidings of Sir John Franklin, but unhappily on this import- ant subjea±, the Not Star's log isau entire blank. ARRUVAL OF TUSE PRINCE ALSBEJT. Froet tAs .âbedeen ournal, Oct. The'1 Prince Aibert,' Comrnder For- sytit, arrived here betweeai eight and aine o'eluck lest aight, (tise crew all 'welI,)anid briugs seme imspertant par- ticulars in addition Iote entelligenbe brongbt by the.4'North Star,' sud whibh e& contained in te following st*te- msent kindly fnirnished un by Mr. Saw second in tomn. Commander Forsyth dd d ot cuti Ut Port Bowec, su ihmubeen atated. in tâge aocoaats bsought by CapI. SaaadeMi- Hie attexapted twice to Issd et Fiat Leopold, btwas pre*eated by this e oves which the Ixttahad lo be dzgged. Wheu ltoete bermet the Autteuicutslsig- atine, «Ad#à u6ei' and tu oompény with h wea«t overtele oi.Hast), «ad upBmrov's Stists.Re thsuOM&i the Erebus or the' Terrer. Other indi- cationis were alec fund, which showed tisat sente vessai had visited time place besade te Assistance. Mr. Snow Jlf a notice ltaItishe Prince Albert qalled off Cape Reillyon tise 251h cf August. Witen Mr. Sncw returned on board tise Prince Albert bore up~ for Cape York, on tise ealera ide cf Prince Rlegent's Inlet. Tise ice extended cornplelely acres front land tQ land, and qiüe blocked np tise passage dowr, the Inlt. On reachimg Cape York, Mn. Snow again tuent on shore, and fotsnd a cairn cf stane, but ne traces- cf anytlig.- Ile loft twe cuies of pemmnican. As il ,tnms perfeétýy obvious fronthlie "Lae of 'tise ice tisat the objeet of tise expedition -ise exploration of Prince Legent'. Iniet and tise passage connecting I with týe 'western seas, could mot be car- ried in efcfect, Conti'nanderForsytis ne- eolved ta retuna le England, andt4 ie Prince Allient thon boreup te tise emst- ward. Cainrnasider Fonayth landed a. Possession Bay on lise rurning oftise. 251h cf August, but nolhing wiss fund lisère le ncpay Ilie searoli instîtuted. On the l September, tise Prince AI. bort e jute Pond's Bay. Mn. Snow was again sent on khcre te m*ke an exatmiîiatien cf four jiintscf land there, but on hme cf thent could tqn.y traces ho fouud cf ite object cf tise searis They came pûtt of Pond'&ey on tise 2nd of Septllmbor. Tisane waa ne ice to the eustwsrd, nor on tise whole pas sag homeward, front Wellington Chïnnel The Prncme Albezitlias cLx-1 plored.ragions w«uhh ave ueldom boe routehed, and heu ada-splendid atm linj. lie hoeme*utd pssge. With regardi le the poiions of thé other expeditios,1 *ben It » sen, t mal Aie state4 ltat 01 .kugust 2tItwhOR 1h. Prince AI-1 )ust wu lswom Cap.Spumcerad j mcli often lboom explered, and which smr Jameg Rose failedti t reaci. Site bas mise boom at Futy Beach, a peintý mot Yeaoised by âny veseel fot aeanly twenty year. Il was, hewever, utter-i Iy impossib1le mlad ltere om accoumt cf tise ice. Tise whoro of tise coass on llafisâ Bay wvere also examnined, but no traces found cf Frankltin. Tise.cnew cf the Prince Albert; 'as well ns those cf ail tise shipà cf lte expedition, have'ejyed goad healthis and spirits, la tise izlprtagi onterpnise- in wisich they have been èngaged, amdi have , lu short, foit no want ittisètto but %btisIof succeoithle s.cbjeetr of1 their senîcit. STise report," enysthtie IMiidon Standard cf Titnrsday, "c f tUbode-i struction cf Sic JohnPranklinmmd tise1 expluring yeseels under bis comitandy in, %véhavetise liest tesson ota eillvo, wholly -unfbnudedî We lave heardx frapi goad anthontiy that te explonimg shipe undé tishe, cotimand cf Captain Austin ibaves caretftlly -extmined tisat part- cf tise cesat lain3tfln's Bay. wisete tise sene cf lte catastrophe in reported to bave takén pl&&,, and have 'mot boom able te diedoter a single tkace or reliecf 'anytslsg bolonging ili them whici cenld mot«,tave biem tise èatseý bad ltey peimehod lntwëemamueî ne- THE INDÙ,T-M.RTLUXlHiBTMON. ml! was-bmtie yesterelay inathe Bon- edoura Market Bail. Workmea 'Ivere m htutnyimgabot in-ovety directini f- ieg and arranging stanse, shelvus, &C.,t adjstsimg sm=oliney, andexegt$ag ltcmlo ~tise Ultt te couplete t lte preparations; witile additioaulair- m ticles were comng on evety nute, o dethe members of thse excative Sm. i tNO. 28. iittee were n >ki >I parti es. It was tr4 Uly u* a a heru cene. Both.als are leà ;co6inelýtây so. T he întçrmediaté fobm t tihe te~ th andigpaew9 e sdfr re- frehme n«d Winl te we I Sui with, confeqtionary, frt, snd' 6*loi go;odthinge, bibt not, wè eIýý ,i itoxicating cbinIç*of anyr icnd. tn the Ball on the leà handfr cînîhj elld a spiendici ébllectioù i f fk~ chiefly of black walnut, audl'soÈû' 6fe ibthly csrved. There 'S" È6tet ÉiP ledUbuô, by the wà y, atthe-ôpojieieindi & -i theà &ecolletione -am, sofan, ohiw cen -tre Ct.ab),e s, 1týied -ail uats, .itM otd1er articles bt CO displayingmud*h.tost on4glIf.. .j Our aitention- wsu" afttrdteél by soffhe eléga nitgiM esesià seè1i i tted, 6hiney,pieceà , eviueutg0*iUnÉ a#4dbronýc4es et in g1d., à nâu0m tùred ihi ýcaIIa0*moý ~ th6 eitpn gr- f ebu4xil $ Cape Inuis, in Wellington, Clianstel,. Mn. Sn9wr weuýt %t noon te thC mIast head,ond saw thse Assistanée as neur n§ posible. witisin Cape B1-uthau-Pen- ny's. two ships, thse Lady Prauklin and Sophia were in the xnid 6isannel the Arnerittan brigantine Resonde was close beseltvwith ice noar Cape ]lowen. These were the oly ,Vessels te ho ean theïe. Mise Intrepid cdould net ho seen, but she wui doubtlets in cenipany wilh lte Assistance. Thé ice waï very heà 'izy, nnd extended ail aruad, front Piince Leopold'e ,,iusl b, Cto ape ýFaroeur eastwaidi-se as A prent esiy, posai- bilitycf reaahing Çape 'ral#er. Cape HEothant mightitt 5ereaçhed witti diff- cnlty. Ia Wel.imggn, Channel thene was a great dea4 on.ce, ilut il adMite4 cf passages bein# made, la whiél thse shlits wene wenlting, and CapI. P enny was puting, up. thse éhantiel llOldIy. CaptýAtstia with the Resolate, lid lthe Prince Albert in tow in lte 26th Aug- ust, sud arried hon t>lte entranée cf Lancastèr Sonndi . Tbey thon, pated company -and dià .;iot mpet agâin; ibta il was fond thse Rçswlute lwd beezi la- te and 1usd exarned PoséessionBay, un the lith cf .August. Tise. Pioneeý isad been detaclied from, thse Iesoi ej andi wusprorecedi atthédirectionc Cape Wttlken... i - Tise Felix, il '*asunderStbod,waé, tb nlak . foi Admiralty Inte4 , tid,'i Ls ét report-ct hect"à * lit s ut. wttS stanz, ding te, the morthward, Sir John, Rosà é being iii doubtd whethéer ho ihuld not return te England. Tise othe'r Anioni.1 eau vesse, th. AdIvtnce, '*heu, at sean wssasitore meaf, Banrow's Bay;t butwas expectod taelié gel ar 'Thsa Prince Alitenthuas accemplisised mucis during tise short- visit whîc.ieis aisi paid tu tise Arctia Rogiens. We have nlneady stated tisat aise had becu ina tise Wellington Channel, vwiéh b aù 1 edSo Cape Spencer, at Wellington1 Cbiinml. IBoreIthere tvns a 9grorttdea oi-., Bore >up oWtbe 251th of Atigust, *hen Mr. Suow-was sent te examine CopRo'lIy. Hure ho found the1 Ad- v ance,' wvhicb vas agroutid. i. S. found traces on Cape PLeilly of five or six tents or encampmueîts, whioh front cçrtaiia peculiarities, lio knew tbcb those of a vessel ln lier Majesty's ser- vice. Ho fcund ltat the 'Assistance1' Capt. Ontmatiy lad been at Cape Reil- ly two days bpýfure, and lad lefîtte felowiu notie:- c4nlie: Maj esty l'Arotie Searchingi «This la te cortify Ihat Capt. Omit- ny witli the offUera cof leé_ Majestý '8 siaips Assistance nnd Intrepid landed on Cape Roilly on 23d August 1860, where ho found.-tracesof encampinents, and collecled thé remelmeof mntetials wlich evidently proved Ihal lQnging te Ber Mjesty's ships,-itad l*en detained on this spot. lkeechy Is- land was aise exarmà ned, wvheîe traces were foumd of thse sanie party. This is also ta givo notice tisat a stipply cf pro- visions and fuel is at Canpe lleily.- Since l5îh Ait.-. they bave examined tisé nortis shores cf Lancaster Sound1 and ]3rrew's Straits, %vilhout meeting1 *à tl amy otiser traces. Capt. Oumnu.1 nyprocçeds te Cape Hoîhatu and Ca pe Walker, ln searcli cf further traces c fj SIf4*ý ~ Franklin's expedition- Dnted1 on board Ber Majestyls ship Assistance1 off Cape Roiliy, the 23rd Aug. 1850."1 Mn. Snow statesta t; traces cf tise1 encampments cf a vessel in Ber Ma-4 jesty's service were very evident.- The seamien who were despatched front the Assiâtance bo examive these ne-. mains, fonind a nope tvith tise Woolwich ,mark, evidontly belonging teoa vessel which lisd been fitted out nt Woolw'%ich,i and which in ail prohability, wus eitlîen i- tige of tue Varion~s ieu vt' aise tu be foend in, tise "- utn specimens cftheir woky iù*là lua lettet Wpe64 IthourFw* dopper-plaie engdngi#gP..Iw4V.4 Boots aud ehQ"î ~faun4iMwcf5a* nets and hais, are th. ptinçei*la) lt.ll of wenring appaielox1ibiteý.L The sho*v cf HImbu c4wp19#*A ùds is e:lep9ie wrc0à e#M à Opd sheetîng 'of, vpriotsL tet5î ý. * comparative monte <qÇ ,)i p q dbubt ,b0> doteimineâ by wcep.@pptm W. obsèved ctollehio f g1aa, lW pttes, abattesi boUles and. jup ,:, dà gprs, bung s and J~îIrJ44a tleé of prpiie, Cod livet, 4=' whale teuigde ofi; ijibise le~& «'neyer maulttactdred befor é 'ê teqn- bît emgiué going, and a fineùpoue of a bird's-eye maple *bneer. Theon. are numerbt tn odeélà ,id whlbh are locomotive eniFà net piano, eitd a hot-air cookg ipk- natais. Tie cases cf tuflhdlrds ugd t*atr purnetuus. The specinewâ n)Iü" snttfacttire are as yetbut"î*Uitùim ber, »raWiligs snd designA fqor uc bulings are suspended in *ariq,ýü.y ofib tIeHll, aud will requi. tÃ" ther exiarited. The Setih R l ii iiâi voted te Ag cuuranO&IrISSWga - chiaetogethrh ~ns~~