4 *NILOTTÉWIY OF BSKS. AuilPrizes! Mo Blanks! Trli.. iiSbsriber begi ta interm the ihabitants or pfWhitby ax1d nu vicuuity that a Lottery of alargé number of VALUAIBLE * BOOKS, .mastuin uvalue Io, the snm i e$160O, wili take place At Redturc's 1Ibid, 1h iIitby Villaget, OnSaturday -Evening, the 26t/i.&dY Of Oe.tober, but.,' compriin; wôrlU in the various departneîîts of L itc rature-l1istoricaI, Clfflitaly Biblical, and T~k sp rice 5fs/Illings each. Amengithe prizes wiI bhe foini &orne ameoîrt- ing te the respective sumos of £6 5s, .Cb, £4, and £3, downwards. - ack Ticket st'cures-a pi:r-.! This Iottéry m-ill -be ronducted onuthét fair pliay mystern cf Ieveiy subecriber drawing a '.ieket. the, riumber on whtch wtil ertesliontl .with une oitn a parcel o cm ho, te which the fortunate irawer of thie ptize wilt Ae entitJet. TPAIR PI4Y AMD NO HUJIUG! IR. W. IHAMILTON, lWhitby, Oct. 1 th, 185(). POSTPONEMENT. TIIE Lottery ai Books advertiseul to take place in l$,attirlaythe 26th inst.lepeix edtilt the' fint its-atur4ay inJanuary, 18l. R. 1AýM 1LTO N. * <ctohc'r25e 1 KU) Fîdi mud JViii Dry, Gouds Né. 3, 'St. Lawrence Buildings, Nxl door Io sr.Lymai i, Kiictc iîtu, J1EPECI.'TLL artou e.tha hi isnnwt n tAie Aft _ n 6rT,,huM~ay lOth, instant, somewhere in hithy Village#,. -,A WHITE C )RNELIAN BROI _ Moeted in Gelc . Any persen returning the same te the Subue ber, or gîiviî information that, Iwill leaui te the*iec 3very cfil. shah bc lîherally 'rewarded. .A1MES 1IL GERMIE. Whity îIh, ~, ~ Druggiut AL iStreet Pcriocda'Literature. T't g aziiisadPerieaisll bers in Oshawa and l& ts iinity, by G. JIORNs, (ioey's Lady's 00ok £0 1 58 per afin. sartain's unfion lvagaZine, £0 15 de (;rahamn's'Maira; ine, - (I15 Litteli'e Livitg ,ge, 1 1 ( llateratuuMagazi - O15 B. COSROE (;eneralIlook auJ Perin<lical A1-ent,' il li uugu1(n fli4iiii, King Sirrit oo!o Toronto eOt01ee, 85>27 --B. 13Xt A'N o .1oi.i',li î~hw.re îjjte"t;ed îhrLe iitih ago, at o ixk the îlrizc ;1t Ille laie *otniiet cf A A l, A1 )t sTrAPLE &IA C -Tll OOS îi 4u ou hanid à tre'ueral a%.<nrmeuf cf 'Pic'» $4litable for tite Fali aoi Wtîîter TraiJ., aii tif* Air, l'dîî ltir, ant ti u $tvem, Potas1t IC,îihe, boyer min the ci4tpeu! aiol befi B tit4 attil t Aup'ri- tt'ilti'ttt..&',11 ilirkei. e Cliwih luiidpc r__irrv;1,w ateali(I leto';e i- ,uaih an lOL1 #hein' toe is frielde atil the m'lulr"n gi'raiy lej e if 7120< ijvII u ,iJ t-1I. îe letertîili tô mta t ia >iJt t44C4 'i ~" i, dutic ie tepiteqare o "iii FO0R -C A S 1 N f"__ to 't1,1tileb catnil ii<- fouvi. 'I'tiiý Pare.i~rsIin t' 1rui-îr4u'~rIiti~iillu /uc ~e - t~< t..'ei~t'lé %ch.. in tweii-e rruantIte<. o r n atdcanrtaço fel a i atïtu.îîùflr tM.4'i trtbf eM ÃM Jt , n b<-.olrs ,!f ceterai!y hilowu, urrhuusimi cttlcrltre. *' -Fi rr r rsm. Ilitîve ni) olrr stove, Z -No SECO)ND PVICIE. 9.';taia' <1oq< i kngitatu 0VOi, m i. tug i ' it ,ts f )hil lis. t>ni ht'in ,WOIIKMAN Bi«)TfERS & o(>irlotoî ailv>Iocli t'euakiîold iar' a "~e NVo 36, -King Sret, Toronto, ai rxvr11f is of.>îif)t':.5 ?k'7I ;. -c -OFFER FOR S .2AT LOW 1PItICEs, <'nintl ïut Bta.-S.~'lot. ot.tilr>,rtiiit .J349) Touas 11 tçft Ba r o. *'~it. iWiît v.wt.e (A -dutail ,oitï are G St> ka p~it t 10e. î tiî'st pi îecs *alit l suit t11W t tites. 1< Ilxy ,îtîmd uaI Ttriî.- t '.îIof în.i'.f.tt caffie, ui- ('as ant ni ier It'es ler, cîwot ,c, &f, taken it riexchanue. <i 1'iît~it htî<' * 'lho.: 1Si r.,r bas - ai,. sote i e i'since r *' I3rîduî toun ,. * 2' i lLead 1 "Leitd I'uj 2 " îlotow-Waye 1 -2 "Sheet Zîltn' 3(k) c;Uks CitiN~u 34) do 11 ÃN11 d - Ù oï s Sitovels 34)>Ia" do 1ti1ý 1-ce 2 1 ueboxes Canad m i>tcaws 'Ia4eiter witha lar-e nd.t arted a.s-tnýnt of Bhemeolà -Bfrmiuagha and Amnîlcan 2~ ~L4L Z) W2. Plants, Joiiiri' 'uel,, )oid.Vi'.J.Y'I Toronto,. Sepltetither 27, 1850. 25-6 W1147 'LdFOJ 8, - Olys- Fer Sale l'y ýwRK3%IANYBRO>THERS &Co, .4çerds - No 36, Khtq' Sireel Lasi, Turoni e. -Tôoriuao, 27th Sept, 180 25-6 I -SURCLOIVN JNJIST, ITAS the. honosti ftannoiincinig hie anivalin' J-Toroato, with tue-litenlion of estabuithi 'iiosel.ilit he cily 3a aQtIGot;*DzI'rtT. Dr F. feels confident- thattroi <nomaiy Yeu.i ittaly under soupe et the moeil .-eiebrated angen Dentisto iu Engian$ and Srotland, andi from a'suLi eu.tproffsuional praclice of twelve yeane nn Brititei,he wilt be ale to, give ample satisfacti n to &Il who ntay h0zpor hlmr with their confidene S- Dr F. bue, fer ilh. present, rentéd the. premi i, Xo 40, King Street Wes, adjoîning the Cabi e' Warhom o f -Meurs. Jacques & Bay, where , e ,wiil be found et ait heurs of the day, devet' g limseîf exeluslveiy to tiie several branches"f, J>ntal Surgery.- ' Toronto, 1850.24y ZtD8OBANjlvTT A-ILOB7 . 98, -King ~Street, Toronto, SIGZ4 0F THEK WOYN IMAN . Xtat eo'r h fo Jnd Store, h.' ai....lie oit haild a L :ellcrat assortrr tt ut d t, fier m tim-ta 0.11rantd (ole: Mpoilice vîli be taker, tin[payniieft . * VJ . Doii't palîirnsc Pedars, .fojr they mtike yuu u xy p ftanti Ipss. j. 1B. B1lYA.N. il lihv 0 111. r 1. c E Britrand Attorneye ~h;X~.L~Sttis prafcscinrîi iiil the Colite as p mne x4ept tie QcnsItî Ile w;i putictuatiy atteî.d to any lhuyirtess en- lils.( n..Iotahiare ii Ibte crt)uojn pleusi, Chali- y.Colintv, Irl!4ivrn, or I)iivt',iozî Cmurts, also Tfloioit>, Sep. 12, 1 K)0. 3 J 1, N TrU C KEI ,ýLniorcranb raicr in- lJ.îir, Yailà ai U.~ ther rth;Shiuf fulo. litit n id .ivory Couis; Etaheer Dusters; Jîter;Citlery; Fa;s*rý Ccai.; Per/uuucrj- L*"enuc.Ji'ce Hlir 0,1, rIilet Souips; Juns, Farioy flzkets, )u.eesi Szar Cases, Note <uni ~ Boki lin jiiJuIç,Jokrl and -Me7lwranduin Du., GA4 iandi Stel Vevit,. Meere <Jaiim anq tu er .5,WellîiSgtOn Buildings, * KING STREÉET, TORONTO. 24-y - il. W. c 'U F,ý D)ealer in CROUERIES%, LI-qVUIiANBPRIOVISONS. PRODUCE BOTGIIT ANDTSOLD. 1k! ween1 St roud's andi Plattes Titrern, à Lad Si*e of the Market, (0 99 U.oDa 26. NEW. CIEAP HAT STORE!1 IVrarly opposile me G obe ffie KigSreTorttntd7 SHE Sulmeciber, having haut long excpeniencé T in the bsnes esPïfuil :nriouîfeps-to the public Ihat he bau eened tbe aLe premises wt au excellent aseorîmen eofIRAT$, and aiso £11r (Eape, bIsfaIo Ubz Ladie'FPrs of crory desription .Iways ltrThe bhghest Frioe paid incahfor Hattt4t and Shippig Purs. JACOB" BMTED0, JIatter andi Furrler. Toronto, Oct.. 1850 DR. A. 'P. çSrRACHkN. wV7~ew sioc1c Of FA. LL AND WT1N fU ER C' L O T H 1 G, EVANS & KAMILTON'S,. Xo- 5, City J3uildingy, King Street East, next door- to J. R.. fI9untjoy's Dry Gooda Store, sign of Mhe r IIE Subscribers have now on band, and are daily receivîng a very Qexten- 2E. ive stock of chieap-and fashiotiable lI E.ADY-M AI) CLOIIING, Ail wel ctît, wvitlî supericior trirningips, nîid nmide Up iii tlct best style, at their esttlishment in Motitrenil, by lirmt-rate workmctin. We buy itn flic best adCkea1>est ' w1lesalc îtmarkets, and seull, fi' (A, -S11 ON LY, Chcaerlan ay ot ler eslaîblishnent. One trial wili Cotîvince the niosL ilueredtidottustt.E. & 1l.s stock f(C luthing im ntiîch 1frttter ruade and triiittiit'd, an tt vùîuqmt<'tly chtc'pcr tlî.',tî îny otlitr tradinmg litisc lan'J.urontu. RE\JCNI3Et AT E VAN 8 -& 1-1A MIL T 0N'S, - NO. -, '.CITY BUILDINGS ', NGSTRE El' I1, T fOfOý. 9-1 F aitaund MWùz-ner 1-m polaîtiong AT TH1E hi NU T R El~'i' AST, PPOSIE 111.,Il' '. LA W 1"RENC i~ A~ .JUST Rv LX ii O 'ULAND QU LBEC, 20 cases of Superlor London Rea dy.mfadu T pIIE:l~ ani Cliteallebtver impoitt'd into British North Amerira. ail of wiîich wvii he eol verur tiit.'OVer thie SrlIttLtNi.,, Cos.;T nider tlu niai..e mm for a vely iare mÛcuentof LOND)ON f'LO'fING, (îîow on îts- way Out) thie suiî',crier hav 1Ig bfoc pe nt leAen MOt for Oue 01 thie mo',iý exlo',i.jivg,' fiîou5,s iniLoniton in the "lX'PRT U %i l L- » < il"' lie tI,îref ie wifl hiabte tostippiy the (/. itî' afiîd linabinanis o Juoiowut IililRGOODS, for uifle more thart eue-hait' tlau. ptrive cij;tug.al ututher hotmes inu tis cil>'. -'111E .XIOVE 1AKM;fS (CON'AIN- ROi> FPA1 and Winte'r ('mil5, rcrn $3 1-2 it-, $7 î'tri. 5'ISî'îrFroc'k antd iewr,4 Cou;js, im51-t,$. OIT al .iî f o r iorassoried I)eski n id. f- îî,e,"'«r.w'sers< froi $12 1-2 tu $4 3-4 cacli. 1'iio iîî :l l hFaul t'rol Wiliti-' r s ofri $1 -tç.$1 i3i- nît1 250 v~ery IliritFterwch Siik Ctl 'eivdt ' fe reru$2 1-2 fi) $3 3.4 ach. New-Lino of Stages L KAVING > Whithy Village ecerij moritg J(Sudlayee pte) 1i ig*o'ciock, callitig at -3OKI,>~NJ dBRand RIETURNING:--Will leave Port pcrry -at Three ô'ehîick P. M., çailitig ut the âabove-rnamed e::!- Paseengcr's coming off the steam boat .8)nericca<titgonorth. Sy lteé stage îîext mornin. Extras -farnis-hed ta. order on the T. IN. SCR IPTURE & Go. Whiîby) I7th.Augsiât. 1850,.-18 DONALD ttIfrril. WH1TBY GRADWIAR SORIOOLI. Tjfin NExT sFs.SIN ni thie whitby -tkram- mnar SteMoiwill commenice rrîYndyh 2rt f Aug"ust, 1850, £'our Casc$ Zuperfto Saxonv Clothos and Camseresoe. okins. &c. J A IMIS HODGSON. A'T'VERI 1MW 1ltlciiS, Whitby9* 1850.301h Bring srtect.'d parlict4a IV for fle Suhecriher, by 'a eoînpcl¶eitt pi'rson Wsho avails limsewlf of thAe , pwIt tciton f'îîlle", Say'. tat fle preseini stock oit haiid i'anaîut ha'uiider*otd l'y amy utiter resypectable- î'tjishît'ttiiifttli'c it Atitutlle. HFSubcihe 'hateAÀ F"tV fHOUSýAN D A cîtl i ~iis ti a îi rtg nil w'iit un of t'thie îeuitty ofilAe aivaîxia2es proirered Iote ie ACRE.S f WidLand t'Ãea à tAie fOie»-ý Pli l'l itdt'r the' )I'/AJIY 1(,ViY l'IIN('IPI'L', m eîsapJecî ~rsvg,'yrr it iin- .JOH11N Jil. O' N J L L, bacr, Brocir, Thorah' 1 Ma, Grila', Tinj, Ta1y, T1ororccs..ý , su 27-10 i'tOPahIiTOR. 11Ion, antiGps. 'Tie roost of these lands are of tAie - ---- . -_ -- i -- -. h est rualiiy. and wili bc- leaeed fdr a tî'tn of front 1 1 T ~ ( C I~ ie to.tîven ypars,Jependiug upor> tAe situation, in N JEÀ G 0t1 of fror 20 to 100 acres each, to any onueWho *M..i VVo"""wil cliop, dlean, and fence, în -a- odand -w<,nk- maulike manner, withn lte sia m- tie, a quantity MESS S> IURGE S ~cLEJS MAN Ail Iettere, post-paid1 Jesiring information con- E X to ati tot ice b lte 1 i 1îabitaLui.eî of C(a i adla Ve't that thxcy h'ave reccived cerniug arly of 'tAie particutlar lots in- eithei- of the tittr NX'.';oo s, uîu~isÙng f.'abôve towçnships, wilAie answered withetdeMay. (I'lot/.>., ('avs'imercx e,,ustin-'. and a geviera 1 ussar1meret of Dry. Gec>d.9, pzirrhased Whitby,.uiy.18BUS'H. ii i St/u m t p-lrii-etgfoCh 'ash, tehîch enribles them te dîspoge,8 ýf tein t prcis uc l wer t/tare ever before -offered tote e anadietn Pilic. 'Ikeirý ~EA Y-M DE LOTINGSTE MBOAT NO0TIC0E. M nfcuc In this City, from Gouds iinî1îorted -dwet lr-um lritdmn, by tbern- -FOR. OSW1EQOU Nci'. S, atndiC îoadtan Ciotîts, from thte bcst. 1à etorie8iii Canada., dt.fy coinpetition TH t.. ...LT HE- ment'a Etoir o>er coat',, fîcra -- D)e Beaver dé dé--- DO e tioolting " id 44 Il I2)o Broautiolh ' dé ' -. lied( ilanttelirt, "- lîr Caps t ;1iîga1v Bonnets, --- en 8'liWove, Coader Shi rts, " - - - PA' ~.RIS S. 25s 0d ' Metn<s Cab-inete '1<rmtser8, front 30t 0> (tn ;NIoh'tkin " " - 15 ") 0 Jdi Etoif " " 30> (Ji- do Ctinada Plafd" '- 4 5 Whtite Ahirts, Linen fronts,) 3 -9 Clou> Caps, to 6 1Boy$1'Vesis,- 3 9 d ýý'Jrousers, t 4 .5 1do Couds, &,I TIN IIA TS, -BI4CK .AINP DJUIP. - - 13 9 Consistiîîg of evcry article îîcce 'sarv to eornpiete a l arge Land( we1i-nssoi'ted.stoek of those Good rcquired by TUE PEOPLE. 500 S4xony Woo cStarf Shawis, l'rom 13.% 9d Factory Cottons, heIm N3< -30,000 yards troMd Bonnuet Ribhons " 0 ( 5 White Cotton, "-o 4 3,000) yards Gala Plaids " 0O9.I Striped Shirtinîg. 0'5 Plinis, fast coiomr, 0-O6 Flanuele, reand white, 1 J3 Ladies' Cloaks, (newest styles.) " 8 9 FBlatnkeîe, per pair, . 12 6 Veivet Boiti., 9 Linens of ail kindn. -Shot, Cheke-d, .Strip'd. and PIuýin, Alpacas, Coboirgs, andc Orlvîans, DeLaines, -Ca,.-ltreff-s. and coU;er!Fashionale cGoods for Ladies' Dresseýs, ;oeHlosicry, 1ringes,..Artificial Flowers, MNuglins,, Coliars, v'elvets, Siiks,- Sliawils, hiaridkerchiefs>, Mtffia und Boas. N0 S E COND PR.LCE. BURGESS & LEISUM,ýIANe Corner of Kinýg -and Cliu'ch Streets, joining ae cour.t HOM.. 1-1y Cod Lfter Oi: Thave just reeeived a trei supply of PURE CO GO IVER OIL, which 1 wilt seil at a reasnabic rate. Aug. 24, 1850. 'JAMES Druggi te4amer "ue WXILL commence her reoeular trips (untit fur-, 1Vther notace) on !Satur<i'y' next, makiri; two Triups a week between Toronte anti Oswego, and tonneetiiig wilh the Morning-and Evenîr>g trains oaf Raîroad cars between Oswego, Syracuse, and, Aibanyt. WÃLL tEAVE TORONTO FOR OSWEÇOý dvéry.Mionday and Friday morninge; and a-turn- *ing, wili leave Ottwege odu Tueeday and Saturday evening, totîching eaeh way atîthe ffitowirîg port3; Whk;by, Oshawa, Dariington, Bond Hleaul, Port Granby, Port Hope, Cobourg, Gral'ton, Colbornje, Presque Ilie, andi Wellington. I WhuîAiy, June 184i, 1ISSQ¶ 10 IWBIlITB Y $ADDJ, H IARNES$, VOLLAR. AND 'IRImK - WKITUY CARRIAGE AN1D LIGET BUGGY oi Dit TI{IE subjsei.ber lias constà ntly r jlnýe,ý and continues to Manufaceture Waggcm#, Bü ge, ok cChariot- 0 týe8, and Family Carniages,T OF l DIFFEREINT DESCRIPTIONS, T ýWlhieh lie éan seli Citeaper fur Cash extr than any other Establishment in~ Whit- CO(P, by or surrotinding courftry. For suîp e- ?i riur Styýle and Durability, he, feels e -confidenît of giving fitIt satisfactioni te chol whit N.:B. PAIYN'TING &TIMII)INC.donetaodr T popairiiig- in ait its varioLis bra'iches neatly exeetlvd o[ n Short notice. fû NATI{ANIEL RA.Y. Whitby, April 19, 1850.' Pi 1 ll.. Toronto, October, 18MO. STILÇG1I& TOWî wI~ ILL issue, on the Saturday b, Juiy, thie firmt rnumber of a cornbininir the eharacteristies of It zette, the Review, the Jourunal of cevery, and the Library of Ron Under Ilhe tille of the Of the revolutions of the age, or irîtereftirog and important is that w place in the fermg ofLiteralure ai île4 publicatiori. Sir,,e the etab Edinburgu Review thec finest intel %world have been dispiayed ýi 13roul,îhamn, .effley, Sidney Smrith NMacaulay, have owed neaily alW Io corsipoîîitions which have aj jourw11' ale razilee and reviews ; Tai1jes and Esisays have uniforrnlyc pu ilii, by the suremearins, which becîî mode vehicles alec for Ilheori. of thie most elaborate and hn;llant WC are now receivinig tlbrouýlî il every ehip f(romr Europe, ingtalmnen Dickens, James, Lever, ReynoU i{rs Eluis, and indeeri nearly all tt contemporary novelisats. $Q con change that ail mind, except the di populai. je ]ikely to flo e rraft Daily,ýWeeklJy, 'Monthly-,ior Quart nies, which compete with uiv mente, churcbes, and tibraries, for thte governirrent ni miPkind. ln This country ive rmu5t keep movemenle abroad, Lt* wîi ll ot ai tssftîe liierary productiont s mecon a their corpletioe. The impatieiti chapers by chapteru. as-they are birain'a nd the heart of the author ; in-stant of their diseivery ; and j the-y fash from *he contact of iman The Internati&W IL eely >fsce resuit of efeorts te uatigfy aplaiii rl times. It will combine the exe, conteamporary ?enmIicils with fcal be peculiiar to îtself. I. A ieading ojctwill be to, p lie', with thé utmiiet rapidity, anda possible rat$, the best of tbeoé- wo Lillerà ture whîch ktre appOýCi' .R tiens of tai course tof linder the autiii'r of t il. JTh in noircit icrs, m hi -are tay 0f theéas T nE Suîbeiber i above artic1eq, i. cash or cz'edit. Whitby, June 7th.1 Toronto, $eptemnber, 18-50. limpertations of Spr1ung foodi for 1S-D- 4t/ÀVî 6<~, City Buildings, Sigus of thse Golden Fleece, King St.Est, Toronio, near hie .Merket T IIF, $sbâeaiber would inforai bis customiers, tarmuers, and the public geuterally, ulwt he bas now receLved aJarge and weil-li*lecteil stock cf THIE ýmESRS. MARLtIflIAM Xew York, liave di8cover$i ~place than ansi in * ÙûlIe %HE tirmt'Edition of theyFl'th NV- tîew Mjonthly Maüzit5Ie tv lim 'aordiniary circulation eof,ïorty1 vies, and ietili the Jenil dCOritinui y be accourited for by~ the fiet, o<i landsome Style, and at a cheaper j er periodical published ir> the deut portion of thfat vast ilitelle ceh oblains crrieicý tbrough ti se at thie prpent day. 'he preseIt niamber contains upw: :les freai tAie iret cortribuférs cf ,»-of New Werks5, a Monithly Re tJLveiits, 1utry, 1Pauli4iur A or, %-ale at the BOS~TON BOO ce Bs31.1aclknumbecru uupphied 1 lor illiramilly, -,Ylvje, alla encapness:-- . -. 1 1 m 1 7-