JpW&c tar T.C. $ijipe, whieIa inover thoiagbt of, lot alunle ssked 3h 5ti, ëid fran't o(jtlwh~ Ctit tiolea alivision; and in addition -du. -pirt4JameL ,Dry4en, John Iri ig thu malet sessio n, th",ïsdrinigtrtion ad J#snes Shanc rear of theI ýônt ôt the 7th. I drnitted the propiety of dividing the John BirnhorI, Noali Htokilns, and 3.B. Prin»le rear cf the M7:h atd-front 'Ëzm B~ates, IHenry Darbv.ý, Grdner 'WeWi iS. Parker an*d-Ral1'h. Hurtdon -eicof the $th anud wIle, -of tlhee9th. )0. maid coniritte.. And that for the, purpu aiesoieof 'horoughty cauvmsing the Towushiîa of, Pickering sa sufficientnuinler of m.atmbers b. added tu laid Connniittee ta effeet ltaI obj*eet -for wl ich purpose Jams Bic, Joh B Way, eonry Powell, and James-Logan bc appoint cd fur lte Broken Frontend frontof the lot Con* EZra Annes, Peter Taylor. end R. à A. Parker roar et te Ist and Front of, lie 2nd. T. N.. Seripînre, A.. N. Broil, ira B. tCarpenter, George Bal lard antl Hgh -ýtiùgy tet f the 2üd whole uof the Id, 41Ii. and fVouî ut' the ýth. < 3J. Sterling Josephb L Rýdgu»rs, Ilcn- iylDanels, Levi MslcKoiy, -F. Green ondMeIl Hoter o f the 3th aud Henry Daniels, Wm.& John Mliteit- 41 rear of 6th -whole cf the 7th Sthk 4th west cf the centre. R. T. Harrison, and Z. Bliair renr of hë 6th whole of.the 7t Stand 9th 'est of the centre., A vote of' tb¶nks having bxea givrn ilte Cbairnaaaa i fr-his able and inmjxir- -al manner of conducting the prucced- igu, the meeting mparated, full3r de- =rined to nueal bonoilrable nittls claim auJ ubtain flic jii-,t andit- .tstonable -rilit cf those -Tuwnslai1's ibe forMed nto aseparate and inde. *itdeibt onty. <EiR Axitr., Chairmnan. 3.H. FERRY, Secretary. Whitby, Ssturday, Nov. 9, 1850. 1P.-S. The VortkÀ qnierîcan and v#hsw. Reforser were requested by te *neelrug te publiaIt the above pro- 21 REPORTIER. -ROAD AND NEW -COU-NTY. Oit uirfiait page wlIl ho found a full ceouit cf-a Meeing held in Brooklin * Ssturday lMs relative to lte abuve utjects. W. always cunaidered the anibig et' the great Centre Road, gnd the sepalition -of the proposed <.ew Coutity, greatly depe nded on eachI )ther,- but now ince the transfer of the 3oed, (rom îthe Goverament te a pri- ,rate comnpmny composed cf enterprising wbuidas vt are oquail y interested .n the final apcomplishmeîa tflie t they becorne soe cosey 1 îidemtilii.di, il ougli mutner with which they have ta- ken hold lter, are ne doubts but Ihat tey will suèceed. Firorntbere 10 Lake 8cugog différent partieslitavç buta oun- gage4 lp tae. up te cad plank and' re- placè bygravel whieh is oasily obtaîn- .4 thr'oughouî lite whole distrance, nia- king ln a short limea liard stmooîh sir fâçe Meouad to nopîliti croad in tbe j-ru- 'inace. W. andersîand the compsriy int.dbam'ing the necesmary *una'vey for *loe"tmuailion mde this , 611and' win*oelat eider le be reud y early in lte' pt'enet county of Vork- into four court- for at the'lait two a.mions (if tle leg- Ieture. 'Thereforo 'rlit diffieulty, we MDay Say, is settl0d, Another wvas«, th at o n a diîvisionta kingýpaee he-bAeck iowmahfp&auouId, »lot con tinume to reeive the large amount ftrom -the district revenue fur the inîproyement of. roads, &c. they were thoen unjoy inig. Consequienti y, thongh ilI was udmitted it was ý»a mcee quebtion of tinte, a few i'hotghit it'ad- visable fur the present not tu separate the cotilction. That obîjection is nuw reinedied since the estalisîtment of towflh Îo ocouncils. whereby cadi htown- ship bas commnand ovee its- own revCti- and -condîie, and îio mûre.. Tiios reamons fur former pcsto being set ut re&4Iwe have noîthing l do but c-orn forwatrd ttuîedl"rnd etaim and dernund mir uendre:pal>le rights ini thîs malter. The rrincliple îiadmitted, %I in- 1tIis case what is good for thé oné undt'r t busumccirconistants. cen- not-l ba ed for the uthcr. In fact if populatiun aad, wculh l taken as a criterion,.and it wculd be good fur the district out' Scc ith )a upplation ut 24,000 inhiabitaitts and ;£834 revenîu (atune penny in t hoîed) W budivi. ded iot o twvo cout îs, it woold lie let- ter fur the îýr(i-méd< coutnty witIa a lar- ger poipulation, and seearly dtuîîb)e tllw amount of revenue.; and if it wuuld bc- Ice for the Hturo,iitriet with a, pop- tîlatiou of 20,4510 and a- revenue ot £761 =10s. t» lie dv dinto tliret cotîties, -whieh. wutild average a pop- ullation OUt'6,16, and revenue of' £254, itwould certainly hcwtiser to set off tbe propused cotinty with a popilation b1urdecriog on 2-5,000 andl a revenule (if sixi times as inuch. And if ilh e ex- pedîeni for the Wellington district with a population of' 41,177 and a revenue ut £1,676 [Us. tu u Wdivided iîl.o jour cotinties wItich would average 10e294 jîupuJatipn, andi £41-9 2S. (6d., revýenue, il wuuld certinly bu amore e.rpedien* t grant the jarayer uf' the lxttitiiiers for a division uft'hiw large ani ovcrgrown District by tf.rmîng a new 'and inde- pendent cuUm#Y, ontuwu cascterura-1 ges of tuwvnshi 'Ils, witlî a populat ion sutf. ficient tUm-nak a -gouod wrigon ivith a revenue larger, thauî auy iil one, and double' an average Uic ,wkofeptf aw'vcoutie funedby tIhe late Tesr.if the o nvernm»Ëà f tiOn, f(rOM -itatiperier ad'4aitages, it would shôrtly oeupy. Are ire stili to behýew0rs Of wood and drawers cf wa. 1er t»e city of To'ronto and flot ruke an Oifi ort break-the chain as beemes thom who. are worthy tu enjoy tlec pri- %,ilegeos coutende-d for! 'Râtlîir let there le one simultanecus action v petition from ene end of the t.he other, ex-pressing ont degires and. demauding utce and eutil uights, and sticcess will sUrely fuIIOv.r The miatter (or tho pl'eient rest* ith th e diffë re 0 - omi tte swli»n, is expepted wilLhrsibyewua 1 Aqu>Arbitraîlca Society bas 'tabtiihed ini Niagara fur th~.t pur"creof stippressîng Jiigation, adc doiiig away with the envrmnis-expen- tpes cfcouriti-cf la*, not Calitbem Delegates-theitr rght narne) ta'a Convention. Now, after the aliove solemn -declaratittn, wbat, do yotï suppos this uitIle hole- and Corner w tiily flot (you wl#l fl') alffithftg hot '13."t, rplyt ~{cii1aor~"w4~.p. 0me parislh or loci mattr utwti pernoxt week_- - _a bit tili 1 have tep*,hed MY' pitlion. It 15 to taite into eomnsideratih "I atters £ Ç R EWUP01 DSI.9 8 frécting flie best interesis 6 apa~ - -(Hear, htar, hear.) Like the -GIobé, *Q~~.G~EI~I'iQVNQIJ. -the ý,pecuIiar r(desty f ljose gentle- CONVENTION. file!)ôeR lcasiern lu leliev e" lit Inobodyv Tu & zue.but tlicir noble selees rare fitlu bcen '1k V~dy flmrfr. risted avith tho "considération ut' Mat- DEAR SiR-IL is'nul a litile fimusing 1ersffecting ti-best interests of C'an- for an impalrtial Iloléoker-on " tu notice ada.-" Jo theiir estimaf ion il in alto- !he .extrnordineryf ùaconsistent, and getiier Ilun8dvisable lu con veue a Pro- conraîctrynoion pt ort fomvinicial Cove aio" nmsine coOtOfli- eonradetry otonspu fotht'rm nt lime and 14uc aNpoed uof dele- tl Me-t li le,,bY -varions parties, such as __, ron ctc om er twnsui 1 -th, cndctos of, flic Press and other gtsfoiec n vr orslpi Ih onutusreference lu erai , w - r1ic, leu'al oi convtison s, in 'u :egeir s sand 1uon a 1lýeaaîd have a voiCc in ion ocnthenas m cl s ho enrnitae ixiîg a broad, lileeri, anîd mifat-ry- tino1 le urty jîlatt'ur., .on which al îniight stitud HIenry $herwood, for instancetsecs a wlthut deilgg jost led or intert'crcod wii cuire fur ail unir trofliles, and a happy by his neiffhbcur. Oh, nu, not nt cil. passpurt ofutnreli un à dis»sltQun Suieh, a îhing eîanlnot h l rx-,izd uof the union cf IJpper and Lower Cao- ind ixsde , ~quile canneccm.ary fol ada, tco efclluwed up by a, grand con- iaiit t lie cotintry to the ektielitçe and' federation. -of al the* Britisîr ',\ortli rotuble-siIongsras the 00111ties of Went- Amiericati colioniice, with gWpral ler. 1 worîh laid Tialton con settie t aflitirs, f'ive institultions, the o uiýtj -ut ion uf 1 of-t i-_ nation mc $nu gly tahensel ves. ,I whi'hut oure, ubefntedtl)wn-imîlîtgoo aîd tltyouir pnfperwith inc Street, aai fi) lg. adcrîu'a'dq -mtuid J;ireriselv imnilar caxes ut' stick, speci- l'y 11l >lecoîde. Nuw t a;'pvý-arà tu v;ni.en#l'fl% *é' dty and ron*sutcnry, lbut thut lie ii ptffiig te cert 'illr t e i lwivé, will aiînîanîly suflice 10 homse, andi 1 Jo r#allv '.vuirda.r îh.îatil 'îià fi oiabte autter abmurditv uof the pu- -4hould nul bave oeeurred toibarin (h* 1Suta>u' ossaaîm'dlivt1Y wrt ls laeing an old experieaîced Latyer , it j% c io l îyiîîinetion, hure *wb o ïvoîld be ait-ogeaber buetter, if flice 14i',s'ilee-rltipîes -$bro,1iil In. ple are to lx i~Ueaî nIlmthe .Ivr nt alu--)t lev 'Mr -Slitrwixxl, tl iîallergT- 'io G )s: '..ri;aiSlUi. anars afîerbiand. I th i 1li 1 h voiild Iouk 1li- fde tiurte ship h4ape ilu ave use pinci- ple, as well il t l(Imtu jilsot'thse sciîe first rciiîi1eredI hy the jIwo- INy afferted for g" d r for cvii ; ûuc if approved ot' lby lites thien lu bcsent ftcru$S flic h14 watcrs t'on thé nod ut' Jolhtîlny Bull, iuste-ad oaf bcing first cui- cocled flucre Iy - those fourr homs sala miles off, who know li ui fle ancx cure ire about us in the w:id of, Canada. Such, arce i altersanad îiags wlcichf shuuld lay i.lif.s ho e usdaundc- rided by ta Geutral Cunventioli. Next is seen thé Pafri*o1t, mleppingr voluintarily fu4rwacrtl, and euubritciiig nearly all bbheClear Grit hlaîrurm. elect.ive Govee'oor," and1MItUy asrserts "46that thbe înajcrity are dîrectly adverei to lais beilag ele-.;tgd byý the people"ý Nw, stick a pin jiere Mind-te, grqîd urthe11wP«triot'sojctiun is lme qf o cfthe maijorite, . S t'ai so igood. In this lucre Wta a êaefetagr, ethènîi,e- prolèssed priocijales -,)£ the Cleu r Gris; auJi i ilshotuild tit'n-,out, after full con-; sideralion, s the Patriot axsseti, tbat a rnajority ut' thé> peole if Uppeir Cainada- arte "44irectly- acvemesQ, t l lvi111eh privilçge cf elecljng thïîi. ovemnur, vhIben. ieClar «riýt4, lu lac cn- sistent, nnitgive ýup that pank ôut Ieir platt'orm, -or,âny other .wbîelt- shahI be, lu jike ianier, tndemaîned'.by ltae prprtribtiblls, vîz.,Ilîe People; and Il bereby l,înd ltheCle:ar'CGritl srty, "tteuir heirs, executosadaaiïf 1isf ratuors, and as-'g thu e>ople, w"beu legitimately express- cd.r -Bolt uow 2coees the trying quaes- tion, hOi ul ilt i scrando wlîicbside-theMajorityr are rsiiged taýn- tl it isfairly lried 'cut1,, By i hie aMme mule taIt te Patriot assena uaîe ieg ,and the,,N'oh ,4merican ny assent an)(cbhcr flling; Ibis ta.,ertièn after as.J serlion îm n1ay licplaeed uga'iaîSt eaoh) otlter withouî eod:,eisud what would it. ing aI qi. 1 Bt a geateral counvèntiluut theoeule themselves wonild effeetiially stLlIe, te ivitle malter-lia dispute in a' twùakling, and taI, tbe, it a way that il wotildsotay selîleci for a lime nt any rMe. Néiet in erderrnes 11theqlôbç, wbo eant'bear te ,repma4taà md revolu- liqLnary'5 lhouigbf oia c'nvention. Ne,. 140, iot lie. W yit * 'nakes bis noble ll iid ltiiv i gfl to'hMiv thedmr r'sraor <b e oar îcs car ssy ,'ruî'e or cfnrvorucl t thent. 11,1 d n , as; q 1ido, tô h ~noii rlortrinc, I1 ufor au Geerai (am Con ta f osa Ile iecjmeiiticmted by Nir. Perry, aibsrsamtins~r;sJ h Ilicse uor smhyon the Ileist dy- of last msmn By reh'ýricg tolia ln il ivill lau mcci ltnI lie dîd aimaI retcc acil e-xpr-ss aîîy opiunion wliintever isaStu 11he mîerils mof' n o ne 4t' t ho natiiy qtim!x- lions scelgg mteJas hein iîft i iti rtîfxi tu be t tthautt uhie Gèawit ttéCota veai- tdias îarolassd. 11,e firmly und rc'.sIatc- ly iakes the groiindîd ilsrelîtas -whaeha I t-.eo rnci w-hieli nl-l-.nd cmpry liotest and inîelligéc Mn n tau aI lia iv> atnd age n'imist take.tlaljthîe-avil! (of thi peuple cuaglit aMI mist govencalu al publ.lic oiatt Wrs-t-lintthe i&is ilatÎtre be.~ hier ()tir coîîti>iîîtion:<'r other igrm'nî lawl, shetltiucî l'by Scarnclegisla- tîve prcccss what is, the-will uthe- ic aa-' jority inue ret'memce bu sitcb stîlijcct, uand gôvrnrlîceirucîcins accordinrly; thlit aise n'est sure, >certain, unîd, Salé -inOdel by wbtvich tu ascentaima tmuly thae will uf tise niajoraty, is8 by a #ceneral conven- tion ufthle peupleA themseives for lIant an rpuSe, anifue tlinaudne., Thesea re evcry dut a iisiples and trîiîhs -wlichi srîand as firn nd'unsl-inken as lice rock ut' ages, aîthuîaglî rnmaoy, -fron certaintý motives cf their own, have bèeo fti'cnd s va ,allages ut' the wOrld, te twist, siift, or turc -oside fisose igreat lrutlhs anJ jinciples, and w-il! duubî)less SOIi le 0'aîîmd iii the presentage,bltt ii la lost~ labor, ancd Utey mayas w-cil gvo i11P~ for a lad joli;; thie da' bas puasse-d for fueQling thew peupe, nçvr toeretitraa, . hope anti believe; -and thme, jlain,, com- mun sense îaiaîciîale an~d ttility et' Mm, Perry's4genem'd eonvcution plan for as- certaiinuthbe wiII t'thepeojale liefure, instead uof ailer, the action.ut' parlia- ment, will. stand Ithe lest forever aîld forever.- The great beauty tf bis plan ai§ 1chit it-îanlocks atîci ums the Juor w1hereby il ut' ev"ry ecýred, sect, aud party faaay frceiy fenter and bc hesurd ini lueur tut. AMm. Baldwin wvith litt buti- die of musty precedents and buidget'to religieedownelnus, out of the Cier- gyReserves; .Sh/erwcood w-'l~h lbýs new Federdl Constitution fresit front uIwa organ that the utiual series of Ca binet Councils would commence next nionth,' but the. period has' been anticipated, a'nd Her .Majestyls niini#ters assembled' .Wednesdây morning at tue FÈoreigu shol erwise -1bave #eMtËled ithe wdîh cf ada'pted Iluaait purposes, eiîheî lfor nect môn th, met ,yesterday at 0: very tlenten or ladies. The aricle:is lighter s1~othotce<oa 4wsion of con'sicler- softer, fimnier, and ivarnier 'hiaaiy able urgeney. The distrraceftîl Couid nt c Ue aeillvrwrao evering . , ý 1- 7 ýý,,,.,. _1 t#'lie U tc îinan-body. It'is lte perfected uOf ?r6ssia ln heiping lu jrotract the ideal of'chat li. The -'sfelsatin is Scbleswîg Holstein war,'nul ualy in harsb Io tlunch), 'au îbte fnest Lamnb'& spile ut' a lreaty ot' pouce witlî Don- lwt>ôlîcôd.rse, e.omspared lu iiii.9beantitll mark, but aetlually tinder lîaecuver ut'f fbric. it-is made into dot eomused wiholly ou'r, and uof part s§ilk andqaaft te treaty, aud by means uf t' ibs lod ti f'r.- Corer and En q-irer. lu a: vcry natuiral- we might ais est CHILO RiILED.- YeeerJay about ti say, legiîiirnate-co qcît. Thse o'lock, a- utIle child about twoyeami goverornents clf Ru.ssia anti France uf, go, :1-e sçof t a raan nanicd Bern- havejoiîly arucà oe luflicgovru-isli, ýe.nïluyed li Mr', Leslie', nursery have oiniy pr"ed t thegOv n. the KinQogml onod, wtis inn over nient -orilais Couantry, thatt the lhree by -tbe wheel cf a waggon an>d kile& powerssali lpercmpî'orily require Pnîs- on rhiè spot. The ehild had letl us' sia Io fulil.he? recent engagemïent wvith anùther a fe'w minutes before Io prà y Denrnark, and witlîdniw the sLap)cort on the rond, 'ivien a mani who gave. h fl cntnue lugio l Ib Shle- is naine as Nelson Reid druve along 50~~1 Sibslam of herses, aîiaehed te a wsg- wig,,Ifollglinarmy. Intl1w eventout gon loded ivith stones. Tbe man,~ prussia bcsilatilig 10 cOmp]y with tiis ildseeitb Iolaaveýýheen seaiecIdebis: rcasooable dcm'nnd, . Rimia and France waggon, ami he did- flot olîsýeave the chil un tih road. T.1he wl,él pasui are prepared 10 o,.à ck il not by wftun-LIO-ver itj brenst and the loiver part cf Prfitable mordslu 1Iotholerritory tînder the buWdy and produtced iimmiate dispacte, lsiinut z""IV murt*, Congpnial, Jeath A n imnquest wmil ho held, Io day. lo Ilicir flste.q. by an .n va lion of the-Goe .Silesiun iprovimcesut'Prtissia bin Ile MsIzEq,-Jne ,orriron, of' the .one laand au lic eliîcuisa uonthe ulîser. tTotnilin of Altion, ivas brouight~Up -In the tir sinsta'nce, Jiowev r, tloy 1ru- on a chlarge C ùrntrder. Itlifppeamed ilat uOtt1w t1, Jisly laI sile gelup quire flie co)-upenctîion cafeiîg,11laniiiia bouit daylighî aud îook ber child,xbont thle remc»asfrance wt ivilr sawillioîîîi -1. mondais aid, iu lier tamis, "and iveai out and threw itilimb a well. $lh lm Wlîela t~cyarenuprenrul <> uoe benC'asueediisiîfor a considera- sit present. ' nln aswero t lic llritim,t îe- lime [revîaaus lô thiis occurrence, e'îverrninaît iiîîav JPrllellN lo aiwiî-?aad shîrt1% arter ie wennîout, ber ut 11r c'll>umar he aai sm of'11wuime out and .oi7iid anJ France 1in sucli a fi ocw;u, wehave c hl -iUc eiqtt ed h descrabed, loci iwrîose'sthat c11ihrucwn -, sqcnîynrescdao sntt Mîowers mIaoU sepaattely reiiomstrate jati l lice 3jury' iiOuittie er-ont- he îvs-lm Paasa <i lir î~es~at lr4: L (1 romnd A ufiaaity. -Several petty cm- sswtlrpJ is,uscd ut'f-Globe. fath %vsîla a lie Duiish oVernmemî ___lit,___________________ Whliher their truipleramisrtîe IVill lac ut mure Csevail Iliqan nWi r-s t' tlise duîîh>mnsicy, t h îa bhera1 lîV s 1ý_ cd ýon te flnfair, ix a tesfiuot .tnwi ~7C ivil it tu trescmat 'uaalîire fmiv Alee re Dow cdirece( ld b hlm. q iut4Nv M 1y,1851. 1E'v'uî inaw tise tade of tfse 1netruîsu)ia uenîtu fecl -tt limepîil!1-1 t tif ofIl- e godlime com n aa."GCmtu t slwctaliat*01is 1141coiamg on in c'ecry jpart tif ino fi sh l lo;as, I'lodifiag-hi mqù'.' 'cot- t', îalaees of omaistcnent, &C', nrcaînst lt iitj of, Su'It )aftiolis aIl ll sprinv,. Mr Btty Ille pruprieciur 7uj Astl(,Ys., ba.s taken n lp a pace in the Park.fur tise performiane t' touarna- mepts à ud the t«reitJew Cli)thierslbave openied 'a lt1e11--ç îlsl ine, I l le WVest Endc, fior îldnggeercct. unodatien tt aossîwti vit îîao f.ash- l0oble attire. Allte t10-n is alive ou the asîjqeçt, ayaJ gresît lhingn iust corne lu pagsselsi.t' îbewiit ho- a very gm-cal disappoîn1le.rit. -A. clii b ofail nations is aitiunt r o5elmb beh provided witli interpreîc-rs, guidels lsud( Jepartmenls for information, for the uise anad cotive.n ence uft'hie visitors lo thecexhibaition. A coAumniteut'fomoigma ttaercliatas ant i nfllîential viII? gentie- nicu bave uand'nîuken t1 h mafler, and are actively ~xiyd-1 urng. Frorn I d laimwe learn hy tîb, veriand mai-tlial 'g serions rebehlijomihas bru- ken outn, "iii-lisoutliern provinces of China. A peretendiev;tot1ie throna b.d rajsed his standard and met ivith qoet IIARPER'S MAGAZIl IJPPLIED lu mtccrbr s by Ej ,A 1etv crpies for Nuvtnm1xer sufl on bai Whlit)y vil-..ze, Nov, lUth, I18». LOST! LOST !! LOSI 0ONW Petitd8yIhle 20îh telt, Lx 1 1uWe, litthe' vililage et Wbithy,- $eqt in (;,oigt. Wboever nul steirm moi ibiis office witi lac aactablivwwsaL- ST. AiNJ)REW'S SOon Tiekets lIob and Oà hawa. 'NN rincieperl fihilm maJ that tpar 1-1