Whitby Reporter, 16 Nov 1850, p. 2

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JpW&c tar T.C. $ijipe, whieIa inover thoiagbt of, lot alunle ssked 3h 5ti, ëid fran't o(jtlwh~ Ctit tiolea alivision; and in addition -du. -pirt4JameL ,Dry4en, John Iri ig thu malet sessio n, th",ïsdrinigtrtion ad J#snes Shanc rear of theI ýônt ôt the 7th. I drnitted the propiety of dividing the John BirnhorI, Noali Htokilns, and 3.B. Prin»le rear cf the M7:h atd-front 'Ëzm B~ates, IHenry Darbv.ý, Grdner 'WeWi iS. Parker an*d-Ral1'h. Hurtdon -eicof the $th anud wIle, -of tlhee9th. )0. maid coniritte.. And that for the, purpu aiesoieof 'horoughty cauvmsing the Towushiîa of, Pickering sa sufficientnuinler of m.atmbers b. added tu laid Connniittee ta effeet ltaI obj*eet -for wl ich purpose Jams Bic, Joh B Way, eonry Powell, and James-Logan bc appoint cd fur lte Broken Frontend frontof the lot Con* EZra Annes, Peter Taylor. end R. àA. Parker roar et te Ist and Front of, lie 2nd. T. N.. Seripînre, A.. N. Broil, ira B. tCarpenter, George Bal lard antl Hgh -ýtiùgy tet f the 2üd whole uof the Id, 41Ii. and fVouî ut' the ýth. < 3J. Sterling Josephb L Rýdgu»rs, Ilcn- iylDanels, Levi MslcKoiy, -F. Green ondMeIl Hoter o f the 3th aud Henry Daniels, Wm.& John Mliteit- 41 rear of 6th -whole cf the 7th Sthk 4th west cf the centre. R. T. Harrison, and Z. Bliair renr of hë 6th whole of.the 7t Stand 9th 'est of the centre., A vote of' tb¶nks having bxea givrn ilte Cbairnaaaa i fr-his able and inmjxir- -al manner of conducting the prucced- igu, the meeting mparated, full3r de- =rined to nueal bonoilrable nittls claim auJ ubtain flic jii-,t andit- .tstonable -rilit cf those -Tuwnslai1's ibe forMed nto aseparate and inde. *itdeibt onty. <EiR Axitr., Chairmnan. 3.H. FERRY, Secretary. Whitby, Ssturday, Nov. 9, 1850. 1P.-S. The VortkÀ qnierîcan and v#hsw. Reforser were requested by te *neelrug te publiaIt the above pro- 21 REPORTIER. -ROAD AND NEW -COU-NTY. Oit uirfiait page wlIl ho found a full ceouit cf-a Meeing held in Brooklin * Ssturday lMs relative to lte abuve utjects. W. always cunaidered the anibig et' the great Centre Road, gnd the sepalition -of the proposed <.ew Coutity, greatly depe nded on eachI )ther,- but now ince the transfer of the 3oed, (rom îthe Goverament te a pri- ,rate comnpmny composed cf enterprising wbuidas vt are oquail y interested .n the final apcomplishmeîa tflie t they becorne soe cosey 1 îidemtilii.di, il ougli mutner with which they have ta- ken hold lter, are ne doubts but Ihat tey will suèceed. Firorntbere 10 Lake 8cugog différent partieslitavç buta oun- gage4 lp tae. up te cad plank and' re- placè bygravel whieh is oasily obtaîn- .4 thr'oughouî lite whole distrance, nia- king ln a short limea liard stmooîh sir fâçe Meouad to nopîliti croad in tbe j-ru- 'inace. W. andersîand the compsriy int.dbam'ing the necesmary *una'vey for *loe"tmuailion mde this , 611and' win*oelat eider le be reud y early in lte' pt'enet county of Vork- into four court- for at the'lait two a.mions (if tle leg- Ieture. 'Thereforo 'rlit diffieulty, we MDay Say, is settl0d, Another wvas«, th at o n a diîvisionta kingýpaee he-bAeck iowmahfp&auouId, »lot con tinume to reeive the large amount ftrom -the district revenue fur the inîproyement of. roads, &c. they were thoen unjoy inig. Consequienti y, thongh ilI was udmitted it was ý»a mcee quebtion of tinte, a few i'hotghit it'ad- visable fur the present not tu separate the cotilction. That obîjection is nuw reinedied since the estalisîtment of towflh Îo ocouncils. whereby cadi htown- ship bas commnand ovee its- own revCti- and -condîie, and îio mûre.. Tiios reamons fur former pcsto being set ut re&4Iwe have noîthing l do but c-orn forwatrd ttuîedl"rnd etaim and dernund mir uendre:pal>le rights ini thîs malter. The rrincliple îiadmitted, %I in- 1tIis case what is good for thé oné undt'r t busumccirconistants. cen- not-l ba ed for the uthcr. In fact if populatiun aad, wculh l taken as a criterion,.and it wculd be good fur the district out' Scc ith )a upplation ut 24,000 inhiabitaitts and ;£834 revenîu (atune penny in t hoîed) W budivi. ded iot o twvo cout îs, it woold lie let- ter fur the îýr(i-méd< coutnty witIa a lar- ger poipulation, and seearly dtuîîb)e tllw amount of revenue.; and if it wuuld bc- Ice for the Hturo,iitriet with a, pop- tîlatiou of 20,4510 and a- revenue ot £761 =10s. t» lie dv dinto tliret cotîties, -whieh. wutild average a pop- ullation OUt'6,16, and revenue of' £254, itwould certainly hcwtiser to set off tbe propused cotinty with a popilation b1urdecriog on 2-5,000 andl a revenule (if sixi times as inuch. And if ilh e ex- pedîeni for the Wellington district with a population of' 41,177 and a revenue ut £1,676 [Us. tu u Wdivided iîl.o jour cotinties wItich would average 10e294 jîupuJatipn, andi £41-9 2S. (6d., revýenue, il wuuld certinly bu amore e.rpedien* t grant the jarayer uf' the lxttitiiiers for a division uft'hiw large ani ovcrgrown District by tf.rmîng a new 'and inde- pendent cuUm#Y, ontuwu cascterura-1 ges of tuwvnshi 'Ils, witlî a populat ion sutf. ficient tUm-nak a -gouod wrigon ivith a revenue larger, thauî auy iil one, and double' an average Uic ,wkofeptf aw'vcoutie funedby tIhe late Tesr.if the o nvernm»Ëàf tiOn, f(rOM -itatiperier ad'4aitages, it would shôrtly oeupy. Are ire stili to behýew0rs Of wood and drawers cf wa. 1er t»e city of To'ronto and flot ruke an Oifi ort break-the chain as beemes thom who. are worthy tu enjoy tlec pri- %,ilegeos coutende-d for! 'Râtlîir let there le one simultanecus action v petition from ene end of the Countyt.co t.he other, ex-pressing ont degires and. demauding utce and eutil uights, and sticcess will sUrely fuIIOv.r The miatter (or tho pl'eient rest* ith th e diffë re 0 - omi tte swli»n, is expepted wilLhrsibyewua 1 Aqu>Arbitraîlca Society bas 'tabtiihed ini Niagara fur th~.t pur"creof stippressîng Jiigation, adc doiiig away with the envrmnis-expen- tpes cfcouriti-cf la*, not Calitbem Delegates-theitr rght narne) ta'a Convention. Now, after the aliove solemn -declaratittn, wbat, do yotï suppos this uitIle hole- and Corner w tiily flot (you wl#l fl') alffithftg hot '13."t, rplyt ~{cii1aor~"w4~.p. 0me parislh or loci mattr utwti pernoxt week_- - _a bit tili 1 have tep*,hed MY' pitlion. It 15 to taite into eomnsideratih "I atters £ Ç R EWUP01 DSI.9 8 frécting flie best interesis 6 apa~ - -(Hear, htar, hear.) Like the -GIobé, *Q~~.G~EI~I'iQVNQIJ. -the ý,pecuIiar r(desty f ljose gentle- CONVENTION. file!)ôeR lcasiern lu leliev e" lit Inobodyv Tu & zue.but tlicir noble selees rare fitlu bcen '1k V~dy flmrfr. risted avith tho "considération ut' Mat- DEAR SiR-IL is'nul a litile fimusing 1ersffecting ti-best interests of C'an- for an impalrtial Iloléoker-on " tu notice ada.-" Jo theiir estimaf ion il in alto- !he .extrnordineryf ùaconsistent, and getiier Ilun8dvisable lu con veue a Pro- conraîctrynoion pt ort fomvinicial Cove aio" nmsine coOtOfli- eonradetry otonspu fotht'rm nt lime and 14uc aNpoed uof dele- tl Me-t li le,,bY -varions parties, such as __, ron ctc om er twnsui 1 -th, cndctos of, flic Press and other gtsfoiec n vr orslpi Ih onutusreference lu erai , w - r1ic, leu'al oi convtison s, in 'u :egeir s sand 1uon a 1lýeaaîd have a voiCc in ion ocnthenas m cl s ho enrnitae ixiîg a broad, lileeri, anîd mifat-ry- tino1 le urty jîlatt'ur., .on which al îniight stitud HIenry $herwood, for instancetsecs a wlthut deilgg jost led or intert'crcod wii cuire fur ail unir trofliles, and a happy by his neiffhbcur. Oh, nu, not nt cil. passpurt ofutnreli un àdis»sltQun Suieh, a îhing eîanlnot h l rx-,izd uof the union cf IJpper and Lower Cao- ind ixsde , ~quile canneccm.ary fol ada, tco efclluwed up by a, grand con- iaiit t lie cotintry to the ektielitçe and' federation. -of al the* Britisîr ',\ortli rotuble-siIongsras the 00111ties of Went- Amiericati colioniice, with gWpral ler. 1 worîh laid Tialton con settie t aflitirs, f'ive institultions, the o uiýtj -ut ion uf 1 of-t i-_ nation mc $nu gly tahensel ves. ,I whi'hut oure, ubefntedtl)wn-imîlîtgoo aîd tltyouir pnfperwith inc Street, aai fi) lg. adcrîu'a'dq -mtuid J;ireriselv imnilar caxes ut' stick, speci- l'y 11l >lecoîde. Nuw t a;'pvý-arà tu v;ni.en#l'fl% *é' dty and ron*sutcnry, lbut thut lie ii ptffiig te cert 'illr t e i lwivé, will aiînîanîly suflice 10 homse, andi 1 Jo r#allv '.vuirda.r îh.îatil 'îiàfi oiabte autter abmurditv uof the pu- -4hould nul bave oeeurred toibarin (h* 1Suta>u' ossaaîm'dlivt1Y wrt ls laeing an old experieaîced Latyer , it j% c io l îyiîîinetion, hure *wb o ïvoîld be ait-ogeaber buetter, if flice 14i',s'ilee-rltipîes -$bro,1iil In. ple are to lx i~Ueaî nIlmthe .Ivr nt alu--)t lev 'Mr -Slitrwixxl, tl iîallergT- 'io G )s: '..ri;aiSlUi. anars afîerbiand. I th i 1li 1 h voiild Iouk 1li- fde tiurte ship h4ape ilu ave use pinci- ple, as well il t l(Imtu jilsot'thse sciîe first tlitiuagli.ly rciiîi1eredI hy the jIwo- INy afferted for g" d r for cvii ; ûuc if approved ot' lby lites thien lu bcsent ftcru$S flic h14 watcrs t'on thé nod ut' Jolhtîlny Bull, iuste-ad oaf bcing first cui- cocled flucre Iy - those fourr homs sala miles off, who know li ui fle ancx cure ire about us in the w:id of, Canada. Such, arce i altersanad îiags wlcichf shuuld lay i.lif.s ho e usdaundc- rided by ta Geutral Cunventioli. Next is seen thé Pafri*o1t, mleppingr voluintarily fu4rwacrtl, and euubritciiig nearly all bbheClear Grit hlaîrurm. elect.ive Govee'oor," and1MItUy asrserts "46that thbe înajcrity are dîrectly adverei to lais beilag ele-.;tgd byý the people"ý Nw, stick a pin jiere Mind-te, grqîd urthe11wP«triot'sojctiun is lme qf o cfthe maijorite, . S t'ai so igood. In this lucre Wta a êaefetagr, ethènîi,e- prolèssed priocijales -,)£ the Cleu r Gris; auJi i ilshotuild tit'n-,out, after full con-; sideralion, s the Patriot axsseti, tbat a rnajority ut' thé> peole if Uppeir Cainada- arte "44irectly- acvemesQ, t l lvi111eh privilçge cf elecljng thïîi. ovemnur, vhIben. ieClar «riýt4, lu lac cn- sistent, nnitgive ýup that pank ôut Ieir platt'orm, -or,âny other .wbîelt- shahI be, lu jike ianier, tndemaîned'.by ltae prprtribtiblls, vîz.,Ilîe People; and Il bereby l,înd ltheCle:ar'CGritl srty, "tteuir heirs, executosadaaiïf 1isf ratuors, and as-'g thu e>ople, w"beu legitimately express- cd.r -Bolt uow 2coees the trying quaes- tion, hOi ul ilt i scrando wlîicbside-theMajorityr are rsiiged taýn- tl it isfairly lried 'cut1,, By i hie aMme mule taIt te Patriot assena uaîe ieg ,and the,,N'oh ,4merican ny assent an)(cbhcr flling; Ibis ta.,ertièn after as.J serlion îm n1ay licplaeed uga'iaîSt eaoh) otlter withouî eod:,eisud what would it. ing aI qi. 1 Bt a geateral counvèntiluut theoeule themselves wonild effeetiially stLlIe, te ivitle malter-lia dispute in a' twùakling, and taI, tbe, it a way that il wotildsotay selîleci for a lime nt any rMe. Néiet in erderrnes 11theqlôbç, wbo eant'bear te ,repma4taàmd revolu- liqLnary'5 lhouigbf oia c'nvention. Ne,. 140, iot lie. W yit * 'nakes bis noble ll iid ltiiv i gfl to'hMiv thedmr r'sraor <b e oar îcs car ssy ,'ruî'e or cfnrvorucl t thent. 11,1 d n , as; q 1ido, tô h ~noii rlortrinc, I1 ufor au Geerai (am Con ta f osa Ile iecjmeiiticmted by Nir. Perry, aibsrsamtins~r;sJ h Ilicse uor smhyon the Ileist dy- of last msmn By reh'ýricg tolia ln il ivill lau mcci ltnI lie dîd aimaI retcc acil e-xpr-ss aîîy opiunion wliintever isaStu 11he mîerils mof' n o ne 4t' t ho natiiy qtim!x- lions scelgg mteJas hein iîft i iti rtîfxi tu be t tthautt uhie Gèawit ttéCota veai- tdias îarolassd. 11,e firmly und rc'.sIatc- ly iakes the groiindîd ilsrelîtas -whaeha I t-.eo rnci w-hieli nl-l-.nd cmpry liotest and inîelligéc Mn n tau aI lia iv> atnd age n'imist take.tlaljthîe-avil! (of thi peuple cuaglit aMI mist govencalu al publ.lic oiatt Wrs-t-lintthe i&is ilatÎtre be.~ hier ()tir coîîti>iîîtion:<'r other igrm'nî lawl, shetltiucî l'by Scarnclegisla- tîve prcccss what is, the-will uthe- ic aa-' jority inue ret'memce bu sitcb stîlijcct, uand gôvrnrlîceirucîcins accordinrly; thlit aise n'est sure, >certain, unîd, Salé -inOdel by wbtvich tu ascentaima tmuly thae will uf tise niajoraty, is8 by a #ceneral conven- tion ufthle peupleA themseives for lIant an rpuSe, anifue tlinaudne., Thesea re evcry dut a iisiples and trîiîhs -wlichi srîand as firn nd'unsl-inken as lice rock ut' ages, aîthuîaglî rnmaoy, -fron certaintý motives cf their own, have bèeo fti'cnd s va ,allages ut' the wOrld, te twist, siift, or turc -oside fisose igreat lrutlhs anJ jinciples, and w-il! duubî)less SOIi le 0'aîîmd iii the presentage,bltt ii la lost~ labor, ancd Utey mayas w-cil gvo i11P~ for a lad joli;; thie da' bas puasse-d for fueQling thew peupe, nçvr toeretitraa, . hope anti believe; -and thme, jlain,, com- mun sense îaiaîciîale an~d ttility et' Mm, Perry's4genem'd eonvcution plan for as- certaiinuthbe wiII t'thepeojale liefure, instead uof ailer, the action.ut' parlia- ment, will. stand Ithe lest forever aîld forever.- The great beauty tf bis plan ai§ 1chit it-îanlocks atîci ums the Juor w1hereby il ut' ev"ry ecýred, sect, aud party faaay frceiy fenter and bc hesurd ini lueur tut. AMm. Baldwin wvith litt buti- die of musty precedents and buidget'to religieedownelnus, out of the Cier- gyReserves; .Sh/erwcood w-'l~h lbýs new Federdl Constitution fresit front uIwa organ that the utiual series of Ca binet Councils would commence next nionth,' but the. period has' been anticipated, a'nd Her .Majestyls niini#ters assembled' .Wednesdây morning at tue FÈoreigu shol erwise -1bave #eMtËled ithe wdîh cf ada'pted Iluaait purposes, eiîheî lfor nect môn th, met ,yesterday at 0: very tlenten or ladies. The aricle:is lighter s1~othotce<oa 4wsion of con'sicler- softer, fimnier, and ivarnier 'hiaaiy able urgeney. The distrraceftîl Couid nt c Ue aeillvrwrao evering . , ý 1- 7 ýý,,,.,. _1 t#'lie U tc îinan-body. It'is lte perfected uOf ?r6ssia ln heiping lu jrotract the ideal of'chat li. The -'sfelsatin is Scbleswîg Holstein war,'nul ualy in harsb Io tlunch), 'au îbte fnest Lamnb'& spile ut' a lreaty ot' pouce witlî Don- lwt>ôlîcôd.rse, e.omspared lu iiii.9beantitll mark, but aetlually tinder lîaecuver ut'f fbric. it-is made into dot eomused wiholly ou'r, and uof part s§ilk andqaaft te treaty, aud by means uf t' ibs lod ti f'r.- Corer and En q-irer. lu a: vcry natuiral- we might ais est CHILO RiILED.- YeeerJay about ti say, legiîiirnate-co qcît. Thse o'lock, a- utIle child about twoyeami goverornents clf Ru.ssia anti France uf, go, :1-e sçof t a raan nanicd Bern- havejoiîly arucàoe luflicgovru-isli, ýe.nïluyed li Mr', Leslie', nursery have oiniy pr"ed t thegOv n. the KinQogml onod, wtis inn over nient -orilais Couantry, thatt the lhree by -tbe wheel cf a waggon an>d kile& powerssali lpercmpî'orily require Pnîs- on rhiè spot. The ehild had letl us' sia Io fulil.he? recent engagemïent wvith anùther a fe'w minutes before Io prày Denrnark, and witlîdniw the sLap)cort on the rond, 'ivien a mani who gave. h fl cntnue lugio l Ib Shle- is naine as Nelson Reid druve along 50~~1 Sibslam of herses, aîiaehed te a wsg- wig,,Ifollglinarmy. Intl1w eventout gon loded ivith stones. Tbe man,~ prussia bcsilatilig 10 cOmp]y with tiis ildseeitb Iolaaveýýheen seaiecIdebis: rcasooable dcm'nnd, . Rimia and France waggon, ami he did- flot olîsýeave the chil un tih road. T.1he wl,él pasui are prepared 10 o,.àck il not by wftun-LIO-ver itj brenst and the loiver part cf Prfitable mordslu 1Iotholerritory tînder the buWdy and produtced iimmiate dispacte, lsiinut z""IV murt*, Congpnial, Jeath A n imnquest wmil ho held, Io day. lo Ilicir flste.q. by an .n va lion of the-Goe .Silesiun iprovimcesut'Prtissia bin Ile MsIzEq,-Jne ,orriron, of' the .one laand au lic eliîcuisa uonthe ulîser. tTotnilin of Altion, ivas brouight~Up -In the tir sinsta'nce, Jiowev r, tloy 1ru- on a chlarge C ùrntrder. Itlifppeamed ilat uOtt1w t1, Jisly laI sile gelup quire flie co)-upenctîion cafeiîg,11laniiiia bouit daylighî aud îook ber child,xbont thle remc»asfrance wt ivilr sawillioîîîi -1. mondais aid, iu lier tamis, "and iveai out and threw itilimb a well. $lh lm Wlîela t~cyarenuprenrul <> uoe benC'asueediisiîfor a considera- sit present. ' nln aswero t lic llritim,t îe- lime [revîaaus lô thiis occurrence, e'îverrninaît iiîîav JPrllellN lo aiwiî-?aad shîrt1% arter ie wennîout, ber ut 11r c'll>umar he aai sm of'11wuime out and .oi7iid anJ France 1in sucli a fi ocw;u, wehave c hl -iUc eiqtt ed h descrabed, loci iwrîose'sthat c11ihrucwn -, sqcnîynrescdao sntt Mîowers mIaoU sepaattely reiiomstrate jati l lice 3jury' iiOuittie er-ont- he îvs-lm Paasa <i lir î~es~at lr4: L (1 romnd A ufiaaity. -Several petty cm- sswtlrpJ is,uscd ut'f-Globe. fath %vsîla a lie Duiish oVernmemî ___lit,___________________ Whliher their truipleramisrtîe IVill lac ut mure Csevail Iliqan nWi r-s t' tlise duîîh>mnsicy, t h îa bhera1 lîV s 1ý_ cd ýon te flnfair, ix a tesfiuot .tnwi ~7C ivil it tu trescmat 'uaalîire fmiv Alee re Dow cdirece( ld b hlm. q iut4Nv M 1y,1851. 1E'v'uî inaw tise tade of tfse 1netruîsu)ia uenîtu fecl -tt limepîil!1-1 t tif ofIl- e godlime com n aa."GCmtu t slwctaliat*01is 1141coiamg on in c'ecry jpart tif ino fi sh l lo;as, I'lodifiag-hi mqù'.' 'cot- t'ee-licti.se, îalaees of omaistcnent, &C', nrcaînst lt iitj of, Su'It )aftiolis aIl ll sprinv,. Mr Btty Ille pruprieciur 7uj Astl(,Ys., ba.s taken n lp a pace in the Park.fur tise performiane t' touarna- mepts àud the t«reitJew Cli)thierslbave openied 'a lt1e11--ç îlsl ine, I l le WVest Endc, fior îldnggeercct. unodatien tt aossîwti vit îîao f.ash- l0oble attire. Allte t10-n is alive ou the asîjqeçt, ayaJ gresît lhingn iust corne lu pagsselsi.t' îbewiit ho- a very gm-cal disappoîn1le.rit. -A. clii b ofail nations is aitiunt r o5elmb beh provided witli interpreîc-rs, guidels lsud( Jepartmenls for information, for the uise anad cotive.n ence uft'hie visitors lo thecexhibaition. A coAumniteut'fomoigma ttaercliatas ant i nfllîential viII? gentie- nicu bave uand'nîuken t1 h mafler, and are actively ~xiyd-1 urng. Frorn I d laimwe learn hy tîb, veriand mai-tlial 'g serions rebehlijomihas bru- ken outn, "iii-lisoutliern provinces of China. A peretendiev;tot1ie throna b.d rajsed his standard and met ivith qoet IIARPER'S MAGAZIl IJPPLIED lu mtccrbr s by JS.il Ej ,A 1etv crpies for Nuvtnm1xer sufl on bai Whlit)y vil-..ze, Nov, lUth, I18». LOST! LOST !! LOSI 0ONW Petitd8yIhle 20îh telt, Lx 1 1uWe, litthe' vililage et Wbithy,- $eqt in (;,oigt. Wboever nul steirm moi ibiis office witi lac aactablivwwsaL- ST. AiNJ)REW'S SOon Tiekets lIob and Oàhawa. 'NN rincieperl fihilm maJ that tpar 1-1

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