Whitby Reporter, 30 Nov 1850, p. 2

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7Mi f îii iiiJt *~ RETRLRNCffME-T- REPOIR'Ik reduticinr he'ail âwance ai the speaker, wh, not perfo-m a lihie ofthe f abour,oine ahtihng pra#li the voaiým eric0 snB ca ntemptible econamy we bave no ti Mr. Roieâ nxt novd, ýîecndedby he Bon Il4etevery mati seceive A ltir tay'a wasieas MRoie~ nxt ms-ad se.asdd b~ Iha*19iair dsyla wark," je a maxim 'n-is-h is-univ "Tha Ih aliwane b he ~faaeesalib. L nlserved l private lite, and it is quite as ai gisiative Cassesil, atti Leg-isiatîvat Asserniiy bc liai vaine in the labor of a, Speaker. *Wec We veatius-tasay lhaitaI . 1 épriniHts undersiand isit bis atiting under an elient otitofpy, oros an an levateti scat, renties im more Ihere eauW.. uPi befa in7, peumn - ibe- îify:oÎaiit i i i i -ontras-yf we as- Proin~ atai arî~neîei wfit the dities ani muelh dispp9s e a Iinktbat te hon!r bot Salarie# af thte-_e oficeri wha wniid aeriaasiy in- ampe Ënpçnsaii<>. ' Peîhaps tlio-wiIi -snt ibt titay-wre averpajîl. Betbri- he uninn. own mis a Vitgas- ricai-sn-.we a n'î itelp lippes- Canada paves-alawdthe speakeraitte îi<e îtelhave reasans giveufor an obvias d ept * Aesembly moaretan £0M pertyear, estu it 35510 froismrson.nsense, and!'n-e are. at oreseni le983figeA £1000 ! beeides Arptssjas a isteaîber. Thi alehla compreend hathneseîyt i bt aiky gentlemn situ inan eay c baiis,tler amp 1of ajiswiîlijiigtesah arti.waskine citrs-oni a th carieé and goitis-dus-te; the debates andi foi 1hi5 hie eorn e nd, rail-ouit deRetrehceçl,te lextraordissery exertion h slia it!oose thmia,d pespi ratine lte isrs-eny. but abetisiîeiy reit' >saaada~a4u~ "loflarsesday as aisa permit any-redus-lion n the enons salas-y ler.- Te Session net unfrequetîy insts but thirtyattircer wbo crais tfttuc u lvÏ dîmysri1 sus-b a casa ha receives just $4120 dlt; i .tioisilistrca-oieu efusat ,tinbt Win realiiy, renderelea' ei laM Oaitheeliard earpetl ainey et aur laemes$ Io hieWs.' - , lhis-Y deys %work, >îjch work, caisîs jeinthée iist 'We f crefi-e Pasa ai-pr seves-al paoea af5hf lasa emplayint 0f iistenin-- ta the deisales fraisaport wbieh reiste ta Ihe-seinas-ermaiîers.sandi thieé ia tii.aflernoon tii? Eleven or Tweive clown Ia the 1ilu tne, hine lhe twplft & o'elack At ight 1 Titis extravagance iesa5 exres- the sittings s.- i. iet-ka abject in big fiss nive-it latoi 0extsemeiy bas-efaceti that w's-e ser te a o býinZ diss-ovctit-4.ha on yet metasîyana out nite Hanse who offesed te batsan iaeliti leOalnnet i rpa i aliuhtist deftençe, but then 'ce fmd Ms-. Hitss-k's le tof h eir power b s-ecd te real and!imia elditsti as ils iapolii.ist, aintihy the esit- ansi instances af iaviah exrpendtiure. li es ans-e af bis Fr-ens-t friends' acuasIiy._volingdawntnirtai h ail alletiipt et redaclian. We conaides- lte on- n. annie mtweak tltheuieasily friltet ductl e b.CaWnet Memnbes at lie Committea a lk n d ta traa!otnn b herdi wie at ibeoffic tbp q1itestion as abamnleiea:-theîe catiicqeilhes- ciiesapnti xila ses-les-a biie l t is-of * demine os- eztenuation oflieedfor i; utter, conu oid s p nommtMr itr%ùseÎ. h casMr.eoinpo tempt for te apinion alte country, -ororts-b ioo sJ*v-, Shwoti.tecasulee li s- Hit i7-aJl t GL nuuphokdita; set ha weii knows la Rsle- uIh u-is nusvit hé e vile pièc-e of extravagance. . Re je pai m pensesofîthe Leeisalure lie snsmpended for-the t1ioes~i otiti&er eas <s- anain;1h.ex- set.andi qba t i e !Itiiîtee do immediateiv tepsive phitesafeiacsîPrvtc- -llaa cosidatan of the Civil List. %w anycpstansvthiesfiacesofa Prositicesv re of aîs-euainin« sebeihes- any esleitiotiî bato,mtnenlias Wel oesphysital anti ha makes nadmulr teaisybma. le-errseepi s-ampIitlý..buî liebas no ebame W ypgaî etthe '~-fi-le-t saie imefo -IisI7 ias 1est ay .n-%nan l'bTiis important ms--fou 's-as cas-ieilaeait cupgtian 'atÏended,,wtt une mort'altite, and no Sere-opposition fisirnMr. Hins-ka mIitdiVà- mas-eý reepassibiiîy mimat jisblrnas-siclise lardeen lt-a aof ibut tne-.4tand san esseeti <e ,CaoiIy durîng lte sittinge a1 Counili. A these gcniemanat the instration orthe ilne-eî Banay jteyaiier, or- ils agenltramm £300> ta pan menlianeel in ans- fisst as-tisle, ihat lliev1 £500 pa r.yeer for discitarging Il, ..anasa dulies. rusbed tram te Cammittee Roomn. %e cii-m andi incpti-ng lise ses-lona respousib lî i ie~ vole. AvFs 9--nn. Me"ru. Bsdsiev, Bout - nael btlt aneeoiteCana-y f ta CeramsnCayley, Meus. Citristie, Haîmes, F polar b ' ç aniCeoui fr iv nt ry itiisoakiss. lion Messes. Papiineau. Sberwaati. N iYtss-k anti tas-ed ta psy £1000 la tite Speskàroa' 8,-e C amn Mesa Bnutiiiies-. Cari tlieliuse af'Aseembly, seiose ciief îîusiaeas ta Caiciton, Hon. Messrs. Hincks, Mers-sît, Ms-. It Isoit bis -tangua, anti wtn an allempt se matie la tison, Hon. Ms-. Vies. redhice-titis exts-aord inas-y asiesy. Ms. ick's, We again note that nifliiosae eeht, tous- lbsseRètpvmmer,-.tie frient> of .ilaaîstai-impove Fs-enc-h, ehie amneg te nine who composai t itealpa ln anti voles Il clown 1'vie s-y L<ù mainsil7. s-nly aoie Frec iame as-fîts! tal isase aatid as-ve cotima imas on en- The diagutuet aMs-. lincks. andti s trienti emy toalls-form, tut il je only one of a rreat Msian reas i ai e fist. éi la aereOfthél cî"'%iihees-y prove bsdtriai thatiolstan*tit-n b.rante- ie lite lits-andlimt Committe aboulti s-aaiy effecl sien: as inte ia absence ltse Commiîlee matie noiig. celient prs-n-scs To lihmte eolutian af Mr. Haimes he mai-ad Ttc fisst item in te Civil List, la te saias- sendeul iy a Frenchi Gentleman- Ms-. tel- the Coýemcr- Genersi, and t î nas, af course, ie,- irst objectaif attcîtios. Bittas tae voles andV ,éTia i te wartis -afles the prescri Paslie- ceedingu on Ibis item are vas- imiobrlast, andtI matit ha dded a lie Resintun." is la s-asidersion sest 'eictsb, 'ce 'dli px This aeimendsient 'cas casrieti by a majasiîy ao aetf i ntc aas nx stce ttS-cn te foliawingdivisioa:...igyxs ,-M4essrs. * Boîulas- Cit-esonCati-hou, ans.Mesra. POS71CRIPT t-F-rn the <Globe. * >lns-ks, Papineau, Meutrs. Palette, Rices-usa, Last nigt thlie City Clsuns-iiitaving rsssli-ad Éoe.Mr. Tiges-. Notes f,-Hn.Meas. Batits-iy, Commitîe aiolte 'choie la conuites-te Rcî Bouiton, Messes, Ces-rier, Holmas, Hopkins. o a i plnanciai commillea on te sulject ot 0f ibese eight,fiee as-e Frencht, anti by-te as-. Raiiway, it wias mavetl lîy iMr Alderman Bau tislanoe af titsTesttflI9men, Ms. lincks cars-ted tal the sum ai £25.000iledebentus-es payable bis propoilian tistaie aositanie nôta norseus--years aftes- date '11h interesl nt six par centg * mentlin iem4ea salaries ut ail évents whie te pses- aanni, payable.itali yens-iv, hae renlet inl aid et Pas-lnieni c1xistcti. ui tlifsrendis aimaties-.te Tor-onto, Sus-oc*anti'Laka Bus-an Rails-o forpe ts-Moderate saervices atili peravareti. an tte conditions set forth iii tae Repos-I oft ~JrBaotaais-secaieti by Ms. Cames-ons, liers Cnmmittee, an financial asaessmnenl.* Thecsoni * usit-. tians 'cars la lite affect flitIna o sa iabgram 't Tbittheb Speakers reepectivelyshmailî l enti- ed by thse Councliaotinil£100Mo, bas lisen as-t thçl tg is-ca limeis lte ndemnity ai eecb membar aiiy axpanded oi the- rond, antiae-usily lus-nisI àtalel lie.sîta the Commîlîcelas-rlte compielion ofthte wli N ria a-dinry menus ctld seiiy suppose taI if Ms-. Couns-illos- Thomson moi-ci in atidilit th. Membesires-iveti one pauai!pps- day las- Iheus- Tiat in as-des-lus-ltes- laextent ie baneite ai su active serviscst te apeakerasitboutiliah content reilis-asta1 eveiy part otite city, it bhae conditii wllb tlmelvq' poqpais par day las-tteis passtiva du- oifte, bove graent tai te tasnisfor passent lieulimt dnaoftâ tese gentliemen lhaua-tl altes-, trainsaital ha es-etiti in a pos-ion oaithe mas-I wtQai, et iation wsefat an te floing bloes-kpmety nase vacant -eus-h piln ta1 Vote, At-as - ollaMrs-> Boulion, Ms-r. Hopkins, ieasedta ltae Company et e nominns rent for9 Bon. Mr. Papinau. Note 9,--Hos.Mr. Baslee yeara, andi thet the linae ai railmial sitail ha crig Misera. Bauulliar, Carties-, Cass-tniu, Hon. iMt. salon.- the line t Palace anti Front SIrs-eIolai MUin.ts, Mens-s. Haîmes, Palette, Ris-harsi, Hon. crIent aithe Ciiy Waîer s. aIe.iamations wei 31s-. Vigen- put anti cars-led sepasaly hy a najority ai as- Ms.-Houtou noie maveti, secoatiet by Ms-. Thc7 werc tea put as onue motion, sud cars-led- Hapltiis...- elevan ta tour. --thet thc alioseence la tihe Speaker ha £200.1" This wuastle Oum geuesaliy aliowed in UJpper Fresa the Pis-lai Gazette. * Canadaelte lb. Union, but mil'was ibougtl ton LAMENTAB E O C R EZ . lillcbyanine outoffou-teen ofte Committce antidE O C R EC te mafias wu astsIon te tolloiiug tdiviso.- It ib ors-extreituelv pniuîfil dnty 1, Avu e5p-Tite Chais-min, Heu-.Messrs. Boullon, eodte eahof*%. em sna Camesan, Mr-. Hopkins, lion. Ms. Papsineau.re rdhedahsftw re-onie Mion, Ms. Bedgley, Meuses Boutillies-, min-ier, Soîth Bay, unîler verv distreissing cit Caus-ha, Holmts, Bon. Ms-. Huas-ha, Ms-. Palette cîsistances. Duîsing the gale an Mon- Ms. Ris-tarda, Han. Ms. Viges-. dy mrig at ffse nu Now a Fs-enchbgentleman ties bis tend, andtihdayhor onthe ake, feyaitfis iren Ms. Paleteepsopttaci...Thatthealloseance hbe ibs-aihelefrigtimig £50.» nith seîcetemnuciua ynets %wanld lho swept away, mannes lbe assistance ai fous- alles- Fs-ans-hReformera on lwo hoats and %vent atut la sèclire tern tut failowing votes-Aras 9,1uci&aeMr Hon Ms- Whule thîîs engagi-.4, lte waves .rolJinjý Mesers. Bautilliery- Carties-, Cuhon Ms. r.ay Mite, Meus1 a.tines, Palette, Richards, Hon. most lremendoîssîy, almoat filled on( Ms. liges- . NAys-,The 'Ciamn, lBon. haut, tise men n wliich cohled tu tii * Meiis. Boullon, Cames-an, Ms-. Hopkins, Han,. llies- lir atsits-nca. Ais the lltes-tac -Ms. Ppineu. tîîrnutî e .o Titis endedth ie haflie-eeti 'hat 'cas te se- r , a huge wave strîîck theit miii I ?otbing. Ms.Hies-hafimrt silsetbiarse- boat and ujisel. it ; fliethrea mati in il solulian tlat D ust eation ahouhti ha madin the stili clung tu it,util, ths-aîîglsshee] aiioeaiseotte p-..at Spe.akeraed 'citlavait- exhinuion, - ana oft lem, ANI>REII ed itil f ha batheibe xl momehnt voîtd for a redus--DLAE e obs:hla i h kaew tbals- o tuions-oniti binmdth ie next Hnues. ather, al son uf Mr UNs-ES CLAPi',Oa lie wecli kuse tiat te Commiltea wouîelontib,- Miliford, and. natwithîsîssndin- thaeafr ltaelingils.hewiitb>- strikinq et ite eaaries a? lu- rso th e imlionaon fM. tnse Oifflkas, for-the very simplcemaao isIlyarsa tIe-miuiganason ai Ms-he brai no power over tieus. Ai leegt Z00S jet- JoHr McCCÂw, of the sanie place, Clapp twti as a peoper etmolumeal, anti bale-itmssn. siîîk wlhan a bosat wbich cama tu thiai tusl part i tae Repos-t, 'ce 'canit enquis-a why it assistance, was witbiuî a few s-ad.- jesfinit e Spaekeraof I Unstet Aaebi-salt M'à -1recîedtrm bips-laî --Tue cossusitea s-aasiudad tis day's 'cos-k le FUis AT POR SAKczA.-We seret ta Ser prps-eilanaa«s-ing 14 mslaries of these Iik adti tisa aeslsucts-a lire irokea ouI on atuslY, at of latekaIhP eliasebt-Ias ce bave -ne. ia. port Sas-ia. 1lt conm"àaien tise fia. arag cliÙm s-efet encm baîIy permiitiîg lte mil oi Ms-. Aschibam fYuag anti asrai ma*id aepamtbra's-ata oflic stee-mnt Io t t radathtc tu Ms. Youingaas ya fate& cczs' PgtMb m =RIieîyo±t #w- PuliesaSaice a-r, andl ta tIhe lasu aeso.!Mi al-e W Me aby alie off a Camas-n. AI tisa lima «rdeate-twu " al -fëw ses$ai1esei du slae ci cierskeand thc fi sm es'casi', unmia, m. am uit wu'ceawaa tkei 'c, e slulncfl tle meus-adera îs tisItte *aof aiMs-. W. B. Clark 'attit!be d(- tbis porlitiifotIsais- labos-s. Me do nol sate- s oyd.Weas-e iappy la Sas«a tm the 1 ' siens-e ssgmemmà *réLliUnu save as-aail cienvti.Greit exes-iomus wa&rtt-. tbay di U 5.ig~, Ms-. Mia*c 'aaI waii»as-sy anibertiy lent by pnomsuefs-o1 sscws a rdise thayf lta -le.k ifPart lHaM-cn a.laopposite ide if iru uns.- hoatines TRE RFCOPDERISHIP'. 3,arO a A pc esan ofthea Upaode-' Persally Court-is calied for tise l9th December iplica- anth ie enquis-y *'tvhli o 1 be Record. 0 pee'u- es-111t la nult- el nnssvesed. Thaït Mx cano ýDtîsrgnis chansce ut gône, nîay, 1 gw wl r'n -o- tlink ha regarded as amater ut cer. re ver- taitsuyT]sere liais boas-i ame- ctîrîani id -li doclgiigconnacted , with i s onsce ausp p tw ps ilnty osible ruppointasent. Itis Mt'tire difficîtit ta say xwbo wi'll ho in-uist diisap- lquis-e îioiulad at Ms-. Diigruls "non-appoint- n'ca renî-uiniselt, Dr. Connus-, os-. Jasepi hii-tf Inigos-iîis, Eîq. M. '1P. P. l f iDug- wchita tls-al gan bnd iseen appoinled wtffl!d ilmot yniait bavaeijean vert- tingiataful in, hlm nen ýe PO>- to liav-eianded tutet *the Oranga in fin- raa-ence ùr whiliha bits the command 4o he Re. assist Dr. Cannas- ta gel elected Ibs- ibis racme ciîy at tse iext geue-u electiou i Thî Ian' a1 thing woîtildhav ewotkad adnis-bly; nitablt tisis wvas-d is fîtîl of entai dissap- itoutid jaintments. Il wotîld hava been sane 'Pas-t- thissg ini the caictuintian ai certain mnis- taý caiculatos-is have'gaI nud of Ms-. Dîg- suce>f -anqol)iii ùM.Mfioji h nM nes ie pn i ut i tel a'o MO h Ui dyt r s-mu Ss. iynI sth Ils 1n per idof nad, te nci- ant- lau- ole. ioe. uaid on kt 99 'ced the ire ne. ti. 01s-- "«'soiwi -iita-.. Mos.-ri-o.nl in. li. ira SecoauRfidiîsg; a consthuants-y for pas-ly names. The :great politicalijas- anddas in our cause,ausawn casse-Iheinleresla lui ses L LA N 19 OU 8, sas l~n il wii isa lta fastîiise ruvaoennara th ofic 'nanuiiisston aiftaeaergsowntacont Of ask, no- ethi-cW i tso anb thefonieum - * uunof tryesamuchIres--asti 'c i clivnot tus-n hie bas-kupon eny ilifilcuil>- CnAPLAuN'5TaILsrt o~os tarv aS nif ttc C tee inbsioiàay niiiiiRIL- ..ras-Iuifuclrtvc e. -t h r e s - d a I t e n t le e c t i o n ! q u î s e d , n e d n o t l h o a ff e t d b y t h e s* a in e s f li t a s ta n d é t h e ai f - o r i n g o u r j u t -i g i t s S A V i s C A E . - T h e C o u s - I a R o s k i le i t a r l g r e . sa- t li e e s- i r e d na n - p ith e t M s :o î t t e an t s a n c h is e m c t r o m st se b a n e f u l d o m in a t io n :)-' f u se d t a a d m it C h a p in t e a l, : e f fw i @ e r e . ' o ai. ue rilennapitmn fM.ftse piarties car-ying ltss it l-atihehnismiiratoIiaido 511 by im yesesay, afirmng itaI haominit- ',e Dtangti ay hava ps_tie. dli rhished oterathaun alithazards, l thé fis-sIand ttis fosus bees-ttan te mnsueve git 1t Cau anafit-n adi. Cul n!cuaga s chasses air these caa ihs t i sne rso-lv u> tee- swohis armta e it aTorS-tol IShow lm up-1s-hagé oa i ae.Ii jMua di*gasa1 î evbryImn ws-slis-hIs le t William LycisMsKezie, hi ( atilits-a. uth, prig a-asumottàekteH- tling ta reaoica oves-, 'But jt w.ii Intltise future velîasaofaI lis coutry ai to, you dri-chlers, ynknow nal 'chat you 557 ardselatric Court. Tite Cous-rati X q a»somu a o oIaI blt we ae'citf hewea you apeak yolîr speeches andl ses-te yo'l ai bail aI $19,0 'iclh nulot.yst. loiteiss. s- To talaioetnans arc ee-unI arheheart. The minisîas-lal jou-nais as-e, aI parsgraphs; you knaw olt'chat yau as-c lîkinq Thc Grand Jus-y peett eciidcfuua. Pre ?fIlrmin a asau owfror as- 'n-lîabout. I1 seeme la me tsaI peple it-e -ta-zu shun tshit isaul stiba Srieferha t'iIi se tise ndividiialon psosen, d-eadfully alu-med th e ialsa-p uTrtos- ici-nglsiaus-h leith s- tept akigCalinwo b s ltand- ofToo it vo tshae ls cstice af the goves-niusessî pecl af stteli an evelst, and etîdavas lu respect la publie- feeling -in thsir o'caimmadiate assî t Sevau's slaves, antIwola-as Aeting lie lue 'viii tal.-Eremiser. rdcl etunts neiaitbnritot. Titey talk quile coalI>o s.aa-ltoecp.Tebi on> clh tsi in, ____________rid________ icue aheidea ,but, w nteBalwin ftshis Riiîg, M-.Pri-e ftat, AMs.avesltehasc aeTîsetbi s lady ai Ielae op-- -idea l is-eadisug Lau napîdl>- ta ho aect- >Mors-ison las- anotites, asti Ms-.McKeuzie tas-ail.lite iu New Yor-k halos-cSunda>-. Tbe 'Uiiea kes Yss~ J ~ RL )f 1 'T libey- continue la psrcel ouItte people atfiisim- lIse grauultht lhcs-etas heen noa feila taas-en T H E R E O R T R d y lt sa ew jouisna s to ti- se ftii si utig m nse Cou ay, as te>- 'nese nt, amongau t h Iem , fr ce l e Fiôi' lv e t l C ei -a Ptncbek>taetiseskis-lisvaiSlaiveuJiastes-us.tosCiiyheIiavan ) r - I T B Y , S A T I J R Dt hY ,sNo vs ot ah e 3 0n ait eS O. a n l l i e vs - n t r e t h t T o r o n t o i s a n d l m u a I e v e s - e - ' a s u n g l i n g - y a s t i u n k i l l i > - m a n a g e t i b > - t h e s-e T Y SA U I) Y -o î ltj E '3ha P troi e en8g50.a t h m a n e er e ai pow er an ti ail influn ce- Six s-im ants, nas 'elI as te M r ha i,'; th t ler a- otPs-iamslase cl onman ls-sus-h'cas nit resistance b> lte people. .and il ps-apcsea ie 6:> Bfy ais Extra Officiai Gazette, <Jasses-tives un, Uppes- Canada, hâ- acsil>- ius tieir opinion; anti tise>-as-e (kite 'niling lie establshment ai a Southeru Centrai Commit-. lSta continute in the beliet litItIse>-as-e tufalibe.- tee, ta manage thte arreal ai tugiives, swih ample s. we lesarnts tI Pas-isutunt is tu's-tisa-ps- adoptad the wlisle phatiasrn, laid doen lthe>- wnn't open titeir eyas ta titetas-t, that lte menu, &c-. ey F~aait Ridisg has clean>- clit e ronîstian, anti rsogîîad ta bbe 2nd ai Jauuuary nexî. b he aCleas- Grils, s-esesviug unI>- une that lise Nos-lb Rîtieg, ltehome ai Toronta influ- FUGITIVE SLAVE CAsa -Th-ee prssnas es- s-- s- ta itms ls lie maes-m fus futîreens-e, is aunte bih troadftisa me gsl-so >esleusta>-bronght betora q. iJasecit argeti f A t l i e p r e s n t i m a t h is e l q u i e a c n i d e r a î o n . m u s h s , t h a t ' n - d o o t te e s - l e i n fl u e n c e a I T o - b y aL m u e n a m e uè D u s s is F r a u e l i i A s_ n s s mi i i_________ ranua, abs- bîs-Keazie bo boot. Tes! titis Riutlsg king fugitive slaves. Thte alageti tugilives.are,, le cnhnu is' the politicai eleenanîofaitisa Primp-ns la tens-ir seils-rm tle galtiag îhraidom a 'cman of about 553-s-ara ai age; lier daugisfàr, o--lnty;te -sno - infc, ot reietFisiore has tlss-atened the 'n-i-h itas hIsthes-to srampeIil s es-rgies, artdl'ilI laost 35, antia saiso lIste latter, a boy ai 7 os-fB. calînt->-; iseramis nlisîa, un al, ws-tiscame las-t rom thte bouletie îtits taes. if lte> he>-sies-e put in jail tiliitasms-soý, 'cwhou the &. writiusg abaut. Th iîsMnias-ry apposs eEgauds itt d~i~ios~ aitouîtasehe ens-anales-, 'dtbasas-anti rcna'n. h eimoa'lu inte case 'cl haexamùinei. toli Iprvig her recrt rethngpas-ian aofbisaAmes-ican arMs>, if Ihua>-Let Ms-Kenzle, or Baldwcin eithses,s-orna, e -se, anti htî1sssiegulas about titiss-as. la, ltaIhlait.a la h imp-ovig this-ps-oent realsiu sho au> furhes ap~asitosu r>-buta: trisc '11h partis-nias-s-e laan> man camne I allat fugitives as-a, la ail appearance, sebil pu. lame in aaîînding lueis- respective con-.olsr uiiiesaehunes ath miIesil>- af Torotito andt sy. IN e s-are not a ions! Not-aseofnegmor lntianhloodiadiss-cr. ntVr. W at pilucfscniunff 'n-hbe>-put tosuas-t; 'ce keo'c itla inte oldest 'comamnos- in lb. boy. Saula i-stitueucies. touchiug tlisais-fture ps-s- liefuiie lveb'te sts-englb aIolits-Eastern Ta'nashiips ofthseRid- ts-'cailtuse whhavieaaeelhe ohas-somaal,lhiek rpeta o hel0115"a loioisîutnting groudteNrhr n pale bcbae and fishas ai anoîlues-aga- udte o-iess _, andl 'e tefy hion m, ran-n, or aither ai Ibert- 18 a iligtIseemblans- to tbe Indien in sauna m griiyet.M. adwnlisevdnt tae wl alrdt te§ot li so ts-m er.Came an Ms-Dais-, ai ber leatires3, but a large ajs-il>- are ai the s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~G otshnet s.Blîi useiet tle ylalr ateSîtcnsat-' < pinion tiratitel is of pus-ely white rilgia. Titey ]y givan up tisa Fousl n'ugl e l'soî lis 'iinter. They ilil lie i;scked 15soek, 201h Nov-., 1850.- have bs-an living in titis s-t>- amne tour mnla afpintbvigtecua.u h n albytemliay hl tÙis-'n-bwis-h t f tiu o, ie tahaqisite parno iatin tsacorae ta face a Iareaabudi> hCilîs>,'-u A L I F 0 R N [A. pi- ybs engoing,,taoaan aýi sr as-Iqcls nelituane>- wisocolos-ad gome.-bgchaeffèettuahly agd bisa iiang it ht cieldin 'h, n ika "'lbq eao,iu ec bh ave recaivati uotis- hemun oiIdn agh ese thn ht,oane uhrî. sug fs-ans im but indifles-ence and neg- hm ed in, beiug slmost antis-el>- lna- Thte Crsm-et Ci/yblisu t Newv York t'nn salves. ]clat, and 'nith - lint h s vialatad b 'taacPeoala- aeî'aha dýueis asrihîIgee- umCllsaa ni~ -Aboaut tan dayu ago the mmii>- 'crs kitinappatl evr aasyPromise Ofipolitical refos-unand t-aanuui ieoPeningaiofuavigation . millinetsdcis-i ifsls liaotofCalifos-sia ioor ntiboti as-s-ar butIheier, cha-s-the- 'es-t pa lts- Union, si-asseciiedt aISan Franscisco on the ioda ocsiI,'-se( sy >) put an govaumeil rtrecismnt hichLa Villtis PistanSurss ifusm lis buw i8t, at 1i A.1Ml., b>-lte mail steamer O sorae b>' te passents-s, and matie Iheis-sa> bas-k I mda hos p-etlois a iisahetias - June MDonid sq, lse es Sus-f, Lient. Palîesan, 1U. S. N., asti canseti aOsrego-salere. r made t ' hm previou to Ilis eection.- amesuiburatd aiqeatheusis-sslic ,Jo>-, us-ofic/gusiasiiejocdwid/hraTitetoldeat The anansesysan tIsaI sic s is esnenatveeao Mr. Hineka la saundiug thaeuepla ai hoouks wtila eacked bat onblack quîa- susesofc -anaOn, hus-scu, ionrse, illtuminatiosmBaltimore; doit any er g e ubn Oxs-odc.but-mthe reportie of wtiasti urt sca-cel>-killeti b>'Indiana, aus she antiliter- teugtîger cars-lad Oxfod, tlere parmet ait el-om-k huiugctau mî soddng tae thle Columbtus sailei, aonte 191h, at a'cay captive ty tbem, as-rng 'choas ubas aees- naet RlsacimeutComlle 1 I ing atIlisa ide? As-a bis bauds as lita 4.P.M.silic-elivati, latts-ly, in Arkanss;,bt lireehotslaves, su- - ndciiznsanti 'e-s-net-es-treated ea ich. pnta eae aondlia 'fesdaiarila~ ~sIb os- a i ii iacet? iaiasess-ediss Tite corporation oai an s-ss-o, at iiasti s n ilt alsn Ularcasuhet bauos-- sound like0: field o artiller-ntheears l igens-rail>-, ?'Hces-eeais-s-isdy mallliagwpraparatdyntis taprrurs-etis umuudcris liteof fugitivet lawg-lrNeWoo thb haoo( oc ai bis astouisisad friends and suppoarters. appointuselit su Weil Ibat tise Isiniss->- s-lebs-ate lt-,great siaven-it besamlng honours. Lreduer, N e 2. lw-NwAmn ( nttformay hve o oulitaffordd im isaILpai tBusiacas as gooatISan Fs-ans-ls-o. The Ci- Tas asfobeteuchme.Inî for m andyofsve udrasafsda l iaa wsy'as heu-au lio te 19t sit. AFucî-VES-v LAVa riLi- ~vERPOOwL. ytoear hobegs-at he'ingtuds-and a hzdr rse.Prit-ai@ latteras-an mSan Fianseo, state It Haîsry Box Browvn, a fugitive slave aIs-ages- bratîisoultise enghi nuudlas-ge uanilles ofgoîti are tisil>- s-sas-ing Ilge s-rt>- ram Richmaond, Viî-ginia, as-sivad in bseadtb aiflte land, and a cou fidin, DRa. SMITH, fle stember tas- Wenî- îrom s-ue mines.IisON- asrityhti>tseCe- svsI eiîsacieu aaa iai-sa-askesaIA-ploa-atis-e pisokoit slip, sans, Ate-les.. people trusted îiupLicithy ta tise isneat th- , hias net witit ein ciet Thr sn hir r ikesn cpl ouor h 29t1u a ackts-h, 189, om Aacaed ai these sa-called Refasrases-s, ta carry linleing lbs-owvss ram bis buggy hast Gn.ma 13 . CagetsAOns-sl Bg- fron tidof u -as-ar s-84,i esapbe Ont thseis long chesaucd ttisliss. Thsis wieek,and sosersinhynjtredtlîatj1 'vas ta, asdti scuetat'>,bs-c passscagars by lie Crs-cssinralirs-,uîrkbl reprt illsho thrn Ow rosly hevfotnd nadisale o'Ci/y; aI-o Lieut. De Casmp, U. S. t\'av>- (invalal- usanses-. Hoe'tas parket in . a box 3 repa-t ihi howthea isw grssi- tie>-foîud uadviabl buhave lsim semoved ol,) a-ht tespascites Iraln the 1U. ,S.Legsi.va nfe og, - fe ep ad2fe bave beau daceived and mocked aI i>- t%) bis usyn rasideusce. 1e is sîill il, a Chili, and tis. Bas-lis-i, U. S. Nai->-,(lise laie wide. Couflueti ins Iis sual spotse ha> thevev nenwh, henou o porrpreafluIS tae.commander aci te U. S. Stooner E'cing,) siil 'nas fas-wasdedb>- raihrasad and stearn. Ihe vas-y ati who, n'Isau ontof pawer,[sreçarials sîsate.despaîcies iran Clliiorujaloiltse Depas-tms-nî afisaf-nsiu-hmsdlPtudapi. wase ltudat a tei- c>- gaist he TIse Peuplaetf Mantsoai, are agilatin e l-elearstisai Liat(BaI-s- adalo igaseh.a distanuce oi 350 miles. The package ý'trtvtgnc o tei pedcesos.chars-uofailita e'su c-otte Columbia rives- was dis-cti lu ousaeai' tbaleaing an- v-xrsautguceof isas- rodcaisor. f for a-Railr-oad ths-ougliolit tise Province. îiawing lteileidiseie-d channel win Wistiil>-t-sae--yiu Ms-. Hinckt; catireconciha tbaeisonast Ve lspe ts> ilnLtJ bout ilt t!I tuse, anti a isefis-art aiflts- colliai f tlloria andtisaey'lu in Philadaîphisa, and ord t th brefce Ilei hedsreOre-gon, Iran Mante->-Io0the Columbia river, os- sias 27 hoeursson lise rond. Tise attifer- efrmes-s ai ofordstbe ard, edlsi-ieni soge- bu om lYu 600 M'le Of cassi thas-oghly examineti anti laid 111198 af the pour fellh ase n> he imag- extrvagace f hu isetvads-ip, lie la kee fasion. The Cabans-g Star saya:- lowli, b>- Lient. CsîamiugItirhrat aiIbnlt nsnIa ieoi possessed af tIesa muaInS. oasgSuvasus-e Aprmil ai. is-Art mpas-t- %le t i nonta teol cunnng splsists 'l uWe cati infus-m otus-l'Mout-a cu-Barîleît, 'nit it ytis-graptis-al peru-ofuthle U. acsssts seuar'a- isog a i a > - n a n u C a a d a B e l a s - l o n a e m p o - n u s t i a I v e s - s i z y t / so t s a a d 5 5 1 £ h a s t& , w ' c s h a v e e le n g o h g h l > - p s - s s e t i h y s u na h i g i m ts - i o l e s i n t i se s i d e s o f lt h e generai ehaction wiil bho upon us, wben barrs? f/lotir 'ili, thsis lugo oves- lie ps-cs ofSiFs-ancsco, anti Oregaon'cill iehatabox ; andti hougb wsiten directions î.reu~rd aiIbahsusiag la ls-tehsesi nsdeassbus-g Rails-ond frts t osce-laid halas-e Protassas-Barbe, Supes-antentent was-e pinced ta 6 keep this siele upil ct-pesydods alth usflt soviepres ahic - ork Vt b'. US. Chsst S'srvey, for lua exuminalian, appraval fus-' muoetian Lwa saurs taebox ';na .N~u Yosk Jlarkt-.Fs-ansthia t and publi-ation. 'v iii ie secu Ihat the>- have n 0tne u BATTLII WITH INIIAN.-A pr> t tusned upaide dawu, lte runa'vay deop-teiî indignation aI the meu and ]labe if tise>-wiah ta relain th l iseWsn i e e-Ca eîo ts si ~-saebig otialme'lsh hd mansurs aiflise prsosnt Cabinet. tiade. hi,50whiga arLva suda id 9lown and bis fetup. Bra'nl sln Thee i no acontitenc i We- 'rjXý ýCalifos-uia adventurer, Ms-. Van Deuizen intelhigent loaking isan,'about 35 ye&s- 'lisra s nt acausliîanc luWes UNAPPY TRMaaINATmOq OF ÀA DUL.- isad a sevore engagement wiIh a Part>-Ofage.-Liverpool .ifes-s-usy. las-n Canada 'visawill relus-n a mambar T'vo lawY-s lusinQuebesc, w'vatsn fsrn aifIssdiana at tisa suof iSaimnrvslI a eie Iacbntise. anpedgd a ta bsouts-ettllo atd is .Tiecsjyhad a hostile meeting on anIshe Kuamatis, about tisc middle afi isg held yestorday at Washington" that pasing daisn ai aven>- exorbitant salas-y tisa25th maL, » oueunc i thAngîit lumt- Thisldians, lapsssGv1 P' Iîat ev ok hhb ý i h Gvrnr aIgae si urnth lt Ci is adil akoa uine 'viita mon, vhousstise>-tise Place tvieeia nx ol' ù n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t a t h o - s u e t s a n l t o e s n s a g a e uu u i g i e l I e C i i e v s o h l i g s i ta s i p r is o n e r s , i a v in g w i l i h t l t i nl a M a > - 1 8 5 2 . T h e g oo d a ofteners on'sasstito oaaiqllon a-ml CtsitCy>. Tis esaut, il ap- rubhied Ihens ai Iheir dauba, provisions, anti tas-es and specimens ofairst;are tu ut lte enson >-isamant alsrugi posass, 'vas ual fatal, as ltthvo ps-i-ihaines, &c.,iBomne lima belote Ibis Pas-t>- hosohd et ltae Option ai vlitiitrg,'d1h Idjustasast of ltae publieo«Penises t th Ie *paa ivere eiu 1WsalkÎng--Duit he ia I Wbic rit-ad arIve isnsls-r tbidingwhs-ît8y s-dt-btoh6t rquis-ametuta of lte ab3saperfor4sed. ternoon. ad- sCompany-a ore asnaj'vl ofdiCgUaetaasaoe te u Retreuciuuatlias siow beona m ast- -tlie instant rastas-ationof lise gouda ta lies as-e la hie aiti 'vien .ise artIcles ld Le ut usocoasil-. To contintuaeIs e aId lle hvis eiedacomm-sunicatiounlise raoti pas-t>-,but ltae demndst'as ansd autos-ad for conuaumuion5sr. ssed, avrvgn î em]ngr sbcm n f(msri eseceived tnulcot OPid Witis. fl wiies col- antiuacd gsa- bh ud acs txs-vean saîaslage, a ec . 9i gtrm suapesn akswn aigned "a lectedti sas-farces anud maastu-e DOhe>-as-e s exareado emd nm utaIesabIe. *T;isapeuple are gelliug tuber ufthlie cauinî cauncil" No woee ces-ted for a g-a t-. Dae. Maport ..Glo.¶"eOi c no-,a-tes saeisas-ed inus p wisitte mess s-i R.MUPH.-hechrc moeenligbîanéd dail>-. Canad nd s spae-'Itoul -0îis,1il ld, same flfty t- mn enios Ibis genleman 'vasdiise b 850» la ual tise Canada ut 1825; 'ndthe real signature ad" vsraot"apîuoas-d, 'vilissomne lîrce& iunds-od In. iafihptnapsighfr i di4sa ss-yedagninalscun. Tisefigist theiisopbus-for peringbwln e tisai hle axpyr hv oa akltvOfheatithus-coufidentiali>- îlaced on was kept tp for aume houas, lise Sa, i-il ut attndsarcfriaaeuîung bac i wor ) Ifx.oparig ers vagIthatheuack late he , oflise liereof. mon s-ve, uuvîdsug tisa- --_sip, eaaers a is earîplce ofworO i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Drn thpsei boag'vlslsegaass- t COwbltisitys't. set h ne arst&utî idi uiihr,ils- IlaerS fso-au4lettes- ise London Oî-u ie ili 'e ur u-Indisausd alfe- al ert'was-a kilied, and several wt-ita manise~- 5StO ith vii, icause mhh a, uaSI ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a liaada-sièai rjiilife-DiyXs',tsICardinal wiseana, vaeh>-l, thougîsl maslau> 'vususiet ng; nd heyfin tht thy Manc lide u inflicianl>-dischas-ged tise diitie ln, ug;ani iay iai Isi is>-aivectise iseî Ascbbisisap, bas suppressed lse Ie tliw s anà -cumbent tapon hias,"and would notîil" ra pidI>- in arts, science, conisasrCe, -prayas- fus-tise Qtseauia tis aioan leller ai the agent Oait t Landau B inth rae-tibia.ssal i s-yisioandl- uti civilixation, as we do, a ouée tiid, Caîbolic sas-viceoai-tise mass, kes- uated Lndo'Bn-halie iaerock amang 'visanaco ls s- laes, at tise xpense, andt îeis- publs HL.Alsa iemsesue-aN' StF-ais-,S-p-730. eeti.-th lck m onG wzette. tai n. In il le le as r. -7 01 lili as an seý as it rie t --- -"j.si us7j:s-upon. tise ptleuui£mutw110ijJi7' )04114- th am'à o s-utas-tthal oifar,-More--economical-rem plibican neighisar.The Ministry -wiil find ta tlhisas sos-row, tisaI tha peojule w ill JIa longer ho put off ,witit shaun Refas-ni r. Whtîtttheyay nt, lis that wlîichlis raa 7e -and prog&ressive. - THIECOALITION. s A tunion of tis, a (ies-Osils andi Con- -ses-valives us ual îueraly broached in thet -provincial jaîis-alas a malles-aof speaa- ilion, but it us sactnaliy and i ipes-cepti bly taking place nîthe preisentday., We üt contess wo catiisec nothiug inplràctica- -bla in tha callon. Àuîy legitimato ma~îisisitsi-i cati ho îsed tas- the pus- pose ofaffecting a change lu a siuislry so repuignàut ta tise groat, msajority of i-Ro-te-s anid lihos-ai-m inded Couses-- altefiaudh aied as a triumph oves- uiîîisîerial. deîpatism, rallierlitan .T a theEdilos- ailie Ivhilby Resporer. Sia-l asep-ielaîts-ti lumas>- papes -athat M-. k en ae is loo ke t u p o n a a b a t-la; a g o t c ian ce - 10 rep li eulo e of ar R iding a et the nex î el ion. H a i c m te s y c to n f i d e n t oa t i i i r s c f -m -b n t i e d , n o c o n ld e e . th a I e lb a s n o t ie am e il I u cc e s ea r > - t i speak-dire sl t elaan >' ne R iding, doub les, in t e -baeli-taI ther-wl , -dusplite-auning .themnselyes b>- al li, for 'cisiabi bate'the isnur of rs-a trig se great a ma. Latus lookittat home ansiéeu if le tuoeeparts in 'bIici c zie eses- ed, (uanel>, tithe gagera Seslion) the, people se- q u i s e t i e a i tt o ! a r a n lo p r o s - sr e a n > - I b h e y nse nov ain sears-itai.le18M-. MsKenzie us-ao hi g e-ted for te Est os-Nostu Edingai. 1 'cota i ke t a k now 'W ho 'cou td i n e t as-t B a t iin ; as bringia; hmm fr'art, eten in the East Rdin, 'bile ler Perï lit-s t We 'ant à pras-is-al Die-sie ave.gol one; 'ne 'ar.t a man 'co i ues am o gattie peop e- 'ce have g aI ne ; w'e 'net a masn'hose intrests are ilovet! lu ur o'n- sie iave . g ot su ri a m a n ; ce w' na ta m s-su il th e stage f-lihe affaira ai tie Provinse, 'cwhose viese are peiiiâ,-'hoste objecta are practica, anti wthos- efforts 'cilawa>s ha enistd lu sounti anti p re c sa l n n t a k i g s- a ae 'n-o ]i o l v e p a sty 'cl, ubi the peple andt heis- leerete bette-- W hit 'il co n e n ti t s-the g re ate tg n o t ta hIe g ra t- et numhr, not ni>- le the provincial anti genesal ENGLÂAjDlÉ 'The 'gneral fOWs since the smâing of the .Atiantic, Passeqsea lbut ltJj, The Chîlrch.of Eisàîan through hér li!spris And ciergy, seconded ' y-several of th'e leading jojirnole of th&eéountryi clling f-or pnai 1enàctniçaul 10 oextin- gish the newtîileasasstunled 4 twS Ro. mai 'hierarchy,, A depîîtatioù àf 1h. ciergy waited ppon tise bishopofr-,<,<- don anw Priday, t, present, a1 n gddreà prviansly dete-z-inad upon, at - PCoilega. Thedeputlitiou was cordjmj, received by theBiliop, wo er bis entire satisfaction w ith .the,> i ktv of te address, and trcngy rg4ib oves-y pariait shotîli at once pt-epsr wd frwid an addess to tie th rone, at Iis criticai poriod. . Thu Stanudard shales, a n higliauthority, tbat ~HôI- Majcasty wns mosI Isxiats ta reeivo the acdre.. ses of hes- lyalipeople, uan& lerýuncon- promiising deîes-nation tb sesiat Ibis imputdent intes-fereuce with ber asthor- 1 1

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