>,v.«ydy >bdop fvuh PwOof of the.â m ÃŽoUe aottachby cmmrcial men in the Uni- w sttote te cmmaningpopition of Toronto, as a central point (rom which the future raiIroad #,v@ego f C nada ut eve ntually radiale. Wc *4 itored, hata pr*posi al Injustbeeii eCeiv- .d (roui Bostonibly a gentleman off t; * ity, ji whi*h t he. adin; capitaliots there oher ')raise one.fourth of the -cost of a ligie ofotita (rom py«u.ott to Toronto, provided that 'the Noitbern SRuilroad lioni Toronto tiv Lake Hunron, vii Lake ~"Simcoe*tifrot ueuréd; withthe expectaion that- t lika smn will be raisd 4Y the Municip&Iities uIonÇ the line, and the re -raining blaf provi'ied by theJ.Provincial Uoverniment, -according tto aw.- 'Te estitnated costi £1,6(00-Iar'. - XIt. in reported that tho *Portlugtese Gov- -prnment have invitcd SpraÃŽi to -inter- 'Ë-il he adjt.strmentof the difficiftces wlth Great l3ritain. 'Letters'anwlCce Ilîit the iPopec bas The Xi(igara bringq à COpy of aletter from TLord Jolin Rut,ýe11 10the 1isilîp of bDurham, on the 5siîbjcct of theI:te nets of the Pope', in which the Prerùiier 100ks upon the aggressiun as inçolent and insidions, and promises that the la'vs en the gub)ject shall beý exatmined !le charges the Protestanrt clergymnen in au greut -measutre, as being the CIItffl of il. FErIÂiL1Div1.,E.--OI>er.l luCollege,' Ohiu, b as .Itelv awardcd di0lomas tu eiglIt youing ladies, unie of whoni wras &ilorcd, --viu have ennipleteil thei r la- dies4oýtrSe. 'lte (egrec-, of K. 13 v a s confcrrýit tuPOU cleveil gen"tlemen anîd one lady; tuat or A. NI. in cuurse., upo!n inine g-entlemien and .01l lady. Thrêe gesntboimen, and two ladies, 1com1letedj thme theological coirse. - 011(, uf tue lat- ter, ex peets ludevote lwrscIlf tuî1îIl1pi labors. Su then, %wvctbcir the fair 'sex o1btaîiI: their 41 ri'!glts " or'not, they arc re-solvedl uipon lahboribg to set thr, inen to rîuzhtS. It is jrblr Ihat îlity have tundertakei a More -dificit -eniterprize than tlcy sîi1spcsscd. - - - MAIiIIIEl). % 4n Whitby, on the 2th ÃŽinstatnt, bY the Iev. 11.1. horîtuiMr Je)lîi Rgralefie ai vite NfixsJane Griiiiitei4,et)aln1f. L~zd5for Sale INJEACII. lIE Stiscibe uIi's or Sale ai thie friIawumu«Land4, irii l i ,.Wlliiiil) otf E:iZ Lot 16) in 91-h Cotrccssgiei, 2Y) Ac ias. 4'î 16 î ()th " 2h) d131 h " 290 - "22 -"-1 .14h " 2u#') 41 21," d iff i " <1 di- 3 "Il 1()h "441 Onîthleît mnèntîiwsi 1,4f (1iZ v ithiru abolit fdo<-wich~'iarc' is wit ih F.îiIWhn't,. SAcres aws .1do ,1nd3 'Nrresi n~rfor Spr it C;op.Thons ais af.e tMgBîiii e eecisoffn thp Loi, andi a fine stru'arnracisîsthe' sane. J. 'T. arSIl. Wbtb.No.LUSi T)..3.f A ATKI;NSO4N. in favar oft JOHN IV LA N )l ort Bèaner,,for £10,ansd madse pavabis' on tile it Navenubs'r, i5.TIle makfr is'cautinnai not te) pay the sauife 15> any eilsn'r Ili.-n 1 itu, Ne" ->,I>tW.Jf lit#!4V s 26tih iiist.. nîy IVit', EzIZ qP:rtI lluum.,xilhoumt aniy jw4 ilme~ai or prevoratiotu. Tsis ino firii any pêr4'n or ps'iSoluS harbolitit or tis-in! bacc crltriy ardeutr f. as i wili no't lue les- * pnibefor any ' sths of bel cuntrac in-, aller tis date. - whiîby. Nov. 2911 IR. tS5f 33-msi. F -IILo L"oS. t teIdC Jity, Tus wfE ls ami Fusr L.â5NMBS, a il rus- cd wiî a.. Scalep ii thee icht Ear, ansi -. Taiis. Ai'iîsrntto i eadl hti 1,e tha»kftilly reccivL-d andl suifahiv rew-ard il. I. '>1 If I'1 %Vhitby, Nov, 25- jS<. 33.f 20Tons cf niw rnentdow lIay, (m ,x- ed Tinxstiy an'! ('buver,) for sale on tise s h.- scnibcr'ms Farmn, Lot No 3 li tise 6ih. Conces; on Pickeringf for cash. ~ if equirui G4r 9 mnhs credit wilhi e given hy furnshing approved papero. -E. WFUITE, Auer. k Cern. Agen Wiitby Nov. 30, 1850 3.t Ifloney Io Lenda r ihe-Subscribcr is- preprared tu luan i -severeial lrei Peund a t interest impon "Mottgage on freeholi -Estate, free ai incumbranu- ces, in sumointasait applirants. -Persane1l appli-- cations anly atteudeil ta. None: need r ppiy ex- cept thosewiso can fmriblihtie mostt nuexcep. tionable- securihy. IHlein aise csmrisioned to nsI a valuable FARM intise Township of Picker- itin a go(si state of improvemenit, coiiaining *aot'le20 acres, 90> cf whicis arc under îcultiva- lion,. The pice ia lour aud terme easy, Aise ooa EARM to let on >à la eueof 5 yeanm, adjoi:iing thse Vtiae of Norwaod 'in Pickern; at a low-rent. SEVERAL, BUILDING LOTS,ý containinir 1 1.2 acres each, i h lismre village eor ual. is-s .Tiiwot bea finît rate place, 'for a wg ois maker or other mechanicu.- To bis biesas kuctioneer, tse Subscribcr Milcontinues ta attend au usual, AccouaIs, and Notes of band colited at a low per-centage. 'E, WHITE, Auctioneer& Cormis#. Ageont. - Por WhrUy. Nov.3, 2 1850. 32. 4t NEW CUBAI> LITSTORE!,i eir4rly oppmî*t te "Goe JC - EIiç 01rst, omto. public that hé ha» ni aii excellent asmrtfli ~fur -Capot hà d long ,Il afiflOt e aoe ror lii F j. 'N F "E I L0,rHui NG &DRY G S. 'f sc ain, cor and General Dry Goodk Merchanis, SlrOlîoar îrtz Gotroemsr Lox, 26, KING STUZET ELAIT, TOnoxTO, tEol itnfurm flic readers of' the Whitby Reporte-r, end ptolilic, genersaIlY,tl)t Stbey hav*grernple:ed their Fal importations ni Qtaple and Fancy Dry Gaads, wbch haviuug been rted frem the c, e'.)ifck§ in Foreign Mýarkets, and purchased ffir CASH, wiIl bc t 'und, impurs c x- alidiOn, uweîïtrpasiied ili ibis City, l'or qiuality, style ansil ceapneaî. An Inspection h Invite£. READ THF< ÃOLLOWINGZ Blick Orleans ('bIh frtsai Colouil l. 44 e Black Coboirg e ed Coloirntid" 1 -2yd wide" Mijslmfn DéLaines Prints Iyd.-wide hloyle's " "és 1 yd (;inchams (Heavy)" 1)ark Sable I3oai Grey Suiarrel 4e Stoee Meartin d1 Niî lnk 64 e, 0 9 0) 5 0 7 'J 6 1)6 15 () 10 n) pr. yd. Wite Cotions Grey à I yd. e dé-American IdSheeiing 2 %d. Sf riped Shirting Bed Tick Bnrown Holland Gala Plaids Dmrk.Sablle Muls, Grey Squirrel 4 0t s 37t 4 71 9 3 0I 6- 1-2-1 1-2 il rogze-therxith an excelkn-it ýtock cf Fashienable DRF.SS (MOUS, Silks, Glaves, flosiery, &C., aI Isgo, 1,000 Wîlool Scaif S'hawl.s', iortlu,.-of notice. Watcrcd, and 9amak M ccnv, -urplsJh'g ~iIs,4 c.3ç. of e gaitPalTtlems 111 hlîrir oohhtn I)cparlmvnt arc ]lioad Clef lis Cassinsetes (PlautS, Fancy) 1)ecskifis .4 4 Tweedf; 44 4 Beaver ' .. Tholsrrski 1 d 1 C L T I IN( T ofeule hc 4s,c wng malle up înshrtlsir 015n frs'pcCiîn, by flue bs'stof %worlmen, tire [lot uîialle in (aiai,1kr stvlietofci-illinir-, qrni:hiy of wr<r asrinateîial, and general fiîmitabile. m's tole swants of lise îpreîfe. 1'atsrhuabesit I pimrrlsase :(eO<l1s in ti;ile tun'rrmy '.pay Ion dear fer emir -w tlîblle" il hei' bu foy roe îosxd.snuc over %V. & i11.î Stock, amrirsgwtîcl w ilI be fouimd: ryOver Ceails lie! Iiils £ ,ava'r Vhîitrw-y frortî 17 "22 t.Fine Shionlirîn eaz I I.ncy Une Pamsls liack Isatin Vexis, (f Faficy " ' I; l Teinet' id 23> 4- 64 12 6 4 1 10 9 4' .7 6 44 5r 9 il 4 6 ovs (Yoting n g&atvarutv Pais t4v.4-aI;Ihi, Fr & Clotli Cups, &c. &e. Gxarments made to maI.ý7U't and warraiited te fit. ~~am~~and others reî din~,_r i thc cuntry, anid mot ae-qirxinied with trickg pîactiseil mi Etra n- ib ly nîaniv diiers, wltew'1te rai a: ihlis .1-1 net h*.y have but unec straight tuî'.- çaid nice dot g n~ws.Aniong tlieir î'ules are ihe e lowviig NiO.,'ECOND PRICE. M a i >rtflnts iit ne t 1 ,dntc Ali <arrnents 'warrarnted nit Io ,,nkor spot %with raim. Aili i <nd, rutit ihe usuai lenglihs, excibangel. Toinrito. Ne(vember 32I-Y(i 17%R.-1 PA D EHOUSE! l'Vo. 2, SI& Lawrýlenlce zBntîUUngts- ,-.à oQuo. ()NE ' f1rw fir»$t I)rlni1 l'" nOirEcnoty 's te 1.)t1. Ãi the Cheapest Mark, IL av isl univs'nsally prýt(iesed l'y Ail-" E('tomslmic<1I H)te4seper;" arid tbe ree 'rade ci ile pres't.iday, by p wTeiush wlisoffie tenpttorgvus tc, îhe Publié the greatest artiaunt n1 I'rofe"rliortise nule ms-t igid Ecopamis il (t e-sire;buit in Uie selection ofa 4-aî" JOUSEiIOLD MART,I" il siol dbern' i rriiustî hat '"QUALITY ii lise trime lest ni' CHEIIENESS." Havitf piircbascsi prinailty fer CASILf. hot ei' luiat in iiBRITAI.N amsi ibeiNii. ) TA amic iuteist on SELLAING ah lite LOWJiST IMUEAT ;PRO(FfIT, for CASII )NLY, ROBFSIT '4RGV1iVT:4' (0 Offer te ilise Public ofi Toronto, and îlie surrounds;- cnsîntry ais EXTENSIVE. ANsl) WEuLL-ASSORTED STOCK 0F AIl oft wbici will bs, inujsi fuiy oisiai in sjsi, ity tathIe first Londonauanil New York Establisbments, atîudjatsa conusis1ermlmiy lotver pr~'cibetan any lieuse in ibis Loé'ality, Tho present systs'm of' Psffnir alias Lyirsiý." is here repndiated ; and.R. S. & Co. (in kieepingIo-t thc olsI adage, 46 lonesly is the bestI'elicy'.) have every cotifidence Ini giving uliversui îaaîià 4îctiun te thns-e wis "'a y faveur thrru wiih tiscir Pahrciagre, tIlereby qiving grealer puhliciiy to hheir caper- bilties for pransiinig tise bits-t irîferesis (tise Ptckehs) cithtie People. The-ir Stock connmprhs-es an J-;X'reNSIVE AND> CAREFULLY Sl1"LlECTEI) AMSRTMENT« 0F S T A 1> J L E- of the Newes-t Elyle*nd ;Manufactures, Ladies' Ulotdks, Bonnets, Mujîs, Bos, Sc., &ýc. R EA-DY-M A ) E C LO0TEHINGII In evcry variety of Coats, Trutmers, and Vests, cf stiperior eit. and make.' Togetiser witis a large lot ai Ladies' and Gentlen's 160,te- and Shocs of cvery description. THEýIR STOCK 0F GROCERI'ES Tbey cao wýitb confidence. reeomnindt as Men fnt re frorom any diumaged or inferior Articl0e', unn are of the -purcmt Qualities and %TictIransls. Aiseo a large Assortrnentt( Incluaiing a large let of John Wiisent Il"BuTcîînu Kxivr," cof a sîperior quality, ans 'vry lcil_ nd R. S. & Ci., being deteroeined to euexeeedinîlyfrne, reiy upon inakin;g reatsktq*ter among ew8.& <s ilSplendid Eitabi ishmenVt" h now pen, and ready Wo inspection; and they would particularly invifte ir Cffintry Friends flot to purchamse elkewhereï before gvn hmafi hne of roin tse rph f isir reeniO.Nu Second Pri-e.! _gvn;te a(icac Garment mad/e to meaursl, in elegant s, On t mk, otee 1? emember!, the' FREE TRADE IIOUSE is No. 2, 8v, LAWRENICE BUILDINGS, two foorsý west of Nelson Street, in the NewStone Block ou thse OMdManket site, adjoizihng th. -Arcade, Xan ým u it lafter thils? Tomptoi Land n1'VICe fu'iii > "3 'i .5 '.4 4; "i OW'hitne.y COths L jîieskiii 3American Sali nels- 6; Canathati i C)1s ê*' Cloilis, 3 [Couds Pltaid. Svansldowns, Plair lusiles. hein 6 "S .4' 7 2 "3 "1 Entranee Fee - - ><rbySibcrgtion, - ,à Mon:ly Mnage eFc n Presel , - - n -04 OHEA~R RANEVigE WALKER & HIJTCHI-NSO'N, IOLESALE & RETAIL efil ishI ~ aconsidérae i m ceybuifby hewas cfns ac esi Butetiling ttue ri hilt'$ cfns! a~srai s'ýlyeis Wî14: et f buthle iCaiiipeet' codrh ijt;ociod y tt,#. iraihat ci«peuï pe ue ht, l ne siv e hi pl.ee ii îl~~iiyeîrîdise hcoutt iy îiun a spîî oleliar ek;i)1eul î; tip nilati fd or rîuîe sptzlu .rae rd ea1à ; ed.the peepreul Wil or seigfi Irsi y lx-en d fer ti eethecut rpeoll0 erî'e),e jru is y ioefo iuî'iîrîîîg b nîov'icrstirei h eane appa ut 11w î-i uris's, n iern the iatwel itrnn appu*ienteiiee and frfrsrs-.inri ceîfieif tvl ex1eche te fe 'aii Pieiwl .ze rve te pronf elit a f thai a ew fiy ts M ite farfyin cr riv.-ni'nts mn have file bc tira te laei vinfh$ wir tri etllsimjil]n Occdtr le eliuwr ,i tnw ha î' i îî siîi aisi~ ~ ~~ii apinoit-xc,,re arelsfûriiedn emt hol:be tl ienei, thhyedvî,, n jiii#îsd nlie Io li~ eal)l aîîd eq'ueCichoîîlsi)aiiel iti-s sîîr:h 01dierica Id fiil d e uibrl lie ' tn.asuci - ceer oreI, andiig uiielik e Wiiuyld andl stirroluîdii-fvilla1uzî. AI thic f une- 1tui!lji. oee lusViIfiîst esiaîh- liî'-h,-ii l oiesire. îe L'iius siii liails %lae --o iai- i iiy li,h, o- iig to lt 1w circilt y nilloeusy.. auîd in-, dedafi th e fée anîd ,.x peris afirmn irn a- erîrire rnai.tiaLý4tTMeîlt cf dierfi, wrîe, ;iid .âtill ai e !bcee ii4ri,sti ottiïiy extravaifs'ti, eu riiy peis ei (alîîog Ib4 'om might 1w cros'ntio:Ieul 1s-urie il) huis piart 0( tier ceuîtry) had scaiiiy, (atit very jtien y toe> irrîeih a rmost unavilleei',Ioi t elir iiuch extoiled iseiulîess. Luut fi utter s-ei(us u tihe oijee(tiitraîseil airainsitishe n su kiigg otf lw tirs-t sociefies farmed ini Torcinto am,i otheî place.>, migit have heeî, and s-fui are, it is fuydeferTi(- ed oii by the I)ireciers ard Mana;ers lf fies Sodic- ty th if il ati eait, ïhali be as free froni rber, as it us pr'adtuu'atle at the irsi, horing Ihat in due couîse of t rne iy adopting and puiirsiig a sui ci and rîgid Yyshe*.rri of cunomny iiiits mranagerment fa relider it tint oîîly arpty menurierative te fthe tender tuit profitaile andu advantageous te thé borrower alao, anîd îhemelsy render it populai' and issefuil, antd con- ic-quertly a nîeans of iniproving the Village and tewrishiip geneuaily, as vell as- an irîducement for' eh her villages us-le ailjoininj, townsiî,s ho emulate <Irue very itrent advantage this Society possesses ov(,ii arsy oUhers in ibe country, ia, that the Silares ure oiily L50-each, and th e mnîhly paymenti con- sequeuîîly oniy five shillings per Shane. Thé évi- dent efiedt ofibii s, ifat its itçmmlefits m2y lie felt aned paitcipzile( in by the workingclse d of irs fiuiited mt.n,3' To such pers-ens, the moaiquestioni unduubtedly i-i it or is it uiot more adaîtg otîisr uw Io aise mtie y on ordinary miit4pze et 6 per cent., thpn to barrow rnoney lrtons a-Building SDeeyl- A lew simple State- meuits will serve ta explan îIÈis. I4et us begin, theni, biibppouing a building socîety wi1i rin ut mn t;everi veais from ils commencement, armdthat a ties-etî as borrowed one ahare of £50 on the finst sale day at 30 per cent bonus, thus receiving £3.5 4s cash- illcre this borrawed on commun mronge at six per cent. irsterest for seven- yeara, -the paymeîîts %voild b- Seveti years' intérest at 6 per cent. - £14 Il 0 P'rincuipal ho lié paid at the close,- - 35 0 40 r - 4914 0 Wcre this- borrowed fiom the Buildting S'.oticty, t he paymnerts would e- Neveui years' imissalrrterts ai fi'e shillings --per mo,îîh, -- - - 21 O liees the arie, -- - - - - 21 0) O Lrar nd auiManagement Feics, about i 5 0 £43 S5t) 49 14 <0 tlle Socicty of- ------- £6 9 0 Vcry few persans have however an opportunity oi ba)rrowing money froiri the Society a its comn- rns"uceent-sav that thse Share wes borrowed -one yeunr aiter, the Society closing in seven years, tise boan wili theni Uc only Ibr' six yearis, If borrowed ors ordinary mrîgage- Six Yeats, ilterest,- ----------12 12 O Puinci'pal suin,----------- - 0 £47 12 0 Sevenyears' îistaimnts, --- Six yea4ss' interest, Fees, &c., say -1 0 £40 5 0 Siswim agia..yy barrowing (nantithe--- -' Shoqld w suppose tisat thse Seeiety wouid take' eibiye rî 10 ttwbiehi an extremeassumnp- lin inltesuiswil Uc obtained, but iiidsi. ishemi raies; thug If bornawed hn tise usul way, -Eigbht years interest on £35.-n 16 16 0 principal suai,-------------0 Iftaken (rom the Sorietyt EIgb't yeari' hnstaltrfls,-- Eight years' interest,- - ihuhshowingaain'byboTowinl lbe Soeety, or. n- 1? 1Nva 5, rgIl~Subserîbers bave 110W onl baud, and are <ailY r14vA81 T'ln" iock of ckieap and fashienable tR EADY-M DE CLOTI{IN AIL. wé'lI eut, with Sluperior timings, and made Up inil their e stallishnent in" Montreal, Iby first.-rate workmnen. We bu y,,n the bst tand cheapest wholesile mnarkets, and s CASII ONLYe Cheaper than twy other, establishmen'i'. One trial. W'11l lue reçdjilouIs Unit E-. &Sl'e stock of' âJihing is mueh Il trimtned, and cunsequ e 1 tly eheaper than any oth :ezr,,rdiflg hot ItË,EMBER AT D1IRZCTOR8 yoIx TE E?ÉSUING VEAR. PETIER PJÉRRY, ESÇL, PrPuidnto, JAMES ROWE, Emq., Vte-Presideent. Ma. 7. BUJRYHAi.%I Ma. JAS, WALLACF. Ma .DANIELS JMe . LGAWr.$HoREÃ. Sect'y if 7,eaumrer-Na. JOHN HAM PERUYO. Sodicilor-13. EREY BALL, Esq~. Banik- Bilding Sociptîem aig enfrs n: f ui, ,sfbh~lîd.amdin successfqi uperaf on in va- nioli pari* of thiis country, ard their adlvantag«. liah as afl'oidî,, ne ofs profitable ivcstment ar;J a14 gratrit 'illadîlîf or 1 t-aqiuisition oiet l Eltale bteîng tnw so well undaermiftuid ;îcknow!. iedgeul, il j14ilee<ielI wite îmirece"try. on laying before thse public Uiheirospectus eof aBildm o ci,-Iy rinb iâse ct'ioni ofthie (ounity of YorkI, 1"0ci- tri at aiy ltqsmilh im th, prirneiples or opiations ut ,uch Associatiots,. 51')o 1501) 250 F~~'THE a!dWitrC ats foVn - E ACKAECh INU Fill aîdrior r Ck aDrs, ir$3s1-froS7 $elato 9. piîs cdisoumpriÃ"r a.sortlrd Doeskin and Cassirnere Trawsers, froni $2 1- Rich Faili nd Winlter Vests, from $1 Io $1 3-4eai-b. very Rich French SilkýCut Velvet Vees, froni $2 1-2 ta $3 3.4 each., rorCae Aprfne ovRClohoPandCafiE rink - -i lieiorr s-iectedl particuiaily for the Subscriber, hy a comapetent person who avails filmm orciîy of* purchasig uI ous wen the ,markets are o." The Subscriber, therefore, perierc osifidensqe, sayu that the presett stock on band cannot ho undersold by any Dtbes' Te establishmertîht isi e f flic Atlantic. X cati issmoiitf]4, ani a single friaI 'will canvinlceeof thse îeality of the advantages pro&im Public under ùhe tE..D Y MOYL'Y PIINCIPLE!1 Toronto, Sept. 28, 1850, 27-10 Fo NEW MESSRS.BU-RJG-LSS & B~E(-' lo anflne-r' te the -îËhâbitants cof Cà nada Wý 59tir NE'W> GOODS,~ conssting of LE CIlot/j, Casqiej res, Vestinzs . a'nd a gefleral assortrtft o! Dr in the best JritisltlMarfets,for Cashj, whicht enales th~ cfteaat-prices rauch lo'wer than. ever before tft e th e Cainadian Publie., Thi Mantilà atured in this Ci ty, frum Gods imp1ortei direct frorn -$é lVOe-, anD Ganadrnuî Cloths, fi:tlme besi, flictor,,ts im'Oanýa([ for dtiraQbil ity, style, and cheapo'es:- Du Do1 lied ili Fur Cal (Jienga MN-euus1 ýN'1 ci's- B éaver " " - - - 3> O la eeki .- Shofiug " " -- 15 O do Etoif Ijroadeloth " "-- 30 O) do Caimada Plaid nnel~~ 5hrs White ehirtm, Linen fri ISp - - - 3 9 Cith Caps, trv eosnçts, 0- 9O 6 Bo s" V rs, - Waae tîder Shirts, s - 3 9 d Trouser, Vet, - .- 4 5 d(10Coats, MEN' PdRIS<~42I ILTS, BLAICK .ANDj uor t buse Goods reqiuired by THE PE 30,000 yar(L5 -rood Bojunset Rdéon 3,000 yards Gala Plaids -14 Prints, fast colonir, Ladies' Cieaksi, (newest styles5) Vel vet Bonnets, -- i -9d StnipedStlQn 0)6 p lannebsu 8 9 Bianike to 39 Limiens 0( Shoa, hec-d ieresan ohel1 GoeIjosiery, Fringçs, ArtificùialFI Sihails, llatidkerc oNNO s E cO Toronto, septe.mber, Il ]FAIBA1'N Wij.ExT, PiL1TFQR- Frale by WOJIKMAN ÉgRoTHER -- No 36,J<King Stî' -rw'i....,9srti. &nt. IM. - r. t£ et 1- irtzs-ulsi attention teot/oeir assortment Of AND) FANCY DRY GOODS, 1Oh -'yGods 1 nd Litle Fisos! 'ant, Con- JENNY LIND ECLIPSED! 11! NVo, 5-1 ITY BUILDING(S, KING S5TREET E'I' Ar4 TE- KENC Sf RÉET EA-ST, OP.POSITE -THE ST. LA JUST rtECEIVBED, ria IMONTREAL JVN1i 20 Cases of Suprior ]London 1 CLUOTHTINiY a1sI Jetmid Cheapeat ever impoited inoaBritih North Anierica, ail ~Llittis" Over the S-rEnru1No OST, In archer te tîake room fora very harg ($0 7 If LVO, (tiowv on ilsï way omît> the Subseriber having heen apflofnti mà st extensive hocises in London ini the IlExir., awtTADE." lHe theretg Ge;crstty am ndliîa > biants ofi' arante wilh SUPERIOR GOODS, for U riea !, ...ir h. nI-sar n ~thimi city. Clothiers, Outfitters Kixa STftUIT LAIT, ToaoxTo 1 iý E V A priçt; ciluige ër; £51 16 01 & HAMIL. GýO