Whitby Reporter, 28 Dec 1850, p. 4

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B. BRY.AN TJAS ben iateiy appiliei Agent, by the MaOn- nl'facturerrs. for the dioposal of seveuai ruew puattern stovem>. wbirh were patenleti threc niontits ago, anti took the prize at te late - Mneri a, b îgament Of rigbî [rom JAMES Ilie as ut> hanti a cetterai assoIt mer>! Of Tight JOHNSTON Air, Parlour. anti Cookirîg Stoves,1101ta4h Ki'îdles, Tisi celebratod reuiedy M. for sale hy W. $UT- Gri Irons, Dogir rons, Door &.îapers, lPatent Cà- t'ouç Dr ugigist, Osluaw; Tnïos. S"~TTOr, andi terrn Pumps, &.-c DAVWSOK t Co., )urai,. R DRL 1G- The new patt'u:ed sI ove iunm"I'on the. OLD Tpa, frokin;~uls»~, uffins',Cr.ee<; and orINIP m)F it.ICIG TH1E PI41T1,N JA E .GEIRI E, VERY THICK, andt he tire plates are so rolii. - W/tO( sale ind ReaiI.4gent, ruttththelr uioliueîiu.Tts MsîK SILEET Wuui~.y. uove ta ttecoule v.lîueh. uin (w-cAve nîonthm. or ai IV-41 STRET, RI14Y s on ab il becouies .geuieraAl-y hlkttw, "Whiby, Oi ov.,J~50 30 Firmers irii 1lltI'f nu q9îhrrSlav'e. CAUTION.The a<fvanîar(e ilt po>eost.s of tahittur it a touç CAUTI07.stick of wo)d, anti havitit; a large 811(j capaciotib Du O hprebvCaetitflothe llicn-;tqt Ovent, holtiug îwO tiers of Lreali paais, aitr ia -. fue pufiic (ttT iuit uoted for un excellent liakinu; cveti, are fer stipe. Pufne onaspuriouis aigtle calleti Dr Locock's rior Io any stove lie hais olti, "eetoforé, Pumne %Wfeus, manufututtred Liy E. D. G;r<en, Fuiendx! Do n't l'tuy r4pew'here m'iflou t:calinL Hamilîi-n, Canada IVext, as al li: heinformiatioi he at xrii; slt at tîc r i! 0ii ever receiveti fOr wanuracttlrinic thege Wiiièrx wat;fon exari rxuus toeg tevmeuu latfouisin1.. by heing ÃŽla Jamet l3ryaix DrugSore, Rohî'ter, vit Bryof WiimoîltyRon'ueiti filtsorits tcL A*r t*o tontji. jantes Bryan alun in a couter- vlaeo 'lt).w(e-rl4o l ot r leuer Of Locork's aters, whicit lue calila 'Brï nai t plldown Io honet p ivtîesand Iosuit lftie. PtItncWfers. . 'nMS4.-AiI t of liroduce, f.m? c.sttie, il'n- am anpreparedtn i2ve mos': satisfasctiryeî'idenre ber, corilwood, &c, &c, tak,.i-tinltix'lan Mos e ç f hî'siciatis andi Arerts. rip- 'Te Suibscriber haï al.,imSte inte ime bi ,ý,àdSftle-s sue Of tbf aihove coututeufeits. ~ e. t. t'. î.. -ie pericluâffecs lhey have fac! pouu tliom îue d-il omOît 'tI-tuin P iî,AC .IiuiIt, whn have lied the miqfoitturue If,)use tlwrr>. - ez/door tu Mn Iiiud's Store, 'Piue teter go thirel page of my pam'phlet frr çmidiftete aiven by,1iînry Poalmî't laie jlLi"enrui'Where it e a-o kee'ps on liaîl a general assorl mer>t 'Pr the 1 eh uReaiMn, ofi -fe tifr'slrh? 4Boolâ? foi uhiich cuis anditi 0ulr pouc'tliet ili~filpty, (port mor- C. *W.) jýo'ýt. ulruit a ken, iii paymreruu. Vni, # iuned, by E. Taylor. Rochester, N. Y, -1 . )ntparn.'cPdas JAMES JOIENSTON, RocJws/ter N y. ý A . hy ak o iay roit ae 7d os. ALEXAN'DER SMITHI, Whiuhy andi Prîrce Albiert. ~~... ~ - e t)ctu1ber tît'4r PULrmONW WAFERS!,Ç.PULON .ERY CONSUMVPTION and al a ffî'ctionâ ô! the' 3rth :ýad cL9,gs lauacurby E. 'rayfor, Roch sei . .,bcon y hue andtretiuuu,e pri' jwltorant Maufaturer on -the Confinenrtnii N.3, Lidde-ll's Buildinsý,Chrek q. Mav. TOMIiTO 5-3m NOTICE. NOT ~IT~IF~~:?"GVN(u 8PPlcaton illhe adetotheLegisiatujr st-lt. net.session, for the formfatinn o a nem- ai independent Comituy out or the len eastern Itow 31141- 01othIe -otinrtr ot'York, end for asuci i that-part of Caiiwrigçbî laying north oif Lak e st M I to the towniship or M5irpoa, and the Suorîti tOf o a ne'w townidhip out of titose portions( Cartwvrigbt and Reach, wlîieh compm'é Sciiiti Iliand, and that the sald rew township be attache to te proposed new cfunty. LIA . REBR £ FINDINO SURBE. JAMES WALLAÀCEhcp' tinforn, 'b'Shurm-ukeys, HPat-ipoqs.akers. and nuhers, flia. bpha& on-hbond, atud will cfontiue Io keep à wesil aasrted Stoïk of Leilier andl bhnemàkei.4 Fird- in", whict> be %i'I ll ef at Tîîoronto e. Hia presen: Stock conqists ci -%Sle Leatheri Spartish atid Shlv~her. U7ppoi Leath<'r, ('w ifle, Kiiart!il'ut Frenmch 'and I Piilatlt-liphîa Caif Skilis, - - Mari~s-~,1tjD4trJ Leue Coiiqretl Mordgceai)d, Roajii; of all-kinds Qoat andi Lamh Sk'iii Biudjnues' SheTbred, Bfo<>t Wehs andi Lininqu, g Trees, Lasta, Pincera, Hammerm, &c. I- addition 1<> the alisnp hp bas commenrpi' BO<YI'AND $HOP. MA KING ir> ail its branches-. wÏe h le is particuuîsrly wirîi preparecl 10 carry mi1 Io thue atisetion of ail mtuho may favor himi wiîu teir ordors, having the -princîil 'Part -ni stocis umfaeîured under bis own lflspectiorur antd tom.è ofthle best workmen the country con Pro. duce, enaWlng bim ai once to -warrant both quality. of pmaterial endi workmaruship. larg £rsStock of 1LadiW an<d Getne&aBoots and ik8 onCstantly é>ptî -Particular eBUention gh'ro 1.o Custom IWork. 0- U/l paiti or Hide,, TalI, and Caf Skins. Wbituy, Nov. $th, 1850.' 30 JOHN TUCI'Eý- (Late -of Jf<mtret2l) ,swipotteg an~b 1-ai et HaWL,,HeU, T"ot and Ot/îe bruce; 8Shel!, Raf- Jeiodry; 01*à ; eather Durtrs; Colo pw Euem<e fair 011, Toilet Sap;Fans. 1'«Y ukjPut-Mon>31,#, Sîigar Casm#, i md4LIk ia B0l". /Pocket and Memorandum Do., Goli and Steel Pýras, Mure Chata and o/ikr P"e. 2yss Fancy Good,,4, 4.., 4., =5j,- Wellington 3uildinge, ]RING S$Tt ',TORONTO. _24.y HATT1IR -ÂND FUJRRIEIR, - VICTWUtA RoWp TORLONTO. TNPOMS tf, Ldiesandi Gentiemn or Wbit- IL huy sao wine '1Uiet h. ii DOW ree*eiving bis *~4r4%*zyUpfCTURED FUR$* 'w"*Mbwi*uU Canadian Furs ci bis om'n1 xouw *1f«b#i& 'Xlete a&n4 peni auwtaý ý coatsumq eveay fhuhiolluabie articlie ,end "MU&s decided flovelle for the cominz Wmt.*i Tô-nY 4i* aad Chiltiren's Furuveto,jins LBm.pectfjj1ýy1liethteir Patronage, 0b ~ ~,15.28 0 » ,;ýsta.iiWçissocij CAMTAL £0,O tii& Pamphlets, Bianks, andi ali requisite iIorma-1 lion mray be hati on uqtiplicatioui te JOIIN AM PrRRY,- .dtfrWIIIY. 14 CAMEROI &MACPOXEIL Attornlsg and Comwro-at-z;aw, M. C. CA-MEROIN, Il * -1, MACDONEML Ci/ty f Turwo,« W iiby Village. C-ANA)A IWEST. Peter Peri)ue, lCmî. e ec CA il ilETONLJ'y N I), Tri TE TU GRAMAR UkMUL THE MIESSRIS. HARPER BROTHERS, f JVew York, have dicovered a richer -place than any -t' California, T"£ Ef rpt Edition of the Fifb Number of their ni-w Monuhiy Mazazine having reacheti the xtraordinary circulati'on of Jortypjhe ttosad Copiîes, anfltilui the demard continies. which cani crly be actouuteti for y the fact of its presetiig, inu hantsourut yle, andi at a ceap'r rata thon any other pieriothe-li publised in the world, tite chice2st potion nfthat vat intellectuel wealth which oblaiis trrr-uiy through the prîotical pre.sat the present day. "fiep prewijei ntusufer contains upwards of hirty article-; fron the rirst cortiibuors of thé are, N- ties' f New wWou ksi a Monthly Rlecord of Cur- rer>! Evenriu, et, Fa ultions for A itumn, with Er>ravings, &c. For sale ut the BO0STON BOO0K STORE, Plrice lu3. Ilack iuurbers suppie inany quan- t'biy. B. COSGROVE, Genertil Bookc ami PeniodicalAge x','loL1: A ND A iiiîu','rt."î-ILtAM; DEALER IN THS, 01ATl)fWf'fi(, IIWE, PPLIi S 0 TJ I E R IE i 6 G éWV 1I N ;l G , r1 &r..- C '< T A IN IIN SO \' ( N , A bls t) \1,/11,1 1ave Iii>tofor ? Ia±ua ewlqton, MAN;F Clt~1 ifl<IF sLE.uiuî-r< A w1) .utrl (iu'iit,ri l-'VRY AFTEI<NOON, M A N T A C T R E O .S O I-*. T P E A I) S i rilays ex c e'ttt'd, rit lie 'èl ock . llAImNLNSsLEI-:IIHîl&v. IViA iî'atý;véeu' aimtrnd QwentIntfor Toronto ;' bout lai-past #-i-ht ini the nrnlrin, ra iltl ar- Cash.pu idifor Ilidûes un'd SI.i>s. JVIu't, l'î' Iititié ol'et ii'tite Mail Steýamers for Rings. 0ý1fv, Pts aA Pen-l ar i 1'Tvl 'v,. Nouut. 0,/s ~>~q an I>arl 'hhîs. <hCil bill atMeule extra), one dollar. Witi livViiI.ri.7t! Jimtt, ~.t.~Dcrk Il' wýil'ae itrer qourt r.eof' a dol ar. - - ---~ ---- - j Roy<ail :mnî te.1- aiu laket <Ifce, ~ ......i. -~-Ž~ 'R~~ŽrL~ or<,to, Mi~~ 22iui,18.50. 6 Mnt, 13y John Baker, Wcest îSidc of.11irk/idSquare, TO Il ONTO0. NORT1L AMAERICAN ILOTEL ý13"' T lJsty Potte-sîaltays iii ittf!il;lp t h - ~ loatî,. I>d.k-('i i'îil et 1 It i gae ('t lieyed to antd tfionlh,<the 110e'0<1, ctiate. IVJJIII T 1 V 1 L LA G 1,. Pc>ort 1îvS 2-1 y Spring and ÇulinelIr fasIions for lS5tI. Wiiitby, Ap'riI 19, 1850; WMSTflRN HOTEL, -- -- - - - _ JV//j~-tn Str(H't, Toiont.o, A il E NX.iP R 1 N (L E. ln lte trnrniliite '-(i î(ly of hibans lo. (>çr fihce, utl aiUNIle '.rî'arniil,î,.tLaîir W III TB Y fr 1L LA lGE. L,t. Aprit, MI'1 >u'iîlr dl orde-rs inlbis 1hue roinjttI' t(e ted. ' L Al . -:FF 1" E Y, Tie latest Fas/ions aluways un Ihan . AGENT 110 Ji 11111'E Whîitby, Aliril 19, 1850. altibngiou (touln1nIfluîntal ~ t ~ ~ It'U ~ - LQ IDEIL TII;>IIPSIJX, Proprior ICI P II' ~Excellent accorrmodaliorts for tras'cilers. GooJ 111 C HIlt'D )W(JO N Stablitîc for Ilorses. il Supruo -acorrnoatin ffndpd10 ravlFes. 4 iodical1 'Li teratu ro. ('alaciotis Stabliitg andi shedu, attached t*0 Ilie I f. own - z'insatiProrjaIswj be 7sb. ~delivered alitîîiishter's 1rirs t beci 01dhai, Ap-il,1830.bersin Osjawaand tî % i viiiity. by G. uts ()shat, Auil, 850.Eeq., J'omtrnaIer, N L:ý,;odey'F Lmdy's B3ook. - £0 1.5s pe-r annura saî-tairiun r 4n iMaý,0zille, £0 15 T HO3 RAR Grhames M~atn, - 0 D0~ALD1IrIVd, 1'roridorLittâi's 141ittlg i, DOAL ilr,ýý,S ýor1fo' llarper's a'io, - 05 International 'Ma!za7irie - 01 W--iid Liand to Lcasc. B. COSGROVE, General ]Book and Pet jodical Agerit, HlE Stibseruh)er-- bas A 1 LIV I IIOLSAND %Vholi'sale and iRetail, ARSof WîftdriLand Io Ieasp un lte îiow- WellintîonBuildinig4, King 8treet, Torurlo. iz Towîîships«, Readht, Lxbridge. Non/t Gwauilim.- Torotio. (ktober. 850. 27 tr, lirock, .71orah, âtaî-a. - i/ia, Tiy, Tay, dtawàsagu, Coiitgwvood. Mrari pcsu, E/don, Fene- -1-1,N.111 y W E B B3 E El n, andl Qs,. The flos! of. these lâtids are of tuie FAtIN S AIlLE- TAILORY ,t quality. and will Lie least-t for a te! m ci fîom OvN 'e to seven yvar-sdependitsw tupon the situation, in- Oposte .. Bette,-', Kingz Street, s 0f îuom 2»to 1.00 acres eaeîi, 10 ny orie %wjmo OSIIAWA"j. C. W. iii chop, eicat, andt ente, jin a gooti and waik- Wlîcre he is prepared to ecectte orclers afl; kemariner, withi*ti the stax, 1tiaiîe, aquantity in bis lune on flic horte tltce, )t ess thari20 acres ont cadi loto Ait letters, post-paid. de*iring informntion con- and at rnodt"rate charges. -.yoi ue aicuiîsr lotis in tiler 0f (lie ubove townsbips, will Lie answered withouit deiay. wý J. T. BUSI. Whlfby, juiy, 1850.- 16- IV H 1 T 1B Y RI~ E Suiseriier bas conaînl on biand the J. a botte articles, "'hidi he t IVfsl ba o bu loi lie fir fmi Mil no À0 ROB3ERT GAËTS11ORE. Wyhitby, june 7th,1850, R EM O V AL.- T IE Fubçribvrs have removeti1 t he corner of to NEW IWILDLNqý IN 1J1ONT OP Buildin .s. knowuî s »1le St. Làorènce LYMAN, KNRNEUSHÂW & CO. To.ronto, Aprii 29,1850.7 S(.RGJiON DENTI8T, HAS theu honouîr o! annouunicinglis arrivaIl i coronio; Nwih thse intentionu of establisiiing bimasilite city oas a 8uaGteN DLNTIIT. Dr F. leelieconftclent that frouts many years' study under smnof thev,,..< ,.,f4hrt 2waet Fashions regulanly receivi'd. Oshawa, April 19,18 . Deojer in- -Glt(WERIE S, LiqIuoso, AND P VMlS P1RODUCE 13OUGHT -AND SOLD. Betweeit Strouti',iand Platt', '1'vern, Jiasi Sidel ef tt& Mer/et, - û iýO OIV C'('©ý 26-Y AlR. 1B. F.1,E y BA L L - il AS ISMOVED TO Brock Stret, ucit duor bI ryaus Tin Sbop, WHITJ3 Y, C. W. .1ork . Imerïctlï EDWAJLD A. 13ATE, é? rrporters in atn#-uuîtance ut the S&earnmoî,, May, 1850, 8-ly- Fal andt Winter .DryM -GoodsI 1,%7O'X & CIIILIS 1-TAVlrE<,.d tht'ir Sptriz rSidek of Poiit* I~I irdS bis ihiý<ir mîanîîfactory aI Mw1- trra l, and vv. i .#Il a t hîir tiscal Iuw ta icî. B. & C. iemplo>Y six indfr(-d oppratives. andl prodiîîci frni-il Io I1(00 pairs ait v. Their 1)4>ft<'i'n! st as î~ipceît înade ivîh.sj-w', ,p to fiii' wailt of C anala We'st, ari! wi collipen'çae i o i t i t a b o r f .î irr Iis fo i. o a î 'a re f ît 'd is ta n e . B iy s' lî the ii rmirîd kn th . a fit -.%Ill lie g uar- alifced. v-110ants lo avr ot pîllionisé e b riahve etiIllir'ntsýjijI o;îdhsi ,no t imr, as i iv <attlie 1f1ît r t 1sb' for oit-' ialfif liv ro't of* î'out ry Pl odhw. tjoli. .Any zuariaçonaUýe fadîu're repau'e itl wîlut charge. S. Ji. llrow,ýý- & (îîrims. 8, King Stree, T 1 o r o t o , \M a y ' I , I S ' i . . THE St ' It fl ll î' Lca4No. 3,1.,80; biuirte rs, for ;uaterntiof' t1iol 1css lta ut l v y 'i rs.art' l'y A er's c en-ar'd anid thewhl Vru is 1'1euîîiftî11l' Wtîturerl.(e ai i ( R. - ]>AL'SI, i1gv'iiigoilm o v ~1y(paid 1 il y îpost) 10 April 9 l , IS .-~ 1 M ontAi of Kinz " trect, IIé4t of Bay NSrcel, ýD 24-y LADIES' A ND] GENTLEMEN'1s - NO. 4, C!i/y Buildinzi, Kiing S-rect, T1ORONTO. 21-y CIIýAiLE S 1BA KERL .27o. 37, King Street "est, -Toronto. tý' Ail kintis of 'Ship Fiaz~s on bauid, or made 01 (jer. 241-y rVII-EellT, PL.d'1'hOJ1I, 4O1'IIIR i For Sale ly WORK.NAN BROTRERS & Co,liget,8 No36, Kiiaq Street Eas, Tvrono. Toronto, 27th S,'ept, 1850. 2.5-6 British.ce«natUiaiï -In the Village' orIlyewoast1e, J. CI '1ENNEttY, PROPRIETOIR. Atçst18150. 1 OppI)hite thue inikcf, Kiiin, reet, 1"oroiutb a.O0 x OIP ON.- THE ST'EAMER Princess Royal. CA1TA1N IHENRY TWOHYe.. W~ILL leave Toronto for Kingston. calling at ~YPort Hope anti Cobourg, weather permit-; ling, every WEDNESD.AY and SATURI)AY at Will leave Kingston fo)r Toronto, and interme- dinte Ports, every MONDAT andi TIURSDJAX 'Aftenoon, at Three o'clock, .Will leave Totonto for Hamilton, every tlTES. DAY andi FRIDAY morning, at Eight o'cloek. IVilI feave tHamilton> for !Toronto, every TUîES- DAY andi FR1DAY Aftemnoonj, st Three 6'clork, The Steanter' Prince-ss ]loyal havinsg been fur- nished *'With new Boiliers, is r>ow ont of lte fastest hboats- on Lake Oàtarlo, -anti having ber Upper Cabîn extentitti neari y the whoie lenglt Wfiber deck, the, accommodations for passengers are, grtratly inculeaseti. She has State-Rooms for uspwards o! flfty Cabini Passéngeîs; anti reveral of -ihem - are fitteti up 4 w-if double .French iîedsteatis. 1 Shebas long been kowr> as one of thé best sea-i boats'upon the lake; andi is now one of te fastest andt most commodiious. Royal Mail1 Steam I>ackret Office,? TIoronto, Mav 20, 1850. Ç6 WlH1 T 13 Y GARRIAGE AND LYGH BUGGYI T ' iE tt e~c ib r l as co nisfan tly orn iuand, anud Continues to Mainfaetirre WVaggonis, Buggiesg, Rockways, C'hariot- tees, and Family ('arniage:, OF DIFFERE.NT J)ESCRltPrboNs, whici lic caJiself Clieaper for C4 titan anyother Iisîablishîuncnii in 'Wluli- by or sîtrroîutiiuîzecountry. For siue-J rit r Style (an>d l)rbit lie feeis pîîrclîasers. pirint-in ali its variolîs Ibranlc vt atveQ!tI' ittort notice. Wliitliy, Ajril 19,150 NewLiO of StRgcs WHITBiY TO-POR*T PERRY iEAvrNG~ Wh ill~dage erp-ry. nirtit LA. (Snitiniys tcttî) r ih '/ok alrm RJCTURNENG:iî leave Port Perry nt Three o'e-lock P. 'M.' calliti- ut ttce above-narrei places.- ii--e Passenirs e orrning cir 1W . eeàmboat ./lrneri a at, gOu;l tjj y the -stage riex! rtoriliirg, skret-notice. WHIT.YX. SCARPTUR C. W6hiîy, I7hlt Au1850. 15. JAMES HODGSOIN W h tb , u y . ,1 850. Me 15 s lf - £ic ~ t aw tcnre t ounîn i n± a OCDE.NHBUIG-, A. 1Y. N(EMiLLIONN INSIJKIA.eCEË. The lIon. Il. Vanraaihrrle, (igtdensçburgA, . Y. Sidney Smriit, E, Cb~g Ormon .Jones, Esq>, Brocktille. A. Farewell, Es, iJar*uony. P. Perryt W4illry. - lryce,NlM.Murieh &Co.> I7'onto. Drolin , EllshaDoire- John Ili-blund, di Markk/tm. di RE4D YMA Coati, YoePl 'Which, as itis «Ilmwde E 'telurenuc, he flatters hi rior tî any in the city, a TordtoMay 9,150- fOR SALE- OR TO L£j For -a terrn of three -or fi v yeai-a, ti wel knowm as thre ALY-WAY ROI on two acres of Land on he' corner-of Lot No. 422, 7ti Con., Whil are excellent-shetid andi a large lati the stand,- andti wo >evei failing sprii water risc on the preknises. w ty sep. 6, 1850. 'Coit lver. [have joust received JAMES H, GERB Au.24, 185. gs, IJ IPORTER OP IIIITISI A D IREIGN 1DRY GnonI W]hclesale ad 3RetaMi 18, King St. Ea.tt, .8delaidle Building#,. Next door to Scobie & Blfour. - Toronto, Nfay, 18.50. - 7 K -I~.SUTHERLAND & Co., KI I REET7, TORONTO. 24-y Il1E STEA M ERP, w l~ ILL, for the reurainder of it Tbronto for Rorhester,g Thurgday anid Saîuirday Morning5 precisely, ant il I ouch at Port H aiîtd infermretiiate Ports f weather p Rellrrning,. tt'iili Jve Rochesi c alai Coourir anM intermedig -~ody, %%ed4eésday andi Friday IV past 8ocoi Royal Mail Ã"ffice, - Tortoiuto, Sepî. 18, 1950. I.Produce delivered at lig at Port Wh-itby, or Cr Renchi. Tlie Subscribers ai: remind 'thieir Friends tliat tliey bwuve commfe: Crtidei1's Corner, RE 'stcady attention, hope FIOLE. 'oie Who at CHEA' W. TF finti the, Mani propi a se ePys illio m'Ill Il L 0 c ri Il for Gold BAT, fkrk-iibi1ý 1 1 1 -l 1 1 - 1 1 ;. 1 1 1 1 1 ý ri 1 1 1 1 a-n4 Tibinfifa (W Il Xammolli 'Sfork or Bwis and Miors.

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