Whitby Reporter, 4 Jan 1851, p. 3

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4, SotiE I, 1, Bad Bred.' 'Wddiugdakes and Bail Cakes esade le o ,on aaooabia turîs, aiion IL.easmrest not ,iic -- Aima gV&4éty ofCanudiea o-e evry deunipq and RtasL ,Aho, alr ha]" t o ( Pm3 Wilby, Dec. bith. 1850. 36-i - If- (oies the prois es of' the-&u kr o., StlCon. 'aVbiîhy, oh, -làne lut,TWOÇCOLTS,ou a ye I*b 'olI ci' smàlI a c mn of a bright B --'The dsnkïà Mare, twa yeats onit a r . a rk ' bÏweiwa el, with a wbîaatepoî abov rewârd wilbe paid to any one g IiÀ#mIbàifon tô, lhe aubacriher, Ihal t ilI le hShéulie overy ofthe "1ucoîta. - Ri. M. BUTLER , ~u~4bc9era1 e 4M l ,i180. 36-tl e ckantes Bloçk opposite .Mr ir11e";à caîa ýe fitted,from e e alest? font, ta o~ - latget .i'tud Hook. Thoi. Warih.r'a stock consista, viz: Course - -Xip, Cial ski,and Boy's boota, Ladies Cli aix Proacila Boots soai t ippets. Cbiîdcen's biotîsà Sho.. llts'sm ayspatentl mdi '1 Ii* 147lUdeîer bcind the Tiese! CasaT * hatehfoa Ili-sul upwaela - gli ohers in prapei . Ae, sthsubecrih.r la a campelent jmdge o, Lesîberi & %vorkesanuhiip Iheceol, no pain wil à opw .i a setlLeletig a gocd article. Workmen ai %vays on hanul. Ail ordeÏg.%iIl recei'e imunedi rateattention. -4 - 93-As the, eRdam4-îade Vcrhc in hhe hool d&e -partien sco eàlhd Stu jiyparities ini the w,>' or lrsdi- With îhë,sabhicÃŽiber caniol boyP *jti I ol ooked 4nieua made tu order or otberwisé aàreed upoo. Tin Ware (and, ai a Tinker,) atloays on laand. B. BR Y.8.N' 4Co. Wbîlby Duc. 14. 1M5. 35-if r <C~> '~'ment Lau ne- 4> c~ ver been known to r -Milain a nengle in. staance *ere it ha - - b.en hhorougbi> ~ Ja ~LA1K. red. howeerse 5. t 'eecthecse May have beuin, or of à T 4a..tè OiolIe 5 aiis Lýviîby, Dcr. 7, 1850. 43-hf. ÇALIFOR-NIA. GOLD!11 V lNRY SN [r-, of tss Vil lige, en Pa hbis% waywiîb the reai Calil'ornîu,oraomne- * f (tq licter, au60 offenu ta bis fi ienda and the pub. IWai Ao .q-Do w a forsly quao- .K lakek Ibis oîsporlwily ofrtalghuu t@ il wboiîayvesvuruul iaswithi6iarcnsîoes foir ?«-pster, mand hewilIL, e aiwaits ready ta give ail bg apOîll 'aou erin Aauffa, (d iWbith ii wili ip.>'lu Soap or olher (Wede, ai a lair rate, gàt a olicarys-on koa et 7Toronto Prics's, by the Box mass LOST 1FRom ILot No- 28.- ite 3rd'Con. ILWbiby, abojthe b, Isa of lune or Final ol Jnly., Tw£ an d Four LAMBS, ail mark- etw ablgl je atise Rigbî Ear, and saort Y anla. 0At>'in taaion Iwith re"rd la Ibeas. will hé hhakt'.,iy r.ceaved and uI itablr ewue'Jt .0, E EN LA2MEIgON. Whltby,-Nov. 2,50, 30-i 'NEW CIIEAP RAT STORE! vearly e etu." Glbe" OJPc, Tleamudr, hv9 ad lng xpeiienee Publie Ibat l u i opn.d the artv.epremasea uts ao u ellenit-aagotmt of HATS, andl alan - Ilît'lacaïk for iatilno< 194RESI" MAGAZINY, :SUPPLID oPflibJaG mnthl, a ?~iY- ISIND CLIPSED I1! bY) Pm Wlceu~La, w Giecehé be alt , so DeA" s tee, 4th e ai m- IS $$ySTER Srroc 4POSPECTUS OF TUE andcIIL q' 4WurrBY WJLDING SOCETZ FD CLOon N & D R Y G O O7D S I~ogjV. CH AP R HAY<IIEH. ntrance F.. -- I it»per $bue- W AL E l ~ 111T HI NS NMonublysJIbscnion,-II- à ,.Eu H dar W { iuqmo- Fee~ - 0> 4 N- ~ o 5l, C'ty,:u*ïSre.at er- oo euio 'f-WHOLESALE &R1E TAIL Tu~MFe ~ .."~DyQoajr?4~ Sderf EIeÉt0RS FOR THUE:ENSUING -YEA. âry tuM 12eu.ai Cloihier8,. Outfitters end (eywral Dry Goods Ãœerchcrntg, PE~r RR~Y, EsaPrdfiRtR nsrbrshteb'wçlIlbi ý iediiyrçhvp SION 0F UE Ma. MDANIhLS Ma. IL.":RTORE.y j) " Q GOLbN LoNSiuz o' Tà GLDE J"'~>Sect'y 4 2resurr hJOHN HMi RRY. AIKuo- AÇOJLEo A il eIout, witli -sti perior trim'npiing,, and iaade tip'iiilé :s t e 'Di KNG STitar, EAST, TORONTO La T 26, KING STIREET EAT, TToir, B011k ucesllprio>y hi et1ianetlh y ls .owrkn Building'Socneties bas 1ur hein loi 560 llange ai an raîin lcljae hi acquiion oilear CÇhenper than Ãœuxiy tr, establishment. Owîfl i4riVIilcýctie 1monS ailEeai being 110w SuI eli undeerod udacknoW- ceuri rjti.&H' to fcIin ismc Iftrmdm tte'ud lxa Iviedire; tis deemeil quite t'îîrneresmry, ýoit laying yofÈ rdn IREAD THE FOLLOWING: belaie the Public file 1'rosp)ectus o aBiliîgo.trimmtlnd, dcunsequentIy,ýdheàper tliaIt)!oh'rîa hchîisçý-a Toronto. Blc ren lt am . D. 'th lengl itd the pritiiples or apelations iad lakOurl e t 0Cob rm I8 pr. yd. I White Cotions from O 0 23'Pr. yd. 01 sucte Associations. ý ? - Coloued a 0' te IGrey 1 iyd. Il 0 4 fi isié ow a considerable lime siaehepaee iE<A .S..H A ITON'S,1 BlckCooog ' O10"9 " Arerica" O90,4 " eirablisbing a Building I u *ieîyîn.WhîNy-. ýO.5, dCIY BUIz4?Nui KING _TREEP'E4S1T 1Ã"ROZTO.27-10 s IiDLç i 0 0. < Sîri'I4Shirtlog .0,41-21,eai0iivîîaîieomleîctraj 'P~if a VIE aO~~ <lek""*01-" 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Bo O esGnhma(lay)' " Gl lad0' 7 1-2" - y other luates in theisirroaiiditi.g coItruite- -'~ ~~ »srk ihéisab lev)c ô- Gl leaosid 6Ms s 0_3 9 îuifsld ispirit-und zeiil fuiC eyonu whaî cuuldor ~~q ark ableBoas te 36 Dak Sale M&, e 3 9inigtt have beerr expected, ailie peopte ofl Wýhtby, Grey t fines Ihe4r. ete2l6kGreyiS Stone Martin 40 '0 Just ne ari bea a tlme tyiwthc e Mntxt agiTHaseL WE NUofPL aierih elleho oand fe îLerwoi IgaI silar Sorfeties el.eeWere, h-I.nxow îliat they ulidécîsta,uul i ( 'Data-y Moeen, Crpes, c. e. o elgan Paters.-atid sppreciatîethemn,iie ltuedelermiiïedu longero In lheir lyottaeb behitadtit arc ýhhùwtmsin avniing tlîemaelses 'HE Beal aid Cheupest everl-mpoiled imb British North Amrrica. allnftireis-1llh'qld very ~a h ra nl nushosie îriiîgasuLi lteoer îheTEilLîsQ CoST;inoaadir ho mate ronni for~e tîe"O etI$5' Wi tneyje ar caciihse altaiil ath6:1leaer id CLO7HINrG, (niote on iis wn). Out)thieSyllîcijbês iivgbas efilay tj lI l 1mt fottlnuî'o> lhe lismee orrawer in young and risiii.g pîdreS lae 1Wbittîyuos extensveboîues il London inlhe fioTTED. eteoef ' ' ,11 _fi xi 4 Srro6idMOIt illa4s. * 6nlîy.ahdhabliatila ntf 'roronîo wif h SUPER'IOIt GùoDsi for litîlll o!#! an th Twes .4AI lhe, aima, building Sociezies were iraI estab- price cargedia alLer botuers in llis:c4hy.,-- -" Pilot lothh e 4l6 anadi' le isio.ieal isaon Ians wat suo heai- 'L " "e..te 6 6 L othe0 lully hi.-,osst-in.- ho îLe scrarcily 0fuiioiieysuid iii- sTTE a !-Q t $,e k 1 lts .3 0 dec' ia toile.e-sad expel.ses iîler.diitrihreeclare 800 Fr11 end Winter COa.fI ea$ 121 7ê - Moesin . 1 3 Cid 1.6 mnagemnent I of -etie ifiiL i e diere bu 5011)Superior Frock aso i esîcuRoas, front 5 1.2 là$9. - iiîîishrously extravagat, su aî esls 10)pntac perior ossorleil Dacakin and Ça~msl' ~We~ * m (aiiong s'lîm mili ba t îîionnîly reàiii Iis 1500I'Rich Fait ënd WintierVeillé, rvi $1 ho $1 314e~'. Ille key ould aù prticuar atenton tothei assotmIçt ofpartcf lte cnuntry) had really. (u.nd-e-y jtîstly 250 very RicL French Silk dot Veluiet VetI i 21- u$ - 4eb- - C L O T H J i~~' G mach exhalleil useluiness. But how'ever eerious aenimergie D o csw«I1s: - 9 iheobjertion raised mugist the woddînge ofaihe The whoieoi which heing made up under theïr own inspectionu, hy ailie hesl <of ssrmen, tare MIl rut'societies fîroed ino 'lotoado dalier places, "Beîn-- elected partlculnaly, forithe Subieiber, hy a cômpélént peèrson who ailatdlu1ilnuelf of à* le eqîlýi Cndfrsyefcl ing lityaof %orkcnanslîjand maheîiat,,îî Chcilenlhl-niighý I!ave he,andsil4 ru4u#dîriî poinho ucîiî od ha1."skh r 0. pneas te the '-la is fhe peopîs. Parties at oatlapurchame Gooda ~ i thufle na îhtah heDr1ti adfiln"i'1 ii uy ce Prýr ofiece a, lieh pI 6Uonbnl aîiotlde ie- »l je ibeir wistle"Ilif lbey boy biore iookin.- oser W. & HOÏ Stock, amoîg which wililile L lçiî y ih il ilaileut, shall Le as lace lra iiei, as it establishmentîallia @ide of the Aitlanur. GryOvrCot ina, 7 6 FieShoin otsao rqendm. uhsins rict a e nd rigl u ble - -th R . 25 ( s7ufereof.coiorn inyls mnagmentle end Beaer 5 IlSainet 4 l 0 rilitt ue 4 .-dvantageoeus tb Ille borcar also, Toronlto, Sept.2 ,1 0 Tine4. 0 0 l T eed 4 aict Wîèehytender il papular andl ,îeel'îl. and rmu-- Linkn130 0 Blaek Satin VpaIs, es7 6 inpaiossc npavîgieVllg dj - 1' E UJI' ghie fo0 enerally,.aq sWeil as duitliîdiieeaieuiu for 1 5 4 5 19 ilier %54llages in tLe aijoluiuîg iituships ula ute 4 8 s : 4 0 0 r a c k P i I 4 3 O e v e r y g r e a l u d v a n t a g e I b i s c c i e l y P a s s e s s e Fs Garmenu(s made Io meaire oendwarranted ta fit. -ueîî)tIî,îîteiîîlîjynîscî.I>E o nîica 10 hei0a1italntsotClfad-O9 Ir 113 Fartîsers aid oîhers resdiî in the couintry, and flot arquiaintèd wiîh i ricki piaicieil on straia- dent aîlyoi li s abatlli nga. Liv. heCi rther E1V OOsQO stti i l o -' '-f - yI0,, - Cr.y a dealers, would do weill ha cuai aibis establishment, as. Ihey have bat oaestraigb: for- ild participuhea iii iay tLe woikiiu- classes and Clot/us, Cassimeres, Vestirîn sdagn~q asr~~ hadoei osbniness. Am Igheir cules are the aowig lliera of litiîculmenuse. 'lo such'persolis, the -iaLV et'rfss.arkdsfor ek s:t.po NO 1 ON .._IC . adealipugeesur Uda î4u~ M i Ã"hl.ariley'e Aat $aM AU ~nneiq 81 uuliîr. echueed.anorgil at6 'pirct,Iian Io orrwirioney t'~<~Adî AUlî,a a .Buildingt Socieyt A iew simple sieheý- Al Garmilnhu e wraneai ot s hriîk or spot wilhh an. ment î ts ssîî ex ~pluiq i his, Leit us legan,R EA 1)'A D,. 7AIL pie.. Guo dé, l'e n h he usual lerîgthm, exihat:geel. a n lysip oiiàbiding soceey 'viiii aiot ~ » Y-M A D Toot.Nuveraher t, hlm. insevn v4& rota, teomencîweement. aiad th-nt1 -ai.ufuîiied in ldaisCity, from Go îc1iiorè iaét ii a hIba orrowed onie abaofai£ào0nithîe smlves, aimîlCanaulian Clullis, frorn !fi besi lilictOt -îS ià Cwa4d,:def o1' tii 'WME ANDl'% îTHEilsle day ut 30 lier cent biniisi us ru'eiviai ; rr d.uaralality, sf Itv u aêpwsi- r3àin tast- - Meulai Staff' Over Coala, fioîp.i -- -25s0-ol ben'sCiuismpeTroauseafr fu -1,'13 9 E J: t> lier. ibis horrass-d on commusn sortgiage.at i 5x é4, a'er'i n 44 se, Bill ,- 'à -- 7 per -cnt, interesttJar sevras yeaîa, tLe payeienls ]îo Sholin; 'c "-le " a - '15 O do 'E(oif '.-- - 10ID 0 fwatild Lbc ~ O-e Gnsda Puie Ila10 ý iU'CEW>aVf~~i Stîci years' interest at 6,per cenil. £14 14 0 oBr.4lah " Piirî1,i lu he.ud alL clne,- ~ Redl flagiel ahlrhs, - - 4 5, Wbîte siîita, 1 liei tflse. - ONiort s itpinimciples of deYomestic Erossomy" is tohlu u intheCheajs, rniplt cpti teoeu5 -35ap.--0"0- .s- .9 ClCIpO, pas Makt n suniversally preacîseil by ail fi&onomiti el 'usekepes;" ticd ilie Jreç T1ralde tof ji Çl0 en' ogsv Beaer - r su * -do a (1 6 "the ctieîe " ty y ooigwoeoecorapelîlion, givest h uli lez5 rwdÃŽI teBuiling ociehy, Men'1s Vesta, - . 4 5 do Custa, - - - t niofcio si hemutrigid Economis a oid, r;but in the se-laian cln a1"IiOI[JSEIOLD the piymeets wnuid Le- itsoudleborne in esaniltht Il QIALITY is the truc test nf CHrA PNIS,'S." Ifs iii4 devea ýyearas' iîstaimeneusatftve shllinugs MEN'S PiRieS .-7IN Bfis, )ILàCK iIDND R.8Z puchsd rncielyfor CASH, tram the IMiîutaeh,îrecs in BRITA IN andîthe UN ITEIS IT'A1'ES. per mollhhs------- -QI- 0 o0 an neto ELNG ai tlO.L ENUY Tl-GPIFTfr AHO%., lntereat he sine,--- - - - - - ----- G0 - £13 à0oftoe oà rOirdb TE-EOL. Offe tofil Pubie f Tront, ad te suroudin coutryai)40)14 (u EXTNSIE ND EL-ASORED TOK 01?Tliuîshowsirmaginuiay brroIigfrotti _30,000yards giod Bonne Rihhons Il.1O0 5 White Cotton, , "t umrl (9 1f fý gèthe Society of-- -------£6 9 o 3.003 rardu Gala Plaids id 1 O 9 SIipttShirhiog."G ff 4mVery fIs persans have hast-e-can i pporhîirihy Puirihs. asal co ours, 0 6 Fioîniclés ted anad rL1le, . AU of whichvill be fond tully êqal'in qEatiyta' the fist LonainbudrNewiYorksaueyi froli-eth*%.aof oryoîit-itsllroua-oLadies'jorictykIl (ns cou. Ladityles)aks, (9eRyanstylas)p89t- clir, es' PI pair an a acosdebl 1wr rie itnan fouetathsuIiiu'iceesetf-sa;v hat the Shaîe 55S sauoroed ane Veivet Bonnets, "" 3 9 Linens of ai kiiîdu. Thppreen sytemofIl ulfnialis Lii is hee epuiatd;aibd Ë S & o.(lat 1ýei n'toyer aler teyecieyrialnterevn îLe, te ocie Çie>ed SclosiaduPai, iixiisaes-et, ruî glalearaani euLes the old adhgeaifiHnnoaa tslilihenela Poli>v ioreivyeavs.yIcoLorrense inSattvfilî uniderStl pcdisndiPlain, Ali Acll, Ceb be ridy for sixOyeeas.aIfDboirew, tutoewema aortemwt hiPirng.cièeyiiize noidinary morugge- Ca>lirmereianud other Fashitiîiululc Gjuot1d tfi Laidies ress bilites fo proiotingthe bst ineSisty(te s'deuitecethePeupl.-12hir Stck * tipisesoài SixLAOisU, teestG - - --- 212 EXENIV AD AEFLL SLETE SSRTEN O-Pi iicipal sura,- - - - - ýý35 Gloves, RlOsIer Fringes, Ait iflii lFlowsWîzul.CJa, etiaI, STAPLE AND FA-NCY hîhrrawdîoeIDe Sy. £47 12 OfSl'5isJb I-Iarîdke rollief-4, Mîtiir* u»nd ,Boiss. ,Ï Set-uyss ntleîa - - - -1 o0 O S EC O N Dà' "P 1 CÉE Six yeana' iutcreaî,---------18 O0 .0 L"es'Cloak, Bo;nels, Alufs-, Bag, & &c.F,- , a--------------------saî& ô o]ftà Shoulil w, suppose.thal lih, Soeiet>' wald imb-e -ighl t ea loi-un oui. wbîcbis a,, exil eseeaump- lien, imilar nesuills ssill Le ohta!md,Lbut iin diaiîîi- 4fLnrowed ini tLe nattai stay,' 'Eh4ht year Interestaon £35 - 16IG O ýýÉ->$4o sO O - Togethun sith a largelot of Ladies' andl Getem.îi' -UIR T0,C-K-.0O'F G QRO CE RI S The>'ca witll-ecdepe rcoq bda ein tieliren froua tnydelsaCagW or nfm Aitielffl, and are cf <h prua Qaliie sadbush fles. 'Also a large Asortmnenî'of Ieludinc a lam loto f JaolliWI!sn's IlBîréicatia ofia,"usauperlur qîualiî>', andi ve>'-lnt and R. S, & Ci, beitsg4eîeusl o cal ezcdiuaçlyjlte, rul> upon mahlring great eLeaughfri' eaoh9l hIgh prci ieen Iltýii- R.&& Co$sIISpienel5 abEatahsmento" i now open, anid riady for insMtcion ; and îLe>' suoul' particulsnly invite thrir ituasaur>' Friends not ta purebaus clqcwltre, befor. giving Ilium a fuir rh4nre c( procia; lise trath o i ai iemeons. ,Nu S«coaud Fris Uar-sen* t o modlaseasi, a eqsat iid, onI& ehoreslnotice, 1:r Itémieuher! the FRELE TRADE jIDUSÇ.,is No. 2S &.,4waanecx BUILpglios îrodn- m'et u>f Nelmas Stra, i tii.Nae Sae Bletor tise Oid uk iet Site, adoining lb., Art-aie.da yox mmm i,«l aMrte - ROBERT. SARQÂNT &,Co. Toronio. 27fbtmàSp.b«e, 18M1. 1~O AE OR TOLET. (%N Reîisooable terrns aHBOUSE sd Ihe,&ta.ou OTlI1'Oeapîeby W. B. Tan* fIS.MGTLVtYbssns Puere.l TIi. Lo aget CoriL. emi tuh> oîntmal'e thb.Me a or de. ht ia anuexcael eoahon 1«s a wuç mllaiaeeighin LwoMelc, tlu IL. -M l i oï b b'1 u ea 8bud mi.pcsulauili b m - bcl unui h b)elni h toz S. u"ra oeo%-bb-weI" 1 be - wn, s e hop«u ci-g.I» a~mufoLbttheaies wb ai boli.r a*~frewmY ~rw~r~uuaway.c huai Fer&& #JWO I QmurWTMM S~co Itt aken (roui tbe&St-l.hy, l~giyeai.? instaiees,-- -24Q0 -1 5 0 Th,î sh !awinutaeiiybarrowin .iros 4 Il' p 1the iLiltraion- of theScel'5 gh ycars, as1 ih, n w. siul bero ,i n ijuusl long peioil-seldoe, sequiriuk moýr1'iarv lereaft iiiconauquencu cflise debt h.lng pail by .euahiasuouan as ul qumi ayrnemla, lasteaul iai 'the enidoaI-the hres. Tiss, hoeever, is cf eumaili malt,%rhen companeu watts tise inmemadraa. teXes oLpaitag a langemmusuan làaliauend4reg paym.nl,aend.in sueba a nes- amtgile heru~i- lt feit, inaleaul of allowing il ail go, ru ~êtillthem exipiratiflo f Itheue,. stluesIbo-mm' u u i Aregidar tniailhl>' meething attis hhaâe ag ul Lé belel wlaeîi heaioas.yonband eili b.ctoma- 'aç.mei i sioend amasual aîreetinc theny. "Isphr5 i uleSon thumse~ cn -lh»yinI egey is er b e pé- ' m4c- - - F Advauciss on Eonxignînîîits- o! se ( 1' MontaI.~ - . IN REAI Tl'AI:D'V.-d'N Lasidh, Sua thh"' ?T ;IND . QBERTS,1.L Mie~~ bttoiî Paît -'viist, l gust. l à - » 17 .?I ne LoLotd - 1î.in'Glu "ce 4' 13ih id T'l svalHdrd-?udutinteresl upon . '~21 'dit i - Xartiragu rai freeliotlEsiai., iree et lncu ih'naa- 3 "di101h ces, lu aomsa ta sait aplieunha, Peinsoal qapplil - Olhllum ýi iitob~eiLl c'ation only attendeul in. Nnn. nueuha pply ex. sumit*fi#1gTIa ep oss' ba can oisatbot'moi tînuàXcepý . edofw h ic 2 art awu w tine sbt ecuîy. .liée ù,aia n'oeoiiou.d vita i(eadOtusM ~u431Acres aili a valuaýblaFAR3itin îLe Townsýhip ol'>if'L-pis. Clop. Thddre ai. miane, LcçJ inz, inau 0 s goteo f insproeaiatife'oîis;agit), Lst aulaneehcoina T es. pra ejnia sd termit eay, -lbon a Wh it y, i. 1 e18M0. Morsrood'mn Pickeriog met a lnw reuaf, Fo - L B IDQGLOTS,, A -AWAMI1LL, ii 'l' m cÉ ~in h îe' llg. imisaon the ckriitof L for ste t. . a. T seon ul boe a i'rsrteiplace, sfno' if t iç iai a wsgueo malter or other m.haxie, -- lt;'a Cupilt.ttheu»mad To bis busiuets as A'îct'uoinéear, file aad'< q I Noéel<sc hixoacollevted-aî'a lowew -Wir 14 TCaf'e utt ount. estculsiAeul "Acee. iî, j L.Mtintie0.",, E. WHtTEs Auruionémr & l V4i.A'A lxo,-30<>Arr fS ýD -FceL-WM fl ouseUhand Ptne -J. -t By

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