Whitby Reporter, 18 Jan 1851, p. 2

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*1*- J~EWJY Tr Z'$TeAMIER NLêtCfAI dkei e t 9 1 1 -QaterYbs'ian, Ameaiiýàl vies h8iUlg beàe t edI ad 14 X linsse bavi . acquiemedine he p eo ljcof ro ot rue eaeuIl, ai, i Ub 1 rivj Ii !ahi*c diqerelce sqorthe wh0le affaila Ui of the "Aisr blî eeeza FPVI i 'iày,-'exe4st"lc cmior-lwi)ofa cf uU a m trhal Radet bu ee3 to le"e~Vienia by avery I lutin te EnMEk:'W. 'Tbpttso f central Geai ay art diNiuiiitibough in lHemseCassel tl 4ppexp h smerajeulaîîies iii ubsiing tWb'tÏPruaian Ïnd Fedeml troopa. ~ ceefîrs~,ca ae to commeneOit flrd itrtant, et Dresden, and mec ai great exp suc ie u disincti bave heen aelected toirep &eMttJpvorlous Germon mles et Ibis imiport **mm lby. Accardirigly te atieerei are bein; mad by HanoVer anid the unih west statesti4 fQra a league cf beir ni ; emid'ilftsmà .e~keb!,Biîietei, Hmmbsrg,. and té I eekebu - o*>nïtr aanlllianciitetti atimiethir owe ninterests, lhey,must have liti lé weigbt Jethe pproitcb.ig cnfereaçes.1 vpja.Wçrembue gmclBaenetwi l jsolby ci bince ogetýîrtiiIle sauid, scd the Thuringi P!a 0inite ae aid tabu lookicglu Englocd for] îiaui tl, aid iheni se'ne their indepei »V ww imtriw taiff, and the amuempli me ltyrpipiover to iro.a aiort weus1téra >uionarei ,FIn îgeaatmtention. R néivs 4M Cfientbaà about tlierel celai suIth iiea ~Imc t~tacoudas s*ass"id thlat 4bd #lettm laméenimasdetmyed ord pe*id ;wà ue ttbtWthatý tbîe. Uovernmi tp,po av f isetoince morpeiated. m-c*due rO-is vsiikitd. À Âdeplorai bas ofa Ma o nta Il ,pi tIr of, ihe consort o, t sl* qm , e -Iab th-gptriled fia 0,USittl~ditJl cma, apta Meli ~U' ee 50it tlttW â .beWieýwo! 1kî le ý bt'b-Uated etisl ~'iddui i iephq eosw1 re te b. mnjin ùýmeLtwK Osg t e .r aa-elise. mol 1l.%IQ L ti, Z» 'l.e bes taï# i. rovsco r î f t of'S t4D ,"a g lQe altqaepted ses, loi jeHoba tTom msOýSiMdiy -ac h~eda ict rwbercui ýy7 b Iqb'Amed F8lis, wu elurvg l95i utIl gi.eing,ý*e lubdowa, 1Mr. S. O'BE d i U mso11edmisntentione 4 p ftullty ofeî, haa eoukm ;ihl,went dowc tomasuW, ý9f4 fW paçuwlarem boile panrail PQ f, u hè'94 b d isor, aboat il t7 rii-e n<abidicob. -a-U- t Mt 10 .it IA uttable on day wli WI~ ~ f~ha*et, coversé hlm wilbh h cie lq thim to foi sî, ecSoing tbi y at thp béal &W keockin; a hale ile b M le 'combine. "He then poinîed au ié, &"à Ihollylf ,Mffunmce, and requine >ebleqý-Iyw i they dl. The oi th~a<a ~îqt quaei havie; e*sed bis ceki p,'dc i té'beach, mnd sere bIMhlW ait.s mNste-.voter. 'liA ema tbu ~o.esm4 I. tbis hom m Cdtsohrtreai essiqaed, W itimamlsicmto,1 4 sp1'ToWA vii a Iadw a~tgn boarâ tb C ti c*àw w ld boçt 'ber ln. Shoi wtllhse < «ceboard, wiil1lie sent up imed] mtsly, Ilsa a t m tlcglît ecesary tlajeu pc~ so rsatlestMi.SmilthO'Brien greste <ta~ît!att.ivici b smapreviimyubeld f~ivqcesrof llmsNo Y.vlcllkra&L l.Ié 4pubcslbas gIvçn up her hndaomc bute 1I12*i ltps XL sp, and laken mn aparîmeri adWetWIePlmmks Anglais, et the corner '01t Rws GaIglIoae: Thereamiepreîmsevemy evea. %«Ilt 4.eer of St.Thcres, coi rrdupo l~r~b ove-miçIr Louis, of Umaria, atani iW iî4 mrcund fier Dee, mcd la e dLu té 9 te gel uppolilical re-unioca lnethb ebÀ~ti#WW* tàurdameRec.essier mnd Princee deLleven. g« f4amiier, w"bo seschamlsed b' auaothq suifqr i'te ther da, la ber pleeece hm~ IW e~IL9 d t etbs indigent ebacioi btl.Titey mt t st Girnaiem, but bail slipsInapo, by coctranes, il linmale, of the faii %>iwcleuof1 LéWsel& - Mi. 34-, however, je ftjofiW,-ed la determieed te bave a second 1'kum*N*plei, under date of thé 7b lest. wc IObatsbesalothe e mia of te associa. lÙqwl4*1 it me llialei." ,bas termine. U 1 !#ais coemned ta ealb. The Duke o Ïseteâced te ttvenly.yeama imprimoncreal £b~e~Miphe:,Pcalqt iriy ycars, sella lad Actotherlvrand tuai bas arrived witit advice " o ba , tate e 6th Nevember. Chîciaila tu thé 7t' , mcd Hecg in; u te e301h Oclner. JaI W trmaeqil. SirCh& arIt aier wsmaon the eV#o e .vtoraacg bmeEnglacd. lHc bas lien. lebho vsaler aeir gm eb. *ent out, aid biasquarrelled wjifii. Mauéýqula Dalite iegoveruxor Gece- Cbrdrtml Wlsecmn gavo hlm second lecture on lassehmoesebyo liasdsy I at. l e. m inl ii 'Townubhip of King.. A yonllî, î-Jaao g,.ame rhr I*e*oâmd tu e Iroûm Owea ~Smnd, tio swpeet -ed of eamnittiagîhe cidte 4<h6a-.-Mr. Jrs e ekaun, Agent,- twoýhVikg, <t thse farnpier in iqueot Qf b ig . emad.e eqîirie ancttho a5aitF ' &etttiy aferwardm ho. MW a I4>y i tvm; t t qiOh a.UnAo - LiUo, whê enaed ato sm»P t. the de- msiption. euiiaudbuIy gave ictair- imtiu, amai the bylm ~ntaken bto casocy adaad ,Whteamasw~ triste. Prom lItee a Ion * iiwii en,çîn.d il. apjîeared tisaIt t;ls yonths ad traded tiseherse, and soid the oae ha get in e,ÇXcisange ft'onadollar, Hoe s'as: 'eoainsitted amd brusîgit duwvn un Tuaes- 'day aftarnoon le .)stansd hie trial.- Globe. NEw ORLEANS, 12vi.--Tlîo Steîtsu; an /llobamabringe nows frorn Mexico tb tIse Istiisîant, lu tise aflî't, tisat Ynca- Ira liana proniottnced against tlis-e Ssîprema Governisment, ausd declared h ismel iîsde- pendent. lank Ueals & Mtemorsis for samieuetliatiilce.- THE REPORTER. WHITBY, SATiJRIDAY, JANuIARty 18, 1851. MR. MEUDELL A-ND THE.BOARD Titis i\liniisterial pet lias at length, bronglît liiselt' ile 1ulic-and hostile rcontact with tise nerchassoet Toronîto. For a lengîli oft ime,, ainsost cc-exiqtant NviltIis assumiplîcu eoftise office of'Col- lectr rof Customns for tIhe Port et' Toronto, tIsaI gentteman was ebserved tc de- velope a surly, frelful and ninbeceming disposition and -lamper l owards, mer- C'lants' cf tise higiiest standing and rei& pectability in te cily haviug businiess te transact aIt IsaI office, whicis grew, at length, le sncb a pitch ef overbearing tyraeny and grass violaticnaf et,that thse malter coîld. ne longer, wili pro- priety or justice te lte mercantile inter- ests eof the city, he kept fromthle ear of tise Goverament, and coasequenlly, va- rieu'scomplaints have, freni tirne te lune, been ltid before the Inspecter General, btît withotmt resulting in any lhing cise liean e céasional relbuke freini . Ilincke, whose favorite partizan he is;' land hy hotnha îvasbroughlte Toronto. 'P.Ferbearacce at lasl,becuame iceuffarab]i and the Ceucncil of the Board utf Trac Sfutand il iscnmbent on Isera lu niemc it ilize lise Goveremeait for an ensquit, Sinto Mr. Matadll's coaducl. Tise rami l- Ilttons et'ts Cosiacil on wiich tis e >'ié meaI s based, wcs tiis- "Il Tist wiseraas certain documenti b ave beau laid bafore Ibis Cotncili ut is avidance iecaivad in connaction tisera. las with, front wiicisilappeara liaI lis' 'r lieiuiviour oethtie Collecter bats basin iti ,j Many cases harsis, uverbeaating, and in. i- solent, lIolparties, niercsanltet'f Ibis cityl a- d anboers isaviîsg liuîicesa witis lie oet dfice ; and tisat isa lias aise, i seme in. astances, ihasleced lise sala ut goodas eixz I. pd in e manner un precedanted mcd au e0 contampîated b>' 1mw: tisis Coîsic 00vould ias1ecttully recaînmend a in vestigalion by tise Govramant, wit4 -à r view tu tisa removal etftisa aboya cau4Ins of CuM1la,t."l elA briet eply wvas sent bîick te tise nt Couacil, tisaIlise Govarameal declinei le tisa prayar et' tie memorial, and weule ai nol enquira ie econduet et tha coi- Sleclar, li um stiflle g ut ocec, an y iisqasir me inltIsaheconducl t'fIbis publia officer, ,ywiuis reference te lise raînovel cf lise agrievances cunspiaineti at'b>'tisa Cotin- hcil eoftisa Board et Tiade, wiso are eni- ir powered te investigate ever>' matai id connected wîilis mercantile tranîsactions, and are sworn ta demi jîîslly anîd lialj -witis tisa vidasice laid bafura thisa.- Nlr.- Meudell saesI a letier te Mr. Dans' icombe, lte Coirissioner cf Customa, din lis defence, lothimnpertnent lowards e tlise Board,and utteri>' tailing in disprov. i ng au>' of tise maea charges irat'erred ragainst liua; aeyathelegs, il la consider- t ci 'b> lte Govrcaseat, as snfficiently clear te render ans anquir>' mb bhis offI. dca dîtal qîila uinnecessar,thereby *fereatuialg tisafavorite ut' Mr.Hiacks,t'roai mes>' manferfeiere y lise Councîil ut'the -Board, la malters cennacted with bis ýi office, etflte Iigîisalimportance 1u tise ýilitres1ls of tise mercantile commuait>' 1o'tTuroato, mnd tise conntr>' trades.- 1 Tis6e ientînftay lie justfiablleis uverIookingmlrght.complaipîs againsl an office su inportant as usatinlaqulestion, wliere liera la reuson tu hliev. lhey 1aigist arise onut'fpail>' différences of ropinion betwesen lise Collecter and tise- niercimet entembn-goLuds; lbut wlîen coxapiaintsconie from tise body of a large ad respectable corporration, sscis as tise Botard of Tgude of' Turonto, coniposed ot tise moqotinlolligeal mcdlpractical busi- ness meet li te cutîy-man iris have raisec, liy them jendasîry amud par- sererance, onse cf oni asslspfendid ci- lisoutof a meriitarsyuand furbidditsK bug, againel au of ofice utymeirdy date, ialrusted ' uts dutias invulviag tiseir best interests, iti u net eu ecoua- teots, but Iyrannical'ua tise part cflise Govercunatit, lta molier euquiry bunlte maier itil as dune. Menam 0yuoni- ge r xet justice e aoheiantuofttihe Goe meut, wute conap nlete proet Mîaistry. Ths e lurue u' ex- isting abuses, ippears tutobr n o larto de important ta lhe salve la- would sîîggest ta t.ia >y fiip of acoppen miglit 'y elwea tise tvo distin 10- e- F&>'AL AcCunENT.- place, in tise-2nd Con, ts lOtis t., chiai resu]i id diate deatisof M. AI e-Il arspars tisaIlise dI le nepiew were flili i4g ti 1. togetier,and anoliser1 ying a trae, seaicu took fi ion, a dry brancla fi' Kertin on tis ide eftl Lring lte askuli and puce ýI litt1e evei anuisoni,frou a Il is etated l inte, E ugett as been seat ta structions te buve aveci tise receptiua efthtie Gi d201i Ma>'nécstl; and. i 1. tisa Colossist, tIsaI Par ,ymeet tnlil May'. Tis rgood reason for belle% ramera te ha correct. 1Tu lte EdU or oj tds Si MEETING IN RAMNIA Ias compiimnce vittia requls rTownmhip CierkoI Mua m d, icg ci i te hbabitanta oI thei the' 201h day of Decemiser la y ceamideilng lise i isosl efficient priai meverreel eow in pragr -compiction ut the - Wiaidsr E î-Bm>' Raé,esweil a lte prop siîipe beinguatmcIed te coul 3,t>, a cornIer cf the lîinhtai te touai o! Mc. Alex. McDanid muid day. Ttc meeting adeii lthe Township Clerk, d I %van pcoposed l y Mr. Wr cd ity Mr. Aegum McDoeahi,- Doîîmgit,Esq., be callal 10 lbE Titi Cheirmaii baviusg mddr ya short but concise speech, cx -jîcta for c thtiey biadamerri - te hîact>' chen cIi tie asei Peler Perny, Esq.. vias loit ilPeiry'samdrîest i sie teed lieui. He venl avec ttie Compmcy itmd takea Ileir sr i lIeiu measurcs-xpliaed ti bail a vies a inte manageait lte mureésI guarmolce zagis ii chois Soclbaideta, aclitem templmtidlIte> ahouid b. al vsiuld, temevem, ic ait pus iravcilerssipoe lte liii o! no tIhe certaiety ofatm dih oof tb t oulof York, declrdhlt Portby' as tise tGOrl >muet pnss the surplis prostuce.ý aitipe, ieteiaectcd b>' lte Mmd jsraper site for the pcopoeed C inhabituels cilthe Eastern Vosi tý ari persoeat bmtene.,s le rai tosen,mcd conmiquently, hfobli 1affals, uch asTJrors, seitne uvo birs-wil es one atone. Il tle splendid lande ha tad 1hi in ltu Township, acli ii ls ar else parriil>' ccupicd b>' aa Tbers vus but oneressaoncosiem Imt-te seant of a gaed tuu1 He wsscotinccé Ial IbIs 'Pc >of auslahclap a dense popuist otter erldent'e deducublcfrcim it toa. Ttc-lande of tuia Toei u'iece'd, vaiscapable«afr&aengi duce. Wbiiby povieed ilenc le; the rase maurial-wila vsa Malle, mcd lte splihitof Ils iii il£ prlvilertaccuSl. B1<. seulers-li vas evident ficela i seemibyl'WeilIf Witby v cot chUrilb-sbcvcald ises portion accoidimg teiber 1mc presaiat& Hle uuked bises inesuetathei pustcrllet - a as " eml U lte beqouest keit eeeivlned ltee i d cm*I ter, dspenéed, in a gresslua man"W*d, hauMI devi, MW il Labýiitcthalltmined M.er.Jna. Pearson and lame. Twedie, Vice-. >ch dock, and, cotsseqseely bttweon j esaisteallhenDura-Prealdents; Mr. Jota Ritton, Secretui; Mr. Johne c ia I ia igi peaul iCi Mt eiccted mueils Cade, Treasurer, sitht lsenty diwo ))ircctors.gh apea t b bis, tht yseaslieeait teo Directors toieaclaConcessin, wiU a largoefIanel pisanlea,-witis Iveuisont lm as seeltyahe vms irmn iitiaaal mie ti r b ai du fim Vlgeu, reor fins, one dmira nwud - aDes efully besite r-Ia.ien«nequal numheruî i PretorotiN"hand thse otier prjeting outwards, Wittii of the-, irnetcélu-Soutsctiocsetf dm Teseaalp. The Diree ter ~siampeleas "sed reens, ocaeifo "'Uia f tuh itwý r"1 ecemvlee usFar mtIb.lanfe r e goodiasato onmae ed* eljaforâemprêt. 0 _;eC-seSquealy, ap arituDe a gon acéirniIi m t .g ltratfl Pnas em.of ire, tiseramaretatioàed eue ii t*o a mimatia of lb.lai- per"ey cf lniiulp.T e ~à4 wuvas bm Iruety Men Whc. ety t la -te dolivog reiauam tee mer, mm eutmeaîmmcd remlecd* la"bmeer 'te lise run g pvesa rutti meambtheébad a lAe ecqilm "ma at.ieItyvs lomél>'mj- irat Migsasé.oi ne pod kfeue. *eîlb. pie' à urnR on- A mmm *(wé cewÀ= of e)qa ý ri».w, vrds, a =<es - arrdes~Ias i Ancicnlvitllawu wSdtmsdmgle ieâ iVad tis he OAU e at e-luPa ~* d iis clty, -the mm id, £2POOW * sestrwîo -dhiy' 0 h nient is as menuote at it was et the lime lbi stiliients. Self-aggt voritisfli is the rLîline Cotincls, and until expires, the people Mi chaiîîs, for they b'av ance to the peopie. org-an, in its rare ,;opl cial plending, defen( in dûty :bonnid, a&gai cornnînnhty ofT'roroi À-DiS P U T' Who is the Il Bii Dr. De Citarbunneli," lion to th e Stsperinte ,Schools, btyles buts onlo. Tihis lias' ti ncwspttpcr into a te Say$: IlCardinal Wisern the designation of Ai mninster, isby nô mez infringemrent of'tbe ab that 'vlich bas be the Roman Catkolicý This title liaving lie. Dr. Charbonnell by t' flamient,lie tilay use ouit beieg guilty of a Somne, time ago Bik neil dined îvith iisl the preparatory notes ilThe Bisbop of Toi honour of Doctor ,De C panygt dinner on- "The I3ishop of Toi dur, to accept Doctor lion lu dinner on- This is as emnusin, "TIhe McN'ab" Iefti the reciprocai courte. card, with,, 'tother M, it, and left ut the lociz If the assumntion of the presesit .dayr us Col.- CiferoIt cexi adîlresmed tle meetig.- ébp C ueculte a4U amalt sheul te. Tfer bu- thico-Tbe gallaut, Colacel declared that thias Yau lIe ira inemles v'alcmntce iauiitsaaY>eafra eydqped t lace con-punf riédha jcurcey tbrougb Nara, coüldlic mmc, IsatiamcsilY eal md rdieelid fa- rot titat hd-iad*cet nften mislaed te de o, 'lut île pauetily, ail retiieisel a deterifationi te use facanasdbicui cl d m. t asma reraevery effort ta> promole tbe itîterest of the Soaiety.ý g sentiment of their ince tle lirai matiement 'had been motte for nthe Allereitat ie! reiutinei' usisaeso, the folesing r.- tei tenÀ t'ofc comîIlsai ftitis everlûatlng ,rod-tley hall solutions wera adapîed. heïr ern of ffic %'rung fra i te Goverasaeat tbe pailiy musoino - Moved by Roit Pearmen, 'econded by Jas., iay langtiîsl in tiseir M,000, out of tbe million mcd a hall itarrowed un- Pearion' ie areay bi defi"der tle administattion of Lord Sydenham'; mcd Wbe- Be d,-Tbmt tléisaeetngareoet opinion tat ecrdy iddf-hutd wntarvel, îî ssonl[y te.poiMt a mmer taIt by eaîcofliagtlg Plffl;taisbp, and empeialiy The Gloe> their aw te expenditure of £469 ai tle mi ghty booa. auaaegt île yeînmean d boys, abs agrieultural H e lseieved île resto1 lte Emstera Townships lradt inlereat lsay be very muet premoted; mcil tual il istical style of spe. atill lest cause far gratitude iowardm auccessiVe'ad- la lgiy0 . xped!lttte malte .ma effort t incream ils AIr. lbetitieil as mînislation-titey blad aned the part toseard the lunds of Ite aciety for ltat purpose byaddie - Ihet, ai Hercules in lite falle, willits aligiti dit;- anuextra cotumrnIte lt t a u trsi'ilnliaitand anst, tisemenrcantile ference, flbnt lite demi-gad dialliai dlmémln a reply ltat the Direcoire b. reqeaed 46 sulacit donations lu tbe,pelition et the' cefoîtuate tcanrylun whvose for ual puipase emthiemeilme lbey caravas [fo tout carnhut gel stock -let ile mud-le ai leasi civilly membeis. D T T i E dvlsed hlm atu set ais sisoilder ta the sbeel, and The object cf the aitove remlullon is, te rais. E D T ITcno ted saîupirtly prayiîtg, vitere i, osen lelp sens finly dollarsatlob. dlsniituied intweity premiais isopef.ý TyootbIl> aufilîent (or i teoccmasi." Wel it might b. îoa- t me extraploilislg match le île Sprisp, leaiboys teeded,,abt the pretent achieewas in Indirect andi Young men under a certain age. 'the Presi- ini a Cotamunlica- unmwer; but net aelyto, il indeed embraced tle dent of tle Society, ailh itrnsuti disinlerested fi- endetit of ComnionWiole substance of the Gnd cf atîeegl'dreply-'b.ralîty, affera, il lte Directora corne short nf rais- , mn"if you want le gel ouitaIfterond, yen mustla imyig tle amauinot more thoa tee dollars, té maite sef' Bisisop of l'or- your ,houider ta tise vitel." Tîeir passage iluoptimitelf. irown tisa..CabarcÀ 'through Mua stbal day, wsmailîiirative-t an 1laved by Jus. Pearisn, secanded-ly Jas. Pyle, inîptaveal communaîction wîî tequtred. On one Resoived,-Tbal: il is bigbiy expediesîl ta hold eriblc -rnge, wlîiclt occasion, a lrieediy tump prevenethei vehiiles Ise a Firm or Markets for Ibis Townehip ine emei ' inLiing-On aitther, anc ttindly -oeeWitte yeair, la addition to te twoa usua Caolle Shos; -t ie demtquintsse ire~It inat p-culiiar rab., anc ell te fast Wednesa in l Marra, ansd te aller i.'ls cSSîl1iin ot wihth rxe othhl s caver our com thloit m Wedeesd:y lin Augiait, for ltesasle ol aea monmthe. (augterndceer.) INethir rai, ad al oherfarn pthlcefat and seorking krhhishop cf Wiest- trip was netlsetîlout ils incdets; but ite hall mi--coutle; aeoihomres atîl otiser tock, farmina imn- ýans sacit a glarisîg rvied ritîlot tageof lIfe chic oucis incidents were plemecîl, &c., and tlat ail premioma te lbu affereal iavs of dia raalm, aot peculiari) agreembie. Tite gaitant Colonîel ad- by thte Agriculturmi Society f'or semples of grain, een perpetrated hy Colmtyibt te toverl hostilii 'moclft'stid in the' be iseardeil mt uh Fairs or Marktl, isttead of ConjCoucicil, lowards titi improvemeiti cf ibit (at hereiofatre) ai the regulirCoulle Show, underi ýB*slsop cf Toroato. communication; one gentleman, howver, let the sud mu îlhe Society, from lime ta lime, abat[ aape on coaferred tpon cat ou¶ ot the big, by deciariag "Ibat ibis fine And litai ne premium b.e awaided for lcm ilhn ha Provincial Par-,mitmil 'ettitrse onge Sireet itub the shaie.- tu'ecty busels,acd ihatal grain takse peium *~~ ~ ~~~~~~ .Ctdtisbteraowhprte n powîritltd »all lbe put up le los of tour buabelmat cd solal tweO granlt, with- slightd teüauaierous applieaaions made fol loi m- toe hbigleti'dder. tle proreedm of litesasle 10 go sdemieanor' proeveti it É e iar e twottd bu diffcuit ta as.-e l ite caer - and taat e firat'Fair mnd Markeét b. alge auni oher. Ht fei convinced thal mn enter- lseîd ai Whitty Villmge, and thraitthe preiams la ishop De Chsarboa- Pritigompany would lie foucal more dieply i-lea- b arded formca si eldpndunlb h'OP Stracisan, cdtsteainlathe imma'diate comp îa fta aulfnrsfI e ey, cd i ,li deemicen thelb an'required ord, lia elîher te Gorerneesior Voue-i. )irecturm mI the leme iii tite Faih. t ian tins ltY auncil. He ccncunrod in opinion 'nilb Mn. rtte teo uhsFRr.ssScemy renIa requasts ltse- Wbisby, Jue. 14, 1851. ClarbennelPls coin- commercial lown wguld, ler the compietionouf Valasbcnae'ieOsew R- -1)Ibtis rosil, immqdialely aprieg up ati ls Soutitern er- l lins'e.ieofteOhav e )rlo lias lie bon. Minus. Il vas beyoeîl contradictioni ihattite home former ? is il sill ia1ive? Il lbas beem 'Straclian ls invita- marktl vs tise matit profitable. iivsaam~dc ao o iels ot rlv eis -isl.( oe-and lave tunnel your sm-ai inpiaiigbsitar.) Weili, Ihît varue, te ni- qo t'ai as exclrîît is ocendai ig, as lie card et' essitiem of bis country ladt, on soame occmsioes cot- i ocre l ed-upon hlm le pursue otîer avocalicîït; bujht le ongi 't'a cotinied tveekly ns ttai, i Dundisrn, and wsmhppy Io ay,mortiecessity noliongeiex itd. lu Report to iin oui existence andj Il sets admitd, i believed, mithout mcy diirn. ,sy et Sir Ailan's lion, tisan Canada wsa an Agiiculturtl couny.- wlterenboliis. 'ecnnnot believe tisa 'cNab" wriîîen on Ilws equaly admissble, tltlin ttesîeigisiorhood faul lies wsitls otar torihy Postînaster oig tlieCi f papulous commucnities, te stimulmants f.,,nAgii- hradw iecranorfin nigofteC i' ulturel pragreesmian seere fournd in titi greatesl aet îdw r eti trfin lise tille lie not al abunsdancec. Tbogemstimult e blieved, totithe Burnîs in ORua«isa's'n, :8aîly innocent. remdy aes, agdremuenming puces of lteproddîciî ration ef seuls, we oI tise faim. Ros e cesar( a gond iocd vafoi On net raceivin g the last' Rejornes', tisa C/Ivre/, tisaI thealaici itoe mmcmldesinebi ends, must lie mîtI a-di ! vurch tha thereal te every one evea of titi.Most ordiiîry ca- p isstcntrn et o sîr ltIle ioip raised tsaIlle the malter pacity. The tmntenemm aI île tour wmrnid timofai s indignation ici lie lîigest pilai, and the neccsasity, ofclmsieg bis remsrkm, tesItsomte un- n îîis«ished prelales. Iiieisely mump aboutit agin thiak p.oper tu ouie, grasplng oui macihock, lus ave cangit - resalasace. Thte <allant Coonel ast downammidst oui liaI et' excisangos, atîd, tviti pan in -An accident tool tisedia ofîbice jteatty Briiîsh cleers. ïof Brode, on tihp A umIilcr -of- vitices calted upea the Couaîcilios iasid, lia jnsaassu-dnathseIl Oslsatra Re- ted in tiemaie-penet, Io ttale their viewm-nhit reslsoeded to. foirmer." lie thtitglut oethie pasl, and lie intheiniue- Mr. McGregor, OxIlla, aexi addcesed lte melt- lexander Kerin ig. He sted tirhbe *.va acquaiealvit tise many vesl huIlons itl lad cost lim, ti-theprincipics of Joint Stock Camames; lte hliii'ov isfctos dtras leceased and bis ed duecb hassoctationa ted gnnaly cectribued tote ini latings,, fclits dtoils laiia devotion u bils native country. lie sea a Scrrow wîas in lus cye ali le mas netl rees in tlle woodS ctohlier in mcae iban ccc Campanysa Ecglad,la 'snoîb pr party luving lai- AMcd stsilicg te take Siares in the presecre- h a. aou o epçItme, and like tîn i ei. lise. Heconcivedlietraevayoîpatrocaziig Sterne's recordisîg aîsgel-. lie drcmpd at lk awrog drer, Ihe pncpoacd undecîakicg-wsm, for cacit individuai' rom l tnc r to put lIeir handi is their pookets and coutnîtaute tear lison tise litio, aad blmtad il out i tIseised, facî-.t ti te titait of lIeir means to te Sock Book.- forevr, - J tebaf tu There seere, macy Higliladiierm net, vitbolite ________ dncing deatis in a vouid tddreas an hlm and iheiicative laeue. Mr. W rgetl rcrd hiwakis I .MeGregor addiammdd ihemetting ln Golîc,mand te W egeUiccodti we h n'h ti le o e is appaus ensuig, wu die butpioof of thescceas deatîs et'Mr.Asa Post, of Pirkering, aged of bis explaraitin. Te foîlowilsg resolutiocs vere movedan ad sec. 44 vears. IHa -%vas bora in pt"ckein Cr ,xssminer, tisaI ais a oed b> Mi. Ronald McDonaimi, secoiîeed b> Mardi 3,1806,esd lbas aow departed titis L lQîielec, with ia- M4r.1icGicgor, Onîllia, lite deeply ragrctted hy a large numiar r 'y lising ready for t ResoiveJ,-Thl I bis-meeting higllyaopravea of finsndrltvs le iesotntiocm pam eta a public metig______of______anrlatve. _ vareaseal hv ls th eI e ldie Township aI Whiîby, le lavai of comn- eaeiqvt esd ia a i icso - pieint thc ceatre roam om Port Whtly on Lake eaerq stdosaetlnaTri-l iti lostated iliOnro, 10 Stuigeon. Bay on Lake Huron;- peranceaddress Mwill ha delis'eied inilitale iiament :wiU tnot and ao for Ilimin; a nec* Cisiet> oui oflthe Ens.. tere Scctioa. oI the Cou'ty oTrk: mcd il ae t ialeFree Clîîîcls, Oft lis Village, on Mfon- ar s od t i hi itiy desirmîle and expentecfer the lch'îliistts day eîeîsing liexI, et itf-1ast six dj ving bath thes oof¶itise 'roseucitipi, 10 unite selitîthe alter Towna- aipsinieerested, latlite ulmost oftiteir memns, pow- o'Olodk, hy I Mi. J. Corbier.E er saitI abilit>', in carrying inta cilect, bath ai those A VAiWb Reotr vryimpriait measuri.-Caîrîcd. For t/me W/itby Reporter. r AN AR. Moved byMr. John O'Donceil, tecoeded by Mr GEOGRAPHICAL ACROSTîCAL ENIGMA. CI liiiae maddressed ta the Resaivd,-l'bat lise petitian jati ead lbu ap. hmcmssc fEgtee etr, JRamma,ocaimameet- preved of, and ihat a Committce,ite nov ap intel My 1, 16, 16, 4,1Z.6. isi alsrt' River in Canada, lu abave ~ ~ fe Tochp r a the pus-pose of olmaiaicg signatures I-t ~emi My 2, 7, 6, 14, 9, is a countrly in l'uropc. at, forithe purpaae ai petin, and nubscibermita the Stoek of te Part MY 3,8,.10, ?7, 1ý7. 1,8,9, is a Capeaofthe U.S.S nt mode ofaimdît; te WhitîY. Laltea Seugog, imcoe, and Hurod liatd My , 7,7.,8,10. , , 1,8, cItain of moueltaiîîs n rimser nte immedimie Cîîmpaiy; mcd that I{onaid McDosuald, Wiiliim is Europe, Il Htarborrtlaucgeon C. McMuliîn, Aleaner McKinnon, Jamet E. MIy 5, 8, 2,16, 7, 1, 1.1, 9, 16. is m noti Laedisîg 0 lpriely of lIese Town- Eilor, Michael Cargon, Michael McDonam4,Jchn on the Huadson. lemptateml aseseCaut- Tisdate, Wm. Riteitie, John McRae, and Jota My 6, 2, 14,4, is onefil'e (Gransd Divisions, di mIns assemisied ai te Friser, da compatlsehesid Comsmittee.-.Lriied. My 7,3.14,17, 14,7. 7, 14, 10,8, la a ciottre of tn- d, TubIl Bay, an t e toved isy Mc. Wm. Riteitie, T. C. eceondeal hy lmndsinistise Indîa Ocean, îg çamtiell ordîr by Doatald MtcDonaid, 2ad con. My 8,4.2, 16,11.9, is m Towen in àlaryitdd, RmrsIvd-That tise ibanki ofîbhismeneting -are MY 9,15,77,18,l,2, is a City in ltaly, ri;hit, Orilîsa, second- respeclfully piafferai te Peuer Pcnry Esq., tonr his, My 10i, 14. 17,8, is a River se Alîlca,P j-TitlM1icitael 1e- smnîiuous excitions (coatieuml>' masîièsla) i) My 11,8,71,is ahiutRiver n sA-iha, e CIti.-Catimd. his place iante late Homne District ('ouitcil, andmiMY12,6,1Il1,9,8, li a Caunly in Pennsylyi-ea, il iessJel lemeeting icnprsen Legisiative Asemitiy,afolte dvaicessetcîMy 13,14, 17J16,1, 9, is an liîlsîmd on the Coast o! al xplaetory of tcthe - .uf lte auraI improveminir of itis petilculaection .Cariam' t biid,satdowm'amntaî iof C6nada, mcd geneimi polinicai ametilration of île IMY 14,1,5,6. ilione of theitited Stal, imy. porulato.-Oarrned. My15, 16,3.8, 17,8,9,4.me llasdýintbeAta Ic adi> cmled or.Mc. itloid >' i. AexcmteiMeKeno, acoadi ~16.89,1 8,1A1,88 la m Rvep;-n;th. IS. îisey are handed tsp &cou below, end per centre, tb racoive tbrougli the flau. nel elcee, -wiin jetui2eti' iusw*t4sf the leathern beckçts. whioh'reqpire to, ha relîlenishasd: andSiltioraly it is m. p6ïsibie, even- for a mýât--ta oç*Ï»mý emplate tlus opOt8li>i1without re>ý- Iing wlslt ta ngOe P0ts-'t'je iHa ae'y husgmnitbosag- teoeeupy; Itbl, ai- tisongis liusan sce iotlsiig wbae>rat.yg ,wial im goiîtg-on,,lho is ai ste1týlîapie sad tb esiiot as titose who, itvb$Ùj few feet"ofhini, ame'!lhthtii. > = Tisa Iwoniagazicas, one flirts'W;te! otiser aft , tram which thse peuWxerjO«r lise direction oet a mate o tiihpé.s is,, withi uscnuerable promaotionls, liai- ded up, and then.,tismungh! thet'uletveu of tise *haiten, delivered un dock, ie il hed, by extarnal powèrfl l Impo seiicis, giaring. isroîsgh lwe thiek gleii bnl's-eyes,- 1cast'a sort cf pl oqj on unit whese duty. il buja -,rly -at1u. - tervals, to wmtch I hé- bitais bande of a whsite dial by lais s.ide, un vwhilh insmu- bcribed lise werds "ldislmutt" - ftdîP 4re duced," I"stop," ansd, in obeibac theltemdto l« select anti band outt elqa tie different dasciiptiuns et cmrtridgoss reqîsiîad for the rangaes above .badicalsit aed lins aithongis far hbiwthésai <viie et' the eceats, ont of-te-reachs éf aifBiaI and-secluded ' fira l is tisuoM#d mes-i mates, ho can guess, probabl meo e. cuîratly than tost oethem, bis iabitce froue lie eemy.-Hecfs -Defenoeieaa Stete of Brutas. - -' '- THE NEW JURY r£ÀW. VTe Scoîchman smym, 4"ifi besgfa aîmas u ldinde'-d," anal havicg ieen laugL toeput falh le ibis proscrs, se sere led t tekrà tli ehigast cpuuion;cf thc Newe Jury Lawe on itmliMu itlrtm,-. t1in tb îe Court on Tueadiy-lbi ethlmmiti îxiiited aillte mpearaece of »am lier à& aitk-- sumnlas Grand Juronm, dlidnet appesir, ailéa fese wtt diL aper %er. germens totltI>' aac- quianlcd wjlb lIheEcgliab imnumgsu md coasequenti>' ccutdl colle asern. liq sbort,,oetly isuvire Grancd Jurom coutl b. breugli forse ardl lthe baok, and the impression of the Bench t cig, titat thiriiesi vire icquiredit lweu deetaredthat titere vas do Geil Ju iry lThal'syour Rué&- ceiism 11"lThc recu~isofyoui Newe Raifial Ju- ryLaw Il &c., &c., &c. seai citiekîllainints iltoats of eveiy genuine Tory ic Court, la tact, tadia native olieractel bin piealisIe se have miippoted Ibat Robert BaldWsela seaîem utaclinci, not ont>'oclub. New Jury Laia,lamlbei. of tise Gcrmants olSoutht Ruai hopte Ii , e bave eoi rSo r, aIpreseai loi Our oplsie on citbhe- Newv Jury Lawe, but inioui cdlk,'- séshiiéaiM * ravur la show Ibat the -biandccing selibâtimmet- curred la the introductien of tllp New Act, laue atînibutable toilte impeifeciionaaif tite Act, but W- lticxeiem a eanlcareleoinets of Iho e wous lut>'hyl ereduce Il to pcactice.-ir%,siadgiL. AdciENTe'.-On Wedaasday, the8'th iusatasst, Mr. Ja mes A rmotîr, reaiffiag oni tse baaa lice Darlitgon. wiile feediag aulîrasiug umachline, Isad tisa nittel cf' thie rigîst laad catagit hy tise teetis of- lia cyliasder,wiecbdraggad bu hi& andsi ansd aran, and tom-,,t off catir .tise- elliow ouint. The lisnb wus asisputateti immedi- aiely lmy Docton Lew. Ra îsdoieg w4LI lu was oui painftîl duty le notice asinto ilai accideant about iwo mn*athit agô, ib tie rirst nîumer eof oui jeturtia, whioh. nectirc'd in lise sanie î'icinily, to'a M 3rtuislaaw. Ansd we have ilt*<gtdtr"- aiîîlsuity, tisaI Icresindividuala - have miet uvuti like misfuiissaes,ue in *avi. and tise chier in lHîîldiinnid- mais.i in froc s seercireiessness.-Boma- Ville ..easenger. A riais bhtnder ivas pemietiatesi a Cow lays agu in reporliag a speech of Dr% 3etlsîîîe cf tisa Dutal Ret'irmad Cisureb At lise New Eisglausd dittîtar lie Dri, ica% narked,lthaI lIhe loal 10tu hid e'. owa& caîied lîpot' te reply did nul allundé 4~ tions, imasmucîsas lieawas neitb«.INg-%lI-- sssiler cuir New Eisglan4agq, m e« icuti:nsaa by lutih, and eeteg*»&jpmUyg rDM icîtaan." Jîdge or ' 1ia~s. rpfflo,. tu fMid h iuaseif reîuorted ltse colt4eay) il t' Il Srulcis decen and zmailonqeia4tc déductiona !"-- 'Gusirêhai. A repomîbhas gîsinasel ureney.in rma%~ pctie ccd 'n'al iaformed quarte*,, fnt a revisien et tise booki cf Counasc Prayer, b>' non-ecelesastial aCuds taL ni rrerss. Bes4lea lise Ptremsior. noliseraii i toeîln-ed tljiçonneiqm tion wiitiste project--Ih., Mns RE R6TngxiUedssuNmuT.,.-It i&&gtt.ô

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